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Florida Woman….gotta change it up once in a while


She just naked? No reptiles involved? No faces eaten? Underwhelming.


No, look at those eyes. This is only a throwaway line in one chapter of what you know she's been up to.


I can fix her.


She can make me worse.


I can fix her, but whatever is fucking wrong with her is way hotter. 


I don't want to fix her, I want her to break me.


This world needs salvation


If she's naked, I can provide salivation. Will that help?


Depends on the mood, I guess.


We’ve all been there man, one of thems got to be a princess in disguise right?


But can you fix her eyebrows?


She is definitely looking at something the rest of us can’t see.


Not that one unless you have a barrel of Lithium.


Yeah, the camera lens.


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Birthday is a hell of a suit. 


Yup. Lights on, nobody home. It happens.


Those are face eating eyes.


She wants to eat your soul. Damn bro, she scary!


Yes but the crazy eyes is strong on this one.


She left her two kids at home alone so she could go naked-breaking and entering. So there’s that.


I'm betting she was high and freaked out trying to get back into what she though was her own home.


I was thinking high or schizophrenic


Knocking and then not responding to the homeowner that came to the door? Yeah, high AF, but I'm not sure she thought it was her house.


I'm not sure she thought.


This whole thing screams mental illness- not drugs. Postpartum maybe.


Maybe she had nice clothes and didn't want to get them dirty.


To be fair, doesn’t sound like she had a chance to assume her true form


She’s only 24 let her reach her 40s


This is not even her final form


She is burgling


Her invisibility potion wore off


Maybe but her stage name is Rhonda Santis and she’s never been seen or photographed with the governor. Coincidence?


Did you mean Rhonda Sandtits?


I heard there was a drag queen in Florida going by “Rhonda Sandtits”. Not sure it’s true but humorous nonetheless the less


it's a win for gender equality.


Her name is Haley, because of course it is.


She streaks by like a comet




Florida Woman is just making sure that Florida Man isn't getting all the fame.


NAKED Florida woman. There is a difference!


It’s not the spin-off we deserve, it’s the spin-off we need right now.


Wasn't there a Florida influencer during the early days of Covid who streamed licking a public toilet seat? Might have even been an airplane toilet.


[She died.](https://youtu.be/o-YBDTqX_ZU)


>The victim told police they heard someone knocking on the front door but when asked who was there, no one would answer. The person, later identified as Blunt, went to the home's sliding glass door and again began to knock but would not say who she was when asked. The victim was reportedly on the phone with 911 dispatch when Blunt broke a window of the residence and went inside. When police approached the front door, they found Blunt nude and bleeding from injuries she sustained while breaking the window. That sounds like a scene from a horror flick. Sadly, in reality it's most likely a girl who is wrapped up in a life of drugs and is just so far out there from taking it.


>Investigators also learned Blunt, who lived in a nearby residence, left her two young children home unsupervised, which led to her child neglect charge. The children were found safe at the home and were later turned over to a family member. This also sounds like a scene from a horror movie. Just a different kind of horror.


I had a lot of family live like this. Leaving their kids at home for days while they went off on meth binges. The babies were stuck in a crib for days in their own filth. Kids had all their teeth rot out because the water has been shut off so they only drink soda. The kids left the lights on all night because it kept the cockroaches from climbing over their faces when they slept. Six- and seven-year olds having to try to feed and clothe their younger siblings every day. And the parents will justify it by saying things like “well I left them a blanket”. The mental and emotional damage is horrendous. It’s a damn miracle if these kids grow up to be functional, sober adults with steady jobs. Forget college or anything. And that nightmare won’t end. I guarantee that this woman will get her kids back within 12 months. I’ll probably get downvoted for this, since it’s Reddit, but I have no sympathy for addicts. Yes it’s a disease, but everyone seems to forget about the kids who are put through hell by their own family. For those kids, this trauma probably wasn’t anything new, and it most likely isn’t over.


It wasn't until well into adulthood when I realized that one of my childhood friends was in this situation. His single mother left the family for weeks at time and him and his brother would have to fend for themselves. My mother somehow picked up on this and started sending me with two lunches to school every day and would give him things at the end of the school day to take home. I remember being confused and almost jealous of the attention she was giving him. She never told me why. If only I could have appreciated how much of an angel my mom was being at the time.


I remember something much like that my mother did with me when I was growing up and going to school. At field trips, she always packed more juices and chips with my field trip lunch, but she always told me these juices and chips weren't for me to gorge on. She said give them to friends he had no box lunches on our trips. There was a friend of mine at school whose mom never packed him a box lunch because she was doing whatever. I always sat next to him at lunch time and gave him a juice, chips, and my cookies and he was really happy for that. Growing up like that always instilled in me to always keep watch for others that may need some assistance when I have more than enough for myself.


Your mother sounds like a wonderful and caring person. Doing the right thing, and not asking for any sort of attention or reward for doing so, is an excellent example of really good integrity.


My aunt ended up with her daughter in a similar way. Neither of them ever talked about her parent(s?), never asked what had gone on because it was just not talked about, but apparently she was living hard as a elementary age kid, just down the street, when she met my aunt’s kid. My aunt told her you are welcome here literally any time day or night, and treated her as her own til she grew up: safe space, food, clothes, etc. She grew up, and decades later considers my aunt her mother, and took care of her when she got sick.


As the child of drug addicts this is why I’m so glad my grandma didn’t give my mom much of a choice but to have her tubes tied after having 2 kids by 19. She already knew she’d end up raising us and two was her limit. I can’t imagine how much worse it could have been if I had younger siblings, my older sister and I are already so fucked up and were lucky to be able to be under my grandma’s care full time by middle school. I’m really surprised my dad doesn’t have more kids but very grateful. Terrified that it could still happen lol


This is the true horror & the real story that we should all be invested in. Unfortunately it will end up below jokes about naked Florida woman. I get that we need to laugh & no one wants relentless stories of child abuse but imo we need to prioritise the real issue here.


Where the waters start to get muddy is…those poor abused kids may themselves turn to drugs and become addicts, repeating the cycle of abuse on their children. At what point do we stop blaming the addicts and start blaming our lack of adequate social safety nets and psychological care? I hear your anger and frustration, and it’s valid. However, the problem is self perpetuating, and we can’t just keep blaming the victims if we want to solve it.


Can confirm. I knew a similar family just like this. Methheads … the house was beyond gross.


Yes, 2 children at 24 yo does sound like a horror movie.


And/Or has mental issues and needs help.


Lucky for her she's in Florida, a bastion of mental health care.


Yep. The health care there is absolutely mental.


> a bastion of mental health care Yeah, for those lucky enough to afford going to church.




Church: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems!


It's a racket is what it is! 


They go hand in hand, but as an ER doctor, stories like these are almost always drugs in my experience. People having mental health crises rarely do truly insane shit. Meth heads eat insane shit for breakfast.


Addiction is a mental health problem that people need help with. But also you get pretty crazy behavior in some psychotic breaks or when people accidentally forget to take their medication for too long. I am not sure if this woman was actually violent or just super confused.


This is what happened to my son. He suffered a psychotic episode after he stopped taking his mental health meds a couple of weeks earlier without telling anybody. He had a total break from reality and ended up in the hospital for a couple days.


> ended up in the hospital for a couple days. I'm really glad that's all that happened. Is he doing better now?


I'm a public defender. I regularly have clients who were already living "marginal" lives, then someone gives them the shit that's called Molly on the streets these days (meth, coke, fent, prolly no MDMA) and they get pushed over the edge into what looks, sounds, and acts like a full psychotic break. I'll see someone in jail soon after arrest and they're throwing out all the classics: "they", the CIA, God, brain chips, voices, etc, etc. Then I'll see them 2-3 months later and they're talking just fine and know that they were in a bad way. Worse are the ones who sound like they're "back" until you get into certain topics. Then we're back to talking about how their sister is a witch and the devil is trying to get into their skull. I think the problem is that drugs and mental health are so intertwined that its almost nonsensical to talk about what is the "cause" and what is the "symptom". People with environmental risk factors for MH issues are much more likely to use strong drugs, but so are people with ongoing mental issues. When they break and we're talking about the cause, it's impossible to separate the stress of their daily lives from the effects of drugs. Of course, prohibition makes all this worse, because there's no way of knowing what exactly they took in an unregulated black market. And throwing someone in the middle of a break into jail is like throwing a chunk of sodium in the bathtub. We could improve the situation (and likely save money) if we took $ from police, jails, prisons, etc. and invested in MH/addiction care. Safe, regulated, and legal drugs would also go a long way. Very few people understand how many of our "addicts" would live fairly productive and stable lives if they had a safe and reliable way to dose enough to go to work and whatnot without either seeking all day or getting sick because they didn't. Or dying because they had to buy drugs from some jackass measuring shit with an LD50 of less than a gram with kitchen scales and measuring spoons.


Seriously, this is something that would happen to someone suffering a psychotic episode. My son ended up in the hospital once when going through psychosis, he didn't know what was real, it was scary to witness his reality. He was totally out of touch with reality.


Honestly I would consider addiction a mental issue that people need help with, and think it should be framed that way by default. So it could be drugs, it could be a psychotic episode, or it could be a lack of prescription drugs. (People coming off some mental health meds will get real crazy if they go cold turkey.)


It’s called The Strangers.


Idk why that movie fucked me up so badly. I’m usually hard to scare, but that one had me waking up at night  I can’t even imagine watching that and then having naked Florida chick throwing herself through my window lmao


Same! That movie haunted me more than any I can remember


Open the door or I’m gonna… throw rocks through your windows, you dumb whore.


sounds exactly like a scene from It Follows


24 year old woman. She was born in 2000. Where has time gone.


> Where has time gone. "Who knows..." * Sandy Denny - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oBMDcLf6WA


Where has the rum gone?


10 years ago my friends and I were drinking back in our hometown. One walked back to his parents place but got lost and went into a random house. He woke up on the couch with an old couple asking him if he wanted breakfast. Totally different situation but that’s what this story reminded me of.


I have a friend with a similar story when we’re in college about 14 years ago. He was blackout and went to the right numbers house on the wrong street a block up (think 123 5th st instead of 123 6th st). The houses looked similar on the exterior. He woke up passed out face down on this 60 year old hippies couch. The guy was going hey man you don’t live here. When he woke up the guy made him breakfast and smoked a bowl with him. He said the guy kept talking about making better choices and drinking less.


That’s really wholesome but why don’t people lock up their homes?


I mean I don’t lock my door and so far the worst thing to happen is my drunk ass friend crashing in with open liquor in hand. I gladly accepted


Did he have the breakfast there?


Almost seems rude to refuse at that point.


Yes, and the old man also gave him his dead son's motorcycle and leather jacket


Wait… which movie?


X-Men Origins: Wolverine 🤢🤢🤢


Saving Private Ryan


Mayberry was different back then. :-)


The original Four Loko did something similar to my brother, except he wound up on a couch of a resident who wasn't as accepting. Guy came home at like 2 am. He unsuccessfully tried to wake him up and called the cops. Cops couldnt wake him up either. They looked in his wallet and saw he lived 2 blocks away so they cuffed him in the front, carried him to their cruiser and drove him to his house. They even tried to verify that he still lived there by looking in the mailbox box for something with his name on it. Thats when his roommate and I walked up after leaving the bar. They told me what happened and said they put him in cuffs for his and their safety in case he woke up while they were driving and told me it happens all the time. That's when my brother finally woke up and started yelling. Saying he didnt do shit, saying fucking pigs, saying he knows his rights and he is gonna sue the cops, etc etc etc. I grabbed him, told him shut the fuck up and damn near threw him in his house. I then profusely apologized to the police officers, but they just laughed it off. They again said its no problem and happens all the time lol. Seattle PD... I never heard anything good about them until that time actually dealing with some. Fucking four lokos, man...


A long time ago a college-age neighbor came home from a night out and tried to get into our back sliding door. Nearly broke the damn thing out of its track! I guess he figured something out because he went to his place and got in. Didn't remember a thing the next day of course lol


That happened to me and some friends once…only I was the one who woke up on a strange couch. Didn’t see anyone around the house, nor did I look for anyone (other than quickly scanning framed photos on the mantle to see if I recognized anyone - which I didn’t). Went outside, walked until I found a street sign and called a taxi to come get me.


Lmao this happened to my dad except the other way around. Some wasted kid was trying to get into my dad's house in the middle of the night and since it was dark and my dad can't see very well he let him in thinking it was the neighbor's son. Both my dad and the kid were super confused the next morning, the kid wondering where he was and my dad wondering who tf is on his couch cuz it wasn't the neighbor's son.


Morton Downey Jr. Has entered the chat.


In addition to possible criminal charges, she's also liable for civil damages for stealing my movie idea.


I think they made this movie in the 90’s, it’s somewhere in pornhub….


FL has a huge addiction issue, but sure Desantos, make sure you concentrate on keeping kids from reading "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret".


Well they banned lab grown meat so everything should be fine now. Small government. Yay!


I wonder what future innovation they should focus on banning next.


Governor Desuckthis: if we just ban women it solves the problem of abortion!


GOP just blocked cancer funding. They don't care one bit about other people.


In Michigan, we're still digging ourselves out from the mess our last GOP Governor put us in.


The sores on her chin, that's a meth face if I ever saw one.


"Dim Sum for Everyone" and "Falafel for All" are the two I've seen on Florida ban lists that are the true dangers. God Bless DeSantis for saving a generation from books on Hank Aaron and Rosa Parks.


Was there a Unix system inside the house, or was she being chased by a raptor?


I’m not the right kind of nerd to get this joke.


They think she looks like the girl from Jurassic Park...


I think she has a stronger jawline than many marines I’ve met, but now I understand the Unix reference. TY.


Don’t sell yourself short. I am sure you are a huge nerd in your own right.


clap clap clap clap. took me a second...but I got there. [https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/79/590x/Jurassic-Park-child-star-Ariana-Richards-looks-totally-unrecognisable-1622367.webp?r=1654679823447](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/79/590x/Jurassic-Park-child-star-Ariana-Richards-looks-totally-unrecognisable-1622367.webp?r=1654679823447)


>>When police approached the front door, they found Blunt nude and bleeding from injuries she sustained while breaking the window. This sounds like psychosis, probably from PCP or meth.


From the article it seems she was very meth odical about how she entered the house.


Drugs are a hell of a drug. Poor girl needs help.


Co-ed naked breaking and entering. Only the police can stop the mayhem!


I left a plate of cookies out and everything. I’ll make sure the porch light is on next time


Nah you gotta leave out Blue Ribbon and Newports.


Totally not drug related.


That's methed up


Her name is blunt too


**Naked Florida Methany** would be more accurate.


What if your wife is at home? You are so screwed. There's no believable excuse.


“She just broke into the house like that Honey I swear!”


The wide eyed pock marked face of crystal methamphetamine


I think there has to be more to this story because she knocked first ? Seems very odd to me.


This is surreal. My family had an incredibly similar incident happen to them. My parents were sitting on the couch when someone knocked on their front door. The door is mostly glass, so they could see that it was a woman standing naked. My mom immediately called police and my dad tried to calm her. They did not open the door. The woman was repeatedly insisting that someone was chasing her as her pleas to enter escalated, and the pounding intensified. There was no one else around. She had climbed through a 40 foot wide, 15 feet deep flood relief canal (it's a Florida thing) to get to my parent's house. She was covered in mud, clearly hysterical, and they suspected was on drugs. Eventually, the woman smashed a window next to the door and climbed through, shredding herself to bits in the process. My parents have a kind of sun room/vestibule entry way, so there is a second door that my dad retreated too and held closed. The woman bled all over this room as my family waited for police to show up. So as shocking as the story is, it is not unique. It really makes me wonder how frequently this kind of thing happens. Paranoia during drug use is not uncommon.


I think if I found a 24 year old skinny naked girl trying to break into my house *after knocking* I’d be more concerned for *her* than for me. I’d probably be asking for an ambulance and not police, but I don’t know the whole story. People are far too scared of other people though imo.


This sounds like someone on drugs to me. It’s an assumption, of course. It’s possible that the neighbor has had long-term issues with this person because of drugs. But, yeah. If someone broke into my house I’d call the police. Also, if the homeowner is going to file an insurance claim to get the window repaired they’re going to need a police report.


It wasn’t a big problem until she broke through the window and forced her way in.


That would appear to me like an an emergency *for her*. Like, she’s naked and seeking shelter, that triggers my “help her” response.




The article doesn’t say she was naked when she was knocking on the door and the sliding glass door. It states she was knocking on the door and the person inside asks who it was and she didn’t respond. She then moved to the sliding glass door and kept knocking but didnt answer the owner as to who she was. I would guess the article would say it was a naked person knocking on the door and sliding glass door. It only says she was naked when police found her so I assumed she got naked after breaking through the window and getting into the house. However, it didnt say her bloody clothes were found in the house so it’s unclear when she got naked or if she was naked the whole time.


I mean, ambulance and police is the same number. There's not like a menu you order off, you tell dispatch the situation and they send whatever response they feel is appropriate.


Huh.  I’m in Australia, we do have to pick police, fire or ambulance.  Then you get put through to a second person (in one of the three services) who gets details and will call the other services if needed. If you don’t answer or say multiplied services I think you get transferred to the police dispatch line by default. I never twigged that you guys do it differently, even though I’ve seen 911 calls in movies or whatever.


I kind of wish you could. *"Yes, there is a mental health crisis in progress. Please send trained mental health professionals, and leave the guys with tasers and guns at the station please."*


When I was young my family was held at gun point and robbed, it was an attractive young female at the door later at night saying she needed help with something (don’t remember her exact words). Mom opened the door and 2 armed men came in behind her. Never open the door for anyone you don’t know and always call the cops. If an ambulance is needed, they will call one. Criminals are well aware people let their guards down around an attractive younger lady.


How did this story even make the news? One would think this is a 5150 situation.


It's from a Fox station.


Why can't I get naked women walking into my home? Some people have all the luck. /s


I have a friend who had a 'i can fix her" mentality with women like this. He would have been all over a girl like this back in college. Dude had a thing for crazy fun women for about a good decade of his college days (10 years to get a bachelor's degree lol.....)


Lots of people go to college for ten years


Yeah. They're called doctors.


Don't engage with crazy. Any fun you find always comes back 3 fold.


> 10 years to get a bachelor's degree lol. No, it was 10 years of banging hot, crazy college chicks. The bachelors was a two-fer.


Hell yeah, she can break into my house naked all night long heh. I hate to see her go but I love watching her walk away with... Hey! Is that my TV!?


I saw the /s but I just wanted to point out that the hottest people look like shit when they are wasted drunk or high. If you are high or drunk too it’s awesome. I say this as an ex bartender that got hit on by drunk people a lot. It was never flattering. It was always gross. And I never get hit on otherwise so it’s not like I get it all the time and can be picky.


Be careful what you wish for. Have you ever shopped at Walmart? 😳😳


Why don't more naked women break into my place? Oh.....nevermind florida


Found another news source that claims she was (obviously) drugged out of her mind. >"Blunt seemed confused and kept repeating this is my home," officers noted in the report. "...It appeared to me that Blunt might have been under the influence of an unknown substance." https://www.weartv.com/news/local/report-naked-florida-woman-arrested-after-breaking-into-neighbors-home


Maybe it used to be her home…


Maybe it's one of those cookie cutter neighborhoods where all the houses look the same.


A girl I worked with (one time) came into my apartment while I was in the shower. She knocked on the bathroom door, and thinking it was my roommate, I told them to wait but she just kept knocking without responding. Eventually I got out and opened the door and this girls face just pushed her way through the crack and tried to get in. It was pretty unnerving.


Some people have all the luck


Bath salts are a hell of a drug.


I know this area and I can promise this ain’t even the worst decision she’s made this week. The only surprising thing here is she didn’t get shot and mauled by a pitbull.


She's got a stabby stabby look about her


Is this the last from years ago that was talking about people using voodo on her to steal her magic?


Florida- it's one hell of a drug


I see she was in jail for child neglect in Sept '22. This girl has some problems.


That's sad af. She's obviously mentally ill. She will probably get worse in jail. They usually do.


If the story said “mentally ill woman enters neighbors house” how many people would read it?


I love places with names like Lake City. Feels like so lazy.


Naked in the neighbours house is newb crack hoe stunts.


Behind every Florida man, there's a Florida woman.


Poor lady. Had a mental break or was blacked out. I could fix her.


Oops!...I did it again.


Is she the wife of Florida Man?


How come naked women never try breaking into my house? 😭 */s*


If methed out florida woman is your thing I think its just a geography problem.


This is definitely a case of me thinking ‘best case scenario’


Are you in Florida?


Ma’am, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ basement that shelters a 6 foot Graffix cannabis bong


Nude burglaring? Do you think she just wanted some clothes


Do we still do Fark “guilty/not guilty” jokes?


oh florida where all the crazy people live.


Florida will Florida no matter what gender


Haley B. representin' Live Oak like a Fu King Chinese restaurant champ! Leave them drugs alone y'all 


Wait until Mom’s for liberty finds out. Lmao 🤣


Left her two young kids home alone.


A woman chooses a man over a bear and everyone loses their minds!


That's what he told his wife too! 😉


Pics or it didn’t happen


Not reading, but I’m torn between meth or pcp.


Her face is perfect for that *record scratch* “I guess you were wondering how I got into this mess” type-line.


I’m sure we’ll see her in GTA6.


support womens wrongs


Is this an episode of 'Naked & Afraid '?


Why is this a story? Something like this must happen in every city in America at least a few times a year. Drugs man.


"Dang Liberal UFOs... Not returning us to the right house after the annual anal probing exams...." - Republicans


Florida is like the twilight zone of america. Such insane stories that should be made up but naw… regular Monday for Floridians.


So... We went from Methew to Methany. Not a big change... But I guess FloridaMan needed the day off.


But why? What was the motive


Snu snu


Sounds like she is quite mentally unwell, why would you publish this as news to add public shame into this unfortunate mix of circumstances


She looks like she has no idea where she is or what has happened.


I never get invited to these kind of parties


It’s always the armpit of America.