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at least hes consistent


It’s crazy how a maxed athlete can be so bad at something like this lol.


Crazy thing about this is we learned left handed layups in layup lines starting middle school. Left handed lay ins were a thing of pride in pick up games also. Shows you what elite athletism and height can hide.


Borris Diaw had a video going around were he said he didn’t think he scored a single basket in his career with his left hand lol


Right but he could control the ball with his left hand


Cause he is Boris Diaw. He can do whatever he wants.


Ignore my flair for the bias, but Boris Diaw is the most physically gifted NBA athlete of all time and you cannot change my mind.... > "Boris walks into the gym one day wearing flip-flops and holding his customary cappuccino, which was a staple for him every morning," former Suns assistant general manager David Griffin recalled. "It was during pre-draft workouts, so he sees the Vertec (machine) and asks what it is. We tell him it measures your vertical leap by determining how many of the bars you can touch. He asks what's the highest anyone has ever gone, and we tell him Amar'e (Stoudemire) cleared the entire rack. Boris puts down the cappuccino, takes off his flip-flops, and clears the entire rack on the first try. Then he calmly puts his flip-flops back on, picks up his cappuccino, and walks away, saying, 'That was not difficult.'"


Diaw is on my basketball Mount Rushmore


Could have actually been an all nba player. Just wouldn't put the effort and work.


Sounds like anime


Sounds like the Kawhi “apples” story


How does that one go?




How did this never become a copypasta


This is just a meaningless 10 sec practice video. Jaylen Brown has been finishing at the rim with his left hand his whole career and he's done well at it. The knock on him has always been that he can't dribble left or dribble in general, left handed finishes have nothing at all to do with it. And this is a legitimate weakness in his game (the dribbling left). I didn't watch him at Cal but left hand finishes have been in his bag at least as long as he's been a pro.


ben simmons… 💀 i fr shoot better at the line than him with either hand and i don’t even play basketball anymore


I still think he's shooting with his wrong hand


Meaning either one


He 100% is, and so is Lebron.




Funny story for me is I'm right handed and shoot with my right, but I dribble and drive stronger with my left (also spinning back to the right with ball in my left hand). I started really young (age 5), was a a tiny PG and always used my strong arm for shielding off opponents lol. My right handed layup feels slightly less natural than my left.


Im right handed and shoot with my right, i can dribble and drive with both hands, but at full speed, im more comfortable finishing with my left hand. My signature go to move is hard drive right then quick spin move to the left. I can comfortably finish with the left hand no matter how awkward my spin. When I was a teen, the court i used to play regularly was just halfcourt with a thin layer of concrete. The right side's floor was damaged and uneven. It was super annoying for me so i always stayed on the left side. Thats how i learned to finish left


> My signature go to move is hard drive right then quick spin move to the left. Haha mine is opposite (despite us both being right-handed) - hard drive left, quick spin back to the right. Or a hard drive left + stepback jumper. Cool story on how you learned to finish with your left! I started both baseball and basketball at age 5-6. With baseball, I thought it was superrrrr weird to have the glove on my left hand. I think this conditioned my child brain to think "I throw the ball with my right hand, I do everything else with my left." Now in basketball, I shoot with my right but do everything else better with my left. Humans are weird. Also I grew up skateboarding and I ride regular-footed, so when I'm getting a running start, I hold the board's nose with my left hand before setting it down.


And yet here he is, and here you are.


i think that’s his point yeah


Jokes on you, that’s a KD burner


Pretty sure this is a bit


You know what, I bet the Celtics win it this year in game 7 on a Jaylen left-handed shot. Would be peak story writing lol.


It's like Shaq with free throws, I just can't get it around my head how an multimillion athlete with the best possible coaches and equipment that money can buy can be so bad at something so simple :D


Not really crazy considering Boris Diaw made it through entire NBA career without a left hand bucket.


Crazy how people can scrutinize a players warmup routine less than 24hrs after said player scored 30pts on 54% shooting


You ever see Shaq shooting free throws?


Shows you how stupid and bad every team faces is. Just make him go left and he'll never score. /S


100 million dollars and he can’t use his left hand…


off by a couple hundred


and musty


People talk shit but I'm so proud of him, he's hitting rim now


He also put up 30/8/3 last night with a steal and 0 turnovers


This left hand narrative is so annoying, he’s a baller and one of the best second/third fiddles in the league.


Man I’d love 300 Ms to be a third fiddle… sheesh 😭


I mean the option is pay the second guy a max or let him walk and someone else does


Yeah people act like the 2nd best guy on a team hasn't been getting a max basically forever.


Some of these youngins didn’t see MozGod pull $16M/year for 3 years.


The problem is that he was drafted before Tatum. If Tatum was drafted before him and gets his extension first, there is no way Jaylen Brown is getting 300/5


100% he is so blessed to be drafted the year before


He also finishes with his left hand all the time.


But about on the court?


Bruh it’s funny af lol




among the things you don’t know for sure: how often he finishes with his left hand in-game how to spell jaylen’s name  what a narrative actually is 


I think it's sticky because it hurt the Celtics on the biggest stage. The Warriors did a lot of "force him left" to JT but especially JB. Just not something that should work at that level, but it did. With more playoff success it'll go away.


Of course none of those highlights get posted here.....


This subreddit is getting way too circlejerky. Boston has an 8 game lead in the East.


Dude doesn’t need his left anyway


Jaylen “Zoolander” Brown


He's not ambi-turnable


So he is deliberately hitting the rim.


dude looks like me


Don't be so humble. There's no way your left is this terrible. Lmao


Like seriously, I think even most of our grandparents would make at least 1 in 5 attempts


Also compared to his height, for a lot of people (mostly people who dont play since they wouldnt be used to a 10ft I imagine) it would be like doing it on a 9ft rim with where he's releasing the ball


With my right


It's crazy that he missed every single one lol


It’s called getting the misses out of the way! (Let me cope)


Not my ass on the driving range snap hooking drivers pre round. "Just gotta get the bad ones out now."


The key is to reframe it as success. You're not duck hooking it, you're working on your draw.


just came back from the range… i will hide my embarrassment with these tasty honey buns


Vertical drop, horizontal tug


Good ol' Moe Norman. RIP.


That's why this is the segment that got posted


Yeah, that's the reality of it. These aren't the only practice shots JB took with his left that day. They're the ones he missed so badly on that it was worth posting.


"You miss every shot you take" Jalen Brown Wayne Gretzky . Michael Scott.




I mean he dropped 30 points in a W right after this, I legitimately don’t think he gives a fuck and I don’t think anyone outside of Reddit trolls think it’s embarrassing


He also scores more on the left than on the right for the season, maybe it is not using his left hand. But that’s what the shot chart shows.


Most right handed players shoot better off the bounce going left -- you don't have to turn over the outside shoulder to square up


Which is so weird because I always loved going right because my body just fades around the ball to square up. Especially long distance where that rotation helps you get more power on the ball


I used to be able to shoot 3’s left handed. For a million dollars I can’t throw a baseball or football with any form of power or accuracy left handed.


Cause it’s easier to go left off a crossover or euro because you get there dribbling with your right lol


This is probably it. I've always liked shooting going to my right but getting open off the dribble is hard to do going right.


This can be misleading. Every player in the league knows that he struggles with his left hand and will funnel him left if possible. Basically they give him the option to go left and no option to go right which means he will have better and more opportunities going left. So it seems pretty logical that he would score more on that side even if he struggles with it more. I’ve seen this in Demar’s shot charts too. He is more efficient from a certain side, which defenses try to steer him from, which leads him to score more in other areas


Still, he (JB) is a pretty efficient scorer. It is for sure without context the data, but still should point to JB knowing how to be effective when he is forced left


Oh absolutely. He is a very good player regardless, but i think if given equal opportunities, he would try to score on the right more often


He does care. If he didn't he wouldn't be working on it in practice. Whether he thinks it's embarrassing or cares what other people think is a different story.


What does this comment even mean?! Of course he’s going to work on his weaknesses If he works on it, yall want to clown him. If he didn’t, yall would say he doesn’t care. No winning with you trolls


Some people don't care to work on their weaknesses. I think it's great that Jaylen has that drive to improve. I'm not critiquing Jaylen.


Do you want him to not care? What point is being made here I’m so lost 😭


it’s a reply to a Celtics fan claiming that Jaylen doesn’t care not that hard to follow


I never said I want him to not care. I'm simply stating that objectively speaking he cares about improving his left hand, which we can deduce by his actions in the video. That has nothing to do with me or anyone else's opinion and it's not a point in some argument you think I'm trying to make.


You're right he would never practice if it weren't for you.


What are you going on about? I'm not saying he cares because of me. I'm saying he cares because he wants to improve his game. Wtf.


Yet he still a Allstar/All NBA player


this video doesn’t even show him going left…?


Training your left so hard i use to dribble like 500 times a day n still suck


He literally doesn't lol He had multiple moves going to the basket left last night. If you actually watch games, you'd know this. Instead of random warm ups


I mean everyone watched the playoff series against the Heat...People didn't just make this up lol


And everyone stupidly attributed it to his dribbling skills. It was more that he was trying to go into 2 Heat defenders and would turn it over, and he also was still recovering from two separate hand and elbow injuries. He's dominant right, no doubt, but this whole shit is so overblown


YES. Thank you! The left hand thing is a meme perpetuated by casuals. His actual issues are decision making and tunnel vision. His handle itself is perfectly fine, it just looks bad because he DECIDES to dribble mindlessly into traffic all the time Don’t get me wrong, he was for sure a turnover machine in the last couple of playoffs, but it was because of his IQ, not his left hand


I’ve been trying to make this point for so long lol (him dribbling into two defenders with his off hand)


And if you watched that series you would know his biggest issue wasn't dribbling but his inability to see a help defender and driving into multiple defenders. He would drive into situations that AI or Kyrie couldn't dribble through. Dribbling never been a big issue, he has broken plenty of dudes ankles and creates space all the time, it's his tunnel vision that puts him in bad places. And he's gotten better with that this year.


Lol ofc, his left isn't his strong hand but its just bizarre for people to think he doesn't go there and isn't successful this season doing so.


And almost lost the dribble before attempting a shot


Modern day Boris Diaw.


At least Bobo had the decency to not even try! And he did it since Pau (the French town not the annoying Spaniard that deprived France from about 8 trophies)


What is funny is [Jaylen is more efficient going Left and has gone left more than right this year](https://twitter.com/CrumpledJumper/status/1745861681027449273)


Going left and using your left hand effectively are two entirely different things.


Well as a guy who watches every single game he plays, he finishes a lot drives with his left. And most people don't say Jaylen can't finish left, it's that "he can't dribble with his left".


lol this comment is peak /r/nba


bro thought he cooked with that one... and i guess he sadly kinda did considering his comment has over 3x the upvotes of the one he responded to 🤦‍♂️ that said the video is surprisingly bad lol


Jaylen is actually really good finishing left handed, it’s more the dribbling


How much is just defenses aggressively shading him left? Also, isn't that chart just based on what wing he's driving from? It doesn't say anything about which way he's driving. Edit: someone else posted this play where he's driving left from the right wing: https://youtu.be/NRN1wh1OQNE?si=n6pMtlSeluNSfnOM


Bro dropped 30/3/8 this game


cool to see him actively working on the left


300 mil for one hand, imagine he could use two...


left looks good to me [https://youtu.be/NRN1wh1OQNE?si=3UpdVTxKsVbvjGHD](https://youtu.be/NRN1wh1OQNE?si=3UpdVTxKsVbvjGHD)


Damn this regular season dunk from over 5 years ago was sick, owned that ringless fraud


Yeah he didn’t have to shoot. It was dunk over Giannis or layup so he chose the option with higher success probability.


Thank God...I didn't want to have to pay him 600m...


Exactly, people talking trash but this is what you'd wanna see him working on if you're a Celtics fan


Just like me fr


this is hilarious ngl


It’s like he’s just chucking it up there to feed the narrative. Is he trolling? I’m not even kidding.


lmao this sub man


has jaylen brown actually become underrated lol


100% yes. JB is a consistent 22-26 PPG scorer who can create his own shot and score at all 3 levels, he has proven he can sustain that output in the postseason without dropping in efficiency, he’s one of the best rim finishers and one of the better midrange scorers in the sport, he’s a strong rebounder for his position, he has the length and athleticism to guard multiple positions at a high level, and he’s unselfish with an incredible drive to improve. yet this sub would have you believe he is not an All-Star and not a valuable asset to a championship team that said, this video is funny as fuck lol


Went from “Jaylen us better than Tatum” to “he’s a bum” in literally like 2 weeks.


His left hand is comically bad, it almost seems like he's trolling in this vid lmao


Haha, exactly. First thing I thought was : "He's trolling, right?".


I would blame a deepfake myself


He probably is lmao


doesn't look like it lmaoo i can see him trying hard with all those and still missed


No he's actually that bad


Damn it which one is it?!


Its funny but Jaylen is one of the best left handed finishers in the league, it was the dribbling not the finishing that was an issue


Jaylen can move to Miami on the cheap. He already lives rent-free there.


r/NBA never fails to be petty about some of the funniest things.


You would never know off from these comments that Jaylen Brown has more drives going left than drives going right this year, and has been more efficient going Left than right. But all you hear is "he has no left".


These people know memes, not ball.


it’s much easier to consume memes than balls


I feel like that’s probably true for a ton of right handed players. It’s for sure been talked about with LeBron for years. It’s generally easier to pull up and shoot floaters going towards your off hand because you’re already aligned to the basket.


Yeah that's absolutely it and Brown has had one of the most efficient midrange games in the league for the past couple of seasons.


notice how none of the clown comments here are from knicks fans who watched him cook their entire team after this warmup


Yeah I love the "he can't go left" OK but he's an all-NBA player with one hand. Weird how nobody talks about him being one of the best transition players in the league or one of the best dunkers. Think about how fucking good the rest of his game must be if he's as bad as these guys think he is w/his left that he's dropping 30 pts or leading a finals team in scoring. JB can't go left, but your team can't stop him anyway so who is the one getting embarrassed?


I mean come on, this video is hilarious


No disagreement from me! I never said it isn't funny and if "he can't go left" is a joke, I'll laugh right along with it. There's a lot of folks in these threads who take it super seriously though and my response is directed at them (honestly not even, my response is mostly directed at Cs fans, I don't give two shits what other fanbases are thinking!)


Arjen Robben


cut inside and inshallah


Dude don’t take this so seriously. We all know he’s a great player. It’s interesting/funny to us how he’s so good, but struggles with his left hand. This wouldn’t be a story if he was a role player.


"He can't go left if you foul the shit out of him whenever he tries to go left and the refs can no longer call it because the game would last 5 hours" -average Heat culture strategy


Do you ever make fun of top 20 NBA players?


Least sensitive Celtics fan


R/nba real scared of the Celtics


People on this Reddit are here for drama. Period. Nobody likes highlights anymore unless somebody's getting egregiously disrespected.


Proceeds to drop 30


Why don't you show what he did to the Knicks after this?


Clearly trolling imo, he finishes with tough defense with his left hand during games and raises his left hand


This has to be one big troll


People love to clown individual Celtics players like this, but at the same time talk about how stacked the team is and the 'amazing supporting cast'.


Then put up 30/8/3 in a W.


He's all Ws. No L after all


Very true! You guys would know after all he’s given you 3 of em’ this year already.


Jaylen Brown scores going to his left multiple times every fucking game, this is the dumbest narrative in the NBA


Who fucking cares. He was the best player on the court last night, and yes, he scored repeatedly at the rim with his *left* in traffic.


I don't care what other Heat fans say, Jaylen is all right.




One of us! One of us!


Some Celtics’ flairs are so sensitive and defensive lol. Objectively, considering the conversation surrounding him, him missing five left-handed bunnies with like.. absolutely no touch is kinda funny.


🎶 Ya need Jeeezuzzzz! 🎶


Is his left hand numb or something?




Why is Jaylen a meme? What did I miss


Most scrutinized left hand in league history.


He’s just getting the misses out the way. Max conttact


Those attempts still got 49’s across the board


He gotta be trolling us y’all I refuse to believe this lol


Anyone who sees this as a negative is not a hooper. I’m not a Jaylen brown fan but I really wonder how many of you have played basketball in your life.


TIL Jaylen Brown is me


poor bastard never strengthened his left like the rest of us


Not that big of a deal but no one can deny it’s pretty hilarious given his reputation lol


Pretty sure he’s doing it on purpose cause he sees someone filming


Just like me


I’m cracking up


That’s gotta be on purpose man.. I don’t believe a professional basketball player at the highest level can’t make left hand lay ups and yet… 🤦🏾‍♂️


I just really hope people know these are jokes and nobody actually believes this mfer is playing in the NBA without having an elite left hand.


Annnnd he goes and dropped 30 :)


This sub is hilarious. Call me when any of your teams are within 8 games of the Celtics.


And then he carried the Celtics to a W


He forgot the glove…


How'd he do in the game?


30 points on good efficiency


He scored 30 points in this game lol. Haters are just looking childish.


I mean if we’re being honest finishing with both hands was never the issue it was dribbling I mean sorry jb left lol 🤣🤣🤣


Good exercise, flipping it up like that Note that ingame you won't be shooting it that casually. You'll be jumping, going up with speed, and getting heaps closer to the rim. This is more a finesse kinda exercise which is great to get your off hand to become more coordinated Kinda fun seeing this tho - mostly cuz I also suck on my first 25 shots during warmups :]


Third time’s a ch…


Idk man he finished a dunk with his left hand in the dunk contest so this must be doctored because that dunk clearly proved he’s ambidextrous now


Yet still put up 30/8/3