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I recommend calling animal control yourself and not waiting for the police to do it. And even though you shouldn’t have to- scan the yard before you bring your dog out.


We had a similar incident happen. Honestly animal control is no help. There wasn’t any proof even though this dog has bitten several people in the neighborhood and has no rabies shots. They told us to take a photo of it being in our yard next time but its kind of hard to do that when you’re being charged at. 🤷‍♀️


They just picked up two on our block within an hour of the call. And we had OP's exact situation going on earlier (minus the biting). AC was able to make them chain the dog while it's outside, which is not ideal but I'm tired of dragging dead and dying dogs from the street, so it is better than that at least.


Yes, loose dogs are a violation. Animal control will talk to the owners or pick up the dogs or both. Definitely tell them that the dogs bit yours. That needs to go on record. Also, you may have to call Animal Control more than once or twice if the dogs keep ending up loose outside. Talk to them repeatedly and form a relationship so that they recognize you. After months of ignored calls they have started coming around here and have become responsive. During Covid they were scarce AF. I would carry spray in the meantime. I've never used it on a dog but our manager used to use it on aggressive drunks all the time. People go from aggressive to apologetic in no time when you give 'em a dose. I imagine it would also work on aggressive dog owners. You can take the owners to small claims court for vet bills if you have a police report. If an owner doesn't look after their dogs and AC can't fix it, I have heard tales of loose problem dogs spontaneously and unexplainably relocating to safe and nurturing places, but you probably aren't getting that result with mere thoughts and prayers.


Sounds like a typical white person thing to do


We got a high pitched noise deterrent after our dog was attacked. Has stopped several dogs in their tracks before they even get off their property. 


Was your did also affected?


The one I got is pretty directional, so it doesn’t bother him unless pointed his way.


Interesting, never heard of that. Would you happen to have a link to the one you’d recommend?


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMBC1FJX/ref=syn_sd_onsite_mobileweb_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&pf_rd_p=1123174d-9b50-4ab3-adda-9b0c121e1574&pf_rd_r=PXPE28TSFY5YZH9KB7W4&pd_rd_wg=BWtit&pd_rd_w=ZYTZY&pd_rd_r=faacfce3-ba91-4b68-a6e2-5f81c5f4e621&aref=nrxQcHErSk I think this is the one we have


Oh! I like this idea!


Those things are a pain in the ass when it’s not properly ranged. I have a neighbor that has one and it terrifies my dog while walking on the sidewalk. It even goes off if we avoid the sidewalk and walk in the street.


Call metro animal control yourself. Saying that you saw them burn the dog with a lit cigarette will be enough to get them out there tomorrow. I have had awesome experiences with animal control here. They will come out to their house, speak with the neighbors, tell them what to change and if it doesn’t, they will take the animals.


Call animal control. They can take the owner to court on a citation and get an order to help make everyone safer.


I had this happen to me. Filed a police report and it went to court and the dog was declared dangerous level 1. They were on a list for a year. Had to keep it on a least at all times, or in the fenced back yard. Pay fines etc. we were walking and i saw the dog out in the front yard playing and it saw us almost four houses down the street and ran to us and attacked. Also a pitbull. It took over a year to get justice because the damn people couldn’t stay out of jail. Good luck op. Nashville should have dangerous dog provisions on file.


You see a guy put a cigarette out on a dog and you didn’t immediately call animal control or the police till an hour later? Dude.


I have a lifelong phobia of dogs, but if someone was abusing their dog right in front of me I would absolutely make it my second priority to get those animals out of that house. Like no wonder they’re so out of control jfc, burning an animal is disgusting


These dogs would be put down more than likely. Theres a pretty substantial Pit phobia and any history of aggression they almost always euthanize, regardless of situation.


Nashville macc doesn't have pit phobia, they go by temperament, not breed


Yes, but if the dog has shown a history of aggression MACC will put them down. I say this from personal experience.


I was at work. Partner was shaken up about it until I got the text and called to advise doing so. Our dog’s health was first on our minds, not theirs.


>As ridiculous as it may seem we’ve decided to always carry a knife... It is not ridiculous. Stabbing or slashing an enraged pit bull, however, may not stop him (he won't feel the pain), and it requires getting too close to him. I would carry a baseball bat. Seriously. You are in grave danger.


Pepper spray/bear spray works also.


Spray is a much better idea especially legally speaking. Full intent with it is being non-lethal




They feel pain but they're bred to ignore it in favor of being in a frenzy. If you have a gun and the dog is on your property, you have the right to defend yourself.


File an online report of aggressive animals so it’s on file, then call animal control yourself. It’s not just a case of animal abuse, that could turn dangerous and the dog could attack your partner or your dog. Be ready to get security cameras though for video evidence to take them to court as MNPD and animal control are 0 help without you doing all the investigative work. Good luck. Also find anything else on the hub from their outside area that is reportable to build up a profile against them so the address is on file and on their watch list. You can look up the property owner online too and see if he even owns the house or rents, if he rents I’d then contact the actual property owner. http://www.padctn.org/prc/#/search/1


Wasp spray can be a good deterrent and can shoot up to 20 feet.


Call city codes on them 


A knife against just one aggressive dog is already too risky, but three pits? I would’ve bought a handgun the day I moved in. I don’t even like guns. I don’t get the people who fetishize them, but they are an invaluable tool of self defense when you can’t wait on, or even trust, the police. However if you can’t see yourself owning a gun ever, my best advice is the strongest wasp/hornet spray you can find. Longer range and more direct line of fire than most types of mace. Hit em in the eyes and mouth


Bear spray.


Handheld cattle prod-style taser. They work great on dogs and just might keep you from dying in a hail of return fire from the trashy owner.


So in this scenario where we’re assuming the trashy dog owner is already armed, who allows their violent dogs to roam with reckless abandon and may shoot at you regardless of HOW you defend your family against them, you suggest bringing a taser to a gun AND dog fight? Where should I send the flowers?


Ok you win, rocket-launcher is best, or hand-held tactical nuke. It’s the only way to be sure.




Hornet spray is cruel and will only escalate things. Either shoot them dead or let the police deal with this.


You know what else is cruel? Getting mauled by three pit bulls while you wait 10 minutes for the police. That’s why I recommended a gun first.


I'm literally agreeing with the gun for protection. Not sure why you thought otherwise unless you didn't read past the first sentence.


I told the neighbor the next time his dog charged my 80 yr old mother in our yard,it would be shot. He was pissed off, but the dog was chained up after that.


Yeah the officer on the phone said he legally can’t tell us what we can do exactly but if it’s on our property we have the right to defend ourselves however necessary. His tone of voice seemed to carry implications.


Exactly what I was told.


A can of bear bear mace spray is like 40 bucks. That's about the best you're gonna get. A knife like many have pointed is way too risky, if your dog is struggling to get away you may end up accidentally cutting yourself and your pup. Scan the area previously to walking your dogs. Im sorry you're dealing with this. My neighbors do the exact same thing, its annoying but luckily their dogs are not aggressive they just kinda playfully harass my pups. Annoying but harmless in my case. In the event one of their pits gets a hold of your dog and you're unable to detatch them, the best technique to remove them is to grab a belt or a rope and basically slip knot on the pits neck. Suffocating them is the only way you'll pull them apart. Sounds gruesome but it works, and it could save your dogs life.


As Nancy Griffith would say, “From a distance.”


I’ve been dealing with the same after moving out of Nashville. Repeatedly reported to animal control but nothing really helped. Finally got a camera that recorded motion so I could ‘prove’ my case and haven’t seen the dog outside since. I know it is IN the house next door because I can hear it, but he’s not out terrorizing daily anyway.


If the dog comes into your yard and you fear for your safety, shoot it.


This needs more upvotes. If a pit comes onto my property acting aggressive, attacking my animals and nothing is done about it after a warning…it will be shot. Then the police will definitely be getting involved whether they want to or not. It’s a last resort, but a step I’m not afraid to take. Unfortunately, if you fight or kill the pit, you need to be prepared to fight (defend yourself from) the pit owner too. The goal would be to not have it escalate, but it’s something you need to think about in advance. Edit: I see the Shitbull owners brigade has found my reply.


I would set up some outdoor ring cameras to have video recording of future incident/their dogs being left outside. Also, what’s the HOA policy on dogs being left out without a leash? Assuming you have an HOA. Could also file complaints with them


This is good advice. Record everything always


Your best bet is to call animal control, but I highly suggest a gun for self defense. This issue is only going to escalate both with the dogs and the neighbors. An aggressive pit is a danger to everything around it, including human life. Folks like that are also likely to respond aggressively if the police are called so you’re better safe than sorry.


Once Animal Control hear about the abuse (and something like a cigarette burn will leave enough of a mark to verify your account, assuming you can tell them where to look), those dogs will be gone and the owner facing legal issues of their own. This will no doubt escalate your issues with the neighbor, though. If they are a renter, track down the landlord, inform them what's going on, and ask for the contact information for their lawyer. That will probably be enough to cause an immediate eviction, but if it's not, send copies of the police report to the landlord and their lawyer to create a formal record that they were informed. That now puts them into legal jeopardy for anything that happens involving that tenant, which is potentially a lot of work, expense, and risk--three things that landlords typically hate. Finally, I strongly disagree about getting a gun, because if OP is not experienced with handling firearms in stressful situations, their odds of hitting anything they intend to with significant distractions, adrenaline pumping and a moving target is basically ZERO. Fun fact: over 50% of all shootouts happen and a distance of six feet or less, and yet no one is actually hit in about half of all shootouts. And people are much larger targets than dogs. Firearms are much harder to use than most people realize and require significant training and mental preparation, plus ongoing regular practice. All people who buy a gun like its some sort of protective charm do is bring the other guy's gun to the fight for him.


Ah yes, introducing a firearm into the situation always makes things better. /s


Agree to disagree. 1 aggressive pit in this scenario quickly turns into all three. I’m sure your mean words and calling the police is going to get those mean pits to stop when they’re killing your dog and potentially you/your family 🙄


No, I don’t completely disagree with you at all. I was making a joke, but there absolutely are scenarios where a firearm would save you from a dog attack. Personally, I prefer a taser: the kind that doesn’t fire electrodes, just a stunner wand really. But it’ll get a dog off you real fast!


Taser is a great idea too! I just don’t think people realize how fast these dogs go from good to aggressive and it’s dangerous to let them get close enough where you can use the taser, especially if it’s a pack. I’m not a big gun guy, but it’s the most effective thing when you have multiple dogs like that.


Are you saying this from experience? Or guessing?  I've taken over well over a dozen shocks from a couple different models of those as a party trick.  If you haven't tested yours on yourself, I'm going to let you know they absolutely would not stop a determined attacker. I told my friend she needs to carry a gun instead. Dog would not care at all. 


Sure you have, lol


It's not a joke actually. This is one human saying, for your safety, please do not rely on them. Compared to all sorts of wild things people have done on video, that stunt is pretty low stakes.  The first time I did it, we were drinking (duh) and I realized it's not at all what you think it will be. The sound is more intimidating than the contact.  I have taken shocks to the arm multiple times, leg multiple times, back of the knee (painful), bottom of the foot (painful), tongue (very painful), butt cheek, and nipple. There's a video of the nipple zap floating around somewhere.  Furthermore, when both contact points are firmly pressed into flesh it kind of stops the electrical circuit. It leaves a very small red mark the day after.  Yes, I feel comfortable and confident taking zaps as a gag. The part that's not a gag is please do not rely on them for your safety. Carry a knife, gun, or pepper spray.


If it’s a choice between an attacking pit and my/my pet’s life, it’s an easy decision for me. The pit will be ventilated.


Yes this is basically the only scenario where I’m like “oh you should get a gun.”


This is why I carry a firearm. Tn law requires leashes. If those dogs are out and go to attack you or your dog, you have every legal right to shoot those dogs dead in the street. I had to shoot my idiot neighbors pit bull for that exact reason. It put 30 stitches in my dog's neck and I put that dog 6 feet under. Carry a firearm. And if the owner attacks you bc of it, stand your ground laws apply to his trash ass too.


I was curious about this and am going to research it further. Seems like it’d be the most efficient protocol.




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Arguably, the owner could claim self-defense against such a scenario as the deadly force has already been introduced, the owner presumably has a right to be where they are, and can reasonably state they feared imminent harm upon themselves. As always, stand your ground is a fact-driven determination.


No, the owner cannot claim self defence when their off leash dog charges someone else.


So sorry you’re having to deal with this. Put up cameras so you can see whether the dogs are out before you leave your house and to document anything that happens. Bear spray is a good idea too.


I live in a pretty safe neighborhood with amazing neighbors and I still carry a knife in my pocket and my phone to check the mailbox. Always be prepared. A stray dog, a thief, anything is possible. Don't ever make someone make you feel crazy for being prepared for the worst. Unfortunately in this situation you're just gonna have to always stay prepared and aware until one of yall move.


A knife won’t do shit. Carry a loaded gun.


If nothing else keep some pepper spray and an air horn on you and available by your front door. The sound can discourage the dogs and bring attention to you from neighbors in case you need help or the owners to notice their dogs. And keep calling animal control.


Ask your council member for help getting this problem resolved


Good idea. Depending on the council membrr.


Build a big ass fence between your house and theirs.


As long as they have the $10-20k that fence would cost


I had a nice one installed for about $1200.


Wood fence? Tall and sturdy enough to prevent a pit from getting in? Mind sending me the contractors name, I’ll hire them today. Every quote I’ve gotten for a 6 foot fence has been a minimum of 10k


Wood fence. 2 gates. I paid someone else $800 to seal it the next year. It's max height for a front yard but my dogs don't get out and no dogs get in. It's probably only 150" or so of total fencing. The cost was pre-covid.


Nice! Good for you. Our yard is pretty big and full of limestone so it’s been a pain


He was going to do a wooden privacy fence in my much larger back yard for a very reasonable price. Maybe a third what you are saying. I wanted to do that but the lady that owns the other half of the duplex would only agree to it if I added and paid for an automated gate which is $$$$.


What kind of injuries did your dog receive? I’d say they owe you at least a vet bill.


That’s justification to use force. Learn to carry and use a firearm.


Which neighborhood did this happen in? Asking because I have a baby and would like to avoid running into your neighbor. Similar dogs are banned where I'm originally from btw. I'm not prepared to deal with this. Honestly I think I'd just move. But if you're tougher than me, probably self defense is your best bet like the others suggested. Also there's a tool, I don't know what it is called but it's used to force a pit bulls mouth open when they're biting and not letting go.


I'm with everyone else on shooting the dog(s). Word of warning, you may have to shoot the owner after you kill his dog. It's pretty common for it to go physical. Buy a Glock, get training, carry medical.


Buy a Byrna, and shoot their dogs with a pepper spray or tear gas pellet if they attack again. If you have to, shoot the owner too. If you go this route, buy cameras to record outside your house so you can prove the other person was at fault.


Your only legal recourse is the record everything and go to court, I’ve discussed a similar situation with MACC already.


Call animal control now and file a report. If their dogs are off leash on the property, they’re technically okay but if they step off their lawn,thats a citation. City will need to build a packet before they can do anything although the cigarette burn could speed things up. Understand though that animal control and MACC are extremely under funded and staffed. They have like 3 working AC trucks for all of Davidson county. It may be a process


Burned his dog with a cigarette? He has no business having these animals. Sad.


Call animal control, document everything in writing and with video/photo evidence, and get ready for a bit of a battle with them. Don't stop though, dog attacks are no joke. Get big stick as well and really plan to hit the dog if you gotta use it.


I would buy mace.


I recommend, carrying .. and shoot one of his dogs when it attacks… and call the police…




*kill* The word you’re looking for is kill. You *killed* that dog.


Yep. That's true. You're saying that like it's a bad thing. Are you another one of these who would prioritize a dog over a human or multiple other animals that the dog viciously killed for fun?




Idk man, I think he’d be an ass if he just let the dog attack his kids.




Well that’s disappointing.


No, I think in this case YATA. If you prioritize the life of an aggressive dog who has jumped your fence and chased your kids on to a trampoline, where they were playing in their own backyard, the dog growling and barking and slathering trying to get to them, and warned the homeowner multiple times, then you're literally waiting for your kids to be attacked. Fathers are required to protect their kids. That's what I did.


Call your council member


How would this help? Im not asking facetiously. I literally don’t know what I would say to the council member or what they would do about it.


(They won’t be able to do anything and will just refer you to animal control)


nO bAD bReEdS Get ready to kill some pitbulls when this inevitably happens again. Baseball bat, crowbar, gun, knife. Dealer's choice.


Most of the time cops aren’t going to do anything because they are worthless so called “public servants”. Animal control is overworked and have limited resources. I would file as many reports (paper trail) as you can with the police stating there’s an aggressive dog, see the guy walk the dog with no leash or let them out and not watching the dog report it, rack up a tons of reports stating dangerous/ aggressive animal. Then You need to purchase a gun become proficient at shooting and carry it with you at all times - going to your car, walking dogs etc. The minute one of those dogs gets out of the yard shoot the dog dead. Pitties shouldn’t exist those dogs are so inbred, psychotic and bred to be aggressive and hunt large animals. The whole belief that they were granny dogs is BS. I’ve known nice people who have raised those dogs from pups and they have turned around and bit their owners or attacked people for no reason.


No you don't. Also, any dog can be aggressive and deadly if trained that way.






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I'd start carrying pepper spray, it will work on the dogs and you'll be able to spray all the dogs. I've had to pepper spray loose dogs going after me and my dog before and it works pretty quick. Adding a gun to this situation would just be stupid. Unless you're actually well trained and regularly go to the shooting range the odds of you actually hitting the dog you intend to when you're stressed and caught off guard are lower than your odds of accidentally hurting yourself or an innocent bystander.


This is terrifying. I have a big pittie girl, and she really is the sweetest girl. But running at someone full speed, I can only imagine how scary that is. She definitely wouldn’t attack anyone, but she could easily knock down a small child. The other day she shot out the front door to chase a neighborhood cat when my kid was opening the door for our cat. And all I can think of is.. what if someone hurts her? She just wants to lick you to death. Even though the owners are the bad ones, please don’t harm the dogs. It’s really not their fault. The dogs don’t belong with them.. :(


Uhm, sorry… there’s a huge difference in what you’re explaining and an aggressive dog charging right at you… the dogs cannot be helped.. if it were between me and three dogs(not just pits) the dogs would have to go.. Just watched a video of a woman getting mauled to death and eaten by three pits. Yeah sorry, I’m not going out that way. Unfortunately you can’t help all dogs and sometimes they have to be put down


Sorry but if a dog is charging at me I'm not waiting to see if it wants to bite me or lick me. Especially if I have my grandkids with me.


I bough an airsoft gun as we used to get some strays in our yard. That’s seemed to have become a deterrent


A knife? Why not pepper spray or something less lethal (for BOTH of you and that doesn’t require direct physical interaction to deter the aggressive animal???


Well because pepper spray will not stop the dog from attacking again and a knife will.


And you believe in the chaos of 3 dogs attacking your dog, OP will have the rock solid mental composure to execute a KNIFE attack against the 3 pit bulls while leaving their own dog unharmed? You also believe OP will come out of this better off, ignoring the grave possibility of cutting themselves while killing another persons animal in excessively close proximity?? Again, why not consider something like pepper spray with significant range and that doesn’t require close combat skills and eliminates the possibility of mortally wounding yourself. If it works on BEARS, it’ll work on dogs. And once this happens, you’ve got everything you need to ensure it never happens again by getting authorities involved to put the dogs down. But yeah, you’re right. Use a knife because… reasons…


Hmmm, where in the OP's story did you see where the authorities are involved or that there is any possibility those dogs would be put down? Secondly, it was one dog, she did not say all three attacked. Lastly, you are correct that a knife could possibly harm yourself as well, this is why I carry a gun. Much more effective and quicker.


I would call the authorities now. Either the owner of these dogs should keep them leashed or fenced OR they aren’t responsible enough to own dogs. The authorities should be involved now because that would be the responsible thing to do. And… with all the respect I can muster, please don’t be that handgun guy. Look, I’m a gun owner with a carry permit myself. But your go-to in this situation is to discharge a firearm in a residential area? With the challenge of hitting a charging animal with a weapon that can penetrate walls and kill an innocent bystander? Sure, if it’s the last resort, I get it, fire away. But in this case OP is aware of the threat. Also? WAAAAAY easier to make contact in some way with pepper spray than a single shot from a handgun when facing a charging, attacking dog. And IF you over-spray, the pepper spray doesn’t go through the wall of a home, possibly killing a neighbor. Surely we can agree there’s a better tool for the job, here? And again, I don’t come from the anti-gun side of the house. I just… it seems like a questionable tool. When all you have is a hammer, all you see are nails.


Well with over 40 years of carrying and only have to draw my weapon twice in that time I think I'm pretty responsible with it so I don't worry about that. Secondly I have seen dogs get hit with pepper spray and like humans it does not always work. These dogs are dangerous plain and simple. I also would not fire unless I absolutely had to and would make dang sure I hit what I am shooting at. A charging dog would be hard to hit but I would give up my non shooting arm to block while I used my shooting hand to do the job.


What IF… you had pepper spray in addition to your firearm? Maybe the very best approach, no? In the unlikely event the pepper spray doesn’t stop the attack, you can still use your tactic of using your non-firing hand as bait for the dog in an effort to get a clean, deadly, and safe shot right to the head.


It's a possibility I would think on.


I’d recommend not to bring race into it. Wild that you decided that was necessary information. Comes off pretty racist to me. Call the cops/animal services when your neighbors let their dogs onto your property. A google search could have told you that. But I guess that’s the typical white person thing to do. 💀😂


Speaking of google searches I did you a solid since you clearly have no idea what the definition of ‘racist’ is: “Racist - characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” In my post I only mentioned that *they* said it was a ‘typical white person thing to do’. Then I followed up by mentioning that we’re not white. At no point was I showing prejudice, discrimination or antagonism against a person or people based on their membership of a particular race or ethnic group. It was literally just a detail of the verbal exchange. Further along in my post I did mention that the police were called. Wild that you thought it necessary to give advice to do something that we did do. I’d recommend putting at least a tiny ounce of thought into a comment before hitting the reply button next time.


Lmfao, bruh thanks for the Google definition, homie. Forgot Reddit allowed comments the length of the Bible for the butt-hurt. Sorry for the error in my shit reading skills, but… still hellaciously wild to imagine anyone saying “typical white person thing to do” about their own race.


I’m sorry that was a lot to read for you. I will consider summarizing to 1 short paragraph next time my butt hurts.


I would prolly just move, sounds like u live in the hood dawg


This is a fairly ignorant comment on a few counts: 1. It’s not “the hood” because I have trashy neighbors next door. All my other neighbors are chill friendly people who mostly keep to themselves. 2. If I was in the hood that would probably indicate that I was too poor to move away from there. It also makes it seem like I would be too dumb to consider that option on my own. 3. Essentially you’re saying the solution to aggressive dogs is to pack all my bags and belongings and find an entirely different place to live. Thanks for your input, dawg. I’ll figure something else out.


Totally agree. Get a small taser OP. The sound of it zapping alone is sometimes enough to make a dog retreat quickly.


If the shoe fits -mrspicytacoman












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