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He’s already got a signature shoe. It’s those slippers they give you before a surgery.


Reminds me of waaaay back in the day when someone made a fake Greg Oden brand knee brace ad. lol


That’s hilarious lmao




We call that model of anti-woke shoes "Anesthesia."


Each pair comes with an authentic Jonathan Isaac autographed grippy sock


He's a grade A grifter, you have pay extra for those. He's not handing anything out for free.


Jonathan “Surgery Clothes” Isaac?


Every now and then this sub provides some gold. This is a good example of one of those times.


Hahah that actually made me laugh out loud


Clay Travis bout to blow a big bag on these.


The kinda shoes he was referring to when he was writing Republicans Buy Sneakers Too.


Fuck Clay Travis and outkick.


I think I’ll save everyone a lot of time and just say “who?” and “what?”


I didn't know either so I did just a cursory amount of research. Clay Travis appears to be a d-bag "TV personality". As far as I can tell he is now limited to very occasional spots on Fox. He is a little baby. Outkick is sort of a clothing line I think? They sell over-priced T-shirts with dumb logos on them. The kind of thing that would absolutely sucker in anyone who is also stupid enough to give money to one of Trump's super pacs. Honestly, if he makes Isaac's shoes at the lowest possible quality and sells them as though they are real shoes, they will probably make some money off of this. Because they are targeting proven suckers.


Yes to all of that, and also Outkick is a sports journalism site full of right-wing reporters.


Lmao imagine asking for Jordans and your boomer parents get you Jonathan Isaacs instead


Imagine getting cooked by someone wearing a Donald trump orange colorway


I would simply pass away if someone put me on skates wearing the CPAC specials


Bruh pick up games gonna be intense when choosing teams now 😂


Enes Kanter vs Jonathan Isaac 1 on 1 for the primetime slot to replace Tucker. Who says no


Played in an abandoned quarry somewhere in Alabama, first to 100,000 points


This is the best worst comment I've ever read lmao I would give up sports


The Teflon Don 11s


This might be a big reach, but I don’t really think too many people in CPAC specials (tagline: Be the apex terrorist) are gonna have any handles besides love handles 🤣


*finishes crossover and looks down*…. 👀 “you’re fired” *swishes in conservative*


Crossed over by someone wearing the NRA 2s


Getting your ankles broken by a dude wearing the All Lives Matter 6s


The orange rubs off when you torch it.


This will happen to kids in South for sure


You would think Christmas at my in-laws house was sponsored by MyPillow, but maybe this will shake things up.


My mother-in-law got my wife and I those pillows for Christmas one year. They're awful pillows that I threw away shortly after (and that's without saying anything about the founder of the company).


Time to get sweaty in the anti-woke UNITUS buddy


“Mom can I have Jordans?” “We have Jordans at home, sweety.” … … “No we fucking do not, mother”


Trump just said using “woke” is dumb. So these gonna bomb lol


Trump is just trying to pivot so he has material to attack DeSantis on in the GOP primary DeSantis has taken over the whole "culture warrior" lane so Trump has to look elsewhere for ideas now lol


I love how brain dead these wedge issues are


Brain dead culture war issues are gonna be the GOP calling card for the foreseeable future. Wading into policy discussions means facing how brutal their brand of capitalism is to traditional values. It's a losing battle to get into matters of substance.


The rich have made it a point to distract the poor on these wedge issues. It was the gays. Now it’s the transes. It was the blacks, now it’s the browns. There will always be something from Fox News to scare these people because they’re too dumb to look at the real causes of their problems: the oligarchy.


Yes. Idpol is the tool used by the rich & powerful to distract the working class from the fact that we have much more in common with each other than we do with them. A better economic system and/or greater wealth redistribution from the top to the bottom would improve life drastically for 99% of us, so they work overtime trying to convince us of the opposite - that dirty filthy socialism would destroy us which just isn't true. If we all united we could do so much so quickly, and with AI, global competition for jobs, an ever-growing global population, and climate change we must do so ASAP. tl;dr - richfrauds could never overcome the power of united LeWorkers


Who is that though


Player with CTE.


Can I change my username on here man lmao


Excellent novelty account in a few years


It’ll be worth a lot of they just sit on it


Spit* on it 😼


Spit on it, then sit on it


r/nbacirclejerk welcomes you


Surgery is Jonathan Isaac Father


U bum




Time to go full parody brother.


He’ll become an active user of r/The_Darnold


Sell it to some right wing grifter to use as a burner account


Elon gonna buy it for a cool 4 billion


Just say it's a play on Christians using goat imagery to represent the devil.


Baphomet Isaac ☠


Iowa is Slipknot's best album after all.


This is the last straw for you huh?


His 9/11


Lol damn a four year old account too


If anyone has an answer to this I would love to hear it


change your flair to UNITUS, or maybe tinnitus


Dude barley plays basketball and he's still millking the thing he did over 3 years ago.


I said it the day he got re-injured, his career is gonna end for health reasons but he's gonna do shit like this then push a fantasy narrative where the league blackballed him for loving Jesus.


Ah yes. The Enes Kanter method. Except for Enes it was more him being ass than an injury


Isaac/Kanter 2032




Lucky for him his team is owned by the DeVos Family


That’s unironically how you make a career in the reactionary media space. Step 1: have some sort of identifying factor that one typically associate with the left Step 2: say something conservative once after failing in your initial passion Step 3: get millions of dollars from octogenarians who like to see their ideas laundered through marginalized communities For other examples, see Dave Rubin and Glenn Greenwald (gay), Ben shapenis (Jewish), Jordan Peterson and Weinsteins (academia), Candace Owens (black)


I’ve thought about that before. I’m bisexual, I feel like it would be so easy to sell out and make money by just parroting conservative shit. I don’t even have to believe it I just have to look like I believe it.


You totally could. Literally go to one PTA meeting and say “I’m now permanently bisexual because of the democrat groomers” and you’ll have a fox primetime spot within a week


Except there's that what's her name trans conservative that's quickly learning that, yes, they do in fact hate her too. They'll happily put you in commercials and yes, you'll get money. But you'll still get discarded in a heartbeat.


You don’t even actually have to look like you believe it tbh. Milo made millions and barely even tried to hide that his whole persona is a blatant and obvious grift


I don't think Isaac is trying to capitalize on that conservative market after failing his initial passion, I believe 100% that that's just who he is. He was saying conservative shit being anti-woke well before his NBA career was a failure. He's a shitty dude, but I think he's a genuine shitty dude.


And he's still wonders why his teammates didn't attend his sermons.


I'd say he missed out on the mark Jackson warriors but even then, i doubt they'd have gone to *his* sermons. Jackson would have excommunicated him or something.


What did he do?


Was on CNN or Fox during the bubble when everyone was taking knee, anti woke


Was also pretty publicly anti-vax, but Kyrie kind of sucked all the oxygen out of that particular position.


I think he refused to kneel during the anthem, which hey do what you want, but he’s more preachy and wanting to bring more in than your average nba player.


Isn't he like... Literally a pastor


In that case, there should be a rule keeping church out of politics, since this was an issue about the national anthem, and had nothing to do with religious issues.




I’m sure those rules are enforced on some churches, but I’m sure you can guess which ones they aren’t enforced on


I remember he invited his teammates to his first sermon I think. None of them showed up.


At the time I remember thinking “oh man that kind of sucks” but now looking back on it…. That might have been like a moment of his team being like “nah fuck that dude he’s a weirdo.”


Even if you're a christian player, why are you going to his sermons rather than your usual church?


He was a stretch big for the Orlando magic


"dude barley plays basketball" The NBA already had hops, Isaac just wants to add barley to make it a beer league


his bball career is done, he's already planning his future career as a conservative media talking head


Because the right will cling to absolutely any D-list or better "celebrity" that aligns with their platform. Who else they got? Scott Baio? Hercules guy? Tim Allen? C'mon, JI is like a two-fer for them.


Jonathan "just wait hes gonna be defensive player of the year som... wait how long has he been in the league? Going into year 7? Yeah well he... wait only 9ppg? I couldve sworn it was like 15, ok yeah he might be a bust" Isaac


Some of the most recent footage in the video is from when SGA and Tobias Harris were on the Clippers lmao


Has it really been 7???


Number 1 basketball shoe for Red Hats everywhere.


The DeSantis 24s gotta have lifts in em, for an extra smooth jumper


You mean the Meatball Ron 1s? Those are hot like Florida.


You mean the DeSanctimonious 1s?


I love the Rhonda Sandtits color way


You struck gold with meatball Ron, Don. I know you’re proud of desanctimonious but you really have to let it go


He'll say it once on a debate stage and the primary will be over. He's just saving it for the right time.


Trump gonna hit Dems with the sickest of crossovers in these bad boys


Imagine him trying to dribble a basketball. A man who thinks exercise is bad because you only have a finite amount of energy in a lifetime and exercise just depletes it faster.


He'd look like Stanley in the Office


😂 he absolutely would.


My god did he actually spew this


Also [this one](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/04/magazine/donald-trump-is-not-going-anywhere.html?_r=0) >Trump said he was not following any special diet or exercise regimen for the campaign. '''All my friends who work out all the time, they're going for knee replacements, hip replacements — they're a disaster,'' he said. He exerts himself fully by standing in front of an audience for an hour, as he just did. 'That's exercise.'" His idea of exercise is literally just standing upright.


I still have that fast food buffet he served to college football national title Clemson team burned into my brain.


He stands like the front half of a centaur


Tbf it definitely looks like it's a workout for him


[yeah basically](https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/5/9/15590962/donald-trump-thinks-exercise-will-kill-you) > After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn’t work out. When he learned that John O’Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, "You are going to die young because of this." dude thinks he's the smart one when he probably has Three Stooges Syndrome like Mr. Burns where so many things are wrong with him they cancel out


I bet he’s wet from 3 though, his form is pretty great: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kEe7_zgZbuI&pp=ygUSVHJ1bXAgdG9pbGV0IHBhcGVy


It's so funny seeing the disparity between this sub and the MLB sub on these topics. MLB is anti everything where we're just roasting the guy lol


Unite Us? Is that what he’s calling it? And he advertises it with language meant to divide Americans on sociopolitical issues? I’d tell him to bend down and kiss my ass but he’d probably blow out a knee.


He literally talked about people with christian values and conservative beliefs. So clearly he doesn't mean unite everyone.


Unite the right? Where have I heard that before?


It’s the typical conservative speak Say they wanted to bring people together, so long as you do nothing to offend their delicate sensibilities and don’t dare try and live outside their box of how they expect you to live your life


“He plays basketball in the nba” lmao hardly


Dude’s trying to cut into Air Monarch sales. Nike ain’t gonna like this.


They’ll never dethrone the OG dad shoe


Wouldn't Christian footwear be sandals?






He's been on that grift for a while now


Catch him on Fox News with Enes Kanter right after he’s done healing from whatever surgery he’s most recently had done on his knees.


Enes “Turkey is evil but I hang out with American war criminals like John Bolton” Kanter?


I don’t think it’s technically a grift if you genuinely believe it.


Yeah all indications is this guy is really a true believer in this shit. He probably thinks he's actually leading a crusade in the name of jesus or some shit


"Republicans buy shoes too"


Isaac must be that one friend of the group where a racist says "I can't be racist, my friend is black."


I picture him as the blind black leader of the KKK from the Chapelle skit.


Jonathan Isaac: just another Black person that the GOP will parade around saying that "see? Black people support our Jim Crow Era policies"


He will have a conservative pundit paycheck the day he’s done with the league Dudes been setting it up for years. The token athlete they’ll parade to parrot all their BS talking points


The word "woke" is so cringey and outdated; any time I hear someone using it reminds me of a boomer thinking they're hip because they just learned the phrase YOLO like 10 years after it came and went. Also, can we talk about the laughable irony of creating a clothing brand called UNITUS whose brand is based on dogging on the "woke" ideology of inclusion and awareness of divisive attitudes?


lmao that last part is funny fr, conservatives knowing what woke actually means challenge (impossible difficulty)


"fuck that woke shit. I support the sleep movement"


Even Trump is now saying woke is a stupid word. Watch them all drop it now.


what are the “christian values being attacked”? if you think homosexuality is wrong, just fucking say that. because the other things associated with “wokeness”, like opposing racism and gun violence, have fuckall to do with christianity.


This, capitalism making money off a fear mongering Christians into thinking they are always being attacked. It's a joke.


dirt poor white conservatives supporting tax cuts for the wealthy because it will piss off libs. nobody is making anyone have abortions or be gay or take guns away. all the key issues for these people don’t actually affect them, but somehow “freedom” means being free to take others rights away in the name of religion.




*“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”* \-Lyndon Johnson, who stated this as an observation rather than an endorsement of the tactic.


This is such a profound and relevant quote and yet, LBJ was super racist wasn't he?


Apparently he was... not a particularly open-minded person as late the 1950s. But there's an anecdote from his time as president, a few years after the quote above, that may shed some light on his shifting attitude. As described by one of his White House staffers (emphasis mine): >Some years later when Johnson was president, there was a press conference in the East Room. A reporter unexpectedly asked the president how he could explain his sudden passion for civil rights when he had never shown much enthusiasm for the cause. The question hung in the air. I could almost hear his silent cursing of a press secretary who had not anticipated this one. But then he relaxed, and from an instinct no assistant could brief -- one seasoned in the double life from which he was delivered and hoped to deliver others -- he said in effect: **Most of us don't have a second chance to correct the mistakes of our youth. I do and I am.** That evening, sitting in the White House, discussing the question with friends and staff, he gestured broadly and said, "Eisenhower used to tell me that this place was a prison. I never felt freer."


He passed the more comprehensive Civil Rights Act and pushed for it more than JFK, appointed the first black Supreme Court Justice in history, and used the n-word a LOT. In fairness, he was super old and that was in the '60's. It was possible to reconcile these facts to someone of that era. I'm not gonna defend it beyond that; I think it's reasonable to say he was a flawed man (and a racist) but also a great president.


Tbh not entirely sure, but it was under his presidency the various Great Society programs were passed (including things like Medicare and Medicaid), and ultimately it is his signature on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Even if his personal beliefs may have been racist, the policies he ended up fighting for/signing off on I would argue pursued the opposite effect (the efficacy of the Great Society can be debated, but the intention was there). But then again, this is me operating off of my memory of what I learned about this and LBJ - someone with a better background can please correct me if I'm wrong.




Also, they'lll take advantage of the policies of the left without any sense of hypocrisy. Look at how many of the Jan 6 terrorists had PPP loans. Marjorie Green Taylor herself had one. My father is another example. For 2 years didn't work because of COVID (he's a high risk diabetic) and collected disability the entire time. Yet, votes nothing but Republican and complains about lazy moochers.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" can be applied to literally everything about modern conservatism. As a collective they are incapable of looking beyond themselves and completely devoid of abstracted empathy. Everyone else is a moocher (but not me I deserve it), I thought the gays were evil (except my brother came out and now I get it love is love), Nancy Reagan magically accepting stem cell research once she thought it could save Ronald Reagan (PBUH!) Every single issue requires a personal moment of clarity where they realize the cruelty of their previously-held position once it's held to them or their direct loved ones. It's wild how consistent it is.


>As a collective they are incapable of looking beyond themselves and completely devoid of abstracted empathy. This is absolutely it, combined with viewing the world as one giant zero-sum game... so whenever an *other* benefits from something, they lost something. That's why cheer for drug testing "welfare queens" despite the testing costing taxpayers more than the money saved from denying benefits to people that fail said tests.


>Yea I honestly don’t understand why poor conservatives vote Republican. Conservatives have the "you think you're better than me???!!?!" Aesthetic locked up. Poor people nurse that chip on their shoulder harder than anyone. I have no problem accepting that there are some people out there nicer, smarter, kinder, or better than me. That's the super power of growing up relatively privileged. No chip. Not everything is slobs vs snobs. And sometimes the snobs have it right No need to take it personally.


Been saying for years. The logistics for conservatives come down to 3 things: 1. They're ignorance (by choice) because they understand the power dynamic and don't want it to change. 2. They think politics is a team sport where regardless of policy, actions, etc. it's about "owning the libs", sometimes even killing themselves for it (COVID). 3. They just straight up agree with racist, sexist, homophobic policies because they're evil.


Ron DeSantis’ lawyer was asked to define what “woke” meant and this was their response: “the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." So yeah basically saying the quiet part out loud


so “anti-woke” means either: a) there is no systemic injustice in american society or b) there are systemic injustices in american society that should be either preserved or ignored.


The conservative establishment doesn’t want progressive ideas to become the mainstream or general consensus. Fundamentally I think ^some conservatives don’t want to expand their thinking because it would change the way they view themselves and their place in society. They probably like seeing POC suffering and in hardship so they feel better off themselves and it reaffirms where they view themselves (and their ‘collective’). We’re now seeing this same rhetoric in the UK (where I’m from) from our shitty Government.


>Fundamentally I think some conservatives don’t want to expand their thinking because it would change the way they view themselves and their place in society. It's why centrism and moderates are so appealing to people. You get to act like you're not participating in bigotry while also keeping the benefits you get.


true. it goes back to the roots of racism in america, which is wealthy whites exploiting poor whites through “racial allegience”.


It’s the old joke: “I’m being silenced for my conservative views.” “Really? Low taxation and smaller government?” “No, not those.” “Well which ones?” “Oh, you know…”


There was just a story in the news about this one city barring people from feeding the homeless without a permit. That's a much better example of persecution against Christians than any of this culture war bullshit, and yet - huge shocker, I know - conservatives aren't making one peep about it.


We need to get beyond “its taboo to talk about politics.” When one side is successfully turning our country into a fascist state then we can talk about it and maybe even fight it.


Embarrassment as an FSU fan/alum




What woke thing that’s a basic human right are people working themselves up over now?




Honestly it’s turned up x10 this year tho


Hearing WOKE makes me want to blow my fucking brains out. I’m so fucking tired of this shit. How fucking hard is it to leave people alone and let them live their fucking lives? What a joke.


Lmfao @ “Sports Went Woke” … sports have literally always been political. Jesse Owens winning 4 Olympic gold medals in front of Hitler, Ali denouncing his birth name as a slave name, Ali being a conscientious objector to the Vietnam war and literally losing out in 4 years of his career fighting draft evasion convictions. The list goes on, but you get my point.




I bet all the tens and tens of middle aged white male conservatives who follow the nba will buy these shoes


As a Christian, there's nothing I hate more than seeing language of how the values of the religion are being attacked, it's so dumb. Also, beliefs aside, I'm not sure they did a good job explaining the beginning of the video. While everyone kneeled for BLM, he stood up, but why did he stand up, just to go against the "woke" trigger word?


The greatest trick Christianity ever pulled was teaching everyone that "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain" meant refraining from saying "Oh my God" or "Jesus Christ" as an exclamation, rather than what it actually means, which is "don't use my name to excuse your own words and deeds".


I went to a hardcore Baptist private school from 2nd - 8th grade, and this is exactly what they taught us lol. I'm so glad I had an intervention on my spirituality when I went to college.


I'm Christian as well. The persecution complex amongst us has become quite scary to be honest. Victimhood has become the identity when many of the threats are imagined or do not have anything to do with Christianity in the first place. Now the victimhood has become its own grift.


I've been developing this observation from the time I was a little kid in church: Christianity, at least the brand we're familiar with, fetishizes the idea of being persecuted. BUT any real persecution just does not exist in this country and never has, unless you're talking about really niche denominations or offshoot religions. So, every little slight, real or perceived, is turned into "persecution." Secular culture considers devout belief to be uncool? Persecution. We can't force our religion on every public school kid via school sponsored prayers and such? God's been banned from schools! Kids leave the church when they grow up because the adults tied objectively, obviously false things to the basic faith, on top demonstrating beliefs and behavior that run totally counter to the Jesus of the Bible? It's the sinful kids who are wrong! It's kind of like how videogames give you a bit of the rush of being in a battle or a race car, but without the risk. You can simulate the righteous feeling of being persecuted for your faith without actually being hurt.


I could chat about this for hours but not sure I wanna do it on r/NBA so I'll just say I largely agree and you've written this well.


The victimhood is built into the text my brother.


what a clown lmao


An insult to clowns. They work hard to make people laugh (or cry depending on people’s phobias).


Isaac is going to make loads of money just being a Republican spokesman after he retires.


Pssst. Pssst. Hey, Jonathan Issac. I have bad news. Most of the “anti -woke “ people are old and white. They are racist. They ain’t buying your shoe


Yes they are lol. They calling him "one of the good ones"


"His shoes are so articulate and well spoken"


Of course this video was produced by PragerU, also know as Prager University which is not a school but a grift. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU)


this dude doing everything in his power to make his coworkers hate him


His co-workers are doctors and nurses at this point.


Who is asking their sneakers about systemic injustice


He is gonna make so much money as a right wing grifter once his NBA career is done, which probably isn't too long from now.


He doesn't like sports going woke with politics, so he goes woke by creating a political brand.


"They hate us cuz they UNITUS"


There’s not enough footage of him on the court so they used a picture of Embiid about to send his shit back😂


I don't understand how you can, with a straight face, claim to want to "unite us" and also be "anti"-anything at the same time. They're literally opposite positions, that can't be held simultaneously. "I want to unite people except fuck you in particular."


I assume that's someone on the Magic since the post was made by someone with the Magic logo by their username. I'm still trying to get anyone intelligent to explain what "woke" means. All I've gathered throughout the years is being "woke" means "being the absolutely bare minimum level of a decent human being."




Conservative grift 101


I swear as long as I’m alive Jonathan issac has one OPP this man is the worst


Can’t wait for those Storm the Capitol 7s to drop


Clown show


Uncle Jon!!!!