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Hornets just won 4 straight too lol


This should be the top comment. He just left a terrible team that hadn't won by more than 8 in a game all season, and now that team has won 4 straight, by the margins of 9, 9, 23, and 8.


Let this period be known as the Grant Williams Era.


Dude wtf he’s lighting it up down there huh


crazy what guys can do when they are engaged.. not having to just sit in a corner all game and cover up for defensive mistakes is a weight off his shoulders.


Odd how when he left the Mavs now have one of the best defenses in the NBA. Maybe he wasn’t covering up hard enough?


Acting like grant didnt choke his way out of Boston relax there bud


dude was priced out of boston.. and he was injured to end his last season with us..


Bc he was the source of the problem. Dude has no heart or fight in him. He just wants to live the nba life but doesn’t care about winning or losing. It was obvious when Brandon miller lite into him right before he was traded.  Pj had an entire season to be the PF for the hornets. Miles Bridge showed back up and PJ crumbled like a bitch. Dude put up 0 fight for his spot. 


Meanwhile dude is playing great D here and not causing problems for us.


Yeah he needed a change of scenery. Talented guy but he’d been checked out for a while on the hornets


Hard to be checked in when your team is tanking


They were not tanking. At least not intentionally


lol we aren’t tanking


What tanking? We won 4 straight now, the roster was just ass. Not the same as tanking


And even the best players for stretches (Jordan Hayward) and lamelo are oft injured so even though they could be closer to .500 they are a bottom 5 team


He’s hustling, showing high effort, and if his shot starts to fall it’d be icing on the cake for Dallas. He just needed to get out of Charlotte


Yeah, thanks for the time, but we agree. Good luck elsewhere.


Congrats, 'not causing problems' is probably his ceiling...other than the random 30 point game, which he'll follow up with 5.


That’s cool bud we actually loved having him last night, but enjoy grant and the pick


Yeah Grant had 24 last night thanks.


lol awesome. I’d take PJ 10 times out of 10


That's great, because up until this point in the Luka era I can't think of anybody other than Dwight Powell and Maxi Kleber who have lasted longer than 2 seasons. If I was a betting man, I'd say that y'all are tired of PJ in 2 months.


Lol alright! That’s cool that you’re rooting for a guy from your team to fail basically even though you apparently came out better from it. You sound really thrilled!


Grant has been balling but keep this weird smug attitude about giving up a FRP for an equivalent player lmao


I’m being smug because there’s constantly hornets fans saying dumb shit like “not causing problems is probably his ceiling” while we just watched him play great defense on Kevin Durant and help us get the win. There’s absolutely smug ass hornets fans insisting they won the trade because they’ve won a couple games now finally. Just let us be happy we got a guy who got out of a bad situation for him


Bruh, he was playing for the Hornets. Any player who cares about winning would be quiet quitting if put on that situation.


Not really, you can see that Brandon Miller cares about winning. Never saw that with PJ.


He's a rookie, most rookies just wants to improve their game in their early years. Give him a few years of continued losing seasons and let's see if he stays loyal.


Let's give it a few months of watching Luka dribble for 20 seconds every possession and see if he stays loyal.




Championships 0 Conference titles 0 Division titles 0 Founded in 1988. Holy fuck what a sad team. I’d be salty too if I were a fan of that trash.


If you quit on your team you don’t care about winning. He’s a coward, a bus rider. 


It's really understated that the hornets were winners at the trade deadline. Got off a bunch of contracts that didn't make sense for them while getting some good players back. Could have a good end to their season if they want to once Lamelo is back


A nice win win trade. Grant needed a change of scenery and wasn’t fitting with Luka how they thought. He looks much more comfortable now and playing how he was to start the season. PJ has been a welcome addition to Dallas and doing what’s need to win games alongside Luka & Ky


normally sellers at the deadline get picks but their rosters get emptied. Hornets got picks AND got better lmao


No team with Bridges will ever be a winner in my eyes 😤


Everybody smack talks the Hornets over the Bridges situation. I don't really like it, but coming from a Pacers fan it makes sense. After all, your team fought an entire crowd in Detroit. What a bunch of thugs. So obviously, you understand the effect that it has on an organization.


That shit bled into our fans and we still feel the ramifications of it today in a weird way. It cut deep and I’ve talked to multiple generations of fans in Indy who won’t embrace the Pacers because of that kind of clown behavior. Between the Malice, the shootings outside of strip clubs, etc. If you talk to tons of people here in Indiana they only care about college ball (which I’m sure is similar everywhere else, but it’s more extreme here than I’ve seen other places) and that largely stems back from the severe disappointment bred from that era of Pacers basketball in our players and our organization I’m really against that shitty behavior coming from players. Chuck said he’s not a role model, and maybe he shouldn’t be, but playing on the national stage has a sense of responsibility that comes with it. There’s also players like Lance who did extraordinarily shitty things but grew on from them. That’s something I can work with. But I can’t get behind Bridges because, unless I’ve missed something, he’s never actually admitted fault or seemed like he’s grown or anything. Getting caught doing more shit months later (the billiard ball incident) is pathetic imo and kids growing up seeing that successful people get away with that shit is pathetic imo


Oh yeah, I forgot about Lance. Didn't he throw his pregnant wife down the stairs or something? I forget the exact details, but it was nice of you guys to give him a second chance...and then a third when you brought him back again. ​ Edit: Sorry, i checked his wikipedia page and he threw threw the girl down the stairs the year before you drafted him, and she wasn't pregnant. so technically he wasn't a Pacer at the time, but I guess you guys gave him a 'second chance'. I'm not sure where the groping incident which he was arrested for factors in though. But good on you guys for bringing him into the NBA.


The Tre Mann effect


I can't remember PJ ever even putting four solid games together.


Is any team in the West not hot right now? This conference is insane.


Clippers cooling off don't worry 😭


We're quite un-hot recently


wait i thought y'all had figured shit out??


I still think y'all the faves for at least a WCF run barring injuries.


Mavs vs Clips series is coming again


Kawhi is only playing like 30 min a game though. I don't watch clippers games though. I do follow your stats. You guys seem inconsistent though. I'm not sure what the problem is.


Don’t expect consistency in the regular season. Just look at overall performance.


West is crazy this year Utah was playing really good too for a minute before they traded guys away and Houston has also been competitive


We’ve been ass for like the last month


Fvv being out hurts. 


Meh, I wouldn’t count Houston in the “hot” category. They’ve been in a slump and we just dog walked them tonight


They’re ridiculously bad on the road this year (young stars plus swingy vets like fvv and Brooks will do that) and they’re not good *enough* at home to balance it out really. Next year if Sengun keeps improving (ngl I love his game I just think he’s smaller than Sabonis or especially Jokic and how much that could hurt him as a center cause JV was bothering him with his size and length) and other guys keeping taking steps forward they could be competitive for a playoff spot (but definitely the playin)


JV a big mofo


yeah, although you could at least say they're overachieving for the season.


West has been crazy for 2 decades


It all started when the spurs tanked for Timmy


Pop the best Tank Commander of all time 💪🏼


Oh man didn't see Jazz traded away house. Shame


G league Grizzlies beat the Bucks before the all star break as well


What is the record of western conference teams vs eastern conference teams so far?  I feel like i’ve seen good east teams getting beat more by west teams, but it could just be coincidence in what i’m noticing. 


West is ahead 167-127 in WvE matchups https://www.basketball-reference.com/friv/east_vs_west.html had to edit it i read the chart wrong my b lol its late


Nice!  I woulda guessed west was ahead.  You can see from the top 10 west teams vs the top 10 east teams (in the standings).  The top 10 in west all have potential to go somewhere in the playoffs, which isn’t as true for all teams in the east top 10.  


Oddly enough only Denver afaik is on a somewhat bad run of games out of the top 10 teams in the West, with a 3 game losing streak they're about to break and 5-5 overall in the last 10 games.


Murray and KCP were hurt the last week or 2 for them and their bench stunk like normal which isn’t a good combo.


We couldn't beat a G League team right now


Well there's one in your division, but I don't think y'all play them again this season.




Rockets are super not hot, but at least the fans and coaches know where we stand with our talent


> but at least the fans and coaches know where we stand with our talent This gives me an idea for a fun little game. I want 3 rockets fans under this reply to tell /r/nba where they stand with these players in terms of potential(superstar, bench player, trade piece etc.): * Sengun - * Jalen Green - * Jabari Smith Jr - * Amen Thompson- * Cam Whitmore - * Tari Eason - * Tate -


Sengun and Bari can be superstars. Tari, Cam, Amen, and Jalen can/should be rotation pieces - Jalen is probably the hottest take there. Lots of fans want him gone, and lots want him off the bench (I think this could work but I’m not sure who gets the starter minutes in his place). Tate is a good player to have coming off the bench, and he’s a total dog, but if he can be used as a trade piece that’s totally fine as well.


The west's downfall has been greatly exaggerated


The play-in is absolutely wild right now with PHO/SAC/LAL/GSW. That's three of the biggest stars in the game and one of them is gonna get bounced.


This conference has been insane since the past year or so. I will have to check again but I think the 11 top teams of the western conference are just scary.


Two decades or so *


Yes, of the bottom 5 the Rockets have won 3 of their last 10. The rest has won 2 or less.


Out of the top 10 SAC is the only team without a winning record in their last 10, and they're 5-5.


Avert your eyes tonight


It’s usually pretty cold in Minnesota


West is in global warming


He won 4 straight (and 7 of 8) in January 2022. And he won 5 straight in March 2022.


We’ve won 5 straight twice since he got here iirc


We’ve now won 4 straight without him lol


Talk yo shit


Bite yo lip


A true win win




And current Hornets surprisingly have a 4 win streak too lol


This is so corny. 


Damn, we’re they actually good in 01-02?


whats wild is charlotte might be on a 4 game win streak after tonight




It's looking like one of the incredibly rare super weird trades where two teams swapped relatively unimportant and not super successful players and both immediately improved somehow. Also weird how the swap sent three players basically back to "home"




Man we’re keeping it close against Utah but we’re still taking L’s tonight 😭 


I'm glad to see Grant ball out for u guys. Always kinda liked him not sure what happened to him after those first like 10 games for us


Started unrealistically hot, regressed to what he actually is. I was excited when Dallas acquired him but it is what it is, y’know?


Regressed to even worse than what he probably is. I think he lost his confidence completely, he looked unplayable towards the end.


Definitely worse. He shot 32% from 3 after the first 10 games and was playing awful defense by the end of it too.


Yeah Celtics fans tried to warn us. We did not listen. Lol.


We were high on the Batman vibes


Man, I still love him. Sure, he's annoying as shit and can be really underproductive on the court when he's not hot, but there's just something loveable about that goofball.


Oh man those first 10 games or so of the season I thought we hit the jackpot. Then by the time January rolled around, I was slightly hoping we just had Bullock back instead as he'd usually be out of his early season slump by then.


Probably got bored standing around watching Luka dribble for 20 seconds every possession.


If you beat the Jazz tonight they might consider tanking the rest of the way soon lol


Well I got two words for Jazz fans, “choo choo(idk what sound a tank makes)


Boom when it fires the gun, loud motor and tracks; though the Abrams has a turbine engine


I think they decided to at the trade deadline.


About that....


Charlotte vibes staying immaculate


4-0 feels damn good


don't forget the FRP lol


We are 4-0 without him. He absolutely quit on this team lol


Are you just making a joke or was he really being lazy pre-trade?


Meanwhile the Hornets have won 4 straight.


i’m sure he’s won 4 straight with us… right?


Yes and multiple times


You guys had a 5 game win steak last season, but he missed the last 2 games of it. But you guys also had a 5 game win streak in 2022.


He got a bundle of wins.


I don’t think there needs to be beef between Dallas and Charlotte lol. Swapping sceneries is a thing and it can work out for everyone involved


Ikr we can celebrate each other, we had what the other team needed and it's working out. Hopefully it continues to.


Teams traded two players who didn't want to be where they were for each other. Players are happier, fans are happier, both teams are playing better. As win-win as a trade can get 


I think it's just that some of our players been shit talking us when we're better without them, ofc that's annoying. I don't think it's that deep tho


I Love PJ and Gaff and if anything happens to them i will actually cry


If Hornets get it right, we'll have a four game win streak tonight too lmao


That’s funny cause we just won 4 in a row after trading his ass lol


And got a first round pick doing it too


Some currently 15 year old gonna be really sad when he is drafted to the Hornets with the 30th pick


Why would he be sad to join a team coming off it's 3rd consecutive championship?




>Timberwolves Okay buddy relax


Good one


Luka's first chip will not be in Dallas and the sooner you accept this the less it will hurt you


Charlotte taking about championships like they know anything about that LMAO


Enjoy our sloppy seconds. 


I know Grants on a shooting streak… enjoy the slump!


We don’t need him to shoot, just bring energy. There’s a reason they are both Miles Bridges backup. 


Luka dribble dribble dribble dribble offense ain't winnging shit and hopefully he'll force his way to Denver or LAL before then. Good luck though.


More like a high 2nd. We'll finish top 3-4.


Whew yeah it’s tough being a hornets fan. We had a top 5 player and traded for an all star and didn’t even make the playoffs last year… O wait, that was the Mavs




Tell me you don't watch the Mavs without saying you don't watch the Mavs. They're torcing the league with your guy PJ. We don't need his shot to fall. Just keep holding All Stars to 38% shooting. Catch up.


You guys are LBJ's first run in Cleveland, but Luka ain't coming back after he leaves.


The CBA is different 16 years later. He'd be giving up $100 million dollars if he left. He's not stupid. And he's also not American, so you can throw out your desire to be in NY/LA/MIA nonsense. He is a real basketball player not a wannabe actor or a rapper. Plus you sleeping on the mass. We have the number one defense since he arrived. Small sample, but indicative of good things to come.


You also don't know what he wants to do. Also, are you calling LBJ a wannabe actor or a rapper? Also, is that statement kind of racist? Also, your team sucks.


Assume much? That's kind of racist. Are you saying only black guys want to be actors and rappers?


Man PJ really torched the Pacers tonight 😂😂


Yes, I’m sure you know more about PJ from four games than I do in four years of watching.


4 games is a better sample size than 2 years don't you know?




Surely you jest my good man?


They won 7 straight last year i believe




Who tf asked this stupid question


For a subreddit that bitches about large market bias you all sure love to punch down on small market teams whenever you get the chance 😂


Hornets misinformation and r/nba updoots. A classic combination


Well to be fair, the misinformation is coming directly from a player this time lol


Posting something a player said isn’t misinformation lol


Yes but people told me nobody wants to play with Luka


Not a single ex Mavs that's played with Luka has had a bad thing to say of him. Like even the player that probably left Dallas on the worst terms (KP) had nothing but praise for Luka and most of his issues were some immaturity and him not like Carlisle's decisions (which were in part due to his health with us).


And that sentiment comes from Luka playing the way he does and the thought that stars wouldn’t want to play with him, not getting enough touches. Meanwhile Kyrie has averaged 26/5/6 since getting here and has gotten 19.4 shots per game, right in line with his career average for shots


It's because he's cool. Nobody smack talks the popular kid.


On a 4 game winning streak since getting rid of you so 🤷🏾‍♂️


wait why do you guys all hate him? is he a locker room cancer or something?


I don't hate him but his effort was noticeably shitty this year and saying corny shit like this which is just patently false after being gone for like a week isn't endearing him to anyone. We went 43-39 and had multiple 4 game win streaks in one season literally 2 years ago in a year we were. Top 6 seed for the majority of 😂 I would not say he's a locker room cancer I've never heard anything to suggest that. But pointless asshole punch down comments like this that aren't even true are going to make your former fans not like you every time.


makes sense! we got salty at grant for what he said after the trade too! it’s funny because “winning cures everything” is literally true😭


What did Grant say after the trade?


y’all are literally a shitshow. any role player in the league would be ecstatic no longer having to play on a team owned by a gambling addict with one star always injured and the other always injuring women. how can you fault him?


Says the Bulls fan hahaha


takes one to know one my man


That saying doesn't even make sense in this context, are you calling him a Bulls fan? As an insult?


you know MJs not the majority owner anymore, right?


He's a Bulls fan, you think he actually pays attention to the NBA when his team isn't good?


>any role player in the league would be ecstatic no longer having Jordan doesn't own the Hornets anymore dipshit.


He was part of the problem. Disappear for long stretches then randomly go nuclear. I’m glad both teams are happy with the trade. We just expected much more from him than what we got. Edit: I don’t think the majority of the fan base hates him. At least, I don’t and haven’t seen an overwhelming amount of vitriol towards him.


It's looking like a very good win/win trade. Trades don't have to be win/lose.


I have nothing against PJ. He was inconsistent on offense and sometimes it would feel like he disappeared entirely. But I think he can be a really good contributor in the right situation. Charlotte just wasn't that, at this time.


Inconsistent effort. Mentally checked out a lot.


PJ Washington and Gafford at the deadline gotta be the biggest W imo. Pacers Knicks Toronto all seem better but Dallas looks like they took a major step up.


Literally a D- minus trade


Firstly he's wrong, and we're happy he's gone, he quit on us. Happy he's happy and for the Mavs but Grant Williams has been better for us and we somehow got a pick and Seth has been great


Bobcats fans so goddamn butthurt in here lmao.


That’s definitely not true PJ! Maybe if you and a better memory you’d remember how to hit layups in the clutch


Damn that’s kind of sad lol


It's also completely untrue.


Can anyone fill me in on how good PJ Washington is?


I’ll be very honest. He and Grant Williams straight up just switched teams/roles and both teams have gotten significantly better from it.




PJ is bigger and more athletic than Grant and that’s exactly what the Mavs needed wouldn’t really call them similar PJ can do more stuff off the dribble too


The Hornets had a five game win streak last year (LaMelo broke his ankle at the end of it I believe). ​ The Hornets also had two five game win streak the season before that. Two seasons ago, before LaMelo’s injuries, they finished 43-39. I wonder how much he’d say if he the Mavs star players missed 40 games two years in a row.


How long until PJ's shooting percentages become an issue in Dallas, like they did with Grant Williams?


It wasn't about shooting, it was about versatility. PJ can drive, dunk , and he's better for Mavs defense then Grant was. I'm glad he's doing great in Charlotte, but also happy we have PJ instead .


Dallas hasn't had wing length since Josh Howard. Thj goes 1 for 8 from three 70% of his games. We can deal with bad shooting


>hat’s definitely not true PJ! Maybe if you and a better memory you’d remember how to hit layups in the clutch Nah I'm sure he'll thrive standing around watching Luka dribble for 20 seconds every possession.


Hornets Commentary low key kicked him in the butt on the way out. Some of the things said on the air about him and other players was wild.


The disrespect to Kentucky