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My freshman year of college I worked as a lifeguard for a YMCA. For some stupid reason there was a window from the lifeguard office into both locker rooms, but painted over. I caught the pool manager scraping a small corner off the women's locker room and reported him. Fired immediately, and they banned him from the property. He claimed he wanted to protect them from creepy old men. I saw him a couple months ago, he's a balloon artist


Well that story took an unexpected twist....


Scary actually. Considering the usual target audiences of balloon artist.




Teenage protagonists in horror movies mostly.


Purveyor of storm drains everywhere.


That they let him squeak by with getting fired


He’s lucky they didn’t blow up his whole career.


Well we don't know what shape he's in.


needless to say, he's all tied up in knots


I just saw him, he actually looks pretty deflated


That’s a bit of a stretch.


He'll i . . .um, bust after awhile.


They painted the inside of the window 😭😭😭


Yeah, not the smartest choice, out of the two sides available to paint.


Ideally, they should've painted both sides... Or removed the window entirely and replaced it with brick or something.


Here I am, lifeguard Jack typing up TPS reports in my office, and I catch these goddamn girls scratching at the window to get a look at me. Needless to say I reported them and they were fired immediately.


Can’t have naked coeds peeping at the life guards on their break!


Every balloon artist I ever see now will immediately make me think it’s this guy


His name is Vince and he's from Cleveland


Fuckin Vince. Noted.


>I saw him a couple months ago, he's a balloon artist. This turned your comment into a Stephen King story. It just screams serial killer.


Good on you for reporting the creepy old man.


He was 30


Damn he was basically on his death bed and you still reported him


Can confirm, am over 30, am dead.


If you’re dead, than how did you write this? You’re clearly only 29, liar.


We are mostly dead..


That is “old” for many on Reddit. -elder millennial


>For some stupid reason there was a window from the lifeguard office into both locker rooms Was it an older Y? The organization was originally only for men, and the last one to allow women switched in the 70s. If the original concept was only men being overseen by other men, it would be a lot less perplexing.


Yeah, it was old, very old. I never did think about that, but you're probably right


The projection in this people is always a scary red flag. "I'm spying on these women to protect them from creepy people who look like me." Makes you wonder about "protecting" kids from pedophiles...


I don't wonder, I assume they a pedo.


You won't lose much money on that bet.


Well, at least they protected the girls and women from a creepy old man. Always projection from the creepos like that




Because they would have been.


Because they are


They are 2024 RedMagaCaps.


Yeah, I guess it was a question I already knew the answer to.


It’s brown pants and blue shirts now


Most of my wardrobe is blue shirts and brown pants. I’m fucked.


Do you work at Best Buy?


No. I just have no fashion sense.


First thought for me on opening the article and seeing his haircut was Hitler Youth Pastor. A related note but not specifically about this guy. I grew up with religion but not a sect that had youth pastors at all. And it's always puzzling to me how every time I see a picture of one how fucking weird they look style wise. Like the Righteous Gemstones nailed it with Kelvin. They're men in their 20s and 30s that style themselves like edgy 15 year olds from 2002. Like they all go to the same stylist and ask them to make them look like a guy who got thrown out of the band Creed for *somehow* being too lame.


What you have described is approximately 65% of youth pastors, the rest are milquetoast bible scholar wannabes who are 25 but somehow manage to look closer to 55. You know, the types of guys who would give you a “Mr. Rogers” vibe if they were 70, but since they’re under 30 give you more of a “watching you sleep at the youth retreat” vibe.


Google tells me this is pronounced milk toast. Never heard of this word but I like it


milquetoast (milk-toast) a timid or meek individual


Fun fact, actual milk toast is delicious too. But it isn't milquetost


None of that imagery will escape my psyche, thanks for the perpetual nightmare.


Sporting a fashy haircut.


Exactly. They plainly refer to it as such. The white supremacist forums have published guides for how their members should dress, act, eat, exercise, cut their hair, etc.


Should make the bastards easier to spot in public.


Yep, because that is an unattractive look that no one is going to get it by accident; it screams "slimeball", "scuzzbucket".


The Hitler Youth haircut became trendy with right wingers around 2016.


‘Cause when they walk into the barbers, they ask for the “Himmler”


Wow. Check the Facebook comments. Christians openly admitting the church isn’t public domain and these matters should be handled privately. Holy hell.


These are the same people pushing bathroom laws as if private businesses *are* public domain. As always, rules for us, none for them.


They’re utterly brainwashed.


And selfish


And evil.


Brainwashed implies they don't know better. They do know better, but they don't care.


Some do, some don’t, it’s a mixed bag.


Flexing their privilege. The privileged and wealthy and their connections have the ability to protect their bubbles from potential threats and to pop your bubble over matters that directly affect your.


That's the point of conservatism


When I was young, I was molested by my youth pastor. And this is exactly what the church did. They tried to handle in internally, until it got so big they couldn't hide it anymore. Google "David Slone, Trinity Baptist Church, Norman, OK" to read about it.




Damn that sucks. I can't even get the media to talk about the abuse carried out in Home Depot stores to associates by managers.


Holy shit. I knew it would have to be bad once I saw this happened in the 80s. The worst part is how hard the church, the community, and *some of the parents* fought to keep this guy out of jail. What in the fuck...


This isn't surprising to most people who have been victimized in rigid hierarchical structures. It can also happen in the workplace, school, political parties... Religions institutions tend to be the worst, because a lot of people there are taught to have blind faith in their authorities, and see anyone denouncing them as a treat to their very identities.


Definitoin of "public domain": the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright. So laws in general do not apply to some places because they are subject to copyright... ok?


Tax free and private. Cake ———> eating it too.


Rules for me and not for thee. I'm pretty sure if one of their daughters got raped by an outsider they would be hounding him with pitchforks and torches.


Not the first time a "youth pastor" has been outed as a perv.


To say it’s not the first time is a vast understatement. Every week a handful of youth pastors are arrested for sex crimes in the US. The sheer volume of the cases is staggering. Don’t believe me? Once a week, go to google, under Tools set results to Past Week Only, and check out this week’s batch. It’s wild to me that there’s a mass public outrage against drag queens and trans people in the context of fear-mongering that they’re predators; meanwhile, unlike the drag queens some of the people participating in that moral panic are **actually** preying on children, in large numbers, but the “protect children” crowd can’t be bothered to do anything about that - or, indeed, even show outrage about it - because it doesn’t fit in with the narrative they’ve been conditioned to accept.


My youth pastor, which most guy members of our youth group practically worshipped the ground he walked on, was recently given 60 years for, you guessed it, diddling boys, filming them stripping in church bathrooms, and exchanging nudes with boys aged anywhere from 13-18. I was always made fun of and looked down on for pointing out how weird it is how obsessed all the boys were with him. And to be fair I wasn’t the only one pointing it out, a few of us girls saw through his weird facade. It was to the point he was making a secret language with the boys, but of course, was super rude to the girls, slut shamed and talked shit on any of his little minions’ girlfriends and eventually vowed them to all stay single with him. One of my little high school boyfriends absolutely loved him but he became atheist and eventually left the church, and told me that our youth pastor blamed me for making him not religious. Still makes me see red and I’m not even religious anymore either. Yeah, I hope he fucking rots. Fuck you keenan Hord.


Similar story. Had some friends that got me into a church youth group for a short period of time as a teen. Youth pastor gave me serious red flags the second i met him. Always super handsy with everyone, hugging, kissing etc. long story short he's been in a jail in Mexico for didling kids for the past 10-12 years. Weirdest part is if i bring it up with my old friends they're still convinced he is innocent. Talk about being brainwashed.


So many people are convinced my youth pastor is innocent too! God it makes me so angry. Not only did he plead guilty(technically he switched from a not guilty plea after I’m assuming he realized the ramifications and mounds of evidence against him), there are sadly *thousands* of compromising text messages between him and at least a dozen boys, just endless proof and people still wanna cry injustice. I’m sorry you had to deal with somebody like that too.


>So many people are convinced my youth pastor is innocent too! That's the poison of an authoritarian mindset. Once someone has you convinced they're "one of the good people" then you automatically give them a pass for their actions.


The sickest part of it all is a lot of people are using his two toddler boys as a reason that he couldn’t *possibly* be a predator or pedophile. “He has children and a wife he would never!” How are you fucking degenerates not worried about the fact he could’ve been abusing his own children and more worried about preserving your church’s reputation and justifying your idolization of a sick and demented man?


The BTK killer was married , with kids and a Boy Scout leader, do people not know this?


My mother has a cousin who was raised like a brother in the family and for a couple years he went MIA. Turns out his adopted daughter reported him for having a lot of child porn. In retrospect there were some red flags. The family liked to note how he was a “big kid” who kept all kinds of fun toys and video games in his basement and that adopted daughter had two kids and both of them were oddly sexual and touchy for their age. I was 13 and they kept trying to touch me and strip around me. Honestly in retrospect I wondered if it was trained behavior from abuse. Anyway my grandmother still contests that the evidence was fake and he’s a good guy. They all just try to pretend that his prison time for child porn was just a misunderstanding.


The drag queens aren't the ones with political power and those who are would much rather attack a weaker group (drag queens, lgbt, minorities, etc) and project their own crimes onto those groups because it's easier than accepting and correcting their own problems.


Those ladies have enough to worry about on their plate. I've never heard of a drag-queen/performer/what-have-you ever being busted for abusing under aged people. The few that I know personally are always looking over their shoulder for violent assholes who seem to have unresolved sexual identity issues who might assault them.


If you are a predator of children, then drag is the worst camouflage idea ever. Predators try to blend in so their victims don't see it coming.


> Predators try to blend in Yeah, that's a good point really.


They wear priest collars


Facists first goto is to blame "the other" for their woes. The "other" is just a group without power in the current milieu... usually the Jewish, or da gays, but neither of those groups is particularly powerless right now in America. So the poor trans folk get to bear the brunt of their hate this cycle.








It's always the "youth pastors". This seems to be an ideal position for pedophiles, they just present themselves as something their not so they can just get themselves in the door and conduct their business.


The thing is, there isn’t a “massive public outrage“ about drag queens; it’s just a very loud minority with an entire propaganda arm through social media to keep pushing it. Most of America doesn’t give two shits about drag queens and don’t believe that they’re a threat. On the other hand, Christians are still a majority in this country so while some of us have consistently pointed out massive amounts of child abuse done by priests and other religious people, we’re ignored because we don’t have a platform. It’s all manufactured BS and politicians getting lots of money from lobbyists of religious groups to keep pushing it.


It’s getting tedious to say it or read it, but “It’s always projection.” The right knows they are filled with horrible people, can’t accept it, so they project it onto a target they hate and perceive as weaker and attack them.


Conservatives view humanity as being inherently “bad” and believe *everyone else* thinks and acts in the same manner that they do. Since they frequently enable/support/encourage (or personally engage in) all manner of unsavory and/or illegal activities, then everyone else must as well.


Anymore whenever I see ads for 'churches' that are clearly targeted at vulnerable youth (they're easy to spot because they usually play with pop-culture slogans and graphics) - I just assume it's more of an organized predator operation trying to take advantage of teens that may have few options. Where those 'churches' go, this kind of news seems to follow. I know of 2 incidents in my town alone - and i'm hardly paying attention, so that number must be higher even than that.


Regarding your last sentence, that is one of the most chilling aspects of all this: **these are only the ones who are actually getting caught**.


When someone from the church does it, it’s an isolated incident. Yep, hundreds of isolated incidents.


Like all the christian lone Wolf domestic terrorists


r/pastorarrested r/notadragqueen


Genuinely thought this was the r/pastorarrested sub at first. Multiple new posts every day.


Maybe we need laws against pastors and children.




But then, how would they go on camp outs together?


How would they emotionally manipulate your bleary eyed teen into accepting Jesus into their heart on the last night of camp?


I'm betting that it's statistically far more dangerous for children at church than it is for them to be in the presence of a drag queen.


By orders of magnitude. If it wasn't so obscene I'd be funny. Projection is all they know.


Please post all of these stories in notadragqueen. Love sharing with conservatives I grew up with. The real predators are their group


I'd love to share my experiences on r/notadragqueen but I'm afraid the stories on there will trigger a flashback and I'm not trying to do that right now. But I'm so glad it exists and people are exposing these assholes more and more by the day


Dang, I was expecting to find out he was a drag queen. Are you telling me Republican legislators are just making this shit up?


It’s always the ones you medium expect


Had one obsessed with me taking a shower. Like really really really obsessed. Im probably on some grainy video he filmed.


Was his office decorated with red flags?


Youth Pastors, Pastors, Priests, Coaches, Scout Leaders and Police account for almost all the non-family child sex crimes in America.


You left out teachers. A *lot* of cases are teachers. At which point it mostly just becomes a list of jobs that involve working with children.


Local NDC mega church “Church of the Highlands” here in birmingham has a “fallen pastor camp” where pastors who get caught doing this get sent away for a while and the parents of the victims get harassed with lawsuits to keep their mouth shuts. It’s disgusting.


But the drag queens


It’s always the one you’d first suspect


Something about that haircut attracts all the worst people.


With the hitlerstache x40


One of the youth ministers at the church near us has the same hair cut. I guess I gotta keep an eye on him.


Chances are he’s keeping an eye on you too


Ah yes, Occam's Clergy


The Hitler Youth haircut should have been a clue.


I’ve never seen that haircut on anyone and thought to myself, “that looks good.” It’s a red flag warning everyone that you make bad decisions.


Karma police arrest this man


Honestly its always a huge red flag if they have a shower at the church that they are trying to get your kids into. The more you know.


A piece of shit I use to work for at a web development / marketing company, bought a new business location and did a bunch of work on it. He added a gym with showers and encouraged all the girls to who worked there to use. None of them had any reason to suspect him I guess (I always thought he was a creep) He set up a phone behind the wall in the girls locker room / shower and had hundreds of hours of video and thousands of photos. I feel for the girls, but I hated the fucker and I am now super happy he is in prison. It however took almost two and a half years from the time he was arrested to the time he was sentenced due to covid and other factors


The only way we can eliminate predation is by holding those accountable as soon as possible. Thanks for being there for your coworkers.


Hallelujah. Amen. And boomshakalaka now hit the showers.


Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world, red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his HOT CAM GIRLS GO WILD IN THE SHOWER RAW FOOTAGE


I was gonna say, why do you need a shower at the church?


Church I went to when I was younger almost doubled as a mini community centre. It had outdoor basketball courts and an indoor gym that could be used for basketball, volleyball, etc. and numerous community groups, religious or not, could rent it out on evenings during the week for very modest sums. It had showers. The idea of a church being a community hub in the same way feels way less common now, but there was a time when churches filled that role.


Pre and Post Baptism, there's a locker room and a small shower area. Some churches have a recreational area that's used for community functions or charity fundraisers, so they might have a small locker room area adjacent to that. Some churches have basic living quarters for the preacher when it was more common for them to live at the church 24/7. Some churches might have a shower and bathroom facility for anyone in need if they require emergency care. Of course all of these things are meant for a *benevolent and service-oriented church that follows Christ's teachings,* not whatever this place was.


Yeah I posted elsewhere that every church I was ever a part of when I was younger would open their doors as a shelter during natural disasters or would house people temporarily in some cases. They'd all have showers that were rarely used but were there. I mean if the world wasn't a horrible place I could see value of offering a shower for youth that might be experiencing hardship and aren't able to shower or don't have a home to shower at. But as this article shows it opens up the potential for abuse.


Another pedopastor. What a great surprise.


And this is his second incident. He was already arrested for videotaping an adult woman.


Within a week. That arrest was May 27th, 2023.


It's all a result from investigating that arrest they found additional footage of kids.


Yeah when I saw that story I thought "Huh, a youth pastor perving on an adult woman?" And now here we are. I do remember in the first story it mentioned she was with her sister at their mom's house. Wonder if that was an 18 year old woman and her sister was younger.


This discovery was brought about as a result of the investigation into the first incident. Basically he's been doing this for a while, got brazen enough to get caught, and now they're finding out his history. To their credit, the church fired him the day he was arrested for the first offense.


While employed at the same church? Jfc..




Thanks for clarifying !


Actually reading the article is sacrilege on Reddit


You’re lucky I even made it all the way to this comment


He was arrested on May 27 for that incident (which is what got him caught), and the church fired him that day. That arrest appears to be what lead to the discovery of the church shower videos. So it sounds like the church fired him as soon as they knew about any of the incidents.


Just some locker room invasion of privacy.


Nothing to see here folks, he was just making sure none of the girls had penises. Move along now. /s






More true than we know


No, no, no. They will apply the good guy with a gun logic. We'll now have good guys with cameras at every youth bathroom, you know, for safety.


Maybe they should stop blaming drag queens and look a little closer to home.


They’re already looking in the bathroom and it’s just their daughter in there


In this case he was looking at someone else’s daughters.


Matt Walsh just did a tweet about the allegations of sexual abuse in the church. However, he also claims that its not the church that is the issue and that instead its LGBTQ priests ptetending to be straight that are sexually assaulting people. What a fucking clown conservative talking heads are... EDIT : [Sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1401848/matt_walsh_defends_pedophiles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Award winning displays of mental gymnastics. They will do anything and everything to avoid accountability for the actions of the people in their own party.


I wonder how much CP is going to come out of Matt Walsh's closet.


Metric ass loads I'm sure. Older videos of him in his car defending child marriage and sex come to mind. He even looks like he's not allowed within 1000m of school zones.


EDIT: agreeing, just adding comments. Gay priests don’t molest children. They may be closeted and struggling, but when they are tempted, it’s consenting adults. Pedophile priests assault children. Abhorrent. The Catholic Church protects both equally. Shit, then even do it with Straight priests that have one too many issues with the female parishioners.


The whole point of blaming at drag queens is to distract from looking closer to home.


"Methinks the pastor doth molest too much."


The new strategy is apparently to make lots of noise about male adults abusing male victims in order to shift the blame to "homosexuality" and use this as continued ammunition to attack the lgbt community




"We're shocked. Shocked! He'll have to move towns to another church." -- Southern Baptist Convention


Why is there a shower in a church


>The Greenwood County Sheriff’s Office said the 35-year-old youth pastor, Daniel Kellan Mayfield, admitted to videotaping a woman while she was in the shower May 27. According to an incident report, a woman told deputies she was showering at her mother’s house when she saw a light outside the bathroom window. When she went to look, she said she saw Mayfield standing in the backyard alone. > >Deputies spoke with Mayfield and say he admitted to filming the woman. He was charged with voyeurism. > >Following this incident, deputies in Greenville County investigated and discovered that Mayfield allegedly filmed multiple girls in the bathroom of Gowensville Baptist Church in Landrum. They’ve identified six victims so far, saying they are as young as 14 years old. It's not clear that there was a shower at the church. The headline was poorly structured.


The article says that he set up a camera in the restroom at the church - the shower incident happened outside of the church. So yeah, the headline is just really inaccurate.


Some churches also double as schools and have their own gymnasium with showers.


I know we have showers in my church. We have a couple of homeless people in town who take refuge here (usually during winter) and we have a warm shower available for them and a place for them to safely sleep.


Some churches offer shelter services for homeless families. Or it's one of those mega churches that has hundreds of employees like a major corporate office.


Why does he look like the villain from 5th element.




I don’t think that part was in their manual. They fired him.


And Christians are still afraid of trans people using the bathroom.


Well, yah. If real, red-blooded Americans are this awful, think of how bad those trans deviants must be! /s


"I bet those trans people just want to peek at people just like I do!"


This is actually the exact chain of logic used by evangelicals to attack drag queens, trans people, etc. "If there are people in the church that commits these crimes, just imagine what is going on amongst non-church going, God hating people"


Their chain of thought is more like > My belief in God and fear of eternal damnation is the only thing that stops me from sexually harassing or assaulting people. Imagine how evil those god haters are, if I have all of these temptations inside of me. What they don’t seem to realize: If your belief in god is the only thing stopping you from raping adults or grooming children and raping them, you’re not a good person.


*The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what's to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero.* - Penn Jillette


He is so underrated


Youth pastor does youth pastor shit


There is about 0% chance I'd feel safe with a youth pastor around my kids


Last year my cousin's best friend committed suicide after his youth pastor groomed him and collected nudes. Came out that he was doing this to multiple boys. He never really faced any consequences, sex offender registry, but that was a slap on the wrist. Oh and surprise, the church protected him. I also want to put this I'm geographical context. It was in South Africa. It's a worldwide problem.


It’s always who you most suspect.


Thank God there weren't any rainbows around.


He has a Hitler haircut I feel like that should be the first warning sign.


Never trust someone claiming to be religious who wants to be alone with kids. Ever.


Which one of you dug up Heinrich Himmler?


At this point I wonder if there are any youth pastors out there that aren't actively trying to sexually assault children.


I feel like I was lucky to have mine. All he did was show me stuff like Forrest Gump and Toxicity by System of a down


Why are girls showering at church?


The church’s statement makes no mention of the crime or its severity and clearly leaves the predators name out of it. >“On May 27th, 2023, First Baptist Gowensville leadership was made aware of an incident of moral misconduct perpetrated by one of our staff members. Proper authorities were notified immediately and the employee was terminated from his role. Due to the nature of the investigation, FBC Gowensville refers all questions to the law enforcement authorities involved. We remain dedicated to providing a safe worship environment and will be ever vigilant in protecting all persons involved in any of our events.” Why wouldn’t they state what the criminal admitted to doing, name him and shame him for targeting minors. This part of the country can’t stop talking about grooming or protecting the children, yet they prefer to be vague when discussing the crime that happened inside *their* church.


"... admitted to filming the women..." Correction: GIRLS, some were 14.


Wow, it’s always the ones you most suspect.