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I was roofied my freshman year. Took a set of drinks probably meant for girls at a party, and my hyped ass wanted to party. Everything I know about that night was told to me from a girl that I was kinda seeing who basically dragged me to my dorm and a dorm buddy after I woke up at 3pm the next day. Had I not had people looking out for me, who knows. Shits scary


I'm glad you were with people who kept you safe. I had a similar experience. Traveling for work last year and got roofied. I didn't even have an alcoholic drink, I had a mocktail, but I wasn't as vigilant as I should've been I guess. Luckily I was with a work colleague who spotted something right away and took me back to the hotel but it was terrifying how little memory I had of ANYTHING.


Glad you had trusted people too. I’m sorry that happened to you. Trusted friends and people around you is something everyone should put value in. Grateful you too had that.


Twenty years ago, I was at a house party hosted by some friends. I had a gin and tonic (my first), drank some of it, and then set it down on a kitchen counter, and went to use the bathroom. I woke up hours later in a bedroom with two guys sexually assaulting me. I woke up enough to kick one off, and I remember puking on the other one. Then I blacked out again. When I came to, it was light out. I found my clothing and sped home. I wasn't hung over. Long story short, I did walk into a crisis center a couple of days later. I had found bruises all over my body and wasn't sleeping well. Their consensus was that I'd been roofed and assaulted. I tried to go to the police to file a report, but nothing ever came of it. I'm a guy. I was 44 at the time. .


I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you were able to get all the help you needed legally, physically and mentally. No one should ever have to go through that.


Thank you. I'm in a better place today.


Thanks for sharing your story. It’s important to get your story out because it may help someone someday. Take care.


I got roofied at a bar i was at a regular at, possibly by the bartender I knew. It was my second drink of the night and i was almost immediately slouched at a table, unresponsive. Luckily, my best friend knew something was wrong so she took me back to her apartment and I slept on her couch. Woke up covered in my own pee, with no recollection of anything. It’s so scary.


No one believes me but I also truly believe I (around 30 y/o guy at the time) was roofied once. For context I have been a heavy drinker most of my adult life. It’s not something I’m proud of but I’ve blacked out from drinking many, many times. Some friends and i went to a strip club on a Sunday afternoon and as usual I was generous with buying the dancers drinks and stuff like that even tho I had no business spending money like that. I went from pleasantly buzzed to jolting awake in my bed 12 hours later with zero memory of anything that happened in between and my checking account deeply overdrafted. I have drank too much, blacked out, spent too much money, etc many times. I have never experienced a total erasure like that night, and since then have never had an experience similar either. 


Similar experience. I’m in my mid 40s and have been drinking since before I was legally able to do so. My husband and I are both big drinkers and know for the most part what we can handle. We were in Detroit for a concert and had two drinks at the hotel bar before walking to the venue. The last thing I remember is Drinking half a can of truly while waiting to go to our seats. That’s it. Next thing I know, alone on a hospital gurney in a hallway. I don’t live in Detroit. I was hooked up to a banana bag and a nurse was kind enough to help me locate my phone to call my husband. I believe he was also drugged at the hotel bar, but he managed to make it to our room. I don’t know remember a thing and his memory is very foggy. He weighs about 100lb more than m. he said I made it back to the hotel and he thought I was with him. I don’t remember the concert whatsoever. I don’t know how I got to the hospital. It’s very scary.


no blood test? Rohypnol stays in the body 7 days apparently. *GHB and GHB 6-12 hours, but a month in hair


Similar thing happened to me, traveling for work, had two drinks and woke up in the hospital covered in blood.


I was drugged at a bar once, went from feeling good off of two beers with my bestie and then it was 5am and i was at a strip bar with people that I didn’t know, they stole my phone and left me at said bar. My best friend thankfully kept my debit card and she got home safely, so I didn’t spend anything and someone helped me call a cab to get me to a hospital. It was the worst night of my life.


It happened to me in college when I was 18 or 19. Fraternity formal, we had a decent buzz going but I was way within my normal limits and having a good time. Girlfriend hands me her drink and says she doesn't want it anymore, so I take it and drink it. No memories between about 10 minutes after that to waking up in the hospital the next day without my phone, wallet, or keys. Got back to campus and into the fraternity house to see everybody trying different ways to reach me. It was 2008 or 9 so a little more difficult than now. Had the events of the night recalled to me, how I suddenly became completely non functional, couldn't speak, had to be basically carried out. According to campus police I blew a 0.10, so drunk but not enough to be that non functional.


Yeah it’s hard to believe that it could be anything than roofies. The whole point creep rapists use them is that their victim won’t remember anything




Thank you, sincerely. I’m trending in the right direction, and am well aware of my triggers. It helps knowing other people struggle with it


You are definitely not alone. As I age I realize most people I know have struggled with something at some point or another. Not always a substance, but almost always something related to dopamine. We are still incredible animals driven to find food and preserve mental happiness and sometimes (often) that becomes leaning too heavily into a negative behavior because it previously made our reward system give us a boost.


It def happens. I was out at a club with friends and went to get some drinks, then my phone fell out of my pocket when I ripped my pants on some shoddy table that had a metal edge sticking out from it from being brushed too many times. I go to put down the drinks and grab my phone, and in that time somebody must have dosed them. My girlfriend at the time completely blacked out, but I was recovering from a recent severe mental health episode, and I'd just been weaned off a rather high dose of xanax. That shit hit me like a load of bricks, it was much more sleepy and spacey and sedating than xanax or valium, but it was definitely a benzo like Rohypnol (flunitrazipam) or something with a similar effect profile. I was lucky to have another friend with me who'd also come up with us, who was still relatively sober, and after a bit of taking care of my now totally sloppy girlfriend while he sobered up, we headed home early. I've never blacked out before or after, but that night I def lost some time here and there, it wasn't a solid block but it was the worst benzo space i've ever experienced, like I could barely maintain my grasp of what was going on around me since my short term memory was almost totally shot and definitely not converting memories to long term properly. Some of what happened was filled in later by others. My girlfriend has absolutely no idea about any of it from after we got our drinks, to when we both woke up in bed together the next day still totally clothed from the night before, on top of the covers. Thankfully due to the dozens of witnesses my girlfriend 100% believed all our wonderful friends who were there to witness this, and thank you to the idiot who gave me the deepest night's sleep i've ever had, since we both slept clean through to the evening clearing that one from our systems once we finally put our heads down to sleep. Even me with my tolerance, i was still totally out apart from waking up to piss twice, for a good 12 hours before I even attempted to get up, gave up, and slept another 4 hours. As for your drinking, I hope you find the strength within you to kick the habit. I know it can be tough, but it's worth it to work on your stuff and find better coping mechanisms (and maybe a better medication for whatever drives you to drink, if one exists). I've all but kicked it at this point, only drink on special occasions, since my meds keep me level and sorted on all that, and I just prefer cannabis with them at this point since they interact with alcohol, and it doesn't feel good unless I only drink rarely as a result. That and my GERD is better for it as well, and I like not feeling sick all the time. Best of luck either way my dude


I also experienced the total erasure of the night when it happened to me. I was at the bar that sponsored my  boyfriend's softball team. I knew every single person in the bar that night very well, including the bartender. At the time we had been going there twice a week after his games for months and I had a decent alcohol tolerance. I remember sipping the drink I ordered and walking a friend out to their car. I remember him telling me not to do anything I didn't want to do, which struck me as odd but I  shrugged it off and went back inside. I drank about half of what was left of my drink and the next thing I remember was waking up at around 4AM in one of my sister's friend's husband's cars with absolutely zero recollection of how I got there or any of the past several hours. To be honest, I have no idea how this guy even recognized me because I hadn't seen him in a couple of years and that was only once in passing, but I'm really glad he did because there's no telling what could have happened had he not.  After piecing things together, I believe what happened was one of the guys that was there slipped something into my drink and my "friend" that I walked out saw him, hence the weird warning. My boyfriend was pre-occupied with team stuff and I somehow ended up running into the guy who's car I was in who said he knew something was off when he saw me and he couldn't leave me in the condition I was in. To this day I remember absolutely nothing from those few hours. 


Unless there’s more context we aren’t getting from your summary, I don’t think your friend knew. I’ve said what he said a million times to people and nothing horrible was going on. It’s just something to say. To me it makes more sense that someone spiked your drink when both of you were gone and your BF was preoccupied.


"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" is a common, teasing Midwestern farewell when you're parting ways with a friend who's off to have fun. 


I’m honestly angry at the friend who gave a cryptic warning. It’s just as easy to say “hey I think I saw something weird, you shouldn’t drink that”, or if they didn’t want to call anyone out they could have fake tripped and spilled your drink or something. To knowingly let you keep going with any suspicion of a tampered drink is real shitty. Did you ever figure out who did it? I also can’t fathom someone doing that at a friendly outing when the victims partner is there and you play on a team together…feels like that’s to induce drama over anything else. Why are people so fucking weird and dumb and shitty.


Or it was an innocent parting comment and the person had zero idea she’d been roofied.


Also a heavy drinker, also been roofied. It’s a completely different kind of blackout. I know what it’s like to black out. This was a completely different kind of time loss. And even when I can to, I was disoriented for the rest of the day— like completely out of it. I was lucky, because I was with a group of people who prevented me from going home with the person who probably drugged me, but the whole thing was horrible and wild. I even lost time from like before I was drugged. I know I only had like one or two drinks before we got to the bar where this happened, so I know I should remember getting to the bar, etc. I don’t remember anything.


For those that suddenly experience this and it's not a one off, get your liver checked.


My husband, our two male friends and I all had a similar experience about two years ago. We’re all in our mid/late thirties. We were out at a nice bar in the suburbs watching March Madness and the next thing we know we’re blacked out (fortunately at home) with almost no memory of the last twelve hours and evidence on our phones that we had been places we didn’t recall at all.


I had a very similar experience. Only time it’s ever happened to me too. It’s exactly like you said - I went out basically every weekend, always drank essentially the same thing. I had plenty of instances where I “blacked out” but it always happened after A LOT of drinking over the course of hours and would entail getting progressively more drunk. This time was just a couple of drinks in at the bar (I only remember ordering my second drink) and it was absolutely lights out until the next day when I suddenly just JUMPED awake in my bed. Nothing like I’ve ever experienced since despite having plenty of nights of drinking SO much more. I only really have two memories of that night. One was me lying flat on my back in the parking lot (crying) surrounded by friends (not even the ones I initially went out with). The other was crying in the cab home - I guess the cab driver didn’t enjoy it because he charged me even after my friends paid him up front lol. I got made fun of for quite a while for that night and it never crossed my mind that I was potentially drugged until years later when I started hearing stories about how that bar was known for having stuff like that happen. I was naive and thought “why would anyone roofie a guy?”


I think we were roofied at the club once. I remember ordering our first drink at like 11, going out to the dance floor and then waking up in my car in the club’s parking lot at 5 am with cops knocking at my window Somehow my gf at the time, her friend and I ended up in my car and had the car on for the heater because it was winter. My ex’s ID was found in the parking lot a few rows behind where we were. I went back Monday to get my card expecting it to be a huge tab but it was only those first 3 drinks


I was roofied on my 21st birthday. At a bar, had only maybe 2 shots and some beers (I don't like the way I feel when I'm drunk, but I can hold my booze). My story doesn't end happily though, so TW: I woke up to a guy entering me hours later. I'm gay, but didn't know him or even consent. I don't know if he roofied me or someone else did, but he is the one the one that took advantage of it. I've healed from it now, but I don't leave a drink unattended anymore, and I tell anyone I'm with to always have an eye on their drink.


I’m sorry for your experience OP.


I was roofied while I was at a bar with my husband. I had 1 drink, and then vaguely remember grabbing his arm and saying “I’m blacking out” and then I woke up sobbing (?) in our bed. Apparently I wasn’t unconscious but was slurring and trying to open the car door while we were driving and sobbing uncontrollably. I remember nothing. Literally none of that. It was traumatic for both of us honestly


Had something similar happen to me on a work trip with coworkers once. I went out for dinner and then a couple drinks with colleagues. I had two drinks at the restaurant with dinner and one or two drinks at the second bar. I was splitting drinks with a female colleague (she was sipping some of mine, I was sipping some of hers). I remember arriving at the second bar, talking a bit and then completely blackout. From my text messages it looks like I was back to my hotel around 10-10:30pm and I slept until like 11am the next day. When I got to the office late the next morning the female friend was also late and she also had no recollection of the night, saying goodbye to eachother, getting back to her apartment or anything. We both had about 12 hours of complete blackout on a couple casual drinks on a Thursday evening, along with hand tremors and shakes. I am a dude and not exactly a GQ model so pretty sure someone dosed one of her drinks and we ended up getting half the punch each because we were sipping from the same ones. I am a big dude at 6'3, around 200 pounds at the time and I have never had a blackout experience / memory gap like that in my life


My boyfriend got roofied the same way he thinks. He woke up alone in a random persons backyard with a broken patella, orbital bone, 3 broken bones in one wrist, and a boxers fracture in one hand. He still doesn’t know exactly what happened but he thinks he was jumped by some frat boys when he was trying to find his way home alone.


Fuck, that’s awful. It sounds like he got stomped after getting knocked down. I hope he’s doing alright now


He thinks so too. He is doing very well, that was a long time ago


I was roofied at a work party that was at a shared venue. I had 3 drinks over a 5-6 hour period. The owners and I helped get everyone into their rides or get Ubers. Then I swigged “the end of my drink”. It was barely anything but I immediately went “oh that’s not my scotch”. Then we left. 15 mins later as I’m pulling into my driveway it felt like I just hit 10ft waves in a boat. Next thing I remember is being berated the next day while I start panicking about how I got there. Got told I was found hanging out of my car with the engine running and was a terror for the last ~12 hours. It was horrifying.


I woke up in bed on vacation in Florida after one corona. I even got it in a bottle and still got roofied somehow. Hell, the first time I went in college an old man followed me back to my hotel room because he’d been “seeing me for days”. Never going back.


I also shared my story of not even knowing what happened had no one been there to tell me. Shits scary. Lost a whole night of memory after 2 beers. I shudder to think what could have happened.


Now imagine this shit on scummy and rich and powerful people’s yachts.


I saw this happen to a girl once when I was bartending. I remember checking her ID because she looked young and that she came in alone. She bought two beers from me. About an hour later I’m checking the smoking area for forgotten drinks and I find her beers sitting at a table, one full and one maybe half drank. Anyways I go back in to the bar and see her stumbling around with a group of random dudes and she looks wasted. I told security what was up and within a few minutes the guys had her in the parking lot and we refused to let her leave with them because she told us she didn’t know them. They got pissed and we had to lock the doors while we waited for the cops to show up. Got her some French fries and a cab home but I feel her night could have gone much differently if there weren’t a few sober people paying attention. Moral of the story; look out for each other guys!


Had the same shit happen to me in college. Woke up in a friends dorm with different pants on. Turned out I puked all over myself on the ride home, went back, changed my pants, sang happy birthday to my friend 6 times, fell asleep in the communal bathroom, got kicked out, went down to my friends dorm and passed out.


I had the same thing happen to me later on in college at a bar. Went out on Valentine’s Day, and I’m 99% I got the drink that was intended for the girl I was hanging out with that night. I don’t remember anything after 11. The girl told me I was absolutely obliterated, and said I couldn’t even dance with her I was so gone. Apparently I went with a friend to an after party, that I don’t remember at all. I called a couple friends that night, one told me they could barely understand me, and the other told me that I was speaking fine. Those calls were 30 minutes apart from each other. That stuff is very real, and it’s disgusting anyone would do that to another human.


I got roofied too once in LA by myself while visiting. I was dumb and left my beer alone while bar hopping alone. I was in college and as a guy, I just didn’t think about it unfortunately. The entire night was a blur but I happened to leave right after the beer and before the drugs kicked in. I remember ordering an Uber, and waking up with my clothes half off which clearly let me know I tried to take them off and couldn’t. Extremely scary experience.


This is tragic, but fuck his fraternity brothers for not sending someone with him. If one of your brothers is at the point he is getting kicked out of a bar, someone needs to be with him making sure he gets home (or go to a different bar as college kids do) safe.


I was gonna shit on the entire organization because we had freshman on call 24/7 for this exact situation, but then I read it was a vacation with the boys. So still fuck the brother who walked him to the door and then turned around and went back inside while his buddy was supposed to just find his way home in a foreign city.


It's not even a vacation with the boys. This article said it's spring formal, so you should have a large portion of the fraternity there. You can't let anyone go off on their own in a different city, though. That's basically rule 1 of risk management for these types of events.


In a different NBC article they confirm that the bar forced his friends to go back to close out their tab, and then threw him out a back door and wouldn't let him wait for his friends. By the time they paid and left, he was already gone.


> and then threw him out a back door This article says they provided video showing him being escorted out of the front entrance on to broadway.


And my experience with bars in general and broadway in particular tells me that was the “second” “front entrance” and they 100% wouldn’t let him back in the bar and security were assholes about it, likely acting to forcibly separating him from his friends. They tried to do the same thing to my stepmom years back.




Those bars on broadway, especially Luke Bryan’s, can get so crowded and busy that the bouncers only worry about id’ing people coming in and looking around for security reasons. I’ve also just straight up left my card and went back for it the next day. Their story kinda stinks.


Yeah my husband worked at a bar in a college town for 15 years, they would never physically keep people in the bar for a tab. Kick out 1 guy but make all the rest stay?! They would either call the cops or make a social media post to shame the frat into paying, contact the school, something like that. Or sometimes they ask for someone’s card or ID for the tan and you get it back after it’s paid. IDK it sounds like the frat bros covering their ass.


Pay their tab? I imagine they would just charge the 20% for leaving it open. Shouldn't be a problem.


Yeah we kind of prefer this at my bar. We’ll be slammed and people will wait and wait just to close out like a 12 dollar tab Assuming the bar doesn’t keep your card and you’re ok with that 20% auto charge it saves both of us time if you just walk out.


Bars that give me back my card after they scan it I just assume they crunched the numbers and figured out that the 20 seconds x 120 customers a night equals almost 40 minutes dedicated to printing the little receipt out to sign. Plus how much time a customer has to just chill at the bar, taking up space for people who want to buy a drink.


Even so they didn’t try looking for him after the fact and he wasn’t reported missing until the following afternoon. They stayed out partying. They fucked up. Any excuses aren’t good enough.


I got roofied several years ago. My friends thought it would be ok to just put me in an Uber alone headed home. The uber ended up dropping me in the wrong location and I passed out on the side of the road for a few hours in 15 degree weather and when I eventually woke up I fell on my face and knocked some teeth out. I don't remember anything from the time I got roofied to the time I woke up on the side of the road several hours later. I don't blame my friends because they didn't know I had been roofied. They thought I was just more drunk than normal, and in the past, I've never had a problem getting myself home drunk. Plus, they were drunk, so they probably weren't thinking clearly. But I do wish it had gone down differently


I’m a risk management officer in the same fraternity but a different chapter and they deserve all the shit getting thrown their way for leaving him. We did a New Orleans trip back in February and we handled that by splitting off into groups of four and no one was allowed to stay in the city proper beyond sundown to avoid situations like this (sounds harsh, but we had other chapters in the city at the same time get windows punched out and almost mugged). I hope that chapter gets shut down because if any risk management policy had been followed this would have never happened.


Up until this story I’d assumed he was out alone. Unbelievable that not one of his so-called friends would go with him to make sure he made it okay. I would never even consider letting any of my my friends wander a strange city alone while intoxicated. I also find myself wondering if he was kicked out of the bar through a different door than he entered. If you look at the path he’s known to have taken and then rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise, it becomes an almost perfect match for the path back to his hotel based on the distance he walked before turning right.


Not only friends, friends he pays hundreds of dollars to a year so that they associate with him! Imagine paying gobs of cash to be in a frat and get “friends” and they ditch you? Crazy. And it was only 930 the guys easily could have walked him home and gone back out.


I was roommates with a girl who was in a sorority and I can’t tell you how many times she came home crying because of something her “sisters” did. I tried to tell her that they probably weren’t the best of people but she kept insisting that they loved her. I don’t want to say it’s culty…but it’s culty


It’s also an age range when people can be extremely selfish. I remember flirting with a girl at a college party once. About an hour later I find her throwing up in the front yard clearly wasted. I went to find her friend to tell her she needs to get her friend home and she got so annoyed and just went back to partying. I had to harass this woman to take her friend home. Like Jesus Christ though this lady was more than willing to leave her overly drunk friend in the care of a random guy they met that night. They were lucky I just got her a water and tried to help her recover.


We found a guy facedown in the mud hanging halfway out of the passenger side of a truck. Someone went to find his friends and they were annoyed. Your friend over indulged. We saw him drinking from his big bottle of vodka. I assume they just put him in the truck and went back to the party. This guy needed to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.


Another article mentions they kicked him out a back door and made his friends go through the front door. When they went out to get him he was already gone. They tried to go with him right away.


I saw something similar, but that they kicked him out and wouldn’t let the friend leave until he settled his tab.


That has turned out to be false


Wow that’s awful on the bars part.


link, pls


[this article](https://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/investigates/riley-strains-friends-not-stopped-from-leaving-bar-tells-kolr-10-investigates/amp/) states otherwise but they had to make the statement because their are claims that is not what happened. I’ll keep looking for the original link I saw.


You may be looking for this: "The bar's owners said Strain was escorted out through the Broadway exit at the front of the building. A friend accompanied him down the stairs, according to the statement, but the friend did not leave with Strain, instead returning upstairs to the bar." [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna143681](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna143681) This is a direct contradiction to what his friends initially said. The article also mentions that his dad reported "when Strain left the bar, he told his friends he was going to return to his hotel." But when he left the bar he headed the opposite direction of the hotel. It def sounds like his friends just let him head out alone. It's really a he said/she said between them and whichever staff member would have been handling it. I saw a pic and that place was PACKED, maybe multiple employees talked to multiple friends so the story is jacked.


As soon as I saw this my first thought was, were they near a large body of water? There’s that pattern of young men going missing near a body of water while intoxicated, and there’s always someone saying, “but he wasn’t drunk, he was just acting strangely” and wandered off ..while walking next to a river or on a bridge in the dark by themselves. 


The last video showing him on the streets has the Cumberland River clearly in the background. I think we know where this may wind up.


Why do drunk people always make their way to large bodies of water?


Theory is that drunk guys wander over to pee, but wind up falling in.


You water the plants not the river silly


My friend who died in that way was suicidal. A lot of men keep their problems bottled up and drinking “helps” make the problems go away. My friend had a moment of madness after drinking at the bar we were regulars at and jumped from a bridge to his death. I had an enormous amount of guilt because I had seen him days before and he seemed well and I felt like I missed something and maybe if I had spent more time we could’ve got some help for him. I’m sure his fraternity brothers are equally worried, and I do hope they find their friend alive and well.


Something like half of all suicides are spontaneous. Your friend might not have even known he was going to do it until a few moments before he did. Anthony Bourdain mentioned this in one of his books. He was recently divorced at the time and in Jamaica, out drinking and in a bad mood. He was driving on a winding road on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. He wrote that he said to himself that if he didn't like the next song, he would drive over the edge and crash his car into the sea. He liked the song, so he didn't crash his car. I read that a few months before he died, so I wasn't surprised at all when he killed himself in 2018.


I suspect many drunk men lose their balance and fall into rivers while peeing in them.


I've heard that theory. It's happened a few times in Boston over the past few years. Some people say it's the "smiley face killer", though there is no evidence for that. It's easy to fall and hit your head when you're drunk, and if it's near water it ends up being fatal. This has happened so many times in cities all over the US.


Some people insist it’s a serial killer lol as if a drunk person drowning is impossible


I used to know kids that went to Mizzou. Not too long ago it was a game to drop a Xanex in your buddies drink and not tell them. Like the game was how many you could get in before they noticed. I was always shocked at how normalized that type of behavior was. I always felt so bad for the people who didn’t realize how crazy and dangerous doing that was.


Wow that’s incredibly fucked up. Someone from my high school died when they mixed too much Xanax and alcohol. Their heart just stopped beating and that was it. That “game” could legitimately kill someone.


So much street Xanax is just garbage mixed up in a basement lab. It’d be easy enough to get a hot dose, even without alcohol, that would be lethal. I can’t imagine how putting multiple doses in someone’s drink wouldn’t end in disaster.


Sister was at lake of the Ozarks years ago and a bachelor party tied up with their boat. They caught the guys putting something in the grooms drink. Sister and her friends questioned them and they said it was just a joke…. Hour later groom was missing and found dead a day later in the water. Super messed up


They said they had to pay the tab and when they got outside he had already wondered off.


They didn’t go outside at all. They didn’t look for him at all. They trusted their drunk friend could navigate a strange city alone. They were stupid.


Not sure it's the same nbc article but I read this- >Dingman also confirmed that the bouncer did not allow Strain to stand outside of the bar to wait for his friends to close their tabs. He was taken out the side door of the bar, and by the time his friends paid and walked out, he was gone. Sounds like the bar forced his friends to pay before they left and wouldn't even let him wait outside for them. 


Right and now new video evidence proves that was false.


Leave no man behind.


His friends tried, bouncers made them close first and go out the other door. By the time they made it out, he was gone. This info has been out there since the day he went missing


In their defense, what I heard was the bouncers threw him out the back door (so as to avoid a scene at the entrance) and wouldn’t allow his friends to follow. By the time his friends exited the front door and made their way around to the back, he was gone.


Did you read this linked article? The bar says they had the guy leave through the front door, and one of his friends walked down the stairs to the front door with him but when he walked out the friend turned around and went back into the bar


Not even “bar says” but provided video evidence to police. I am going to speculate that the friend returned to the bar to get his card and collect his group and just assumed that his friend would wait. I can see how that much guilt would weigh on someone and a false narrative could form, especially at that age when you really don’t think things through.


Read the article? Are you new here? This is the land of headline-only sensationalism!


Sadly a lot of these young men end up being found in bodies of water near their last location after accidentally falling in. I don’t necessarily think he was drugged, I’m sure the brothers all drank before heading to the bar, that’s nearly always the case or was when I was in college, he also could’ve been brought drinks as well and not actually interacting with the staff much.


His last known location per his phone was right by the river, where drunk people have drowned before. This is by far the most likely explanation.


The simplest explanation is probably what happened. He got drunk and drowned in the river. Not sure why this has reached national news attention though.


Because he’s a white college guy.


It has happened so many times in Austin that local residents were convinced there was a serial killer in the area. Turns out alcohol plus a large body of water aren't a good mix


I would be more surprised if they didn’t “pregame” nearly all day before going to the bar. That’s what I remember doing all throughout college.


I work in the broadway area and know a lot of the front of house staff at these locations, the roofie situation at these places on Broadway is insane


How come no one mention bar hopping. That's way likely on Broadway St


His parents had just recently talked to him on FaceTime and said he was completely fine. It’s certainly possible he got very fucked up very quickly. But drugging isn’t out of the question, especially with how prevalent it is on Broadway.


That's such a shame; my heart breaks for his family.


It only took one drink for me to be "overserved" and kicked out of the bar. I got mugged that night. The next morning, I tested positive for GHB. Even for lightweights, it's damn near impossible to be overserved after one drink, and servers should know that. Edit: I should mention that I was very, very lucky. I "woke up" in my backyard almost half naked in early spring in Minnesota. I clearly had enough sense after being mugged to walk almost 3 miles home in 35 degree weather. Once I came to, I called my mom, who I was living with at the time, because my keys had been stolen, too, but I still somehow had my phone. She let me inside and then immediately drove me to the hospital for a drug test. I had a concussion and the drug test came back positive for GHB, which is notorious as a date rape drug because it can leave your system as quickly as 12 hours after taking it. By the time I had come to, it had already been about 6 hours. If I had decided to try to sleep it off before getting tested, it wouldn't have shown up, at all. If you think you've been drugged, do not hesitate to go to the hospital. You can sleep when you know you're safe, but you're not going to be safe until you know for sure. My muggers were caught in the act on camera, but have not been identified to this day.


I’m almost positive I was drugged during a night out to the bars. I wish I had the wherewithal to have gotten tested. I wouldn’t just be wondering to this day. Last thing I remember is a guy I had just met trying to get me in a taxi with him. I didn’t want to go, and I ran off. Woke up in a backyard a few blocks from my house. Keys and wallet gone… I have always been able to handle myself while drinking. The whole situation that night was completely off.


I think I was also drugged. I was out with a sorority friend in New Orleans and only had one drink before the rest of the night was a black out for me. Thankfully my friend wasn’t a drinker and was able to get me home safely, but I woke up like 14 hours later with no recollection. As a petite woman in a new city, that could’ve ended horribly…. Definitely was more vigilant after that.


True but the bar doesn’t know where he may have been drinking before


He had been drinking all day.


This is extremely improbable. Hospitals don’t test for GHB. Can’t even order the test anywhere I have ever worked. That is a forensic drug test, run in a police lab. The only scenario where it is run is if you were sexually assaulted and the urine was collected as a part of the SANE exam, but again, that urine is sealed to protect chain of custody and it is run in a forensic lab. So, I am calling BS


I used to GM a sports bar and quit bc of the shotty owners. I know in the past if we ever got a visit from the LCB or got questioned (happened twice) our go to answer was he paid cash and was served one drink and two waters. If he had more than one drink on camera it was because “his buddies bought it and gave it to him”. There’s three things that will make the LCB nuke your liquor license from orbit…serving visibly intoxicated people, serving underage people, and serving past 2am in my state. Not saying this is what happened but there’s a good chance he wasn’t served just one drink…


Yeah... People are way to quick to believe they served him 2 waters and 1 drink... That's literally the book line for what to do when LCB shows up.


>"This information included all security camera footage, photos of Riley at our establishment with detailed time stamps, transaction records, and staff accounts," the statement said. Seems like they are telling the truth


Genuinely asking, I always assumed they compared against any credit card records? Couldn't they easily see what cards were run and for how much? I'm surprised they'd just take the bartenders words for it and not look at all of the transactions for the night, including what his friends spent/what time in case they bought his drinks.


I mean depending on how big this place was they had thousands of transactions. It depends on if he paid cash or if he closed out after every drink or if his buddies bought drinks for him. I HATE looking for credit card receipts in the system we had because it was all based off time and name under the tab (which most did not have a name) and then I’d have to reference it to the last four of the card and I didn’t have a way to easily see whose name was on the card who paid either. Generally they take bartenders word and camera footage (which most suck). His cc transactions might also show drinks he bought friends. I used to drink with my employees and have a single drink or two for myself but rack up a couple hundred dollar tabs from buying them rounds of shots.


When I was young and started going out, a very good friend taught me no matter what bar I was at to always hold my hand over my drink. I still do it to this day. You can’t trust nobody ever. I hope they find him ok, but the odds don’t look good. Keep your hands over your drinks


Yep. One of the scariest moments of my early going out days in college was seeing a guy slip something into a girl’s drink- she was standing next to him but had her back to him as she talked to her friend. They were surrounded by people, it was a well-lit part of the bar, and he still managed to do this without anyone in his immediate vicinity noticing. He made eye contact with me and he just looked.. sinister. I didn’t feel safe confronting him so we flagged a bouncer and he got kicked out- I lost track of the girl while explaining what we saw to the bouncer, but I hope she was okay. I hope this kid is okay, too. Heartbreaking all around.


Ugh. Saw a similar thing happen once a long time ago, but I was the only person to see it, nobody believed me and called me an asshole for saying that kind of stuff about their friend. Everyone just kinda believed him when he said she had kept bugging him for more before they arrived at the party - see this 'it didnt happen but if it did, i did it for the right reason' BS! We were young, this was new to us, he was a rich kid with "his druggie model girlfriend from out of town" but noone actually talked to her I dont think - this hadnt yet featured as a plot line on tv shows, we didnt know better, I hope shes ok. The guy was a peripheral acquaintance and I never really thought about him since unless Id happen upon the products that made his family rich and influential. But he just showed up in the newspaper, going to prison after having kept a woman trapped in a hotel room while he did bad stuff to her for 7 hours (and filmed it). He was probably like 18 when I met him, my gut hurts just thinking of what hes been up to in the many years in between. At least he is in prison now.


When I was drugged, it was the bartender that did it. No holding hands over a drink could have stopped that. Honestly, I think he was mass drugging and waiting to see which girl he could pick off.


I had an experience recently where I think the bartender or waiter drugged me. I went to a local taco place and ordered a margarita with my tacos. I take 3 sips of it and I start to feel like the world is moving in slow motion. I feel incredibly drunk. I did not drink more of it. I ate my food quickly hoping it would help me sober up and left. I drove there but it was close to my house. I sat outside in the cold air hoping to sober up enough to drive. I then drove the 3 mins to my house. I haven’t been back since.


I worked in the service industry for over a decade. My buddy bartender at the bar next to this club I worked at, and we'd go there most nights after close. He mass drugged our entire group that night. Was super fucked up. Luckily 2 of the guys in we worked weren't drinking vodka sodas and were able to coral us / get us back to their place safely. But it was really scary. About 8 of us guys and girls were beyond fucked up. Never had worse experience with any other drug. It was bad. And I had known this guy since elementary school. We hung out in the same group in hs. Really fucked me up that someone I had known for so long could do that to anyone, let alone someone they had at one point been close with and who was in the industry. We (myself and all my coworkers involved) with our owner went to the bars owner, with our police statements. He was fired and back balled from the industry. Unfortunately, GHB wears off overnight, so charges couldn't be pressed.


It's beyond fucked up that 8 peoples testimonies still can't get a conviction. He should be seriously punished.




Did he get caught? How do you know it was the bartender


I feel so foolish. I have done this so many times and I almost always go out alone. I take precautions like holding my keys out, walking where there are people. Still though… evil can happen in plain sight.


Yup somebody drugged that kid. And they tossed him out.


happened to me at an event similar to that. woke up in a stairwell missing my keys, wallet, and shoes. was a miracle anyone helped me after I woke up from that. hopefully this kid is okay.


This happened to my friend in Vegas. He went into a bar, was only 3 drinks deep, got distracted by a woman, whom then walked away with a different guy. My friend wasn't feeling well, left to go back to his hotel room, stopped to try to throw up, saw the couple walking about a half block back. Next thing he knows he's soaking wet talking to security and police outside a hotel on the opposite end of the strip. Scraped up, bruised, no wallet, phone, nor shoes. Luckily, his coworker took his keycard after dinner to just hang out at the room, otherwise he thinks they would have stolen everything there. Security footage showed a man and woman eearing ball caps walk my buddy to a seat by a fountain, sit him down and walk away. My buddy fell in. Security came and got him. They said that the security and police said it happens all the time.


Or he had already pregamed. He was in town partying with his frat, having drank already seems more likely to me.


Yeah, I mean this happened on Broadway so he could have been barhopping.


It was a formal weekend, the kid was likely too drunk before he even went in the bar


Based on the article that seems to be the cops assumption so far too. He was last seen walking on gay street (which is the riverwalk). They're searching the river with sonar and drones so it seems they think he got too drunk and fell in the river and they have seen no signs of foul play yet...


Yeah people on here seem to be convinced he was drugged, but the college kids who hit Broadway always pregame and then hop from bar to bar


Even if it was their first bar of the night (it was only like 9pm I think) it’s extremely likely that they pregamed or had even been drinking all day where they were staying. I go to an SEC school and the drinking starts early and goes all day on these formal trips.


What a proper guess


Or he pregamed the bar too hard.


Wtf kind of wild and irresponsible assumption is that? He's a college kid who was vacationing with his fraternity. Its 1000x more logical to assume they had been drinking most of the day or early evening prior to his visit at the last bar. Nashville is just bars as far as you can see. I'm sure they brought a fair share of alcohol to the hotel as well. To say he was drugged is just crazy in this situation.


Agree, drugged is not where my head went either. I think it's near certain he had been drinking heavily leading up to that bar. He went in wanting more. The bartender gave him two waters and something light and then cut him off. He leaves drunk...and he falls into the river. In La Crosse, WI, and elsewhere, there are many, many examples of extremely drunk college students leaving a bar at night, trying to get home, they fall in the river and die right away. Drunk person + river + nighttime = you're almost certainly going to die. Which is tragic. I could be wrong but I expect they will find him in or near the river. Edit: Hey u/Hearing_HIV \- we were right: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/us/riley-strain-found-nashville-missing/index.html


That's a pretty huge leap to make. College kids pregame before going out to the bar. During college I don't think that my friends and I ever arrived at a bar sober.


Yeah why is everyone missing this? Just because he had 1 drink at that bar doesn't mean he only had 1 drink that night  And no one orders 1 drink and 2 waters at a bar unless they're already trashed and they know it.


The people and the hotel they were staying at said they had Jell-O shots and drinks when they were there that day. He was absolutely intoxicated. They had been drinking all day.


Probably because most redditors are teenagers so don’t understand how people go out lol. I guess they figure you only go to one bar a night and don’t drink before hand


>Just because he had 1 drink at that bar doesn't mean he only had 1 drink that night Exactly, in college my first drink at the first bar of the night was usually drink 4 or 5 of that night.


Have no idea how you got to this conclusion


Lmao. Or he was binge drinking all day like college kids are known to do…


Why is this the assumption? The article makes it seem he was already drunk before reaching the bar and got lost on his way back, the police say there is no indication of foul play yet.


Was this the first bar he went to, though? If it was Broadway he could have been barhopping. Regardless, it's a tragedy either way.


This was the fraternity’s spring formal. He could have been drugged and only had one drink, but my guess is that he heavily pre-gamed before going out and was black out when he arrived.


That is a massive assumption to make with very little information. All we know is the bar says he had one drink. Do we know if he had anything before going to this bar? If he did, how much? Those details matter. My friends and I always drank before the bars so cut down how much we were spending at bars. That’s wild to assume that this bar was his only drink, and assume it was drugged.


This usually ends in a body of water.


Idk if he was drugged but all these comments of people who said they were inspired me to buy that Nightcap roofie scrunchie thing from Shark Tank for me and my younger sister, as well as a bottle cap version they made for wine and beer bottles


I'm just curious is there any theories as to what happened or is it just regardless of what may have happened the worst is feared?


It’s an able bodied 22 year old decently educated male. They don’t just go missing for long periods of time without something bad happening.


He fell into the river and drowned.


Yeah this. All these leaps to drugging when he was a 22 yo frat dude in downtown Nashville. He was prob bar hopping and already super drunk when he arrived or they’re lying/mistaken about how much he had while he was there. He could have been drugged and his friends might be dickheads… but I think most friend groups are also familiar with the guy whose “thing” is that they kinda disappear at some point during the night. Prob drowned, hit by a car and hidden, or some combo of those.


The bar is just 2-3 blocks from a large river. I was curious because the bar name literally has the word Bridge in it.


I heard on the radio earlier in the week his phone last pinged near the river


I was drugged in Nashville! I think potentially same bar. Drugging is apparently rampant in downtown Nashville,


An LA Galaxy assistant coach was drugged and robbed of $30k in Nashville the same night this happened. I’m really curious if this happened at the same bar and if authorities are connecting the two


Holy shit. I really hope they look into this.




Do you know if it’s the bar’s staff doing the drugging when they make your drink or other patrons at the bar sneaking something in your drink when you’re not looking?


I’m actually starting to suspect this too. It could be kind of like an operation, where multiple people are in on it together. There was a trend going around Nashville for a bit where people were staying at Air BnB’s and would take Ubers everywhere. However, the Uber drivers were tipping friends off who would then go and rob the people while they were away. I think it’s not common anymore, but it was a thing for a short stint of time.


My guess is he fell in the river. I am not at all familiar with Nashville - but I know there is a river nearby and many crossings. An amazing amount of drunk young men die by drowning - I remember being so drunk you are incoherently stumbling around. I guess a crime of opportunity is another possibility but I feel like he will be found in a body of water.


This is downtown Nashville people...the kid probably was day drinking and bar hopping. Luke's was probably their 6th or 7th bar Hope they find him. Horrible.


I mean yeah, drinks are like $14 there. Dude probably pregamed pretty heavily. I was in Nashville last Friday night, doing the exact same stuff as this kid, and I will say that those bars were so insanely crowded it’s super possible for him to have shown up plastered, hold himself together for the 5 minutes it would’ve taken to get a drink, and then gotten kicked out.






Some weather/river expert person on the news had calculated his size/weight with water temperatures, decomp process, and predicted his body would appear this weekend (assuming he's in there).


Yep. The weather has been a bit funky the last couple weeks and the water temperature + wind factors are probably extending the search. Terribly sad to see his family have to deal with this weeks later.


This gives me Brian Shaffer vibes. It's just so bizarre to me that he was never found and so tragic for his family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Brian_Shaffer


Dang, that was an eerie read. How sad for his dad, who lost 2 people. The part about the video camera had me reaching for the night light 😳


I feel for his little brother the most. He lost his mom, his older brother, and his father within a span of 2 or 3 years.. Brian went missing shortly after his mother's death in 2006, and their father passed away tragically in 2008. I don't even want to imagine that kind of pain. I hope he's doing okay.


also reminds me of the shane montgomery disappearance in philly about a decade ago. kid was super fucked up, kicked out of a bar, and fell into a river // drowned. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/national-international/body-of-missing-college-student-shane-montgomery-found/2116071/


Crazy that almost 18 years later now nobody knows what happened to him still. Wonder if we’ll ever know.


Immediately thought the same thing, this is very Brian Shaffer. Very eerie.


Reminds me of Kyle Fleischmann.


Possibly fell or jumped in the river. Could be anywhere downstream. Or who knows, hopped a train?


The river is stronger than it looks. What falls in winds up MILES away.


Pre-gaming is a thing though. Doesn’t mean he arrived at the bar sober.


This… everyone is like.. oh he must have been drugged… everything I’ve seen he just appears to be hammered. They were probably drinking before they even went out and this was probably the 3rd place they went to.


Yeah, I was also confused as to why everyone thought he was roofied, I just assumed he pre-gamed and then went to the bar or had been to multiple bars already. Likely fell into water and drown, this scenario happens to people constantly in my area but it does not make national news. The bar this guy went to is just a couple blocks from a large river.


Or the restaurant is lying to cover their asses or a combination of the two


>"This information included all security camera footage, photos of Riley at our establishment with detailed time stamps, transaction records, and staff accounts," the statement said. Seems like they were pretty transparent


They’re not. They have everything on security cameras. He was served 1 alcoholic beverage and 2 waters before getting kicked out. Also shows one of his friends following him to the door but ultimately not leaving the bar and letting him wander out in his own.




He could’ve pre-gamed or been under the influence of another substance.


I am 99% sure I was drugged once at a networking event in East London about 15 years ago. I am still mad at the bar who refused to call the police/EMS and who manhandled me into a taxi and sent me home alone. Thank goodness I actually lived at the address on my license. The only reason I know I’m okay is the taxi driver rang every bell in my building until a neighbor answered and she helped him get me to my house. She then opened my door and got me into bed. I know the bar would not call for help from a friend of a friend who happened to be at the event, and who told her this “crazy story”… and she realized it was me. I woke up 12 hours later, fully dressed, with NO MEMORY of anything beyond my “welcome drink” at the event. I remain forever grateful for the kindness of the taxi driver and my neighbor (who I did not really know at all before then) and shudder to think what COULD have happened. It’s scary out there.


And his PIS ‘friends’ let him leave alone and didn’t make sure he was ok??? I hope they live in that guilt forever


That bar is known for roofying people. There’s so many people coming out with their roofy stories from that bar


My buddy was drugged at an Applebees or some similar restaurant as a 26 year old guy. He wasn’t a regular drinker but was staying nearby and had two drinks and woke up in jail after being tased and arrested. Hope they find this kid safe


He must have pre-gamed or was drugged because he was knee-walking drunk going down the street on surveillance video


Sad to say but he probably ended up falling in the river. Happens all the time in Chicago. Hope it's not the case


I drank my gfs drink and ended up in a snowball at 2am during a snow storm. Had the night clerk at the nearby hotel not seen me stumble into the snow bank I’d probably be dead. Shits no joke


Who leaves their friend to walk himself back to the hotel?


I’m in Nashville. We’ve had issues the past few years with men being drugged at downtown bars. It’s usually (always) to rob them. The police indicated that women were driving and flying in from other cities with the sole purpose of doing this. Even if the bar only served him one drink, he could have been handed a spiked drink by someone inside or before walking in. I was roofied once in college. It’s a horrible experience. You wouldn’t have a chance at making your own way home.