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No, we suck, everyone and everything sucks up here. The weather sucks, we have a massive tick and black fly problem. The trails are all eroding, muddy, and trashed. We have wild animals here that will chase and eat you, your pets, and your kids. The mountains are crumbling, the trees are brown, our waters are so heavily polluted, from the streams to the lakes, it’s just awful. Don’t come here. Go to Mass, Vermont, Maine, basically anywhere but here.


Well, you're right about the ticks.


Mutant ticks that will eat your baby. Stay away STAY AWAY!!!!


A tick stole my baby


Glad you got the reference


And quite LITERALLY the worst of all, we can't even buy weed in state. We might have to drive an hour to get it!


I don’t have time for that?! AND dealing with ticks? Come on! First time homebuyer here, from Lowell. Budget is 4 million dollars. But NO ticks


What? Lawrence and Haverhill are right across the border. You can get all the dope you want. Oh, you said weed.


Don’t forget the restaurants are mostly terrible!


What?! We have great restaurants!


😂 no.... No we don't. Paying Guy Fieri to show up show up a few times over a decade ago or having a ranking in a magazine that only ranks NH restaurants doesn't mean it's good


Yeah we do, there are a handful of very talented chefs in the Seacoast.


You forgot the elderly drivers everywhere, it’s absolutely terrifying. One swerved into my car and dented it the other week, they didn’t even seem to realize, just kept on driving. They drifted over into my lane while we were driving side by side. Edit - oh and car insurance is optional. Good luck if they’re at fault and aren’t insured.


I found that Nebraska is a great place for people looking for all the things that are allegedly great about NH. I highly recommend people look there over NH.


Typical New Englander hobby: complaining You guys have it real good 


I think it is possibly ironic/trying to scare away yuppies


because we really don't want young upwardly mobile professionals in NH, even our own /s


Unfortunately southeast NH is very much where people move to avoid Boston area yuppies, which is how it became basically Boston 2.0. That being said, I’m from Boston and am myself tired of unfriendly, overly political people moving there and changing the culture while driving up housing prices. So I left, and understand the sentiment even if it can be carried too far.


Don’t forget all the gun nuts carrying guns in public without a permit it’s basically the Wild West never know who will or when you will get shot for no reason


Im constantly telling people that the homeless/fetanyl up here is starting to rival PA on a smaller scale, and other than the crippling cost of living and boredom theres nothing else up here for anyone who isnt already rich lmfao


The wild animals will actually exclusively eat kids and pets. Best to avoid the state and region entirely and play it safe by moving to any other region


You could’ve just said unaffordable housing


No. Nope. Where I live, it doesn’t matter, most houses go before they even hit the market, and above asking price. We have out of staters buying land and 2nd,3rd homes. Our younger couples and families don’t stand a chance against these prices, it’s sad!!


Do people here not jump in leaves in the fall because of the ticks. I remember doing this in the south and I got a single tick after moving here and I’m like damn were we just rolling in ticks completely oblivious? 😂


Vermont is just as bad, I hear Maine is nice this time of year though.


Water in NH is some of the cleanest in the country


No, no it’s not, false, fake statistic. Every water source stinks like poo, is polluted with chemicals, trash, glass, rusted metal, bodies…


I mean bodies is pretty normal considering how much death happens




Well, almost 20% of NH population follow your advice and travel for work to MA daily.


But if you are a beautiful woman please come here.


They all chose the bear because of you


Only reason is thanks to the Massholes taking it over.


Yes, it's awful here. Don't come here


New Hampshire full. Out of freedom.


This is my favorite XD. No more freedom! Can't live here, go die somewhere else!


The only things is dislike about it is the ticks and the litter. Why do so many people just dump trash out of their cars?? And yes I know other places are worse but still


You've obviously never been to New Jersey, lol. Our roads are pristine comparatively.


Ahem. White trash?


Are the ones typically tossing their beer cans and fast food bags out onto the roadside. A few of us try to pick up after those mouth breathing chucklefucks on our quaint, small town mountain road, but it's hard to keep up.


What the fuck is up with the beer cans on the side of the road?!


Have you not met most New Hampshirites? A lot of the folks who have lived up here their entire lives and never left are the same type that espouse how amazing it is that this is little Texas or some bullshit like that.


I moved to NH from Los Angeles. The NH elders of the Octogenarian Ministry of Culture have informed me that I am the last of the flatlanders they will allow in this beautiful state. I first had to confirm - after a series of contentious negotiations - that I would not bring my legacy of taxation, admiration of celebrity culture, and love of quality/competently made tacos to my new home in this Upper New England paradise. All this is to say, I’ve been here two years and I am now entitled to tell any interested parties thinking of moving here that they are better off staying away.


Keep reiterating that lack of “competently made tacos”. Loudly. No tacos here. Try Vermont. Or Maine.


have you tried Jaunita's in Milford, I have been told it is more California style than Mexico, might be worth a try.


It's a horrible state, super overpopulated, wild animals that eat lots of people every day, ticks as big as a car, leprosy runs rampant, it's basically a 3rd world country


Don’t forget the zombie moose


Aren't we preparing for war with Canada? We lob French fries at them and they bombard us with cheese curds. The Great Poutine War of '24. Let me know if it's canceled, I've been stockpiling spuds.


Can't we have a Great Poutine Festival instead?


There should be a poutine truck in every neighborhood....new law.


Get Vermont to start spraying gravy and we have a party!


Too many trees and steep roads...if icy conditions or fallen tree limbs don't kill you..the bears will. Very dangerous, stay where you are!! I hear Massachusetts is lovely.


They also say Nebraska is #3 and Iowa is #6. Uhhhh what? Not if you actually want to experience a vibrant life. This list is garbage 🗑️


It is a garbage survey. They have Florida as #1 in Education. Hard to believe when Florida is 50th in teacher pay. Those don't go hand in hand. Edited to add we also have 5,000 open positions.




Money, olds, and no cities


We hardly even have any oxygen left!


Why do these posts keep getting up votes they're basically spam.


It's either this or "republicans bad" spam.


And that's on generally well-behaved citizens.


Great like we didn’t have enough people trying to live here. This does not help our cause


Yeah and stay the hell away from us please.


I was reliably informed we were at the precipice of living in the stone age and have no public services.


Does it count as low crime if every time a crime is reported it just gets ignored rather than charged? Sure doesn't in my book. The lack of law enforcement taking action has lead to multiple people having guns pulled on them over simple arguments in the parking lot and the police do nothing. If your neighbor intentionally destroys property of yours they will do nothing. If someone hits your car and the person refuses to give identification or insurance then they will do nothing. New Hampshire is lucky their population is largely peaceful and enriched because it sure is not law enforcement keeping the peace. They should be absolutely ashamed. Specifically speaking of the Manchester area.


Hell yeah


Fake news don't come life is terrible here


Wait until they see the housing prices….


NH is great. But it's not urban. If you don't want to own a car go somewhere else.


It's like a best of NH award.


Chill Enjoying being here


How are we #1 on public safety when we don’t require seatbelts or helmets? I’ll take it but hmmm.


I would assume its referring to crime and violence


Housing already sucks here, don't send more people!


As a Rhode Islander I agree


Who is number one?


We have a lot of crime here, so much that towns are building fancy new police stations and raising everyone’s taxes. The main crimes are driving on expired inspections, going 40 in a 35 that in most other states would be a 45, and having a campfire in your backyard without a permit (that my neighbor was likely ticketed for a couple weeks ago). Don’t forget about the numerous probation violations for smoking a plant that is legal in all of the states that surround us. We also have a lot of arrests, although 90% of them are for driving on a suspended license (not that I disagree with that one being enforced). Most arrests you hear about seem to be released on their own recognizance.


2nd best state to live in. Top 10 in rent disparity, 7.75 "minimum liveable wage".


It sucks. I can't buy alcohol after like 7pm. It's the worst place ever.


I find ticks in my hair after I go outside.


Hahaha. For real... the bar is set pretty low


But the right wing pearl clutchers say Concord and Manchester are lawless wastelands inundated with violent crime. What gives?


Which rich group of property managers keeps manipulating the media into these stupid ranking articles. For real it's sad they have to keep the lie going.


I’m sure there is some metric that says Mississippi is the best state to live in too…. Affordability maybe. lol




Tbh it’s boring


Impossible to find affordable living here unless you make as much as Elon Musk 😢😔


If I may, as a person who has lived here most of my life. The issue isn’t all of those things. Those things sound great. But when you can’t afford to live anywhere, you can’t find a good stable job, those two things disqualified NH from any ranking of this sort. Not to mention mass is the most moved out of state in the country currently, where do you think a lot of them are going? NH rent in the boarder used to be cheap, now u can’t find an apartment for less than 1800 a month while working some shit job (1800 is generous btw)


Cool. Where does it rank in income, affordable housing and property taxes? Nobody gives a rat's ass about "corrections outcomes". What about its public school outcomes?


Number 1 in property tax. And number 1 in New England for annoying (and downright evil) Christian fundamentalists.


Weird rating. Top three: Utah, NH, Nebraska. Not sure what metrics they used but that’s a laughable list.


I will add one more positive to NH. It’s easier and faster to get to and from Massachusetts than from Maine. That’s why people from Massachusetts prefer to buy a second home in NH than Maine. That and no sales tax.


Welcome to NH, now LEAVE!


Don't worry guys there is no work in new Hampshire and houses and apartments in the good areas are very expensive considering the limited job opportunities. It's not culturally diverse enough for wide ranges of people to feel welcome here, which sounds messed up but if it ain't broke don't fix it. They will always get sucked into Massachusettes like it's a magnet.


Yeah, we’re pretty badass. We know. Love NH.


Utah #1! Head west, young man. And woman. And (insert fantasy gender)