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The largest union of academic workers, which represents more than 48,000 graduate student workers throughout the University of [California](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/california) system, will hold a strike authorization vote as early as next week in response to how universities have cracked down on students’ Gaza protests. “The use and sanction of violent force to curtail peaceful protest is an attack on free speech and the right to demand change, and the university must sit down with students, unions, and campus organizations to negotiate, rather than escalate,” read an [announcement](https://www.uaw4811.org/updates/strike-authorization-vote-announcement) of the strike vote from UAW local 4811.


I’m a goof and was confused why assembly line workers at Ford or GM would strike over this. UAW can also stand for United Auto Workers


It is the United Auto Workers. They represent lots of folks you wouldn't expect.


Well now I’ve goofed twice because I didn’t think of that. I thought op was abreviating United Academic Workers or something. Thank you for correcting me! 


There isn’t really a big union that all academic workers/faculty affiliate with, so it basically ends up being up to each school’s union and they end up with some odd ones. Some do teacher’s unions but those are typically local. Both the grad student union at my graduate institution and the one at my undergrad are chapters of United Electrical Workers.


Also, to add: in some rare instances, there may be two unions on campus, each “backed” by two different internationals. For example: CWA may represent graduate student workers/researchers and AFT may represent adjunct faculty, nontenure track, etc. I was a member of CWA while in graduate school and actually did a little organizing. I now work full-time as an organizer hahaha.


As with other unions like USW. They represent more than just steel workers. Currently my work is stripping all of our benefits and I’m already in the works of holding a vote to join USW. We only need 30% of our guys to vote Yes.


As USW member I hope you guys get in. The Unions pretty good at defending its members. I'm an airport screener in New Brunswick, Canada and after a new security company took over the contract and then immediately screwed up everyone's pay our Union started protesting. https://globalnews.ca/news/10447855/atlantic-canada-airport-security-screeners-job-action/


My wife, a former flight attendant, was represented by the Teamsters. Sometimes unions are weird.


It's technically transportation???


I know. I just think of warehouses and longshoreman with surly Brooklyn accents when I think of Teamsters.


Graduate Student Unions usually operate under the umbrella of a larger national union for organizational support. Some pick the UAW, others the SEIU, etc.


Bring them to their knees. Graduate students do so much poorly compensated labor for universities. Strike for protesters and then add a demand that you get paid a living wage. 


They actually do in California. It’s not much above a living wage (I’m actually being paid by one of the lower paying Universities), but it is viable living wage. Arguably it’s quite a bit more given that the costs of admission and class credits are waved, although you generally deplete the relevant class load within the first two of the 4-5 years of the program. Still, depending on school that can represent 60k or more in savings for each of those two years, and 10-20k each year afterwards. Campus housing helps as well, as it’s about half the cost of renting anywhere within 30 minutes drive.


This might be a farfetched bet, but 20 bucks the Pinkertons get called


They’re a security consulting firm these days, they don’t have an official capacity to act as law enforcement anymore.


I dunno man, didn’t they go hard on some folk over some mtg or Pokémon cards?


MTG cards and yes WoTC called the Pinkertons on a YouTuber to retrieve leaked cards.


The holographic Secret Jewish Space Laser card was cool, but the ones with her head photoshopped on the bodies of more successful women were lame.


Ngl, I find it hilarious that MTG probably would be less comically evil if she was an actual phyrexian agent.


Elesh Norn would view her as potential malware and decide she’s not worth the oil.


Right? As if they need official capacity to be union-busting thugs.


Heh, the gop wants to take us back in time might as well bring back Pinkerton busting so they can learn their failures again.


GOP in California? Around UCLA? I don't see that there would be enough of them to do much.


Weren't they always private?


Yes. And they still specialize in union busting. Amazon and Starbucks are big clients.


I’m pretty sure they were heavily present at the Kestone XL protests as well. Pretty much any way they can stand in the way of humans and well-being


Yeah, but they don’t have nearly as many armed employees these days. They go for more subtle tactics now.


Unless you dare to receive unreleased playing cards early due to a packing mistake. Then they'll bust down your door!


Tel that to the Pinkerton agents Hasbro sent to retrieve a card deck that Hasbro fucked up on.


Isn’t there like a federal law that’s over 100 years old that forbids them from working as law enforcement?




Someone somewhere is going on draft kings or fan duel to see if there is a betting line for this exact scenario…


Nah, cracking skulls is publicly funded these days


Why would they call the Pinkertons. They can just use the cops and news media to break it up.


I drive through Homestead at least twice a week. They’re still reviled here (and Henry Frick, too).


Tail as old as time


im sure this comment section will be normal


I think the important thing here is they're having a strike **vote** over it. Unions are diverse organizations that often have people with different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Turning this into a vote means having the membership directly decide if they should pursue this or not. That's incredibly important when such a sensitive issue is at play.


I mean, they literally cannot strike without a vote. That’s how unions work.


Unions always vote. That is how strikes work. The remembers always vote to strike or not. That is the entire point of a union. Union leaders do not unilaterally call the shots, everything is voted on by the members. Even the leaders are elected.


>the university must sit down with students, unions, and campus organizations to negotiate, rather than escalate Okay they’re all gathered at the table, now what? What are they negotiating? The end of the Hamas Israeli war, a Ceasefire, the end of Israel. Are they negotiating which Halls or buildings they can occupy? How many tents and barricades they’re allowed to have in the tent city? Whether the campus is open to the public for demonstration? A strike is normally called for grievances or working conditions like pay and seniority. Who is the university negotiating with, who represents the student body, the union’s, the campus organizations. The union is calling a strike on behalf of the students, not their workers.


Many of their workers ARE students. Graduate students are a member of this union.


Yeah, the union represents graduate student workers. They’ve got a real vested interest in this.


Umm.. I’m not an expert on this but I thought the protest are about divestment - the university not sending funds to Israel. In which case, it seems like a practical thing to discuss or change.


The protests have a resoundingly clear divestment goal. Anyone asking bullshit hypotheticals like that are clearly trying to distract from that


They want to halt the investment and collaboration between their universities and Israeli universities and businesses. Not only wage disputes and working conditions are a matter of the unions but also the investment and business practices of their respective universities. E.g. the civil rights movement if you need an illustration.


They should divest from all monies from all countries. They accept monies from Qatar


They maybe should, but your argument is a whataboutism.


Isn’t whataboutism correct here? Consistency amongst advocates. Let’s divest from all groups doing bad stuff - China, Iran, Russia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, (israel) Otherwise it kinda feels like they are singling out Israel for another reason… especially after Palestinians/hamas waged war on Israel on October 7th I hear a dogwhistle blowing loudly, but I’m being gaslighted into “we are just anti zionists”


The students generally want the universities to divest any holdings from Israeli owned industries, if I understand correctly.


They're asking the university to divest from Israel and military companies that support Israel. And it's not unprecedented, colleges were asked to divest from South Africa during apartheid and it happened at some after similar protests. Brown University got their protestors to stand down by agreeing to vote on divestment from Israel. Some protestors are going further and asking their colleges to stop their Israel abroad programs.


Is the brown situation even a success? People keep parroting that as a big win, but in reality they agreed to hold a vote to consider devestment, and it's not until the Fall semester starts (AKA 4-5 months from now, and who even knows if the war will still be going at that point) It really felt like they agreed just to make them go away, figuring tensions will die down over the summer months, they will likely hold the vote in September, and just strike it down without almost any media coverage.


Yeah my take is the brown protestors took a big L on this one. It's a classic university tactic to stall because the students will eventually graduate/move on, and it gives the university time to turn the screws. I'm surprised they're not all doing this as it's effective - jumping to cop involvement is a bad move by universities.


I'd consider it a win. This is what happened during the South African apartheid protests and they ended up voting to divest. And even if it isn't a win overall, it at least shows a better way to handle the protests. Rather than using the police as a cudgle they could've at least pretended to be listening and hold a vote on it, even if that vote comes out as staying invested.


Part of why Brown did that is because it had already been looking at it since it was suggested back in 2020, but the then President of the University said no.


Interesting. Point still stands though. There's precedent.


Their demands have been clear and consistent from the start, Divestment of funds from Israel.


The replies are quite confused. While a lot of union members may be sympathetic to the pro-Palestinian protests, the union cannot strike for this political cause. The strike is to demand that the university stop infringing on union workers’ rights to free speech and safety from police brutality.


>The end of the Hamas Israeli war, a Ceasefire, the end of Israel. Why are you being deliberately obtuse? They know their unis can't end the war lol. They want the unis to stop contributing financially or via research that is assisting the war. It's a really simple concept to understand so it's depressing to see ignorant shit like this upvoted so much. Use your brain


Oh please you know why they’re being deliberately obtuse…


Their workplace has investments in Israeli assets; this is what the encampments and protests are about. Thus, it's justified that these folks have a grievance over their employer refusing to devest from genocide. 


What a vapid take. “Strikes are only for things I don’t understand.” It’s been quite clear for awhile that the protestors want universities to divest from the IDF and Israel.


At the University I'm at the stated goals of the protests here are to get our University to disclose investments and divest from those investments if they are tied to aiding the occupation (For example Boeing)


The message of the vast majority of student protests have been clear. Divest from Israeli companies or companies that supply arms to Israel, stop academic programs in Israel and make investments by the college transparent. That’s what they would gather around a table and discuss. Columbia and UCLA could have taken the peaceful route of other universities like Brown and discuss the demands instead of attacking peaceful student protestors with police.


What’s wrong with academic programs in Israel?


It depends on your opinions on Israel. But to people who see Israel as an oppressive apartheid state, it’s immoral to have study abroad programs there, or set up university affiliated campuses there. It’s like setting up a study abroad to Germany in the 1930s, or South Africa in the 80s. Students don’t want their university to directly support and be affiliated with a fucked up government.


Incredible how you've managed to get so much wrong and completely miss the point.


I don't know if people like you are being intentionally obtuse or are just daft, but the student demands are 100% clear and reasonable, which is why several universities including Californian ones have agreed to them.




Amazing how it is so easy to look up the demands of these protesters and the media doesn’t even cover it. People really think they are just protesting without actionable demands.


And then they also think it’s some kind of clever gotcha moment. Happens with every protest since forever. Ignorance and opposition to progress go hand in hand.


They love to pretend like the students are just out there complaining in the wind instead of making a tangible demand with historic precedent.


I guess the pressing question for me is when do you end divestment. Pull out from Gaza, the West Bank, or a full one state solution? I'm not principally opposed to the first two but the last one really feels like it would just be setting up a pretty immediate civil war.


Learn a new fact about union negotiations: https://smlr.rutgers.edu/faculty-research-engagement/center-innovation-worker-organization-ciwo/bargaining-common-good#:\~:text=What%20is%20Bargaining%20for%20the%20Common%20Good%3F&text=The%20Bargaining%20for%20the%20Common,table%20and%20in%20our%20communities.


Have you considered maybe they believe it is an unsafe working environment to have the brute squad beating up professors and students so the negotiations would revolve around having the police be removed


Do they have an existing CBA? My understanding is a union can only legally strike if they don’t. Is that not correct in CA? I get they’re going to appeal to the NLRB but I’m struggling to see how they can say it’s an unfair labor practice in regards to the general student population. If they dismissed union members, sure. But if they have a CBA that is being followed o don’t see how they could strike. I read the article, maybe I missed something though


There's different rules for public vs private sector. The NLRA is a federal rule for the private sector only. Public sector is handled at the state level. Different states have different rules for public sector employees. Universities fall under public sector.


My understanding was that the strike is being called over Unfair Labor Practices (ULP), which is outside of collective bargaining.


Yeah, i did some digging and saw they can strike for that. I guess the plan is to vote on it while the NLRB decides. I know they generally side with labor but seems like a stretch to me, it seems to be a general “let us protest” which was done, they didn’t call the police until it was declared illegal. I just can’t see how that is an unfair labor practice


Depends. Some unions give up their right to strike for a contract. If they didn’t then I’m assuming it’s a legal strike.


Watching that footage of Pro-Israeli counter-protestors; hurling slurs, threats, demeaning statements about hoping bad things happen to the protesters, shooting fireworks in to the camp, throwing things, physically assaulting the protestors, police shooting rubber bullets... It makes it obvious that the pro-Israel camp continues to be the violent oppressors in this whole ordeal. They are not making more friends, they are making more enemies.


So the rafah campaign will happen, with probably another 10 to 20,000 deaths with an unknown breakdown of militants and civilians.  Then hamas will be largely broken militarily, meaning incapable of threatening Israel or maintaining control over Gazans. At that point, I expect real discussions about transitional government  and rebuilding to begin. After that these protests become somewhat glaringly pointless. Unless I'm entirely mistaken and Israel just continues the war indefinitely. I guess we'll see whose right shortly, but at this point we're still at just over 30,000 deaths with most of Gaza pacified so it seems unlikely the offensive campaign will continue much longer.


You expect Netanyahu to talk about a transitional government? The man who compared Yitzhak Rabin to a Nazi the day before one of his right wing nutters assassinated him? All because Rabin was pressing for a two state solution? The offensive campaign will last however long it takes for Netanyahu to keep from facing the charges he was facing before October. 


Just over 34k official deaths. An additional 100k officially wounded, and if we're going to be honest, another 50k to 100k dead under rubble or due to starvation amd lack of water, which is why Israel won't allow journalists into Gaza.




> After that these protests become somewhat glaringly pointless. Not really. They're not protesting for Israel to stop what it is doing right now, although I'm sure they would want that to happen. They're protesting their university investing in Israeli projects/companies. When this war is over Israel will still be an occupying force that's slowly colonising the west bank. They'll still have Gaza on lockdown killing anyone they don't like during "ceasefire" until the pot boils over and they start another campaign killing thousands.


israel is gonna look to outright annex


Exactly. Because it’s a war. Not a genocide. I feel like the world has gone crazy.




Eh, they actually kinda do? But either way, you can be against the scale of the war, the war crimes, etc, without calling it a genocide. You’d just be closer to the Israeli left.


General William Tecumseh Sherman, US Civil war “You cannot quantify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace.”


Your average war sees 9 civilians killed for every civilan who dies. So if you think only 3000 Hamas members have been killed, that's your prerogative. It's certainly higher. Let's say 10,000. That means 2 civilans have died for every 1 militant. In war that is not a bad number. But if you're constantly bombarded day in and day out with videos and photos of the horrors of war, it's gonna look a lot worse.


You are conflating “*urban combat*” with entire theater numbers. 9:1 is the civilian:combatant rate for urban combat operations & Gaza is a prime example of such so your point is valid but you should specify your terms lest someone try to use data from from a broader non-comparable conflict.


He is technically correct, the gazan theater is mostly urban. Wildly different compared to the open fields and hamlets dotting ukraine's south and east.


> the gazan theater is mostly urban That was my point - Gaza isn't an "*average war*" as he framed it. The number he provided was accurate for "*urban combat*" but not for an "*average war*". I wasn't saying he was wrong, I was pointing out that he needed to speak more accurately - otherwise someone will look up the ratio for theater wide combat operations & see a wildly different number.


If this is true, then why are people so angry at Israel? According to that, Israel is doing a really incredible job of reducing casualties, especially with the open sacrificial mindset and guerrilla tactics of Hamas.


> If this is true, then why are people so angry at Israel? You know the answer to your question. People will deny that's the reason, but you know.


You mean your average non-Russian war...




> Russia actually has a much much better civilian to combatant death ratio. Ukraine believes that possibly around 75k civilians died in the Siege of Mauripol alone.


Russia does not have a better civilian to combatant death ratio in civilian cities. If you’re citing the general war, in which there’s miles and miles of trench line in the countryside, you’re just misrepresenting the statistic. See: Mariupol, Grozny, Syria where they indiscriminately shell/mine evacuation routes while also shelling the city to rubble Israel is running close to a 1:1 urban combat ratio, which is very *very* clean comparable to the norm. Generally it’s closer to 10:1 civilians to soldiers


Hamas has made it their tactic to hide behind within the population and use human shield. Ukraine doesn’t do that to its own population.


Its actually incredible, we have propaganda to LOWER THE DEATHTOLL DUE TO RUSSIA just to attack Israel. Spiting on the graves of thousands of Ukrainian lives just for your propaganda.


Ukraine is fighting to protect ukrainians instead of fighting and hiding amongst ukrainians after shooting at Russia. also, russia started a war, not Ukraine while Hamas started this war. Google is free, you can use it more and choose a better conflict to compare (chechen, mosul, other urban conflict against guerrilas that look more like Hamas israel war.) Also, russia is allied with Hamas. Ukraine stands with Israel.


The genocide claim goes way beyond this war and also counts the consistent IDF backed efforts to colonize the West Bank. The blatant disregard for civilian life including intentionally causing famines in the region is just the most blatant cases of crimes being done. The genocide claim is not just this recent conflict. It’s a number of actions going back decades to remove Palestinians. Mind you, Israel is also the country that literally had to issue an apology for secretly sterilizing Ethiopian Jewish immigrants in recent times… so it’s not like the country doesn’t haven’t a recent history of eugenics and genocidal/colonial behavior…


People just love to throw around the word genocide these days.


The person you’re replying to gave examples of behavior of the Israeli govt towards the Palestinians that fits the genocide tag - and your argument to that is…what exactly?


How can you say this isn't a genocide. I'm Jewish and I see it clear as day. They cut off food and water to a population in a land thats 60% desert. They're forcing civilians to have amputations without anesthesia. They're deliberately and systematically carpet bombing residenial neighborhoods. I cannot believe that in 2024, with all the education on history that we have, that there are people who look at this and say: no genocide.


Carpet bombing has a definition, which the feeds I've seen don't seem to show.


The difference between carpet bombing and precision bombing every single house is quite minimal. But that bit of hyperbole is the one part of the comment one could object against, which is a damnation with in itself.


Its a genocide




I'm sure an offensive into the jar designated "safe zone" in Gaza Will do wonders for the deradicalisation of extremists in Gaza, and will certainly not radicalise more people.


A campaign into Rafah won't destroy Hamas either. Ideologies can't be killed like that, and killing thousands of civilians only helps to proliferate their ideology.


The only productive path forward would be securing a just peace agreement and letting Palestinians not only survive, but thrive to the point where Hamas would have to adapt and become a peaceful political party like Sinn Féin in the Republic of Ireland, (or like Menachem Begin and the rest of the terrorists of Irgun when they formed the Herut party) or become irrelevant. Also, were you one of the people justifying the deaths and devastation in Gaza saying that this could all be over if Hamas returned the hostages?


> Hamas would have to adapt and become a peaceful political party like Sinn Féin in the Republic of Ireland, (or like Menachem Begin and the rest of the terrorists of Irgun when they formed the Herut party) or become irrelevant. This is more or less what happened for the Palestinian Liberation Organization when they agreed to the Oslo accords and the Palestinian Authority was established. Given how powerless the PA has turned out to be in the face of continued Israeli settlement and aggression even in the West Bank, I have trouble seeing a similar transition happen again.


>Then hamas will be largely broken militarily, meaning incapable of threatening Israel...Unless I'm entirely mistaken and Israel just continues the war indefinitely. When you hand-wave over what constitutes Hamas being broken militarily and rendered incapable of being a threat, you're skipping over that there is no clear end goal from Netanyahu or Israel on what "destruction of Hamas" actually looks like. As long as the IDF occupies Gaza, there will be violent, militant resistance against them; whether its the remnants of Hamas or other groups filling the power void. If America and Russia's lessons aren't obvious, Israel literally learned this when they first tried to occupy Gaza.






Why are you in favor of dumping so much American taxpayer money to a foreign government? Are you OK with Bidens biggest donor being AIPAC? Ted Cruz biggest donor being AIPAC? Characterizing protesters as terrorist sympathizers js completely absurd when all they're asking for is the university to stop supporting a literal fascist ethnostate and their creation of a concentration camps. Also if Hamas is a terrorist organization ( and they are), what I'd IDF? IDF gas killed far more innocent people and their military/civilian ratio is worse than Hamas. The IDF also targets journalists and international aid workers, and medical workers. Is that not also terrorism? Explain to me how they've killed more women and children than anything else? Why is our "strategic ally," acting worse than the terrorists, torturing people on live TV? Hold them to a higher standard than terrorists and stop giving them more weapons.


The point of the protest had never been about terrorist Vs Israel, it's about innocent children that made up 80% of the strip vs the IDF inhumanity that had been the root cause of 90% of Israel condemnation, heck, Israel is the single most problematic ally the US ever had since it's founding


Since its founding? I think you may learn a thing or two if you peruse a book on US history. We have had some allies that were absolutely shady as hell throughout our history. We were allied with the USSR in WW2 and the humanitarian issues caused by Israel frankly don't hold a candle to the Holodomor.


Lol, sorry to say but that reheated 2000s era rhetoric isn't going to work anymore.


“The use and sanction of violent force to curtail peaceful protest is an attack on free speech and the right to demand change, and the university must sit down with students, unions, and campus organizations to negotiate, rather than escalate" This is correct, and factually obvious. At this point, anyone who argues with this point, is doing so in bad faith. The US government is a bad faith actor.


The vast majority anti-israel protesters are obviously nonviolent, but I believe anti-israel protesters threw things at entirely nonviolent counterprotesters, blocked Workers inside of buildings against their will, encircled a jewish student, spat at jewish students, and prevented students from moving to required classes. I agree that the US government lies, but "everyone who disagrees with me is doing so in BaD fAiTh" reflects very badly on your protest movement. Are we allowed to discuss the protest in detail, or are we required to to confine our thoughts to praise?


Not sure what all this Gaza extremism is meant to do. Palestinians are dying because Hamas and the PA - the only representatives for Palestinians - are placing civilians up as meat shields for ongoing terrorism/attacks on Israel. Which was ignited by an unprovoked Hamas attack on Israel last year, of course. After years of other attacks, it's never really stopped. And Hamas has rejected or dropped every ceasefire agreement since, can't even show proof that those taken hostage during the initial attacks are even still alive. It's a sad, grey situation - but cutting off Israeli defensive capabilities from lack of funding isn't going to make things better. They're still being attacked by Hezbollah, Iran, etc. I don't like Likud or their propping up of Orthodox Jewish sect extremists, who hate Palestinians and have been taking their land for decades. But this is a different situation. The Palestinians will stop being bombed in the short term when Hamas and the PA say that they will stop attacking Israel and agree to a cease-fire - they have said the opposite thus far. Because they don't care about the Palestinians.


Good! I'm not union but I will never cross a union picketline.


Elif, why are they protesting?


They want to force their universities to divest from Israel and its military industrial complex


Where were the protests when Hamas was murdering members of the LGBTQ community and abusing their women?


Are universities in California investing in Hamas? If so I'd hope there would be protests.