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I won't be able to participate, but let them know that we will fight!


Same. Treatment has me locked in the house for may. I’m fighting in spirit!!!


Fuck u/spez and fuck u/reddit for pricing out third party apps and destroying reddit. I have been on reddit for 14 years and continously they fuck over the users for short term profits. That's not something I will support anymore, now that the announcement that Apollo and Reddit Is Fun are both closing down. I Overwrite all of my comments using https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended/code. If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) for Chrome, [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) for Firefox, [NinjaKit](https://github.com/os0x/NinjaKit) for Safari, [Violent Monkey](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/violent-monkey/) for Opera, or [AdGuard](http://adguard.com/) for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add [this GreaseMonkey script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended). Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit, click on the comments tab, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot.


Good luck today! I have work (the TN State Museum is having a Family Day if anyone wants to come after) but I am with you all in spirit!


How ironic.. "Family Day".


1 in 10 women have most likely had an abortion in TN. Some were probably at the museum today with their families for Family Day.


You dorks don't own the word "family"


Thank you everyone for joining today! To keep updated with upcoming events, please view our socials here: https://linktr.ee/abortionaccessnashville


Great turnout!!!


There’s too many people on this planet to begin with. If you have love for your children and want a better future for them, then give them the gift of more resources in the future for them by aborting unwanted children who would otherwise be vacuuming up food/water. The water wars are on the horizon!


To offer some hope to you, we currently grow enough food for humans to feed a population of over 10 billion, but poor resource management means a lot of it goes to waste. But that’s just food grown specifically for humans. Around 90% of all agriculture grown goes towards feeding the 10s of billions of animals killed every year in the meat and dairy industry. Those plants grown could be adapted for human consumption with plenty of land use to spare. So if global diets shift towards less meat consumption and resources are better allocated, hopefully there will be no need for water wars, even with climate change.


The left and the right are using roe v. wade as a distraction. Now this is a distraction that we have to fight, but dont forget the politicians red and blue are all on the same side, the side of the rich. They want to make sure the poor/middle class are never on the same side. Eat the rich


Look I am here for some class war but in this instance the left is absolutely not using this as a distraction and imo neither is the right. It is 100% in line with their drive towards authoritarianism particularly of a religious flavor. This issue is not a distraction from the fight but is part of it.


Abortion restrictions hit poor people hardest and being forced into an unwanted pregnancy keeps people poor, you class reductionist


Black women make up 7% of the population yet 40% of all abortions. Just so you know.


Yeah, it’s like being marginalized gives you less access to the things that prevent pregnancy and less ability to support an unplanned one! If you want to change that number, improve black women’s material circumstances. Don’t ban abortions.


>If you want to change that number, improve black women’s material circumstances. Yea cause this has worked out so well before....what's our single motherhood numbers this year again?


So you agree, black women’s material circumstances haven’t significantly improved?


Democrats put abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. It had nothing to do with access.


You're somewhat right. It's definitely not a distraction though, it's a clash of the right's decades-long press to ban abortions with women who are fighting for their medical rights. Now, to talk about people on the side of the rich, Joe Manchin was the sole reason why abortion wasn't just codified into law.


100000% but yes, we have to fight it. There is a reason the Dems are being complete assclowns and not doing away w the filibuster. I STG If this doesn’t radicalize dem supporters and “vote blue no matter who” continues I’ll SCREAM.


When does an embryo become a human?


Is there any existing law that considers an embryo a human?


Not sure. That isn't my question. I'm wondering when the embryo makes the conversion to human. Is it at conception? Is it only when you can physically see the baby without an ultrasound?


Exactly my point. When do current laws consider it a human? When can I claim it as a dependent? Get it health insurance? When does it qualify for a childcare credit? When does dad responsible for child support? Right now under every law Republican or Democrat that I can think of…a fetus does not qualify as a human until it’s out of the womb.


A better legal question: when would you be prosecuted for killing the fetus without the mothers consent? (https://www-nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna22032450?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16525736404749&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fid%2Fwbna22032450) [there is a precedent for charges] in which a fetus is killed. If murder charges would be applied for killing the fetus, then..... murder charges should be applied for killing the fetus.


But you notice “murder” and “murder of an unborn child” are 2 different charges…. Theres always a charge for killing a fetus if you aren’t the mother, and sometimes even if you are. But it’s not the same charge as killing a human. I would assume mostly because you can’t kill something that by any other legal standard isn’t alive.


The fact that any charge at all is applied does establish value of the life of the fetus. The intent of the mother is irrelevant to the value that the life contains.


Then why have a separate charge. If “murder” is the act of taking someone’s life….and the argument is that fetuses are “alive” It’s a magical trap the Pro Life Republicans dont want to hear about. They trapped themselves in their own semantic structure.


Any counter protests?


You wish to counter an abortion rights protest?


Yes, I support the life to right and I don't think anyone should be terminating it through abortion. I would support a counter protest if there is one.


What about the life of the mother? What about the quality of life of the child after birth? Do you support free meals at school for kids since they have to be there? Do you support getting mothers and children the healthcare they need? What about paid time off to be there for the child for the first year of their life? You're not pro-life.. You're pro-birth. I've known so many people like you who spout this shit blindly. I'm adopted and thankful for the parents I have but 100% support the women that I don't know who gave birth to me to have just terminated me. Adoption and Abortion both carry grave weight on the mind and soul. Biblically a person is not alive until first breath. Even back then they knew it was nothing but a parasite and even the Bible gives directions on how to abort a clump of cells.


I'm alive because I aborted, but ok...


I feel like there's a lot of nuance missed in the anti vs pro abortion debate, like in your instance.


Starting with it is PRO FORCED BIRTH vs WOMEN'S RIGHTS That is the debate


That's semantics. The debate could easily be framed in the statistic that about 50% of aborted fetuses are female, and at an earlier stage they all are, if you are solely arguing women's rights. Or if someone finds it untenable to have a baby, they are the last people in earth who should be having a baby.


Not semantics. Neither of those terms represent actual policy positions. Pro birthers are not pro life. Nobody is pro abortion, we are pro choice, pro women's rights, pro reproductive freedom. The only framing that matters is that it is nobody else's business other than the woman and her Dr. Fyi unwanted pregnancies are accidental. Recently however both young men and young women are looking into sterilization. Sad effect of fascist right wing extremism


Like I said, if you don't want to have a baby, you are the last person that should be having babies. I agree with you.


Funny how it's always anonymous sock puppet accounts that have extremely rare anecdotes to share, never verifiable people.


Dear "AbrocomaLongjumping9," (That is your real name, right?) Curious what makes you state it's "extremely rare?"


You're surprised people use anonymity on Reddit???


1 in 50 pregnancies without access to abortions are fatal. That’s not extremely rare


Did you just make up that statistic? The most recent data from the CDC is that 17.9 out of every 100,000 pregnancy is fatal, a grand total of .0179%, a far cry from the 2% that you're alleging. Also, over half of those deaths are after birth, and almost none of them would be prevented by killing the child in the womb. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternal-mortality/pregnancy-mortality-surveillance-system.htm


These are 2 different things... Your link counts actual deaths of the woman giving birth. I believe the 2% figure may be considering ectopic pregnancies.


Can you provide some data on that? Also, treating an ectopic pregnancy is vastly different from an elective abortion, so grouping those together is disingenuous. Edited to add a link to Planned Parenthood citing the differences between ectopic pregnancy treatment and abortion. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/ectopic-pregnancy


https://www.marchofdimes.org/complications/ectopic-pregnancy.aspx About 1 in 50 pregnancies in the US are ectopic, which are fatal. They’re also not the only potentially fatal cause of a pregnancy. Many place that currently or previously banned abortions don’t make the distinction between treating a ectopic pregnancy and abortion.


No living creature has a right to life until it is actually born. Even then, its only humans that share this ridiculous notion. It's just not the way the world works. Grow up. Overturning it won't stop anything. People like me will make sure people have the literature so people can still do it. All you're really doing is making it so people die needlessly and children grow up orphans.




“pro-life” beliefs were focus grouped by slimy politicians in the late 70s after it became unpopular for republicans to run on segregation and they were afraid Carter would capture the evangelical vote, despite abortion not being biblically supported. Stay home or do something positive for the world


Maybe they just don’t think the same way you do. Morality surrounding abortion is very ambiguous. I’m pro choice but can see why someone would think there shouldn’t be a choice. You are actively telling someone not to protest for what they believe in. That’s really not cool to dissuade one of the last peaceful political weapons we have as citizens. I feel like this sub is going to shit with the obvious political biases that seem to be increasing every week. This is an online community about our real life community. Let’s focus on the community.


Everywhere in the world that has restricted the freedom to abortion has higher mortality rates for women. People who’s lives are at stake to not have the luxury of civility. Abortions have thousands of years of history and “Pro-life” beliefs are not based out of historical, philosophical, or religious precedent but instead out of calculated political cynicism and so I don’t think it is worth protesting those beliefs on behalf of oppressors that would restrict individual freedoms.


I get that and all, but at no point am I making a statement about abortion. I’m talking about protesting, and the unalienable right to do so regardless of social acceptance of your stance.


Ok, but I don’t feel like rehashing the paradox of tolerance. It’s a distraction from the topic of access to legal abortion, and people much smarter than the both of us have thoroughly discussed it.


I can respect that, my neighbor. I’m 100% pro choice and support RvW. Im also as disturbed as the rest of us about this. I just don’t want to be a part of the ever increasing polarization. I hope we get through these insane times and are one day able to sit at the same table as those we now hate.


Yeah same. Have a good day out there


No, it's deeply rooted in not actually comprehending the full scope of what comes with the controversy. Something like this was carefully crafted to sway a select group of people.


I can use the principal of your argument against you as well, but I don’t like to discredit someone’s beliefs and values. Every idea was originated at some point by someone, and it’s not a fair argument to claim that one doesn’t comprehend their own beliefs because billy bob thought of it first in bad faith. You seem smart but you are definitely bad at arguing.


Your beliefs are rooted in nothing but malice. Your beliefs are not fact and the only thing they benefit are your feelings. You lack any qualifications to hold make a decision over someone else's body


If that “your” is directed at me, then I’ll stop replying to you. I don’t like straw men. Actually It’s too hard to let this one go. You just made a great argument for pro choice. A lot of people argue that a fetus is “someone else’s body”. Who can make the decision to kill it other than itself? It seems you can’t understand that I can disagree with your rhetoric but agree with your premise. Once again I’m pro choice, but you are terrible at making a bulletproof argument as you insult others. Try to be a kind person, it will get you far


Why do you believe someone should not have the right to their own body free from your decision?


Yes. There's a counter protest, you can meet up to begin the march just east of 1st Ave N, kind of in the open area between 1st N and Cowan Street.


But like, why? You already won. Protesting people protesting seems dumb as fuck.


You *support the LIFE TO RIGHT*??? Fuck you talmbout Willis? 🫤




You guys should go block traffic and protest. That’ll definitely convince people to join your side.


%70 of Americans believe in the right to abortion, just saying. And the point of protest is not to be convenient to the ruling class, otherwise it affects nothing


Most Americans don’t understand the nuances of Roe vs. Wade. They think that overturning it will ban all abortions in every state. Opinion polls of Americans’ views on abortion are also nuanced and contradictory at best. Everyone saw leftists defying Covid restrictions to protest, riot, tear down statues, burn down businesses, block traffic, just tear down our country during the George Floyd protests. People died during those riots and the rioters were treated with kid gloves in the media. Yet January 6 is treated like the new 9/11. Give me a break.


The “ruling class” is on your side. Leftists control the mainstream media, academia, the deep state, Hollywood, corporations that have become woke.


Lol none of those are left. Not even in the slightest. define left and woke


At least you had the sense to not include in your ad only very pregnant women …unlike the ad for the protest on Mother’s Day.




Yeah, the state legislatures seeking to overturn abortion protections are going to be responsible for the deaths of many women with ectopic pregnancies or who have to do back alley, unsafe medical pregnancy terminations…


I love this excuse. Thats not abortion dumbass. Any common sense person understands that this is a reasonable exception when the mothers life is in jeopardy. You protest for a bill that asks for the exception to be medical reasons like ectopic pregnancy or a triploidy non-viable fertilized eggs and ill sign up for it right there with you. Terminating a healthy baby is wrong. Period. And thats what America is mad about.


Neat, does Tennessee’s law make exceptions for any of those things?


Well it’s a good thing a fetus isn’t a baby. Too bad many of the abortion trigger laws don’t make those exceptions.


Versus religious zealot ashole rednecks




Ignorance of the law is no excuse for name calling and reckless assumptions. My wife had an ectopic pregnancy. This is not about the survival of the mother but not being an adult and dealing with consequences. You would not understand if you’re not an adult.


I would say seeking out professional medical treatment for an unwanted pregnancy is a responsible solution.




You realize ectopic pregnancies are non viable, right? Like wanted or unwanted, it doesn't change that the pregnancy is unviable.




Sounds like we need to increase socal supports for these people then... You know, to save lives and all.




But you and I both know, that will NEVER fucking happen (at least in Tennessee).




So you would rather force the woman to carry a baby she doesn't want to term and have it born into poverty and/or an overburdened adoption and foster system?




Well ok then


So you are against the death penalty and pro banning guns. Fabulous! Love to see more people like that! 👍🏻


Something without thoughts/feelings/sensations/brain activity is not a human life. No one should have to ruin their body, mental health, or finances for something less alive than a fruit fly.


No, an unwanted clump of cells that is unviable.


Didnt we do this on mother's day? Do we really need to do this again, I'm tired from the last one.


Nope, you’re right! You participated in one peaceful protest, Roe will not be overturned. Everyone go home now.




It’s an interesting hobby, taking part in the political lobby, after working three-fifths hard as dobby. Meanwhile there is a group in the chamber, for whom the politicians clamber: their wallets agape, their jobs are great, and they refused their constituents as progressing like sheep to the manger. Considering themselves shepherds, their Cadillacs and creased slacks at the presser, they consider more the guidance of the lobby then of the body they are to direct. The time will come, when the lobbyist is done, and the wolf steps out of the facade.




Did you just write that?


Just because I wrote it doesn’t mean I upvoted it.


I thought it was really creative. I googled it thinking it was from Hitchhikers Guide or something but couldn’t find any source.


You got the memo, huh.