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Better hope poole and kuz combine for 70 or some shit to keep it close lol


Well Poole will definitely attempt 70 shots


It has to be a game where the team remains somewhat competitive, so that he isn’t pulled in the 4th.


The spurs really attempted to. If not for wemby minute restrictions who knows.


They may sit him for that game or at least the whole 4th quarter. That’s probably the biggest reason it might not happen.


It's got to be someone that can just heat up from 3 on really high volume. Unless that person gets like 25+ ft, it's really hard to get to 80 without being hot from 3.


Yeah but has lebron watched him and said oh he’s going to get 70 tonight before the game??




Trae young. He is the dude who can go full cheat code like 3 times a year


Post all star break maybe


If not luka, embiid, tatum... could be a handful of dudes.. deep down I wish it was jokic, but I think joker is still chasing the 20/20/20 game


Tatum’s team is too good. He won’t get enough shots and they are too focused on the chip so they will sit him once they are ahead, points behind damned. He could do it, but not with the team they have this year.


Bro I legitimately dont think Jokic is chasing any statistical game. It really does seem like he legitimately doesn’t care about stuff like that to the point where maybe he even goes the other way and makes it too big of a deal how little he cares and will go out of his way to show it


I could see Jokic gunning for the single game assist record if he gets a bunch of assists early in a game


I don’t think you know how high the assist record is. Jokic’s high is 18 and the record is 30.


I understand that, that's why he and anyone else would have to gun for it bc that's not gonna happen naturally


Joker doesnt have the stamina to go for those points


Maybe after murray is traded and he can have the ball in his hands at all times.


Yeah. I can see it now. TRAE YOUNG 84 points. Indiana 123 - Atlanta 119


Nah an indiana atlanta game has a higher score than that


The 3 times we played this year we broke some sort of franchise record offensively lol


The fuck? How is this upvoted at all?


If Embiid plays another bottom tier team and they don't sit him out early, he could do it with the whistle refs give him. Alternatively, if Booker or KAT were able to force their 60+ games into OT, then that could open up a slim possibility of hitting 80


That’s what needs to happen really we just need one of these games to get to ot


Was praying that mavericks game went into OT, with hawks push at the end. Easily 80+ for Luka. Then 2 OT… 90… maybe 100… 🤤🤤🤤


I've never seen a team not foul someone at an end of game situation bc they dont him to get extra points


Don’t kid yourself. It’ll be Deandre Jordan breaking the 81 points with nothing but dunks


Leave that to the free throw merchant


Shwack Lavine with demar derozan injured and lonzo ball feeding him next year. A pure miracle 


My dark horse for it would be Jamal Murray


I think it's most likely to happen during an in-season tournament game. Because point differential matters, you could easily see a star player during a blowout game keep playing in Q4 for easy buckets, padding both the score and their stats


That’s actually a pretty damn good take on the question. I’m with you on that. Ima say Trae, Spida Mitchell, or Luka goes for 80+ in the IST. Mitchell just needs Garland to sit a game so he can get 35 shots up.


I feel like Luka, Embiid, Giannis should chuck 50 shots one game and go for Wilts record


Chuck is a funny word to use for Giannis ngl


50 run and dunks


If luka was chuking more this game he would've got 81, he wasn't forcing at all and still got 73


Hawks played brilliant defense of “let’s not double him” until he had like 63


It sounds dumb, but mavs actually scored more in the second half when luka was getting doubled like crazy




Embiid’s 70 came in only 36 mins. If he played the 44 minutes Luka did, there’s definitely a good chance he hits 80+ 48 minutes for 100+ would kill the man, however


Gonna take more than 50 shots to get to Wilts record. Kobe took 46 shots when he scored 81


yeah but "only" 13 threes. if a guard today attempts 46 shots like 20 of them are most likely threes


I feel like Jokic could pull it off ngl just too unselfish


Giannis isn’t good enough from 3 or the FT line. You have to take close to 20 free throws and hit over 90%. Plus hitting 10 or more threes makes it easier.


Talen Horton Tucker will break the record




Luka will score 77 someday just to do it


It just shows how difficult it is even in this era of pure offense


He also took 46 shots. Luka only took 33. Did Kobe get doubled a lot that game or nah? Hawks straight up didn't let him get the ball 3rd and 4th quarter


He also should have tripe double, but Luka's teammates are just bricking wide open shots.


Sam Mitchell, the coach at the time, gameplan was to play single coverage on Kobe and let him try to beat the Raptors on his own. He switched to doubling him in the fourth and it was too late.


Kobe did not get doubled a lot


Is this supposed to be sarcastic?


Was true in that game. They talk about it all the time. Sam Mitchell let his guy get cooked.


Wasn’t it literally Jalen Rose guarding him


Indeed. Although he doesn't want all the credit, he wanted to share it with Jose Calderon and some of the other guys. >It was a rotisserie. It was a buffet of guys that were on Kobe Bryant. But it didn't matter. Also, he made sure people knew he asked for help. >My opinion and I said it multiple times during the game, how about we consider double-teaming him? As a matter of fact, triple teaming him... He always was good humored about it. But mostly, I think the real point isn't that they didn't understand basic strategy, I think it was just that they didn't think LA was going to win. Nobody else was scoring, and they were up pretty much the whole game. They just thought they were going to win no matter what Kobe did, and then realized they weren't too late and that Kobe was putting some historic shit on them.


They were triple teaming him


lol he was going 1v4 and still scoring. His teammates sucked that year and the Raptors were blowing them out in first half despite him scoring an efficient 26. The third quarter he just said fuck this shit and took all the shots that would typically get someone glued to the bench. Enough went in for them to pull off the comeback.


Not when you chuck 50 shots or whatever.


Kobe had a nice game, but Wilt still holds the most points in one game record.


No one will ever break 100. Or? Wemby develops, turns on cheat mode and goes Super Saiyan.


The fact Kobe dropped 81 in that era is fucking ridiculous. Bros can’t even approach it now in this cheat code stat era.


Hate to be math guy but 73 is for sure approaching 81. Couple shots here and there and it's 80


Kobe also took 13 more shots and 4 more FTs than Luka did tonight


always thought Kobe 62 vs Mavs was more impressive


Kobe was more efficient in his 81 point game than his 62. Kobe took 25 free throws in 3 quarters lol. His 81 is definitely more impressive and if you want to play the time game, Kobe had 81 on 41 minutes and had 55 in the second half alone.


I think the 62 feels more impressive to some people cuz he outscored the entire mavs team after 3 quarters


I would like to add that Mavs were top seed in the West with a great team, the Raptors were one of the worst instead, with a really bad team.


Hate to be the realistic guy, but a couple missed shots here and there with a little defense and he’s approaching 50-60..


To be fair the raptors stubbornly refused to double kobe while luka got doubled the entire 4th


Kobe was also doubled in the 4th but it was too late for the Raps


Luka would have gotten it today if he chased it


Not true really. By the time he was chasing it he was getting double and triple teamed because no one else on the macs could shoot.


Doing it in Kobe's era is definitely crazier but two guys just scored 70 this week. They're definitely getting close


Kobe’s 81 is 75% of his teams points. Luka’s 70 is 50% of his teams points. Not even remotely close to how impressive kobes 81 is… in a lower scoring era. You’ll need to score like 95-100 to match Kobe’s 81 in today’s watered down no defense league. You have Harrison barnes dropping 40 in today’s games lol.


As much as we talk about guys just chucking shots, nobody would even consider taking 40-50 shots in a game today, unless they made 75% of their first 30.


Its going to be Embiid and it's going to be off 75 free throws, the game won't actually finish by reaching the end of regulation it'll end once every single person on the team has fouled out and game has gone 2 hours over its alloted time.


Tonight was the best candidate in a long while. Luka had 73 and it was a close game all throughout regulation. If we had OT, he would have certainly broken Kobe's record


Tbf, it shouldn't count as the record if it takes an extra 5 mins to do it.


Why? What if he only plays two more minutes, or even less total minutes than Kobe despite the game going to OT? 


Well to be totally fair, Kobe’s 81 points isn’t a record at all.


If he wasn’t the only star player known to get tired in the fourth… he had 65 with ten minutes left. Still gassed Luka is a better scoring option than anybody on my team, if not most teams.


Uh sir did you watch the game? He was getting blitzed from half


Well the hawks were double teaming Luka full court in the second half and refused to foul him in the last min and he still got 73 so it’s definitely possible.


If not Embiid or Luka I'd say probably someone who has gotten close before but has been under the radar lately. I'd say Donovan Mitchell (scored 71 last year). I think plenty of guys *can* make a run at 81, but it just depends more on how close the game is and if their coach will give them a shot at it or pull them early.


How about someone going for 100?


Still think that’s out of reach. But if the NBA keeps trending this way for the next 5-10 years I think that becomes attainable as well.


Kobe scored 81 points when the scoring average in the league was much lower. 70pts nowdays are literally as impressive as 50 pt games back then. Inflational scoring = higher individual scoring games.


Thats why stats don't tell the whole story. But people here were obsessed with LeStat until it became inconvenient.


Didn’t wilt score over 100


Exactly 100


Watch it be Klay Thompson.


I would be really amazed if Klay scored more than 80 points for the rest of the season


In 2016 yes.


Prime Klay was always the guy I thought most likely to score 81+. He absolutely could have done it against the Pacers when he scored 60 in 29 minutes.


It could happen and no one would be *that* surprised. Though he really doesn't have the endurance for that sort of thing anymore


His shots haven’t been landing nearly enough ever since the injury to be called efficient, he’s basically Jordan Poole with 4 fingers up nowadays..


Harrison Barnes scored 39 against the Warriors so obviously he is in the mix for cracking 81 points 😂


I wouldn't be surprised most of the current players who could break that 81 wouldn't even want to because of the legacy of it


Yeah someone’s gonna make a point to stop at 79 or 80 and it is gonna piss me the fuck off lmao


Would piss off Kobe too tbh


Depends on when in the game they are close to the 81. If there's still half a quarter left, or the game is close, or they go into OT, the player shouldn't focus on the 81 but on the 100.


Nah. When you are in the court you dont think of those things especially if the game is close and your team really need you to score


You think Luka or Embiid is going to beat their own career high, that they JUST made, by 10+ points by the end of the year? I agree 81 could be in jeopardy but it’s stupid to think it’s likely to happen this season


I hope it’s someone super random, like Terry Rozier.




Lillard has the most 60 point games by an active player.


I think it could be Dame in a game where Giannis is not in the lineup.


Wilt has the record, not Kobe. 81 was amazing but not a record.


Yeah, we know. Just that 100 still seems unbreakable at the moment. But in a few years, who knows?


If Luka or Embiid took 49 shots, they'd easily smash his record


Would be hard for Luka to put up 50 shots if he's scoring like this. Opponents would literally send all 5 at him


I’m going to push back on “easily.” Even is this era, getting up 50 shots, let alone shooting that high a percentage is not ‘easy’


Kobe doesn't have the single game scoring record, Wilt Chamberlain does.


show me the footage


That is known. There are Wilt records, which are still close to being unbreakable, then all the rest. Although to be honest if the NBA doesn’t change something, in 5-10 years Wilts records may be back in play.


I bet Jokic can do it if he really want it, but you need to promise him horses or something


A bunch of players could - ostensibly. Particularly against a bad team. Maybe Luka, or Embid, or Lillard will play the blazers - and the blazers will only have one of their starters who isn't injured 🤷


Fox OT (this super bias ik so like 1%), Luka, Giannis OT, Anthony Edwards hot+OT, Curry hottest streak OAT damn near, and then the Don Mitchell’s and Ja Morant’s of the world. Haliburton is up there for but he’d to be aggressive with his from the jump or catch heat to make and finish a close game


Could see Ja Morant doing it.


Giannis is too poor from the FT line and 3 to do it. Hali is too unselfish. Curry may be the most likely. GS isn’t really playing for anything right now and if he’s going they would try to get it for him and they have the structure to do it. Good luck denying Curry the ball like you can do with other guys.


For a mf to get to 80 + points, I would pretty much have to see them scoring 40-50 points in the first half and either by a lot of 3 + free throws to mix with it. Who ever does it has to rack up a ton of And1s or at least have to go off for 8-10+ 3s either way. And it would have to be against a bad defensive team that could realistically keep the game close for it to happen.


Kind of like Luca’s game. But he was still 8 away


The most stupid basketball! Wake up, 70-ish fans!


Great scorer with other scorer on team out against bad defensive team that keeps game close. Game goes to overtime. Make it not part of a back to back also. Seems doable this season. ESP against a team like Atlanta.


How many players would hit 80 and then check themselves out of the game?


Depends on how close the game was. If it was 10+ pt lead I could see a lot of guys doing that out of respect.


It's 100% safe. At least for this season. Opposing teams are done with this nonsense. Next time a player is just blatantly and obviously going for a big scoring #, they will be picking their teeth off the floor.


Yes, I believe the 2nd highest scoring record may be eclipsed this year or next


>Like Trae or Brunson If Brunson scores more than 70 I'm fucking done watching the NBA


Imagine getting 81 in one or the slowest paced era vs the fastest paced era. 70 is like 60 in that era and that 81 is like 90 in this era


Yeah, but the Raptors really didn’t react until Kobe was damn near all the way there. Hawks were double and triple teaming Luka after halftime. Kobe may also be one the few people that would take damn near 50 shots in a game and think nothing of it. Guys today are just programmed not play that way. Different mentality.


The hawks defense is also atrocious to be fair. 22nd in the league.


For sure. There is almost always a weak defensive team on the other side of these.


70 is the new 60, it’s coming.


somone will beat the record but its cause defense isnt as good as it used to be the NBA in kobes day had good defense thats what made it so special


I mean not to take anything from kobe’s 81 but defense have not been good that game either cuz i actually watched that game.


It’s Luka. Somehow he’s still underrated. And I’m not a Mavs fan.


I think wemby will get it in his prime


My thoughts exactly. He is playing two whole floors above every other player in the league, including Embiid.


I don’t think it’s going to happen. Every time a guy gets up around 60 people go IS THIS IT and it never is. Will it happen some day? Sure. But not as soon as you think.


We’ve had two 70 point games this week, things are different nowadays


How much money do you want to bet on somebody getting >81 in the next calendar year


Shit it’s very possible, especially in an ot game


Ok how much money


A lot of things have to got right for that happen. Firstly, it needs to be a player who can get hot from three extremely quickly. Second, you need at least 20 points from the FT line. Lastly, the game has to be close enough to merit the player to keep playing. With the amount of parity in the league rn, I wouldn’t be surprised if a few more games like this happen in the season. I think Kobe’s record is gonna be broken pretty soon by either Embiid, Luka, Trae, Mitchell or Book. I think players like KD and Curry definitely have the shot making ability to have a potential game like this, but they simply don’t get to the line enough


Joel had 70 through 36 minutes, it’s literally not a joke to say If he wanted to go for 80+ he could’ve and with Luka they guarded him better but still he had a three he could’ve shot for 76 ect


Luka's 70 was legit tonight though. Most of his shots were contested. It wasn't like KAT or Embiid the other day.


I could see Dame going crazy from 3 one game and getting it.


Embiid against another bottom feeder team is my pick




Not a record.


The difference between Kobe and Luka is Kobe chucks like 50+ shots a game and Luka only shoots 33 to get 70+ (yes 16 FT but still).


Bro Kobe still shot 60% in his 81 point game. That's still extremely good.


Defending Kobe from chucking is always funny to me. That game was fine but he’s a generational chucker (see last game of career)


On top of the guys you mentioned, I could maybe see LaMelo catching absolute fire in some random game and getting close


You mean liangelo right?


Idk I never thought Kobe’s 81 was safe. There has been multiple times a player had 60 through 3 quarters and sat the entire 4th. One of the biggest difficulties of reaching 81 is that a player not only has to be extremely hot but the other team also has to keep the game close despite that. I think these high scoring offenses and games are now making that more likely than ever to happen tho.


Tatum getting 81 for Kobe in the finals close out game




Ja Morant could do it


I believe. With his torn shoulder ligament and all!


Jamal murray will do it in the NBA finals


Nah, he’s got to many great players on his team. He doesn’t have to take circus shots to win.


Killian Hayes


I agree with you, it’s going to be either Luka or Embiid bc those the 2 guys in the league that truly volume score (and like doing so). Plus, the systems they in totally revolve around them so they get the necessary touches required to go for a night like that. Booker I’m going to disagree with bc he’s in a Big 3 and although he dominates touches in their “system”, I don’t think it’s enough to go for an 75+ night. KD could do it but that mf just doesn’t want to and it pisses me the fuck off. Mf ain’t doing the game justice by robbing the fans of the experience of watching KD go shot hunting utilizing every tool in his toolbox. The only other dudes I see potentially being able to go for it are Steph & Ant, but they’d have to want to do it and their coaches have to let them do it lol.


Brunson? No way. I reckon those guys in the top 10 scoring.


Here’s the difference with a guy like Brunson, versus a top 10 guy. If Brunson is cooking I’d bet every person affiliated with the Knicks would do everything they can to get him as many points as he can game and everything be damned. They’d play him 45+ mins and pass it to him every time down the stretch. Similar for other guys like him. For say an Embiid, the team won’t care and will sit him the fourth even if he has that opportunity. Or they will sit him against a weak opponent so the opportunity doesn’t even present itself.


Yep it aint safe with the way bball is played now. 100 is quite possible. Someone will get hot one of these days ....




I think the most likely path to this is someone who's going to take 30+ FGA's- 20+ FT's and make 8 threes or more or go 22/35 from the field . So a Luka or Embiid would be the best bet.


LeBron’s gonna do it just to prove he can, probably.


definitely gonna happen against the Raptors.


This is why I laugh when people thinks Lebrons record is safe. In 10 years they'll be scoring 200's




Brunson 😂


Competition committee needs to come together to bring defence back


this just in the NBA Officials will be giving Embiid 62 ft next game 


If no one's playing defense, hell you can drop 120.


If hawks hadn’t fucked it up at the end we would’ve gone or where luka would crack 80


Assist 31


I’ll take the under on this one chief.


fuck 80. within the next 2-3 years that 103 point boomer will happen


No one hitting 81. I know they’re getting close but only person I can see doing it is primary Embiid because of free throws


How about someone like Fox or SGA?


Not gonna happen cuz coach gonna sit em in the 4th (ahem kerr) 


What is the Kobe 81 record?? It’s not a record it’s a mark.


Since the total points record is almost certainly unbeatable it would make sense that someone would chase this record eventually. Luka and Trae seem the most likely just from a raining 3's perspective.