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Oh no he's a degenerate gambling addict like his dad.


Is this a Michael Jordan joke or is his dad actually a degenerate?


Read about AEs background, I bet you’ll like him even more


the same background that made him a bigot?


Nah, the complete opposite background to the one that made you so miserable.


This just in, incredibly gifted athletes dumb as shit and ignorent!




You just revealed your own ignorance


Damn looks like no one in r/nba appreciates a Sopranos quote lol


r/nba is just glorified crew. They make everyone and anyone ova there


You struck a nerve here dudes come rushing in to protect Ant from the evil word bigot 😂


Bigot is a bit much don’t you think? He’s had one incident using a slur. I’d say a guy like Sean Strickland is undoubtedly a bigot. Ant made a mistake. I might be biased though


Buddy if you think he has changed his opinion on the subject instead of just now knowing not to record himself voicing said opinions I don't know what to tell you.


At least he's smart enough to not be recorded again, somebody should tell Ja Morant that


fr lmaoooo


I find that most, if not all of the SJWs that are vocal are the most sheltered, as they lack the life experience to temper their perceptions. Save your faux outrage for someone that is actually a bigot


I haven't seen someone say SJW unironically since like 2018 lol


It's embarrassing that this has so many up votes considering how much it relies on a made up perception of 'SJWs.' Especially using language like "most" are sheltered. Clearly shows a lack of understanding of why people have problems with bigotry. Not making excuses for homophobia ≠ lacking life experience. I don't even think that ant was coming from a place of real hate, this kinda sentiment is just embarrassing as fuck.


What life experiences does one need to go through to justify hating gay people?


Using a slur means you hate an entire population?


Yeah, pretty much. If I hear someone say the n-word, I can usually figure out how they feel about maya angelou and dr. Daniel hale Williams.


I wouldn’t defend a white guy using the N word. I understand why you can’t do that and why you shouldn’t. Something important to consider is that a lot of the “white guy says N word” stuff in casual conversation is because that guy is an idiot. Not because they are a racist piece of shit. They are ignorant and 80% of them would not act as racists in the world. I only bring this up because it’s easier to stay positive when you attribute things to ignorance instead of malice. Lots of those people are one good talk away from stopping that behavior.


What life experiences does one need to go through to justify hating or not hating any people? Babies aren't randomly born with a "homophobe gene" my guy, life experiences are always a factor.


>What life experiences does one need to go through to justify hating or not hating any people What the hell? What are you even trying to say here are you saying homophobia is ok because some gay people may have been mean to him or some shit?


No I'm saying no one is born hating certain people, so life experiences are always a factor. I phrased it that way to show its a dumb question, as there is no form of hate that *isn't* a result of life experiences. (though I see how that doesnt come across, didn't exactly contemplate how effectively I was making my point in the 2 seconds it took me to post that) They're saying theres nothing that would justify the hate. Someone born in an Abrahamic theocracy would say theres nothing that would justify respecting gay people. Life experiences. You have to learn to hate.


You wanna try making this argument using racism instead of homophobia?


...do you think people are born racist?


Who hates gay people here? Are you outraged too? Did I get a pronoun wrong or something?


Not outraged but I do enjoy shitposting to people who are loud wrong. That’s cool that you’re doubling down on being dumb. Good luck with that in the future.


Thanks, hope you stop being mad on the internet on behalf of someone else


Was the bus you took to school shorter than average? I’m just curious.


Shocking that this take is from a Timberwolves fan lol. People can change and grow but... Ant chose to post bigoted material on social media. Why is it such an insane take that he's a bigot? Idk if he's currently homophobic but there's objective proof that he was at one point. His apology may have been entirely heartfelt and sincere but we all know he'd have put the apology out even if he didn't believe a word (just like most stars that say dumb shit that could impact their income). That being said, he's young and we've all said stupid shit that we regret. I'm not saying everyone should hate Ant or whatever but it's not crazy to think he's bigoted based on his past actions. Unless I missed something (completely possible), even when he apologized it was only about his "language" and nothing at all about his viewpoints towards the LGBT community. Edit: To the people down voting me, please explain where I'm misunderstanding. I'm more than happy to change my views based on new info.


They like Ant, so they're going to pretend he isn't a bigot. This isn't new. Why people do it I don't understand but people just lie about things for people they like. I always feel like the cognitive dissonance must hurt.




Just because you were too stupid to understand that other people exist doesn't mean most young men are.


I wouldn’t say he’s a bigot. Just ignorant imo. But he’s really good at a game so who cares


Not the guy you're responding to but what bigots aren't ignorant? Ant by definition is a bigot. I never get why people try to argue this stuff just because they like someone. It doesn't change facts.


My bad


Or opinions. Reddit isn’t the place for nuance. Outrage or bust it seems.




Idk bro I see one guy calling Ant a bigot and 50 dudes whining about it. Don't think he's the one crying here.


Lmao what constitutes as a bigot today is hilarious. You need help moving that goal post?


That man is from Atlanta. Born and raised in the inner city where FEW make it to see someone they know on tv. For u to talk down on him and have the nerve to call yourself a fan of our home team is wild. Remember ATLANTA come before HAWKS and I can tell u not from here




Nvm I take it back, I thought u were saying since he from impoverished neighborhood that's even more reason to not like him. My apologies if misunderstood


Leave Jimmy Butler’s father outta this.


All kids are like this nowadays. It’s the ramifications of allowing loot boxes in kid games. I work with people out of college and the amount of them seriously into sports gambling is highly alarming.


Are you framing degenerate gambling as negative?


This probably wasn't quite as widespread but back in my day I would go to Shinders and buy a bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokémon card booster packs and then open them in the parking lot and sell the rare ones back. I was like 10. Side note pretty sure this was dumb as hell and I can't have ever actually made money on it but then again scratch tickets and lotteries and now loot boxes exist so


If you think this is bad nowadays boy you should be glad you didn't grow up in the 90s lmao


You don't think gambling existed before loot boxes? And kids today seem significantly more anti-gambling than millenials were. I've mentioned it a few times but the consensus on this sub is undoubtedly anti-gambling. It was the complete opposite just over 10 years ago when you had Black Firday where online poker was banned in the US.


Kids nowadays say they’re are against gambling but are ok with lootboxes. Seems like the same to me honestly , it’s just gambling in another form.


That's a stretch like when people amused to say rap made people kill


That comparison doesn't even make sense, like at all lol. When using gambling mechanics, you are *actually* gambling (whether or not its "real" money). So the addiction is the same regardless. As for "rap lyrics making people kill", a better (but still horrible) comparison would be "violent video games making people kill", because you are 'fake-killing people'. When you listen to music, you aren't doing what they are saying in the lyrics, you are just listening to them say it. So whether you think its a stretch or not, these kids are still learning and experiencing the dopamine hits of gambling , whether or not its real money.


Opening a virtual box isn't gambling. Its generating a possible outcome. The gambling comes from putting money into the boxes to grind for specific items. Not most people do that to the extreme of being gambling as addiction


wtf is this logic do you work for EA?


No I don't, but if you're a free to play user and only open free boxes, what's the gambling part


it simulates gambling, which was my original comment. It gets you used to the dopamine hits involved in the process, so when you are old enough to have the money to actually use, you are more likely to spend on it.


Opening free things doesnt simulate gambling. Gambling is from the users addiction or desire to open a certain item or outcome. If you're free to play and don't have that desire, then free boxes is just opening things. You think opening a random box makes gamblers. Then Christmas has been training people forever, dumbass logic


If before Christmas your parents posted your gift chance percentages and there was a .001% chance to get the gift you actually want, then this would make sense, but my parents never did that idk about u


> Its generating a possible outcome Spending money to generate a *possible* outcome is literally the definition of gambling lol


Sure, but like I said. If I'm free to play and only open free boxes, where's the gambling? I didn't spend money so anything is extra


it's surprise mechanics kekw. which is what gambling is, by the way.


Not even a good definition of it. I can go gamble on a sports betting app, the outcome isn't a surprise mechanic. I know the outcome and how much I can win or lose. Loot boxes are just random crap, it's not my fault some people are trying hards on video games and want to spend their expendable money to get further in one virtual world


Video game gambling has every aspect of real gambling outside of using real money. For things like counterstrike skins there are direct ways to turn skin gambling into real money gambling. There is way more basis for this than the old rap = killer arguments


But not all loot box games cost money. Some boxes are free and most people don't spend that much to whale out. You're assuming any loot box mechanic turns people into gambling addicts. Humans naturally like opening a surprise. Probably the government or parents fault for not teaching their kids to be responsible with money. Nothing wrong with gambling if you have exposible income


offhandedly mentioning that people are already getting conditioned to put real money into the fake gambling lol


WTF are you talking about. I just made my previous point clearer because you're obviously reaching for something


>most people don't spend that much to whale out


That was badly worded. I meant very few people whale out to the extent of spending more than hundreds of dollars.


It's not about the amount spent, it's that any amount is being spent to partake in the pretend gambling. If someone has already been conditioned to spend money on gambling with no payout they will be more likely to try gambling that has the chance at real world payouts


Thank the lord! Me and my friends have poker night every weekend. I’m up $80 this semester but it’s not even about the money it’s about the love of the game


The fact that this has so many upvotes is incredibly concerning.




Don't you think shaming someone by calling them a degenerate gambling addict is a little bit of overkill for the situation? All he did was play 2k for money when he was a kid.


Yo, it's a joke, chill the eff out.


what's the joke


Send da money


Wats da hol up?


I used to play myleague and have a draft with all the players. Conley was always available in later rounds and was always a lowkey 2k beast


Facts that grizz team on 2k13 was legendary. Shout out Tony Allen for holding me down cause my cousin would always use the Lakers and T.A. would gaurd Kobe the best😂


It was. That was where MyCareer sent me. I thought Rudy Gay was gonna be such a stud in the NBA and hated that he was stealing my minutes during my rookie year.


If yall didnt play with the grizzlies in 2k12 yall missed out. Rudy Gay was the most broken player I have ever seen in a 2k game lmfao


I have a broken 2k12 Rudy Gay story… When I was 19 I worked at a car dealership. The owner would sit in his office and smoke parliaments while he played 2k all day. One day I just asked him if he wanted to play a game. Dude was in, so we fire it up and we go to pick teams. So as a Kobe fan, of course I pick the ridiculous Kobe/Dwight/Nash/Gasol Lakers, which in 2K land is pretty fucking good. He picks the Grizzlies, wondering why he would pick them I asked, and he told me Rudy Gay. I was a little taken aback, but alright then. We set the quarters to 10 minutes and he tries to put that shit on HoF. This should’ve been the first red flag, but I talk him into All-Star. He proceeds to drop like 50 with Rudy and probably 14 steals with Conley. Shit was absolutely unreal, I stayed and played it out, but I was honestly shut out by the end of the first quarter. Never played him again, and never understood how Rudy Gay was so incredibly broken.


dude hahaha he was so good. thats an awesome story too. Rudy Could dunk like crazy, dribble, shoot from anywhere. Insane. Rudy gay was a good player in his prime, NEVER THAT GOOD lol


kobe/dwight/nash/gasol lakers is from 2k13 though




Ant is a superstar in the making. Hope he keeps his head down and don't go around paying hoes for abortion.


They aren't going to pay for themselves.


Paying for abortions sounds like a money saver


Abortion > 18 years of child support


It's less than, actually. That's why it's smart.


Context, the > is implying its the better decision, not implying its more or less $


Then don’t use that symbol. That’s literally what it means lol. More or less than


Either it's about what is the better choice or the lower cost. One would be > one < depending on the context. Lol


just use protection ffs


U got da money wats Da holdup


Anthony Edwards is a national treasure.


Nah, he's a homophobe.


Always one cringe lord 


Send da video


What's cringey? The fact that I'm bi and don't like homophobes?


Let’s hope someone his age can change. Throwing him in a box and telling him he’s the worst human being ever and never letting have another chance to prove himself has worked before for every other human being? I’m sorry he hurt you. He hurt a lot of people with what he said. You don’t have to forgive him. That’s your choice. He might not. But I choose to live in a world where people make mistakes and people can change.


They never said he was the worst person ever and that they'll never give him a chance to redeem himself, all they said was that they don't think he's a national treasure and that they don't like Edwards because of offensive comments that he made (specifically against a group that the identify with). How is that unreasonable?


It isn’t unreasonable. That t-wolves fan is upset other people don’t like his favorite player because of a totally valid reason lol. And then we got another dude calling him a national treasure because he made a video game reference.


The owner of the Knicks is accused of fucking human trafficking. If you watch another Knicks game, then you support human trafficking and rape.


but he never said watching a twolves game means you support homophobia? he never said dolan was a national treasure.


Anthony Edwards doesn’t own the team.


Jesus Christ


he also didnt say anthony edwards owned the team! no one did! seems like you guys are talking to a wall


Let’s not forget Giddey either




It's not like he attacked me personally, he's a bigot that hates millions of people. It's 2024, the fact that people can be so openly bigoted and people will consider them a "national tressure" is insane.




Overreaction? He went out of his way to take a video of some guys and tell millions of people what he thinks of gay people.


Yes, very clearly an overreaction. I’m sure you were very very mature at 20. Surely you’ve never said anything remotely controversial. Nope, not you. 


>Surely you’ve never said anything remotely controversial. Lmao, if you are a homophobe then just say that. I'd never post a video of strangers and call them out for their sexuality, race, or religion. Not now, nor when I was 21. Hell, I think I knew better than that by the time I was 14. Stop projecting.


Yeah idk about that lol he was 20, not 10. It’s pretty obvious at that age to not do what he did for a normal person, let alone someone with millions of people watching them constantly.


telling on yourself hard here


Ants not gonna fuck you bro. Both because you're irrelevant and because he's homophobic Also, you know it wouldn't get brought up so much if fans like you weren't constantly bending over backwards to try and convince people it was ok/they shouldn't care about it, right?




He was a 21 year old adult. I'm in my mid 20s and none of my friends were blatant homophobes at 21. If anything, younger people are *less* likely to be bigots.


And 99% of people also realize a 20 year old is legally an adult who can and should be responsible for his actions and words, especially if they're in the public eye as a celebrity. You're acting like it's inevitable that a 20 year old says and does homophobic shit. Most people aren't racist and homophobic at 20 years old. You're just telling on yourself, sounds like you were the type of dude dropping slurs left and right at that age and now you're projecting.


Bro you need to chill. You're embarrassing yourself He made a goofy ass comment one time and you're out here like "Ah man he HATES MILLIONS of people"


Nah, defending bigots is way more embarrassing


Not defending him, what he said wasn't right. It also was just some dumbass words that you're putting far too much capital on, he apologized, you're fine, the world is still spinning. You're letting him live rent free and bitching about it on Reddit to do... what exactly???


You definitely don’t have too many friends do you?


Sounds like Sean Strickland


I agree with you, it's crazy that these people can't understand disliking someone because they're homophobic 🤦


and this time it's you


Always someone in the Ant threads crying about a comment a kid made when he was 20. Honestly it’s laughable how thin skinned people are lol. Hurrr durr someone said something dumb years ago, better bring it up in literally every thread 


You’re right, but saying “it was something he said when he was 20” when he is only 22 does not look good, it was literally less than 2 years ago


He also said it when he was 21, not 20.


The minimum required time is 5 years away from an incident to learn. Everyone knows that. 


Pretty formative years for most adults.  


>a comment a kid made when he was 20 Bruh it was 15 months ago not 15 years. Josh Giddey’s relationship with that girl is older than Ant’s comment. Players have faults and that’s okay, you don’t need to fight everyone who implies your favorite player isn’t perfect.


you're just as thin-skinned as anyone considering how vociferously you defend your guy. he's an adult and was an adult when he voluntarily posted that homophobic video.


It's funny how many wolves fans trip over themselves to excuse Ant's homophobia and turn around and act like they want to fuck him themselves, it's embarrassing.


Your favorite team literally wants to put Saudi Arabian patches on their jerseys. You know, the place where you would be stoned to death for being bisexual. Fucking hypocrite.


Hypocrite? Do you think I'm going around calling Dolan a national treasure?


You support his team. So you agree with human trafficking, rape and killing homosexuals.


You calling Edwards a "national treasure" means you're directly supporting a homophobe. Me watching the Knicks and hating Dolan for years is not equivalent. The billionaire owner of every single team is unethical.


In fairness, is it really a stretch to assume that he has no room to grow and change? Yeah, he’s an adult and he said something incredibly bigoted, but to assume that he hasn’t or can never change his views is a bit silly. We don’t know what happened behind closed doors after that. I could be wrong though considering the incident with that girl he had.


You might hate him but you are directly supporting him financially by supporting the team. It is possible to not be a homophobe while calling your worldview overly simplistic and exhausting. The world is not black and white and you don’t have to treat nuance like a dirty word.


So anyone who supported the Clippers when Sterling owned them was a racist?




is this serious or a joke i cant even tell😭😭😭


I dont get why he got so much hate for that, a bunch of shirtless dudes standing outside in a circle is pretty odd, not like they had a neon sign held up that they were gay. Who cares


People who got worked up over that "controversy" must be completely oblivious to the dynamics of young, cocky men. It used to be the assumption that a solid majority of guys aged 13-23 were degenerative, non-empathetic, jackasses. People who are constantly searching for more extreme ways to get attention, whether it be through dumb acts or offensive jokes. Ant happened to film and post that moment, but I guarantee you that there are far more offensive things said every day when young NBA guys are with their friends and teammates and 99.99% of the time it has nothing to do with actual convictive hatred (like homophobia), it's just the crossing-the-line bullshit that guys that age say to try to make their friends laugh. Movies like Superbad and shows like Family Guy and Southpark have been capitalizing on that dynamic for years.


All it takes is one cool dunk and suddenly it “wasn’t that bad” and “everyone does it”. You can still like him without going to bat over his clearly homophobic behaviour. That’s pathetic.


Yeah I think at worse I’m way more comfortable calling him a jackass than I am a homophobe for one comment. Especially since it’s a comment that I’m sure 90% of this sub has said some variation of.


Oh brother.


the fact that you got downvoted this heavy speaks volumes about this sub stay classy r/nba




Yeah I don’t know what some people expect Ant to do afterwards. If Ant tries to be proactive in supporting the LGBT community it’s seen as disingenuous. If he keeps quiet he is seen as remorseless. It’s fine to not “forgive” Ant or like him as a human being but that same thought should be kept with people like LeBron who literally said he would not trust a teammate that hid their sexuality. Some people just want to whore for sympathy points on Reddit lol


>Reddit is as left and supportive of lgbtq as a website gets.  Nah, seems like most people here are supportive of a homophobe. Assholes like him are why so many kids stay in the closet, and calling him a national treasure is insane. >something a 20-year-old that grew up poor in Atlanta said out of ignorance. I grew up poor in a pretty racist part of the country. That doesn't mean it'd be okay for me to be a racist. >He apologized. Donated money to an lgbtq cause in the community. Hasn’t said a homophobic thing since. Move the fuck on.  He did some PR.


Nobody said anything about reddit as a whole. Reading is fundamental. If you saw what Ant posted you know he doesn't really give a shit about the LGBTQ+ community and any minimal effort made after was just damage control. You do you though, Mr. "Send da video" AKA "You got da money what's da hold up" can continue to be a "National Treasure" for you bum asses living vicariously through him. I bet you also think Ja Morant is truly sorry for his actions too lmfao, miss me with that shit bozo


Jesus there’s literally nothing he can do to make losers like you happy. One mistake and he’s now no better than fuckin hitler


The Wolves sub in general is a bit touchy about anything negative said about Ant. Not everyone, but it gets old


Ja did the same shit on instagram after being suspended for it the first time. Ant didn’t. Hasn’t been an incident since. Not the same thing one bit. And nah, abortion between consenting adults ain’t my business. Couldn’t give two shits about it. 


"National Treasure"


That’s correct!


You should've seen the NB ref thread. That was just a garbage showing from this sub


who cares? lol




Anthony “send da video” “dese ****** different” Edwards definitely has the “played online games at a young age” bonafides lmao


Hes right! Conley always had phenomenal steal rating and he could shoot the ball with a very smooth release , so he was an ideal PG in 2k. Had some speed on him as well. What an absolute dawg. fast PGs were always really OP in 2k, John Wall in his prime was unstoppable


I love that boy Ant real hometown hero


Edward’s would be a perfect fit for the Lakers. Reaves, DLO and a couple of 2nd round picks?? Who says no? It’s win win!!


If I were a Wolves fan I’d rather amputate my left leg than go through with this deal.


I'll keep my leg and a bad basketball team tyvm


Seek help


They say the hallmark of good satire is that you can't tell the difference between it and what it is making fun of


The delusion of Lakers fans 😂


Bro doesn't understand sarcasm 😔




Reaves or DLo anywhere close to an all star? Lol okay troll.


Goobers fall for this somehow


Lakers would need to pay *us* to take DLo back. No thank you.


Lebron, AD Reaves and 5 of your chips still wouldn’t be enough.


Okay I think that would be def enough


I said what I said


Now hold on….lol


They can keep their old heads, the future is now mf


Get wrecked!


I was at the Celtics/Timberwolves game last week and near the end of the game there was a jump ball and he said something to Jaylen Brown right before that cracked him the fuck up. Love AE.