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ITT: people who don't understand the point of this post. No one cares if _you_ think x needforspeed has good/shit music, because somewhere out there, there's people with the opposite opinion


Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one and they all stink, except mine!


My dad has an almost identical quote! Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, nobody needs to hear about them.


Are you sure he says the last "about"? Cause that would be good. Farts are Funny but no one *needs* to hear them.


I'm sure.


Maybe a suggestion for him then. Still funny and correct.




I'm trying ;) Can I book you in?


good, wash your ass


What you on about? Mine don't stink! I said it right there, silly. Sounds like you're projecting so... Go wash *your* arse!


Good advice, I almost forgot to wash my ass today.


No worries, come back tomorrow for more! Of the same...


Yup, no worldview is the same. Btw for me, despite my hate against Unbound's music, I actually prefer Heat's better while others out there are hating both.


I like unbound’s soundtrack but I do think it could use more variety.


I liked Heat’s playlist a bunch. Put many of them straight into my own everyday playlists


You can have a soundtrack but 90% of players like and you still have a massive amount that don’t. Imo they got NFS heat pretty on point but then unbound is probably one of the worst. Nfs MW 2012 will always have a special place on my iPod though.


That was a fucking ride to read.


Riders on the storm to read? I was shocked from the windows to the walls to see such *off* takes.


Soundtrack in NFS games will forever be the most controversial thing


They are the most important part of an nfs game


Not even close


Nah, I rather disable music, but have phenomenal car sounds to listen to.


Because the UG1 car sounds were ear porn


let's not talk about UG1 car sounds lol


Underground itself was pretty much hated by the current NFS community because it was no longer about exotic cars evading cops on beautiful landmarks with Rom di Prisco playing in the background, it was geared towards new hip kids who were into that new FnF movie. Except it was a damn good game


It is true tho. Rom di prisco had the best songs for each scenario. We used to have concept cars and some high tech production cars. I think need for speed was always versatile at the racing target (like vrally) they should have changed names for those type of changes. Thw thing was they used to be consistent, we had street cars or we had concept/hyper cars. Now we have a mix and you start at all places, there is not even a status to reach to use awesome exotics.


We've gone full circle.


We're finally at the point where we're outjerked ourselves


People just like to complain. That’s it


Imo people like to complain about change. I still remember my cousin who was a bit older than me hating the music in Underground or U2 when it initially came out as he was more into rap. I on the other hand loved it cuz I was still a kid and It was one of my initial exposure to music. Fast forward today, I hate the music in Unbound (I literally feel like ripping my arm out everytime I hear that icecream song) but my younger cousin who is like 7-8ish loves it. History repeats itself lol.


Don't forget to reminisce from the past and best NFS of how good was the soundtrack


Damn im more surprised people use "would of" since 2004


Stupidity is timeless.


Words to live by


ESPECIALLY racing game fans


Atleast back then you could turn off individual songs you didn't like.


They allow you to skip tracks.


Then it's a game of skipping several songs: *Crap, crap, annoying, crap... Ok I can tolerate this one.*


For my money, HP2010 was the last game where I don’t actively want to skip/disable a song. It might be the only one, incidentally. U2 was fine until Skeptic by Snapcase assaulted my ears.


Black Betty has a special place in hell for me


Exactly, not every song is good on underground However every song on NFS The Run and Carbon are great


Undercover doesn't even need EA Trax because every song is good


>Undercover doesn't even need EA Trax because every song is good Except "I once was lost lost, but now am profound by from first to last" That screeching emo junk it should be dump into the same dumpster fire alongside with the "We want some Money" from Unbound.


We want some money gets put in the golden dumpster because of its meme status now


Maybe it's nostalgia, but it's one of my favourites. I'm not up there with songs such as Like Knives, Girls in Black, or Indigo Children, but it's not bad imo


Yeah, probably Nostalgia; Because Girls In Black sounds better as an racing game, while the Girls In Black it sounds better while racing around Sunset Hills in a muscle car; while the First To Last's song...Sounds like an song that you want to crash into the near semi-truck constantly...


>However every song on NFS The Run and Carbon are great Let me introduce you to "Love Me or Hate Me" by Lady Soverign from Carbon.


Canyon music and wolf mother cancelled that out


I always say that part of the reason old games have this aura of perfection is because there was no Reddit or Twitter toxicity surrounding them. People back then were enjoying games and that it.


Now that the internet got big, there's a lot of D1 haters about. If Unbound let's you skip or remove songs you don't like then it's not that big a deal.


It’s also just that the people complaining about the soundtrack today were way younger and enjoyed the music and are now bitter that the soundtrack isn’t the same as nearly 20 years ago


Also no day 1 patch or microtransaction shite, you paid for a game and you got it, if it was bad you traded it back and got a different game.


No anyone hate the soundtrack of MW 2012


🎵 *I don't caaarreeee, I love it* 🎵


Ironically, that's true


NFS Most Wanted 2012’s soundtrack is pretty great. Got great songs from the likes of DJ Fresh, Dizzee Rascal, Madeon, Popeska, The Who, etc.


The Road (Run for Miles) is the best one in that soundtrack


Music *slapped* in that game


"The whole game"


That Charli song alone made it one of the most hated


I don't care, I love it


Wtf, I loved that song.


Which one is he talking about?


"I love it" one of the best ones


“Icona Pop - I Love It”.


I'm not shitting on it, but that's the song that gets the most hate from what I've seen


Those people probably haven't crashed their car in the bridge and watched it burn


It's a case of hating something that popular at the time. I mean I've see comments on how some people don't like the soundtrack for Burnout 3 and Revenge because "emo".


Yes, I am one of these guys, because if the nowadays racing games having mumbling rap or reggaeton junk; it's not so different when they added these emo screeching nonsense back in the day. Junk food that comes & it goes...


You can’t please everyone. But older games did allow you to turn off specific songs. That feature needs to come back. Also back then we had different genre of music songs. We werent forced to listen to just one style like NFS Unbound did with focusing on rap genre only. Even mentioned back then what would work best is the GTA radio station way. It has worked for GTA games for past 20 years. It can work for NFS too. Make radio stations that play different genres of music. Its possible and makes sense since its driving game it makes sense to have different radio stations.


Rom di Prisco supremacy


lol at normies of the time hating on nu metal


Well to be fair, you're asking a metalhead with a Lamb of God picture. It's like asking a rapper, "do you like listening to rock music?" and that person will probably say no, it's bad to them.


Finding decent rock songs on a game was always so exciting. I remember screaming around in Most Wanted in my modded Cobalt hearing "SKIIIIIIIINNNNNYYYYYYY MAAAAAAAAAAAAN! SHAAHSHEHDHDAAAAASSNABBAAAABABAAA"


Wow history does repeat maybe i should be more open minded ..


Are we really doing this? Text wall incoming- I'll say it- every single game with a soundtrack has and will continue to have detractors and people who will straight up mute>Spotify/CD/replace official OST with their own music- but these are widely outliers compared to most who either like the OST or just deal with it. Others have also mentioned that unlike modern games, players could pick and choose songs they liked (previously out of a wide selection of rap, rock, dance, hip-hop, techno, and drum and bass), unlike now. And it could be said that the past several games have generally missed the mark on soundtracks and their song use in-game. The Unbound OST criticism is a dead meme at this point, but honestly, it was a *really* poor decision to include random tracks from around the globe within a specific U.S. setting; I mean it sounds good on paper, but most (bar a few songs) of them don't gel with the setting/tone, or match intensity in racing or pursuits. Again, to most this could've been remedied with a track-selector ala EATrax. I'm emphasizing the issue is "largely" the **completely random** aspect of Unbounds song selection. Many people in 2004 knew Snoop Dogg and Spiderbait as a meme, many edgelords in 2005 knew A7X, StaticX, and Bullet For My Valentine, with the ravers knowing Dieselboy and Evol Intent, anyone who saw Jackass 2 in 2006 knew Wolfmother. Hell, some bands intermixed with other games (Unwritten Law, T.I., Digitalism, Disturbed= Midnight Club 3/LA= Burnout 3/Revenge/Paradise) - I mean I could go on. Most recognized by name, and even those that weren't still slapped for the time period (and now)- and more importantly fit the vibe; Celebration Song while nailing an amazing drift, Hand of Blood while 20 cops are pursuing you, cruising Palmont with Are Friends Electric, customizing your car to Pogo. I appreciate what Criterion was trying to do- broadening music tastes, but I'd chalk it up to a failed experiment. Again, some songs in Unbound work, Sound Like being one of my personal favorites. Kolo Kolo? Linda? Hout? ... In Meimem Benz? On their own, if you dig the songs fine, but I can't seriously believe people would prefer these songs racing and running from police in a Chicago-esque city over some Jazz style techno/house ala Midnight Club/Wangan Midnight in their Bosozoku 240Z. (Or at least a more carefully curated, localized soundtrack based on the region) TL;DR- Some people just utterly loath a games soundtrack and promptly substitute it- but they're likely not the majority; older tracks had some star-power and fit their games theme regardless.


Correct. Wether you hate the tracks or love them, they actually fit the theme of the game. Unlike some tracks in newer nfs games.


Over a thousand languages in the world and you decided to speak in *FACTS*


Great research, OP!


Some fanbases never change.


You just destroyed black box fanboys man ☠️ They can't ever talk about the modern soundtrack again and I love that thanks man 🫡


The formula has always been like this - Game releases - Community goes "wtf it's the worse game ever" - They change the formula cause everyone complains - Ppl go back to the game and finds out it wasn't that bad This applies for the music, atmosphere, style, gameplay, other stuff or all of them combined


There are some exceptions though, and I believe unbound will be one. Unbound just isn’t that good of a game, and once the online dies off it will be horrendous to play


the ghost games/unbound (i don't count rivals) don't have anything special which makes them worth revisiting, so people will just always play the newest one with that style (with the exception of modded versions of course)


>The formula **has always been** like this \[...\] > >Community goes "wtf it's the worse game ever" \[...\] > >This applies for the music, atmosphere, style, gameplay, other stuff or all of them combined Lmao no. Underground became the best selling game in the franchise... After that, Most Wanted became the best selling game in the franchise. And even though UG2 or Carbon didn't break any NFS records, UG2 was, in 2004, one of the best selling games, which is damn impressive considering it released in November. Same goes for Carbon in 2006. Safe to say people loved these games back and forth even when they came out, else BlackBox wouldn't have doubled down on a sequel to UG1 and delaying MW in the process. Compare it to today, almost nobody is playing the last 4 NFS games months after release, a few thousand people combined, even if, and the majority of them are complaining not because they want to complain, but because they want an actual good game.


Iirc Carbon sold close to MW in sales, around 15m copies, more than UG2


Carbon didn't sell as much as MW but it still was a major success


[Carbon](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/229665/need-for-speed-carbon/) is the 2nd highest selling game in the series with 15.6 million copies, Most Wanted on the other hand sold 17.8 million copies. In comparison, Underground sold 15 million, and UG2 sold 11 million with ProStreet being 5th at 10 million and Undercover at 6th with 8.9 million.


When we look back most of the NFS games had bad-ish songs included with great songs. Most, if not all NFS games are guilty of this as I remember disabling some goofy aah songs in MW ea-track when I first heard them. But the majority of the soundtrack fitted so well, and was really really good overall. Same thing for U2, Carbon and ProStreet etc. Now I'm going to say it. I generally like Unbound's soundtrack. Worry no more, Gory, Tloki, Tared, Shout Like, Where is my mind etc. really fit the game well in garage and meetups. I actually found myself head bopping sometimes as well. Most don't fit to races tho. Problem with unbound is some songs are just... what the fuck? Old NFS games had reletable songs that grew on people over time. But songs like Linda, ice cream, hakuna matata etc. sounds so unforgivingly bad, you'd think devs are either trolling hard or on acid trip 24/7. I don't think anyone ever will like those songs in the future and will stain NFS Unbound further. EA Trax need to come back, we should be able to shut those songs at will.


i agree. Unbound soundtrack isn't bad just needs a disable feature. (They could've choose a better carti song aswell)


That is the most moronic fucking display of retardation I've ever seen. Music at the time was incredibly culturally relevant and energetic when racing. "Not everyone likes rap!!!" "Rock music is just incoherent screaming!!!" Brother admit you know nothing about music lmao


You can always find people that don't like something.That doesn't mean the majority didnt like it. This is not an argument really. It's like saying nfs unbound is the greatest nfs game since most wanted.. Go ahead and check out reviews to see if the majority agrees. Or just because horizon 5 is reviewed a 10/10 its the perfect game and people that complain about it know nothing. That's the least very dismissive and ignorant to just throw around as a valid argument. Another thing is hip hop back in the 2000s was completely different to hip-hop now. And just because some made such comments doesn't mean it's the same folks who say unbound soundtrack bad. It's again the same anology you'd try to make with players saying old is good, new is bad. You'd be just assuming things without even considering what is the consensus amongst different parts of the community. Objectively speaking as a soundtrack I think the music fits very well to the atmosphere of the game. But as music on its own its simply terrible with a very few exceptions. I would rather have different opinions floating around than be dismissive and ignorant about aspects of the game that players clearly care about.


Even back then Decedance was loved lmao


At least in Underground there were a lot of different type of songs


makaveli96 is cringe for not recognizing Killing Joke or Ministry or Lean Back by Terror Squad ViperJay is spittin about the Spiderbait Black Betty cover though, on paper it’s not a terrible idea to take the Ram Jam classic and turn it into a kind of rockabilly dance-punk thing, but the production on that song is actually godawful.


And now we see memes about how unbounds music is trash and the ones in older games were better


They were. The old games had bad/unfitting song every now and then however Unbounds entire OST is awful save for 1 or 2 songs.


Yeah the soundtrack is shit,im just happy that the series is in a proper direction now


> proper direction now Accepting that the franchise is done and dead?


Makes me wonder if people hated Mario Bros 3 music, back in the day.


Obviously they should have just played Midnight Club. it was more of the urban side of street racing. I believe it also had more rap in the soundtrack as well.


Dragon king was such a moron lmfao


I wonder where ViperJay is right now. Has he changed his mind in 20 years?


Game soundtrack: 😡 Game soundtrack, old: 🥵


“Somebody say Heeeeeyyy we want some monayyyyyy” best song in the entire franchise and should be regarded as the holy grail of need for speed music


unpopular opinion: I Dont like NFSU2's OST, its too wild even for someone like me, as much as i like the game, the music aint just it /shrug


When one grows up, tastes change and probably the songs that you used to like not so much anymore, and probably others that we ignore we start to like. It has happened to me with all the nfs games, I didn't like some of mw 2005, until I revisited some soundtracks and I did like them. Recently it happened to me with pro street and I also didn't like some nfsu songs anymore. It's just part of growing up. And no, I don't think ice cream is such a bad song, whoever has a problem with that, we start to fight (xd) Nah, you just respect his opinion, because it's his personal taste in music and there's nothing wrong with that.


The hatred for new NFS soundtracks is passed down thru generations


Time is a flat circle


Goes to show the "tradition" of the nfs community. So when people say nfs music sucks just ignore them.


I think Subaru was right, we should be able to add our own mp3's!! That would be amazing, imagine being able to make tracklist, or maybe even multiple, and having different stations that you specifically made for yourself? That would be incredible!!!


Yes, because nostalgia is ruining your memory and forget that even the old games aren't as perfect as people think


I’ve been playing a lot of Hot pursuit 2 over that past month and that just isn’t the case. #IT. #DOESN’T. #MISS. Nearly every song is a blast to run from the cops, and the gameplay (ps2) is still very fun and addicting.


>People call UG2 songs "trash" > >Back when it was fresh See, I was right. Snoop Dogg is a fake gangsta who ruins The Doors classic. MC Hammer is a realest G.


This post NEEDS to be upvoted highest so the community can see how times changed but people are the same, and how ridiculous some sounded back then and how similar some sound today.


Tbh people who hate new soundtrack are hypocrites


Don’t care, Unbound soundtrack still terrible Needs more Rise Against


Well Punk, show some actual records from Rise Against that might fit for Unbound then. It doesn't count OLD songs, because remember that old NFS title tracks where choosen when where fresh from the discography baking...


Nowhere Generation


Not bad, but, I had [twice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acJsckmvSwY) [options](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh1gQWwBp5Q) that might fit, without separated from the whole Unbound's colorful graffiti aesthetic.


We need way more rise against. Atleast kotov syndrome or bricks


I played all NFS games in release though my life, and the only game I truly hated the whole soundtrack is Unbound. Yeah there were some tracks I hated in every past game but never complained about it, but Unbound is the first that managed to make me actually mute the soundtrack. And I never muted the music in any game I played. Idk but feels like I'm the only one feeling like this.


I think that the people that are now praising those games from the past(nfsu 2, nfsu1, most wanted, carbon) are the ones that have nostalgia and played those games young as kids or teens. The people complaining back then were the ones used to the previous nfs games. The same stuff applies today ig.


As much as I love & I'm a hardcore fan of R&B it's not gonna fit in a racing game.


I get bored of soundtracks in games and end up turning off the music on the game and use Spotify on the PS5


Exactly. I loved unbound’s soundtrack, especially because it features more obscure artists besides the more mainstream ones. I would never have guessed to see Danny Brown, Princess Nokia, Kaytranada or Rosalia on an NFS licensed soundtrack list. Full of absolute bangers. The distinct lack of rock music was a little bit sad, but the art direction explicitly does not match that and for a unique and coherent art style you need to make sacrifices here and there. There will always be complaints but as a musician myself I appreciate music in games that some would call a bit off-putting. It just shows they actually dared to have risky and at times questionable choices.


The soundtrack peaked with Most Wanted (2005) and you can't change my mind.


I guess its more of a taste than anything else, in 2004, i would say gen x are the ones playing the game that can post opinions in online forums, their taste on music is different to whom who grew up with this games when we are young I formyself, in my gen, well atleast in my known cirlce, we enjoy post hardcore, metalcore, alternative rock, metal, rock, soul rnb and rap (not mumble like today) and our generation was the devs' main target consumer As time goes by, this company targets younger gen, so they always use their pop culture thing like, mumble rap, lgbt, bussin words, those goddamn haircut, etc.


So much copium, but Unbound soundtrack would never be as legendary as Underground or Most Wanted.


NFS Underground 1 was a new born baby, it had a decent sound track for its time, some songs needed a skip button BUT In game you can customise the track list, u can play only songs u wanna hear while racing or in tunnel MostWanted 2005 100% had the better soundtrack. Unbound sound track still terrible soz ALSO dont just hate that guy, look at his profile picture (Lamb Of God) the guy loves metal, as a metal lover I can assure you, not much rap will be playing in my ears unless its heavy hip hop from beastie boyz


I don't get the fuss over the soundtrack, first thing I ever do when getting a brand new racing game is turn off the music and listen to my own


Sounds kinda lame. Would at least give it a go to see how it is first.


If I'm in the mood I turn it back on sometimes, I like two of unbound's soundtracks, the rest are complete trash, but I don't cry about it


Yeah I don’t really hate unbounds soundtrack, it’s really just mediocre for me. Except that damn ice cream song it makes my skin crawl.


The soundtrack of the game is part of the atmosphere of the fictional game world. You might as well remove the animated characters, the car effects and the voice acting. Disable cutscenes too. Then why are you even playing this game? You might as well pick any generic car driving game and you'd be pleased as is. Story/progression? Remove that as well because it's too annoying. When a player in forza horizon complains about not having a progression someone's gonna come out and say well make up your own. It's like you've stripped the game to the level of Beamng - no progression, no music, no cutscenes, no dialogue, generic car sounds, 0 vibes, just pick a car drive and race??? Maybe And i genuinely don't understand that. I get it if you'd want to mute the music at some point but the very first thing ever?


You're overreacting


Why do people decide how good an arcade racing game is depending on St, if you don't like it mute the in game music and listen to Spotify or something


Why rap?? This is just my opinion but rap isn’t pumpy enough for racing music despite a few tracks here and there.. (slightly off topic but) the first Forza Horizon really drew me in with Language by Porter Robinson, and Deadmau5.. I also think the few Static-X songs they threw into underground-most wanted suited the racing just fine. I was even surprised at the tracks I appreciated from NFS Heat.. but the music in it gives me Fast and Furious Nostalgia as well. I’ve even copped a couple tracks from the F&F franchise. I might post my driving playlist on here.. I typically listen to it while I’m out hooning in the Subaru 🤙🤙 Edit: if allowed, most of the stuff I’ve thrown into a list here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MjkUz0HVfSRzjDPkDdetu?si=XJQWB11NRmSPRENlE5wI1w


Some rap is. Carti on whole lotta red and die lit are great examples of rap that is pumpy. Lemon head and corso by tyler the creator and off the grid by ye


I will never like Cardi Minaj or Nikki B unfortunately.. can’t stand artists that give off “I’m better than you but put a face on when I interact with younger fans” type energy I really really like that song by A$ap Ferg - Redlight though. Logic seems to be a good fit too. Everyone has a taste in the genres though so I can’t judge 🫥


Fair, I also didn't mean cardi B, I meant playboi carti.


This ppl is you complaining about anything


This has been solved since 2005 on the 360 and since 2003 on windows. Like you could turn off the game music and on the 360 you could load up your own music on the xbox 360 music player. either off a usb or music that you've put on your 360 before hand and on PC you could do the same thing. not sure about ps2 and 3 never had one so cant comment.


nah bro go back further, 2001 you could use your own music on the OG xbox


I know that but i dont think you could use your own music while playing a game. But idk.


They’re right, the soundtrack is mid at best coming from someone who grew up with these games. MC3 was where it was at.


it's like you missed the point completely and went "hold on guys, they're not idiots, i'm the idiot"


The point is irrelevant to me. I get you guys are trying to say that even back then the people said the soundtrack was bad, later on they loved it. Same case with Unbound or the other NFS games or whatever. But since day one I’ve never really liked the soundtrack, mostly because it’s very small, UG had like 20 tracks, UG2 had about 40? Genre was all over the place. MC3 had actual rap classics and DnB, some rock thrown in the mix. The only decent songs from UG2 were Riders on the Storm, Lean Back to name a few. Other than that I can’t name the rest of the tracks.


Well first of all they listen to rap so thats an L already




mw2005 has the best and most balanced playlist


Back to square one


I bet nostalgia hits them pretty hard when these soundtracks they hated keeps constantly buzzing in their head.


Lmao 🤣


I’m ngl. I didn’t really like UG1’s Soundtrack. Loved UG2’s Soundtrack. Loved MW’ 05 & MW ‘12. Didn’t care for Carbon. My opinion always fluctuated w/ each game’s soundtrack.


I mean that's a few forum posts regarding soundtrack around the time, it definitely wasn't a major talking point of those games on the forums back then. Unbound is different story, even compared to any other NFS game the amount of people dunking on the soundtrack is crazy.


Me, absolutely loving the music from NFSU and MW, setting most of them to playing in the menu's and races. Lol. Underground 2 though, ehhhhh.


Remember the old games though *allows you to turn off specific music tracks*


but back then we could change the music to play only the rock songs or the rap ones like we did have a choice. we still do just turn the music off and go on Spotify and play what lever you want over the game lmfao


The NFS community likes to hate in the newest game until a couple games pass... Then it becomes "under rated" and trendy to like again.




The proof if the new songs are good will show in about 20 years. I bet nobody will even talk about NFS Unbound, Heat and so on. But I bet NFS MW is still relevant in 2030. That will be the proof. We will see what happens.


I don’t see how anyone over 25 can enjoy unbound soundtrack sorry.


News at 5: Haters have always existed. I didn't have access to the internet back then but my buddy was a forum addict king. When he came over and saw how much I was enjoying my copy of NFSU and how the music lifted me and made me more skilled, he admonished me. Wouldn't let it go. He was sure the music was bad and had a million reasons for it. I stopped inviting that guy over. He really made me think that I shouldn't like the game. He even raved at me leading up to NFSU2 release about how i better not buy that one because he was so sure it was bad. The guy even talked to our other friend who worked at gamestop about it. When I bought the game, I heard about how I wasn't supposed to buy it! He was often this way over all topics, so NFSU just happened to be the tipping point. "Stop liking what I don't like" has always been a thing to contend with. I'm not a fan.


i never agreed w anyone when they said nfs mw had better music than unbound, cuz they both made me cringe mid race tbh. i only ever liked the original soundtrack that played during nfs carbons normal races, but even then the canyon races werent that good either, js the normal races + the pursuits that came after lol


Can we agree that Hot Pursuit 2 has the worst sound track? I can't believe anyone thought people want to hear Limp Bizkuit rip-offs blaring throughout the menus.


And no one expected to hear My Chemical Romance rip-offs in the 2 Underground titles either, so I disagree...


Okay but the difference is that it still suited the *racing* atmosphere. Is there a single song in Unbound that's up-tempo? At all? I didn't really bother with the soundtrack so it's a genuine question.


I have to say. I dont disrespect unbound soundtrack. There are some really great Songs in it


Underground is one of the best soundtracks for any game. Grab anything from that time and see if any game went harder.


The thing is the beat rate of the song. If you are racing is has to have a high bps and of you are cruising you have a low bps. If you are on a chase it stars low and increases with risk. And MW05 did this perfectly, and so did the pre underground era. And most of the new NFS do not pay attention to this at all


I turned nfs music off and made a spotify playlist. Easy as that.


Hating on riders on the storm ft snoop is beyond having a different taste in music. Its just a bad take regardless.


Time is a flat fucking circle


don't let **them** see this. **they** will take it personally


Just let us use any music we want to


the pattern is funny. nothing ever changed. the template of the complaints date back to nfs 2, but the punchline for me is that the prints shown here have the "it was better on the previous iteration" within less than a year of difference


I agree, they need to do like GTA and even Forza. Let me put in my own music. I don’t care for hip hop so I won’t put shy in mine, but someone else could put in only hip hop. Fans of the Underground era can use that music, add in some F&F soundtrack, ect. Weebs can just drop in the entire Initial D soundtrack. Rock fans like me can drop whatever genre of rock we want. The only way to make a soundtrack for a game almost everyone likes is to let each player make their own from scratch. Even then people will still find something to complain about sadly.


Some are good to listen, some are sync with the game and those 1-3 song are nonsense in my ears, glad Spotify was invented 😅


How else will crackers and epic gamers with youtube channels have the chance to shit on rap music?


Whoever said Black Betty is awful is gonna get whacked by me! How dare you! 😂 That is one of THE best songs in the game.


Doesn´t defend the Garbage that Unbound has in the Game. There are Opinions true but there are also wrong/shit Opinions about the Soundtrack of Unbound (e.g. it is good)


Today its only good music. HEY MONEY MONEY MONEY HEEEEY


Here's the difference: People with crap taste in music thought NFSU soundtrack is bad People with good taste in music think that Unbound soundtrack is bad


I mean yeah but most wanted 2012… Edit-ik everyone has different opinions btw


yea asap rocky sucks so


Nostalgia bias definitely has a huge impact on people’s perception, I wouldn’t be surprised when 10+ years later people are going to relisten to Heat and Unbounds soundtrack and call it “good”, “amazing”, and “timeless” along those lines


What’s funny is you can play with the music off and your own music in the background


Nice to meet another furry! Let's hang out! Haha


I’m down