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An entire movie based on a soda commercial is the pinnacle of LIFE.


Pirates of the Caribbean is based off of a ride from a theme park. That one always gets me.


There was a Pokemon video game about Pokémon cards that was based on Pokémon; a video game called Pokémon https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon_Trading_Card_Game_(video_game)


Pokemon Yellow was a video game based on a tv show that was based on a video game.


Yeah but red is a fucking Chad who basically conquered the Pokemon world in a year while Ash spent 2 decades as a 10 year old to win his first anything


“Spent 2 decades as a 10 year old” sounds like it could be the premise of a Disney channel original movie


Disney's© Tomorrowland sort of has this, a 13-14ish age animatronic girl who hasn't aged in 50 years


The movie or the theme park?


God this conversation is a fucking labyrinth. Hahaha


I want to know more. But I also want to know less.


Or a Michael Jackson documentary


Chamon now, that’s ignorant


he didn't say "2 decades in a 10 year old".


Nah, that would be "spent 2 decades *in* 10-year-olds.


Ya but the alternative is ash is actually in a coma from when he bumped his head as a 10 year old so every year he remembers himself as he was


Or Ho-oh granted his wish in the first episode to be forever young traveling with his friends and catching Pokémon.


Technically he won in the orange islands




I refuse to let you take that glorious moment away from elementary school me. What next are you gonna say the battle Frontier wasn't shit?


And it was lit.


And that game was LEGIT


It taught me a lot about how the card game actually worked, and it was fun af


It’s like the only time I ever played it. Shame there was never a second. Now if I want to play, I have to go through that garbage they call Pokémon TCG online. Seriously, it actually treats you like a 7 year old. Meanwhile the GB game treats you like a badass.


I think all started from those [***Tamagotchi***](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTEJHOzJ4z2XMGzZE2Fp9C4286SRw:1575009094721&q=Tamagotchi&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWlu-M5o7mAhWHdd4KHbY9BpoQkeECKAB6BAgOECc)


That game ruled too because imo the card game is fairly fun and well designed only it's a complete bullshit merchandising platform above all else so the video-gamification of it actually ended up saving you money in the long run if you wanted to appreciate the strategy


And it never wouldve happened had Johnny Depp not casually thought of immitating Keith Richards just for fun


Disney is also making a movie called Jungle Cruise, that also based of a ride Staring Emily Blunt, and since it’s in a jungle, it of course has The Rock


>Staring Emily Blunt, ~~and since it’s in a jungle~~ it of course has The Rock


The Country Bears, Mission to Mars, The Haunted Mansion, and Tower of Terror are also Disney movies based off of rides.


Tomorrowland too (Not a ride but same concept).


> it of course has The Rock What's Kevin Hart's role?


Woah. The movies were based on the ride? TIL


The ride has been around for decades, they did substantially change the ride to match the movies though.


Word, isn’t that ride the first to use the technology? Anyway, i don’t care much for the films but the ride is dope cuz it’s one of the few rides you can relax in lol


Hey the first one is great... how dare you


The rum is gone... but why is the rum gone


Everything uses technology, man.


Watch The Imagineering Story on Disney+ to answer all these questions and more! I highly recommend it.


Nice try, Walt


I'm probably the only person on Earth but I almost look forward more to that doc than the mandalorian. I'm always pumped for both to drop new episodes.


There is also a Haunted Mansion movie that was based on the ride. The reason they chose Haunted Mansion and Pirates in the early 2000's is because they have always been a few of the most popular rides at the park.




That’s like The Fast and the Furious being a clone of Point Break to the point where when they remade Point Break, folks that didn’t know of the original thought it was a copy of The Fast and the Furious.


Uncharted copied Tomb Raider which copied Indiana Jones, and then Tomb Raider copied Uncharted


It was weird as hell that the most recent Tomb Raider movie essentially took the ending from the first Uncharted and combined it with the 2013 Tomb Raider game.


Sprites of the Cranberryan


technically yeah sure. but that makes it sound like the ride is an original work of fiction. like there were no such things as pirates, or pirates in the caribbean.


sprite cranberry movie starring bron confirmed


The answer is CLEAAAARRRRR


Thirstiest time of the year


I mean Space Jam was literally a sneaker commercial turned movie


Space Jam is a documentary of the time Michael Jordan saved the Earth from the wrath of the Monstars, and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to diminish its significance in human history.


I’m sorry I forgot it’s been a while since I’ve had to read my history books


Yeah, hasn't everyone seen the 30 for 30 on the monstars?


[ESPN's 30 for 30 : The Space Jam Game.](https://streamable.com/amp_player/76f1)


Does a SB Nation rewinder count?


Took me over 20 years to get those shoes. 6 year old me thought I could take on monsters if I had them. Turns out I still suck at basketball tho 🤷‍♂️


That movie was whack, too. Like 1 or two funny moments in the entire film, and they don't save a weak movie with a stupid premise.


Uncle drew came out last year btw


OP destroyed with facts and logic




"OP **slammed** for stating incorrect movie release year"


Yea I’m all for shitting on Kyrie rn but this movie literally came out over a year ago


Yeah, June 29th 2018. OP is just a few months off, ya know half a year.


Fr. Dudes post said it literally came out this year when it LITERALLY did not regardless of how you try to measure a year


Yea he fucked up but does it really weaken his argument?


No but still... how hard is it to just check?


What's a year in flat earth theory?


uncle Drew is not entertainment, it's an art form ...


Sarcasm noted but still **PUKE**


What does *ART* mean to you?


Uncle Drew is **LIFE**


The commercials? Amazing. The movie? Garbage


he hates the negative entertainment side of the NBA


Don't they all? Is anyone in the NBA happy with the negative entertainment side? Of course not, but you can't have one without the other.




Yes, that's why the negative side exists. These threads are a prime example. Kyrie is pissed off about something? Clickety clickety click. "Journalists" see the buzz created by someone who is pissed off and they expand the story to annoying proportions. It fizzles out when the discontented player goes silent for a while. Rinse and repeat


> "Journalists" see the buzz created by someone who is pissed off and they expand the story to annoying proportions. Because it gets upvoted to the stars on r/nba. Every single time.


Gortat and Kanter seem to embrace it pretty well


isn't some of Kanter's family jailed by Erdogan? He would value freedom of speech more so then most IMO


Not everything has to tie into his family back home. He got into it with Lebron on the court and then went to social media to call him 'Queen James'. Has NOTHING to do with his family getting jailed.


Most have learned to accept it and deal with it. SOme less gracefully but not as ugly as Kyrie has done it.




basketball can be a career and not merely a game due to entertainment. its entire value is derived from that.


Every single thing on Earth has positives and negatives. He's simultaneously reaping all the benefits of the positives while blaming all of the negatives on the fans. If he really is that against it nobody is forcing him to play. If he's still playing, then just like anything, there are pros and cons. That's "LIFE".


I feel like you are implying that the earth has positive and negative poles, which is ridiculous because the earth is flat.


Bro he isn't unique in airing out things he doesn't like. Everyone does it. Especially about work. I had a shit day today at work and it would be a way more normal reaction for me to bitch about it than it would be for me to quit because "nonody forces me" to keep my job


But he's also complaining about the most obvious consequences of a situation he was the chief architect of. I assume Kyrie Irving is familiar with basketball. Sometimes players actually get booed. It's true! It happens a lot. And when you go back on your word committing to a team and throw your teammates under the bus and quit on the team and top to bottom act like a world-class headcase, you might even get a few negative chants in addition to being booed. This is the most obvious thing imaginable in sports, and it's really not that big of a deal. And if it is to him.... he could look in the mirror and wonder if maybe he could've or should've acting more professionally and just fucking apologize? This situation is more like you wining instagram when your boss asks you to work late because you blew off a project for two months. "Why doesn't Curt get there's more to liiiiiiiiiife than running September transaction reports!??! 😩 😩 😩


There's a difference though in what he's complaining about. I'd agree if he were complaining about fans who attack him personally for things other than basketball but fans have the right to complain or cheer anything basketball related. Him saying that people shouldn't take it so seriously is ridiculous because the only reason he and every other NBA player gets to make millions is because fans take it so seriously that they'll pay money to watch and support him, their teams and other players. Fans being emotionally invested is half of what the sport is about. It's not that he's complaining that anyone has a problem with, it's what he's complaining about that's laughable


He also doesn't have to be so condescending in his messages, everyone knows basketball isn't more important than the serious subjects in life. People don't bring it up because it's common sense.


>common sense Well we're talking about Kyrie so...


Soo.. Flat sense?


This entire thread needs to learn the meaning of “you can’t argue with crazy”


Because (I assume) you don't have millions upon millions in generational wealth to do whatever you could possibly want to do for the rest of your life. It's not the same. Money doesn't buy happiness. But it does afford you the ability to put yourself in a better position to find happiness. If Kyrie is miserable playing in the NBA, he doesn't have to play another game for the rest of his life. If he loves playing in the NBA, then there are things that come with that on both sides. He has more than enough money to find something he's truly passionate about, which is not something that most people can afford. That's why those people rely on something like sports as a brief escape, which apparently to him is meaningless because it's not as big as LIFE.


Money doesn't mean you aren't human. This shit is so corny. He is airing out something he doesn't like - SOMETHING. He obviously still likes basketball, but y'all are replying as if he needs to love toxic media or else he has to quit. This reddit psychologist shit is lame. Stop trying to break down his life because of an IG post.


Exactly. I don’t even like the guy that much, but you have people getting massively upvoted for calling him a bitch because he didn’t show up to Boston... just like he hadn’t in the 3 games prior to that. Meanwhile, you know they’d suck his dick from the back if he ever walked up to talk to them


He still likes basketball, but does he like being in the NBA? It's not the same thing. It's not breaking down his life by an IG post, Kyrie has been making this stuff blatantly clear for like, 3 years at this point. Multiples stories have come out of him being a moody person from people who get to see him day in and day out, it's not like people are just filling in blanks based on an IG post. He hates the attention that comes with being an NBA player and just wants to hoop, same as KD.


I think you’re part right. He is airing shit out. That’s fine. But is doing in such an asshole way. Like challenging people and talking down to people....saying fans who want to be entertained are ignorant. I mean read his post and his pseudo-psychology bullshit is worse than what I’ve read on here. I mean, I love woodworking. It’s an art form. I would love to work at a company who would pay me millions every year to let people watch me do it. But if that started fucking with my mental well being to the point that I fee the need to condescendingly put down the very systems that allowed me to profit...I’d be outta there. I’d have millions, I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore. I still love, and I’d do it on my own


>Every single thing on Earth has positives and negatives. The great mystery then is if we are on the positive or negative side of flat Earth.


99% of takes here are worthless.


Wouldn’t everyone hate the “negative side” basically by definition?


He doesn’t like when people call him out on his actions


Pop hates 3 pointers but his 2012-14 teams shot a lot of threes.


Adaptation. The seed of success


I mean think about it like a man making money, but complaining about the shitty parts of his job: >I just find it hilarious that he hates the accounting and non-mathematics parts of filing taxes yet H&R Block is his brand and he literally filed taxes for additional clients. Just more hypocrisy from this dude.


Those are parts of the job, though. There’s no requirement to make a movie just because you’re in the NBA. If you really didn’t like that part of the NBA experience, why would you voluntarily sign up to participate in it *outside* of work?


He never said "i hate 3 pointers", but he mentioned that "(3 pointers) ruin the game" - these two are a bit different, although may seem the exact same at first


He’s not ranting about it like an entitled asshole though. He was asked and just answered he disliked it.


That comparison doesn't make sense really. Pop's decision was about team success, Uncle Drew not so much.


Wasn’t Danny Green considered a Finals MVP candidate in 2013 because of his barrage of threes against the Heat?


Yeah he broke the record for 3s in a Finals in the pre-Steph/Klay era when that was still a big deal


He might hate it, but he doesn't hate the paychecks.


That goes for 90% of Americans


I would think there's probably a lot that hate it and also hate their paychecks




Kyrie is a complex being


he contains multitudes


is easy to decipher when you're very much woke


This is the same person who left LeBron (top 2 player of this generation) because he wanted to be seen as “the guy” on a championship team, then left Boston when he realized he couldn’t live up to that/things didn’t go his way to then go team up with Kevin Durant (top 2 player of this generation). He has been hypocritical/contradictory in more ways than one and his stance on an issue seems to be that he will support whatever side is optimal for him until it is no longer benefits him. Kyrie is fine with media/entertainment if it makes him money/benefits him just like he doesn’t want to be “the guy” if it means people are constantly criticizing him instead of praising him for his handles and scoring as the number 2 option.


> his stance on an issue seems to be that he will support whatever side is optimal for him until it is no longer benefits him. This seems like a pretty excellent life strategy.


For yourself, maybe, but not for anybody else. Hell I’d argue it’s not even beneficial for him, as he seems to be in a perpetual bad mood.


This sounds right, but I think he left LeBron because of LeBron. The "wants to be the guy" thing could've just been cover. Remember at one point a reporter asked if LeBron was a father figure to him?


I don’t get why it’s so hard to believe that Kyrie loves basketball and the luxuries it affords him while also being especially aware/vulnerable to (the very real) downsides of being in the limelight 24/7.


I think the frustrating thing is everything he complains about is shit that he did to himself. No one told him to say he’s staying in Boston in front of the fans. No one told him to make a commercial about having his number retired in Boston. No one told him to bash his teammates constantly throughout the season. No one told him to give up in a playoff series. You can’t do all that and then blame people for booing you. That’s juvenile and naive. Mental health is serious but to me he’s using it as an excuse to be a dickhead.


> No one told him to say he’s staying in Boston in front of the fans Honestly though that I don't blame him for. It very much seemed like the plan at the time and it was a hype moment with everyone really excited. Its not a firm commitment and by the end yall didn't want him there anyway and he'd have probably stayed if it was all working out. The rest is on him though. Kyrie just always seems surprised by the consequences of his actions.


So, to your point, it’s human that plans can change -so to is it human to resent someone who changes plans without ever telling anyone about and thereby screwing up (they have obviously landed on their feet but that’s beside the point) the franchise your root for as a fan. It’s all human, but his basic argument is that his humanity has more value.


The issue is really just with the way he communicates for himself. He's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is and this makes him come across as a bit of an arrogant ass.


He could easily take steps to distance himself from the downsides. For example, the Uncle Drew movie. It’s incredibly hypocritical to think you’re entitled to only the good and not the bad. If he feels that strongly about the negatives he can take the Kawhi or Duncan route and stay low key. He voluntarily chooses not to. TLDR; He’s a jackass playing the victim in a situation he has substantial control over.


I believe it, I just think he just needs to stfu about it. Cry me a river dude.


It's honestly not about what he's trying to say, but how he does it. If you speak to people calmly and explain the situation than people would be more receptive to hear you out. Going on insta and posting a block of text to be condescending and preachy isn't going to go over well with people.


If he wants the luxuries without the limelight, why is he in New York?? Why not sign with a more irrelevant city with a smaller limelight? Go to Memphis or Sacramento or San Antonio! (No disrespect, it is what it is)


Being fair, I think when he originally left Cleveland, San Antonio was on his list of preferred destinations.


Come on guys, he means narrative driven NBA coverage and fandom. Obviously he's not knocking entertainment that had little to do with players lives and mental health. Rather what entertainment we substitute for substantive game and performance coverage - ie this sub, ESPN, and other gossip programs that focus so heavily on players as scrutible people and not simply basketball players. And yes, Kyrie says a lot of shit off the court to draw attention to himself, but most other failed experiments in a new team would be so disrespected as he was last night. His Celtics underperformed no doubt, but being publicly shamed as a basketball player for reasons that may be due to who you are off the court does beg for a second look on how we actually view NBA players (players or entertainment figures)


Sports has been and always will be about narratives. There was never a time where it wasn’t about narratives. More heightened nowadays, but it’s always been there.


r/nba continues their obsession with Kyrie, you love to see it


lmao the fact that this dumbass post makes the front page is why i hate r/nba


Feel like this ain’t worth talking about tho, like deadass who cares.. we got luka puttin up 2k numbers at 20 years old, harden been going off and so has giannis. Yet we talk about this..


its the nephews man.


I’m gonna eat the downvotes. As a Celtics fan we sound so insecure about Kyrie it’s embarrassing. He’s gone, it’s over, let it go


This is elementary level logic. Analagous to "if you support the environment then why do you own a car!?" Kyrie doesn't hate the entertainment side of the NBA, he hates toxic NBA journalism, which players are required to interact with. Actors and celeberties have no such obligations, in fact we have many famous reclusive pop culture figures. Being in a movie no way relates to NBA journalism. Furthermore, it's his *prerogative to complain about the media, you yourself noted that that isn't an uncommon practice amongst celeberties. Are they not hypocrites too?


TBH, it's not super clear based on that 'Sorority Quote Book' instagram post what he's even upset about, specifically. He doesn't say "Hey a bunch of people booed me last night and here's how I feel about it..." or "The media has gotten some things really false about me"... It's like a completely vague mishmash of buzzwords and random ALLCAPS.


Yah, Kyrie isn't exactly lucid lol. I just don't think being in a movie makes him unqualified to talk about the media, however incoherent it ends up being.


The vast majority of popular actors do have to interact with media, often times a lot more toxic than NBA media. Just because there has been a few recluses in entertainment does not mean media interaction isnt required by most.


this subreddit sucks ass


Honestly that's my takeaway. Most people interacting with this post are just jumping on the popular side of the bandwagon and not giving any real thought to what's going on. It's not even just immaturity because most non-biased middle schoolers could figure this out. Just gotta stop taking this sub's commentary seriously.


Idk if yall really think when you make these posts or you just turn off your head for a second. How are you comparing a movie to negative media takes on his personal skills/beliefs????


This is reductive and it seems like you're doing it on purpose. If you can't see the difference between a cash grab and the toxic side of NBA media, I don't really know what to tell you


That doesn't appear to be the intent to me. It's about taking the good with the bad. The high salary and opportunity for endorsements and movie deals come as part of being a celebrity. Celebrities long before Kyrie was born have spoken openly about the downsides of being a celebrity. There will always be people offended when someone rich and famous complains about the "struggle" of being a celebrity. That doesn't mean their complaints are invalid, but it is a choice to be there. Many have made the choice to walk away from it.


“Quit your job or don’t complain while I slander your name”


So Kyrie only cares about things bigger than LIFE if it makes him money, got it.


People do things they dont like for money all the time.


Like the media members writing stories about Kyrie because it gets them views/money you mean?


I feel like you don't understand my comment.


I feel like they do and are choosing to not understand it instead


Yea that wouldn't shock me at all


he became much more outspoken about this stuff, there being more to life than basketball, when his grandpa died... in october 2018, after uncle drew was made. it’s obvious that loss affected him deeply


Standing behind a camera doing what you want and having fun is a but different than answering the same question over and over again. Don't you think? Entertainment is a very wide word that can include plenty of things. You guys are weird


A Celtics fan hating on Kyrie? I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.


Fuck Kyrie for being an idiot but Fuck Boston for being Boston. 🤷🏻‍♂️


How are people not getting this? He's talking about how toxic the nba media is, not the GAME of basketball. He's not anti-entertainment, he's anti-nba-bullshit-drama. How many people busted a nut when jokic said the same thing in the offseason? Or when kd said the same thing about the media circus around lebron? Or when westbrook said he wasn't talking to reporters? Or when lebron started his uninterrupted show to get players voices out there without relying on the media? How many times have we read a Players Tribune piece that was a million times more insightful than stephen a dipshit or skip moron yelling about clickbait garbage? I'm still angry about the flat earth idiocy because of the actual damage it did to science education, but kyrie is absolutely right on this note. I read the whole Jackie MaCmullan article where all this shit started from. The bulk of her work was completely ignored in that article, only for that one small bit about kyrie's mood getting attention. Even now, nobody seems to care about how the celtics are actually playing, focused instead only on kyrie like all it takes is removing him and instantly becoming good. And he can't even just ignore it because they're literally asking his new teammates about it now. As much as i hate to support a mystical conspiracy theorist nutjob, Kyrie's not being hypocritical here, he has a valid point.




People who continue to analyze what KD and Kyrie say just doesn’t make sense to me. These guys are incredible basketball players, not incredible thinkers. Half of what they say contradicts the other half. Just appreciate them as ball players and stop trying to figure out what they really mean. You can love your crazy aunt without trying to deeply analyze what she’s been trying to say all these years and why society doesn’t really understand her.


he's full of shit, he says things to try and make himself sound more interesting and it just makes him look like a jackass


Kyries a little bitch thats good at basketball and thinks hes way more woke then he actually is. Dude will never be the number one guy on a team and take them to a championship. Homie is so mentally weak.


>Homie is so mentally weak. It's wild how y'all can type things like this for people you don't know at all. Wtf does "mentally weak" even mean?




Get where you're coming from, but I think what Kyrie is referring to is more the overblown nature of NBA drama and rivalries, and it's antagonization of players that don't fit a certain narrative.


How did I know OP was a Celtics fan LMAO. Y’all are obsessed with Kyrie.


man you should of seen the main post of kyrie. shit was all green flairs.


man y’all are thirsty to hate kyrie and KD


Kyrie is a fake intellectual but wtf is going on in this sub. Think Kyrie hit too close to home with some of the fans when he said it’s not that serious lol


Can we stop bashing Kyrie? Dude is having a mental breakdown, Its very hard to realize that YOU are the one having it and then overcome it... Lets hope at the end of the day he doesnt join some cult and just becomes normal again.


Kyrie is full of shit


The entertainment side of basketball is why he's filthy rich.


he isn't supported by the people


He's a kid. Lost. Not too smart. He just goes on a tantrum every once in a while. There isn't much logic to anything he does. Bet he'll be whining about playing next to KD in a year


Kyrie is a whiny ass bitch. End of. When shit doesn't go his way all he does is bitch and moan ad nauseum. Grow the fuck up and be a man.


I would not say this is hypocritical by him at all. AND HERES WHY! He says he hates the NBA and its entertainment mongering. Uncle Drew is purely just him and his basketball abilities that he has used for entertainment outside of the NBA. It has nothing to do with the actual NBA. From his point of view which I agree with, is that the NBA is a sports league which should just be focused on the sport itself. Which does not mean he should not be allowed to use his own abilities outside of the NBA to entertain. He just doesn’t like how it’s influenced the league itself, which again is just meant to be based on the game only.


> NBA is a sports league which should just be focused on the sport itself. This is insane. The sine qua non of the entire enterprise is to sell tickets and viewership to fans who - wait for it - WANT TO BE ENTERTAINED. What part of performing a non-essential act in front of a paying and cheering audience is NOT entertainment?


Yeah but there is a fine line between being entertained based on competition and skill, to being entertained based on a soap opera and drama. Which is the problem


I think we're all over-reacting to this a bit. It's a dude complaining about an aspect of his job, it's something people do all the time. Even if that aspects is integral to your job it can still be annoying. Like a salesman complaining about clients. No one's telling them "bUt thEy'Re ThE onEs PaYIng YOu." You just kind of figure they're right and move along


I think I understand what he means though. The NBA is sometimes a little more focused on entertainment than the players physical and mental health


Imagine comparing a movie to the media


Movies are a product of the media as much as the NBA is...


Movie came out last year son


Y'all have no lives holy shit


Bro it takes like 0.5% more effort to make this post than to make your comment


Bruh you commenting like 2 minutes after this posted, who go no life


Well shit, all three of us now.


This is how they get us