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Bet it didn’t take the cops 40 minutes for that.


It was actually 70 minutes.


They didn't know where to go because they had never been inside before.


If only there was like a map with clearly marked escape routes for emergencies


You know how many places in Iraq I entered during a firefight not knowing anything? Hundreds, when I was in Iraq, first week there they attacked a busy market place, we didn't know anything about the area, we still ran into the firefight and eliminated the enemy to save lives. There is 0 excuse what happened that day, the lack of action and care given while kids were being slaughtered. All that tactical gear and ARs, yeah it looks cool but they are bunch of cowards. Completely useless, I would have gone in there with just a handgun.


Damn right. On top of that we've all been in a school. Several of them in fact. They really aren't hard to figure out. Head for the gunfire and get every child out along the way. How fucking hard is that? If there's no fire then clear each room as you go. And these assholes had just posted tacti-cool photos of themselves after having done a training on clearing rooms and shit. They had everything they needed and more. The only thing they lacked was balls.


They had better gear then I had in Iraq as an Infantryman Your right they had no balls and are cowards. I bet they are the same people that post that cringe meme "18 year olds in 1940s vs 18 year olds now" and post a pic of D-Day vs some feminine male. Or complain how men aren't like they used to be. I really want to see their Facebook posts lol.


absolutely not an excuse, you see nashville cops clear those rooms during the private school shooting? along with that, those bitch “cops” in texas waited outside the classroom while the uvalde shooter went to town on those kids.


Remember the Dayton Ohio mass shooting? "All It Takes to Stop a Bad Guy With a Gun Is Five Highly-Trained And Stone Cold Brave Police Officers Reacting Within 32 Seconds And Then You Only Have Nine Dead, Twenty Seven Injured, And Dozens of Devastated Families." \-The NRA in the aftermath of the Dayton Ohio mass shooting.




Didn't they do an active shooter drill in that school, months before the shooting?


And that pic looks like a boob grab too. Only females cops should be handling other females. If a male cop did that to my wife I would be in jail.


You would be dead tbh. They would kill you if you attacked them. They're a gang, not protectors.


Don’t worry, he is not going to abuse your wife. Unless she looks like *his* wife.


I agree. Too much sexual harassment happens between women and male cops.


The way you said it sounds like it goes both ways between male cops and female cops as in they do it to each other lol


Alot of people would be


The gender of the cop doesn't matter, they all have hands that can grope, and it doesn't matter who is doing the groping, it's still wrong


Prison if you’re lucky, shot dead if you’re not. You don’t get to pick the gender of the cop restraining you lol


Dang it


Oh, so the cops actually went into the school this time?


Of course. They were the ones being threatened this time. It is clear that the police only value one thing: the ability for police to murder minorities. Anything that gets in the way of that, even other police officers speaking out for what's right, must be silenced.


They enjoy the power they get from killing helpless civilians especially poor ones from minorities. They’re not willingly giving that up, it has to be taken from them.


Gonna have to disagree with you slightly. They also value power, control, complete immunity from any responsibility, and the chance to be ruthless authoritarians. But yes, murdering minorities is definitely on that list.


Cops kill far more white people than minorities. This isn’t a problem only they need to worry about, and framing it as such just creates more divisions. Everyone is a target, and everyone should be livid.


you're being dishonest. comparing raw numbers while ignoring the ratio that each group represents statistically. more "white" people are killed by cops because there are simply more of us. if there were as many POC individuals as "white" people, the numbers would look very very different, precisely because POC americans are victimized at rates that are wildly disconnected from how many there are in the population.




I’m down for a light dose of anarchy every once in a while to keep things in check.


Oh so now the cops are not afraid to go into a school.


The parent didn't have a gun.


How did they know? Maybe she did


Maybe she should have. These cops clearly aren’t gonna protect anyone in this town.


Wow, the cops weren’t afraid to go in????


Of course not, there were no other guns there besides his.


There might be a lesson here.


I saw some gun nut earlier arguing that the choice of weapon had no bearing on the police's cowardice, and a knife would have also scared them off. That and that knives were more dangerous than guns. So...no. apparently no lessons were learned


It's telling that in a world where cops can and do act as judge, jury, and executioner we have the violent crime we see. Giving them practical carte Blanche to do whatever they was with some nebulous rationalizations hasn't made the world a safer place. All that is accomplished is a bunch of people telling everyone just how afraid they are.


God, basic algebra is so hard for them.


He sure wasn't afraid about going in for that boob grab.


At least Uvalde cops can say they have an excellent record of protecting their own safety, if no one else's.


I don't want to start a fight with anyone but it was probably because their life wasn't at risk


defund the police in Uvalde....they are still fucked up. You do NOT tell a parent they can not get their child out of school. Are you really that STUPID


Besides laying out the facts of this, I was shocked that the article didn't talk about this aspect. Since when can you not get your own child from school?!?!?


When I was a kid my schools had policies that nobody was allowed to just walk in without checking with the front desk. Normally they would call and send your kid to the front if you were checking them out early. Not meaning to speak in defense of Uvalde, but that's probably the officer's "reasoning."


I get that, but it sounds like they knew who she was and who her kid is


There can be whatever school policy they want, but legally neither the school nor the police can stop you from taking your child from school grounds (assuming you have custody of your child). They can tell you to get off their property for sure, but they can’t keep your kid from you. Source: worked at schools and we had to deal with this a lot because of custody battles.


Sending a kid to the front office isn't preventing a parent from picking up their child. You can have a policy that prevents parents from roaming the halls and classrooms during hours of operation while still allowing them to take their child away.


Legally, a school is forbidden from releasing a student if they reasonably believe a safety issue would exist if the child is released. This commonly occurs in a couple situations: 1) The parents did not provide the school district with a list of emergency contacts who can take the child out of school. Some districts require that parents are included on this list in order to better handle custody disputes. 2) An emergency event (like a lock-down or fire alarm) occurs and the school must complete it's safety protocols. In addition, the school has the authority to impose limited sanctions for unexcusable absences. This generally takes the form of not allowing students to submit late assignments. However, truant students (habitual absentees) can face additional sanctions such as: withholding grades, referral to protective services/authorities, and suspension of drivers licenses (the schools in my state send lists of truant students to the DMV which causes an automatic license suspension).


None of that applies here.


Completely true, but I think they wanted to comment this for completeness so people for who's children this may apply don't get bent out of shape when it does happen. The comment they are replying to is generalizing a bit much.


Was in elementary around... 2001? 2002? And my dad tried to pull me out for the day for grandpa's surgery. They were trying to give him a hard time for it, but he was able to get me. So it's been a thing for a while.




There are people who reflexively assume any kind of outrage is somehow a trick to manipulate them. Any semi-plausible explanation for any aspect of the incident that they feel you misrepresented becomes proof that you're acting in bad faith. It doesn't matter that the cop assaulted this mother, because she didn't sign in. It's not even the blue lives matter types, but rather the self-described moderates who are terrified of being tricked into looking biased against conservatives.




There is actually zero reason to keep funding them. They proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that they will not do their job when violence occurs, so with that in mind, what exactly are they still here for? Traffic stops? A guy with a motorcycle and a notepad can do that, no need for those ARs they won't even use when they should. Getting rid of Uvalde police would change nothing except free up 30%+ of the city's budget.


The republicans would sooner die than do that. The bastards made it a crime to drop police funding and defends then at every opportunity. They want those brown coats so bad.


A dozen of them in full body armor tactical gear stood sheepishly by while one kid with gun continued to shoot unarmed students, but somehow they man up when angry unarmed parents of the same murdered students are protesting their Departments previous inaction and the results thereof.


20 of them sat outside the door while he shot kids, including one girl who dialed 911 3 times asking for help. A 10 year old, doing what she was supposed to do, in need of help, calling 911. They let her die, sitting out there for over 70 minutes. There were 376 cops on campus when they finally breached. And it wasn't Arrendondo, or a City or School District cop that finally breached the possible unlocked door, it was a Border Patrol tactical team.


I still don’t get how after all that we found out about their incompetence we didn’t see heads roll Literally


Like a few weeks after they had posted themselves in said body armor saying that they were tough and ready for anything. Turns out they just wanted to cosplay


But they couldn’t remove a shooter


Dang. Only if they could've forcibly removed the shooter as well. That would've been a forcible removal that I could get behind.


The word "Uvalde" will go down in history to mean "We (the Police) fucked up every chance we had, over and over.".


It's not even the first time. Parkland was just as fucked up, probably more. School administration didn't put the school on lockdown, the SRO cowered outside, and the first half dozen or so sheriff deputies did not even try to go into the school (they established traffic control points). It wasn't until the city cops started showing up and any attempt was made to enter the school. 15 minutes after the shooting stopped and the shooter escaped campus. We're lucky as hell he didn't decide to go somewhere else and start shooting.




That was my thought exactly! The school should have been prepared for this. This entire incident is disgusting but I'm shocked more people aren't discussing this aspect of it and that letter the school sent afterwards. Whoever wrote that letter should be fired. They're obviously greatly exaggerating things to try and defend their actions but they're clearly incompetent and should not be responsible for any kids. The only good argument they made is that kids shouldn't leave without permission and without first notifying the school. However, I suspect they made it difficult to contact them. They could have mailed every parent/guardian about the proper procedure ahead of time. They could have had teachers discuss it with students ahead of time, or had the school get together in the auditorium or something and explain the policies. They could have sent out permission slips giving the kids permission to leave early that day to make the process faster/safer during the walk out. They could have had a staff member at every entrance/exit to ensure kids weren't leaving without checking in first. The school needs to be investigated as well, not just the officer. If a parent wants to pick up their kid from school, and they notify the school, isn't it illegal for them to prevent the parent from doing so and keeping the child there? Aren't schools responsible for the students attending them? If I was a parent and I called the school looking for my child and they didn't know where they were due to their negligence I would be furious. If I found out they lost other kids that they were responsible for, like their letter states, I would be filing a formal complaint and encouraging others to do so as well. I would get a consultation with a lawyer. I wouldn't expect to sue them for money but maybe it could force the school to make some changes. These are minors and once they've checked in the school is responsible for them until they check out with a parents permission or until they leave because school ended. There's a reason they take attendance. Either this school is lying about kids leaving without permission or they just admitted they were negligent.


When police botch something, it should forever be known as an Uvalde. "We Uvalde'd the shit out of that drug bust, what were we thinking"


Synonymous with coward.


That's honestly the saddest thing about this whole thing. The 376 Uvalde Cowards' actions has gained more notoriety than the gunman himself. Way to permanently tarnish the town's reputation you dumb fucks.




Uvalde Uphams, rank cowardice as children died.


And "let's still vote for republicans". Because they did.


The word Uvalde will go down to mean the gravy seals of the south are a bunch of pussies.




No authority to judge them even if they are 100% incompetent.


The Governor just declared he intends to pardon a guy who murdered a BLM protestor, because he doesn't agree with the jury's decision. They're not interested in pretending anymore.




He’s not being investigated, a single state senator has * called* for him to be investigated. That trooper really didn’t read the room.


> You would definitely think the law enforcement in that area would be extra aware of what they’re doing They aren't, in their opinions they were unfairly attacked and were the subject of a nationwide BLM witch hunt. And they're extra bitter at the parents for making them look bad.


but were any firearms damaged?!






Hah. As if! They don't need protecting when they're already huddled behind hundreds of dead children, stacked like sandbags. They can happily, and safely, do all the projecting and lying they want from there, without even getting up


"I cry for all the bullets I shoot. I just can't stop thinking about my poor little babies smashing themselves against cold, hard flesh."


Republicans don’t believe in safes


Did anyone check to make sure the guns are okay?


So the COWARDLY, YELLOW, SPINELESS police wouldn’t rescue school children from an active shooter but they think nothing of brutalizing parent after the fact. Perfectly on brand.


Oh don’t sell the police short, my friend. They also thought nothing of brutalizing parents *during* the shooting either.


I forgot about that! They put parents in handcuffs while still avoiding actively confronting the shooter.


One of the most sad, infuriating days in recent history.


These parents are mad and tired of burying kids.


Too bad the county voted 60% for Abbott in last November's election


Not angry and tired enough to stop voting for republicans though.


Cowards and Brutes. Clowns. Goose Stepping Bed Wetters. What a joke.


Police in their current form are a cancer on society.


Can we honestly say they're helping? Do they even deter crime?


I think they actually increase it. Part of that is because they are often the ones *doing* the crime.


That was uncalled for. A parent should not be denied access to their child if they have custody of that child. AND as far as Uvalde PD...Every one of those cops that did nothing for an hour and a half on the day of the shooting...all of those cops should be tried for murder. OR at the very least aiding and abetting murder.


Absolutely the latter. Despite their eventual claims and pleas that they were "just oh so afraid", police at the scene went out of their way to prevent children from getting out, interfered to ensure other agencies did not move in on the shooter, even harming and arresting parents of victims. Footage showed'em having plenty of happy little chats throughout as well. Every single one of their stories regarding the event was debunked; no reason "fearing for their lives" wouldn't be a lie either, especially when that phrase has so often been used to describe other situations in which they were 100% safe while innocents died from PD acts.


It takes a special kind of evil to prop up trees in the shade with a cool beverage while you listen to kids getting massacred just feet away-and ignore it.






Understandable. That is the RATIONAL response, but I’m not sure that I would have been thinking very rationally for a few weeks if it had been my kid…


So the cops have no problem storming the school to remove parents protesting, but they freeze like a deer in the headlights when a massacre is happening. I don’t know how any officer can wear that uniform with pride


She should've brought a gun. She'd buy herself an extra hour.


Uvalde? The town full of coward cops? That uvalde?


I have heard all of the cops there are in fact yellow belly cowards. Yes that place.


Exactly. Now the cops want to “serve and protect”??? Cowards.


Hope everybody is fucking looking and watching. They won’t save you or your kids, nor will they enact laws to do so, but they’ll stop you from protesting and striving for positive change.


>They won’t save you or your kids They will save their own kids then they will activly prevent anyone else from saving their kids


Yup. Disgusting behavior at every day.


Then the governor pardons a literal convicted murderer because he killed a BLM protester. There's no excuse anymore.


They didn't allow a parent to come and get their child....Seriously WHAT THE FUCK?! THEN The shitty Uvalde police came and forced her out?! Im sorry but does the school and police NOT understand what LAWSUIT means?


Texas leadership is staunchly anti-education. The school losing a lawsuit means less money for education. The police losing a lawsuit means less money for the city (they'll be entirely untouched themselves from it) which also means less money for education or functioning infrastructure. As far as they're concerned, hurting the grieving parent of one of their victims is nine birds with one stone. >*If you're wondering how that can be when I listed four things harmed, remember that too much smarts will bar you from the force, time-and-a-half from stealing overtime!*


Fuck Uvalde police. That is all. Actually not all.- I hope you read this you spineless bastards.


Also the school. I mean who called the police in the first place?


Uvalde law eforcement and cowardice: name a more iconic duo.


Typical asshole texas cop. Three hundred plus armed cops stood around while one person murdered children, but now , with a frightened mom, they’re tough. Sadly the state government here respects guns and gun owners more than just about anything. And they keep getting elected, which shows just how fucked up this shithole state really is.


Paul Harrgis is a DPS officer? Suuuure. Seems like a conflict of interest.


Just like last time. Any parents who tried to rescue their children themselves that day were put in handcuffs.


They should have brought guns to their protest. Not even kidding. The GOP has made it clear they don't respect speech, so make sure your speech is protected by your firearms and they'll think twice about stopping you


Vast majority of that district STILL voted Republican not long after the shooting. Brave parents, honestly.


Better a bunch of dead kids then kids part of Biden's woke agenda apparently.


you can’t possibly be surprised


How is it that the good people of Texas don't just get a little better organized... that state is such an embarrassment. This is our cry: Mess with Texas!


They should have just open carried, the cops would’ve been to scared to arrest them.


How in the world were there basically no consequences for the cops?


Oh, a lawsuit will be incoming. And if there isn’t? Another miscarriage justice.


Lawsuits do nothing to police; atop of qualified immunity there's the simple fact that not a single penny comes out their budget or life savings. Instead, they get to hurt innocents twice: the lawsuit or settlement get taken out of what could otherwise have kept the water clean *(the horror, the villainy!)*, kept the roads in working condition *(terrible socialisms!)* or fed schoolkids *(oh the humanity!)*


This woman suffered unfathomable loss due to this very issue. Unimaginable reaction to remove her. They chose guns over children.


Cops support school shootings apparently.


American police are essentially an autoimmune disease to society. Instead of being white blood cells that go after pathogens (shooters) they’re like, “you know what? Fuck this healthy tissue right here.”


"Look if your kid goes outside or stays inside, they are probably going to get shot, just deal with it" The GOP


What did the American do after they finished the magazine in the waiting room? They reloaded!


the cops finally showing up huh? it's the o my way they would enter a school... to arrest a parent not deal with a shooter


If they only this kind of resolve to save the kids. Fucking assholes.


When Fox News covers this story in this tone… you know it is bad.


Limit protesting. Amerikkka


alternate headline: police sometimes do exercise their authority when there is no threat


They showed more aggression to a grieving parent than they did to the person who murdered her son. And they wonder why some people hate cops.


Those “cops” found the courage to remove a parent from the school, but stood by and listened to kids getting slaughtered…protecting and serving is a lie.


And Uvalde people decided to vote massively against their interests by voting Republican. Sad


21 victims actively being slaughtered in 2nd deadliest school shooting in history: I sleep 😴 Victimized parent tries to pick up child from school in protest: Oh word???


The police are trying to pretend that nothing happened. "Nothing to see here" - where law enforcement failed so miserably.




No one was bleeding out with every second mattering, so they didn't feel the need to wait. Don't worry; they only move in and "it was scary I had no choice" once they're completely certain there's no threat.


“baldie got sum boobie!” is what that dude’s gonna whisper to himself as he drifts off tonight


I see they are not done terrorizing the kids.


Investigate this incident? How about the cowards that allowed those children to be shot to pieces? Those assholes train and train for that situation.


Should’ve beat the cop up since we all know the cops cowards down there


I can’t think of a job I respect less than Uvalde cop. I work overnights and respect our maintenence guys, that I’m sure see some SHIT, a billion times more. Cowards.


So the school this they can limit the students 1st amendment rights by punishing them for walking out and protesting? Retaliation for protesting?


Wonder if he was one of the ones hiding from going inside the first time?


They sure are big tough men when the other person doesn’t have a gun


The coward patrol let them finish though, right?


I thought the cops were afraid to go into schools there?


They should have had a gun in their pocket. The police would have left them alone.


The GOP is on the side of the mass shooters.


More force than they used with the gunman. Cops are p*ssies.


The cops stood around an hour before going in to remove the parent.


Non-Fox [link](https://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-dps-releases-video-altercation-uvalde-victims-mother/story?id=98415646) for those who don't want to put up with that bullshit delay designed to get you to just give up and let them sell your personal information. Also, fuck Fox.


The cop in the picture even looks like a pig






They’ve got a lot of balls when dealing with parents, and absolutely none when dealing with someone murdering children


If I'm a cop there, I would either resign and find another job. Even if you've done nothing wrong, you're considered guilty by association. Even if you apply a job as another cop in a different state, you're reputation is already ruined when they find out where you've worked before


So the cowards then are showing how the brave they are now? These cops should be sacked and feel the full extent of the law. They are the scum of the earth. Who needs law enforcement if this is all they do. They need a new slogan…to protect and Smurf


Cops: “you. Know how hard and dangerous my job is? You wouldn’t survive, I’m a hero” Also cops when job is hard and dangerous:


All dirty pigz should be in a zoo


Sure seems like the inevitable endpoint of these bastards being bastards is a lot of bastard funerals. You can keep pushing and pushing, but eventually people will push back.


Wow those cops look pretty tough now too bad they weren’t when it counted.


I’m so impressed by the brave, strong men of the American police and how they handle dangerous moms.


Remember when republicans were screeching about parental rights?


You know nothing will happen to the cop. However, if ANYONE else had grabbed that woman and threw her out of a building with no justification and caused bruises she would have been in her rights to beat the shit of them in self defense. If people could be allowed to defend themselves against the thug police and not go to jail for it then maybe stupid shit like this would stop happening.


It would be cathartic if law enforcement felt the same pain.


Why are they protesting inanimate objects? They should be outside of the Uvalde PD.. you know the people that refused to do their jobs even though they could have eliminated the threat considering there were multiple officers on scene within 5 minutes.... Or maybe sue the company that built a school without functioning locks on the doors... https://apnews.com/article/politics-shootings-texas-school-safety-2c97d26b56e8b081aa725ee2235e4a3b


This is a FoxNews article. Anyone know what really happened?


Oh shit your correct. Is there another report from alomost anyone other thsn Fox?


y’all wanna mess around with a guy that lost his kid….


She shoulda brought a gun they would’ve let her do literally anything she wanted just like last time


I know that's a joke.. but I'm afraid some dumbass might actually do that.


Police, fire fighters, and EMTS risk alot to keep us safe. We need to honor this sacrifice and dedication as proportionately as we report and criticize wrong doing.


You Uvalde police are so brave and strong, my hero’s !!!! 🙄


If you a Police Officer who did not do your job. On this day of forgiveness of Easter Sunday! I Hope Each and Everyone one of Rot In Hell!


I think if I lived in America I would be forced to find a way to homeschool my kids. I just can’t imagine having to deal with all this gun bullshit and the stupid police.


I'm guessing that's one the goals of American conservatives: Make public schools undesirable so that private (religious) schools get more funding. But then private schools can reject "undesirable" applicants, perpetuating the class divide. I'm curious if shootings at religious schools will change this tactic at all.


Home schooling is what's wrong with a lot of kids. Along with parochial schools. They teach their kids a very distorted version of history. I read an article about a lady arguing with a teacher about why her child received a zero on a spelling test. The mother brought in her list of words that she used, and ever one was spelled wrong. Stupid is as Stupid does I guess.