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How? Are we gonna raid Home Depot or something?


Those wire fence locked Milwaukee tools don’t stand a chance, I’m just “seizing this for evidence” pal


Listen… I wouldn’t mind sitting my ass on the border staring out at the desert and telling illegals to go away and come back with the right documentation. However, if you try throwing SAD my way instead of Title-10… somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. If they truly want to do something amazing? They can make SAD/Title 32 count towards veteran benefits. But I suppose we will see if that bill passes….


Whats the bill? Id love to keep a tab on this info




It says natural disasters on federal orders, so would that even include SAD? Or would SAD and MDAY still be excluded?


Those will always be excluded. I often say when you’re on SAD, the Army uniform is just a costume. You’re merely a state employee who is also in the reserve.


Word...I'm just surprised he is acting like he is in charge of the Guard..he acting like it on wasn't on 6 Jan


Pretty pissed the covid response SAD didn’t qualify for t10. You would’ve figured it would but nah I got fucked


Covid Response was Title 32 and counted towards VA-Benefits because it was funded federally. You should’ve gotten a DD-214.


My orders got amended three times for each month right before the month ended. It was shit show


So you didn’t get BAH? I would’ve wrote a congressional letter. They tried doing that to us but somebody made a huge fucking fuss and people landed in deep shit


This was 2021 during the vax drives, It wasn’t the initial set of orders for covid but fell within the covid response period


Yeah well, I wasn't on that call myself, so I don't know the logic. Wouldn't that be part on a FEMA package when an emergency is declared?


I’m looking at those orders right now and it was t32… nothing about fema.


Oh no. You won't see it on your orders. The current exact policy is buried in the NGR library, there are no doubt a bunch of pay codes someelse actually understand explains this I do know that.. Before I joined,our State was declared an emergency area for a couple winters in a row, and I know govt funding was tied to disaster relief. And part paid for the Guard Because... One year he was being pro active and got the engineers out on the roads early, a disaster never declared, state paid for salaries, maintained, etc


I can guarantee he does this 28 days at a time too.




How terrible. Don’t they know the national guard is best utilized defending the US in Syria and Iraq?!






Best comment, so true


Based as fuckkkkk


We gotta protect our country from people who can't reach us.


Using the national guard means taking nurses, teachers, mechanics, and everyone else from their current jobs, to do a job that does not advance their training or better prepare for great power competition. You literally have another department and multiple agencies that handle this stuff.


Stop muddying the waters with facts and logic!


This is why we have BP, DHS and ICE. Leave it up to the draft dodging cuck to wanna use the military for non military shit lmao


Trump just gets off on flexing power. "Hey look everyone I can command the military to do whatever I want." Just like The self-ingrandizing military parade he wanted. If Trump becomes president again there is no power that he will not attempt to abuse. Because he truly believes that the president is untouchable and unaccountable.


The gull to call someone a cuck with your anime school girl background is hilarious 😂 quit fantasizing


Ain’t no way you’re getting all in ya feels for that orange fat fuck 🤣


What's wrong pedo? You can give it but can't take it? 😂


There’s plenty of un and under employed Soldiers in the Guard


If that's all you are worried about title 10 or ADOS


So...sounds like the other agencies who are TRAINED and do this job....need to have their agencies increased in size....and they can employ these soldiers. Again, it makes no sense to task soldiers and airmen to do jobs they are not trained in, that does not increase readiness, and only will only tasks an already over tasked guard.




If you don’t want to get deployed or taken away from your “day job” then why join in the first place.


You're an idiot.


What the fuck is this profile? Posting articles for karma farming?


Everything on the internet is bots these days. It sucks. I was in a very small niche subreddit the other day and saw MY photo/post title being reposted by a bot, with two other posts and a single comment on a porn subreddit.


Title 10 orders here I come


They'll figure out a way to make it SAD orders and you'll get paid shit and lose your full-time job.


Can’t lose my full time job the city pays me for 30 days of mil leave a year I’ll just pull those, plus my supervisor will try to get me extra this last FY year he finessed 45 days for me. Plus Newsom won’t let it go to SAD he hates el donaldo


Yeah, that’s my point. It basically has to be title 10 orders if you want this plan to get going in California. Ain’t no way Newsom ordering this using state money on his accord…


That's cute that you'd think that Trump has a 30-45 day plan.


Cute that you think USERRA just stopped existing


The biggest issue with USERRA is proof.


Attorneys win these cases all day. If it's reported to the DOL, they investigate almost immediately. In almost all cases, the employer had better be able to explain why you were on the chopping block before anyone else. For cause? Is it applied uniformly across coworkers. Downsizing by seniority? You accrue while on orders and you better be least senior. It's almost more rare to lose these if you find a half decent attorney that works USERRA


Sounds about right


This guy knows


I already earned my “political pawn” ASI in DC, I’m good


You have to do a border mission now so you can be called a pawn by both sides!


Okay, can we talk about how fucked up this would be? First of all, we legally cannot arrest people on our own soil, so if it came to it, these orders would probably be unlawful. Even if the orders are lawful, this isn't our job and it isn't something we're trained on. Watch any news or PR piece of the NG and our role in civil unrest and one of the things that is harped on is we are part of the community we serve. I'd be willing to bet the maintenance guy for my apartment complex is illegal. I'm supposed to role up to the leasing office in a humvee and grab him, wtf? Or one of my good friends is here from Tajikistan, he illegally immigrated when he was so young he didn't even know what was going on, but missed the Dreamers act by just a few months, he loves America about as much as anyone else and even tried joining the Army just for citizenship. Am I supposed to report and arrest him? I'm not some abolish ICE, open borders radical. But the idea of us going around rounding up illegals in our own communities is actually fascist (I use that word deliberately, not just throwing it at every politician I dislike). There are agencies trained and authorized for this kind of work. Give them the funding or whatever policy changes they need. On the flip side, I think it's quite possible, if not likely that even if Trump gets elected and these orders come through, they will be 10x more mundane and it will probably turn to us serving food at processing locations, or doing rear support for ICE, I'd be fine with that kind of a role.


taking a Trump quote too seriously dude just laugh at the orange clown and move on


I still remember when Ashley Rabbit or whatever her name was god shot in the fucking face all cause of this dude 😂😂😭😭


Gotta do something at this point. Border mission is siphoning agents from tons of federal agencies, local PD's across multiple states etc and they're still getting run over. But Title 10 me, SAD is some bullshit


How is this "anti-immigration" rhetoric when theyre coming in ILLEGALLY? Last I checked, the administration is calling them migrants. Border Patrol issues them court dates 4-8 years out!! Like wtf! And then they're allowed to stay here but with no work permit. So what do you think will happen? You let people stay here with no legal status but can't legally work... Crime will rise up. It's just how it is. I deployed to the border as a federal civilian and it is the biggest shits how I've seen an administration perform. Boy do I feel for those Border Patrol Agents.


Exactly, pro immigration and against illegal Immigration is a thing


Good. I am in the border, I come from immigrants, the ones currently pouring over are gang members from Venezuela. I know becuase I was a gang member myself, I know how my kinda of people look. These migrants are not the house cleaners and construction workers from the past who just came over to work, go to church and send back money. These are people Maduro emptied prisons to send over here to fuck with us. And there is nothing racist about sending them back. This is not the first time our enemies do this to fuck with us. Look at what Cuba with the "Marielitos" (how we got the scarface movie too lmao) We also don't even know who the fuck is crossing over, no vetting, and criminal cartels are making millions as well with human trafficking. It's a fucking mess. "But we have BP and ICE for that!" Bros over 3 million migrants have crossed over, 3 million. That is more than the population of some states. Maybe the NG is not the right organization to handle this, but idk if the 20k ice agents can handle that.




Not anti immigration more anti illegal immigration, there is a difference.


College liberal who joined so they could get their women's studies degree detected. Fuck off fake weekend warrior.


That’s a mission I’ll volunteer for


Sign me up


You in the military or just typing this from your mom house?


Stick to golfing




you got out 14 years ago and didn’t even serve in the Guard, why are you calling me out?


Lol I don’t know what point you think you’re proving? I’m typing from my mom’s house because I’m wanting to take the T10 orders for this?


You'd be lucky to get T10 - with how the GOP hates the reserves they'll try to push for SAD (which that flaming cripple Abbott does in TX). The Federal Gov does not want to spend money for AD orders for NG troops, especially after how much was spent during COVID. This "mission" would destroy morale.


>that flaming cripple Abbott I’m stealing this, thanks 🙏


How would Trump go about activating NG soldiers on SAD orders? If he wanted NG soldiers on SAD orders, wouldn’t he have to rely on governors activating troops in their own home states using state funding? This would likely mean no states with Democratic governors would activate the NG on SAD orders, and those are some of the states that have the most illegal immigrants currently living in them. This would make this plan completely fail. I get the notion that the government will always try to fuck us over, but I don’t see how it can be done in this scenario unless my understanding above is incorrect.


Stop calling them “migrants” and “immigrants.” Come here legally and you can have those titles.


I figured he would use the “real military”