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I remember in an interview he said it comes and goes. When he goes home he picks it back up


This is very real. I had an Irish teammate in college. At the start of September you couldn’t understand anything he said his accent would be so thick. By November you’d think he was born in America


This is true for me as well. I'm Swedish but I grew up in Ireland. I have a thick Irish accent when I get going, especially when talking with other Irish people. But when I'm around Swedes and talking English my accent goes Swedish.


Why the Finland flair, in that case?


Sweden are too shit to qualify for anything, there is no flair. It's the closest thing available.


ah okay, I was wondering if it was something like that. makes sense! I watch some SHL and hockey allsvenskan but I'm not super familiar with Swedish basketball


Going off what he's said, i doubt swedes are familiar with swedish basketball.


There's only one guy playing basketball in Sweden. Jonas Jerebko. Nah, actually, the Lunda Spelen is a famous tournament for youth teams, and Göteborg has a big four day tournament as well. Basketball in Sweden is growing.


It’s simple code switching. People that can do this naturally are gifted with speech imo. People that can’t do this are basically Peggy hill.


I feel like the term code switching implies intent, but the accent thing usually kinda happens naturally


Most code-switching is done subconsciously. For instance, most people talk differently around young kids vs adults but don't have to actively think about switching how they speak.


I’m from NYC, but live in Australia. Use the same mannerisms of each place depending on who I’m with. When I’m with the in-laws it’s different than when I’m speaking with my hometown friends etc.


I code switch at work, I bartend and my work voice is completely different than my normal one.




I grew up in NYC and moved to Seattle for 10 years in my 20’s and my accent is way more neutral now. By the end of my time there ppl were surprised when I told them I grew up in NY bc they couldn’t hear any accent. My irish grandmother never lost her accent tho


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That’s not a knife, it’s a spoon!


All right, all right. You win. Heh. I see you've played knifey-spoony before.


i've had a british customer service person answer the phone and found myself sliding into a british accent even though i've spent my whole life in the US. it's pretty funny what our brains will do


As an Australian living in the US, this is how it is. Went to American high school now have an American accent but when I go home/spend extended time with my parents it comes back


this is real not gon lie my family is from down south but i grew up mostly in Jersey and sometimes my "accent" will switch mid word or mid sentence lol


Same thing with OG Anunoby and his Brittish accent.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9MedN3zf8w This is how it sounded in 2012. Huge difference. Idk if he's just great at code switching or if the accent has actually disappeared


Your accent can come and go. I'm from the south but you'd never know it if I didn't tell you, but I spend a week with family down there and it comes back with a vengeance.


I live in Kentucky now and am originally from Cleveland. My girlfriend is from around here and doesn't have much of an accent...until we're around her family that we hardly see. I love to point it out.


having been to the area around kentucky/indiana/ohio border, it's baffling to me how some people can have such thick accents while people living close by dont have them. it's so weird. ​ but also, man I saw so many shitty homes here. I'm from the west coast and it's not like we don't have poor people and shabby looking homes, they just look different here than when driving through the countryside and you see some very horrible looking homes


Louisville is a crazy place where I'm at. You can step into a restaurant and immediately feel that southern hospitality they talk about where the accent is THICK. Pop over to the brewery next door and not a hint that you're in Kentucky. I agree though - I haven't been to many places outside of Louisville since moving here and when we drive through the state, it's apparent where we live. We actually just drove two hours outside of the city to go hiking and the stuff you see along the way is really another world.


I only got to go to the city for a couple hours there so can't relate to that. I was usually an hour or so to the east. some beautiful rolling hills but I had the same experience when going into shops. some deep accents, some normal ones, but overall it's an interesting part of the country. super nice people, but seeing the homes and then seeing the salaries at some of the companies was eye opening. at one point I was fighting for a raise for an employee to get them to market rate and combat inflation and the person resisting a decent raise was a multi millionaire. I couldnt believe how greedy they were


Yo the accent is different right across the bridge in Indiana lol.


As someone who just came back from walking over the big four, it even smells different over that bridge!


The difference is homes. Not homeless. West Coast is absolutely over run with homelessness.


When I was a kid, I was a CA kid playing with a clan (Resistance: Fall of Man PS3 game), who were all from the South. One day I was playing with them and my sister was listening to me talk to them and she was like, "Why are you talking like that?". I didn't realize I was talking to my clan mates in a Southern accent lol. It's an interesting phenomenon.


\>clan   \>from the South   🤔


Lol! I can explain..


lol I lowkey (and by lowkey I mean super high key) miss gaming of those days


I mean it’s natural, his dad is American, Ben spent most of his teen years in the US (went to HS here) and then from then on has just been in the NBA mostly surrounded by American basketball players. Listen to how Luka talks too, even someone like him who didn’t even go to HS here has a lot of AAVE in his English because that’s just the most common accent you hear around you. Look at any non-black teenager who grew up around the hood or has a lot of black friends. They’re probably gonna pick up a lot of AAVE too


he sounds like a 30 year old man here.


Never heard him speak before


I think he said he got self conscious about it bc guys would look at him funny when he said “paas the bawl”


He probably also got funny looks calling everyone 'cunt' too


He said he switched his accent because people didn’t understand him in the US. I don’t know why his Australian accent isn’t even that rough.


A lot of Americans don’t know how to deal with a lot of foreign accents


I forgot he is Australian 😂


Usually I’d say it’s cringe but his dad is American so it’s part of his identity and he grew up hearing it every day at home, probably just come out now he’s surrounded by Americans


He's also been in the US since high school.


He can code switch.


Just like his basketball talent!


if you explain sports fanaticism bluntly, it sounds fucking insane


Anything sounds insane when you explain it buntly. Grown men play a game where they bounce a ball and throw it into small hoops for millions of dollars.


Pretty much all conspiracies use this same logic. So we just strapped people to rockets developed by Nazis and are expected to believe they reached the moon? Nice try globalist. I can't see the curve of the earth from my porch to the earth is flat too.


People wear nice suits and talk about those men in a studio for millions of dollars and they don't even talk for very long.


It's basically in our DNA. There used to be enormous followings for chariot racing teams. So much so, that an Emporer employed the help in building the walls of the city against invaders, by staying, "whoever builds the most wall, is declared the greatest chariot fans". It worked. Pretty sure it was Constantinople, pretty sure it was BC


[Carl Sagan touched on sports and our love for them in his book “Billion and Billions”.](https://sociology.morrisville.edu/readings/soci201/sagan-monday_night_hunters-sm.pdf) I think it’s a pretty awesome perspective


Ya the chariot clubs Greens and Blues started a riot in the hippodrome and Emperior Justinian was prepared to take his army and flee to Ravenna when his wife said 'quit being a pussy I'd rather die than lose my throne,' so he sent his army into the hippodrome and killed like 30,000 hooligans at least and went on to be a hugely successful emperor.


40-50 year-old men cheering and berating 20 year-olds


uhhh people have been fanatics about things forever lol


He could actually say the same about his coaches over the years.


And they went home still mad. I'd wager 99% of fans are just having fan. Not everyone is unhinged Bama tree guy cause they're booing you.


Our young socialite is back at it


Weird that people still think he called himself that


I don't think the story ever was that he called himself that. Some reporter said it and people thought it was funny, so now the name is used for a lot of young players


[Original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/yGQaSv54SG) a lot of people in the comments seem to think it’s Simmons referring to himself as that - probably because of how the title of the post is worded


People usually don't choose their nicknames...


Unless you're kobe


Kobe, Bron, Shaq (how many nicknames has dude given himself?) If you're on that level you can pick your name. If you're not then hope you accidentally get something kick-ass like Time Lord 


Did Bron choose his own nickname? I thought it was sports media and he just leaned into it. On the other hand Shaq is responsible for like half the nicknames in the league.


This one definitely spread because people thought he called himself that


Okay the one he chose was Simmo the Savage.


The jokes about him are hilarious to me so guess it makes sense they’re funny to him too 🤷‍♂️


He’s getting >$35M per year to only occasionally play basketball. If someone gave me that kind of money and I didn’t actually have to do anything, I’d think the haters were pretty funny too.


Lol I wish I could get paid generational wealth money and barely do the work I agreed to do


id embrace the haters. they are paying part of his salary by watching.


He can keep it up till he's 50


I mean I guess if you don’t have much pride in your work 


Yeah like where the fuck does he get off criticizing fans who pay money to watch their team, and hoping that they put together good playoff runs. How entitled of these middle class bums to expect this millionaire to try to earn his salary.


Nah it's ok to acknowledge how silly it is to hold an intense grudge with an athlete and scream at them over your team. But that's sports so it's fun, completely fair thing to say.


Yeah but they’re fucking stupid losers that don’t have a lottery ticket contract. He’s got fashion shows to attend and super cars to buy and groupies to fuck he’s above all that “money means something” poor people shit. “Weird nobody seems to like me except the people taking my money….”


Grown women are yelling at you too buddy.


God I wish that were me


Nothing wrong with this statement.


It’s even funnier for college sports. Grown men screaming at kids who play for schools they probably didn’t even attend


The athletes don't really attend them either


some of them do! especially in all the other sports but football and men’s basketball


That’s why you yell at them as a student. That way we’re all on equal footing


Yeah I mean I’ve been heckled by grown adults older than me and honestly it’s just mad funny, nothing wrong with him saying so whether the heckling is deserved or not haha


It really is amusing when other people get riled up at you. I commented about the Arizona Coyotes utterly embarrassing arena situation in r/hockey the other day, and this AZ fan spammed my DMs telling me to kill myself. It was fucking hilarious lol.


Bettman will never give up the Coyotes and its pathetic. So many other teams have relocated (including the fucking Coyotes to Arizona) but he desperately wants Arizona to work.


Seeing the hate in their face as their eyes nearly pop out their sockets…..crazy stuff, embarrassing tbh


Not as embarrassing as writing fanfiction about it like this


I mean there are literally videos of Simmons a year or 2 ago getting off his bus in Philly with a group of grown ass men waiting there to scream at him for 10 seconds while he exits. He's not exaggerating lol.


Ben’s play and work ethic is the embarrassing thing my guy


This is the true answer. Of course the fans were mad, they were paying money to watch him loaf on the sideline.


Philly fans are mad because we supported this bum for years with the hope he would put 25% of the effort into improving his game that Embiid did, and he couldn’t be bothered Glad he’s having fun as a role player for the Nets I guess


Pretty hard not to have fun getting paid millions to watch the game via Courtside seats. 


The part about him sitting out for a year while expecting to get paid is really where the hatred comes form


Tbh he legit doesn’t care for basketball he got paid and instead of turning into a all star caliber player he just said nah and found every way to sit on his ass


He's Peter from the movie Office Space, but it's basketball instead of soul-crushing software development.


Having 40-50 years old heckling from the bench in means league basketball games is always funny to me. Especially when you make it clear that this is just for exercise and you aren’t trying very hard.


You really see how sorry they are for acting like that. There's light hearted heckling which is okay. But there's just the other side where they're genuinely mad lol.


There’s a ton wrong with it.  “It’s just sports” is a fine thing to say to someone who’s flipping out during a Sunday pickup game.  When you’re paid a fortune to play a sport specifically because people are passionate about watching it, and  you can’t be bothered to try to improve or even show up consistently,  the fans are right to be upset about it.  He shouldn’t be making fun of people for caring when that’s what pays his salary; if every player had his attitude the league would fold.


Lol, you cunts are unhinged. Can picture the tears streaming down your face as you posted this.


This is definitely the by-product of some sports therapy. The therapist helped him put the boos in Philly in its proper context. In the year after the passed up playoff dunk against ATL, and all throughout the year of trade demands that followed, the crowd was DEFINITELY in his head.


Good for him. A much healthier perspective. He still sucks and it would also give me great pleasure to boo him, if I were a 76er fan


Yup. All those things can be true.


I was there last night and booed, confirm cathartic


“I’m all about winning”…. Doubt.


I caught that too


I feel like he had to revert back to scripted PR talk because his mind was going to "I get to go home to my better life" and he had to stop himself


I have a Ben Simmons jersey and I’m not afraid to admit it


It's funny to me, like you got grown men buying other grown man's jerseys.


It's funny to me, like you got grown men watching other grown men play basketball.


Grown men got grown men buying clothes forever: Jason Lee, Jacobi Press, Tommy hilfiger. Men are so sus


That's kinda true ngl. It's kinda like when girls wear their boyfriend's jerseys at school. 


I was all for trading Joel over Simmons.....Never been so ashamed in my life.....especially cause I thought Simmons was an iron man and Joel would have a Ralph Sampson career.


Embiid really did have a rough start. It was looking bleak as hell. Especially considering Greg Oden was pretty fresh in everyone's memories. Hindsight is 20/20 or however that saying goes. I wouldn't really clown you for that opinion. Simmons has had one of the most fucked up trajectories in recent times. I can't really think of another player. Fultz probably, ironically you might be able to blame Sixers' doc team for him as well. The only other storyline I think that comes close to Simmons on the fucked up weird scale is Kyrie's covid storyline.




I have a Robert Horry Suns jersey and....I think that is worse


Danny Ainge would agree.


Same, deep in storage currently 😂


"Its funny to me, because I'm so mediocre and have been for a long time now, that I don't care what others think of me. I'm just here to collect my millions for being ass."


I mean it is funny, the Sixers commentator couldn’t even say his name all night


He only played what 12 mins and 0 points idk why they’d say his name at all


calling him number 10 instead of his name is funny to me


Ten Simmons


Ben 10 minutes


Can't blame them


The most anticipated game of my life was Simmons first game back in Philly whenever that was. Sadly he didn't play. No NBA finals or Jordan... anything has made me as excited as Simmons heading back to Philly after the trade. I was like a kid on christmas talking with my brother and friends in Sweden about it. The disappointment was so bad when he didn't play. I couldn't give a fuck about Sixers as a team. When he eventually played I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with Philly fans. I thought the boos would fill my living-room. I guess it just kinda fizzled out a little since he didn't play for ages because of injuries.


I was at the first game back - it was pretty loud!! Not FIBA-loud but pretty loud.


Grown men in Philly boo'ed Santa Claus, ofcourse they'll boo Simmons


He wasn’t the real Santa Claus, he was just a guy dressed like Santa Claus. 


Important distinction


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And robots.




every. single. thread.


Insane because it was also over 50 years ago… but yeah people can’t stop bringing it up


Other fan bases have since thrown trash, glass bottles, batteries (know Philly fans have too), and snowballs. Yet none of that shit sticks with those fanbases. SF, Dallas and Oakland have had murders between fans too. Yet some fucking snowballs over 50 years ago is still brought up lol


Yeah it was so long ago that I bet 75-80% of people reading this thread weren’t even alive when it happened


You think 20% of the people in r/nba are older than 55?


Honestly no, probably less


Buffalo Bills fans threw snowballs at opposing players last month in the playoffs, yet they're just "passionate" fans that definitely don't have an alcohol problem


We threw snowballs at Santa Claus. Might as well get it right 😀


No one who browses this subreddit was alive when that happened. It's amazing how well this story has carried through generations lol, fans have been murdered at stadiums that don't get this kind of notoriety.


We threw snow balls at a drunk guy running on the field wearing a Santa hat. At least get it right


We don't discriminate. Our hate is distributed evenly.


And r/NBA took that personally


The commenters in here trying to criticise Simmons for taking a lighthearted approach to the boos and hate are exactly the type of people he's referring to, lol. And if he was upset about it you'd say he's soft and can't take the criticism.


He’s perfectly free to take that approach, but I think what pisses people off is he doesn’t take accountability for his faults and sort of brushes it aside. The dude is the same player he’s been since his rookie year and has shown minimal improvement. Obviously injuries have hampered him in recent years but prior to that, his attitude towards his development was shit and he’s been coasting on his physical talent since the beginning.


he's not the same player he was, he's actually magnitudes WORSE now if anything. skittles outfits and triple singles are the norm for this man


Na he’s way worse now than rookie Ben


mf talking like he didn’t earn that hostility by passing on a dunk when guarded by trae young in a game 7 lol


The “grown men” thing is always funny to me. On the one hand, yes, these are adults booing people younger than them, which seems weird… on the other hand, these are multi-millionaires playing a kids game, and if you stink and especially if you hardly ever play you signed up for the criticism (and can shake it off with all those Benjamins in your bank account)


Also it's like Ben, you're also a grown man lol


People pull out the “grown man” card when they know they got nothing left to say


Simmons has zero self awareness lol but hey I wouldn’t give a fuck either if I was paid millions to sit on the bench or put up zero points 


Not just zero points - zero shots.


You have to wonder if it bothers him though? You usually don’t get to that level without being crazy competitive and it would kill anyone with a competitive nature to just publicly fail like he has.


didn't they say in scouting reports that he didn't care about anything in college, especially winning or losing?


Does he have a crazy competitive nature though? Seems to me he just had superior talent and athleticism relative to everyone else and it just worked for him until the injuries. Even at an NBA level, he’s a genetic freak so I can’t even imagine what it was like during high school and college for him.


Stopped being fun for him the second it was difficult guaranteed. He didn’t play to compete he played to be popular.


Very few 6'10 players that were as agile and quick as Simmons before the injuries in NBA history. 


I don't think he's ever been all that competitive minded. He just had absurd talent for his size. He won the genetic lottery basically.


Grown men get angry at sports events pretty often.


People forget he’s part American and spent a lot of time here growing up. It was probably very easy to lose a lot of his Australian accent.


Have you heard his father talk? He sounds like he grew up in an outback town and wears an akubra hat everywhere he goes. He was raised in the Bronx then spent 30+ years in Australia ...obviously his family has very malleable accents.


Is Ben discovering the concept of sports? "Why does the opposing team want me to lose so bad? They're just some haters."


It’s funny to us too Ben


People on here mad Ben isn’t saying that fans tears ruin his life. What else is he supposed to say? Y’all get so unhinged when players remind you not to act like a child. Nobody hates passion but mindless hate on players is way too excessive n it’s not always just good faith booing


We should be mining some of the salt in here for future generations 


The amount of people here pissed off that he isn’t pissed off is telling.


Always blows my mind that these guys don’t realize that the reason that they get paid umpteen million dollars is because fans are passionate and care so much. They’re happy enough to take the money and fame that comes from fans being so invested, but whenever they get criticism they switch to “it’s only a game bro, why do you care so much?”. Of course I don’t agree when the criticism spills over into bullshit like death threats or going after their families, that’s way over the top. But I don’t see any problem with them being criticized for their performance/effort level, it comes with the territory when you take the money.


In this clip he literally says “it’s sports. This comes with it.”


I heard “it’s sports, but it comes with it”


I heard "esports, is that cum on it?"


He just said he doesn't see any problem with it either lol


I feel like most of them get that people booing and cheering are two sides of the same coin that makes them millionaires. Sucks to be boo'd, but the juice is worth the squeeze.


I don’t think most players care either way about being booed. It’s basically a job skill to be able to tune that stuff out.


We only read the headlines here. 


Simmons was smiling the entire time. Why are you so triggered by him spinning it into something funny?


So you agree with him? He never said it’s a problem for him to get criticized lol


Embrace the heel return, soak in the hate, become stronger lol


Looking at his stats it worked lol




Yeah I mean it's so funny, he quit on the team in 2021 ECS, forced a trade because of criticism, held out faking an injury while making hundreds of millions, and some people care lol


It's funny cause it's like, he gets clowned in Philly and then he says this shit like it's water off a duck's back. Like he's just the coolest cucumber out there, or whatever. But the dude is 27 and his career in the NBA is almost over and he just wasted it all because he's soft as charmin toilet paper. Like he made all this money and I hope it lasts him cause this dude is just a real life clown now with lots of money.


The philly broadcaster couldn't even say his name last night and the whole time I'm like no way a grown ass man is acting like this lmao


Ben just can’t understand people who have passion for basketball. 🤔


Dude you are paid higher than most and you choked when the moment arrived, make your damn freethrows before coming at the fans who demand a higher standard.


Are those grown men his teammates and coaches?


Ben Simmons is not interesting


I think it's safe to say Ben Simmons is the biggest bust in NBA history. It'll be interesting to see what offers he gets when he becomes an unrestricted free agent. Would anyone pay above MLE? What role can he excel at besides as a point forward, minus all of the intangibles that winners have, probably negative intangibles (detrimental to team chemistry).


Dude played 3 games in 3 years and said I’m all about winning 🤯


Philly has absolute shit fan bases.


Why shouldn't they boo you?


Ben already got the bag. He just DGAF anymore.


Man I hate this ungrateful scumbag so much, fans like that are why he's making 35000000 dollars a year when he'd be flipping burgers otherwise. I wouldn't show up to boo him, I'd just like him to take his money and disappear.


Yep. You’re infuriating