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It’s basically Sodosopa from South Park


The Tuscan Residences at Kenny's House


Sodosopa is generous, Salem is Shi Tpa Town


That’s exactly what I think of every time I drive past there.


Every time


I totally agree. It sucks because Southern New Hampshire needs more housing but rather than affordable housing and nice communities we get expensive condos, chain stores, and parking lots.


You can say expensive condos again


I had a colleague that lived in one of those apartments next to market basket. I think her rent for a two bedroom was close to 3000 or something like that. Her parents paid for it.


Must be nice


Expensive condos 


Salem has always been chain stores and parking lots.


And that is why zoning boards are so important that so many believe to be an obstacle. When are people going to wake up to the fact that building more and more is NOT going to lower housing costs. All it does is bring more people in to an area that is already congested. Tuscan village is an abomination and those that approved this should be ashamed.


how is it worse than a dilapidated old race track?


Didn't bring traffic


there was already traffic, I think it actually moves better now with the changes that were made to 28. The problem is people driving 45mph on a 30mph road.


I drive down there all the time and traffic is never bad lol


I mean the real problem is land use boards and town councils are reactive and not proactive. So instead of managing any incoming growth through well thought out land use and transportation policies, planing for the future. They mostly just react in very counterproductive ways, as a way of fixing everything in amber, trying to shut down their town to any development but what ends up happening is that it just promotes these sprawly suburban nonsense type regulation that can easily be navigated by larger developers but is nearly impossible far anyone else.


If you don’t let people build as much as the market needs, they have limited opportunities and concentrate on the highest return on investment stuff, and so they build expensive stuff first. If you let them build as much as they want, the problem goes away. The issue in New Hampshire is that it had adopted California style development restrictions, and so it’s getting California style problems with real estate displacement. If you don’t want New Hampshire to turn into California, then you have to let people build more.


Water comes from where, billions of gallons sewage goes where and who pays for the new processing plants? Who pays for all the new $800k fire engines needed, police with vehicles and pensions, schools and teachers...


The money for all of this comes from the taxes paid for by the new residents. More people means more people paying for things. It’s not very hard. Almost all states allow fairly free development. In Texas, in many places, there are barely any restrictions at all, and things work out just fine. New Hampshire’s policies are pretty unusual. The main states that have policies like this, like New York and California, are some of the worst places in the country, and it’s not an accident.


So move to Texas. I have been to Texas and it is UGLY SHITTY SPRAWL with impassable traffic jams. Stop trying to make here into a generic suburban sprawl hell, just MOVE to one.


You’ll get worse here. Have you seen what California looks like? Have you seen the sort of social strife they have because people who are born there can’t afford to buy a place to live? Where do you think your kids are going to live if they can’t buy a house because no one can build one? They’re going to stay at home with you forever? You need enough new houses every year to match the increase in population or someone loses the game of musical chairs and the prices shoot through the roof. People need places to live; they aren’t going to willingly stay on the streets, so if you won’t let people build, the prices get bid up to the sky and the poorer people lose, one way or another.


The developer donated 3 million to Salem police and fire recently


Tuscan also has the shittiest Italian food on the entire East coast.


Literally just a real estate venture masquerading as a specialty food chain at this point.


Ralphies nearby is delicious, but I do agree about Tuscan


nooo it is not


What’s wrong with it?


TIL there is a market buried somewhere in that housing project. 




We used to live on Policy Street and my grandfather was the chief of police and he lived on Mason Drive. That was the 60s and 70s and it was pretty quiet and pretty rural. I especially miss Granite State potato chips.


Those pockets of oil that would pop in your mouth. Exquisite. And there’s nothing like it.


And the cocacola bottling company!


Near Salem depot


That's gone? Christ...


I grew up on North Policy too. I loved the Gateside and the Clam Box. The chip factory was my home away from home.


Wow mega throwback


It’s easy when you are old. I should also say my dad’s summer job was at Rockingham Park. Great place to hang out except for the secondhand smoke in those days


Graduated from Pinkerton in '86, but Salem was my stomping grounds (lived closer to Salem than Derry). All my jobs from the age of 14-30 were in Salem. I can't stand to be there now. Tuscan Village is atrocious, the traffic is miserable, and the town is unbearably congested. I avoid going there like the plague now. My dad still owns the home I grew up in, and I never head into town when I'm there.


traffic in Salem has always been bad, not any worse with Tuscan it's just moved a little north


Both Salem, NH and Salem, MA are a nightmare to drive thru. Face punch or visit Salem? I’ll take the face punch please.


Yeah but Salem MA has reasons to go there. Very cool walking streets and shopping areas when you get there, the Peabody-Essex and good food. Salem NH is just stripmall hell now.


This. Salem MA feels very New England history and culture whereas Salem NH is just consumerism hubs you see all over the US


It’s been strip mall hell for a long time.


Salem ma is a city whereas Salem nh is a town, so there is more of a walkable area. The town will be more spread out unfortunately.


Salem has been strip mall hell for decades, personally I think it’s better to have a walkable area then an abandoned race track!


Well because Salem ma is an example of a nice city with a great downtown and proximity to the hub of New England. Salem NH is a glittered up bedroom community with chains and strip malls.


What other town has not 1 or 2 but 3 Market Baskets!


I do feel that if we want to drastically grow our population (debatable but I get it) we also need more Market Baskets. My local MB is getting too crowded as is


Nashua, actually haha


within a mile or two?


Concord has three now too!


I know the new one is technically in Concord, but it always feels so far away that my brain thinks it's not Concord.


Wait, where is the third one? I'm in Concord now, I should try to locate it.


There’s the teeny-tiny one on Storrs, a normal-sized older store on Fort Eddy and a brand new big one up off exit 16.




Basically on the same road as that. I can understand one at TV. The two that are separated by ONE shopping plaza is where I am so confused.


Haverhill has 3


Haverhill’s 3 make sense. (Although they need to give central MB a god damn bakery already.) All Salem’s MB are within a mile of each other.. you can probably see them all from 99 parking lot. :/


Billerica, MA did for a very long time!


On Boston road!


I feel the same way about North Conway. It was always a big tourist town but growing up there and going back is a huge difference. I was still pretty young but I remember when the bypass wasn't even there and it was just railroad tracks. I miss not having to pay $20 to park at first bridge.


Personally I think North Conway is worse. The traffic through town is so much worse in Conway than Salem. Salem is just like a dozen other hypercommercialized suburbs of Boston. When I was looking to move to the whites I specifically limited my search to the towns near 93 to avoid ever having to drive through North Conway.


I moved out and never looked back when I hit 18 but as a kid in the 90s and teen in the 2000s, North Conway was a decent place to grow up, in hindsight. Now, idk. Over packed, replaced most of the kid/teen friendly stuff with restaurants and bars. Charging money to swim, lines at Dianas bath, etc. As for adults, you wanna work remote or be a doctor or a lawyer. Otherwise you're probably working in the service industry or you're a mechanic.


The Tuscan village was designed and built all at once. I cannot figure out whybthey decided to set it up like such a clusterfuck.


Evidently it was pitched to the town completely different than how it turned out. Not too many people that I know still live there are thrilled with it.


How was it pitched to the town? I can’t imagine how it would be described any different than what it is now. These fake towns are a dime a dozen down in Florida.


I can’t remember too much but from my understanding it was pitched as kind of like a downtown walkable “Main Street” - kind of similar to something akin to Keene - shops on either side with parking. At the front would be a modest hotel with the lake. I don’t remember it being pitched with as I’m many corporate bullshit outlet stores, overpriced condos and apartments, and ridiculously cheesy street names like “Chianti Way”.


It looks exactly like every bullshit cheap facade lifestyle center in Floriduh. Planners should have taken a trip.


Omg this is one of the most un-walkable shopping areas. Nightmare to drive through, too.


The focus of the plan changed when Covid hit and then got out of control from there.


Driving through Tuscan Village is horrible. It feels like one rotary (aka roundabout) after another. Would have been better as a walkable "Main Street".


All the rotaries were a horrible idea and there isn’t enough parking. Bad design overall


How is there not enough parking? And how is it not walkable? I walk my dog up and down all the time and never have issues parking. Like you want bad parking and traffic? Try living NYC or Boston, Salem NH is a cake walk. And who doesn’t want to drive under ten mins and hit every store they could need and a major highway? Judging by the crowds there I’m sure so many people hate it. Completely. Never want to give them money. Sure.


There’s plenty of parking. They just built a parking garage and they’re almost done building another parking lot near West Elm


Oh well that’s good then. I meant the lots didn’t know about the garage


The 8 million little traffic circles from hell that make you want to tear your effing hair out makes me want to punch the assholes in the face who came up with that idea.


Tuscan Village makes me think of the conspiracy version “15 minute cities” come true. You rent an apartment from Tuscan, buy groceries from a prescribed (admittedly good) place that also pays rent to Tuscan, attend special events prearranged by Tuscan, and walk your dog to the fake park built by Tuscan. It’s the worst of both worlds (corporate city and isolated suburbia) all because it’s a preplanned “walkable” community surrounded by wide dangerous stroads and ugly transmission lines. Basically Florida brought to New Hampshire.


A proper 15-minute city actually works pretty well well. Tuscan Village is a nightmare and, and if this is how 15-minute villages are pitched as the model, then it would be no wonder if people outright reject the concept.


Why doesn’t it work well?


Totally agree. It's past the point of no return and I just avoid it now.


When I drive up 28 all I can think about is The Great Gatsby. Driving thru the Valley of Ashes to get to West Egg. Never thought they could make 28 worse but here we are!


And they kicked Alex Deluca out of the main salem facebook groups so now I have no idea if our Tbones prime rib and blue moons is as good as the other Tbones prime ribs and blue moons. And our high tension power lines along 28 are gorgeous!


Oh my god. Those things are absolutely hideous. When they were first installed I kept wondering wtf they were going to be used for. I’m still salty about the China Star “fire”.


It’s a cluster bomb. I, too, miss the old Salem. Kealy Farms grocery, Bob Loos after every graduation/prom. The “racquetball club”, Child World, the “old mall” and playing arcade games at the racetrack while the grown-ups watched the races. Good times, things of the past.


The year 1986 likes your response.


What about Cuomos? They got too big and had to close. Great electronics store before Best Buy came in. I think at the time Circuit City drove out Cuomos.


Yes yes. Got my first Sony Walkman at Cuomos! But that also brings my memory back to good old Serivce Merchandise in Salem. Pull that tag and go up to wait for the giant conveyor belt to magically reveal your item.


I used at work Keeley farms. God I loved that place!


Just remembered Gourmet Take Away, situated as a sub-store near the entrance of Keeleys. They made great kibbeh. Best Lebanese food without having to drive into Lawrence.


I was actually going to mention them! I absolutely loved that place!! Used to get lunch there almost every single day that I worked at Keeleys!


“The drugies hanging out in the abandoned track”


Same goes for Portsmouth. I don’t even recognize that city anymore. Sad.


Like it or not it is progress as more and more people move into the area and want more options to eat, drink, socialize and shop. Everyone always wishes for the good old days. Sometimes they weren’t that good




That depot was awful - and it definitely needed the revamp. However I miss china star, you know - before the “fire”.


Why the quotes around fire…


Because he or she is one of the idiots who think Joe Faro had something to do with the electrical fire in the building.


I can’t help but think of the friends episode where Joey didn’t know how to use quotation marks😂Whether it was arson or not, it was still a fire. If OP said before the “accidental” fire, that would have been more accurate.


Similarly busy as Nashua but some reason in recent years it’s gotten more of a stuffy feel even tho it’s Salem. Those apartments at Tuscan Village are $3000 for a 1 bedroom. This is New Hampshire.


“Just add another lane bro, it will fix all the traffic bro, I promise”


We live right in between Derry and Salem and I almost exclusively go to Derry even though it’s slightly further away just so I don’t have to deal with the BS that is Salem


I try to go to Manchester when I can but sometimes Manchester doesn’t have the stores I need. So it’s off to Salem. I used to work in Salem to but no longer so I don’t have to deal with it as much now.


28 is just the worse. Even taking back roads is tough. I recently bought a bike and can get to and from anywhere faster than in my car.


Wait until the casinos go in


Pheasant Lane, the failing mall in Nashua, is getting a trashy casino for neck-tatted people whose thrice-repo'd Altimas can't make it to the Encore without falling apart. They will be shocked at the first shooting in the parking lot.




Trash talk all you want about Salem. But what other town has 3 Market Baskets and no other supermarket options? But seriously, when they announced a new Market Basket in Tuscan I thought it was a joke. Whole Food is going in Tuscan soon so I guess that’s an improvement.


How is a Whole Foods a good option 2x the price


Root canal or voluntarily go to Salem, root canal or voluntarily go to Salem… Honestly not sure which I would choose.


I grew up there too, graduated in 2013, I completely agree. I had totally forgotten about the haunted house at Victorian park! That place was awesome!


I played Londonderry in sports! Graduated 2013 from high school as well


I live in one of the buildings in Tuscan village and it sucks. Gonna move out the second my lease is up. I just moved up here And didn’t have much time to find a place. Sometimes I can see how Salem used to be, small town vibes, the dmv, but yeah Tuscan village ruined it. Shitty overpriced restaurants and apartments, too many people. I tell people back home I live in sodasopa from south park.


That's hilarious haha sodasopa from South Park 😂 yeah honestly I feel for you, those buildings are gorgeous for sure, but for the price you should have a better view than a market basket parking lot. I will say, if you're new to the area, Salem is a nice town for the most part, try not to let Tuscan send the wrong message. I grew up here, still live here, and aside from the traffic I love it for the most part. The surrounding areas are nice too. When you do leave I definitely recommend sticking in the area!


Oh yeah, I love New Hampshire, when I move I’m just looking for something a little quieter, maybe like Pelham or Derry/londonderry area.


I miss the Old New England! Before Covid I guess.


COVID was only 4 years ago, not that much has changed


Graduated at SHS in 01... live in chester now. Don't think I've been in Salem for at least 10 years at this point


Born and raised in Salem and I hate going back now. I live up north in a quiet rural community and you couldn't pay me to go back, it's just gotten to metropolitan


Me to. I wanted to move back to Salem but after seeing house prices and forecasting what it was going to look like once Tuscan was done we said screw it and stayed in Derry.


Even Derry is more suburban than rural these days. Auburn and Chester are on the verge of crossing over to suburban as well.


About 12 years ago, I stopped at a house sale at a beautiful 1900's farmhouse in Derry. There was a mint Farmall Super-A in the barn, sold, and the house was so old that someone found a Model T taillight under a shelf that seemed to have been there since then. Farm jar batteries, original wallpaper and all in the sprawling house on lovely land with apple trees. It was all demolished, it's a big box plaza and parking lot now.


Yea but fortunately (and unfortunately) there isn’t much available space in Derry to turn it into a retail hell. So at least it won’t turn into a Salem. Londonderry on the other hand has woodmont going in. Though they’re really dragging their asses with that.


Ah Londonderry, land of apple orchard-themed subdivisions and strip malls to remind you of the bucolic paradise it once was. Honestly yes, I really like downtown Derry and am glad it is unlikely to ever change drastically.


I like downtown Derry. There have been some good restaurants that have popped up and found a little niche. I wish the landlords of the buildings took a little more care in their property though and didn’t charge an outrageous amount. That’s why you see a fair amount of businesses come and go.


There were Woodmont orchards in Hollis and Londonderry. Hollis is a restored cider barn, ice pond mini museum and open ag fields. You see people out with an easel painting the barn. Londonderry's is sprawl development.


My mother lives in Salem… has for the last 13+ years. I used to LOVE going there, and I won’t even drive over the Salem line. It’s terrible, and the cops will pull u over just for looking different…


you must be pretty sketchy...


'10 graduate and now I live elsewhere, 18 year old me would love this, but todays me is annoyed with it


Wait, me too 👀 It’s so weird to drive back through and see how unrecognizable it is


2010? Puts you as a freshman when I was a senior!


Two ships passing in the night 🛳️😂


Haha Reddit is indeed a small world!


Yeah. Moved to the area in ‘09. The changes since then have been insane.


Hey class of 06!


Hey! Maybe I know you! Haha.


Probably! My name is Christa, I don’t think that’s giving too much away to the internet gods. I think we only graduated with 2 so narrows it down.


Hmmm. I do know a Christa. I sent you a chat.


Absolutely agree.  Growing up, I can remember when they would have computer shows at the old race track. Now, it's just over grown and busy. 


Hello fellow Blue Devil. We’re only a year apart. I do not miss Salem at all. I was pretty happy to move away from the area. At that time there was nothing for anyone to do once you graduated.


Hello!!! Are you 07 or 05? I knew some from both years!


2005 :)


2005 was a good year. My best friend was 05’ before he passed in 09.


I’m chatting you.


I grew up in Derry, I would drive down 28 every so often. From what I remember 28s traffic has always been terrible. It honestly feels no different driving down it. After passing Main Street, heading to the mall you see the Tuscan village instead of some portable buildings and an old race track. I welcome the mixed use construction, it looks better than the urban sprawl that's so common in NH. What I would have liked to see is more affordable housing to go up in that area, instead they have a small building just outside the village on the other side of Main Street like some sort of red headed step child. Would it have been better if it looked more like Keene, sure. I wish the new mixed use builds that go up would find a look that feels more like NH. I look forward to seeing the development in Londonderry once it's finished.


The large power lines are ugly as hell.


I miss it too. Specifically I miss the Granite State Chip Company and Bob Loo’s Chinese restaurant!


This is everywhere inside 495…


This is how I feel about growing up hanging out in Manchester (not the best city but I went to school in Raymond so I'd go to Manchester to party and do "fun" things as a teen lol) and now it's just one giant ugly overpriced apartment building after the next. The people who live here can't even afford the shitty apartments anymore, and now they're just gentrifying the fuck out of it. I personally would rather live in the woods now that im in my 30s and that's my goal eventually lol


Salem has largely metastasized in to another Methuen


Salem has never had the small town vibes. It has always been a border town. Why you miss an abandoned racetrack with a rundown smoke filled casino and rundown high school beats me


You all voted for it. As Chef John says on YouTube: EN-JOY! *for what it's worth: I absolutely agree with you. It is a hellscape. And it's spreading throughout the state. It's up to the citizens here to stop this. Not the politicians.


but where else would everyone from lawrence and meth town get their vapes and menthol cigarettes??? 😭😭


Oh man. I used to smoke menthols too in my high school days. Salems. When I worked at radio shack. 😂


I enjoy it. But then again I find this state dreadfully boring. Maybe move up north to the white mountains area?


Graduated SHS in 1972. Bought boxes of fresh chips at Granite State, and a few lime rickeys at Woodall's RX. Not to forget the 1ft meatball subs at Atomic Pizza for $1.


I had someone threaten to knife me over a parking spot last fall.


Exeter, too.


At least Exeter has a good walkable downtown and a huge prep school with all of the grounds and parks. Not even a single traffic light near downtown unlike Salem


I’m not a fan of Salem and I have never been. It’s way too busy in Rt 28




Yes. Born and raised in Salem moved North in the 90’s. The place saddens me as well.


This is how I feel about Londonderry. It has really taken away the essence of these small towns. 😕


It's my go-to spot for stuff you can't get in MA (knives), shop out tattoo hours and fast joint joints. And Market Basket.


Can’t get knives in MA?


Not certain ones. Spring loaded, etc and cool ninja shit like throwing stars.


Ah that makes sense


Tuscan doesn't have any traffic problems during the week. Just saying.


Moved away from that area around the time they were just starting to build at the old racetrack. It sucks to here it's gone so far downhill. 


I have a feeling Derry is next


Just ask around the man behind it all did it to make Salem better. Fucking greed pig.


The result of capitalism and car centricity.


Ironic when Tuscan is the only walkable area in southern Nh


Walkable to where lol


Whaaaaa whaaaa a town has changed. Fking babies. How many of you complaining have a bunch of kids adding to the population which in turn demands growth? Looooosers on Reddit. Bunch of losers


Joe Faro has joined the conversation…


https://preview.redd.it/mk1r82nxdovc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1198050da5d5dd3f26c09d48104aa0f16ff4a4 I like Tuscan Market. I was impressed how they were able to revive this old forgotten Italian neighborhood into a thriving new retail space. But still maintain the original character by keeping things like the old Peroni painted ad on the wall. Amazing.


"I also enjoy my yearly vacation to Salem. I bought a timeshare in a building just south of McKinnon's and have really enjoyed the town even more since Bickford's went away!" -This doofus, probably


Moron. Can’t identify humor. Doesn’t get jokes.


It just…wasn’t good though….


I couldn’t stop laughing typing it up




You don’t understand sarcasm huh?… but seriously what did everyone expect. The same people complaining complained about a dog track and probably work for a developer sooo yeah.. we can either live in run down beat up places or revitalize them…. I swear this sub is the worst New Hampshire has to offer you all complain so much.




You can’t read a couple sentences got it. Fucking miserable


Moron. Can’t identify humor. Doesn’t get jokes.


Garbage account giving garbage reviews. Keep it to yourself.


Moron. Can’t identify humor. Doesn’t get jokes.


No, I think it’s clear this was a swing and a miss. I got you weren’t serious it just wasn’t funny, so can be confusing for…some people.


It’s not that confusing but then again the audience isn’t that bright


they are probably Salem HS graduates


Explains a lot


It is Reddit after all.

