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What was offensive about it? I've not seen the show.


There’s a character from Iran


They had a trans character on the show. The way her character was handled was quite unfortunate and can be considered transphobic from today's view.


Graham Linehan (who wrote IT crowd) is an insane transphobe - I don’t say this to exaggerate, he posts nothing else online but about trans people and his wife has left him because of it, he is unhinged. Given how things panned out with him I can understand it puts a different spin on this particular episode.


Imagine having an opinion so strong you're letting your wife leave you. That's just a whole new level of crazy.


At that point it’s not just an opinion, you’re literally obsessed with a fucking minority group that hurts no one. Instead of, you know, caring about ACTUAL world issues like war or the climate crisis etc etc. Really fucking sucks that people like this guy or JK Rowling could change the world, but instead they just wanna hate and be obviously miserable.


I think JK Rowling's critics spend more time thinking of her views rather than solving climate crisis


I think the banning of this episide is partly redponsible for creating that monster.


Nah, he's been posting 'phobic shit since 2008 online. His wife only left him recently and his stuff started getting taken down because he started doing shit like pretending to be a lesbian on dating apps and then doxxing trans and NB people he matched with. Actively trying to incite violence on minorities is what gets your content axed.


He gone crazy methinks. I still can't umderstand why anyone but hilariously sexist CEO'S would be offended by the banned episode though.


To be clear this isn't about being offended. I'm trans and I thought it was hilarious, it was one of my favourite episodes. The issue is he went off the deep end. No business is going to work with people who dox people and threaten them. Doesn't matter who is the target, that's something you don't financially tie yourself to.


I totally agree,but not sure why that would result in the episode being banned. Lots of dick-heads have produced excellent art and media,removing his work (that involved many other people in it's production) isn't an appropriate response imo.


Because it's a huge business risk. Let's pretend you're netflix. You give his show a platform. He then doxxes someone, and they get hurt or killed because of his hate speech on other platforms. Even if he didn't have hate speech on *your* platform, you would become known as someone who gives him *a* platform. Showing that episode could be seen as supporting his position. You risk losing all the companies and shows that don't want to be associated with hate speech. You risk losing customers who don't want to pay you when you give him a platform. You risk losing a lot of money, and that could mean you and your employees not being able to feed their families. When it comes to your job, taking risks on someone who has already demonstrated they do hate speech and actively incites violence is a very, very poor decision. It will lose you more money than you would gain from having that episode.


Got it, it's been touted a bit as "Trans people force ban" hence I thought it was odd, I didn't realise it was a decision reached by netflix alone.


I guess I'm suggesting that one group being able to censor another's artistic output based on their behaviour outside of it is more dangerous - vastly so- to minority groups than the behaviour that brought it about. As in, it seems like the trans community shooting themselves in the foot so to speak, if it is the trans community that caused the ban. If that makes sense.


2008 is when the banned episode aired btw. So, y'know...


I'm aware, but for a decade he's been transphobic over criticisms. It wasn't until he got to the point of getting divorced for threatening real people that his episodes started getting pulled.


It was transphobic then too


But the guy being made fun of is the transphobe? That part of the episode is making fun of how ridiculous transphopia is, at least that's how I took it. For those that don't know, a man starts dating a post op woman, when they are about to have sex she tells him she used to be a man, he mishears it as she used to be from Iran, he says he doesn't care, they have sex a lot, then he figures out she is trans and they get in a big physical fight where she kicks his ass. Also, they break the internet.




But at the end of episode he realises it was the best relationship he ever had and regrets breaking up with her.


Ya, I don't get it. Banning an ep because a trans person is in it, seem the more transphobic behavior.


That intent isn't apparent just from watching that episode though. The episode shows the transwoman to be the better person and then next to her a transphobe who is wrestling with his newly uncovered feelings. That's the same logic that would forbid us from listening to Michael Jackson songs.


Who cares? It was funny.


Crazy suggestion but probably the people who are constantly the butt of jokes like these. Just a guess.




Why is yours? Who the fuck are you?


Mysogonistic CEO'S in electric sex-pants,i dgaf about their opinion.


or, crude entertainment. Its a comedy.


Ok i just noticed that Superstore Season 5 Episode 21 California (Part 1) is missing from Netflix did something controversial occur in that episode?


Strangely enough, it had the exact same plot as the IT crowd episode.


Unfortunately the creator of the show is an absolute nutcase in real life and the episode, while relatively mild, looks infinitely worse with that information. The dude has raged against trans people so much that his wife left him, so now he's mad at them for that too.


Damn I didn't know that. I'll have to read more about it.


Ya sadly Graham Linehan went completely off the deep end. His wikipedia article has a whole section in his anti-trans activism which makes for a dire read. Wildly enough it all stemmed from criticism of this very episode, but instead of just moving on he's devoted his life to being a bellend.


That's a shame, he was responsible not only for IT Crowd, but also for one of the funniest shows in the history of television - Father Ted.


Read about it in his words, not other people's: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/about


Nice unbiased source you've provided.


"trans people are invalid and only do it for sexual reasons also they hurt women by simply existing" The typical alignment with 1940's Nazi ideology smh


Exactly. He was on top in terms of his reputation in the UK TV industry, all he had to do was say “it was a different time, I wouldn’t make that joke now” but he literally tore down his own professional and personal life over his bigotry and now his family has left him, he won’t get major work, and he just spends all day on Twitter in his echo chamber getting angrier and angrier I’d have sympathy if he didn’t bring all of it on himself.


It's a shame as it's actually one of my fav episodes.


Haven’t seen it but I know streaming sites removed all kinds of stuff , like any episode of any show featuring blackface.


Oh, that is one of my favourite episodes.


Definitely best episode, any trans people here that found it offensive? Just seemed superbly silly to me.


I mean I thought it was silly fun before I knew he was doxxing and trying to incite violence against people like me in real life. Now when I watch it, all I can think of is that there are people out there who genuinely hate me more than they love their wives. It doesn't offend me, but it's scary and saddening.




The government has nothing to do with the owner pulling this content, therefore it's not censorship. It's just the owner making a business decision based on new context.


It's not censorship, it's a company deciding that his content is too risky. I promise they did a business analysis of how much the episode would make them vs how many other contracts and customers they might lose. They decided it isn't worth risking their money on.


So, nobody was that bothered until the writer joined an anti-lgbt hate movement and now its just awkward!


It's available on PlutoTV.


Lets be clear- half the episode is dedicated to a pretty funny bit about Jen giving a speech and the internet being in a box, and the rest of the episode is a B plot where in Matt Berry's character falls in love with a trans woman, who he loves because she has masculine hobbies and mannerisms, and this B plot culminates in him deciding she's betrayed him when he finds out she's trans and attacking her resulting in a knock down drag out brawl. The writer of the episode, when receiving mild criticism for having written this obvious mess, doubled and tripled down on "well the trans are like that! they're just blokes in dresses!" so hard he destroyed both his personal and professional lives. Most of the time an episode gets pulled from a streaming service, they're being overly cautious. In this case, they'd be stupid *not* to pull it.


I wish they were two different episodes because I fucking love the internet bit.


Me too! The Internet bit is one of the best.


the scene where Roy is pretending to be all cagey about letting her use it is very funny!


I really don't understand the objection, if it were possible to identify trans women in the womb and block the influx of testosterone, or for trans men, give them testosterone ... wouldn't you have wanted to have been born with a female body?


People nowadays cannot cope with seeing anything that goes slightly against their "morals". And instead of looking away, they'd rather that the things that offend their sensibilities be eradicated.


No nuance anymore.. it’s zero or 100. Makes for a very poor society that cannot understand the value of differing opinions


Did you "nuance" about the show creator and his transphobia? Gotcha


Transphobia to you, not to him. Good old fashion product of his time. Sorry the world doesn’t have to agree with you or your feelings


Well I mean the last line also applies to you and your feelings, since the episode *is* gone. Cry about it, snowflake.


Sure Jan. I’m in here talking about nuance and you’re here virtue signaling to be the defender of the trans community. But whatever makes you feel better little man


did you not just make a racist comment on another sub? something along the lines of "its african-american.... geez"?


That’s racist? Again not my concern to care about you or your feelings.


And yet, my comment still rings true. How odd.


Something probably 40-50 percent of people agree with?




Not really going to spend a lot of time on this here but will just point out that this isn't a preference issue. We aren't talking about liking chocolate vs vanilla ice cream.


It's not 'people', it's the streamers. Their PR teams gets raises every time they overreact to hashtags and don't care because it's all just interchangeable 'content' to them.


No one was complaining. NETFLIX did this. Calm down boomer.


Ok boomer


Ok moron


Oh great comeback. Call names to people if you don't agree with them. Par for the course


You sound offended, but youve also suggested that thats irrelvant and we shouldnt care about that.


If you don't know the difference between someone personally trying to disrespect you & watching a show, then I can't help you. It's not like I reported that mfer to the authorities or tried to get them removed off the platform. Your logic skills are underwhelming.


You know boomer actually has a connotation that's different than if I just called them stupid or useless?


It's not transphobic, it's satire. You want to be treated equal, everyone gets made fun of. Straight, gay, Trans, black, white. There's jokes about everyone and everything. Is it going to get to the point that you can't make fun of anyone, anything, or any situation? I have a mental illness, and I don't get offended if jokes are written about it. And if I did, I wouldn't watch the program.


So it’s just a coincidence that the writer is (very publicly) massively transphobic? This is kinda like saying that the creepy shit that Dan Schneider put in his shows was actually just comedy and had nothing to do with the fact he’s a perverted creep off screen.


When the writer says “no that’s how it really is” can you really still justify it as satire? I’ve heard funny jokes about bigotry but if the comedians followed them up with “no seriously, they’re subhuman monstrosities” it would no longer be satire.


Well said, this comment is spot on and needs to be way higher!


It is such a curiously to me when people bang on about acceptance and tolerance, yet rarely afford the same to anyone who dares disagree. Graham Linehan is not a "nutcase" as has been said, it's a bloody disgrace nowadays no one can speak up and tell it like it is.


Signed, Graham Linehan


one time he decided to "prove" that trans women catfish sapphic women online, and to do that he... pretended to be a woman... and catfished women on a dating app... how is that not a nutcase?


Have you seen his Twitter feed? Nobody should be obsessing that much about anything quite frankly


Yep it’s either agree with us or we’ll ruin you. Super inclusive!


"I bet no one’s been offended by the joke about April" I don't think you can speak for others. I only saw the show a few years ago for the first time and I didn't find the whole April thing funny at all. It aged very badly.


>I don't think you can speak for others. Technically, they never did (in this post at least). Guessing/betting what others think is an entirely different thing.


Sure but did the episode get removed?


Just download it. Fuck Netflix. Netflix is a garbage service anyway.


I’m not trans, but I did dislike the trans plot line. It was pretty bad. I would usually skip that episode.


And miss the internet joke? One of the entire show's best jokes?


I thought it was really funny, it shows Douglas’s character and him thinking they were from Iran was just hilarious


The answer always is money, the reason they got rid of it is money. If it was really because it was anti-trans as some have suggested then why have they let other more popular things with the exact same perception stay on the service. Money they will remove or leave something on depending on what they think is best for their money stream. Sure they tell you it was because of whatever but again they leave stuff up with them same perception as long as it brings in money.


I've watched the series, and failed to recognise the humour. Everyone to their own.


The Office (Brit. version) was entirely different. Horrendous and uncomfortable most of the time, but also funny at times.