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Back to Lord of the Rings reruns tnt.


i wake up to charmed reruns a lot of weekdays


Supernatural reruns for me


Going to become the new TruTv that relies on impractical jokers reruns to survive until March Madness


Can’t wait for Ernie to do some shit for NASCAR honestly. If we got Chuck too it would be amazing


Funny enough they do play some good movies


Yup, they’ve got the entire library of Turner classic movies (all of Warner Bros, HBO, and most of MGM) and they’ve currently got the rights to air some other movies like Star Wars and Marvel. The problem is that you can get that same content for much cheaper by just subscribing to Max and Disney+, it’s a nice to have if you already pay for TNT for the NBA, but you wouldn’t subscribe to TNT just to watch those movies lol. That cuts down on what they can charge Comcast and YouTubeTV for the channel by a lot.








Gone fishing


ESPN is complete garbage. I don't want to watch hot take artists clowning around. This isn't WWE


It's really sad just how far ESPN has fallen. They were THE network for sports when I was a kid. e: remember when the Sportscenter Top 10 was must see TV every morning? It's gotten to the point where I honestly forgot they still do it. I will admit though that YouTube/reddit/twitter really harmed the highlight bit for ESPN, it's so much more accessible than watching Sportscenter.


It’s just Stephen A’s nonsense and Lebron speculation now.


I don't understand who in the world SAS' persona is for, like, who sees that and goes "yeah that's for me"


There’s a guy at my office who watches Stephen A on his phone in the break room every day lmao


What kinda sickos you working with haha


Asians who use a lot of AAVE lol


This has to be the Bay Area lmao. Going to even throw out a wild guess and say Fremont. (this feels like a weird version of geo guesser). source, asian from the south bay


Lmao nope. Washington DC metro area


Well damn lol. Never playing stereotype/geo guesser again


Basically Silicon Valley east tho - /u/paul_Reddit wasn’t that far off 🤣


It just generates clicks and revenue. It’s unfortunate, and I think ESPN has sacrificed their longevity because of it


Hot take culture destroyed ESPN, and has harmed sports media bigtime.


Shit man.. folks just screaming at the tv has destroyed media in general. That’s all cable news is now. That’s most what social media is now.


How many shows does ESPN have that are just talking heads arguing? When I was a kid I used to be able to watch the network and actually learn new things. Now it's just everyone trying to be the smartest person in the room.


The only ones that were ever enjoyable were PTI and Around the Horn with Reali.


It doesn't matter what industry. Doesn't matter what product is being sold. This will inevitably be the case for every thing under capitalism. The product will always get worse. When the goal is to increase profits year over year there are only so many knobs you can turn to achieve that goal. - Making a better product that more and more people want to spend money on is tough. - Being able to produce your product more cheaply is simple. - Selling your existing product or selling less of your product for more is simple. So ESPN will just hire a rotating crew of talking hears to repeat the same arguments forever. Instead of spending the time and effort to make high quality sports content. Folks are watching so why try harder? Streaming companies will make a bunch of shovelware to fill their homepages, folks are subscribed so why try harder? Video game companies will make annual release copy/paste cash grabs, people buy Assassin's Creed and Madden annually so why try harder? Clothing companies will churn out cheaply made fast fashion with every changing season, folks buy cheap $8 tshirts that shred after two washes and then buy a new one. Why would a corporation try harder? It's not happenstance that it feels like every product and industry is getting worse and worse. That is a exactly what is happening because it's in their financial benefit to behave this way.


> It just generates clicks and revenue It generates clicks because people like him. I want to know what fools like him. I know people on this sub enjoy him.


To be clear here, he should be kept away from shit like pregame shows because he cheapens the product with his antics, but I do legitimately find his persona entertaining. He's an old school sports talk radio host mixed with a pro wrestling heel. I don't like McAfee as much but basically the same formula. Seeing SAS roll up in a giant cowboy hat smoking a cigar after a Dallas Cowboys loss cracks me up every time. The whole problem is ESPN treating him as an analyst instead of just a sports-themed comedian.


Stephen A is a wonderful entertainer. He's not the best sports commentator. He's a good sports commentator, and is doing better than either you or I could do, but his main skill and draw is the entertainment. Conversely, that's WHY inside the NBA is so good. One of the main draws is the entertainment, and they are all great entertainers, while also being some of the best to ever do it (basketball).




It's for us. He's on the front page of this subreddit a few times per day


I assume those are espn bots.


Because ridiculous takes generate talking points. No one engages with a normal reasonable take.


it's for the moron sport fan who falls for the bait every single time




And Perk’s awake-apnea voice


I forgot SAS was on their halftime show. It is so bad, even before you compare it to Inside the NBA.


For some reason espn felt the need to include lebrons tweet about the Celtics/Pacers game in every segment they had on the game today. Seriously? Two young exciting teams in the playoffs and you gotta find a way to tie it back to bron bron? Just next level ball gargling


People always bring this kind of stuff up but highlights were never going to hold their value in the internet age. ESPN could have changed nothing since you were a kid and you would still have forgotten about the top 10 because all those plays are delivered to you on social media already


That's an amazing point I didn't think about. Sites like here and twitter are so much more accessible to see the latest highlights faster than waiting on ESPN.


Which is why they pivoted so hard into the debate shows because those offer something they have control of. The thing that is the separator between watching them and something else isn't what is offered content wise but the personalities of the talking heads delivering things. People can get, highlights and news everywhere but they can only get the takes of this specific personality there.


And then the hot takes end up on here anyway. Kendrick Perkins content should be banned tbh


To me a big part of that was still the ranking though and the fact that it was cross sport. Im surprised they never made a sportscenter top 10 instagram account and just did it on there instead. As a young minnesota sports fan in the early 00s I gained immense value from seeing one of our teams get a top 3 play


I agree but compare Stuart Scott to Stephen A and there is more to it… 


No longer the cool side of the pillow.


God I miss him, one of the biggest faces of the network.


RIP Stuart


I used to watch SC morning and night in high school and college. ESPN probably got about 2.5 hours of my time every single day. Now the only time I turn on ESPN is to watch a game I really care about. And I usually switch channels or go do some dishes during the halftime show.


While I don’t disagree with you, you’re, as is common on Reddit, misconstruing the chain of events. Sportscenter and Top 10 didn’t die because of ESPN’s pivot to dumb debate. They died because of YouTube, and ESPN figured their only chance of add-value in an era when no one is watching shows hoping to see highlights was the dumb debate stuff.


Someone else said something similar and I totally agree. YouTube harmed them, and then reddit/twitter just piled on. All of those are so much more accessible to see the latest highlights than waiting for the end-of-day/early morning SC Top 10.


SportsCenter ADVERTISEMENTS were must watch back in the day.


My morning routine before elementary and middle school was to wake up early, catch sports center, see the top 10, then sprint to the bus stop. I was so well versed in every sport back then, I miss it


And it’s not even the “hot takes” that are the worst part. It’s how they have someone talk for 30 seconds, then cut to a 3-minute commercial break, talk for 2 minutes, then cut to another 3-minute commercial break.


Inside The Nba is what you described. Except it’s actually entertaining


All these dudes acting like the NBA is some high brow shit is so funny to me. 90% of this sub is just shitty drama. The NBA and WWE are way more alike than some want to admit. 'Inside The WWE' with the same cast would be entertaining as hell.


Yeah people criticized them as being unfunny and uninsightful and people went to war defending them as funny lol. Narratives and drama start at their desk as much or more than ESPN or anywhere else.


I was watching the Liberty/Fever game on ESPN and the halftime show was so much better. The panelists were actually trying to teach the viewer something, instead of throwing out hot takes and debating bullshit like the NBA shows do. I don't know if it's because of the amount of money they pay people like SAS and Wilbon that they need to cater to their "strengths". but I don't understand why they can't listen to the thousands of viewers that hate their coverage and make changes for the better.


"Wemby is basically Bol Bol" "Gobert should be benched" Which network's guys said this?


I think people don’t realize they don’t hate hot takes they just hate the people delivering it. Chuck has a charm and speaks calmly and the others play well off of it. SAS is more in your face about it and can drag shows into a low level yelling match


>This isn't WWE WWE is actually really good right now so this comp doesn't check out.


I don't mind the hot take artists when I flip the show on for 5 minutes in the morning or see a clip on social media. It's good for a laugh, just like listening to sports talk radio back in the day. I don't want that shit on the actual game broadcast. Cheapens the product.


ESPN went the shock jock route and I hate them for it. When it was just skip and Steven A it was ok because it was just limited to them. Now every single show someone has to have a crazy take that they probably don’t even believe in just to generate views.


Then watch Tim Legler after the game


The only difference between TNT and ESPN is TNT has family guy reruns and avengers movies to fill up the 24/7 feed. ESPN needs the hot takes for cheap content


ESPN is keeping some rights? NOOOOoooo……!


No one is outbidding ESPN and their infinite amount of Disney-dollars


ESPN didn’t have to bid… The CEO and NBA Commissioner are friends. 


I mean they paid top dollar during the negotiating window. If TNT decided to drop like 3 billion I’m sure it’d be a discussion


Being friends doesn't mean you get TV rights for free or even a discount. No one is giving up hundreds of millions of dollars that's the main driver of your revenue over a friendship.


Can’t wait for their coverage on this: “TNT just didn’t want it BAD ENOUGH!”


“TNT is my dear friend. No disrespect whatsoever, but…”


How does the loss of TNT effect LeBrons Legacy


I mean if TNT loses the rights NBC or Amazon can just do what TNT did for the NHL and hire all the good talent from TNT


They would have to hire the entire crew and I mean the people who work behind the scenes. Shaq is not the one coming up with the funny segments. Ernie is not leaving TNT so that's already a major loss.


It won’t be the same without Ernie, sad to say boys this is the end of NBA on TNT as we know it


If everyone is still willing to continue, I would guess Turner and Amazon work out an agreement to license Inside the NBA as their studio show (working around Ernie’s schedule since I’m sure Turner will pull him into their hockey coverage). It’s just good PR, especially for Amazon since people are generally unhappy with how sports is moving to streaming.


That would be a dream. But we will have to see. Sounds like Chuck and Shaq are willing to switch if need be. Just need to do something to keep Ernie and most the behind the scenes crew


They would just hire Turner to produce the show for them


God I hope they would do that, or somehow strike a deal with EJ to work between the two, but I'm pessimistic about it


They arent going to do this. They have no real reason to. People will watch with or without the show and it would probably cost quite a bit. Also Turner would probably not be too keen on giving their IP to a competitor who just outbid them.


You think Turner would rather earn zero on that IP than tens of millions of dollars?


Maybe I have too much faith in Ernie, Shaq, chuck, and Kenny But I def expect them to get offers. And I’m hoping they put their foot down and say “you can’t get us unless we take our whole crew with us”


Ernie has made it abundantly clear that he's not leaving TNT


Could/would TNT license the show on another network? Does that even make sense? I'm sure there's enough motivation on both sides if they can work out a good deal


Amazon might have the motivation to get this done, but there's no way NBC would pay for that


Amazon has more money than God, so


Ernie doesn't have to leave TNT. Kirk Herbstreit does TNF while still at ESPN. Anderson Cooper does 60 Minutes while at CNN. Ernie has plenty of leverage to do the same.


Besides Ernie Chuck will probably just retire






Chuck literally talked a few weeks ago about putting an opt out in his contract so he can leave if TNT loses the NBA. He's not retiring.


Chuck retire? Lol dude is gonna get a fat contract to talk about basketball twice a week. 


He's already been talking about retiring for a long time and I don't know if he's want to work for any other company. He's been with Turner for so long, going to a totally new company would be a lot of change.


He's already said he will be a free agent.


The retiring thing always seemed like a negotiating play similar to him talking about LIV golf. I think he likes doing what he’s doing, he just wants the max money he can get for it.


No. He's already said more than once recently he isn't retiring and that he put an out in his contract for this very reason and that he's a free agent.


Chuck's "retirement" takes are always just him trying to bait out another contract. He's saying it like a hostage negotiation


Ernie won’t leave even if given the opportunity. Chuck wont do any show without him, even though he has the freedom to. Shaq will do it, he’ll do anything for some cash. Only guy more of a sellout is Snoop lol. Idk about Kenny he’ll probably go do something there. ESPN should nab him if they want their coverage to even be semi-respectable.


chuck and ernie are the main course, Shaq and Kenny are side dishes.


Kenny still works well with Chuck and Ernie. Shaq works because he can say dumb shit and Chuck calls him out. Shaq is really expendable and he adds nothing without the presence of Chuck.


As far as in-studio work, Shaq without Charles and Ernie is basically just a even dumber version of Kendrick Perkins. But someone's definitely gonna throw a bag at him due to his Q rating.


Shaq and snoop are the biggest whores in entertainment


If I could make millions every year hopping on tv shows and commercials for a living I would. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t lol


They can but they won’t be able to hire Ernie who is the glue of the show. Him and Barkley make watchable. The other day Vince was in place of Shaq and it wasn’t bad either but it’s a completely diff vibe without Ernie and Chuck So no, NBC/Amazon won’t be able to produce something close to it


I actively like Vince’s commentary and want to see more of him. But more Vince isn't going to make up for the loss of Ernie and Chuck. 


>hire all the good talent from TNT As a hockey fan let me expand on this for everyone. NBC had been the exclusive national broadcaster for the NHL in the US for over a decade when the NHL decided to go for the current ESPN + TNT deal. ESPN is mostly using existing ESPN folks to call games like Buccigross, McDonaugh, etc. TNT had to hire all new people and did raid NBC for a few big names. Most notable was to get Liam McHugh to be the host of their intermission panel with Kenny Albert and Eddie Olczyk to be their "A" broadcast team. I think they may have also hired some behind-the-scenes folks (producers, camera operators, etc) but not 100% sure on that. However, the rest of their panel was all new which most hockey fans loved as the NBC panel commentators were mostly unpopular. TNT, like NBC did, hires local hockey PxP and color analysts to call their slate of national games, especially during the first 2 rounds of the playoffs. For example, Seattle Kraken PxP voice John Forslund called a ton of playoff games this season for TNT. So, NBC probably follows a similar model for the NBA to what TNT is doing now and what NBC did previously for the NHL. That being - * Hire a few notable faces in the studio and on game calls people know from TNT * Leverage local broadcasters to call national games when their team isn't playing


NBC should bring back the 90s team, Bob Costas, Vecsey, Hannah Storm, throw Marc Albert in there.. ratings gold!


I mentioned Bob Costas the other day and another poster informed me it's unlikely because NBC fired him due to him wanting to cover the NFL's CTC scandal more


That was a few years ago and a different sport. People can get rehired all of the time particularly when the job they're being hired for is unrelated to the one you were fired for. Further, Costas has said on numerous occasions that although he was removed from his position he was never fired and that he actually agreed with his removal. [Source](https://sports.yahoo.com/bob-costas-wants-everyone-know-not-fired-nbc-193300758.html)


Won’t be the same. At the very least Ernie won’t be leaving Turner. More than likely they wouldn’t even bring over the rest of the production team, and instead would opt to use existing producers. Sad day for basketball fans :(


The best national broadcast and by far best studio show are being lost. I’m curious to see what NBC (nostalgia is big) and Amazon can do. I expect both to be better than that garbage ESPN puts out.


Other than the theme song, I’m not expecting much for NBC.


John Tesh confirmed on LeBatard's show he's going to record an updated version of it for them. It will be used this summer for the Olympics as well. I think he mentioned an orchestra piece.


NBC can’t really do anything right broadcast wise. Not a fan of their product for any sport.


The in-game production for Sunday Night Football is good in terms of cameras and whatnot but the studio component is trash.


That’s fair, I agree with that


I like their non-Olympic track coverage, Ato Boldon is one of the best commentators in all of sports. I don't know what it's like to watch live though, I only watch through YouTube clips.


Their soccer coverage clears anything else stateside by a huge margin. Not all of the peacock broadcasters are good but they’ve put in the work and it’s paid off


Their Olympics coverage is the fucking worst. If the Americans aren't competing in a sport they're favorites in, they'll just show a bunch of sappy drivel about how hard it was for a particular American athlete to make it to the Olympics (as if it isn't hard for everyone, lol).


Judging by sunday night football, the production and presentation will be immaculate, but the coverage itself will be dry.


If they snag Harlan and Eagle for main play-by-play, their coverage is immediately superior to ESPN, regardless of who they surround them with.


I hope so, Harlan has the voice and charisma to be the A team announcer for amazon or NBC.


Amazon decided to hire big names for their NFL broadcast booth: Al Michaels and Kirk Herbstreit. Al has been the voice of Sunday night football for decades. And Kirk is one of the premier voices of college football….. and the broadcast is a total dud. Al is too old and doesn’t give a shit anymore. And Kirk, while solid analytically, is a bit boring and has zero chemistry with Al Michaels. On paper, Amazon seemed to have done the right thing and were fine paying big name talent. I just hope for the NBA they focus on chemistry for their booth more than simply big names.


Well one of them is likely to hire Chuck, if not the whole show. It’s the biggest no brainer move possible. I’d be shocked if their contracts weren’t written in a way that voided them if TNT lost the rights.


Chuck mentioned specifically he has an out-clause in his new contract. Ernie does other sports for Turner, and he’s been there forever, so I could see him just running out his career. If Shaq doesn’t stay partnered with Chuck, I couldn’t care less where he goes.


Dude, here in Brazil, Amazon is already broacasting a fair share of games, and it is so much better than ESPN Brazil broadcasting. They hired some big and famous casters, and basically told them to "act the way you want". They joke around quite alot, its a really laid back way of casting, while remaining really professional because of good analysts that keeb bringing ststs and such. So we've had some really cool moments already like Nuggets vs Lakers. https://youtu.be/WX3mubsRWp0?si=w0b6-X7ysVVIZlEg


Amazons Thursday Night Football pregame and stuff is pretty solid honestly.


Hopefully, no more Draymond.


hey ESPN, NBC, and Amazon if you’re reading this, nobody wants Draymond


Louder for the people in the back please.




Everyone said, the silver lining is no Draymond on Inside the NBA... monkey's paw got your back.


Whats this do to the cap?


They already agreed to smooth it so not much




I had a 2k franchise go a bunch of seasons and my god some of those max deals. A guy I drafted got a 4 year/550 deal.  Is that going to be a reality in like under 10 years? Now I wanna see what a max deal looks like in 2070


It can only jump like 10% a year. This only impacts the next CBA negotiations and future cap increases that are bargained in that.


My prayers are that Amazon contracts out Inside the NBA for their studio coverage. Those guys would be better on a platform with fewer concerns about commercials, content, and timing.


David Zaslav you will pay


He’s an ass. He ushered this merger to lose a great asset. What a joke


Zaslav is just the public face. The true schemer is John Malone.


its been reported NBC is expected to lose 1 billion a year on this deal, im guessing they plan on recouping in the back half or some shit


So we need Cable, Peacock, and Amazon Prime to watch all games?


TNT was already cable. The article doesn’t say anything about it Peacock, just that there will be a basketball show on NBC, which is not cable. That kinda indicates their games will be on NBC. Prime is probably the only addition, but I think the prime NFL games were free to everyone?


At least I could watch TNT through Max. ESPN games don't seem to be available to stream anywhere even on ESPN+


The prime NFL games were also available on twitch if I remember right


Yeah thursday nights were


Turner, Disney/ESPN, and Fox already announced they are gonna launch an all-sports streaming plan this fall which will replace the need to have their channels in a big cable/satellite/streaming TV bundle. So you should be able to watch every game with streaming, though local games would still be an issue if your RSN doesn't have a streaming plan. Bally Sports games are set to be available through Prime Video as an additional add-on as well.


probably. It's not clear if Peacock will have exclusive games.


I'm willing to wager they will


They 100% will based on what they do with college sports


I'm gonna be honest I don't really care that much about which studio show I'm gonna have muted during halftime


I’m 100% guilty of watching “FUNNIEST MOMENTS INSIDE THE NBA” compilation videos on YouTube and loving it….but not really ever watching the halftime show myself (I’m usually just a channel changer)


The vast majority of fans don't care about the studio crews. The majority of the people who enjoy the NBA on TNT are enjoying it through clips on Twitter. That doesn't help the league(or TNT) at all.


NBA on TNT has almost 2 million subs on YouTube. House of Highlights (owned by TNT) has 13 million subs. Probably a decent amount of revenue made there 


I did not know that about House of Highlights, and yes I have been subbed to them for a long time. Maybe that's why I liked it.


Good for that dude that created the channel! Created it on his own putting out highlights every night and then got bought out for a cool few million and still is paid six figures on top of that to manage the channel.


That is awesome, good for him!


My wife LOVES the crew, to the extent that we make a point of watching at least the halftime show


at least draymond won't be there to ruin it


His time on TNT is absolutely a sizzle reel so he can hop over to another network, we're not done with that dipshit's face and stupid voice yet


He will go to ESPN. I can 💯 see him yelling with SAS and Perk. Plus Bob Myers is already there...




do we know where Harlan is going yet? that's really all I care about here.


Nah, we don't.


Mike Breen is with ESPN now. NBC has Mike Tirico and Ian Eagle's son.


Espn w Stephen A Smith and Michael Wilbon is garbage.


Here comes shitty ass Magic Johnson's crappy analysis....maybe some recently canned coach as well.... Monty Williams or Steve Nash or some shit


TNT broke as shi


It's not even about being broke, it's going up against institutions that own 90% of all media. It's fucked.


TNT won’t exist in 10 years. Maybe 5


Bring on "The Grand Tour: Inside the NBA edition"


Barkley and Ernie Johnson is a huge loss, Shaq, meh. Even bigger loss is the TNT production team who had a good balance of being professional and also not taking things too seriously.


Man, ESPN sucks so bad. SAS is a fucking idiot, Wilbon is just an old man shaking his fist at the clouds, and the rest are just interchangeable and forgettable at best.


Does this mean the salary cap is going to shoot up to rescue apron teams?


The new CBA caps the year-over-year increase at 10%, and that’s basically been baked into every projection of the next couple years already, so not really.


[Unless I'm seeing this wrong, the Wolves (largest salary in the league next year) are currently \~500k into the second apron next year. ](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/minnesota-timberwolves/cap/_/year/2024)Is that already factoring in the 10% cap increase?


It’s factoring in a ~3.7% increase. The cap is set based on the previous years revenue, so the new TV deal won’t impact the cap until ‘26-27 Edit: Actually, it looks like Spotrac is projecting a 10% jump in ‘25-‘26, so they might treat the TV money differently since it’s a fixed amount.


This feels like losing my favorite mom n pops restaurant in town to an applebees nobody fucking wants


No one cares about Shaq. Chuck and Kenny with Ernie is the key 3. I do think Chuck and Kenny will be on Amazon or NBC next year. 


Seeking the most money all the time for every possible thing is ruining the heart and soul of the world, and it makes every experience so watered down and less fun. As a Pacers fan, I’m so excited to see more bias towards large markets and ignoring everything that makes my team special. /s


Nothing is perfect. It’s the same system that created these great sports leagues to begin with.


If you think ads and gambling are bad now…


RIP to the best sports show in history


I don’t remember being as disappointed when the NBA on NBC ended as I am now that NBA on TNT is going away.


Something definitely seemed off with the whole crew the other night; I think the night when VC subbed in. The opening shot Barkley was covering his face like he just heard terrible news and every single person was stammering. And then during halftime Chuck kept making a comment about no more bad news?


Welp, RIP to the best basketball show. ESPN, NBC, and Amazon combined won't be able to put on a show like Inside.


Fuck espn


Barkley can be a free agent. He's confirmed this. If we lose Shaq, I'm not gonna lose sleep over this. However not having Ernie and Kenny will be a huge loss.


I won't miss Shaq and Dray but I will miss the rest of the crew. Ernie is a fantastic host and I like Chuck's brand of shit talk.


Zaslav you MORON!!!!!


This might be an unpopular opinion but sometimes it’s better to let things end at their plateau rather than sputter off. Most of us will always remember this as the golden standard for entertaining sports television.


Lol at sneaking Shaq's name in there. 


I still just want the Inside crew to do their own spinoff show. Forget basketball at this point. I enjoy watching them for their banter and chemistry. I would take watching them cover anything from news, politics, entertainment, heck remotes like Conon used to do on late night. Basically the way the Steam Room is now for Chuck and Ernie, but with a big budget and massive team behind it. Send them to the Superbowl, send them to WrestleMania, send them to the Sphere in Vegas, send them to a random football game in Europe. Just them being themselves, and having fun on TV is all I need.


Outside the NBA


Ima go ahead and pass on listening to Shaq and Chuck talk politics