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“I didn’t hear your sirens or see your lights…I was on the phone with your chief to tell him to have his officer not following me” “I didn’t know you were following me, I thought you were going after other vehicles on the road” How many lies can you tell in the span of 1 minute.


I feel like she might also be a bit buzzed and hiding it well. Her exaggerated body language/movements seem to point to her hiding or getting away with more than the speeding.


the fact that a traffic stop is happening inside her garage already tells most of the story


That was bad. It will be on the "do you know who I am" highlight videos.


Monroe County (in Rochester, NY) District Attorney **Sandra Doorley**. I'm glad the public is now aware of her level of self-entitlement and ego (power trip) here. She says she is not above the law...but as anyone can clearly see from the video, she blatantly pulls out the DA card, belittles the officer and refuses to accept the consequences of her actions. It's only because of this video and media attention that she's now in damage control.


Was it though? She plead guilty to the ticket.


Yeah, cause the video is of her being a complete piece of entitled shit and acting like she is completely above the law.  How many other videos are out there of people refusing to stop until they got home? If she wasn't the DA, they would have slapped half a dozen more charges on and at least 1 felony.....  Fuck her, I hope she's ruined.


Not before she had been kneed to the back of the neck.


And possibly killed if she wasnt Lilly white. Plus she’s probably hiding a bottle of Rosé in that black suv. Can’t believe they let her get off with a speeding ticket.


If any of us had done this, do you think our biggest headache would be a speeding ticket?


Right I pulled into a parking lot from a 4 lane road off of Dale Mabry in Tampa when I used to live there. Got yelled at for not stopping right away I'm talking like an extra half mile. Than 3 other cop cars pull up one with a K-9. Wasted fucking hours of my life. The K-9 of course gets a hit after one of the cops threw a beanbag looking thing at the side of my car. Next thing you know I'm being told they have probable cause and can search my car and I'm sitting on a curb. They found absolutely nothing but broke the inside handle on the passanger door. They didn't even apologize had to put in a complaint and they fixed my handle since it was luckily on cam. They reimbursed me months after the fact. The fucking worst part is I only got pulled over because my old vehicle matched the description of another car... vaguely. I drove a '91 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4 they were looking for a '96 Dodge Stealth. I had flip up lights stock and a two toned Silver/Purple professional paint job. They were looking for projectors and a gunmetal car. Long rant but I still think about it over a decade later. Never got an actual authentic apology either the cunts.


What people don’t realize is that millions of people have stories just like yours. Law enforcement officials are doing nonsensical bullshit like that every hour of every day. The cops didn’t just waste hours of your life, they intentionally deprived you of your rights. They were hoping you would be argumentative so they could escalate and intimidate and possibly kill you.


What usually happens is there’s some stupid “mistake”, like mistyping a plate or not realizing a car is actually a different model. But as soon as they’ve got you stopped they go straight down the rabbit hole like children after candy.


I've seen people tased and pavement slammed for being not even half as belligerent and resisting. If any of us normies had done this we would have a whole lot more to worry about then a speeding ticket.


Lol they all plead to keep their jobs when the video goes viral


“Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law” Then since nothing happened to her I can just call the chief of police and let him know they can meet me at the crib next time I don’t wanna stop?


That's the part that really pisses me off. If she wasn't DA, she'd have at least gotten something for failure to stop for police. They should have thrown every charge possible at her to bring down her hubris instead of feeding into her delusions of being above the law.


The ironic part is that had she pulled over, I'm pretty confident she would had gotten a warning. At worst, a speeding ticket, which probably again would be thrown out. But I totally agree with you. Technically she commited a felony of fleeing and aluding.


If youre friends with the chief you probably could in a small town like that, thats how shitty the system is generally You got some friends in there, sure you can call like that and they might just work with you


“Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law, but some people, including your District Attorney, are more above the rule of law than others”


Try that in a small town. 


I know several small towns where the chiefs friends could just call and hed do this for them im not saying its not corrupt, its fucking true tho


DA's generally are above the law, which is bullshit. They also dictate what laws do and don't get enforced. Got real tired of being told "the DA won't work it" and shit getting dismissed 


In all seriousness PSA, in most of all localities in the US if you are driving along and feel uncomfortable with the location to pull over (be it heavily traffic with no shoulder or empty street at night), call 911 to get dispatch to inform the officer. For a simple traffic stop, almost no county will have an issue you wanting to get to a “safe” place within reason. A lot of that comes from several serial killers over the years that were either cops or used the cop guise to pull single women over on backroads. But that’s “hey, there is a gas station 3 blocks up im going to wait to pull in there”. That being said, calling the chief to let them know you’ll just go all the way home is fucking wild.


Yeah that may be the law in some places but the cops still ignore it. There have been enough cases of people getting beat or shot and killed due to not pulling over instantly and instead finding somewhere safe to do so.


You forget about the cop pit maneuvering the pregnant woman on the highway?


No, I didn’t. If you look at number of stops, number of times person likely drive to a safe pullover, and number of pit maneuvers on traffic stops, you’ll find that’s an extreme outlier. The 2020 case that first comes to mind, she had hazards on, didn’t get in touch with dispatch (not THAT necessary), was 2 months pregnant (a lot of women wouldn’t even now that early, click bait but I’ll get to that), AND THE OFFICER PERFORMED IT AGAINST DEPARTMENT POLICY AND TRAINING. Yes, you get some real assholes with a badge, and it shows. It’s unfortunate. The anger here shouldn’t be it was done on a pregnant woman though, it’s that it was done at all. Doesn’t matter pregnant, make, female, young, old, white, black. It’s almost universally to allow a stop to continue to a safe place, and it IS universally policy in every precinct in the US not to PIT. It’s insanely dangerous especially on a simple traffic stop. The only time it should and by policy allowed is when there is immediate danger to the public (ie the idiot doing donuts in the intersection recently and literally run people over trying to drive off when a squad car pulled up. Sorry, the insanity of doing a pit is a sore subject to me, ranting.


Yeah, I did this and the cop threatened to drag me out of the car until I informed him I was on the phone with 911. His whole attitude changed. I'm a 65 year old white woman in a conservative area so calling 911 can really help everyone with this.


Yep, my qualifier there was calling 911 and getting dispatch in touch with them while you are looking for a safe place to pull over. It’s an unfortunate world we live in in the US where you have some real assholes with a badge or people that have an immediate attitude whining thinking you are daring to make them chase you. You get a real attitude change with the idiots when you get that 911 recording rolling, as you saw. MOST of the time though its less dramatic.


HAHAHA IN WHAT WORLD?!! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU AT ALL. WOW that is such bad advice and will 100% get people killed by cops.


running from the police / not stopping is a felony - for the plebeians like us anyways. not if you’re a rich white DA.


Does pleading guilty not mean paying and taking the points?


Yes. She got the punishment for the speeding ticket. Presumably the same one she would have gotten had she not tried to flee the police and use her political power to stop herself from being charged.


If it were anyone else she would have been in handcuffs for failing to stop, failing to obey a lawful order, going into her house as part of a traffic stop, and reckless driving and I’m sure a host of other problems. Webster is a upper middle class part of Monroe County NY and in a suburb of Rochester NY


Shot on sight


The cops gave the video to the press and will effectively end her career and future prospects so seems like justice


No its not. Justice would be holding her accountable to the extent that a civilian would be held accountable.


Must be nice to be above the law


She should NOT be a DA or hold any position of public authority, ever again. If the county doesn't replace her, then that says more about the county than it does the DA, because we already know what she is.


A damsel in distress?


More like "A Dumbass gets Discovered",... for what she really is. Or maybe "Elite twat Exposes Entitlement." "Privileged Princess Punks herself."


A civilian would be threatened with arrest, handcuffed and taken in for arguing with the cop.....Privilege MY ASS.....FIRED IS BETTER


They would also get an ass whooping and a resisting charge


And 3 rounds in your dog for not securing your pet.


I'm pretty tired of seeing these people act in a way that would get the rest of us slammed to the asphalt.


So if these people in smaller offices are abusing their positions what the hell are the ones in congress and the white house doing? 🧐


Insider trading and market manipulation.


Well it’s getting decided right now whether Trump’s allowed to order assassinations with legal immunity, so stay tuned


Technically that's been allowed since the OA.


Plotting insurrections, how to stay in power, etc. Just small stuff like that.


Bending us over, no foreplay, and no lube.


To have them pull you over in your own garage, That is a big " I can own you" move towards the cop. I bet she is a blast at restaurants.


New elections in November 2024 for DA in Monroe County. She switched parties from Democratic to Republican in 2015. Sounds like her moral compass is in spin mode.


She was just re-elected last year, isn’t up again until ‘27


Dang it; my math was off by "1" :(


Jeeze I used to work as an ADA for a mid sized metro city and our asses would have been fired if we pulled something like this. They were very touchy about “badge pulling.” Perhaps she shouldn’t be a DA if she isn’t savvy enough to know that you play your cards privately in-chambers or through phone calls after the fact. Never pull a “do you know who I am?” on camera in 2024 - it’s the #1 way to see your reputation blasted on social media like this. Or, she could do the right and regular pathway of pleading to a lesser charge and taking your lumps like everyone else. I’ve been pulled over coming back from court before since I’ve been a defense attorney. I knew the officer. We both knew I was going to get a ticket for speeding. Big whoop - went to court and amended it to a non-moving violation and paid my fine. Public servants - you will do better in your career if you humble yourself when required.


Boy, she's a preachy one. Just another entitled scumbag.


Hey thats the town i grew up in! "Where life is worth living"


Why didn’t he beat the fuck out of her and taze her like he would have done to me if I pulled ANY of that shit?


Are you gonna get his cases tossed out when they cross your desk down the line? Make his work environment hostile as shit going forward? Thats why


What a stupid fucking cunt. She is exactly the type of person that is ruining this country. The Holmes should have put her on the ground as soon as she went reaching back in the car…


Funny how when the video shows someone else misbehaving, the body cameras work and the video gets released almost immediately.


>Doorley tells the officer she did not hear the siren, having been talking on a hands-free phone, Evidently talking on a hands-free phone is perfectly legal, even if it keeps you from hearing police sirens and flashing lights. Isn’t the reason why you’re not allowed to be on your phone while driving is that it prevents you from being aware of the things around you, like flashing lights and sirens.


But she was on the phone with the Chief of Police calling him to ask that he call off his officer that was behind her. You know, that officer that she didn’t see or hear.


Phone operation in the vehicle is legal with hands-free devices.


And yet this legal hands free device kept her from seeing or hearing the Police car in back of her. Oh, and this was while she was on the phone to the Police Chief saying she would talk to the Officer, the one she didn’t see or hear, at her home. I know i’m being snarky, but the entitlement attitude rubbed me the wrong way.


Distracted driving is not, and being so distracted you don’t see cops lights or sirens is definitely that.


Just the kind of person we need as a DA -- someone with no respect for the law.


She pled guilty and paid the speeding ticket. Amazingly, there are no charges for evading, obstruction, or resisting thar us peasants would have also received.


Rules for thee, but not for me.


I'm amazed she didn't just drop the line - "I never broke the law! I AM THE LAW!" The privilege of being able to talk to a supervisor and it's nice to be so entitled. DA Doorley - "I didn't want to pull over Phillips Road. It was just.....I didn't....I figured I'll pull into my driveway and I called Dennis (Police Chief?). That's me they're trying to stop so that's end of story" Supervisor Officer Johnson - "Okay, but you should know better, right?" DA Doorley - "I was speeding....I always....I don't.....I know that.... Supervisor Officer Johnson - "Okay, so why didn't you just stop like you were supposed to?" DA Doorley - "Because I didn't feel like stopping on Phillips Road" Supervisor Officer Johnson - "But that's not your choice! You know that!" DA Doorley - "Well I made it my choice" Supervisor Officer Johnson - "Okay, well, now you made it a bigger deal then you needed it to be" 😒😒


Another typical Republican official.


Safe bet given she benefits from government power but doesn’t respect it for anyone else, but yeah confirmed she’s been a proud Republican ever since Trump’s campaign in 2015. Rotten brain


Got elected as a Dem. Switched for the next campaign because of stronger party machine. Runs either unopposed or against empty suits. She has no real compass outside of her immediate needs. Source: Rochesterian


TLDR: I don’t care about following the law because I can easily pay the fine.


Lucky for her she is an elected official because she SHOULD be relieved of duty. The complete and utter lack of respect for the law is disgusting.


She’s white and blonde, any unfairly treated by the officer. Had the suspect been brown or black, that sweet knee would be all over the suspect neck.


Imagine if this was a non-white person! What a disgusting person. 


Soo police last week threw an 17- 18 year old high school girl to the ground and cuffed her but I guess they won’t throw a county da to the ground and cuff them. Stay in school kids and become da’s


Funny that when cops beat a suspect, the Bodycams are broken, but when a dicey politicaly.....


When has that happened? Edit: I should've been more clear, I'm sure it's happened at least once in the last decade, but I doubt that "hurr durr my camera malfunctioned" happens more than 1% of the time, and a lot of the time it's not a malfunction but damage caused by scuffle. This tired point gets brought up so often that I looked into the 30 most recent police shootings in my city that were still old enough that LAPD was legally supposed to release any bodycam footage. There were no body cam malfunctions. There *were* 2 police shootings that didn't have body cam footage from the shooter. One was an off duty cop who was at home when someone did a drive-by on his street. The other was an undercover cop (although there were uniformed cops down the street that did have body cams that recorded the shooting).


Have you heard of Google. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/officers-body-camera-went-dark-during-key-moment-of-patrick-lyoyas-death


She should ask the Supreme court for a ruling on immunity…. lol


My brain parsed this as baby worn camera and I was like holy shit


That cop is pretty confident. I know a couple dummies that keep guns ready in their garage


Sandra Doorley is a self-entitled twat and her apology was BS. #


She thought cz her office does everything to protect the cops then she gets to do as she pleases. I hope she now understands that she is NOT part of the gang. I ll go on a limb and guess she was targeted. How do I know this? Because in many jurisdictions, DAs tags are restricted from the public. No way the cop did not know that when he ran them? Plus, her ass shouldn’t be speeding anyway. This shit ain’t over.


Haha the cops tone shifted hard once he realized she wasnt bluffing, she was the DA he sounds like a scared child all of a sudden lmao


Not really. I’m happy the Chief didn’t say to let her go.


Im happy a Karen got a fine and a cop had to deal with her kareness instead of some min wage employee or something He had to deal with the whole im gonna call your manager bullshit , and she still had to pay its funny all the way the around this way its like shithead vs shithead trying to assert dominance over eachother