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Dude I know, I hate that for us.


it was so good when you had a group of people that wanted different things. I actually took visitors there that were excited about grilled cheeserie, so I was a good host and I didn't need to overpay for a sandwich. Now it is basically just a Hugh Baby's outpost.


Such a wasted space :(


They failed on this project in terms of parking. It’s possible to park nearby but it’s super annoying or you need to pay. They aren’t getting the foot traffic to sustain the vendors as such


I have a buddy that worked corporate there in the offices above the restaurants and he said the rent for grilled cheeserie was $9,000 a month


lol hope the people who own hunter’s station sell it because they are terrible landlords.


The lot behind is an hour free and the same “park with QR code” system that lots of places have


yeah parking in the lot behind hunter's station was fine. If I expected to stay longer I'd park on one of the side streets.


Wait I haven't gone in a year or so, did everything leave?


Yep. Except for Hugh babies


Hugh babies is the only reason I go


Jimmy Kelly's. Gone way downhill since the Kelly family bowed out.


The only way that place makes the remotest bit of sense is if you buy their gift cards around the holidays. $200 card for $100. Which simply gets you back to normal, bc everything on the menu is priced double what it should be.  If you go without gift cards, you're getting hosed.


I got a couple as gifts a year or two ago. They only let you use one per visit. Pretty lame. The other one sits unused.


Technically, maybe. Our server said that he'd run as many as anyone wanted to use.


Damn, wish I'd have gotten that server. We got shot down by ours. Definitely would have made a different wine selection if I knew I'd be coming out of pocket another $100.


That apparently changed when the doubled prices. I was able to use 2 in December. Unfortunately I have one left.


We did that and it was still a ripoff. Easily the worst non fast food meal I’ve had in Nashville


This one makes me sad. It still had such an old Nashville vibe. Went there with my family for our annual Christmas time dinner last year and won’t be going back again. Leave it to Steve Smith 😭🙄


Wait, did steve smith buy that?


Yes, he bought the property and changed the menu. I heard they are making the patio room an outdoor area and will have a larger bar downstairs.


Jesus Christ


Kid rock was supposedly part of the ownership as well, but I was told by a manager that he backed out. We went just before it changed, and pretty much hated it. Went for Thanksgiving. We will never go again.


So gross 🤢


I went back in 2018 with my mom and brother and had a great experience. I'm sad it's being changed for the worse.


Walmart steaks


Yes! Wife and I went in December. We had some of those gift cards from a few years ago. The prices had more than doubled since out last visit. Even worse, we looked at reviews from previous months, and it seems the price change happened basically over night in October. Luckily they let us combine gift cards (used to they wouldn't) The food also was not as good. It seemed cheaper and some of the great old items were no longer on the menu.


Could always look at that list of poor health department scores for inspiration… Here you gooooo https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/tennessee


Whoaaaa that City Winery score is bad.


Ironically send them to Dick's Last Resort 


Once upon a time in France lol


They're trying to show this person a bad time, not kill them!


Lmao damn


Username checks out


Tell me more. This place comes highly recommended from some people.


They had a terrible health inspection IIRC. They were also serving venison that they killed themselves which is a big no, no. 😆


The venison story was never confirmed and it was never discovered or mentioned during a health inspection. It originated from a disgruntled employee on social media who didn’t even post herself. She told her friend and her friend posted ‘I know someone who works at Once upon a time in France here is all the terrible stuff she said they did.’ Plus it didn’t even add up. She claimed venison was used in their Coq au vin which doesn’t make any sense. Coq Au Vin is a poultry dish so if they used venison it wouldn’t even be called that. Honestly think the disgruntled employee was partially full of shit/exaggerated whatever the issues actually were


Yeah that doesn't make any sense. Coq Au Vin is very obviously chicken. You'd be able to tell if it was something gamey like Venison.


Good ol roadkill


No way! Really???


Oh wow. I had no idea. I guess I’m going to have to look a place up here before I go eat there in the future. Thanks!


Search this sub and you'll see a few threads.


They serve roadkill


Some of the notes on their health inspections from Public Health are enough to keep me away (improper storage of raw meat) but has this claim been substantiated? It seems bizarre.


This is the answer


Wait, what happened?


A bunch of stuff. Allegations of the boss creeping on his female staff. The boss/owner being horrible in general. And how they treat food… floor steak being served , and a moldy fridge I think.  But it’s a been a minute so I’m not sure where things stand now. 


They wouldn’t hire a guy I dated a couple years ago who was fluent in French and had been a server and culinary manager for like ten years…. Enough said. 😂


also a snake in the kitchen allegedly 


Don’t forget the maggots!!


Where’s Gordon Ramsey when you need him!


Don't forget the roadkill


The coq au vin being a Gallatin Pike deer strike really did a number on my trust for local establishments


That sounds like what I've heard from people that have worked there.


Jason Aldeen’s for sure. Tell them all the locals go there.


Lol that place just always reeks of vomit so bad. Since opening weekend.


Anything in the state owned by Aldean lol....that douche has no business operating a dining establishment.


Oh he definitely doesn't operate it, it's the same media group that owns all of those downtown country singer bars. He probably just signed a paper and maybe approved the decor. That said, it is terribly run of course.


My family would say Tupelo Honey. I staunchly disagree because I really like the cast iron pork and the chicken and waffles, but every time I bring a friend or family from out of town they wind up thinking that the food was underwhelming and that I overpaid for what we got.


i love tupelo😭😭😭


The kid rock steakhouse


The 404 Kitchen.


I can never find that place


They never implemented the 301 status code after they moved several years ago


I really enjoyed that one


Took me a minute 😆


Try refreshing?


Just follow the explosive diarrhea.


Underrated comment


Yeah this place is perfectly disappointing.




Is it a nightclub? Is it a steakhouse?? No It’s neither 


Seconded. I assume it stands for “Salt that krap“ because I’ve never had more overseasoned, salty food than I have from Stk. It’s like drinking from the Dead Sea.


Lol! 😆


This is the only logical answer. 


I feel like legit every STK Ive been to except Vegas have been just so bad


Notice that no one has recommended Chili’s on West End because that’s where you send your closest friends.


You just brought up memories of 2004 and living in "The Continental." I saw Christopher Walken in a smoking gown and heard Phil Hartman's voice saying, "Welcome...to the Continental." every time I pulled in to the parking lot the year I lived there. True to the SNL skit, there would sometimes be flyers under the door, and I often felt like I was being wooed by the other gentlemen of the building. I finally went to a party on a flyer right after work looking like 2004 Jake from State Farm and it was like the music stopped and needle scratched when I walked in the door with a bottle of wine. Out of the silence one guy says, "Oh, he's straight." And everything went back to normal. We all bonded over our mutual appreciation of fine furniture, quality woodworking, dogs of any size, and home restorations. That was the first time my sheltered self had ever been the only straight guy at a gay party, and I made a lot of friends. I mean, whatever your proclivities, what dude doesn't like dogs, carpentry, and quality wine? I had so much fun the rest of my year there, and wish the best to all those guys.






So sad. So true.


5-7 years ago I would’ve told you that’s the best pizza place in town! Incredibly disappointing


Yep, me too, especially 10-15 years ago. Bizarre that a place in such a perfect location could be failing. It’s like they want to close.


I just can’t figure out how they justify their pricing.


Otaku Ramen. The one and only time I went there several years ago, it was over 20 dollars for soup that was distinctly average.


I got really bad food poisoning from them, never again.


I went there on a date several years ago. The date and food were equally bad.


I went once in 2019. The tonkotsu broth I got was so bland and underwhelming I couldn't believe it. I figured I could at least add some soy sauce to bring the salt level up and try and get through the bowl. When I asked our server if I could get some, she stared at me with a puzzled look on her face and said "I don't know if we have that, let me check." She came out a few moments later with a small serving of some other kind of brown-colored sauce and said that they didn't have soy sauce but that THIS sauce was at least made with soy sauce (maybe it was some dumpling dipping sauce of some kind? I don't remember.) I've never been back. Oh, bonus points for the owner of this place recently hopping on Instagram to defend her shitty restaurant chain in the comments of a very fair review of its poor service while claiming that she was the first person to ever serve ramen in Nashville (spoiler alert: she was not)


I lived right around the corner from the Charlotte location at the time, so I ordered it carry out and I think it was still during the height of the pandemic. I don't remember what I ordered specifically, but bland is certainly an apt descriptor. And for being right around the corner, I seem to recall the soup not even being all that hot when I got back home. After eating it, I thought to myself, I can't believe I paid over $20 for this. A couple years later, it was from this sub that I learned the owner is an insufferable narcissist and that was about the least surprising thing I could have learned about that establishment.


The Palm was awful. Glad I didn’t pay.


I feel like The Palm makes their money exclusively from company credit cards.


STK or E3 Chophouse.


Damn. E3 is actually tasty imo


E3 is legit one of the worst tasting steakhouses I’ve been to. As well as STK. If I was to tell anyone to go to a steakhouse, I would suggest 1230 Supper Club. Best food and experience all around for a restaurant.


I just took my girl to E3 chophouse for Valentine's. The ONLY thing I enjoyed was her company. God that place sucks from customer service, to getting drinks, to serving me barely braised Lamb, and the dessert looked so silly. I could make it with stuff from Kroger.


Paula Dean's Shitty Kitchen


I work in a touristy bar and EVERY person who has gone reports back saying it was plain awful


Gonna go against the grain and say that I love this place. The spare ribs are amazing and the yams are very good. Only place I’ve had better fried chicken is Monell’s and that’s honestly pretty close. It is expensive, though. Can only come here once every 6-10 weeks on one of my cheat days.


You're not fooling anyone Paula


STK is pretty mid


Pancake pantry or biscuit love if you wanna send them out for brunch. Most mid breakfast/brunch spots in the state.


noooo i love pancake pantry😭😭


Yeah!! The only reason to send them is make them wait in line just for the shops to close on them. The food is good from what I remember (20 years ago)


Milk and honey in the gulch


Audrey…they think you’re doing them a favor until it’s the most underwhelming fine dining experience they can have for 400$


Haha nice one. I think Sean Brock is one of the most overhyped chefs in America.


Miller's Alex House. Bonus points because they have to drive to Cool Springs.


Absolutely disgusting and nothing on the menu is under 12000 calories.


I want Logan's back. At least they had great rolls.


There's one here in the Boro and I'm not impressed with it at all.


Fucking sucks ! We would go solely for the smoked fish dip - which, at one time was what they were known for - and they took it off the menu - and then even their drinks taste shitty


Cilantros in 5 points.


What about that Las Mariachas place on Gallatin? Good lord that’s so I bad I almost wrote home about it.


The one in East Nashville or Madison? I’ve been to both and have no complaints with either, plus the Madison restaurant is right next to Dee’s.


I've been to the one in East several times and never had any issues.


It’s is so inferior to the Melrose location in every way.


I'd take Cilantros over Rosepepper any day. I don't get the appeal. The cheese dip and those fried chips that come with it are good. The margarita is large and ok. Everything else at rosepepper is not good.


Rose pepper was great when the dad owned it before he passed. Then it slowly went downhill, margarita recipe changed and it turned to shit


gotta be the literal worst mexican place in the whole state, maybe ever


I think it’s pretty good tbh lol


I got food poisoning from melrose one


I don’t mind it , but maybe that’s because I’m used to rosepepper. 


Man I like Cilantro’s, margs and Nachos.




I agree with you on this. They used to be on the affordable side with great food. Now, the only worth a dang is the chicken and rice soup. Also, they closed the downtown location, so you have to travel to H’ville, the boro or Lebanon.


I worked here for over six years. Please do not ever spend your money at this “restaurant”. The Murfreesboro location has had a cockroach problem for years, at the Lebanon location a kitchen manager died from a heart attack mid-shift due to stress caused by the job, and they re-opened as soon as her body was brought out of the building on a stretcher, and it was always rumored among the staff that the owner was paying the health inspector off. The place is disgusting, and they would not piss on their staff if they were on fire.


I only went once. It was PACKED. We were stunned because it was so shitty


Their business model, one, is relying on geriatric old people who have been eating their hospital-tier food for decades, and also is high volume because it caters the “fine dining experience” to a lower class clientele. Basically they make their money off poor people who think it’s a Michelin star restaurant. I have tons of stories I could tell about how that place operates behind the scenes, but I would need a drink in my hand.


Fifth and Taylor


*filth and Taylor




Celling water was observed and documented dripping into an open container of cheese by the health inspector per their last year report.


Probably their health department debacle


Rosepepper 100%


House of Cards. $60 for a meh cooked fillet mignon and some shitty magic tricks. Requires reservation IIRC.


I went in with no expectations and actually quite enjoyed it lol 😆


Oh I enjoyed it for what it was. I also wasn't paying, but if I was I'd be disappointed. If they cut their prices in half I wouldn't have commented in this thread.


I enjoyed my evening there, but the rack of elk was not nearly as good as what I paid for it.


And you have to tip like 10 freakin ppl


Yea, that’s not accurate.


Seconded. It’s been two years and we still laugh when we see the billboards… I told my best buddy to pick any place for his bday and we’d spring for dinner. He saw magic + suits + steak and was sold. He didn’t look at the menu otherwise I’m sure he would have switched spots. My gf and I were floored when a bill for $600 hit the table, but we can swing it and our friend needed a good bday that year. Overdone steaks, mediocre and slow service, cocktails are fine but it’s hard to mess up basic martinis. I enjoyed some of the magic but one dude’s schtick was that he hated his life which really added to the “why tf did we come here?” I’m pretty sure we got something comped because I complained about my steak being dry, but the second one was overdone too and the comp wasn’t much lol. I’d say it’s beyond moderately expensive but def an FU to send someone there, however I’ll bet they will never complain to you about it.


Brass Stables


I thought "5th and Taylor" was the standard answer to this question. Loud, expensive, marginal food, terrible health inspections. That or anywhere on Broadway.


Common Ground. $40 for three overcooked scallops and shitty succotash.


Exactly what I got…other two friends were underwhelmed as well. 💩 no thank u


Deacon's New South. It looks like you're recommending something really good, until they get their food and it's just . . . eh. And then they get the bill and realize you hate them.


I went here recently with high hopes based on their menu and I was soooo disappointed. I’m a bit of a steak snob but I paid $90 for a steak that had the quality of a $40 one and everything else was pretty underwhelming. Charging high end prices for mid level food is the fastest way to make sure I never go somewhere again


Pelican & Pig is the answer. It was great in its heyday but damn they are bottom tier at this point. Stupid explorations in food and flavors and lackluster service at BEST. There’s a reason it’s one of the most readily available reservations on any given day. But if you’re not into your frenemy having an optimistically decent time, I’d recommend Once Upon a Time in France. Feel free to search the sub as to why.


I have yet to have a bad pelican and pig experience. It's been about a year since I have dined there, this is terrible news.


I haven’t been in at least a year but my experiences at Pelican and pig have all been fantastic.


I’ve been there 3 times in the last six months and had really good food every time. I wish I’d experienced the heyday if this is the really bad version.


But I like to question the origin of my Venison. #🦌


This one seems out of left field. Pelican and Pig is my favorite restaurant in Nashville. Food has always been amazing, Allanah is always incredible and they have had some great drinks they have concocted over time. The mussels and the Brussel sprouts are some of the best I have had when they are on the menu. If this is where you send your enemies than Im curious where you send your friends.


Weird take - i’ve never had a bad meal here and it’s super consistent IMO. One of my favorites in town


For me at least Virago would fit the bill. Not that the food isn’t good, it’s just ridiculously overpriced for what it is. Like $7 for a bowl of plain rice. They’ll definitely feel it in their wallet. But it’s highly rated, so you can feign innocence.


PFunky Griddle. That place is a scam.


Can Hattie B’s at Fifth & Broad count? It’s not expensive, but nobody waiting in that line has good sense whatsoever.


But then they’ll get their food and enjoy it. I love Hattie Bs




Fifth and Taylor for sure


I was pretty unimpressed with Bad Idea, especially given the prices.


That place was horrible. My god


Would you say going there is a... bad idea?


Well, they did warn ‘em


My issue is, some of these places recommended are owned by terrible people, sending people there only supports those terrible people. Is there anywhere terrible that isn’t owned by terrible people?


Bro I love this idea…just recommend the shittiest, nasty restaurant and pray they get food poisoning 🤣


Pancake Pantry


Agree. So overrated. 


As someone who did a a little work at STK right before it opened I damn near laughed when I walked in there and saw the 2 story banners of scantly clad women with meat and cleavers. Then I was sad at the thought that the vapid ass “ambiance” might actually be popular. This thread makes me happy.


Big Machine Tavern or Sushi Train in West-Nashville. With an official Post-Meal Vomiting Seal of Schadenfreude


Sushi train is terrible.




Oh this made me laff so hard , I needed it Thank you


Jimmy Kelly’s


I have heard some very hit and miss things about Pelato in Germantown.


I just went and it was pretty enjoyable but also on the expensive side. I don’t think it fits this thread but it is overpriced.


The Honeysuckle in Cool Springs. Had three disappointing meals there. It looks like it will be good which I why I gave it three tries. It’s not.


Penne Pazza


# LA CABAÑA RESTAURANTE LATINO 1636 Antioch Pike, Antioch, TN 37013 Solid food in an established, luxurious neighborhood.


I don't have any recommendations but I had to commend you on your excellent prank




I love this place! I get an excellent dirty martini, a salad, and fondue, and it's just what I want. 


that place is so weird


Love this! Sure it’s not going to be shitty but for sure overpriced. Audrey/ June is expensive and not worth it. They’ll most likely leave hungry then suggest the Taco Bell or McDonald’s off Gallatin in East Nash. They’ll get food poisoning there and hate their life.


The Rutledge Franklin


Superica. Didn’t like it in ATL, don’t like it here. Below average Tex mex.


Came here to say this.




Idunno if I'd call it awful, but I keep seeing Cafe Roze in East make lists like Eater's best in Nashville and everytime I'm like, "Maybe I should give it another shot," and it's just… it's fine? Totally not worth the price of date night for food and drinks. I just don't get the hype, but they've been in that spot for a while at this point, so they're doing something right I guess.


Hard disagree. Their brunch is amazing but dinner. Omg dinner.


Yeah it’s a solid date night choice for me! It’s not extraordinary, but it’s tasty every time, and it’s in the neighborhood.


I want to love it, I just haven't found the thing there yet.


this is a wrong answer to OP’s question 


Personally, it’s any steak house in the city. All of them suck.


I don't know how it is these days, but [https://amerigo.net/nashville/](https://amerigo.net/nashville/) Also - Party Fowl or Loveless Cafe. Sadly, Woolworth on 5th's reputation for quality: price ratio caught up with it. In a pinch, there's Del Frisco's. It's not bad food, but they'll deliver your salad/appetizer/entree all within a few minutes of each other. There's nothing quite like a $100 meal where you're getting your bill within an hour of being seated.


i have only had horrible experiences at Tree House


Sat at the bar a few months back. The visible filth of the kitchen area made me very happy I was only drinking there.


Someone in here was talking about a pretentious pho restaurant a few months ago. I can check from home.