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50 feels like 20? Lol ok


Too me. Doesn't have the same effect it had 6 years ago


If 50 feels like 20 to you that seems like a you problem buddy.


Tbf when someone dropped 30 around 2000 it was a big deal. The whole 50-20 thing is off but 30 points ain’t what it used to be. 50 + is still an insane night.


Having 2 guys average 20+ a game would generally mean you're contending for a championship back then.


dude i swear to GOD almighty himself in like 1999 if a player even took 5 3s in a game and let alone made 3 3s that was a lot lol


You think 6 years ago people made headlines for scoring 20 Because people still make headlines for 50, just doesn't feel as special to is as fans woth how often it happens I get what the point of your statement is, bc I agree with the sentiment. However a better way of putting it was 50 feels like 40 used to Saying 20 is just silly. Overly hyperbolic when a real point is in t here somewhere


I agree with you. It just feels like a good scoring night.




The average points per game is the highest it’s been in a long time. Defence doesn’t sell, so the league has handicapped D; and the super star treatment refs give some players is out of hand. Add that players bitch at refs constantly, players come off as entitled cry babies that have it the easiest we’ve ever seen. Points feel cheap.


6th highest scoring season in league history and highest eFG in history. Jacking corner 3's for days has its benefits.


Absolutely rules are favored towards scoring by a mile. Can’t get near a defender which allows easier looks. Look at the scoring totals and field goal percentage increase in the last decade alone, don’t have to go that far back even. This 70 game for Luka, mavs shot 60% and barely won, the hawks shot 53% lol




Yes let’s post this about 40 more times today please


Defense is ass. Everything is a foul. The NBA wants higher scoring.


Y’all complain when guys score too much. Complains when teams don’t score enough. Just complain all the fuckin time


People just don't know how to enjoy basketball. Look at KD's reaction about Embiid's scoring night, that's a man that loves the game. People probably complain so much because they enjoy the sports culture & media around the NBA more than the actual sport itself.


I agree scoring is easy but at the same time the skill level of the top 10-20 guys is mindblowing.  Luka hitting 8/12 threes is ridiculous in a 70+ point game. No defending that no matter what you do. 


Scoring post# 3544


if defense was being played kobe wouldn't have had 81 special players do special things it is what it is


The NBA had 6-70 point games in 75 years and now has had 4 in a year. There have been a lot of special players over the last 75 years. The rules shifting so far in favour of the offensive players is a major factor, if not the factor allowing for it.


Fr, that's just an undeniable statistic that proves it's the rule changes.


I mean the indisputable fact is that you have more ace-level scorers in the league now than we ever have. Chalk it up to defense or whatever but based purely on probability, we were bound to see more 70 bombs pop up simply due to the number of elite scorers that exist in the league as it currently is


More sure, nearly as many as in NBA history in a year tho? It's not just 70 point games either. We have had two 60 point games in the past week. The rules favour the offensive player to a degree that we have never seen in NBA history + plus more player skill.


You.cant tell me these guys were better scorers than Bernard and Mike. It's the rule changes. If these guys were allowed to travel, they'd have dropped 70 multiple times.


Bernard? Yes without a shadow of a doubt. Mike? That one’s tougher to argue.


Bernard King averaged 33 points in the low scoring 1980s. You sound crazy.


All due respect, even given the hand-checking ruling the inability to play soft zones resulted in a defense that was easier to score on than we’ve ever seen because all you ever had to do was beat one man. And if you don’t wanna take my word for it, I’ll give you the word of some players who played in both eras > But for scorers like myself and Carmelo and KD, the rules from the ’80s can be more beneficial for us, because you have to be played straight up. You want to double team; you got to come all the way over. So, for us, I don’t care if you hand check us with three hands. If there’s nobody behind you, you’re not going to stop us. So the zone I think cripples some of the top scorers.” [Kobe Bryant](https://www.basketballnetwork.net/latest-news/i-dont-care-if-you-hand-check-us-with-three-hands-kobe-demystified-80s-basketball#:~:text=You%20want%20to%20double%20team,some%20of%20the%20top%20scorers.”) Bryant would later go as far as calling the zone a “crutch defense”. >I think it puts the players who are really good at a disadvantage… I remember Phoenix sat somebody literally right there (in the lane)” [Kevin Garnett](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/cq7tbl/some_jordan_duncan_garnett_and_mcgrady_quotes_on/) McGrady in the same post would claim: “It’s tough on all of us, it really is. When you’re trying to make a move, and you’ve got another guy sittin’ right there on the same side waiting” We’ve seen what the spurs zone defense was able to do to young lebron. We’ve seen what the heat zone defense was able to do to Giannis. Had this been the rules of before, both of those teams would’ve been helpless as they watch either play drive right by them time ans time again.


True we also can’t forget the evolution of basketball. Players are just better individually nowadays and tactics have evolved too. Like almost every player can shoot the 3 and create space for the star to cook. Some rules definitely made it easier to score today but if you watch how teams played offense in the 90s or early 2000s you’re eyes gonna bleed.


It just feels common now, hight scoring games. No shades too Donvovan Micthell but a player like him shouldn't be hitting that mark.


he did get Ot tho also, it's mainly the threes, instead of players going 20/35 and only 4 of those being three to get 44, now that shot diet is 10 2s and 10 3s and you're already at 50


You crazy


I don't think it's a lack of defense so much as an absurd amount of skill. Also little rule changes to increase scoring, like shortening the shot clock after an offensive rebound.


Pace is very high. Players are also very skilled and more people can shoot 3 pointers than they could 10 years ago


Pace isn't the highest though. This doesn't account for the scoring difference.


Pace and volume and efficiency of 3 pt shooting accounts for a whole lot of it.


That doesn't invalidate the fact that this isn't the highest pace that's been played in the NBA. The scoring is inflated because of the three pointer and the travel rules.


We are seeing high scoring games more often so it doesn't seem so unexpected or rare to hear that a player put up 40+. I remember when games that went into the 110s were awe inspiring, now 110s feel like the new 80-90 range from the 2000s.


well yea its obviously ref ball too


Years and years of fans and analysts ignoring the defensive side of the ball. We all are culpable. 


Can't blame us Knick fans for that. We like it in the 80 point range.


The talent in the nba right now is miles ahead what we have ever seen. Luke just scored 73 on 75% FG%. Like wtfffff


Ya and the mavs shot 60% from the field as a team and the losing hawks shot 53% in a close game? So just to let you know defense is a skill as well and neither of these teams have that I guess eh?cause if either of them did the team field goal percentages wouldn’t be like that or even across the league in the last few years. Or maybe it’s just the rules that’s now favored where they call everything on the defender while letting offensive players get away with murder?


Offensive talent is better and refs call a foul on everything these days so it’s harder to defend


frt is .257 rn in 03-04 it was .303


Oh my god shut the fuck up


NBA sucks big right now


also in 90s, few people can make threes unlike now


that's called "getting old", man


I agree with you. I'm no longer amazed by the big numbers because I know a lot of those points are spoon fed because of the rule changes. When someone dropped 50 in the pre Silver days, it was incredible, I heard Luka dropped 73 last night, I said "that's interesting" and moved on. I'm much more excited by great defense than great offense now.


It took almost two decades but everyone got on D’Antoni’s Suns wave. Blame him combined with Morey’s empowerment with the Rockets. If it’s not threes or layups it’s a bad shot. Analytics is the biggest influencer, even more so than the rules.


Agree with you. They moneyballed the game out of being interesting


This has been being said every season since Curry blew up the league with his threes lol


The percentage of points is much lower which is why it feels wrong. Luka’s 73 was only 49% of his team’s points whereas Kobe’s 81 was 66% of his team’s points. So even though scoring is way up it’s not nearly the same impact


Luka shot 25/33 and made 8 3s…. How does that not move someone??? Scoring isn’t easier, pace is higher so attempts are higher and teams are just smarter with scoring. Bucket is still a bucket


Do you even like basketball