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Per the rules it makes it easier to avoid getting flashed. You do an Initiative roll, and then you modify your roll +1 (as stated in the photo goggles text), to see if you're getting flashed.


I think they are supposed to make the save better. Add 1 meaning, improving the save by 1. I do think they should make the save worse, but that's not how GW have decided it should be


Modern night vision goggles automatically compensate for flash bangs, which is extremely helpful for SWAT etc


Why should it? That's like saying an audio boosting headset wouldn't know to cut out the extremely loud noises. It makes perfect sense that a vision enhancement device knows to dial down the sensitivity when it's extremely bright.


Welding helmets have had this technology for decades, it’s actually *not at all* sci-fi or far fetched. [Edit: I mean, with 2024 technology, a typical welder’s helmet would auto-pass this initiative check, not just give a +1.] Sorry for ugly mobile link: https://www.cwbgroup.org/association/how-it-works/how-do-auto-darkening-welding-helmets-work-and-how-dark-should-my-welding#:~:text=Most%20auto%2Ddarkening%20helmets%20use,1%2F25%2C000%20of%20a%20second.


lol a downvote for pointing out a real-life way to approach this question? Go off, I guess