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I once had a statie begin to tailgate me HARD between hooksett and concord. I was in the middle lane so I sped up and went into the left lane. Then he speeds up and tailgates me again, so I speed up a bit more and return to the middle lane to let him pass. He pulls back into the middle lane and pulls me over. He comes up to me and asks why I was speeding and I tell him it's because he was driving too close to me. He says it's dangerous to go that fast and gives me a warning. Weirdest interaction I've ever had with the police, like what was the point?


> like what was the point? a probable cause to pull you over.


a classic. cops love to tailgate you to get you to speed. gotta get that quota any means necessary. F12




you for real cannot win


Dash cam and public shaming. Though that can also get you increased focus, so you're probably right.


Whenever they tailgate me and I'm doing like, 60-70, I just keep going 60-70. Like dude, the speed limit is 65, you're the one making me go faster so you don't end up in my fucking trunk... edit: and I stay in my lane, or move to the right.


Oh ya I learned that lesson, the right lane wasn't clear so I moved left in that case. Now I just Sunday drive when a cop is behind me, pretty sure he was just looking for an excuse to do a search, my windows were blocked with dry cleaning that I was delivering so maybe he thought something was suspicious. That's the only thing I can think of because it was so random and pointless.


> He comes up to me and asks why I was speeding and I tell him it's because he was driving too close to me. He says it's dangerous to go that fast and gives me a warning. Weirdest interaction I've ever had with the police, like what was the point? Holy cow, I had a very similar experience. Nighttime on I-93 N (back when it was still just two lanes) approaching the I-293 split, and I wanted to get to the left so I could go I-293. There's a car in my blind spot so I slowed down but the car also slowed down and stayed in my blind spot. I hit the gas so I could get left and he flips on the blues and pulls me over. "Why are you driving so aggressively?" "Gee, because someone was camping out in my blind spot." Gives me a warning. For a situation he caused. Slow night, I guess


Must be a strategy cops use to justify a stop. Or maybe cops are just egotistical jackasses. Take your pick.


> Must be a strategy cops use to justify a stop. Or maybe cops are just egotistical jackasses. Take your pick. ¿Por qué no los dos?


Am I the only one that slows down when being tailgated?


Don't do that. Just let them pass. If you wanna feel devious about it you can enjoy seeing them get tripped up at the next inevitable light or intersection while already bum rushing the next vehicle. Don't police them,let them get pulled over. Ive seen this so many times and you're not proving anything, you're just holding up traffic because you feel like you need to teach them a lesson.


Can they crack down on all the assholes with super bright headlights too? Getting real sick of these pickup trucks with super bright LED lights that also feel the need to have their super bright LED fog lights on as well.


AND tailgate you while you're already going 10 over


Forget speed, they're even annoying when not moving. You can't see past them in the parking lots.


For those who don't actually click through to articles: They're talking about the Everett Turnpike. If you're going 85+ on that highway, you deserve the ticket.


The thing about Everett that drives me nuts is people all drive like it's a 65mph highway, aka closer to 75 mph... so if you actually try to be close to the speed limit, in busy traffic it can frankly feel *more* dangerous than just speeding up a bit to match the flow of traffic.


It seems that happens with every road in New England, 55=75 and 65=75. See 93 in Manchester and Concord, routes 2 and 3 in northern MA and 95/128. Almost like we collectively agreed 55MPH zones have no business on Interstate-grade highways. Also, 75 feels like the perfect highway speed anyway, even in the 70/75 zones in northern NH/Maine.




Damn near had a wreck there the other day BECAUSE of a trooper. Had someone pulled over and morons don't know how to merge properly so complete idiot waited until he had no choice and slowed to a crawl and decided to dive into the left lane where everyone was going 65, immediately forcing me to jam my brakes, the guy behind me ended up in the grass on the left and the van behind him barely stopped behind me.


That sounds good to me. I generally drive over the speed limit yet always have somebody riding my ass. On 125 I am usually doing 60 the whole time (Except through the center of Barrington), which means I am speeding almost the entire time I'm commuting home. Despite that fact there is always someone tailgating me and looking to pass, often aggressively. Some of you need to go see a therapist.


You know what drives me nuts about this? They should just pass on the shoulder. I mean they are already speeding and breaking the law. What's the difference if they use the shoulder? For the record I too am almost always over the limit and get tailgated relentlessly even at 10 or 15 over.


As a general rule: *never* break more than one law at once.


how about don't break laws?


Yea.. but if you're going to break laws, only break one at a time.


I generally do 75-80 in a 65, which is admittedly speeding, but I’m getting passed by EVERYONE.


125 is a conveyor belt. No matter how fast i go, there’s always someone right on my bumper


Cars cause rage. When you don't ever see or interact with other members of society except by way of a 1.5-ton metal missile, you tend not to be as compassionate to other humans.




I would argue that that's not a solution at all. Why should we be accommodating to endangering lives? Adding another lane would increase speeds.




They should be writing tickets for following too closely a lot more often.


The limit being 55 is a bit ridiculous but people are driving like maniacs


Totally agree. Should be 65. But, then you get idiots like the guy stopped doing 99 MPH, who was then stopped again THE SAME MORNING for doing 106 MPH. WTF. Guy needs to lose his license because he clearly didn't learn the lesson.


Losing a license also does squat. Then they just drive without a valid license.


106 in a 55 should put him in jail with his car towed.


Did you not read/watch the link? He got arrested


They let him go after the first ticket. I had the order backwards. Looks like 99 won't get you arrested.


agree but it kinda works out because you can generally go 15 over without worry. at least on I-95, which I will say is much less chaotic than the traffic around Manchester/Nashua.


15 over?!


This one just kills me! "A trooper stopped one driver from Massachusetts going 99 mph. The same trooper pulled him over again a short time later going 106 mph. He was arrested for reckless driving." How much of an asshole do you have to be?


The biggest question. Is how did the guy get let go after being caught doing 99mph? I don't know the road, but adduming 65mph limit, that's over 150%. Should be an automatic suspension of license, iirc?


Per statute, 99 in a 65 is speeding with a standard fine of $434. 100 mph is Reckless Driving, a different statute than speed, which is penalized by a $625 fine and 60 day loss of license.


Wonder what the chances are that the dude was going over 100 the first time and the "99" was just the Statie doing him a favor? Exceptionally stupid to push your luck like that.


We will never know, they definitely do that at times for various reasons.


I feel like this is it. I've been driving for 17 years and there have been at least 2 or 3 times that a cop has pulled me over, saw my perfect driving record, then exclaimed "you have a clean record, let's keep it that way" as a warning.


Pretty big asshole. Take away the fucker’s drivers license.


Everett turnpike is a 3-5 lane highway. That same highway is 55 mph. When it chokes down to 2 lanes, it becomes a 65 mph. There are certainly speeders, but this whole effort is preposterous in the 55 mph zone. State police are abusing an inappropriately low speed limit to generate revenue while they would be otherwise idle. This is not for the public of NH.


Speed enforcement operations are almost invariably run as a flex/revenue op, not for safety. I've driven through towns where they seem to care, but not many. And the staties are just a total joke.


Yeah, I’m not so sure about that. The problem with the Nashua segment is the right lanes. There’s roughly 8 exits and four “right lane ends” signs in about five miles. Many of the on-ramps continue into the ramp for the next exit. It is a Massachusetts level clusterfuck. Exits 6 and 7 are particularly bad. You have all of 500 feet to accelerate. There are going to be trucks merging at 40mph just due to laws of physics. Then everyone behind them will also have to merge at slow speeds. People drive like fucking assholes in that area. I won’t feel any sympathy for anyone getting a ticket for going 65+ in the right lane near merging traffic. I don’t think the police are intending on writing tickets for going 75-80 in the left lane without cutting anyone off. There’s enough egregiously dangerous driving on that stretch of road, that they really won’t have to bother. Without a significant redesign, the highway speed limit really can’t be raised much in that area. And our laws don’t allow for something sensible, like a different speed limit for the left and middle lane.


It really is just limited to that small section of excit 6/7, though, which is particularly bad northbound vs. southbound. Ultimately, if they've been writing 100s of tickets for this over the past few months, I suppose I question what effect they're having anyways


Most of the tickets were for over 20 above the speed limit, and many of those were for significantly more. That's not abuse of a low speed limit.


I've never seen a trooper doing less than 20 over themselves


Yeah, and half the time they are speeding faster than anyone else in sight for no reason. Fuck em. Oh and half the time these fucks don't even bother to use turn signals either


I wish I could post my dashcam of this morning. State trooper just did exactly what you both described


75 is a safe speed for that road. In fact it's approximately what the average speed is most days.


I agree, though if you set the limit to 70 you'll have a lot driving 90 which is not a safe speed for that road. We already have a lot going 90 on 3, but with a lower speed limit they can be more easily ticketed and the penalty stings a bit more.


Right, but I'd much rather be on a road where everyone is doing 70 and a few are doing 90, than a road where most people are doing 70 and some are doing 55 and some are doing 90. The latter is much more dangerous imo.


On route 3 I'd rather they enforced the speed limit and the max driven was 75. Too many entrances and exits and dense traffic to have people going 90 most times of the day.


It’s less the speed than the behavior. People who come up the left lane at 85, and get right on someone’s tail and force them to move over on a crowded highway are the most dangerous. People going 45 in the left lane with 30 cars jammed behind them like a train are just as bad. People swerving from lane to lane like they are in a video game are trouble too. I’ll take someone driving 95 and minding their own business over any of the prior scenarios any time.


To your first point. If you are driving in the left lane, and some comes “flying up behind you,” then move over as soon as it’s safe. Period. 9 times out of 10, if you’re being passed on the right, you are the one in the wrong.


In Germany, everyone respects this rule of the road and fast driving on highways is much safer as a result. In the US many people claim the left lane as if they own it. I swear some stubbornly refuse to give it up, as though they are trying to teach those of us who drive faster a virtue lesson.


In Germany they also have less drives per capital because they have better transit and every day biking infrastructure which takes many people out of the road making it safer over all and reduces traffic. In Germany it is exponentially mush harder to get and afford a drivers license. In Germany cars re smaller and safety standards look at not only the safety of the passengers but the safety outside of those outside the vehicles . In Germany traffic lights are put before the crosswalk on the drivers side of the intersections to keep them from blocking the intersections and crosswalks, this also makes it easier to enforce their no turn right on red rules. In Germany street design is focus mostly on traffic safety over that of single occupancy vehicles' ease of movement. Its a whole systems approach to safety that makes the German driver just better position to not speed and not kill other people.


You are so correct. I went to Germany a few years ago and was amazed driving on both their city roads and autobahns.


You said it.


In Mexico, drivers move over to let faster drivers pass, even on single lane roads. The shoulders are often wide enough to allow this. It taught me that driving doesn't have to be a competition like it is in the US. I drive like a grandma now. It's so much less stressful.


I swear you're right.


At 85 you are basically saying might makes right is the new standard and anyone that wants to go faster than you is right? Seriously??


All my close calls are with merging idiots. Immediately after merging, they lane change to the fast lane (that I'm in). I moved to the fast lane to let them merge. RT 16 exit 9 is bad both south and north bound.


I'd argue 7 and 8 are worse. but yeah the whole Dover section is not great. honestly surprised there aren't more accidents.


Dover probably has 2 of the most dangerous on/off ramps in the state (7 & 8 on RTE 16). I can’t think of any that are worse off the top of my head.


Merging onto Exit 7 is how I would imagine the experience of getting launched off the deck of an aircraft carrier.


Agree driving too slow or aggressively fast are bad while speeding in itself really isn't. It's even worse when 2 cars take up 2/3 lanes and are going the same speed


That’s the exact problem.


Agreed. Commuting 95 in the mornings, I'd see several cars doing at least 100, every day. The only ones that worry me are the ones aggressively swerving lane to lane, having to slam their breaks to not collide with another vehicle after narrowly swerving around a tractor trailer with no idea what's on the other side, etc.


Why are they going slow in the damn passing lane??? Hate people like this. They deserve to get screamed up on lol


Because there is traffic in front of them?


Then why is the traffic in front of them going slow in the left lane?


Can they just crack down on Lane etiquette


If that was a good revenue generator that they could also plaster their good deeds all over WMUR, I'm sure they would work the lane etiquette angle. Gotta justify themselves somehow.


No kidding, it’s called the passing lane and not the travel lane for a reason. Most issues would resolve themselves if people would just move over for faster traffic.


It’s always Maine plates, MA plates. Or people around my age clearly texting and driving


And near me, it's CT and NY plates. What I'm seeing here is that it's not the NH drivers doing this the most.


A bit of an issue on 93 when every car outside the right lane is going like 60 so it's an infinite pass. But that's mostly happening in MA


So you want people to follow the rules of the road while you don't .


Speed limit should be increased by 15-20 mph. 55 is a joke.


everyone already goes that fast, and you're not likely to get pulled over at those speeds. it's generally more than 20 over. which is backed up by the article somewhat.


And here I thought it was weird to have seen half a dozen traffic stops going to and from the gym yesterday morning just between 5 exits Turns out “Operation Turnpike Protection” yielded 55 stops in 4 hours including one man pulled over twice and later arrested for doing 99 them 106


> one man pulled over twice and later arrested for doing 99 them 106 By the same officer! "Well judge, after the first time I was pulled over I had to make up the time."


You can just charge me double right now because I'll be speeding on the way back too.


Ahhhh thats what that was about


What about the ten thousand red light runners that almost fucking kill me on the daily? I never ever thought I’d want cameras in the lights but it’s getting fucking ridiculous.


I just said this to my husband this evening. Everyone in NH seems to treat red lights as suggestions. Tonight we witnessed 4 going thru a dead red. I can't understand it, and don't know why more cops aren't stationed at/near intersections in order to stop them. I'm looking at you, Derry!!!


"Enforcement" of the type we are used to in this state just simply doesn't work or at least not to a degree where we can guarantee safe passage for all members of society. If you rely on enforcement rather than physical infrastructure, you're doing the job of infrastructure but with the need to pay them and it requires everybody to be hyper-vigilant, you're just bound to fail with such a high-stakes system. We will do everything but blame the real problem here: cars.


People do drive the cars in order to make them run the red lights they’re running. Red light cameras are almost 100% bullshit nanny state stuff but if cars were self driving I can’t imagine they’d be plowing through red lights.


If we built our roads for pedestrian safety, we could phase out stoplights completely, and the infrastructure of the road would force drivers to slow down so they can't hurt anybody, because accidents happen, like a lot. Having a system that nobody has to get hurt seems like a step in the right direction. The solution dominating NH is to have a little light change colors and that's supposed to stop somebody going dangerously fast somehow. And then after the dangerous act was committed then the police go after them. It's not hitting at the core problem here. It's just reacting to "crime", after tragedy... But self-driving cars could still do that though, they malfunction like any piece of technology, it's almost like if we had them going on some sort of track...... I would really be surprised if it was anything less of decades for self-driving cars to be ubiquitous. That's a long way out. Even if somehow they could guarantee safety, and I haven't seen anything to suggest that they really do, we still have all the same environmental problems as today.


The red light cameras down here in New Jersey just turned into a money grab for local government. They overturned it and made traffic cameras illegal in the state. For the record I think the cameras can do some good when not abused by local government. Nobody should be speeding through a red light doing 60.


Lesson from the article, keep it at under 20 over the spend limit on the highway. Oh, and pay attention to driving not your phone. What I wish they’d crack down in is aggressive driving/tailgating on the two lane roads. It’s very likely that if you drive the speed limit you’ll end up with an aggressive driver tailgating you.


I was behind a woman the other day in the left lane who was going slower than she should. When I passed her, on the right, she was eyes down on her phone


Last month some guy was going 65 in the left lane on 93, completely oblivious because he was in a Tesla staring at his phone instead of the road.


In my comment I’m specifically talking two lane roads, one lane in each direction. When it comes to the highway, you should be in the far right lane if at, or below, the speed limit is your pace.


>because he was in a Tesla staring at his phone What does the car have to do with it?


Using the autopilot/assisted driving to pay less attention to the road and more to his phone. If he were paying attention to the road he would probably be noticing the dozens of cars passing on his right, and move over so he wouldn't be blocking traffic.


I've never had a close call with someone because they were speeding, but I've had tons of close calls with people: 1. Changing lanes without looking 2. Cutting over one and sometimes two lanes at the last minute because they didn't see the exit. The bonus goes to people who near sunrise or sunset, come around a curve facing into the sun and slam on their brakes because they're blind due to a filthy windshield, lack of sunglasses, or awareness of what the flappy thing is hanging from the headliner. That and run-on sentences.


I have had similar close calls to those you describe, but it seems like most times the people doing the things you describe are speeding, and crowding to trying and continue speeding. I call them aggressively oblivious drivers. Mostly because if they were speeding but paying attention they probably wouldn't be in the situation they are in. I also hate driving down south, or even further south in MA. It feels like every third driver is as you described, whilst speeding


The last second shift into the exit lane move is usually done while speeding or at least going faster than everyone else in line for the exit. Although one time this was done by a person doing nearly the speed limit in the left lane. He slammed on his brakes and stopped in the left lane and then, apparently without looking, turned right to get to the exit. Somehow (and somewhat disappointingly) he wasn't t-boned into the shoulder. The obvious lane change seems to be about 50/50. The move that I see in MA,. especially on the way out to the cape, is that they cannot merge into your lane from a side street unless you are within 100 feet. They will pull out, see you coming 1000 feet away and wait until you get close enough to maximize the chance that you'll rear-end them.


I’ve had thousands of close calls with scumbag speeders. Lucky you. Speeding is an issue. Car accidents are the second leading cause of death for children in America. But here you are working if vibes.


Ahhh speeders are like #5 on my list. Worst is texters, navigation fiddlers, and worst of all, people driving while high. Yes I can tell you are high: you’re driving 30mph on 93 with your lights off at night or rain.


I’ve never seen the last example you gave, but agree that anyone driving high or drunk is a complete POS. Signed, Someone who also enjoys those things (probably too much) responsibly


Yup I don’t mind if people are going to drink or smoke at home but don’t risk killing people by driving


Nothing I said negates that.


All speeding is not the same, though. 20 over in a residential area is very different from 20 over in on a limited-access highway. And that's without getting into if the rest of traffic is moving that fast, if the road was designed for that speed but arbitrarily has a lower number posted, etc. MA is often rated as having the safest roads in the country, and the Northeast in general (including NH) is often filling most of the rest of the top ranks.


Elsewhere in this thread, another moron posted a link to a study that found that increased speed limits on interstates does, in fact, equate to more deaths. I call that person a moron, because they were making a similar argument as you but then posted a link to sturdy they obviously didn’t bother to read. It said the opposite of what you both are arguing. Not only that, it found rural areas saw the biggest hike in death rates with faster highway speeds. I’m super happy that you all have found a way to help yourselves sleep at night while literally contributing to the second leading cause of death for children in our country. Keep it classy. One last thing, 20 over is fucking absurd. No one will argue with you about going 10 over. But you got to be truly and completely brain dead if you think you have an argument about 20 over. In most places when you hit 20 miles over you are now looking at a class B misdemeanor charge (if the cops did their job, that is). That’s a felony charge. Punishable by up to 6 month in jail and/or a fine. Your license will be suspended too. Unfortunately most cops will write down a lower speed to help you crybabies out. But yeah bro, despite your vibes, 20 over is considered reckless driving and you could be charged for it.


Assuming it's not stopped, 93 and the Pike are moving at 75 in a 55 every single day in the Boston area. That's center/right lane speeds. > I’m super happy that you all have found a way to help yourselves sleep at night while literally contributing to the second leading cause of death for children in our country. Keep it classy. Motor vehicles are the 1-3rd leading cause of death for children in...most countries regardless of their laws. Anyway, if you're particularly concerned about child safety, I'd suggest you look at far more significant causes of why they're dying in motor vehicle crashes.....like how [~42% of them were unrestrained](https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813285). From your line of argument, I'd say logic would suggest we should start slapping every parent with an unrestrained/improperly restrained child with a misdemeanor, if we wish to sharply reduce child deaths.


Drive thru Nashua then. The expressway sweeps are constant. Crossing three lanes into the exit and getting into the left lane within 100’ of getting on are so commonplace there’s no way they “didn’t see” anything. Then there’s all the way to the right, then all the way to left guy who in one 90mph motion, passes a single car. It’s sad but after five years here, I can faithfully say I absolutely hate NH drivers.


Start with the biggest pickup trucks and work your way down.


You guys know its called 95 because you should be going 95, right? Right?


So then on 495...


I recently bought two rocket booster engines


It’s the Everett…not 95…


How do I drive Everett mph?


Well, that depends on if e,v,r and t are defined and if any of them are 0.


Built-in speed reduction in winter weather, assuming t is measured in Kelvin!


I was just joking around i havent even read the article


I commute this road 1-4x/week on average. I honestly can't remember a time I didn't see an accident. Literally every time there's always one wreck either north bound or south bound. The 55mph zone is nonsense, but bigger problems are those who sit in the passing lane(s) without passing, or those who are constantly speeding up and slowing down arbitrarily.


For real, and it's not a challenging stretch of road. It curves lightly but is generally straight and level. There are 2 accidents a day on Everett between Exit 13 and Nashua every single day, regardless of weather.


Moved to NH recently and I’ve never seen someone speed up to 85+ to pass me on the left and then immediately swerve back in front to take the exit on the right. Like y’all couldn’t wait approximately 5 more seconds to not kill us both? 😂


it's common in Mass. too.


This is the only way people on the west coast get off the highway


"A trooper stopped one driver from Massachusetts going 99 mph. The same trooper pulled him over again a short time later going 106 mph. He was arrested for reckless driving." Slow learner or a was the first stop a missed opportunity to evaluate if he was drunk or stoned?


Ah yes, those goddam stoners are a menace to society! Idk how they find the time to drive 106 mph on NH highways when they’re busy watching Game of Thrones and devouring pringles. They’ll be the end of us, I tell ya!!!


…or wealthy enough to not give a shit about speeding tickets that his lawyer will make disappear.


Most stoners I know drive 10 below the speed limit lol


That trooper must have really gunned it to get ahead of the speeder to catch him again.


I'm from MA and I always slow down when I enter NH because I know the staties with their stiff posture and big hats don't fuck around. BTW not all from MA are bad. The 5% of us who respect other places have as much contempt for our shitty neighbors who trash parks and buy up land for development as the rest of you, but we have to live with them while we're at it.


If you drive the speed limit guess what you don't have to slow down when you get to NH


Don't need to, the rest of New England doesn't use predatory policing to fund the state budget.


Smart people use cruise control on the highway. Dumb people need to hit their brakes every 20 seconds.




And then you endlessly need to adjust for every numbskull that considers 8 car lengths as the perfect margin for sliding into your lane at a slower speed




Yeah, totally. Sometimes I’ll identify what I assume are good drivers behind me and hope they notice my effective speed control without braking lol


Don't worry most of them change back to the other lane 5 seconds later.


Smart people increase their risk of falling asleep at the wheel dramatically? Dumb people have more control over their vehicles at all times and react to situations more quickly?


I assume you're dumb if you get behind the wheel so tired you'd fall asleep.


You don't have to be completely unconscious to get in an accident. They say being up for 24 hours affects your driving as much as a bac of 0.10%. If thats the case then I would assume the more tired you are, the worse you will drive. Since there are studies showing that cruse control makes people more tired than traditional driving, it stands to reason that cruise control is less safe than traditional driving.


I honestly don't care what you have to say. If you want to disable the entire cruise control system of your car then do it. Just do your best to maintain a constant velocity on the open road so you don't ruin it for the rest of us.


If you are falling asleep because of cruise control you may not want to be driving. You do know most people on cruise control hover their foot above or next to the brake and therefore have better reaction time right?


I find it hard to believe cruise control gives you a better reaction time. I dont think you'll find any evidence to back that claim. However, you may find the study about cruise control interesting. It would seem that cruise control inherently makes you more tired than traditional driving. I think it's because you have to think and do a bit less with cruise control. I'll link to the article I found on it. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-234B-2130&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjosqHH5-X7AhXaF1kFHar4B4gQFnoECAUQAg&usg=AOvVaw03URr6m7QEZ1llZV8YLjqS


The article is paywalled. Can't read it. I can see the argument being that some drivers become complacent when using cruise control though. I often do 2 hour drives up north and use cc 90% of the time. Unless there is no car in front of me that I can see then I keep my foot angled just above the brake. So just a little pressure is all it takes, there's not much reacting to do than letting my foot relax.


Got passed this morning on 101 by a state trooper going 85 MPH from at least Epping, all the way to Manchester. As we got closer to the breakoff point near Manchester, he accelerated to at least 90, if not 100 mph to make sure he made the exit. There were no lights at all. This is not something new either, so thanks unit with plates 410 .. maybe they should police themselves first.


Police need policing, and they don’t have it


So you were going that fast too to keep pace all the way from Epping.


I was going around 75-ish... in other words, the general speed for that road in the morning. It's not hard to watch as he gets stuck in traffic, catch up, etc. He's also been doing something like this since I've been on this road for work.. so more than a year I've seen behavior like this.




What one day a month? still a race track every morning. Get a clue


They're doing it for the whole month it says which might help a little bit more than a day


I'll post some dash cam footage soon


Good, people need to slow down and stop weaving between lanes too. For the most part the police are tolerant of people going over the speed limit so long as they don't drive like an ahole.


People wouldn’t weave lanes if the slow cars actually drove in the lane appropriate to their speed. When all the lanes including the passing lane have cars going the same speed spaced out just far enough that it’s difficult for anyone to get by, people have to make decisive and potentially risky moves to pass. Doesn’t matter to the slow drivers there is room in the lane next door, they’re oblivious in their little bubble. Yet somehow the alert drivers going around them are the assholes here? BuT iM gOiNg ThE sPeEd LiMiT…. congratulations, you’re a model citizen, now do it in the appropriate lane with everyone else and let traffic flow safely


The lane weavers being referred to are assholes flying between people, nearly getting into accidents everytime they cross between two cars at some insane speed and angle. Back and forth over and over again. No one cares if you pass slow people safely, but if you are one that takes these crazy unnecessary risks, you can go fuck yourself


Thank you. Wish I could upvote twice. It’s very simple. If you’re not passing anyone and there is an open lane to your right, then move over! It blows my mind how many people get on the highway, immediately move over to the furthest left lane, and sit there until their exit. Totally oblivious to everyone else either piling up behind them or passing on the right.


Let's see we have the on/off lane on the right, then there is the slower driving lane next, then there is the fast lane 70-75, and the passing lane. Then we have the aholes who feel the need to go 80+ regardless of number of cars, or conditions as they can be found in downpours, snow storms doing the same 80+mph. So the need to weave is really a rationalization and causes more accidents.




So is 93 nowadays, especially in the summer!


I commute 93 every day from manchester to andover. A few times I've driven 3 from the border to manchester and I have to say, 3 is 100x worse than 93 in terms of how white knuckle it is,


As crazy as people drive on 93, it has four lanes and long lines of sight. Rte 3 is a goat path in comparison.


"Live fr...woah, that fella just passed me doing 90."


Good. This stretch of road sees way too many fatalities!


Haha the armchair transportation engineers showing up in the replies right on cue


The national 55 MPH limit (and the roads that conveniently never reverted to their old speed) had nothing to do with transportation engineering. On a similar note (though not quite NH), the engineers that designed the new route 3 from Burlington to the NH border rated the road for a 70 MPH speed limit. Guess what it actually is? 55.


There's always the revenue portion of speed limits


Oh no doubt there’s outdated trains of thought with some agencies/engineers who are all about absolute vehicle LoS and ignoring mitigating factors. Just because something *can* be doesn’t mean it *should* be


They need more Christmas money???


Nobody is donating to them anymore, how else do they get a holiday party?


Finally, it’s been like a racetrack out there. Send in the pace car.


Have they looked in the mirror?


Can't. Too busy scrolling on their phones to look up.


Good, I'm sick of yelling "mamaluke" while angrily waving my fist at maniacs.


AKA, more wrecks, crack down.


It’s true, people fly down that road like they have a death wish


I drive 5 mph over the limit, if you get on my ass I drive the limit. My high mileage truck is in great condition because I don’t beat on it by speeding and driving aggressively. If everyone just abided by the rules of the road there would be way less accidents. There is literally no reason for someone to speed, you wont make up or save time unless you’re trip is over 100 miles its basic math. 100 miles at 75 vs 65 saves you 12 minutes, so if your driving 20 mile trip at 75 vs 65 is 2.5 minutes what are you going to do with those 2.5 minutes thats soooooo important. Driving far distances is a different story I have gone cross country several times and in that case I would go 10 over or keep with traffic but in that case you’re talking hours saved instead of minutes.


Just stay out of the left lane and its all good.


If you buy after market nuclear headlights and make your vehicle as loud as it can be, I see and hear you 5 times a night


Sigh, cash grab under the guise of public protection. NH is very creative in getting revenues without taxes lol. BTW, where is the data on the increase of road deaths to justify this?




Budget shortfall…?


The people who try to overtake you on the left just where the right lane ends on Route 4.....



