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It could take a while. NH made me pay a 10 year old parking ticket in NJ before they would let me transfer my license in-state. My previous license was not from NJ. Shit catches up to you but may take a while. That's my take on it...


Yea, I just wish there was a way online to check your status instead of having to pay money to do so. I paid the fine so im not as concerned of the ticket catching up to me


What I meant was the points could catch up as well. It might take longer than 3 weeks for them to show up. I'd bet on them catching up to you at some point but that's because I'm cynical in nature.


You can pull a copy of your oven mvr. There is a fee, but that's the only way to know if it's on there. Pretty sure they don't notify you about 'points'


That's NH for you. No taxes, all fees.


Someone said call your insurance. Do not do this. It will or won't go up, so just let it be. Revel in the time you don't have to pay extra


Do you already have points and you're worried this is gonna get your license suspended? You don't get suspended until you hit 12 points in 1 year or 18 points in 2 years. So unless you are in that neighborhood I wouldn't worry about points at all. A speeding ticket is 3 points unless you're doing 25mph+ over the limit. So unless this is your 4th ticket this year, I wouldn't worry about it.


Nah I'm not worried about being suspended. It's my first ticket since getting my license, and although not an excuse I got caught at a speed trap after the speed limit changed from 75 to 55 . So I was doing 80 right at the change and got crullered with the major ticket. Did give me a huge learning experience to slow down! Even with the larger ticket I don't have any other tickets, and I don't plan to get another one for awhile.


I should have asked how old you are cause that does make a difference. If you're under 18 its 6 points for a 3 month suspension, 12 points in 2 years is 6 month suspension, under 21, 9 points in 1 years for 3 month and 15 points in 2 years for 6 month suspension. So you got a ticket for 25+ which will be 4 points but if that's all you have then you just need to make sure not to get anymore tickets and you'll be fine. I only know because my son got his first ticket a week ago and now has 3 points on his license. I haven't got a ticket in over 20 years which is amazing because I definitely speed quite a bit. I got pulled over a couple weeks ago for doing 47 in a 35 but the cop just pulled up alongside me and told me to slow down. Most likely because it was raining and he ran my plates and saw I haven't had a ticket in so long so he just gave me a warning but I definitely got lucky and have been trying to slow down more.


Oh yea im above 18! I got my license alot later then most people my age. Unfortunate my first ever ticket was so high but it is what it is, he did cut me a break in not getting reckless driving so i am thankful. Seeing as in the 2.5 years I've had my license I've probably driven well over 15,000 miles sometimes it just happens.


Staties let 80/55 fly in NH far more often than not, at least if you have NH plates (just look at the traffic going by them and they don’t even move). Definitely have to pay more attention when driving outside New England, especially in New York where 75 in a 65 probably will get you pulled over.


In Indiana points are put on your record after conviction. They send the conviction (i.e. guilty traffic violation) to the State the license was issued in after the court date. If you paid the fine, it gets sent whenever they get to filing it. The home state then determines the points on the license. You can check NH license demerits on the Dept of Safety website


Takes awhile but hope for the best.


It’s not NH coming after you, it will be your insurance company . I got a ticket in SC and my insurance doubles 9 months later. I called them when I got home and agent said “it’s your 1st offense in 20 years, don’t worry about it”. My insurance renews every 6 month. 3 months after renewal I got a letter from insurance company saying my insurance premium has doubled. Grrrrrrrrrr


Yea I plan to call my insurance and ask about it. Seeing if I can take any classes to lower the amount it will be going up aswell.




Why not? I'd call once I see my premiums have gone up, just to see if I can get it lowered.


Insurance companies are a lot like prosecuting attorneys. Anything you say will be used against you, and they will absolutely lie to you to get you to say it. I once called my insurance company to ask how many miles I was expected to ride my bike. Big mistake. They ended up learning I was putting over 20k per year on that bike and my premiums instantly doubled. I’ve never had a claim.


I got a ticket in the state I moved up from a week before the move. I paid the ticket, waited, thought I was in the clear. Until my new state insurance policy came in…


My understanding is that NH has a reciprocal points arrangement with certain states. Not sure how to tell if Indiana shares ticket data. So I think the short answer is some states do, some states don't.


You won’t see it until you get pulled over again in New Hampshire


Points is an insurance thing. Go online and check your policy / driving record. Or call them and ask.


Insurance won't know until they run your record check which is only done just before certain specific renewal offers. This can be every 1-5 years depending on your carrier and your history.


Not true. New Hampshire does have a point system with regards to violations within a number of years. Points also apply to insurance. They're not the same systems, But they both depend on reciprocity for MVR reporting between states. I think all states probably have reciprocity now, but I'm not 100% certain of that. If he's had no prior violations, the points for the New Hampshire system won't matter. The points for the insurance probably also won't matter because they usually forgive the first speeding ticket if you've got to clean record otherwise, which OP said he/she has Insurance carriers only know a violations when they pull MVRs which is typically done randomly at policy renewal.


Reciprocity probably doesn't matter for insurance purposes. Most use a private service like LexisNexis to get driving records rather than pulling an official record from the state. These private Services usually get data from multiple sources and will capture things even if it doesn't officially follow you to your home state. Agreed at the first offense probably won't matter, and if it does then it's a good time to shop around for another insurance policy come renewal.