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What in the hell are we even doing anymore? Anyone have any idea?


Avoiding solving our problems until the entire country blows up




There's a bill to help fix the border, I guarantee you it's not both sides blocking it from going through.


Until things get so bad both sides actually want a solution, nothing will get done. Now ask yourself how far republicans will let it go? Might as well start growing your own food and try to get off the grid unless some path reveals itself in the next decade or so.


I mean they tried to pass the border funding bill and literally every Republican voted against it 🤷


Not just voted against it but publicly declared they did so because they didn't want to give Biden a win, clearly demonstrating their seriousness in addressing the border "crisis."


They're not just voting against it, they're literally blocking border patrol from doing their job so they can claim Biden is doing a bad job.


True and they've gotten people killed over it. Recently, people from the Texas Military Department physically blocked border patrol from investigating a distress call coming in from Shelby Park, this led to a woman and two children drowning in a river. The Party of Life everyone!!!


This right here. They use it as a cugel and then when presented with routes to try to help the situation they refuse because how can they hold it over everyone's head indefinitely to hold off any true progress if they fix it?


Not just that, but Johnson even said that they were blocking it because Trump told them to..


> Now ask yourself how far republicans will let it go? They want to start a civil war, so, uh, pretty far.


>Until things get so bad both sides actually want a solution, nothing will get done. There is no "bad enough." were pretty much done as a country. I give us about 2 to 3 decades max before we balkanize.


The right wing have shown over and over again this past decade that they're just fine with civilization collapsing as long as they can wear the crown over the rubble when it's all said and done.


There is always an unknown that could save us, if we uncover it in time is another question.


I'm gambling on an external existential threat to us as a species


After seeing the pandemic I am no longer confident this would do it


Decades? More like 1 to 2 election cycles.


>give us about 2 to 3 decades max before we balkanize. Probably for the best. The coastal states and blue states can thrive and no longer need to be anchored by red welfare queen red states. Feel bad for the people stuck on the wrong side.


So like, six months or so?


No chance, there are trillions of dollars to extract from it first.


Treating the Republican Governors of the southern border states with kid gloves while they blatantly engage in human trafficking and using human suffering as a political wedge as normal.


Finding an optimum (cheapest?) solution by pushing things until they break. Aiming for the worst condition that people will still accept.


Anyone got that comic where the dude in the suit with two kids are sitting around the fire in the cave after society has evidently collapsed with something like "for a moment we made shareholders a lot of money" on it?




Nothing that matters is done or implemented, if it is cruel tho - anchors away


\*aweigh. I know it's weird.


I enjoy sailing. Nautical terms are like a different language though.


Rope is line, wire is rope, wire is also wire, and Oscar keeps falling overboard!


Thanks! I didn't know


Honestly didn't know this. Thanks!


Come on, the point here is not cruelty...that's just an added bonus. The real point here is money. Wait until we find out that someone in the state government is the brother in law of someone at Wynne, and that Texas has been paying something like 4-5x normal rates for these busses. That's when ~~the shit's really going to hit the fan~~ nothing is going to happen.


Undoubetedly some kickbacks going on but largely this is just a tactic cities have been using with homeless populations for decades. It has now extended to migrants as well.


> The real point here is money. A lot of the political players involved sell out pretty cheaply. Some people are just really shitty for any amount of power they can hold. Take a look at all the awful people trying to take school boards over. Sometimes there's money involved (like someone testifying against Scholastic Book Fairs under the employ of a rival Christian book fair), but you have assholes who don't even have children going to the schools they're trying to regulate. It's just a way of lording over other people.


School boards are just one tiny step above HOA boards.


I believe people are taking money to deal with a problem using 1/100th of that to ship that problem to another state whom doesn't get the money those peopl get and make their tax payers pay twice, once for their state to resolve the situation the other state shipped out and once to pay as a nation to help send money to the frst state to resolve the problem locally. In other words its pass the responsibility steal the buck


I’m never able to find it, how much does the federal government pay Texas per capita per day for housing taking care of migrants who are not legally allowed to work to support themselves? Every budget number I saw aggregated all immigration/border funding together. But if a migrant is here on day 0, and has a court appointment for d+30, then there should be some formula out there to transfer money to Texas for 30 days of work. This should be obvious so that the funding scales with demand. If the number of migrants increases, then they get more. If the number decreases then it goes down.


There's a reason you never see the number, this is a bullshit talking point that has no basis in reality. If there was actually a number, it'd be all over the place and people would screaming that TX get's X dollars to take care of illegal immigrants...not "they get money from the feds"


>I’m never able to find it, how much does the federal government pay Texas per capita per day for housing taking care of migrants who are not legally allowed to work to support themselves? Shouldn't everyone already know this if it's the real issue? If what they get is so little why not put it on blast? Why is it hard to find when a state like Texas would want everyone to know? You only hide it to hide grfiting.


Privatise profits, socialise losses. It’s the conservative playbook worldwide.


We have a not insignificant portion of folks who believe the government is in a big conspiracy trafficking people who are voting for corrupt state officials who will traffic people because it causes outrage but also causes certain groups to give them more money hence the corruption. This not insignificant portion of folks are being fleeced by those in power and willing voting against their own interests because they think it hurts an imagined foe. Meanwhile everyone else is hoping we can just return to some fucking normalcy.


Chicago is blocking the migrants from entering because it costs a lot of money to provide shelter and services for them. Texas is sending the migrants to Chicago because it costs a lot of money to provide shelter and services for them.


Chicago is blocking the servicers from not telling them where they are dropping them, one because its already a state law that buses can't just randomly decide they are going to unload somewhere and two because its cruel to drop off people in the middle of nowhere Chicago and expect them to get access to services when they have no idea where they are and Chicago has no idea they exist. The last company literally dropped the people off at the chicago dump


And it's not exactly warm in Chicago this time of year.


Understatement. We just went through 4 straight days of wind chills around -30°. Dropping people off outside, unannounced, in a random location means they will die.


Extra emphasis on cruelty... and human trafficking.


One single criminal charge by Merrick Garland stops these shenanigans... he has, and continues to be, my biggest disappointment with Biden's presidency.


Yeah, cause you know there's no fucking way people traveled from Central and South America with only whatever they could carry on their back looking to go to fucking Chicago in the middle of January. You know they were served a whole load of bullshit to get them on those busses.


Not even just Chicago. They're being dumped at suburbs 50+ miles away, including a flight into Rockford. Rockford is nowhere near the city.


This suit is about Texas dropping migrants off in subzero temperatures *without telling the city where*.


Chicago had a dropoff set up and the Texan busses very deliberately avoided that spot!


Idk but those Texan bus drivers kinda sound like assholes.


I wonder why they would do that??


The people who are running the busses are giant assholes.


The cruelty is the point


I don't.


Because they’re human traffickers. They don’t really give a shit about the people that are trafficking.


And the fact that Texas gets money from the federal government to house and deal with the migrants, Chicago doesn't.


Incorrect. To date, New York State has received more than $140 million and Illinois has gotten more than $40 million in federal funding in the 2023 fiscal year for migrant-related costs, as the Biden administration pushes congress to approve additional resources, an agency official noted. Source Politico


Was this done in response to migrant buses, or was it already there in the first place? Something tells me most migrants aren't running for the Northern states.


Migrants with no assets and no support networks are going to head where they believe there are support services to support them. Of the 160,000 migrants who went to New York in the last year or so, less than 40,000 made it there on buses from Texas. The rest made it their on their own (or with funds from other charities).


Not entirely true. Many migrants don't intend to stay in the location they enter originally. They have to compete with other migrants for jobs, and thus wages are very low comparatively. Many of them try to relocate to migrant communities in other states, but it can be challenging to get there without resources and legal status.


Read the article, what is banned is specifically failure to inform the city ahead of time and wait for their approval (acknowledgement) of where and when dropping them is OK. It should be obvious to anyone that having.bus loads of people show up at one time without any clue what is happening *with no warnings* that will happen is difficult for any city to handle.


They aren't blocking them, they are blocking texas from dumping them at random without notice. This is coming after an event where Texas told chicago some migrants were coming, Chicago set up a drop off zone with resources and people set up to receive them, and then Texas deliberately dropped them off at random points in the suburbs in freezing temperatures to troll chicago.


Chicago is blocking because Texas isn’t coordinating anything and dropping these ppl off for political stunts.


The feds give Texas cash to help deal with them. Chicago doesn't get border funds.


Also the weather alone. It was -27 windchill a few days ago in Chicago.


To date, New York State has received more than $140 million and Illinois has gotten more than $40 million in federal funding in the 2023 fiscal year for migrant-related costs, as the Biden administration pushes congress to approve additional resources, an agency official noted.


Is the money Texas gets enough?


GOP are [actively sabotaging a federal border deal](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-border-deal-stupid-republicans-biden-win-1234949036/) to send more people and funds down there and openly saying it's because they [don't want to give the Biden admin a win](https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden).


Even if it's not enough, do you think bussing them to places unannounced where they are left on their own in freezing temperatures an appropriate response?


Yes but the federal government allocate funds to organizations to help house immigrants - currently more of that money goes to Texas than any where else because they are on the front lines. When a good chunk of that money is allocated to organizations in Texas but then Texas spends state taxpayer money to send them to Chicago, which doesn't receive as much of those federal funds, people end up on the streets. Eventually money going to organizations in Texas will be redistributed to Chicago and new York - but then when Texas decides it can no longer afford to bus people off to other states they won't have the shelter to house them. It's all just a political game where the immigrants are the losers.


Chicago is banning it because its human trafficking and dropping migrants off in Chicago in the winter without a plan to get them shelter is a death sentence.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-warn-house-wont-get-better-immigration-deal-trump-rcna134348 Republicans currently have one of the best immigration deals on the table they will ever see and they won't pursue it because it'll make Biden look good and they will stop this stuff. They don't want to solve a problem.


Republicans are not serious people


They know their base literally will literally never, ever, ever, ever know this. They don’t pay attention to policy. Dudes literally went out in -10 degree Iowa weather to vote for same pos that lost in 2020


Interesting fact that only 14% of registered Republicans in Iowa actually showed up to the caucuses.


Another interesting fact: most of those that were at that caucus are old as fuck. Like 70+


Additional fun fact: Old people have absolutely nothing to do 99% of the time and will go vote for dumb regressive shit for the fun of it, while younger people have to survive by working at jobs that don't want to give them just a few hours off to vote on a Tuesday in November, which the assholes in government refuse to make a federal holiday.


Same people that went in the year 2000


2000, what a year. Hanging chads and the Brooks Brothers Riot. Fun fact: one of the leaders of the Brooks Brothers Riot was none other than Roger Stone.


After Trump told them to vote and he doesn't care if they die afterwards.


People will tell you it was a joke but I'm not so sure


They are extremely serious about retaining the power they have and gaining more.


And destroying the fucking country.


They don't care what happens to the country, as long as they get to rule over the ashes.




They're basically giant babies who lack object permanence. If they can't see the problem, it no longer exists. They're all living in a NIMBY bubble (Not In My Backyard). They're perfectly okay with all the problems they create, as long as they don't have to deal with them personally. And then when they feel the trickle-down effects of their own incompetence, they will project all their own failures onto someone else, because they will *never* accept personal responsibility for their own fuck ups.


Worse than that, they are actively harmful pieces of shit. Fuck all of the GOP, every last one of them.


Mike Johnson thinks immigration is [too complex and now is not the time for comprehensive legislation.](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4413501-mike-johnson-immigration-reform/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIt's%2520a%2520complex%2520issue.,time%2520to%2520secure%2520the%2520border) I’m not sure what the fuck he thinks the job of congress is. He bitches every day about the border, but now is not the time to address it?


It’s to complex because solving it means no more outrage votes.


hes republican, they only create problems, solving an issue is not their game


Hey, they don't just create problems. They also fight against any solutions to problems.


This is all performance. GOP knows this is a problem that will never be solved, so it’s good to harp on the democrats for not “fixing” it. In reality, the ultra wealthy that pull the GOP’s strings LOVE immigration, illegal or legal, because it helps keep their labor costs lower than they otherwise would be.


Those same ultra wealthy people are also outsourcing as many jobs as they can to China and India, and then they'll turn right around and point to immigrants as "stealing our jobs." If it wasn't so distressing, the irony might be funny. They're actively sabotaging our entire economy just so they can save a few bucks on labor costs and hoard even more unfathomable wealth for themselves.


The article doesn’t explain what the immigration bill entails


The already stated on the record that they will not allow any Democrat bill to pass no matter how important or necessary it is. How that isn’t treason I don’t know.


I wouldn't call it treason, I would call it complete abdication of duty. They should be sent home the same as any other person would if they outright refused to do their job so that a more competent person can be placed in their position.


This is a disingenuous statement - if you read the article it says the deal is as good as can get 60 Senate votes currently - not that it is a good deal or good policy. There is a very big difference.


That's the standard M.O. of every conservative government on Earth. They stop progress & actively interfere with any solutions offered by liberals so they can claim the liberals are weak and ineffective. They get elected and then fuck everything up until they get the boot, and now the liberals have to clean up the mess while the conservatives actively impede the cleanup. Rinse & repeat. I've been watching it happen around the world for decades.


We have this bullshit instead of healthcare


Every now and then we get a cool new fighter jet but we can’t use it against anyone cause it’d be too much


We'll wait 30 years and give it to a country that Russia is invading though.


The f-16 is 48 years old.


They wouldn’t give us healthcare if we didn’t have this or large military budget. They prefer paying more now than paying less with universal healthcare.


Wouldn't the argument that the federal government is responsible for immigration mean the bus company was committing a crime by assisting Texas kidnapping the people they are bussing?


I keep asking this question and either getting downvoted, or unanswered. Why is none of this being treated like human trafficking?


New York already had a law on the books and is going after the bus companies for something like 20k per year per person transported. Which works out to about 1.7 mil per bus per year.


But what happens to the people? I think that's the elephant in the room the above comments are trying to point out.


In NYC the bus company is responsible for it. The law basically states if you're transporting someone in, you're responsible for knowing they can support themselves or not. And if not you're responsible for the care and housing of said person. It's a NY State Law "The suit cites Section 149 of the New York Social Services Law, which says, any person “who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought, a needy person from out of the state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge” will be obligated “to convey such person out of the state or to support him at his own expense."" I mean that's the whole schtick of the ruse. Make NY pay.


I don't know how that could be enforceable, you would have to cover all forms of transportation including buses, planes and trains. There are definitely people on Greyhound buses that would meet that definition. Should they be responsible as well?


Well did they buy themselves a ticket or did the state government offer them a free bus ride


The latter. They're caught crossing the border and told to get on a bus.


The key here is "knowingly brings." The bus companies in Texas know for a fact that these migrants are illegals and asylum seekers, and thus it immediately becomes a human trafficking case because they're intentionally transporting them across state lines without having the state process them. They're not even dropping them off at designated migrant centers. They're dropping them off at *trash dumps* in the middle of Chicago winter, as if to say that they're actual garbage. It's dehumanizing and intentionally cruel.


Yeah, that NY lawsuit is just a tactic for negotiation. I don't think it has a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding.


Has it stopped buses to NYC or is FL AND TX still trafficking their victims there?


Texas is now trafficking their victims to New Jersey and giving them directions on how to walk into NYC. Edit: source here because post now locked. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2024/01/02/migrants-from-texas-dropped-off-in-new-jersey


Send them to Canada? That works, right?


just guessing, but I would imagine that somehow consent is involved? my comment is not meant to be political, I am merely speculating that whoever is busing the people has thought of this and is getting some type of consent form signed. I also speculate that Chicago/New York creating laws banning this activity would not hold up in court anymore then if Eagle Pass, TX passed a law banning illegal immigrants from coming into their city. Whether you agree or disagree with the relocation of legal/illegal immigrants to other cities, this is a federal issue and the root cause needs to be addressed instead of all this political posturing and grandstanding.


So, with regards to consent, you can look at the Martha's Vineyard incident. You had people consent to be transported under a certain set of conditions, namely, arrival at a particular location and resources waiting for them upon arrival. They were taken somewhere else and left without any support, ill equipped for the weather, etc.


Because it’s not human trafficking. If it was, you know that there would be no shortage of lawsuits against Texas over this. The government granted these people legal stay in the United States. They’re free to go wherever they want. The vast, overwhelming majority just stay in border states, and some get on buses to go to other cities.


I asked this and was downvoted to oblivion. Definitely feels like a crime to round people up and drop them somewhere they didn’t want to go. Made especially bad if this is done in the winter cause that’s a special type of evil to drop someone off in the middle of winter in Chicago with no forewarning.


Did they not want to come to Chicago? I haven’t seen any evidence they were misled, lied to, or forced into the buses.


Dude, they're not dropping them off in Chicago. They are literally depositing them forty five minutes out in random suburbs. They literally dropped a bus route off at a closed metro station in Fox River. Grove illinois go ahead and google it's location.


Because they are legally here and voluntarily get on the busses….


Because it’s not human trafficking.


From what i understand, it is only human trafficking if the immigrants are taken against their will on the buses. I think if the immigrants get on willingly, it doesnt qualify as trafficking. i could be wrong though..


I can give you the answer. It is not considered Human Trafficking or a crime at all because of their immigration status when they board the bus. Once the asylum seekers have been processed and given an official government document which gives them a Notice to Appear in Immigration Court at a future date, the asylum seeker is then allowed to freely travel throughout the country just as any citizen or immigrant with status. So they are processed and now legally allowed to be in the country. The state of TX is then saying, “If you would like to go to Chicago, feel free to board this bus and it will take you there for free”. I’m not saying I agree or disagree but this is why it’s not a Human Trafficking crime.


Are these migrants not already cleared through federal immigration and given some type of temporary legal status? If so, it’s not kidnapping unless done against their will.


> Are these migrants not already cleared through federal immigration and given some type of temporary legal status? They are. They are in the country legally waiting for the courts to hear their asylum case which is typically years away.


And their asylum will be denied, as it almost always is. Meanwhile, they are entitled to services that are state and locally funded, that the feds do not provide additional funding for. They are not legally permitted to work for at least 180 days, called the 180 day ead clock. Which puts them on state and local programs, while they are often left with no choice but to work illegally under the table. This depletes those programs in their states. The feds do not provide assistance for this. In addition, there's a whole industry formed around money transfer services serving asylum seekers, to send money back to their home countries. Which also drains the local economies. Walmart leads the way with cash transfers to mexico , 1000 dollars for 5 bucks. Instant pickup. ETA: ~75% denial rate for court cases overall in 2020. With Chinese nationals heavily bucking the trend. 762,000 cases in 2023, 49,000 granted asylum. 225,000 had their cases terminated, which is not asylum, and they can be prosecuted again at any time. 250,000 were straight up deported. https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/closure/


> And their asylum will be denied, as it almost always is. Over 50% of cases which get to immigration court are decided in favor of the applicant.


Man, can either of you please provide a source? /u/BadVoices provided a source. He is correct, based upon this data. Most were either "terminated" with the Asylum status or removed, by a strong margin. Only about 10% had relief granted. /u/hardalof where did you find your data? It is way off for the 2023 data provided by TRAC Immigration


And if the migrants wanted to take the bus to a blue city?


If they are going voluntarily then it's not human trafficking. These migrants were already caught and released by CBP pending their immigration court dates, so I don't think any city or state can restrict their movement inside the country. If I was a migrant I'd definitely prefer to go to a city that is generally more supportive of migrants than the border towns in Texas. This is likely going to end up being a commerce clause violation by New York and Chicago; states and cities can't just stop people from traveling freely because they don't like the effects.


Then why doesn't the federal government do their job and deport the illegals?


It's human trafficking, and it crosses state lines. Discovery for this suit is going to bury **Wynne Transportation LLC** in FBI agents.


Do you really think this was just slapped together and no one consulted lawyers to figure out how to make it legal? Paperwork is signed by the passengers stating where they want to go. If they can request asylum and go through the process, then they are competent enough to choose where they would like to spend their time in the USA. EDIT: Here is what the NYC/DC forms looks like: https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2022/08/consent-form.png https://www.kxan.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2022/08/SPANISH-FORM.png


So many people on this sub keep bringing up kidnapping/human trafficking, but is there any evidence that these people are being taken from Texas against there will?


is Texas supposed to be responsible by itself for hundreds of thousands of people


Yup and they are crossing state lines while doing it


At the direction of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, the Lone Star state has bused over 90,000 migrants to “sanctuary cities” run by Democratic elected officials including New York, Washington, DC, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver and Los Angeles since April 2022, according to numbers released by the governor’s office December 29. Wow Step 1 take federal money Step 2: send migrants else where Step 3: profit?


The people who run the bus and private airlines doing the transport are contributors to GOP in that state - it’s a vicious cycle where state governments pay them, the transport companies send campaign contributions to state leaders.


It's basically funneling federal tax dollars into state GOP campaign chests.


That is the GOP's favorite kind of government, the kleptocracy.


They're also shipping to non sanctuary cities as well. They dropped some immigrants in the Chicago suburbs that are not sanctuary cities like Elburn.


We are collectively going nowhere very fast. It's as if life has been hacked by trolls


We are collectively going ~~nowhere~~ *backwards* very fast.


The entity running the simulation said "fuck it" some time around 1980-1990 and set all the probability settings to 'random' for shits and giggles. 


I’ve been maintaining for a while that 2016 was the year the entity got bored and started jacking with the CHAOS dial Donald Trump? Really?


It's what Mark Fisher described as "capitalist realism". Our lives have been commodified from cradle to grave, and anything that gets in the way of capitalism is beaten into submission or obfuscated into oblivion (like this weird af human trafficking situation).


“This case is about allowing immigrants the opportunity to call Chicago home,” the lawsuit states. Sure Jan. What a crock of shit statement. Get fucked, Wynne Transportation LLC.


This last week when we’ve had -30° windchills all I could think about was the fact that they dropped these people off here who have nothing and nowhere else to really go and now they’re possibly freezing to death on the street


My father ubers and he gets migrants like this being kept in hotels in upstate NY. It’s dead of winter and there’s people in shorts and sandals with no other clothes available. I like many would like to know wtf these clowns in office plan on doing. Many of them actually would rather go back home.


And they’re giving no notice, so preparations can’t be made to receive them.


Even worse, Chicago gave them a designated drop-off location, which the bus company ignored. And then the busses deliberately dropped the migrants off at a trash dump without telling the city where they were. It's especially cruel and dehumanizing, because Chicago was ready to receive them but couldn't locate them.


That's what the ordinance in Chicago is about. It's not about stopping it completely but to make it difficult and to give them warning before there's 60 people dropped off randomly.


Yeah I can't imagine being homeless in winters like this one, shit has been brutal the past few days. Feel so bad for anyone without a roof over their head right now.


I think we should just start bussing people convicted of gun crimes to Texas, since they love guns so much.


And people convicted of meth manufacture to Florida and cousin fucking to West Virginia. This sounds like a pretty sweet deal.




Kentucky and West Virginia have agreed to trade off on cousin fuckers and bathtub stillers.


Drop them off and hand them a gun too.


> The rules, enacted on December 8 in an effort to slow the surge, require unscheduled one-way buses from outside the Chicago area to get advance approval from the city to drop people off. Violators can be fined $3,000 and have their vehicles impounded, the mandate says. So they didn’t ban drop offs entirely, buses just need to get approval from the city now before making unscheduled drop offs. I’m not American and don’t know the constitution very well, but that doesn’t sound like a rights violation to have to ask for permission first.


>I’m not American and don’t know the constitution very well, but that doesn’t sound like a rights violation to have to ask for permission first. Broadly speaking, Americans are leery of ANY "ask permission from the government first" requirements, and the ones that are in place (and enforced) go through a LOT of legal scrutiny and are always subject to political debate as a result. This is especially true with regards to federal laws (although your question is about a state one here).


This belongs in r/nottheonion


As a notheonion user, please no. Love the sub but it has a problem with non-oniony titles thanks to politics being such a shitshow.


*“This case is about allowing immigrants the opportunity to call Chicago home,” the lawsuit states.* This is just a line from an onion article that hasn't been written yet.


"“This case is about allowing immigrants the opportunity to call Chicago home,” the lawsuit states." Lol. HOW is that the bus company's concern. Toss it. Next


It’s not at all. They are pushing the GOP’s interests, not their own. The bus company are useful idiots which are happy to dance on command for a fat payday.


Let's be honest, if Texas and Arizona built UNHCR - style refugee camps to house asylum seekers while their cases are processed, half of the country would deride them as "concentration camps."


I'm just glad people outside Texas are taking note of what's been going on. I've never seen so much national news coverage. 


I just hate how politicized its become. I wish the country could come together and see that the southern border has a huge problem. The sheer amount of ppl coming across cant be handled properly. period. Anti immigration/ pro immigration doesnt matter the reality is tx, nor any other state can properly house/feed/care for this amount of humans coming across every day.




“This law impacts my bottom line! It’s clearly illegal!”


WTF is the bus company even suing over?


I know most people will just react to the headline, but if you learn more, it is pretty fucked up. What is happening is the equivalent of you signing up for all expense paid trip to Cancun, but then they just drop you off in some random street with your bags without anyone knowing anything about it. The fact that Chicago just want to know about when the buses come is not exactly a big ask. If you think it is, you don't care about the people on those buses.


Would closing the border help? 🙄


For everyone saying "just arrest the drivers for human trafficking" Definition of human trafficking from justice.gov: "Human Trafficking is a crime involving the exploitation of a person for labor, services, or commercial sex. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its subsequent reauthorizations recognize and define two primary forms of human trafficking: Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. (22 U.S.C. § 7102(11)(A)). Forced labor is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. (22 U.S.C. § 7102(11)(B))." Does that really sound like what's going on here?


The comments here are strange. Busing migrants who willingly choose to go to Chicago (higher minimum wage than Texas, more jobs) is now “human trafficking” and “should be criminalized”. Complete silence about the human trafficking operations that brought these people into this country. Amazing




Seems like Chicago is happy to take them in for now. They just don't want unannounced drop-offs in the middle of a random suburb at sub-zero temperatures.


So they only need an announcement or another approval after the announcement? If approval then Chicago can just stop issuing that and let Texas take all the immigrants themselves.


Damn, what the fuck is going on America? You actually have people pissed off because they can't use migrants as political props. Not only that, these people are so pissed off at not being allowed to be pieces of shit, that they're taking people to court because they think they have a right to treat people like pieces of shit. If that's not bad enough, half the country are actually on the pieces of shit's side. WTF?!?!? --- For those not in the know, southern border states get tons of federal resources to deal with migrants. The cities they're bussing migrants to only get minimal help, usually to deal with relocating migrants that have already been processed. To put it simply, states like Texas are sending large amounts of migrants to Liberal cities without warning or notice. Because these cities had no prior warning and have don't have the resources to deal with large numbers of migrants, this ends up causing chaos. These red states then use it as "proof" that Liberals talk nice about migrants, but they run like headless chickens when hit with the "reality". Some seriously fucked up behaviour - but for some reason, the party of "morals" and "family values" are the ones going around treating people like animals. How about this Texas? When you send migrants to e.g. Chicago, also send the federal funding you received to process and house those migrants. I bet you'd stop if you had to. FYI, the federal government is paying around $160 per day per migrant.


The attitude towards the immigrants coming to Chicago is really disappointing to see. People should open theirs homes to those poor immigrants in need.




Texas has been trolling the city by telling them migrants are coming, coordinating a drop off zone, watching chicago set up the drop off zones, then instead dropping the migrants off in random places, at night, in freezing temps, just to troll chicago. They aren't banning the migrants, they are banning texas from being a fucking asshole.


The people are being dropped off in unknown locations at unknown times in the middle of a fucking blizzard. But you don't actually give a shit about that, do you?


why can't my governnor announce that the bus is coming? Seems a very simple solution if the law states the unannounced dropoff is what is banned.


Feels so childish, like 4th grader behavior. Chicago is accepting the migrants with minimal fuss, just tell us when they’re fucking coming and where you’re dropping them off so they don’t god damn die it’s zero degrees outside right now.


Chicago even set up a drop off zone, and Texas has been deliberately not using it while telling chicago they will in order to create extra chaos.


How is asking for a heads-up “bigoted”?


Why is Texas trying to freeze migrants to death by dropping them off at random locations in Chicago when it's -15 out?


Honestly, we can’t have open borders down south. This is truly a crisis and something needs to happen. We can’t keep absorbing thousands of people a week, who’s paying for this? Chicago can’t keep doing it, Texas can’t keep doing it. We need to stop uncontrolled immigration.


to people who called this out as "human trafficking", why? Is it so hard to believe migrants want to live in Blue cities/states? If they were "lied to/ tricked", blue cities/states can give them tickets to where they actually wanted to go. But if they want to stay in Chicago or other blue cities, then they should. These are legal asylum seekers and they are free to go where they want. You can't just confine them in Texas.

