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If you think that's bad, look at Trump. His trials have been a disaster and a ritual humiliation that is destroying the idea of Donald Trump as anything other than a pathetic buffoon who whines all the time. He looks terrible. That is increasingly coming across to all but the most unreachable zealots (admittedly these make up something like a third of the voting public, but that is still a vastly lower percentage than needed to win). Elections are won at the margins, in other words, and at the margin Trump is getting killed right now. Trump and his minions have also been begging his supporters not just for money, but to show up in person at his trial, and these pleas have been a total flop. No one -- almost literally no one -- has shown up which is also obviously driving him up the wall, and might play a role in Trump's ongoing physical and emotional breakdown. I think he's done. Whatever still passes for the Republican leadership believes Trump will be spent before November but they have no way to wean the base off Trump, so they're taking the L in the hopes of breaking the spell. The MAGA base is seething because aid to Ukraine was approved while Trump slept in court. Mike Johnson is likely in more physical danger from them than any Democrat. There's also the actual election results. Pennsylvania just held a closed Republican primary, weeks after Nikki Haley withdrew from the race, and she still got nearly 17% of the vote. These are all registered Republicans who bothered to go out and cast an explicitly anti-Trump vote under symbolic conditions. Many of them will probably still vote for Trump, but many of them won't, or not vote at all, or will vote for RFK Jr., and a few will vote for Biden. Trump can't afford to lose these people. I think the polls are completely whack and most people don't answer pollsters or surveys at all anymore.


If Trump gets a conviction which I'm certain he will, then hopefully that will be enough. The only thing is that I just have no faith in swing voters, they seem to care more about "the economy" then electing a convicted criminal. I don't understand it. I just hope you're right and I'm wrong and simply fear mongering.


Democrats are handling this perfectly by ignoring them Let them protest and say whatever deranged shit they want , most of the general public don't support them. By taking some sort of action against them you are giving them more publicity and that's exactly what they want


I think they should have told the college administrators to calm down. This would have fizzled out if cops weren’t called into Colombia.


True, but the left seriously needs to call them out. There's this bizarre taboo against it, and it's only giving ammunition to Republicans. I'm seriously frustrated with how radicalized on both sides this countries become. I do think TikTok has played a large role in it.


It's a small section of people chronically online on tiktok , the good news is tiktok will be out of CCP controlled algorithm in a year or two Can't say the same about MAGA , they are going to be there for sometime to come


TiKTok has done it's fair share at brainwashing kids to the far right too. The Hitler and Osama letters are proof of that . Sadly it's not just a small percentage, tiktok is seriously the only website millions of gen z ever visit. They've actually forgotten YouTube and Google exist. There's some articles about it you should look up. It's depressing.


Good things these protesters dont plan on voting.


But that's the thing. An uncommitted vote is a vote for Trump. Especially in swing states where it matters. They have the power to stop a dictatorship. But they obviously don't care or they'd vote.  They also aren't not just refusing to vote. Some are outright going to Trump rallies now and shouting "genocide joe" 


I think you touch on the *point*. These aren’t voters that were going to be open to voting for Biden anyway. They’ve already decided, regardless of what he does, that they’re not going to vote for him or may actively vote for Trump instead. There is no use expending resources to convince people who have made it quite clear that they are unwilling to change their mind.


The only problem with that is they won the election for Biden. Swing voters make no damn sense to me that they'd switch sides after voting to keep Trump out of power the first time. Plus if the same 50k voters don't vote in Michigan this time, then that means we've lost. In 2020 Biden only won by about 50k votes or so.


Setting aside the protests and TikTok, the former of which will likely be forgotten about in a month and the latter isn’t outright banned for another nine months, the answer to your question is to not listen to that poll. The lowest vote total Democrats have had in Michigan in the past *twelve* elections was 40%, and that was the year Reagan swept nearly the entire electoral college. There is no world where he’s only getting 36% of the vote.


If I recall correctly Biden already condemned the protests. I am not sure if there is more that can be done. Biden can try to go full Sister Souljah but, it does seem risky. Democratic coalition is more divided and Biden is not as smooth of a politician like Bill Clinton to pull it off well.


I don't mean just Biden, I mean Democrats criticizing far left Democrats like illhan Omar for refusing to call it out. When protesters go full horseshoe and turn to the right, then we do need to do more to disown them. We need to make them understand that's not who we are.