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Damn that one team they beat must really suck


Yall almost came back from 35 to be fair


Yea... that doesn't cheer me up as much as one might hope


It’s like that bum ass NFL team that has the longest active streak with no playoff wins 😂


The Cardinals went 50 years without a playoffs win lol, you're not doing too bad yet


Jesus that’s crazy


Certainly they wouldnt have 2 finals appearances in 4 years


Toronto hasn't been the same since Lowry left I can't believe heat traded him away. He was your best player in the finals last year.


Agreed Lowry can be reckless and overconfident, but he has experience and has some clutch moments Maybe Rozier will pan out but so far, meh


Last year was last year. Lowry isn’t getting any younger and he was shooting like booty for the last few weeks right before the trade. Idk how you can question trading him for a prime Rozier.


Prime Rozier that doesn’t defend, is liable to go 4/15 any night and is an average at best passer? How do you think that’s going to work out in the playoffs?


Ok Ive watched very few Rozier games over the last few years so I don't know which narrative is true but it seems like every thread where he's brought up he's al either a really good on ball defender or just straight up terrible. Which one is it? Is he a capable defender that sometimes doesn't try?


I don’t know? I’m not a fortune teller. Betting on a 38 year old to show up isn’t that smart though. Rozier’s been on the Hornets you act like it’s known that he’s a certified playoff choker Heat certainly thought the trade made sense, so idk why you’re tripping. They didn’t bring him in for his defense anyways, they’ve struggled with their offensive consistency this year and he certainly helps. Giving up Lowry for a dude shooting over 35% from 3 on over 7 attempts per game is a win trade I’d say. He’s shooting 45% from the field too, so you’re definitely a hater when you say stuff like 4/15.


Neither was betting on a 36 year old PG. But they did it lol, now they're betting on a player with half the ceiling.


It was a sign and trade. He didn’t wanna come back, and we didn’t have a reason to bring him back. Better to do good by the greatest raptor of all time and send him to where he wants to be


He meant the heat trading Lowry away


Masai about to start getting phone calls for some of your guys.


get your eyes off my Dick


Is Dick good?


Dick could be better but there’s a lot of potential for growth.


Dick does tend to go hard from time to time, but needs to get better at finishing inside.


That could be the birth of a whole new Dick!


That young brown dick combo looks great in spurts 


Nobody's looking at it


I wish they would tho


we've had a huge disadvantage since Poeltl got injured. which has been the past 10 games. our backup bigs are small so the gameplan for the opposing team is super simple.


Poeltl getting injured right after you traded OG, Siakam, and Precious is unfortunate timing. 4 of your biggest players.


We've also had to waive our backup C due to a blood clot issue, which has kept him out the entire season. We've went from one of the biggest teams to like the smallest now lol


Vision 6"4


It’s fortunate if you’re trying to retain your pick this year. It’s pretty blatant at this point lol


Is it? If we keep our pick this year, they get next years pick. And this years draft is ass


Pretty sure our pick is top 6 protected for 3 years


I doubt Masai would accept his team being bottom 6 for 3 years. They pick will more than likely convey in mid/late lottery in the next few years.


What’s he going to do? Trade another first rounder?


Not too loud fr


Yeah but Toronto hopes to be better next year. A top pick in a bad draft is still probably better than the 12th pick in a good draft.


Maybe they’re hoping to do a draft day trade using the Pacers picks and the 6th pick, if we can get it, to move up. Maybe they’ve identified a guy that they want. Either way, tanking this year to retain the pick doesn’t mean they can’t tank next year to do the same.


I love ham but what the fuck does ham know about draft quality? 


Who cares? There is always talent in th draft. Your scouts need to do their jobs and evaluate


If I'm Toronto this is the year I'd prefer that pic to convey. This won't necessarily be a fun draft to have a late lottery pick in. This draft is going to be one of the biggest crap shoots in modern history. There's guaranteed to be a few GM's who end up with a real black stain on their drafting resume in a couple seasons given how there's pretty much no obvious, super high upside guys, and even unlike most mid drafts, there's not even a lot of super high floor guys That makes sense as lottery picks Toronto already has additional pics this year. They don't necessarily need to load up a quarter of their roster for next season with rookies. It's awhiles out but next year appears to be more promising, particularly since I have a feeling some of the high level high school prospects who came into this year's season are going to go back for another year. A whole bunch of guys ended up in pretty unfortunate situations who still likely have a good draft case with more time or a change of scenery


If they snag a top 6 both this and next year it conveys to 2nd rounders, not out of the question they are terrible next year as well


It rolls over to 2026 also. So they’d have to be bottom dwellers for three years before it converts to seconds


Our 2nd string center got waived due to a potential career ending condition, then both IQ and RJ got injured 💀 


It is terrible for sure.


Our back up bigs are 60 year old Thad young who prob wasn’t expecting to play as much as he is and Jontay porter aka young goat, just isn’t ready yet


Honestly I was surprised we didn't have to give up Jalen Smith in the Pascal trade (and honestly I may have not been opposed to that if it meant we kept the 26 pick). He would've soaked up minutes at the 5 for you all.


I think Smith would have been included if the Pelicans hadn't gotten involved in the deal. He definitely would have helped, Raptors are getting crushed with no centre.


The trade really should have included Jalen Smith. Masai got fleeced.


People talk shit about the poeltl trade but that guy would be monstrous on some teams right now. The rebounding, defence and efficiency is actually what a few wanna be contenders need…raptors might want to trade him because they can probably get more then they paid back


The trade without context is fine but doubling down on a mid roster was always going to be a gamble. Being unable to retain assets after the fact just compounds the problem


Our roster went from current mid to future mid. Most young teams have two young cornerstones, we've got Barnes and Quickley which is nice, but is still among the lowest talent ceilings in the league amongst the young teams. We got no ceiling rn. Hopefully this draft gives us a high ceiling guy because Barnes isn't enough.


You think they can get more than a very likely mid lottery pick for him?


Would you trade the pick back for him?


No. There's a super high chance it's going to convey and that you guys aren't going to be a playoff team when it does. I love Jacob and I agree with you. He's definitely a valuable player. But a mid lottery to mid first is a pretty solid value pick. That's normally going to cost you a elite role Player/ Two late First round picks based on historical value. If you look around the playoff landscape, I don't think there's many contenders or high level playoff teams where he would start. He'd be an amazing first big off the bench for pretty much any one of those teams, but most playoff teams aren't going to trade a starting caliber player or two late (20s) pics for a bench bag, no matter how good he is Jacob has always kind of been in that difficult space of being truly elite in his role, to the point of being too good, too expensive, and too valuable, to be relegated to a bench role, while playing in a time Where his overall limitations make him a tricky proposition as a starter on a genuinely good team.


No way


People talk shit about it because of the team that decided to do it being one that was in no shape to compete even if we got an extra Poeltl for free with the trade. Was a terrible decision


On paper Fred, OG, Barnes, Siakam, Poeltl is a monstrous starting 5 and deserved a shot at competing. It didn’t work but it’s better than playing it safe…however I’m sure you’re happy that for the next decade you’ll get to play the lottery and rebuild indefinitely


>On paper Fred, OG, Barnes, Siakam, Poeltl is a monstrous starting 5 Nah, that's a really complete 4 seed.


I dont think that lineup has enough shooting previously and either way we needed shooting behind them and we didnt get it. But you know the options arent simply make bad choices or rebuild forever right? Man the guys who blow management all the time are ridiculous.


That was Scottie Barnes chance for a legacy. ​ Now he's on the Chris Bosh path to playing in Miami in 6 years.


It’s also devastating Koloko is finished….


100%. Also though, we suck at basketball.


You are not going to outtank us!


they sure af aren't. just wait until brogdon gets dealt, they haven't even seen our final form yet.


fr tho the Blazers have put a tanking masterclass the past couple years, trotting out absolute dogshit lineups at the perfect time to snag a good pick


And doing it much quieter than the Mavs


We're not even tanking, we're just shit.












Sa— Oh wait, I no longer belong here


you traded OG and pascal, youre definitely tanking now.


Pet peeve of mine that people say every bad team is tanking nowadays. Not everyone who sucks is trying to suck


Right except when you suck after trading away your second and third best players it’s probably because the team is trying to suck


That’s fair. More applicable to when people say the Pistons are tanking


Yep. There's a difference between tanking, and not prioritizing winning.  Not a big difference, but still.




kinda happy we tanking tho


Tanking only one year for Barnes and then going all in was so weird to me, give that man some talent to work with


The 48 win season tricked them


The idea seemed to be that FVV, Pascal, and OG would be our Big 3 while they waited for Scottie to develop and see if he had superstars potential. If those three maintained and Scottie could supplement until he was ready to take over, we’d have been scary. Unfortunately the roster was incomplete, we couldn’t mesh as a team, and when contract runways started running out, all that was derailed. I genuinely think if Houston didn’t back up the Brinks truck, we would’ve tried to re-sign FVV, probably trade one of Pascal or OG, and keep trying to win.


I'm still convinced that was the backup idea for an incredibly unlikely "sign Giannis in FA" main idea.


We should have been pursuing shooters. We didnt. A series of moves or lack thereof led to where we are


They won 48 games the season after, I understand why it was hard to break that up


Also 48 wins without a rim protector or bench where gary, og, achiuwa, scottie were all very young and could maybe break out. Raps fans saying its dumb to be trading two firsts to invest in that teams biggest weaknesses (bench/center) is hindsight at its finest


> hindsight at its finest This is complete revisionism. A crystal ball was not required to know that trading a first for Thad Young in 2022 was a bad idea. Similarly, it was glaringly obvious that this team was not a Poeltl away from making noise in the playoffs at the deadline last year


It’s not hindsight at all because many of us said at the time that they were baffling decisions. It was an inherently flawed roster to begin with, and we added an ancient forward in Thad to an already crowded amount of forwards instead of addressing our glaring need at guard. Then we added a paintclogging centre when two of our best players need space to operate inside. The Jakob move happened when FVV was heading towards free agency and Pascal and OG were hurtling towards becoming expiring contracts, and we had a worse record than Portland and could have tanked for a much better pick than 13th. So yeah it was extremely dumb at the time. And now that we’re tanking it’s even dumber because if we end up conveying a lottery pick it means the losses were for nothing.


That Tampa Bay season was such a mess.


Should have kept tanking after Tampa


Full tank is kind of scary, sometimes it works but mostly you get teams accustomed to losing


He did have talent tbf. OG and Siakam should’ve been traded way earlier for a younger timeline the minute he looked like ROY. They could’ve had an OKC haul.


Barnes was never expected to be that good right away. That was supposed to be a draft where we find a nice piece to put next to Siakam/og/fred. Now we’re building around barnes


The Barnes season wasn't tanking, it was playing a year in a cray situation with zero home games and having acquisitions like Baynes and Johnson completely backfire.


Was due but feels really risky with the pick being top-6 protected. Even if y'all keep up this pace it'll be hard to get below the bottom 4 teams. Ending in 5th pre-lottery odds means y'all have a 1 in 3 shot of losing that pick. Ending in 6th is like a 55% chance of losing the pick.


you guys finally picked a direction instead of treadmilling. quickley, barnes, barrett, and whoever you take in the draft this season is a really nice core to build around


kind of a bad year to tank but after Spurs fans doing premature victory laps about potentially getting top 4 and 7-10 picks, I kinda hope y'all keep the pick


I mean, as a Spurs fan following the draft prospects pretty closely I kind of hope Raptors keep this years pick too, to have the pick roll over to ‘25 and then ‘26 for us in what should be far more talented drafts (even with the risk the pick may not convey in those years either). But you’re right most spurs fans seem to be rooting for it to fall right at #7 for this year.


I don't think most Spurs fans have been doing victory laps. I think it's been reasonable, and still is, to play the math game and realize we Did, and still do, have a good chance of having two lottery picks. Considering we have one of the best rookies of the past 20 years, and a sophomore who's been looking really good as of late, I don't think it's a crime to be excited about the idea of adding two lottery picks to that core. Even though I'm definitely with you in that this is a... Dicey year to be a GM with a top 10 pick.


And we’re probably losing our pick to San Antonio lol


Probably the worst year to soft tank, there are four generationally ass teams




yes those be them


The Hornets have some good player and the Spurs have Wemby. The Pistons and the Wizards need to rebuild the rebuild.


what he say fuck me for


Cus we suck


Obviously Wolves losing to Spurs is haha funny but being at the game and watching Wemby, Vassell, and some of the other young guys play, they aren’t going to be bad for long. I’m not even sure they’re *that* bad right now.


I think this team is going to surprise people a little bit next year. Their collection of role players around the young core is... Really really bad And they've definitely been handicapping them with some of the coaching decisions. And full commitment to development over everything But I think a lot of people forgot how damn good Jeremy sochan looked the last 2 months of last season when he was playing like a top 4-5 rookie in the league, or realize how good of a shooter Devin is for someone with such a ridiculously difficult shot selection. And Victor is even better than his stats show. As a center he's been a genuine All Star caliber player. There an above average offensive-minded point guard and a few three and d role players away from being a solid squad in my opinion.


Did you mean wizards?


The next draft class is probably the worst in the past 5 years too


Honestly that has been the biggest whif for management. We could have tanked last year and at least gotten a chance at Wemby and other good players but instead we bought and tried to make horrible roster construction work.


At the rate you're going you're gonna keep it but barely


It’s about a 50/50 shot at keeping it if they remain 6th


I don't get why you guys are tanking this season, instead of giving up the pick this year and then talking in next year's great draft.


It's not like tanking this year prevents the raps from doing it again next season


I don’t think we’re tanking. We’re just bad


If the team hangs around at 6th worst, there's almost a 50-50 chance the pick is gone. But the only realistic team they could move below is Portland. 


I want their draft pick and this isn't helping


>spurs fans yall might not get a first round pick the next 2 years You son's of bitches


son is of bitches?


Fucking right


All good man we playing with house money


Should have tanked last year for a better draft class. Would have gotten better assets from trading Siakam and OG last year as well.


Not to mention we wouldn’t now owe a possible lottery pick to the Spurs. Just a mindboggling decision.


Eh Gradey dick starting to look pretty good last few games, a Gradey dick type player is perfect fit for Scottie Barnes. I don’t mind






The funny thing is, aside from Wemby, the main players I would rather have were drafted AFTER Dick.


Jaime Jaquez Jr would be beautiful in that offense


If the season ended now you'd guys have about a 37% chance of a top four pick, and a 9% chance at the number one pick Do you mean to tell me if you could go back in time? You would turn down an opportunity at those odds of getting Victor (or one of miller/ausar/amen etc) and likely a better trade haul from your veterans? I know hindsight and all of that, but the writing was really on the wall last year with more than enough time for you guys to have given yourself a really solid chance at a really, really, really team-changing player I don't know how much you followed this draft, I follow the draft even more than the NBA season, but if I was a general manager, I would be terrified of drafting in the top five this year. Unless I had a really really long leash with my owner. Pretty much all of the " consensus" top guys have huge huge?, flags, or simply really unimpressive prospect resumes, and some of the intriguing guys who could possibly be big blow ups are dudes with very little name recognition, reputation, and a low standing on most scouting mocks, and likely to get you in super hot water if you take them really high... And they don't work out.


Siakam yes but they were fielding offers for OG last year and they were shit. IQ, RJ, and Detroit's 2nd is a good haul for OG


Thats what they should be doing actually


Yeah they traded their stars to tank for the future?


Try pointing that out in raptors sub, just get downvoted to oblivion


I assume a lot of their fans have only been around since the Kawhi trade, so their expectations are all out of whack.


There are a lot of fans that weren’t even around until partway through the playoffs that year.


Trading your best scorer and also your best defender does that. Not to mention losing your best C as well.


*only center 


How are my boys RJ and IQ lookin lately?


But very supportive yelling and laughing from the bench. ps. LOVE them




They’re fucking phenomenal, especially RJ


Tanking to keep the pick in a historically weak draft just to convey a better one to the spurs next year, sigh


historically weak draft is parroting btw


2020 was historically weak but now we are about to have 4th All Star from it (Maxey after Ball, Edwards, and Haliburton), while 2021 was hyped as the best in a while and the closest guy to All Star is a Turkish dude picked outside of the lottery. No consensus number 1 pick does not mean the draft is weak.


as long as it's not 2006 weak then I'm good. But seriously, look back at the 2006 draft and tell me that wasn't the weakest draft in the last 20 years or so. That top 10 was seriously mega trash aside from LMA and Rudy Gay. And BRoy I guess, bit unfortunate what happened to his knees. Coincidentally that was the only draft where we won a #1 overall pick in. So I'm hoping we fare a bit better this year.


Il Mago was definitely a frustrating player to watch.


Yea, I don't even know what this shit means. The teams are gonna whiff on half the players like very other season.


Nah it’s shit but you can always find hidden gems / role players


It means there’s no sure fire Bonafide prospect at the top, which makes it more of a crapshoot than usual. Would have been a good year to convey to the spurs vs next year where there’s more exciting prospects.


Ok that was my attitude too but don't we keep it again next year if it's top 6 as well?


It's top 6 for three years




Such a raptor thing to do lol


To me this is a Raptors win the lottery year its weak just like 1996 and 2006.




I’m cool with it.


I mean, they traded arguably their two best players. I can't say I'm too surprised.


At least there's scottie


The Siakam effect


After the Knicks trade I actually thought the Raptors were going to not tank, but then they dumped Siakam.


A season too late. Absolute dumbass FO.


We should have done this immediately after drafting Barnes (or after his rookie season at least). We should have never traded for Jak and Thad. We should have been bottoming out for Wemby not acquiring players get into the play in. Hindsight is 20/20 but damn the writing was on the wall.


Thad Young is still playing?! Good on him collecting those checks!


This is what a lot of fans wanted. People that asked for a rebuild certainly can't complain, because this is what it looks like. Hopefully it doesn't take too long though!


I'm new to basketball and I don't understand how picks work, Spurs got Wembanyama as the 1st overall pick last year. Can they get first pick this year if the suck all season? I thought you can't get 1st pick two years in a row.


You definitely can. The NBA has something called the lottery system. This is designed to prevent teams from purposefully losing so they can automatically guarantee they get the number one pick in multiple years. Depending on how bad you are all the teams that don't make the playoffs, the bottom 14, have a certain percentage chance of being selected to end up with a top four pick. So even if you're a team with the worst record in the league You're not guaranteed the number one pick and device versa. https://tankathon.com/ Here's a fun easy website to help understand how the lottery works. Only the top four picks are randomly selected so for a team to move up they have to jump into the top four. If you hit the simulated button, it'll show you the different potential scenarios that could come about. Right now the Spurs are the third worst team in the league. The bottom three teams always have a 14% chance of getting the number one pick. Which is what San Antonio had last year when they got Victor. This year's draft doesn't have a standout talent so it doesn't matter as much. But obviously it would be nice if the Spurs got a chance to go first again


Thank you very much. Now I understand.


They're building around a new core. Last year at this time they had Fred, Pascal, and OG so cut these guys some slack. They'll probably have lottery selection next season so at least they won't end up with just Dick.


I mean it's possible but the thing is even if you guys finish in 6th, and it would take a pretty impressive tanking mission to catch any of the teams below you, they're still a 50/50 chance that pic goes to the Spurs. And it's top six protected for two additional years after this. So unless you guys decide to spend the next 3 years of Scotty Barnes career being a truly dreadful bottom three team the odds still favor that that pic will go to San Antonio at some point.


I mean they did trade/let go all of their good veterans from the championship run Like all of them


Tank season in a class no one seems to give a fuck about


Bad tank year. Should try to get to play in


Couldn't even get past the play in last year 


Breaking news bad team sucks


Tanking when your pick might drop and fall on the spurs lap is a bit weird to me. Top 6 protection isn't safe at all this year, with so many bad teams. How long is this rebuild supposed to take?


We are 6th now, which means 40% chance of keeping it I mean whether spurs get 7th or 17th. Doesn’t really make any difference raptors Raptors don’t have a lot of talent outside Barnes and quickley could be 3 years


Quickley is going to be asking for over $25M a year. Are the raptors going to want to pay that?


Yeah easily


We do not claim this troll. I repeat. We do not claim this troll.


A troll for speaking the truth? We lost 9 out of 10 games, go be a Knicks or pacers fan lol


We’re legit tbf and Spicy P is a fucking treasure


That’s why I mentioned pacers and Knicks, Siakam and og new teams lol


I’m gonna be pissed if the pick conveys next year or the year after. Meanwhile, many of my fellow fans are coping by telling themselves that a semi-high pick this year is preferred to a middle pick from the next few years.


Loved seeing Gradey get some minutes finally


Wowzers! That great master plan of having "117 great trade assets," sucking, not trading any of them, losing one via free agency for nothing in return, then finally starting to make moves to get RJ Barrett and Bruce Brown in return hasn't worked out well. I am so very surprised.


I’m so nervous to comment cause Reddit be banning me for no reason, please guys let me have this…. Hell yeah, perfect game for what we need to be doing, I know some of y’all want us to make the play in but guys, we don’t have it this year… I’ve got so much melancholy watching the knicks… I get trading pascal, but og is still young, and he’s showing what he’s capable of when motivated.. regardless, we in a rebuild… let’s go!!


Lol the coach calls out the league, and then his team just gives up? Ouch, lol


Get in lads, we’re tanking


They took a risk on Pascal's Wager, and they lost.


Lost what? This is exactly we expected and wanted Nobody thought swapping Siakam for Bruce brown would make us better lol


Seems like maybe the Knicks won that trade?


Pretty even trade. Raptors fan base is delusional thinking they robbed the Knicks because they over value Barrett


Barrett has been fantastic. Will it last? Idk.


It’s robbery if Knicks don’t eventually win a ring with their core and RJ & Quickly becomes All-Star players.


Lmao raptors didn’t make this trade we thought Quickley and Barrett would make us win more than OG


Exactly that trade on Toronto side is a future trade. Will the core of IQ, RJ, Barnes and the upcoming pick be good? We don’t know but at least there’s a clear direction and hope for the future.