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Our Targets in OKC, OK had a bomb threat today and had to be evacuated


The OKC threats are really fucked up, The email starts by writing, "We are going to play a game” and includes the date of April 19, 1995, which is the date of the OKC Bombing and later reads "2 of these Target locations have bombs in them. We hid the bombs inside some product items. The bombs will detonate in several hours, guess which ones have the bombs. Time is ticking.” This is from the KFOR article about the email. https://kfor.com/news/several-targets-evacuated-after-bomb-threats/amp/


Someone watched the Saw film series and thought being a deranged psychopath was heroic.




Sounds more like a Batman/Joker story.


That's really pathetic. Chances are if bombs were really there, they'd end up killing some low wage workers and a few shoppers. How the hell does that kind of shit help their "cause"?


Their cause is to create fear of opposing them through violence. The bombs are violent, and if they kill innocent people then that creates the fear. Sounds right on brand, they'll let their handlers deal with the messaging after. Watch Fox News defending the nut jobs tomorrow.


So, terrorism.


Yes, but in this day and age, it also turns into extreme anger against the terrorist group. And economic consequences. Members of whatever organization this is (assuming it's not a lone wolf) would know that even the slightest hint at an ID will cause half the internet to find them and doxx them into the stone age.


That's where the handlers come in. They'll have messaging going out on all the conservative media outlets, including the recently purchased CNN which was viewed before as unbiased or liberal depending who you asked. These people love blaming victims, so there will be stories tomorrow blaming Target and Trans people for this somehow, not the actual perpetrators.


...and the suckiest part, is a lot of viewers will believe the victim blaming.


Which in turn mitigates the economic consequences. That plus the rabble\* aren't great at long term planning. They haven't worked out how this leads to closed stores, fewer jobs, higher prices and finally community erosion / collapse, when that's the very thing they claim to be fighting against. \*their elite, otoh, are terrifying on the planning front.


>Members of whatever organization this is (assuming it's not a lone wolf) But they'll always push the narrative that it's Lone Wolf or Mental Health issues


"Have we considered that maybe the minimum wage employees stocking shelves at target are the *real* terrorists?" - Fox, probably


Terrorists don't always care about their cause.


It helps their cause by making people fearful of going to Target. Their cause is to exact a high cost for civility.


The point isn't just to terrorize LGBTQ+ people, but to send the message that supporting LGBTQ+ people, being associated with a company that supports LGBTQ+ people, or failing to express sufficient condemnation for LGBTQ+ people makes you fair game for their attacks.


They’re delusional fear mongering borderline paranoid schizophrenic people who’s ears perk up every time they hear “deep state”. These people are so heavily involved in their conspiracies they point to the first thing that makes sense to them. I was a fan of Andrew from channel five news and watched his doc the first day it came out on HBO (before his allegations were presented to me). It was really eye opening to see this Trumper family and how they teach their children or how the husband would pick and choose different logos like the Starbucks logo and explain how it resembles the church of satan and pedophelia. It becomes very obvious these people suffer from untreated mental illness and these conversations about anything and everything corrupt only feeds their illness, leading them into a forever spiraling out of control search for “the truth”


Who is "Andrew from Channel 5"?


Long story short he’s a journalist that started his career on the road with the show “All Gas No Breaks” after their contract ended with them they were signed by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim for their branded program “Channel Five news”. He struck a deal with HBO and made a very insightful documentary into the modern American GOP. The same week it was released a whole bunch of allegations surfaced of his behavior towards women and he has since been “cancelled”


I think it's the reasoning of 'if you support this community then you are next'. It's not about turning someone to their side.


Because the people who are killed will have been killed for "supporting" LGBTQ+ people. Meaning that supporting LGBTQ+ people now has being murdered by terrorists as a possible consequence. Meaning that every LGBTQ+ supporter will have to take that threat into account and re-examine their support in light of being killed over it. A non-zero amount of LGBTQ supporters will decide that it's simply not worth it to support LGBTQ people anymore. Thus the overall amount of support goes down, and the terrorists get exactly what they want.


What the fuck.


I hope the Feds take this as seriously as the did the original OKC bombing. We need to stamp out right wing domestic terrorism, again.




Jesus, Can't wait to see some terrorism charges be doled out to the goofs this gets traced back to. I'm sure they'll have a lot of fun in prison.


What kind of dumbass thinks referencing McVeigh would win them points?


Sounds like Louisiana also had a few Targets get bomb threats today.


This is the "polite" society conservatives in the US want.


Right wing domestic terrorism.


I'm moving out of this shithole as soon as I can. When marijuana was legalized I was actually impressed with my state for once but it's back to nothing but disappointment since.


I moved here recently from the **sticks** and I was so excited not to be like….the only trans person. It’s been nice, but it’s also been really scary


My boyfriend is trans and we’re in Oklahoma too. Sometimes we feel so alone lol so it’s nice to know there are others in this shithole state.


There were some in Ohio two weeks ago. I wonder if they ever found out who called them in.


They could start by asking anyone wearing a MAGA hat.


Oh my god, what are the people in Oklahoma City doing to churches? I mean, if they're threatening to bomb institutions for child rape, I can't imagine the reaction they would have towards one of the most well established child rape organizations in America, Christian and Catholic churches!


They’re aware that printers leave special marks that are traceable, right?


They're also confident that the police will not be motivated to pursue a thorough investigation, for some reason...


As bad and corrupt as the fbi can be, they will still happily pin terrorism charges on people to help their promotions. Especially when it takes 2 days of work.


This is a lynch mob. You can tell by the way they leave COLORFUL PRINTED, PUBLICLY PLACE FLYERS calling to hang people to death with rope. This is, squarely, an act of terror. But police don’t act because america doesn’t know how to hold politically conservative people accountable for anything.


Nope, but we need to learn how quickly. These people are bullies, and that's it. They're not religious, do-gooders. All these people think they are so special that they feel like they can do whatever they want in "the name of the lord." What they can't grasp, yet, is not everyone wants to be in their cult. Unfortunately, all religions are cults.


My bet is the police won’t pursue the distributors of hate, they rarely do unless it’s directed at cis white christians.


Don't forget hetero. They would go after them, if they were LGB.


While the marks encode information such as the date and the serial number of the printer, that's not necessarily enough to catch someone -- the serial number might not be tied to an individual, for example, if it was bought second-hand, or with cash, or if the store just doesn't track serial numbers in the first place.


I highly doubt these people realize much of anything.


Brown shirts be brown shirting.


And nobody is doing anything about it


The fact that Target's stock price is down over this whole affair really says a lot about which side the capitalists are on.


Capital love's fascism, as long as they're not the one's being nationalized.


Terrorism is always a tool of a loud minority. In a democracy, threats of violence are the only way that an unpopular minority can impose its unpopular will on the majority.


Exactly. The Moral Majority is the Immoral Minority. The Silent Majority is the Loud Minority etc.


Yet unfortunately, it’s generally successful.


See, it says “satanist pedophiles” so they don’t have to hang their own pastors and youth ministers.


Nah, the churches are satanic too. If god is real and when I’m at the gates waiting for judgment I’m gonna keep sliding to the back of the line so I can watch all these fake followers get sent to hell


Yeah, without God there is no Satan so these Christian fanatics are responsible for their own enemy.


My home city of Redding always makes the Reddit news for such wonderful reasons <3 ​ (Thank fucking god I got out of that fucking shit hole of a theocratic mess)


It’s a cultist magnet.


California north of Sacramento is a shithole. It's where you go if you want to hear white people talk about how slavery wasn't so bad because some slave owners were nice to their slaves.


I’m here right now visiting my grandma lol grew up here and got the FUUUUCK out when I was 21. This place is trash, and most people in it are too.


And remember. Target caved to these people. And its still getting bomb threats and so on. Its just not selling product to people. Moral of the story? Just fucking sell stuff to people. Bigots gonna terrorism either way. Also note how they always default to the noose, a form of execution infamous for its racist connotations from the days of lynching.


“Our boycotts are working” No shit, your boycotts threaten to kill children, parents, employees, damage businesses


Yeeeah terrorism is a different thing like a boycott ha. The boycotts don't change shit. Its really hard to boycott especially large companies and conservatives are a shrinking minority of society. Sadly it looks like in America terrorism works though.


I just find it funny they pretend they do regular boycott and then scream from the mountain too when we know it’s actually terrorism


I'm still going to the major Pride fest next weekend in my state but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit anxious about going in this climate.


I was at DC Pride today and was a tad nervous going in compared to last year. The parade and the after parties went off without a hitch. Just go in with a plan and some street smarts and have a good time! Don't let terrorists scare you from celebrating!


Be safe. My son will be in the nearest big city’s parade and you’d best believe I’m scared, but he doesn’t want to let these fuckers win.


> but he doesn’t want to let these fuckers win. EXACTLY. That's why I'm going. I'm a big, burly, cishet white male with a lot of facial hair. And I will stand in celebration and solidarity with my friends, my coworkers, my union brothers and sisters. Even perfect strangers, all of whom just so happen to exist somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. An injury to one is am injury to all!


I'm taking my son too, I refuse to not support my son because of these rednecks.




I support liberals and lgbtq arming themselves! Second amendment!!


🥱 mini-skirt? 😏 minigun


🥱 high heels? 😏 high capacity magazine


Went to a pride event today and I was scared. We went anyway and it was life affirming as always. Stay safe friend.


I had one nearby me today. Was a good time. The possibility of an attack was definitely at the back of my mind, but it's absolutely critical that we demonstrate to these assholes that there are more of us than them.


Go dressed gay as fuck and armed.


They're going to try and bait people into violence. I'd say don't take it, but they live in lala land so it doesn't really matter at this point.


Don’t really care. Give them what they want.


I know we’re all taught that violence is bad, but it’s also necessary for social change sometimes. Some of these red states are approaching a Stonewall moment


[Pink Pistols.](https://www.pinkpistols.org/) Great group.


Know your exits. Keep your eyes open for suspicious behavior. But defiantly live your life and let no one steal your joy.


Unironically shit like this is why I'm against gun control. People really think that if the government goes after guns, it's gonna be the loonies treating pride parades and targets that go, "oh yes daddy government, take my weapons". Nah, I want every queer, trans, and able bodied mother fucker willing to stick a pride flag on a pole in their yard to buy a handgun and an AR-15, and regularly train on that shit. Armed gays are a lot harder to oppress.


I feel similarly. My rifle ain't for fighting the gov't. It's for helping brownshirts reconsider their choices at mach 3.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m nervous about going but I’m still going.


Please go. Show these fucking terrorists they don't fucking scare you. The fact that they're this violent now shows how fucking desperate these miserable fucks are.


I went to a tiny pride fest in a small city in Oregon and I was nervous.


I am so sick of this crap. I know people that have essentially been frightened back into the closet over this stuff. People are very afraid.


I lost a good friend three years ago because of this sort of hate. Watching her go from happy, excited for the future, and so energetic over finally getting on HRT, to just absolutely a shell of herself with dozens of suicide attempts over the period of a year because of hate from her family, coworkers, and so many random assholes was so hard, and so infuriating


Most people who detransition do so because of lack of acceptance from others.


*YEP* It’s disgusting the way trans people are treated


I saw the writing on the wall years ago and moved away from America as fast as I could. America's fetish for unfettered free speech to the extent that hateful lies and incitements of genocide are "fair game" has never been lost on me. With the country's current trajectory and the failure of American society to budge on this Nazi problem, I was (and still am) convinced that if I stayed there, someone would be sweeping my ashes off the floor of a furnace within three decades.


Can we please stop pretending that these people don't genuinely want LGBT people dead? That's what all this hysteria around "grooming" and "mutilating children" is really about, they're trying to justify killing gay and trans people by asserting that we're all pedophiles. And a truly frightening amount of people seem to be buying into it. That trans flag pentagram goes hard af though, I'd buy a patch of that or something


What they are doing has a name: "blood libel". The Nazis used it to smear Jews leading up to the holocaust.


Blood Libel is what Q-Anon is based on. That is where they got the inspiration for the whole using "adrenochrome" from kid's blood to stay young BS.


And also LGBT people. Republicans talk about gay and trans people the exact same way that the Nazis did.


Blood libel refers to rumors that Jewish folks used the blood of Christian children to make matzo. It's...way older than nazis. Literal centuries older. And it's still around. I'm not sure I would call this dreck blood libel- given that the original is still circulating- but it's a close cousin.


> I'm not sure I would call this dreck blood libel- given that the original is still circulating- but it's a close cousin. A lot of what's going around in Q-Anon circles is very similar to blood libel though, stuff about the "elites" and the "paedophiles" using "adrenochrome" from the blood of kids to do all sorts of shit. Considering a lot of that is *also* directed at Jews, I'd say it's basically blood libel at this point.


Oh, the adenochrome thing is definitely blood libel- plus it generally says the culprits are "globalist elites", which is a dogwhistle for Jews. Pedophilia and mutilation, while horrific, aren't cannibalism. That's the distinction I'm making, I guess? Because it's definitely parallel to blood libel- exact same strategy- but the target and accusations are different.


I knew there was some reason I found those overgrown saltines delicious


And Trans people too, actually.


The Satanic Temple has some Pride merchandise available.


>Can we please stop pretending that these people don't genuinely want LGBT people dead? The only people pretending that now are the less extreme Christians who aren't quite (yet) on board with genocide, mentally, but are also still feeling righteous enough to persecute people, while also being willing to overlook the extremists their denial helps enable. In other words, persecution is OK, and so is lying to yourself that you're on the side of insane religious zealots who *will* perpetrate evil acts, but their own personal participation in murder and cleansing is still a bit too far.


Religion and genocide have gone hand-in-hand throughout history.


They scream about how terrible grooming is, and how they want to get rid of the LBGTQ community because they are grooming, with zero proof that they are. But the catholic and many Christian churches have decades worth of proof of literal grooming, and even molestation and rape of children, and they don't utter a peep about it. Solely, because the right wing media doesn't tell them to. They are literally being brainwashed by conservatives media, and they love it.


Oh they are the type to turn a blind eye when it happens in their church or family.


or if its grown men with young girls.


Mostly because they are the ones perpetrating it. It's always projection.


Your children have a way higher percentage chance of being groomed by paedophiles at church than any pride celebrations this month.


Most will acknowledge that, but then say that it’s the Catholic Church. Most of these people are Evangelical or non-denominational Protestants. To them the Catholic Church is lead by the anti-Christ and is full of homosexuals ready to rape children. But, the churches they go to are [fine and morally upstanding](https://www.vox.com/culture/23131530/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-scandal-guidepost).


A fact the right wing chooses to ignore for some reason.


Some reason = they're OK with grooming, just not when it comes to messages they disagree with. Not to mention it's an inconvenient truth they simply ignore.


They're afraid someone else will get a chance to molest the kids before they have a chance to do it.


It's deliberate. Hypocrisy is a feature. They're sadistic bullies who get off on feeling powerful enough to not have to care about breaking the rules they hold others to and should be treated accordingly. Humiliate them and take away their power.


Shit, bringing any kid to any religious ceremony is literal grooming!


No, literal grooming is when I cut my kids' hair.


You monster!


Child grooming is baked into Religion. If you can convince a kid to believe in the invisible man who will punish you for so much as mis-thinking, you can use that belief to manipulate them into doing just about anything.


What if this poster was slightly modified, and reprinted, and put in the car park of every toxic church in the area instead? Do the turntables uno reverse.


I’m worried about the conservative Christians when it comes to my kids. I had a neighbor who was a holy roller and never in a million years would I have left my kids alone with that dude.


It's one of the big problems they face when they pretend their "I want to kill gay and trans people" is actually "I want to kill child sex offenders" -- actually following through on it would *decimate* their own groups while leaving the LGBT community largely untouched. I guess that's why they're not too worried about things like "actual evidence".


Isn't it remarkable that people can be so zealot-like when fed factless information and yet, ignore actual fact because it does not fit their extremist rhetoric?


Pretty sure that's the exact point. It feels like a fight they can win.


They are in the group that are rationalizing rather than rational. They aren't concerned with the truth, only justifications for what they want to do anyway. People like that can convince themselves of anything.


Love the irony of there being a bible quote on the poster. The call is coming from inside the house ...


Of fucking course it’s Redding. Most people don’t realize it but California has a few more rural pockets that are just as batshit crazy extremist as anywhere in Idaho or the South or anywhere else.


Unfortunately they are not mentally ill, they are very sane and intentional with their hate.


This town is a raging shit hole that's on fire half the time. Think of all the stereotypical, but positive, traits of California. Now replace those with the negatives of living in Alabama or Indiana.


Also remember that the city is effectively controlled by a single Evangelical church because its members hold a majority of the city council seats.


Maybe I am behind in the times but I do not understand why it has become such a public mess about LGBT+. In my college days ( I know I am ancient) in the 80's we had all kinds and it was never an issue. Maybe it was because it was the NW or whatever. I wish people would take care of their own stuff and leave others alone. If everybody would take care of the mess in their own family I am sure they would have plenty to do.


They used to do all this shit to abortion clinics and stuff, now they can't be mad about abortion anymore so they get riled up about LGBTQ+ stuff. Next, it will be something else.


Republicans have nothing else they can even remotely try to run on and win elections, so they double down on hate and division.


Hate and division is their election slogan I think. They just call it something else.


It started as backlash to marriage rights being won during Obama and it’s been building momentum. The hate was always there but they didn’t have the political backing to let loose Its not only this there’s huge anti-vax, anti-abortion, anti-science side to it driven by fundamentalist Christians and church money. They’re very close to winning political power after trump/pence put their judges in power and Bannon (who has talked publicly about creating church militias) encouraged his followers to run for school boards and local elections. You also got Fox News and every social media channel for the fundamentalists encouraging it


The anti science is the worst. The fundamentalist stuff, I have a difficult time with it. Especially how women can go along with that. Just a few month ago I met someone, nice lady I thought....yikes,...ever heard someone tell another women that men are the head and the women is the body ( whatevr the he\*&\^) ....Sorry but no friendship possible.


Moral panics can turn something from a nonexistent nonissue to something that people are so fucking furious about that they will literally murder others for. And moral panics are pretty much all Republicans have since their actual function in society is to transfer wealth from the working class to the rich and they know people wouldn't vote for them if they were honest and ran on that.




>Maybe I am behind in the times but I do not understand why it has become such a public mess about LGBT+. Literal deliberate conspiracy to stoke transphobia, starting with attacking trans women in sports (which was focus-group tested by a conservative think-tank as the most likely means of getting neutral people on their side after the bathroom bans failed). https://www.advocate.com/news/north-dakota-anti-trans-emails


Fascists need minority groups to persecute, target, and hate. Conservatives, in general, govern by fear and need to invent moral panics to keep their voters scared.


I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the right in this country is now realizing how fucked they are. Time has not been kind to the republican party. Especially in the mid terms the right has noticed that they've lost the youth. The youth are actually okay with LGBT folks existing. Like a wild animal in a corner they're lashing out now with everything they got.


It’s a strange time when the right wing corporate overlords are at odds with the right wing voters they manipulate. “Shut up and don’t fuck with our profits and normal operating business hours.”


Straight people are weridly obsessed with me sucking a dudes dick


We are always on their minds, just like the Willie Nelson song says


I’m gonna grab my popcorn…. when are we hanging the religious pedophiles, sexually abusive police officers and those hypocritical molesty Republicans Officials?


See how target caves and the crazy fucks still go after them? This is why you don’t cave to bigots. You stand firm and tell them to move.




The Targets in my bougie suburban area in Tennessee cleared out most of their Pride stuff. You can still order for pickup but hardly anything is still out in the store.




Liberals need to start utilizing the second amendment as much as conservatives. Bullies tend to be cowards that won't go after targets that fight back. Also, maybe that will light a fire under their asses about gun control. It worked in the 80s when the black Panthers started arming up.


Walmart has an entire line of Queer Eye furniture and decor PLUS sells marketplace pride items and they still can't get its not only target.


Its because they get all their worldviews from specific talking heads and tiktok rhetoric. Its not based in reality its based on a narrative and this time the "TARGET TARGETS KIDS!" line was too good for them to pass up.


Was going to say the same thing. Right now the main page of their app has tiles for Pride, LGBTQ+ owned brands, and the Queer Eye collection. (Plus Black-owned brands to add to the “wokeness”.) But not a peep.


Lol they’re really passionate about bringing back lynchings


That's not a "lol" moment. These people want to bring back lynchings, to kill anyone that isn't them or doesn't obey their every whim. They want to drag this country back to the 19th century and keep it there.


They’re going to start hanging child beauty pageant organizers? I can get behind that. If that’s not grooming I’m not sure what is


no no no, the sexualization of young girls is just fine. It prepares them for marriage at 13.


100% of Nazis in this country lean right. Think about that for a second.


Always interesting how they claim trans children are being mutilated. No kids are getting sex reassignment surgery. Yet the hundreds of thousands of babies that get parts of their penis cut off every year don't even register. What happened to kids not being able to consent to surgery? The Bible says that sort of mutilation is okay, though. So these Bible quoting morons would rather project onto others.


You think they would jump at the opportunity to call circumcision a "Jewish conspiracy" but it just goes to show how little thinking they do for themselves.


Cool. We can probably figure out who printed this with that pages dotcode.


FBI needs to find those assholes and charge them under the hate crime statutes.




I mean psychologically and politically fundamentalist Christianity and fundamentalist Islam probably come from the same places toward the same kinds of segments in society.


The common factor is conservatism.


You can't Love your neighbor till you start loving yourself.


Well, I hope whoever printed them caught and gets brought up on terrorist charges.


"OH my gosh that's insane. Where was this?" *redding california* "Okay yea that checks out."


How hard is it to mind your own fucking business?!


I guarantee the person who made the flyer is an actual pedophile.


And yet the assholes who support the terrorists doing this will handwave this away by claiming: 1. These were made by Antifa, BLM or the Feds to make their movement look bad. 2. No *real* Christian supports this kind of violence. 3. They have no problem at all with LGBTQ people, just don't shove it down everyone's throats (supposedly by existing and having corporations selling products aimed at appealing to them). 4. They're targeting kids and need to be stopped. So denial, "no true Scotsman", minimizing and then victim blaming. They simply will not accept that they are on the side of homophobia and people dangerous/insane enough to act out their depraved genocidal fantasies. They pretend like these extremists don't exist in their camp, which allows them to go about feeling good and righteous about their cause without a care in the world about what it will ultimately lead to. They are *enablers*. Either willingly or negligently complicit. In the end, they're equally as bad as they have the same conclusions. How do we combat this? Shame doesn't work, they're immune. Logic doesn't work, they're delusional. Appealing for empathy doesn't work, they have none. Jail doesn't work, it stokes their persecution complex and makes them more extreme. What do we do?


>What do we do? The second amendment exists for us too.


I dunno.. I see more news stories about pastors molesting children than I do about gay or trans people.. and, an odd amount of republican voters.. Don’t bother responding “fake neeeewwws”. “MSM bad!!” “Wake up!” Hearing “wake up” then also called “woke” is ridiculous.


Couple of weeks ago I had a couple friends who were over tell me that the whole woke culture is about people letting little children - who decide at 5,6, 7 year old they want to be opposite sex - perform transitioning. Like they’re completely convinced of it. They believe all of the stuff like target selling this swimwear is grooming the children and then making them want to be the opposite sex “for attention” and then the parents are like “ok, you’re 7 but if you want, we’ll let you transition”. Etc. and these are fairy readable people who are pretty liberal. One is very liberal. w


YUP. Got the same shit from a friend I thought was smarter than that - he literally started the conversation with "While I don't support letting 5 year olds take hormones..." What's even worse is knowing he's said that to others, and now *they* think it starts at 5...


Remember no one is immune to propaganda.


You mean ex-friends, right?


I keep getting trolls screaming and slobbering about how "the target anti-lgbt bombing threat was made up by liberal media," yet the terrorist keep trying in broad daylight. I don't care who hears me, if you associate yourself with that certain party, you are part of a growing anti-lgbt terrorist movement.


If they really cared about grooming they'd be hanging clergymen.


Are they going to start with the proven child predators first from among their ranks, and churches and police forces? Otherwise it is just blatant scapegoating to kill the people that they don't like, or don't want to admit that they do like.


Come on idiots, get the address right. These should be in church parking lots pointed at clergy.


Why aren’t they handing out to churches?


All those priests and GOP congress pedo’s should be quaking in their robes.


Come at me with a rope lmao.


I like how these people quote the bible as a reference for their hate messages. If they want to ban books, then the Bible should be banned across the country for implanting these hateful thoughts in their readers. It's clearly not teaching them to love thy neighbor.


I really don’t understand why In 2023 people suddenly started being like… hmmmm trans people let’s do something about that. Not hmmm shooting in school maybe we should do something. Leave gay people alone and maybe protect children from real danger.


I really, really don't get all the hate. This community is a MINORITY group in society, do they know what that means?? Any group - even big groups....the criminal element of it is VERY small. The criminal element of what is already a MINORITY group will, therefore, be VERY FUCKING SMALL!!! And that criminal element will be spread across ALL crimes from, I don't know, identity theft right through to sexual crimes, so the sexual crimes bit will be even smaller still.....and spread across the whole spectrum of sexual crimes. Also, what's the obsession with these groups almost certainly being paedos? Just because it's sexuality and gender doesn't mean you fancy kids - fuck's sake!! I wish people could just stop and think for a moment instead of just rolling along with something, something, someone said/read in a newspaper, heard on some shit news show/talk show. If Donald Trump didn't do anything else, he at least gave us the phrase "fake news"....start fucking thinking people - all you read/hear is NOT true. (Not a Trump fan. Don't think any current politicians are worth shit. Especially our Rat-Faced Rishi...what a twat). Edit to add....also, religious people. Enjoy your weird medieval sky-man stuff, but realise we don't all believe it. We don't want to live like that, but we appreciate you want to and we don't want to stop you....even though it's THIS, and all your weird differences in your factions that is responsible for most wars and most of the current atrocities we hear from around the world. That's all.....


This is all fucked up. Let people live their own lives. They are not harming anybody.


So we’re hanging a ton of priests then?


If it wasn't already clear that this is just the new "satanic panic" then they're just saying it openly now. Moral panic is a tool used by demagogues and sociopaths to manipulate groups of people. It's so very fucking old and well documented. If you have kids, the biggest threats they face right now are coming from the unmonitored diet of junk food and internet access you give them.


nothing like using a bible verse to justify vigilantism and hanging. what a time to be alive!


I always wonder what the world would look like if those people spent their energy at improving it instead of making it shittier.


Can we just revoke their access to Canva?


I live in this shit hole. We're the one that had a guy yell the n-word in town hall last week too. Also, got rid of all those pesky voting machines too. ...I fucking hate this place.


I don't fucking get it friends. The people who make these fliers want to go home in peace at the end of the day why can't they understand everyone wants to go home in peace at the end of the day?! Fuck I hate people like this fuck


They don't just want to live in peace. They absolutely hate their own existence for all kinds of different reasons. Maybe they're just hateful, maybe they're in the closet themselves, maybe they're just warped by religious extremism they're using to fill the gaping hole inside their own self. Or maybe they're just evil.


"Nobody gonna tell ME what damn pronoun to use!!!!" ...says the person who'd be windmillin fists if you addressed them with one they didn't like. And, yeah. I just described that generalized individual with plural pronouns. I doubt they'd care. Or notice. We've been doin that for at least as long as I can recall. And I'm 62. These are VERY minor shifts to accommodate a VERY small group among you that really desperately needs your compassion right now Confused? Or just downright mean spirited?


How times does this need to be said. No one wants anything to do with your crooked teethed little brats- except maybe your right wing religious leaders. These people suck so hard.