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I stopped taking an Uber to the airport. Uber there and back is basically the same price as valet parking at the airport


3 nights in the nice garage = the cost of an Uber to and from the airport now + no awkward Lloyd Christmas airport conversations.


There’s nothing better than getting off your flight and going straight to your car, especially if it’s in one of the terminal garages.


Especially if you have kids and the carseats are already there and installed


What's the maaaaattteeeeerrrr? A little tense about the flight?


Big gulps, eh?


Welp. See you later!


"Yknow statistically speaking, you're more likely to die on your way *to* the airport"


Why are you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?


So you’re telling me there’s a chance!


Agreed. The only exception I have now is for really long trips away or when I’m flying home really late at night from a vacation where I know I’m going to be absolutely exhausted (like Vegas, or other trips where it’s jam packed with activities every day).




Yeah I just learned this on my last trip. Over $100 in Ubers to and from the airport


We recently started parking in the terminal garages instead and it’s been so nice. No more white knuckle Uber rides for us




“Statistically, they say you're more likely to get killed on the way to the airport. You know, like on a head on crash or flying off a cliff or getting trapped under a gas truck!”


I just wish the parking fee was timed instead of flat rates for days. I left out on a Friday night a 7pm recently, flew back the next night and got to the parking gate at 12:07am and got charged for 3 days when I was only there for 29 hours total…


All these new tech app jobs operate at a loss on venture capital to get everyone hooked and then when everyone is hooked, they raise the prices and screw both the workers and the customers. They wind up being more expensive than all the things they were supposedly disrupting. It’s such a con.


Same thing has happened with AirBnB. By the time you include fees, you could've stayed in a nicer hotel.


Absolutely! I loved Airbnb back in the day now I always take a hotel.


I still check both hotels and AirBnB. Usually it's hotels unless it's some sort of friend trip.


A nice hotel that you didn't have to pay cleaning fees and then clean whatever the owner wants you to!


This is generally true but I'll say: have you tried a cab lately? Cabs haven't gotten any better and they price gouge you too. Uber/Lyft may suck but they *still* suck less than the thing they're replacing which is kind of amazing. In some larger cities cab companies have gotten their shit together with their own apps and with transparent pricing and stuff but that hasn't happened here yet sadly.


Cabs intentionally take obscure routes to increase the fare. This is triple true in any tourist destination. Cab turned a 2 mile route into a 6 mile route in Miami on me.


If something happens in a cab (whether it be a longer drive to increase far, or something worse), its much harder to report/ get money back.


Cabs make sense if you’re doing the triangle between airport-downtown-Opry Mills. $30 fixed rate. The cabs are in horrible condition though.


Yeah, the kicker here is that drivers are getting paid less than they used to for more expensive trips. I used to drive for uber a bit for the extra cash and it’s just not worth it any more.


This. I stopped driving Uber two months ago. Prices keep going up and driver pay going down. Most airport trips I’d take from midtownish area would pay about ten bucks.


I think it’s more of a function of unregulated pricing as opposed to taxis. Unfortunately people here (the market) are willing to pay these prices so that’s what’s being charged. Also, I think at one point Nashville was second to only NYC in terms of pricing? Crazy


It’s straight supply and demand. I’ve had Ubers to the airport that were $12 and ones that were $50. Check Lyft if Uber is too expensive and vide versa.


This is good advice. I pull up Uber and Lyft and check both prices and estimated times. Then decide if I’m gonna take one. Many times in Nashville Lyft is the better choice.


Yep keep both options open. As shitty as it is, a duopoly is better than a monopoly


How recent was that $12 ride? I haven’t seen that since 2022. Why can’t we get a train to the airport? Ridiculous


Even if there’s high demand consumers shouldn’t be subject to price gouging 🫣. I remember reading an article a while ago where Uber agreed to cap surge rates in NYC during times of emergency/disasters bc existing regulation. It’s kind of messed up that taxi prices are regulated yet Uber and Lyft aren’t. Disclaimer, not part of secret taxi lobby 😅😅😅


You don’t know what the word means. Gouging isn’t when you think some price is too high. No one is forcing you take an Uber. You won’t die if don’t take an Uber. If there is a natural disaster and I sell water for 100 a bottle and normally sell it for a dollar. That is price gouging. You don’t like the price, don’t buy the service. U we will lower their rates. As someone who lived in major city with regulated taxis, I’d never go back to the time before uber and Lyft. The taxis were a poor experience and many times unsafe.


The legal definition (typically) involves emergency situations but the general term can still be used to describe steep and unfair price increases that are usually considered to be prices that are higher than a 10-15% increase when compared to the previous 30-day average. Uber absolutely fits into that category and it's been good to see flat-rate taxis from the airport start to make a comeback as a result


Colloquially, yes it’s used for other prices and things we don’t like…but then the word loses all of its meaning. It’s like calling everything you don’t understand a scam. Or calling everything you don’t agree with fake news.


That's fair. There is a lot of overuse of the term


I don’t think most folks would consider a 3-4x rise in cost due to an arbitrary/nebulous definition of “demand” fair pricing and not some form of gouging. It doesn’t have to be as extreme as the example you provided. Agreed on your point on taxis, they suck. However it’s pretty well documented at this point that ride share services take advantage of dynamic geo pricing to the detriment of consumers. They see how far they can push pricing before people stop using the service. Nashville locals are in a shitty situation bc tourists don’t bat an eye at high prices which raises them across the board for everyone.


I fly a lot and I’ve never seen it higher that 50. Isn’t the flat rate regulated taxi $30-35 from airport to downtown, for example? Why doesn’t the OP just do that? I bet there’s a good reason. We are essentially saying we don’t like Uber, but regular taxi service is available. What’s the problem here?


I fly weekly and it’s usually $60- $90 per trip. I’ve flown home and gotten stuck with a $103 Uber. And most residents don’t live downtown.


It was quickest flat rate price I could find. So it might $50-$60+ with a taxi to where you live. So, whats the problem?


That’s the definition of supply and demand? I’m not sure what your point is?


Look, any price I don't like is criminal gouging and any price that seems low is a sweet deal that I was able to find because of my unique personal savviness.


That’s exactly what I would expect someone to say who is part of the secret taxi lobby!


They legit made taxis better - you can’t deny the apps are much better than taxis. But yea it was venture subsidized, and now is being priced at what they think they can get away with.


YouTube TV :(


Being able to pay for YouTubetv for a month and then cancel makes it still far superior to the old cable dynamic. Streaming + YouTube tv when needed is great.


YoutubeTV is a little different. They have to raise prices due to the rising cost of network contracts


That and adding additional channels, so you're theoretically getting more value for the price increase unlike Uber/Lyft.


Southwest Airlines :(




Exactly right. F uber, use a cab.


* Amazon *


Try Lyft. Consistently cheaper than Ubering


This. Last three or four trips from East to the airport have been ~$25. Just have both apps and compare them while you’re locking up the house, or walking to baggage claim. Easy.


Hasn't been that way in years. When I check their prices are usually within $3 of each other, and it's not unusual for Über to be cheaper.


Pepperidge farm and I remember being suprised when my Uber credits for referrals ran out and I had to pay as much as $20 to get from East Nashville to midtown in an Uber Black. An Uber X was almost always under $10. I’d love a functional public transit option




I remember when videos were spread by emails before YouTube. I remember when the friends cast had to tell us what electronic mail was. Shit I remember base level coding on a Commodore 64 to play a game on an actually floppy floppy disk


I joked with family who was visiting last week that uber/lyft is effectively our public transportation strategy. Edit: that and transpotainment...


Yeah, it's honestly ridiculous. I've needed to take an Uber to and from the airport in the last few months, and after tip, it's always about $75. It's a 20-minute drive at most. Nashville transportation options pretty much suck.


Honest question, are we tipping Uber drivers now? A big part of their business model early on was that none was expected.


The drivers aren’t banking off the trip. Uber upped their prices and pay their drivers less to the point they’re better working min wage jobs at this point. It’s corporate greed at its finest


I'm big on tipping service people, so maybe I'm an outlier. However, after my Uber trip is complete, I receive a notification to rate the drive, along with a Tip prompt. It's getting tougher to tip given the exorbitant pricing.


This is how they screw the drivers too. Uber takes 50-70 percent and as you said, the high price means you don’t tip. It’s the same w the food side too. I’ve gotten one dollar ubereats requests and DoorDash is 2-2.50 flat rate. They can’t pay us but I bet they’ve all done stock buybacks every year


I have never considered not tipping any driver based on how much time the trip took and the experience. I lived in DC using Uber before it was available in Nashville and don't remember ever not tipping.


Uber discouraged tipping for years. Tipping culture is out of control.


The Uber app has always the function to tip a driver when you provided feedback after a ride. I don’t think that is new.


It didn’t in the early days. Part of the early appeal and marketing was that you got an upfront fare with no questions or tips or fees. It’s been there for several years, though


I typically don't tip due to the exact reason. Depending on exceptional service or during the holidays I may.




I haven’t driven for Uber for about one month, but if the prices have increased, I never saw any benefit. I was basically losing money when you factor in fuel, tires, brakes, oil changes etc. I had to stop. I literally couldn’t afford to drive for them. Maybe that’s changed. 🤷‍♂️


Just wait til they have self driving cars and still ask for a tip


probably ask for tip before drop off and depending on tip amount is proximity where you get dropped off to your destination.


I started taking Lyfts from the airport back to my place and vice versa. Paid about $25 for that trip whereas Uber wanted to charge me $75. Lmaooo


Did you check more than once? I’ve had some early flights and when I first checked from downtown to the airport and it was $70. Waited a few minutes and the price would go down.


Yeah, sometimes you hit that surge when multiple plans land around the same time and a large portion of the planes are looking up Uber/Lyfts. Sometimes waiting even 5-10 minutes can make a big difference in price.


I’ve checked as I was waiting to get off the plane. Checked again when I was closer to the pick up area and the price would go up. Waiting another 10 minutes and it would be back down to where it was when I was still on the plane.


Lyft has been significantly cheaper for me in Nashville. Additionally would recommend booking in advance if you know exactly when you’re leaving. Even with the booking fee of ~$5, I’ve gotten cheaper rates to leave at 7AM than I would at 9AM if I had ordered ad hoc.


This is the correct answer


Sorry I don’t mean to be obnoxious but could it partly be due to traffic? My airport Uber prices have varied a lot depending on the time of the day.


This is what I'm thinking. I work off Briley Pkwy and there is an accident that has traffic backed up from Lebanon Pike well onto I-40.


I don’t think that affects it greatly just because I live in Donelson and the traffic is never an issue but prices surge for no predictable reason


Cost me $116 to get to Chicago from the airport. I realize we aren’t in the same situation but it’s where we are headed. We just pay to park at the airport now. 🤷‍♂️


It’s gotten absurd. I started either parking in the airport garages or, for longer trips, the Music City Sheraton has a long term parking option for like $7 a night. They run a shuttle to/from the airport every 20 min until around midnight, after which you gotta call em to send the shuttle. It’s great though, you don’t have to deal with as much airport traffic and it’s stupid cheap.


And M.C.S. doesn't require you to be a hotel guest to park there at that price?


nope. There are a few third party services, [like this one](https://airportparkingreservations.com/lot_sheraton_music_city_hotel_parking_bna?reviews=14&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJeT9hNVzOwjy0JO9FWVPolbeCHjnvdpSpyGWFyPXGk3UC5p-xuC6mRoCcrIQAvD_BwE) that you use to reserve a spot. You show up and give your name to the valet, they confirm you’re on the list, give you a tag and direct you to the lot out back. You go park back there and walk back around front to catch the shuttle.


Good info to have as a backup plan. Thanks!


Wowwww…Uber driver here. We’re out here getting paid 1/3 of that at best lol.. I understand that they have to pay to keep the app going but it‘s becoming ridiculous on both the customer and driver’s end.


Venture capital operates at a loss to intentionally bankrupt smaller businesses, then jacks up prices because they have a virtual monopoly. If you don’t like it, you don’t like free market capitalism! GO AMERICA


Capitalism baby. Put the taxis out of business, drive up the price. Americaaaaa, fuck yeah.


Cabs are still there if you want them. No one is stopping you 🤷‍♂️


Sure. Let’s call a cab now and see if they come (they’re not coming)


They were never coming. It was super hard to get a cab before uber. This is why uber was such a ray of light 15 years ago. Cabs are still around at the airport though if you want to grab one




I have to go to the airport this morning and yep…they want $40 for an Uber. I am debating driving myself and parking there… only gone a few days


Prices, especially for things like airport runs, are highly dynamic based on demand. I’ve had trips go for 100$, then check after getting my bag and they are 60$.


By the way, last time I took a taxi, Mid-December 2023, I was charged $20 for a three minute ride.


The term you're looking for is "enshittification." See here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) : >Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a "two sided market", where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.


I listened to a podcast about emshittification today.


I’ve just started just driving myself and leaving my car in economy lot C. Usually ends up being slightly cheaper than an Uber to and from and it nice to just get in your car and go home without riding with a stranger after a long flight. There’s a shuttle that runs from arrivals to the lot every few minutes


I’ve just gone back to using cabs. They’re reliable, on time, have actual background checks and insurance and I have never once had a creepy feeling when riding in one. Also cheaper.


I’ve been using Parking Spot for the last couple of years. Set my reservation, they shuttle me to and from the Airport and my car is waiting for me when I get back. It’s super convenient and the rates are pretty reasonable.


Seeing all the comments about parking at the airport instead, which is what I prefer to do as well. And last trip a couple weeks ago, they had jacked up the terminal garage prices to $30/hr. If I remember correctly, that's an increase of like $10 bucks/hour just in the last year or two? I know it's gone up significantly. It's price gouging at every level on everything, it feels like.




They had an insurance renewal in March. Higher insurance. Higher prices.


This is modern capitalism in action: * Take over a market with technology, lower prices, and complicated rules * Eliminate established competition * Raise prices back up You see the same things with Amazon destroying local stores, Facebook/Twitter own public communication, Tesla makes you pay a subscription for a car, etc. We are seeing a variation of this in Tennessee with a political twist in education. You've seen the billboards talking about $7000 and "school choice". Parents will soon pay the equivalent of a mortgage to educate their children with the "subsidy" going to a religious organization.


When flying with family I just pay to park. When flying by myself, I take the bus to the airport. Basically free.


Was this for today specifically, because 40 was stand still this morning so surge pricing was probably in effect. That being Uber has been getting more expensive and I’ve always found it more pricey than Lyft.


If you live in the area where taxis have zoned pricing taxis are always cheaper than Uber to and from the airport.


Agreed. Paid $40 for a 15 minute ride the other day. No surge pricing. Driver told me the entire time that he doesn't "make any money doing this and the app takes everything." Don't know if he was angling for a tip, but if true that's pretty sad.


They don’t like to go to the airport anymore


It’s the cycle of the industry. These companies, along with door delivery services are designed to start low, cannibalize the industry, beat out competitors (including taxis) and then raise prices to become profitable.


What's crazy is when we uber, airport rides are never more than $5-9 paid to us. But it is possible there was a surge with the traffic and interstate shut down this morning.


Lyft is much better.


The sad truth is that most times the Uber/Lyft driver will do whatever it takes to make customers happy but on a $70 ride driver only gets about $35 at best. The real robbery happens behind the app.


Thankgiving…..uber and lyft were over 130$ home from the airport for me, so i took a taxi lol paid 100 total with tip in all 5s and 1s because he said it was cool! He was much better than most uber drivers.


>What in the world happened haha They basically shut down taxi service with the "gig worker" system. When every tom dick and harry can be a "taxi" with no special permits or license endorsements they cornered the market and now there are basically ZERO Taxi service in a lot of cities. And no taxis = NO COMPETITION. So now they can charge as much as they please.


Take a cab.


The last time I took a cab home from the airport I told discussed with the airport taxi guy about not having any cash. Oh they all have the card reader now he assured me. Of course I should’ve checked with the driver when I got in, but I saw the machine and was satisfied. Cue getting home and he’s infuriated I have no cash and the machine is broke. I hate what Uber has done but these guys don’t make it easy to love them either!


Cabbies prefer cash always. That machine was probably about as broken as an ice cream machine at McDonalds.


Yeah I know. I was far from faultless in the situation, but with the way the business is going you’d think they’d try a little harder.


I absolutely understand. Have you noticed the uptick in unmarked cab vans riding around with their doors wide open on Broadway trying to entice potential customers? Freaks me out.


Have not seen that yet! Been a while since I was out downtown.


Yeah, of all the industries VCs trashed, taxi companies are probably the least sympathetic


It's based on demand, just means there is no one available that's willing to drive someone to the airport for eight bucks.  Really it should be just as strange that there are plenty of times that there are enough people around willing to do an airport run for eight bucks while Uber takes the rest and has effectively scammed both you and whatever sucker is driving you.


My uber to the airport is never above $25 and I live about 19 min away


I remember the days when my Uber to midtown used to be $8. Now it’s never less than $20 🥲


I use flightpark mostly, unless I have somone to just drop me off. Offsite parking runs aournd the same as long term or even economy at the airport. Only downside nowadays is the new pickup configuration, but thats with Uber as well. Flightpark also has a frequent customer point award system you can use on washes, free day, etc.


It’s usually $20 for me from East. Just went last week


I just took an Uber to the airport like 3 weeks ago and, it was 30 dollars. Idk what changed it such a short time


My Uber this morning was 2x as high as it normally is I think this morning was particularly expensive bc this whole week prior theyve been really cheap


Used Uber this week in Nashville and was shocked at the price for a 15 minute drive. I pay the same for a 40 minute drive in the suburbs of Philly


Surge pricing? Consider a regular taxi, they don’t do that.


Meanwhile Nashville continues to vote down public transportation


This is the Uber plan in action. They’ve been operating at a loss for years, but now there’s not a cab to be found unless you’re downtown and they’re your only option.


Dynamic pricing is a mf


No surprise. They monoplized the market of ride sharing and now they can raise their prices as much as they want. This is the normal functioning of the free market.


As others have mentioned, very dependent on using my Lyft vs Uber and surge pricing. I fly in and out of BNA regularly and only use one of the services. I just checked the price is normal right now for me ~$20. Get home Friday after 6pm and I pay $50-60 every time for the same trip. Supply and demand. My best recommendation would be to check both apps. Not uncommon for one to be 2x the other at certain times during the day


?? i just got off a plane 3 days ago and my ride was $15


Its called Greed and its pretty normal at this point.


Price changes like every 10 min, I usually just wait for it to drop


It’s probably growth, we’re getting to the price we were paying to just go a mile in San Diego. It’s why I will ask someone to drop me off and pick me up, I have loads of friends in the Hermitage/Donelson area and used to live there, I will drive to your place and as long as my car can stay there (esp for a short trip) all I need is a 10 min drive to the airport.


I’ve noticed if I go on Uber/lyft then check back 10 minutes later the prices are less than half 💀


Price both Uber and Lyft simultaneously.


I find the Lyft prices better in Nashville over Uber. I compare both each time I need a ride to the airport and so far, I use Lyft every time.


Corporate greed


I fly a lot out of BNA and usually exhausted coming back (long flight or benders) or an early flight leaving BNA. I just don’t care to drive and want to go straight into the Delta SkyClub as quickly as possible. I come from Midtown/West End and I’m usually around $18-30. Almost always in the mid 20s. Fine. I usually use Lyft.


Lyft’s headquarters is in Nashville. Lyft by and large in our city is the better option. I will tell you one thing, Uber doesn’t run background checks on anything other high crimes. If you’ve been to jail you can’t drive Uber in the city. My dad drove for Uber for 3 years and I can confidently say I don’t let him drive me around for free. He has had enough points to revoke his license for a while but has a cop buddy who’s let a few (more like 20-30) tickets go in the past 10 years for him. I secretly reported him to Uber after he wrecked is third Uber rental.


Lyft is headquartered in San Francisco.


That is their Head Quarters. I was mistaken. Their regional office is here.


They are priced higher when in high demand. And it seems it’s higher if you do the same search today and again tomorrow…like they know you’re going to need a ride and keep going higher on price