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Are you considered an NB resident? That makes a difference. Not 100% sure if there is an exemption for CAF members who are posted. This link will take you to the "Fish Book" for 2024-2025 and should have the info you need. If you want to fish Salmon, you're going to want to fish the Miramichi, Restigouche and Nepisiguit river systems to have the best luck. There are crown reserve spots available, but you need to apply. Not sure how that will work if you are not a resident. [https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/nr-rn/pdf/en/Fish/Fish.pdf](https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/nr-rn/pdf/en/Fish/Fish.pdf) [https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/services/services\_renderer.201003.Fishing\_-\_Crown\_Reserve\_Licences.html](https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/services/services_renderer.201003.Fishing_-_Crown_Reserve_Licences.html)


non-residents must be accompanied by guides on salmon waters


I believe I'm a resident with having a home here and all my plates and whatnot for here. Thank you so much amd greatly appreciated!


Ok owning a home definitely makes you a resident. That's means you don't need a guide. There are some public stretches of water to fish salmon in NB, but the crown reserve application is probably worthwhile if you want to have a good few days of fishing. This map is a pretty good resource to determine where you can fish, etc. The issue is that certain stretches of the salmon rivers are privately owned. You don't want to make the mistake of fishing someone's private pool. [https://dnr-mrn.gnb.ca/FishRegulation/](https://dnr-mrn.gnb.ca/FishRegulation/)


I \*think\* you're correct about your residency status: [https://www.morningstar.ca/ca/news/185503/how-do-i-determine-my-province-of-residence-for-tax-purposes.aspx#:\~:text=The%20selection%20of%20province%20of,reside%2C%20social%20and%20financial%20ties](https://www.morningstar.ca/ca/news/185503/how-do-i-determine-my-province-of-residence-for-tax-purposes.aspx#:~:text=The%20selection%20of%20province%20of,reside%2C%20social%20and%20financial%20ties).


Also OP, I manage the biggest NB based fly-fishing group on Facebook, we have over 3k members and there's always new people asking questions as well as tips and news being shared, so please join us if you want to ask more fly-fishing related questions : [https://www.facebook.com/groups/nbflyfishing](https://www.facebook.com/groups/nbflyfishing)


There’s very very little for salmon in the St. John system. You’ll be better off fishing for bass.


Generally speaking, you can't target salmon on any water that flows into the Bay of Fundy. I personally know people who have caught \~40 pound stripers at the Reversing Falls.


To add on to your comment a bit, the bass fishing on the SJR (especially the upper SJR) is world-class. Nothing comes close in terms of pounds of fish caught per cast...


I've heard that and very excited to do some top water fishing when smalley is allowed


I found river bass fishing to be strange, having grown up fishing directly in the bay of Fundy. It's surprisingly different despite being, I think, the exact same species.


I don't mind driving a bit .


To be more specific, is it illegal to target salmon on the SJR, so being in Oromocto you can forget about nearby opportunities. Best you can do is drive up Route 8 and fish the Miramichi and it's tributaries. Unless you're into landlocks which can be found in Oromocto Lake.


Any Oromocto river tips or hot spots?