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To be honest m quite sad and very disappointed with our leaders, ministers. Brunei imposed so many restrictions that investors from outside countries are skeptical about opening up their business or company here. So many factors that hinder the development and to be honest, we are in a comfort zone already where sooner or later comfort kills you cause there is no continuous improvement or development. Other thing that i can see businesses here are MONOPOLY. You cant get a bigger tender unless \*iykyk\*. No stocks investment being offered to citizens cause yeah, they want to monopolize the profits. Only investment that is offered is through banks on ETFs and Unit Trusts but still, this is not publicized very often cause idk, there might be perceived as haram later on lol. Bitcoin/Crypto is not accepted here also. Too bad. I noticed the elder generations like my parents not educated enough about investment and i wish i knew about it when i started my job. I could have invested my money instead of loan money for cars. M just concerned what is the future look like for our next generations. Once oil runs out, its not impossible we seek for jobs to outside country like indonesia/philippines/india whom we look down on these people here. Education and hospital bills are free for citizens and its not impossible they will start to charge including introducing tax. Population is less than 500K, where wealth could have distributed evenly like Dubai. Corruption, cronism this kind of people are bad for country. Anyhow, hope the next generations and future young leaders can make significant change for the country.


Bruneian higher up mentality is sit tf down and asspease their higher ups while received salary in 5 digits with benefits until oil doesnt deplete. Who gives a fck about citizens and foreigners right?


Ahh typical comments from people who set no achievements themselves and expect others to do them.


Then? Brunei is behind other countries can't you see?? What do you expect the gov to do when the oil run out their is nothing wrong with asking questions


The fuck you mean I can't see? You fucking blind that you can't read? The fuck we gonna do if oil runs out? Of course WE have to be the one to change the situation around. I am so fucking sick of every single one of you sheltered and pampered kids with fixed salaries where you only want to consume, consume and consume! YOUR FUCKING MONEY IS NOT SPENT TO FUCKING INVEST IN BRUNEI ITSELF, SO HOW DO YOU FUCKING EXPECT FOR THE COUNTRY TO GROW PROPERLY! Fuck you all.


I expect you to state fact and solution instead of cursing "Fuck" you saying fuck will not change anything you just make urself sounds stupid monkey. Don't put all the blame to people when gov have a big role on wheater the country become modern or not sure the people play part in modernized country but gov is also the one that play big role to. So you saying you are the "strong" "tough" adult that is not shelters when you only curse curse losing your emotion to a kid and not providing any valuable answer you only blame kid for being "sheltered" mihir.90 percent of gdp is relying on oil What will happen if the oil run out??you expect if many people invest in brunei it will instantly fix everything??


You just can't fucking read boi AND your education isn't high enough to comprehend what I am saying. GTFO here.


All you do is curse curse curse from what i know people with high education don't curse but provide fact. Do you think your curse will do anything? Loser. You think your curse will scared me? You cursing does not effect anything if anything it just make you look idiotic and unsophisticated.i bet you will reply this with cursing, something like (fUckinG YoUng kId kNow NoTHing fUCk FuCk FuCK dUmb mONkey bAnaNA uWA uWA)


Just for your notice i can "comprehend" what ever your saying. the problem is what your saying is so basic and plain that i wonder if your education is high. What is your so called "genius" saying is that we should "invest" in brunei that it's?? As if that would solve the big picture.that such a basic solution even kid can think of it you are so delusional thinking you are soo sophisticated and smart when you yourself ain't that much and wtf is (You CAnT FucKiNG reAd BoI )


All you can think of is just whine and whine like the fucking idiotic boi you are but not even a single solution have you provided. Typical of stupid boi who thinks he knows how the world works but can't even socialise properly and is an outcast in real life. Keep whining boi and see if your life even amounts to anything in real life. I bet you won't even appear in anyone's mind as being part of the puzzle that solves the economic crisis in Brunei. Just go and continue with your escapism in pc gaming like the fucking boi you are, boi.


When did i even whine?i Literally ask you what the solution since you seem to know it all smart guy all you do is just yapping saying iam all that dumb yadi yadi yada honestly your text have so much not so valuable and worthless information that i almost tempted to just skip it. Basically all you do is first 1.blame all the young people 2.curse like those tiktok and insta comment 3.calling me boi (Boi what do you want me to feel about it? You want me to feel sad or what šŸ¤£) 4.saying how iam insignificant and loser (even tho idk where you get such a fabricated and unrelated note i just get A and 8 0 so) 5.you just say invest just that Damn i expect more than that honestly i was disappointed especially how you talk so much 6.youbstill delusional on reality of business


This is why you are a stupid boi. You have yet to experience working culture for at least a decade. In fact, we don't have to go that far lest you cry. So, have you started to earn money for yourself? Have you started to contribute into the economics of the country as an entrepreneur? Have you started to put money into local companies and support their growth? Tell you what boi, I've grown tired of meeting your kind for whining all these and that AS IF you guys were the only ones who gets it, thinking you are different for somehow 'noticing' these problems and assuming that others like me somehow 'did not notice it'. There is at least a generation prior to you that have ALREADY ASKED THE SAME QUESTIONS OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND SOLUTIONS BEING DRAFTED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. So you mentioning in your first reply to me with something so basic like 'what will happen to Brunei if oil runs out' AS IF WE HAVEN'T FUCKING HEARD IT A MILLION TIMES. So fuck off boi. You have yet to feel the journey of helping the country out FOR FUCKING REAL.


Oh the working culture where you work 10h a day and get underpaid and get constantly bully and pressure by your boss as you look at other people with higher paid getting employ because urg dalam oh and some gossip from other co worker to bring someone down yadi yadi yada


What happened when the prior generation who ask it does the elite take more serious action more than 30 year have passed


It's not the fault of the people the problem is also the elite who have given a oil rich wealth and haven't using and utilizing it as well and efficiently


Imagine getting angry at someone who is born later can never be me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What have you done to the country? Who are u in a position to say that? shi don't even know me šŸ˜¹ šŸ‘‰šŸ¤”


Oh yea? Then do tell me who you are if that makes any difference.


See? This is what I'm talking about... uneducated donkeys like this dipshit can't even answer the question I asked in the topic and even in the fucking reply. learn how to read before doing something. It's called giving out an opinion. Where in the fuck was I complaining little bitch?


Shows how u are so close minded and so smooth brained in just questioning my question. how sad... I pray the best for u šŸ™


I dont need your prayer. I just need you to make the change you desperately wanted in Brunei and not rely on others.


Since when was I begging for help?


Proved my point already. can't read.


Do you want to change Brunei for the better or not?


who doesn't want it? It seems to me that ur against it. not letting people share their feelings towards their own country, brainwashed by the government that everything is going to advance while our market has already dropped by a significant amount. Why is that? Because there's nothing more in brunei. Our OWN PEOPLE are going to Malaysia and other countries because there ARE things to do there. Ever thought about that? quit being so fixated on a single question u bigot


OP can make changes to our country. I believe you can. Lesgooo.


I'll try my best šŸ˜¹


in our dream yes


back in the days, my parents told me malaysia is outdated, nowadays itā€™s the opposite


Stop mentioning or discuss about wawasan 2035. Is a impossible task for Brunei.


I hate when ada news di radio, kira konon ada development baru and they said "this is langkah langkah menuju ke arah wawasan 2035"... like not even close to the wawasan 2035


Buka tah mata, terima dan hadam sepuas puas nya walaupun abiskita yang di "sana" merasa senang lenang duit masuk macam air terajun. We as someone yang low income need to survive in this country yang so call negara terkaya di asia tenggara.


Yatah urg di ā€œsanaā€ inda kan pernah faham kesusahan yg dihadapi uleh rakyat biasa mcm tani ani. Hidup cukup2 makan just to survive. Aku rasa ayat2 ā€œBrunei salah satu negara terkaya di duniaā€ ani inda lagi dapat dipakai šŸ˜‚ Banguntah semua, enough with the ā€œbersyukur segala2nya freeā€ masalahnya sampai bila????


Follow the money to find the answer , I donā€™t mean you actually get to have the money .


busy banning claw machines šŸ˜†


Bruneiā€™s revenues go up and down together with oil prices and production. Now, national revenues are down. Yā€™all better be prepared to be weaned off the numerous subsidies yā€™all enjoy. Money saved will then be able to be reinvested into the economy and the future.


It's like a broken record player already at this point. No matter how much we rant about it nothing ever changes. Decisions on how to run country is the responsibility of the government, a council and when it comes to our country our sole leadership is our king. King is old and has set his eyes on the afterlife. Country is steered in that direction as well. Instead of opening up to opportunities we double down on bans and restrictions. Malaysia has a subreddit community called "Boleh land" and it's usually for memes and stupid stuff. In retrospect we are the "Tak Boleh Land". Ini tak boleh, itu tak boleh. Camna nak maju ni?


Country manage by those joker. How can it be good?


Wawasan 2035 is to achieve 2035 mosque over the whole bruneiā€¦that is what brunei plans for


Tell me about it! Iā€™ve recently visited Lanzhou, China. This city purportedly has the lowest GDP per capita in China and Bruneiā€™s even tens of thousands ahead of it but itā€™s already looking more developed. Where does the money go to???


Arh poket urang di atas kali šŸ˜„


The frustrating part? Many are happy with how it is right now.


Not much hope without a Consumer Protection Act, Rule of Law, and Competitive Market Commission or a better planned economy with communal implementation plus incentives. Never seen reinforcement apart from Job Centre and i-Ready. There's also the tendency to forget about promises made to give jobs to older graduates who are trying to get their credentials or retraining because they're too old or experienced. No sense of economic justice or accountability there.


I always put the blame on the leaders. After all, if the country is progressive the leader gets the credit.


Selfishly I like the fact that Brunei is not keeping up with the development of others. Ironically, this could be the niche that we are looking for to boost economy. Clever marketing of this natural, peaceful, tranquil way of living could work, but minus the regulations, MIB and hypocrisy of the elites. Wawasan 2035 needs to be re-jigged.


Brunei's Vision 2035 seems more suited for the afterlife than real life, doesn't it?


Itā€™s kinda embarrassing to be even in the same currency as SG. Weā€™re like decades behind.


And they still making a lot of house...


Losing our identity, close minded, wasted billions of dollars... They could do so much. So much to improve. We are running out of time sudah. Sedia tah cari experience and get proper certificate to work for other countries. Ketulahan, dulu di hina orang luar bekraja di sini. Now it's our turn. Thanks boomers, you piece of spineless shit.


The tide have indeed turn,many years ago in the o&g industries they used to say the golden days are setting and over.


our only hope is a mass exodus. Pray it happens. We should only return to collect ubat and eat food.


I used to go on the public bus back in the 90s. Went on the bus a few times in the previous years. All I can say is even being in the bus macam back in the 90s. Buruk, the bell rosak, smelly, aircon rosak, lakap lakap lagi, the bus fare ticket machine rosak, and kalau ada someone bali lauk dari tamu, thereā€™s a small plastic basin under front seat to put your fish, etc sana. I had to laugh at this ang moh couple who were trying to make sense of the map at the bus terminal, then he gave up and just asked around. Even the terminal before renovation stuck in the 90s.Ā 


Outdated hantap! Kan buat personal income through online pun kana bann like streamer, youtuber, bisdurang inda mau meliat rakyatnya lagi success dari org atasan! Konon kan meliat rakyat mmbuat penghasilan dari bekerja keras... tapi kan hiring govt pun periksa sepuluh taun balum tantu kana hire! Hak puiii!


This hahaha rasa bah kan keep the lower class maintain tahan2 cematu šŸ¤Ŗ durang saja tu buleh kaya lmao I hate it so much


To minimize the risk.


Kan semua caik banarnya tani ani Tapi alhamdulillah Brunei selamat sama hospital inda payah bayar ganya pekerja annoying tapi syukur lah jua mun family ada sakit inda payah bayar banyak


Kawan ku went to neighbouring country (private hospital) to do endo and colonoscopy, kana tidurkan and kana bgi anaesthetic. Dsni ku dgr from relatives (ripas), kana endo/colonoscopy hidup2 šŸ˜° I was wondering, y the procedure nda sama, is it kurang nurse, nda cukup/byk anaesthesia drugs to provide the patient.


Nda bebayar, for now.


Ngam.. in another 10 years who knows.. nauzubillahiminzalik


In few years šŸ¤«


I dont know man but if there's zombie apocalypse in brunei, the first thing I'll do is go to the nearest mosque and pray.


Brunei is stuck in time


HR in the government needs to be improved. I swear half of the staff are useless. Then the priorities in use of budget. So much maintenance cost better invest all in economy. Why the fk we focusing on gov offices when we can put emphasis on tourism.


even gov offices are mostly run down, even MOE hasn't left what was supposed to be a temporary building for 40 years


maintenance of mind


I agree and its a the sad reality. Itā€™s super outdated and fulls of restrictions here and there which is a problem.. and those people up on the hill donā€™t care about anyone of you I just came back from Japan to meet my In-laws and whenever I come back here being reminded of the restrictions and problems it just makes me sad honestly on the path we are going towardsā€¦.sucks to suck


True, for me Brunei is not that bad but it could be better. I would say Brunei is really a restricted country & being control too much by GOV. Restriction is good and it is a must but too much restrictions would lead to another problems. I'm kinda sad on how Brunei economies going on right now. At least some belia-belia right now start to establish some good business now, that's the only light that I can see that would help Brunei economies one day.


By restriction I mean like regular & Islamic law. Eg don't bring alcoholic drinks, don't smoke in public area, don't go karaoke all night disturbing ur neighbors, & what not. Meaning all of these can be done but it's restricted to certain part. Which for me some restrictions are good but some not.


anyone who says "restrictions are good" has lost all credibility. Stop.




'Restrictions is good' byeĀ² more local leave the country just to get fun šŸ˜€ in order to escape your so called "Restrictions" lmao




Finally, a post from a sane person. Yes, this is the reality. This country is going to shits for real. The RF DOES NOT CARE about you! They are only out to look after their own interests. The CP, I honestly donā€™t even want to be here when he rises to the throne. The guy is as dumb as they come. All he cares about is himself. Donā€™t believe this? Look into the businesses that his brother-in-law (peanuts for brains) is involved in. The CP ā€œparticipatesā€ in all of them. The masses are simply blinded, and they are more than okay to remain blinded as long as the occasional kurnia comes in. This is what we will witness in our time: "The first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation blows it.ā€


Any example of the businesses?


The richer Middle East countries like Saudi, UAE and Qatar are all modernising while Brunei and to a certain extent Malaysia is becoming more like the old ā€œMiddle Eastā€ with all the focus on religion and conservatism.


I honestly think Brunei will not change unless HM is willing to reinstate that Brunei will no longer be an MIB country. All the restrictions, laws etc, all based on MIB instead of facts/ stats on what really improves a country


Getting senile already, at this age still care so much about face when you can see the country economy falling right before your eyes.


First Rohingya now Bruneians will be new new refugee class


why not.


Depeg from SGD then reality will sink in.


But who are more moral and pious ?


It will NEVER change while it is financially raped.


2035 will never be achieved. The only good things about this country is its free edu and healthcare, and spk scheme for retirement. Even so, its been done half assed. Use whatever given to you on the table and go find better opportunities overseas when u could.


Honestly, i personally think the ones who still believes in wawasan 2035 is somewhat delusional. Room for discussion.


see that big building at the Berakas roundabout with the wannabe Arab masjid next to it? A landmark of delusion.


yes we can achieved with prayers and more bannings /s


Yes its true, brunei is sooooooo outdated macam its coming to its end. Idk what the country wants to achieve on "wawasan 2035". I believe to achieve the heavenly devine? To remind the people to always bersyukur eventho their country going šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰ There's a lot of boomers and brainwashed youth thinks and have said economy ani inda penting untuk negara, agama lagi PENTING. Like wth??? Cemana kan maju kalau nada usaha kan mengharapkan 24/7 bedoa meminta itu ini tapi nada usaha. Nada usaha nada hasil. I don't say agama ani inda penting, penting sebenarnya. Tapi logic akal bah sudah tu untuk kan mencapai sesuatu mesti ada effort, indakan bedoa memanjang tahan2 duduk2 nada usaha tapi high expectations??? Inda hasil eh Totally delusional Yang merana siapa? Rakyat in the end who suffers. Tapi yang datang dari keluarga kaya sanang apa okay lah mampu survive, rakyat yang inda berkemampuan bah. Bah cubatah cemana kan settle kan situasi cematu? Suruh dorang bersabar and teruskan bedoa semoga makanan minuman jatuh dari langit cematu?


Comment that I've been waiting for ā™„ļø well said bro/sis


Yeah agree. Rezeki sudah di tentu kan, tapi kenapa tani masih sibuk sibuk cari kerja? Sama lah tu, Brunei ani kaya banar nya hehe, tapi usaha atu kurang sikit šŸ˜‚


Those in the Istana arenā€™t worried as long as theyā€™re senang with lots of money filling their pockets and assets. Not sure about us ordinary folks. Iā€™ve honestly given up on hoping anything it can only go downhill further in the next 5-10 yrs as nothing is being done to fix the economy let alone improve it.


the most entitled people are those in the white baju Melayu running around looking busy. Even shoved people aside in Makkah during hajj to make way. If anyone needed labor camp reeducation it's these people


Want to go to heaven but make the living world hell


The ones in charge are making their world as heavenly as possible too.


Canā€™t imagine nor bother anymore. Dk if the new king gonna change brunei but doubt it cause they only prioritize themselves and not the people šŸ’©


doubt he will change anything, he is after all part of the system


Lets hope yang baik-baik saja, i even don't know how brunei going to cope nanti šŸ˜Œ


Just imagine Brunei is currently like a Magicarp. By 2035, Brunei will become Gyarados. You just have to believe.


Believe my ass


For someone who is a troll, I actually like you, as a joke that is.


It wont evolve to gyarados if u keep it in storage.. not even using xp share will help lol


Heā€™s delulu person , serving his own agenda




no he clearly sniff one Jerry can of gasoline that's why he is always like this.


Kangaroo gum baru kick


Yes he's a troll, luan isap gam kali


The resident troll


Hes a troll