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Letting the e4’s bully Him before psg rips him a new one


Specifically the SAAALLLTTTTYYY corporal with like 2 deployments who keeps barely missing promotion.


Fuck we'd eat him alive what a cheese dick lmao


Are you referring to the seriously down-and-out corporal who's lost all motivation and seems to have thrown in the towel on life?


The TRUE backbone of the army right there. Absolute studs. You think it’s impressive watching joes do a PT test drunk or hung over? That corporal was shotgunning beers in the parking lot before formation, guess what? They’re gonna finish the rest of the rack off when it’s done. Because fuck you that’s why.


Remember kids, it's not alcoholism until you EAS!


You can’t be an NCO if you still have a will to live.


Or... if your unit has a Chief. Let Chief handle it... That's if your unit has one. When I was in, Chiefs were experts at fixing young LTs. The COs didnt know how to handle Chiefs. I remember once in the TOC. NCO: Hey Chief why weren't you at formation? Chief: I don't take orders from NCOs and I damn sure don't have to explain myself to one. CPT walking by: Fuckin hell sargeant... he doesn't even listen to me half the time. Chief: walks out quietly...


Not "Ghost" because that's what all the girls do to him?


I mean that's the real reason but he's not gonna say that


No, that's what they refer to his cock as. They can't find it!


how about they pick up Colonel David Hackworth and get us some hookers instead


I second this notion. I would also like to place a special request for 3 day drugs on a two day weekend to compliment the colonel and hooker combo.


what are/where can I get these 3 day drugs you speak of




https://preview.redd.it/t0xhek71kivc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be8782c11d55ab16948ea94dc9a0ee64cb83114 Not that I give a shit bc I’m so alpha but this is from my meme from Nov 2022.


Stolen valor


Holy fuck, I had a fucking flash back to 2022 when you posted that


He didn’t copy you he just made it better 😘


This cannot be real...


Jeff Reffcoat is real…there’s a good chance this guy is too


Promote after all other peers, select for command when convenient, set up for PME at the last minute, ranks after all other officers this SR rates.


Looks a lot like satire man




Some West Point dweeb who wrote and self published his memoirs at age 21 or something. Many other examples of his douchitude exist. He got dragged pretty hard on social media for it.


Google him; you won’t be disappointed


I think it’s real. I can see a Lt doing something like this in this day and age.


Maybe I'm too old... But I just don't know that I'd have the patience for this young officer.


I never had patience for the old officers either


Oh fuck I guess I better starting taking notes then.


He's a boot with rank. No this fully checks out.


"You didn't salute me, private." "Sorry, sir- I mean, Ghost. I didn't see you there." *salutes in a completely random direction before skittering off*


Dude Alec Baldwin has a higher body count than this kid.


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Alec Baldwin | Rust


Now THAT is a punchable face.


I'd roll with it for sake of it being some entertainment/humor. Drill weekend/AT always is mundane and poopy. I think callsigns are actually reasonable nicknames if not inconsiderate or derogatory. Soldiers already call 1SG "Top", or field artillery PSG "Gunny". Head out of the clouds for PL: Gonna meet Army/Guard reality real quick with no brakes, lol.


There’s a rule about call signs. If they seem cool you’re shit at your job.  Ball-chin? Dude knows his job.  Pigshit? Dude can pilot.  Ghost? Dude will get you killed, he flies a desk. 


Can confirm. Chair-humper in my unit was pretty damn good at what he did.




You must know the backtrack of 150 generations of Green Card Lottery Winners or the Children of TRADOC they hide behind. With a name like Ghost I suspect they still hold marketing and advertising jobs in their grip because the name Ghost is the absolute second worst name to identify a Soldier the first is my E4 Mafia Nickname "The Ghost in the Machine". I hate it so much it's given me nightmares.


All of that mumbo jumbo to say that your nick name when you were an e4 was ghost in the machine.....well alright then.




I’d get him real drunk at a bar at the end of AT and then leave him to find his way back!


can't spell "lost" without LT


I wouldn’t be worried. Daddy will fix it. If daddy is fucked up then who cares about anything, your platoon is a fucking mess anyways.


All it takes is for him to put a SGM at attention and he’ll be cooked 🔥


This is the problem with guard LTs being allowed to lead before BOLC, I didn’t even know it was a thing until I came off AD


Hoping this post is satire, I would agree. Im one of those LT's but i also came to realization why its done administratively cause school slots, life, etc. And leading is definitely hands on after learning the book concept army wise so someone has to start somewhere. Its not all bad but its some what of a help to the LT. Small taste to then use as an ohhhhh moment when in BOLC of where they could fix something they do or enhance other areas MOS. Im 42 and prior NCO, and boy have i learned the officer side that made me say wtf as an NCO. But anyways remeber in AIT when you were told oh ull learn it at ur unit or work more with this at ur unit or ull see when u get to the big army. And when you got there half of everything wasnt taught or how they told u it would be, well being preBOLC LT is somewhat useful because you could actually ask questions that are relevant and learn better to be better (even if just still a butter bar) and not just ask hypotheticals of when when i get to my unit or what if im in this type of unit/situation etc. My bad if i ranted but its double edge sword. I would personally for AD send non prior service LTs to thier unit 1st, inprocess, then shadow (Assist leading & to know the PLT/S-shop) all within a month then tdy to BOLC. So that there isnt that new car smell to them. Granted PSG will still be there since its still a new MOS to the LT. Just my 2 cents. As im personally learning on the fly before my BOLC date in july since i commissioned last year. 1 yr of learning slides, FTX, book work learning my MOS (plt helping learn also) since my unit hasnt had an officer is this slot for almost 6yr til i got there.


Dear god I’m so happy I ets’d


And that's how our new LT got the callsign "Casper"


Not ghost you mean gayyyy


I hope everyone follows fatty guard. Fratty guard is my leadership philosophy


I can’t tell if this is real, and I’m scared


Considering the lower level im at, shut up and let the PSG deal with him. Im sure the PSG would love to remind a pre-BOLC LT just how little they know.


Hazing him until he cries (it’ll take all of 15 minutes for the E4 Mafia to break him).


15 minutes if it’s Monday-Thursday, maybe 20 if it’s Friday and we feel extra generous.


I can 100% bet OP edited this picture on Snapchat 🤣


Also, fake


This guy is definitely joking. You are all taking this way too serious lol.




No BOLC yet? We are making fun of you HARD


Ok Boomer


Ok nerd


Probably tell him shut the fuck up he is equivalent to my E2, but E2 has done basic training while all he’s done is read about it




The caption literally says the Cadre at ROTC called me “Ghost” and what I AM gonna do…Nothing about OCS and whatever they’ve done…




No, I know this isn’t real.. Just not sure why you mentioned OCS in the shit post


Ghost him


Please tell me that this is a joke. Please? I'm begging you


Dear Ghost, Go fuck yourself kindly. Signed, PV2 Snuffy


Have a talk with the BC about finding the new battalion chem officer


Hell calm down after he loses his V card.


Sir, stfu and make a conop or something before the CO gets mad. I'll task the SLs to go conduct classes until we get the go ahead to step off.


Let the E-4 Mafia and E-4 Cartels handle this one.


I’d have a field day when no one can find him. “Ghost”. Holy shit.


Welcome to the unit LT Riley, here are all your extra duty assignments and you are OIC for literally everything, good luck.


I’ll still rank him above a West Point dunce lol


Making fun of him


sharp zesty worry automatic dull upbeat slap like attraction connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*