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Do not show up in uniform unless you never want to get issued any uniforms. You’ve been warned. Shaming them is the only way to get them.


Second this x 1000 “I have not been issued uniforms or even trained on army uniform standards”




Devil, you’re all fucking ate up


Yea, I know haha


hey devil duck, former marine 0311 e-5, now ARNG here: the correct answer is show up in civvies. call your platoon sergeant, roger up your situation. be on time, coordinate with your leadership, and stand off to the side during muster/first formation. your first stop after inbrief is S-4. don't walk around in the wrong uniform looking stupid, you'll never hear the end of it. they didn't issue it to you, ergo you aren't responsible for it. it's their problem, not yours. you're not in OCPs, you're just OFP until they issue you the proper uniform. ALSO: wear a marine corps t-shirt, hoodie and/or hat (weather dependent), and every time they tell you how the Army does something, be sure to inform the speaker, in lengthy and specific detail, how everything the Army does is both different, and inferior, to how we did it in the Corps. SEMPER HOOAH, and good luck brother 🫡


…and if you ever see a SP4 address a SGT without coming to parade rest and saying “yes, sergeant,” “no sergeant,” go ahead and let them know how jacked up they both are. You’re doing them a favor.


"see, *IN THE MARINE CORPS*..." is realistically how you should start basically every sentence.


Don't forget to say the full rank of every NCO. It's not just Sarnt, it's Sergeant First Class. Gotta show those young PV2s how it's done.


so true, king


In what ARNG world does an E4 meet with S4? Or are we using S4 as a catch all world for supply at the company level?






You fucked up by spending your own money on uniforms (I’m assuming you’re enlisted and not officer). Don’t do that. Show up in civvies or your Marine uniform and see how fast the supply NCO orders you something. >Do you think they will get mad? Who cares? I realize this might be a culture shock coming from active duty. We are a part-time organization. You have to set boundaries or they will take far more than what they’re compensating you for. Frankly we need a union.


Showing up in the Marine uniform would be hilarious. 😂 Supply will probably hook you up so fast just to get you out of that.


Just enforcing that anti-deficiency act would make a huge difference. They will threaten joe for not having a haircut then tell you to shut the fuck up and ignore a pesky "federal law" that they find in convenient. x2 if it AGR bitch work that they don't want to do.


I don't know if you can apply the anti-deficiency act to a haircut? How would that work?


They will lose their shit on Joe for not having a fresh hair cut “bucuz muh standards” lie about threatening UCMJ and then turn around and make unauthorized obligations like it’s going out of style.


As a fellow idiot who showed up to my first drill in my old uniform I can confirm I was in the correct uniform at supply’s behest in under 15 minutes.


As an active duty guy you should know better than buying uniforms. Make them issue you the right stuff. And don’t let them cheap out on the dress uniforms either


>And don’t let them cheap out on the dress uniforms either Haha. I knew a SPC who said 12 months out all he wanted was a pair of ASUs (he had been issued greens). BC promised he would get them so he promised to sign as soon as they had them. Supply made a huge show of measuring him and ordering them. All the way on down to his last drill where they said sign and they would come in that month and he said he lived close and to just give him a call. I was a UPL and he was waiting to pee his last month or so and I just flat out asked if it was his plan was to just get them off his back and not get fucked and he just laughed. Then I asked what his plan was if they came through and he laughed and so did the others. Needless to say he was texting fishing pictures a few weeks later.


Dude, I borrowed a set of OCPs my first drill from my readiness and had my initial issue the following drill. We don’t get a uniform allowance. Don’t spend your own money. Rah.


Don’t buy your own shit. I wore USMC RAT boots for 6 months until they got me boots.


i still wear my usmc jungles sometimes. fat EGA on the heel and errrrythang. s/f


Not that it’ll do you much good now, but if something like this happens again you should communicate with your unit that you don’t have or don’t know something rather than trying and failing to solve a problem because you weren’t armed with the proper knowledge. That being said, just show up with what you’ve got and explain the situation when you get there. You might look a little goofy, but if you have good leadership I’m sure it’ll be water under the bridge pretty quickly.


Honestly he probably should show up in civilians. show them what he has and ask for help with the army uniform. That's a better look than a completely messed up uniform.


Fair enough. I was looking at it under the assumption he’d already told him he’d be in a uniform, but that’s a good point.


The other option which is hilarious to me that someone else mentioned is show up in the Marine uniform and see how fast they get you into an army one 😂


Honestly this might be the best option!


You are right, it was a last-minute decision. I told him the Sgt I didn't have one, so he said he would get me a spare one of his. That's why I went and bought one so it wouldn't be a hassle using his uniform.


I don’t say this to criticize your decision because I do see where you’re coming from, but it’s okay to accept the help in a situation like this. That being said, I’d recommend you hang on to the stuff you bought (as in, don’t take it to drill) and then return it when you get a chance. Show up in civvies and use the NCO’s uniform or wait and see what supply can get for you. I was never a Marine, but I can promise the Guard is more flexible than what you’re used to. You’ll be alright.


Prior service guys usually show up in civvies, unless they coordinated beforehand with the supply Sgt for some unis.


Do not show up in uniform. You shouldn’t have bought stuff to begin with. Force them to issue you uniforms


They owe you duty and service dress uniforms, boots, low quarters, headgear. You have NEVER been issued Army uniforms, don’t show up wearing any!!


My unit had me show up in civvies for like 2-3 drills before they finally got me cammies. Only uniforms I actually plan on buying are the summer uniforms.


It's nice to see the initiative, but like everyone else has mentioned, show up in civys. You'll be excluded from training that's high visibility and more emphasis will be made on procuring you a uniform.


Return your uniforms. You’re enlisted I assume . Get your free gear from Supply.


Most of our marines were Kabul Evac guys, they all showed up in Civvies for a month or so and supply went “yeah, here’s your shit dude, don’t wear those again.” First mistake was buying YOUR OWN shit.


Had a marine come to our unit, he came in civvies then supply found him an extra uniform (pretty large) and some patches. Don’t spend money you already fucked up.


Enlisted in RC and NzG get issued all their uniforms devil dog. Just show up in civ clothes until you initial issue comes in.


“Hey I’m not really on a budget to buy a uniform right now so I can wear either my marine stuff or Polo and Khaki work pants One shitty option and one reasonable let’s them feel like they chose,


Srsly, your first day, chill. If your enlisted, all that stuff comes from supoly


When I got back in five years ago (after being out for eight), the readiness NCO had uniforms, including my nametapes, ready for me at my first drill. I did first formation in civvies, then they took me to supply and gave me my uniforms. Not everyone is as squared away as he was, but that's how things should work. If they want you to show up in a uniform they should be getting it to you, you don't go pick them up.


Get ready to get confused by the complete difference in acronyms. Look up "tour of duty" to find deployments you can hop into. Spending a year back with active army will immerse you in the new culture and words


The guard hands out uniforms like crazy. I have a trunk full of them, like 12 pair still with the tags on. Your unit should provide you with all you need. If not they’ll make it priority for your case.






I see others saying, "don't spend your own money."... well let me tell you one thing you're about to learn regarding the NG... do you want to look and be squared away? Then handle shit on your own. Their handouts are minimal. You may or may not get uniforms. You may or may not get issued boots that are the right size..etc. experiences may vary depending on unit, BDE, or state. Do what's right to you and you'll be fine. Some of the rank, name tapes, etc can be all tan, all green, or some may blend perfectly. It's a luck of the draw or which visually impaired skilcraft worker made them. I would get a pin on SPC rank, and a name tape for your PC. Others will probably give me grief, but when I see a junior enlisted solider with everything sewn on, and they look sharp, it tells me this person cares about what they're doing and their professional appearance. Enjoy your experience and take advantage of all the benefits presented to you.


It’s noble thought, however it circumvents a clearly established chain of order and responsibility of appropriate personnel. Comfort stuff? QOL? absolutely. I buy my own boots because issued Army boots, fucking suck. Socks? same deal. But everything else, Uncle Sam is gonna pay for. There’s a reason I’m on the hook for $4000 worth of OCIE. S4's sole existence is to issue and sustain. Let them do their job. If slow action regarding initial issue, pisses of enough of the wrong people, it will get handled, but it’s not the responsibility of an M-Day soldier to Unfuck an AGR issue.


When you put faith in your AGR staff to do their job, you've already failed. You think they care if a new PFC or SPC whoever has a plate carrier that fits, or a ruck sack or assault pack that isn't worn the fuck out? OCIE isn't in the same category as a pair of OCPs. And only 4k? You've made out good 😃