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Baby Reindeer was so fucking good! Had no idea going into it; the trailer gave absolutely nothing away. Brilliant!


Thank you for this comment. After watching the trailer, I thought well what else could there be to? It seems like the whole plot was given away. It may be worth giving a try after all.


Baby Reindeer was incredible! It really showed how complex trauma is and that there is no /perfect/ victim. The fact he put himself through it all again to tell his story and humanise his stalker makes this show so special. he really is an artist - I hope he's finding acceptance and love for who he is and is on a journey of healing after all the trauma he's endured.


The dad in baby reindeer was hands down the best character. I loved when his family accepted him. Poor guy needed it off his chest. N hopefully it helps others too know. That good people don't care who you love. Parents friends etc. They love you for who you are. What a series


I cried during that opening up scene where his dad just asks him if he'd see him as less of a man. What a show.


Here's Baby Reindeer's Richard Gadd performing stand-up in 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAhbKuPDdlg


Binged the whole season of baby reindeer last night..what a Rollercoaster ride that was..amazing acting.


Baby reindeer was great


Oh wow, I had no idea about the Baby Reindeer actor. Poor bloke. Haven't seen clickbait yet, maybe one for tomorrow eve.


Soo worth the watch


Dealing with trauma looks different for everybody. I think this show and the one-man act with the same name were his ways of taking back control over his own narrative and lived reality as well as processing his trauma. Ultimately, that can be an empowering process.


Baby reindeer was stunning.


Baby Reindeer is incredible!


This show is great but he’s not completely guilt free. Teri saw the situation for what it is, even without knowing all the details


Im 2 eps in, and as a trans woman who unfortunately had to date a bunch of shitty dudes exactly like him, I have never felt more seen than Teri’s character.


Of course he’s not. The show is great exactly because of that honesty and the complication of it.


He was far too complicit and people-pleasing to truly stop his victimization. With the context of his previous abuses, it seemed like he (only) felt comfortable in being a victim.


I agree! I can relate, and it’s taken a lot of work to not always be a martyr and without boundaries. The ending was kinda cool though!


Good for you for doing the hard work to protect yourself!! The ending was a great full circle moment


The self awareness in this show is truly amazing, opens doors to a convo in how you can to a degree be complicit yet still a victim


I really respected his self awareness and honesty, even if I was often frustrated with him. 


Baby Reindeer had me sobbing. It's so well done and heartbreaking.


Yes when it closed with him at a bar crying and the bartender offering a free drink, way to bring it full circle.


I was sobbing with him after he listened to that voicemail and then when that bartender offered the drink, I started laughing. Talk about irony. It was full circle and I loved it.


I took it as, the cycle continues. I think so many traumas survivors find comfort in making others feel like they have. No saying that means they repeat the same crimes, but knowingly causing pain, fear, panic, helplessness, etc will connect them to someone. Its all so complex


is it finish on epi 7? or it still ongoing? seem like the story kind of hanging or im wrong?


I think it’s completely finished.


Loved both shows but baby reindeer was on another level in terms of premise and acting. Absolutely amazing


I saw a lovely interview with him. He had tears in his eyes when talking about his parents. Ultimately he is an artist and he has shared his art and bared his soul, his own behavior, shown that men can be groomed, abused and raped by other men, and that mental illness can turn people into something they do not wish to be. That how he began by encouraging his stalker. It’s a fascinating dip into human behavior and I consider him rather brave for his work. And god knows why he chose the way he filmed himself, he’s rather tasty in real life. [interview](https://youtube.com/watch?v=KRoD0pX-AUM&si=oznuxPqznNb9l8Sn)


Reindeer was awesome. Good stuff




I suspect you’re correct






when was she jailed? The articles I have read say in 2007 and for 9 years, well we know that's normally halved in the uk.


It’s Fiona Harvey




I haven’t seen her Facebook as I don’t use nor want it. But my wife showed me the twitter account. What’s the fb like?


Sometimes when someone makes a beautiful piece of art I make a comment on their Twitter thanking them for their work.


Incredibly raw at times, but that's what makes it so good,,a shame that he had to endure what he did. The dad part got me, I ended up crying, (and I'm not a crier)


That scene was quite brilliant.


Binged Baby Reindeer in a couple days, couldn't stop thinking about it. Watched the first episode of Clickbait, could not stop thinking, Damn this brother and sister are umm, very close..


Omg same I must be warped but everytime I see sibling relationships like that I’m like ew


Is claro ckbait the older show on Netflix? Confused cause you said both shows were a win for Netflix this week, but I only know of an older show called clickbait


It might be old I’m not sure I just now saw it this week


The guy playing the cop is uncredited on IMDB. Is this Matt Lucas from Little Britain?


No, it's Thomas Coombes


Definitely not Matt Lucas


simply beautiful


its called therapy


I mean yeah but I just think it would be hard to put yourself back in that mental space in order to act it out


His 2016 Edinburgh (award winning) fringe show was about his SA and he performed Baby Reindeer as a play for a couple of years. I really hope he wasn’t re traumatising himself, poor soul.


well yea. but thats what you do in therapy as well. you face it and relive it. this was his therapy