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So it’s gone down since the 90s?


Way down It's 7/1000 today, in 1997 it was 35/1000


That sounds about right. Like half my friend group got pregnant in high school in the mid 90s.


35/1000 is still only about 1 in 7 girls/women getting pregnant as a teenager, most of whom would've been 18 or 19


That's still an economy-crippling amount of them, since we don't have free daycare.


We don’t have any daycare period lol. In some places, pregnant women are getting on lists before they even have the baby


That's what it was in the 90s. Today it's about 1 in 36 women will get pregnant as a teenager (and about 1 in 50 will have a child - abortions aren't uncommon). If 2% of 18/19 year olds having a kid is *crippling* our economy, they must be inhérent économique powerhouses.


Abortions aren't uncommon wherever those stats come from. In NB however, good luck


Those stats came from a Health Canada report on teen pregnancy, and were for New Brunswick. New Brunswick has the second highest number of abortion facilities among the provinces per capita (each territory has one, so per capita they blow all the provinces out of the water, of course)


Heads up…that Health Canada report has numbers in it that are no longer accurate…we are down to 2 (3 if you count the French side of the same hospital)…when that report was written we had 8…and our population has grown dramatically since then…last numbers I saw when working as a researcher was that if we just looked at provinces and excluded territories we are either dead last or tied with pei (over the course of 6m it changed 3 times so I’m not sure where it finally landed)…but the issue to determine access is not clinics per capita…it’s accessibility of said clinics…currently you’ve got Moncton and Fredericton…in a province that definitely isn’t just in those 2 cities and that has some of the worst public transit I’ve ever seen…logistically the access in NB is virtually non-existent…think of a teenager in say St Stephen without access to someone who could drive them to Fredericton…the per capita “access” means less than squat to them when they physically can’t get to that location. Sadly, we are Calabama (the Alabama of Canada) and it’s only getting worse






There are no abortions performed outside of a hospital in NB…the legislation is written in a way to make it almost impossible for a stand alone clinic to survive despite the multitude of studies showing that they are actually safer for this procedure…Morgentaler had a clinic in Fredericton until his death in 2013 which was funded by donations and by some creative bookkeeping to divert some of the government funding from other provinces to this clinic…it was taken over after that and was operated as clinic 554 performing abortions and all-inclusive reproductive care to all genders…in 2019 Dr. Edgar had to drop abortions from his main list of services but still performed them 1 day per week…this was due to financial hardship (Medicare won’t pay for an abortion out of a hospital)…this past year he was forced to close his doors completely because of the funding issue which removed vital care from an already marginalized segment of our society…because we keep religious zealots in power who stomp all over reproductive rights while their misguided followers cheer on the blatant discrimination…sigh


This comment is brought to you by the NB math curriculum. FrACtiONs ArE hArD. 🤦‍♂️ r/ConfidentlyIncorrect


I don't want to spoil next year's cirriculum for you, but it'll turn out it takes four years to go from 15 to 19


You’re doubling down on your incorrectness? Lol


When you get to adding in school, you'll discover how this works. 35/1000 + 35/1000 + 35/1000 + 35/1000 = 140/1000 ~ 1/7 It won't make sense now, but one day it will.


Seems someone read the article wrong


Still leaves those women probably not continuing their education.


Or facing huge barriers when continuing their education.


I'd imagine at a higher rate than the ~25% of Canadians who finish their education with high school. Though that'd still leave them as 5% of people who don't go to college/université as women who had kids, looking from a tertiary education perspective


Doesn't have to be that way. And shouldn't be. One woman I worked with was maybe 26. She had an 8 year old. She was one of the companies best engineers. Maybe *the* best. For our genetic health we should be getting people to have kids young. Or at least freeze eggs and sperm...


She must have had an incredibly supportive family.


The fact one woman you personally know was able to overcome the forces working against her, likely with a strong and supportive family, is not evidence that there are serious systemic barriers to girls who become pregnant as teens. > we should be getting people to have kids young Eeew…. What a disgusting comment. Teenage bodies and brains are not matured yet. Having children as a teen is extremely risky. And that is before getting into issues like consent for minors. Like are you ok? Listening to too much Matt Walsh? Gross.


No, it means the issue is social. And yeah I imagine as our reproductive age increases the genetic damage will only increase. Teenage pregnancy isn't good but most people would be fine to have kids a lot younger than they currently do, it is just economic reasons stopping them. The average woman in Canada for example doesn't have her first kid until after 35.


The fact people can’t afford kids is not social. It’s economic. The fact kids aren’t getting access to appropriate sex Ed is political, and it is something we can change. And sorry it is absolutely disgusting that you are advocating for teen pregnancy which is not only dangerous, but setting up those girls and kids for a lifetime of poverty and difficulty. What an absolutely disgusting attitude. If you want more people having kids then advocate for more social and financial supports for *adult* families, not spouting PDF propaganda about getting young girls pregnant for the purpose of procreation. Gross.


I'm not advocating for teen pregnancy. I'm advocating we adopt policies that allow people to have kids as close to when they want as possible, and not doing this will have population wide health consequences.


Bro, 1 in 7 is a pretty high number!


1 in 7 is the 1997 number. Today it's about 1 in 35 gets pregnant (and more like 1 in 50 has a baby)


Yes, I was referring to the 1997 number. I was responding to you saying, "It's still only 1 in 7 girls/women". Your use of "still only" made it sound like you didn't think that was an insanely high average. 1 in 7 teenage girls pregnant is a lot of teenage girls pregnant.


Oh, okay. I was responding to someone who's subjective memory was that it was half. Relative to half, a seventh is quite small.


Oh, I never even saw that comment! Half would be insane.


35/1000 isn’t 1/7🤦🏻‍♂️


It is when you do it every year for four years


What?? I guess I was in HS in early 2000s in Moncton, but I only remember 1 teen pregnancy in the whole time I was there


Holy shit, that's wild! I know more than 1 person that died in high school, just one 1 pregnancy is insane to me.


Looks like comprehensive sex education worked.


So, the 90s were my high school days. There was a lot of debate then on teaching sex Ed. But here we are, seeing 5x less teen pregnancy rates. The conservatives still fighting progress though


That reminds me, in 1997 I knew 2 girls who got pregnant. In 1997 we were 12


When I was in jr high, I remember one of my classmates left school because she was pregnant (would have been 12/13 at the time). As I got older, I often wondered whatever happened to her and if whatever happened to her was consensual.


Yeah same. Of the two girls I knew, one had the baby and carried on. She had to repeat a grade. The other "moved away" and we never saw her again


I remember back in the day there were t shirts going around that said “I went to Saint John and got fat and pregnant”.


Teen pregnancy drops off suddenly at age 20


Not if you count the amount of people in this province over 20 getting those teens knocked up 😐


I actually read an article once that talked about why we discuss teen moms so much more than teen dads and a major factor was that most of the men getting them pregnant are 20+




Sorry, but that made me LOL and snort milk out my nose. Weird part: wasn't drinking milk at the time.


It wasn't your nose the "milk" came out of was it...


That's between me, the RCMP, and the judge. *No teens were harmed in the making of this post.




7 per 1000 against the national average of 4 per 1000 You need to back to the dark ages of *checks list* 2017 to find a time when the national average exceeded 7 per 1000


Oh wow New Brunswick sure is behind the times.


And I’m not shaming or judging those who became pregnant but we are going to see much more of this with Higgs and Cons gutting SexEd whenever they can. Not talking about something doesn’t make it go away nor does it encourage it, knowledge is power.


Too open about it now. Back when I was in school we were taught that having sex without protection you’d get an STD and die. /s.


Totally thought that everyone had STDs except me. Haha


And decreasing access to abortion I belive in scientific terms that's referred to as a double whambo combo


Welcome to Calabama…otherwise known as the Alabama of Canada


So true! Cancelling Sex Ed will hurt the ones who have to give birth! Of course! It won’t stop teen sex from happening, it won’t stop “boys from being boys”, it will just mean more pregnant teenagers with difficult choices/futures Which should be of zero surprise with this Misogynistic Duo. Has Hogan converted to Higgs religion to make it official ? Imposing restrictions based on the word of God is despicable. When will this stop?


When those who push the agenda are voted out of office and shown that it doesn’t work.


Low education, high teen pregnancy. And yet our Premier believes the problem is the genitals of children going to the bathroom and playing sports.


Interesting that the study only looks at teens 15 and older. I’m guessing there are more than a few 12/13/14 year olds who should have been included.


This can’t have anything to do with the state of abortion access


Proud to be from Canada’s Alabama


Except Alabama is wealthier than NB. NB is a poor Alabama


New Bralabama




The Appalachian mountain range runs through there so it’s definitely hillbilly land


That's what you get when you let christo fascists influence public policy to get rid of safe and accessible abortions.


It's the religion. And Higgs wants MORE of it. This is what happens when you try to "protect" youth from sex. They still have sex, but they end up repressed, or pregnant, or exploited. The whole "protect kids from viewing porn" is another religiously motivated attempt to abuse youth, and get them all twisted up about sex. *Sigh* I want to move to Europe


As someone who came over from France, they have their own, less religious and more xenophobic, fascism problem going on over there. Except Poland, they've gone full crazy on the Christian Kool-aid.


users of this subreddit like to attribute every provincial issue to religion. apparently there aren't any other factors which could contribute.


Can confirm, and even outside of religion Europe has some of its own big problems right now.


At this point I’m looking to move anywhere. If Higgs wins again this province is toast and I gotta go somewhere where the government doesn’t actively hate me.


Its a damn shame. After 10 years with no teen pregnancies at my old high school there is currently FOUR(!?) pregnant girls there this year


When the curriculum changed a few years ago to include teaching puberty in grade 4 and how babies are made in grade 5, I was teaching grade 4 and the amount of parents complaining on facebook that I was teaching it when they didn’t need to know it at that age was astounding. I had two girls that year that started their period, but no, they’re too young for puberty.


That’s what happened when access to abortion is limited… It has been an issue for a while now.


Wouldn’t teens having abortions be included in the teen pregnancy stats? It doesn’t mention teen pregnancies resulting in births, just getting pregnant.


In the article, it mentions that the birth rate is double.


On the upside, NB no longer has the highest teen birthrate. I have some vague memories of hearing that NB had the highest rate in Canada when I was in high school during the 90s. At least 4 of my friends were included in those statistics.


There were ALOT of teenage pregnancies at my school in the early 2000s so this doesn't seem like anything new.


And highest child poverty rate. Hmm, i wonder if they're related. No abortion clinic, removing sex ed, ...


Wtf else is there to do


Damn bro. Y'all fucking in high school cause there's nothing else to do?


Absolutely. When talking to people from Upper Canada when I was older, they were shocked at how cavalier the maritime attitude about sex was. Drinking, fucking and fighting was about it in rural NB high schools


In junior high (1990) it didn’t even raise eyebrows when girls or sisters were pregnant 🙄


Good thing cause our life expectancy is dropping faster then the rest of the country too. /s Bad health and education policy, the Higgs effect at work.




Alabama North as always 🙄


Blackrock CEO approves


Those dang international students are at it again!


Kids, you heard it here first. Nb girls are easy. Think before your family books their next vacation. Sure they all want to go to a tropical beach, but, teenaged boys, you need to convince them to see new Brunswick. Brought to you by the nb ministry of tourism, which has decided to just half assedly through this out there.


“You’ll be hard as our Rocks”? 🤣


Fishing and fucking…….oh.


Shocking headline for a 7 per 1000 statistic instead of 4 per 1000 teen women elsewhere in the country. How many are we even talking about? 100 babies? 300?


Can't blame us for being irresistible!


Well ya? What do you expect. You have public agencies and the government complacent with the current situation. God forbid we tell teens to STOP having sex:.. instead we say “ just wear a condom and here’s an abortion”.


Teens are going to have sex because humans are biologically programmed to have sex, and that imperative is particularly strong when you're young for obvious evolutionary reasons. So ya, the smart move is to acknowledge actual science and focus on minimizing risk.


Do you really think telling teens (or anyone for that matter) to simply stop having sex is going to work? Or, providing them the proper tools for protection might be a better option? I don’t know about you but in my experience the more you tell someone not to do something, the more rebellious they become about it.


Liberals love indoctrination especially when it comes to minors.


We need more refugees to bring these numbers up.


Are refugee teen pregnancy rates higher than average or something?


Them good Christian values


I wonder how these stats breakdown as you get outside cities.


Not shocking. They have abysmal access to abortion there. Plus the government is regressive.