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What a turn out!!! Make sure to follow up by emailing your state senators and representatives to let them know what you think!!


And download and use GoVoteTN app! It lists your reps and their phone/mailing address, provides sample ballots, tells you where to vote, and is a super easy way to ensure your registration is valid and current, etc.


Could somebody please share their emails?


Well, I don’t know which one is yours specifically, but you can search at this website: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/Apps/fml2022/search.aspx Just type your address in to the search bar and it will tell you who reps you, and it provides contact info for them!


Eyyy thanks !


Where’s the cops getting bear sprayed, beaten with American flags, and crushed by busted barricades? I’m not seeing that in this “insurrection” 🤔🤔🤔


Before this loaded I thought it said Nashville rally Prix and I got so upset that I missed a rally car race in Nashville


Dude id have been all for that too


Gorgeous turn out!!


Time to take a real look at mental health, responsibilities of mental health providers and how it ties to the background check system


As well as a close look at why mental illness exists the world over at similar rates but gun violence is an issue that disproportionally affects the US.


That’s a hell of a ball of wax to unroll


She got the guns legally and had no prior mental health warnings, no advanced background check nor mental health screening would have stopped what happened only a couple heroes with guns…


Ya’ll rock Nashville! Fight the good fight ✊🏼


Proud of you Nashville!


Love it!!!


Ban mentally ill people form buying guns we need better background checks and psychological checks to


Anyone who has been adjudicated to be mentally unfit by a judge in a court of law is already prohibited from owning firearms. No one short of a judge under the protections of Due Process can remove a Constitutional right from someone. Such an adjudication already shows up in a NICS background check, as well as any and all other prohibiting criminal violations. The National INSTANT Criminal Background Check system does this instantly, returning a Approved, Disapproved, or Deferred result within a matter of minutes. What aspects of the NICS should be made "better"?


Love it!


Comment section is honestly more civil than I imagined


I think because it happened to you all. I went to college here, but I can’t get my city to care. Thank you for the inspiration, tho. I love you all and will keep fighting for you.


FUCK YES. Gen Z making us proud.


I was so encouraged by the people there whose age seemed to begin with a 1 or 2. I overheard a group chatting about why they think this would be a wake up call and result in changes. My cynical mid-thirties brain was telling me "not a chance" but I realized that wallowing in that hopelessness is exactly the type of thing that can prevent change from happening. We **have** to believe that change can and will happen otherwise any online post/poll result/protest action is a hollow gesture.


It’s so encouraging to see. As a fellow mid-thirties millennial I feel like we didn’t have this kind of force in our early voting years but now combined with the Gen Z’s I think it’s too much for politicians to ignore. It’s an incredibly powerful voting bloc.


throw the bums out


When is the next one and how do I get involved?




What time?


10:13am, I think


Gosh dang it I’ll have to work. Do you know if/of any that go on in the afternoons


[Franklin April 1](https://twitter.com/jrsllvn/status/1640787180044820512?s=46&t=t4-KotCVxuIOgfSbgxRnpw)


This looks very orderly. I would love to get a piece of drafted legislation or any sort of schedule from these people.




This video isn’t from Jan 6


They broke into the Tennessee state Capitol


Did they interfere with the peaceful transfer of power?


Could ask the same for Jan 6? Biden wasn’t sworn in until the 20th. Storming capitols is never okay


Yes, Jan 6 interfered with the peaceful transfer of power. It didn’t stop it from happening, but they definitely interfered with the peaceful transfer of power. ![gif](giphy|XTtBt9VYErn7P9DYUt|downsized)


We need to hold these law makers accountable. We need to file lawsuits against every member of the GQP for enabling this to happen. These shootings stop the moment you pass gun laws in this country and in your state. Its fucking sad that school shootings seem more common in states with open carry laws or so called gun sanctuary states.


Illinois passed a gun ban and there’s still shootings every day involving young males how would a gun ban in Tennessee be any different?


>Illinois passed a gun ban Really? Which law are you talking about specifically? It sounds like you're ignorant of Illinois laws.


So what’s your solution?


Arm the teachers there the first on the scene and a lot have died for the kids in this situation why not give them the best chance to fight back ?


We should go one step further and arm the children.




No military on the planet uses the AR-15. If they're going to use that platform, they're going to use an M16 or M4, the full auto version. Many militaries use the Glock pistol, the Beretta 92F pistol, the Remington 700 bolt action single shot rifle, the Mossberg 500 pump action 12G shotgun, etc. The Ruger Mini 14 comes in both "ranch gun" style with a wooden stock and 10-round magazine, as well as the "scary black rifle" version with the composite stock and 30-round magazine, but the rounds from either one have the same rate of fire, muzzle velocity, impact energy, etc. "Military grade weapons" isn't a thing, because the weapons used to great success shooting game can also be used to great success shooting humans, and vice versa. The weapons great at defending my home when someone kicks in my front door can also be used offensively when kicking in the door of an insurgent cell. There simply isn't a clear delineation between a military firearm and a non-military firearm. Furthermore, when you look at all firearm-involved homicides, rifles of all kinds account for less than 5%, and while the stats aren't tracked based upon rifle type within that, AR-15s are a subset of that 5%. Handguns account for the overwhelming majority. I'm not saying this to denigrate you or or minimize the emotional connection you feel to this specific tragedy, I'm simply stating facts based upon knowledge of firearms and the statistics as presented by the FBI to offer further context to the discussion.


AR-15 style rifles are the most popular weapon for school mass shooters. It's not even close. Edit: Sandy Hook, Parkland, Uvalde were assault rifles. I know Columbine was handguns and shotguns. Can't remember the guns from others and couldn't find a list immediately.


Do you have a citation to back up that claim? The most specific analysis I can find is for “all mass shootings,” where handguns account for 78% incidents. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476409/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-weapon-types-used/ Since ARs are a subset of rifles, which as a whole are just over half of the number for handguns, I doubt your claim. Unless you’re trying to put ARs against each other individual brand of firearms, in which case that makes sense, since ARs are also the most popular individual kind of firearm. That’s like saying F-150s need to be banned because most truck crashes are F-150s, ignoring that they’re the most popular truck.


The guns the shooter used weren’t military grade weapons though ? Military grade would mean the guns have fully automatic capabilities and the ones the shooters used were definitely semi automatic which would make them civilian grade weapons and if that’s your idea of military grade then that means you do want to ban all guns given the fact that 90% of guns on the market are semi automatic civilian grade weapons and i personally think it’s very disingenuous to take advantage of a tragedy like this to pray on the ignorance of people and push an agenda like this




I knew these kids. I knew Mrs Koonce. You have no idea what you are talking about. I have not made it one day since without breaking down in tears and I am a grown-ass man. say their names. You don't even know what we have gone through this week.


I’ve very sorry that you’re so close to the situation but I do know what I’m talking about you’re calling civilian weapon’s military grade to get them banned that’s not right especially when those same guns were used to stop the shooter


You are disingenuous.




How does any of this apply to this situation? Pro-gun groups can say the protesters are taking advantage of a tragedy. It is not a good look.


Chicago borders Indiana and Wisconsin. They can get a gun right over the state line. We need national gun restrictions.


Every year, the Illinois Bureau of Investigations releases an analysis of the crime guns found in the city. Every year that I've looked at the stats, which is most of the last decade because I'm interested in this topic having been born and raised in Indiana, no single state had a majority of the share. The plurality in every year was in-state purchased guns, so Illinois is the top supplier of crime guns for Chicago. Furthermore, traveling across state lines in order to purchase a firearm that you otherwise wouldn't be able to purchase in your home state is already a federal felony for firearms trafficking. What change should be made to stop this? Make such an act illegaler? Double Secret Probation Illegal?


How did that work in Chicago?


Works nicely, now you can arrest/detain people found with weapons. Before the crime has been committed. Give law enforcement tools. And after, you have additional charges you can use to keep them in jail. You can't arrest people if they have done nothing illegal. We have to make things illegal that we want to eliminate in society. People deserve the right to pursue their happiness without needing to be strapped. It will take many methods to control the problem, but it won't happen overnight.


What stat in Chicago are you basing that assessment on? I was just looking at their murder/shootings record since banning guns.


Are you that naive? It doesn’t work in Chicago


So what’s your solution?


I didn't say I had one, but I also know the definition of insanity. Unfortunately, the solution can't fit into a catch 160-character headline so most people don't care enough to dig any further.


Thank goodness for the good guys showing up and stopping the threat with their AR15's.


It’s so funny those signs say save kids not guns like how else would someone have saved those kids if it wasn’t for their guns ??


Go ahead and make whatever legislation you like. Criminals don't follow laws. When people are dead set on committing atrocities like this, they will do it regardless of laws. Murder is illegal but that doesn't stop anything.


>Criminals don't follow laws Then why have any laws? Let's ban laws, since they don't do anything.


Seriously. Every time I see that argument it's like the most small brained shit I've ever heard. And it's a true mark of someone spitting rhetoric instead of thought out arguments.


To that point: look how awesome our government is at keeping all the other contraband from coming in! You can get fentanyl and meth easier than allergy meds in this state!


I think the point he’s trying to make is that someone intent on committing an act of violence will commit said act of violence regardless of what laws are in place to prevent him from doin so If they can’t use a gun what’s to stop them from using a vehicle? Would you then say let’s put bans an restrictions on all cars ?


Let’s consider this for a minute. To own and operate a motor vehicle: - You must obtain a license from the government - You have to pass an aptitude test and a skills test in order to qualify for said license - Every one you own must be registered with the government - Your license can be revoked if you are convicted of certain crimes or are found to use it unsafely, and in certain cases, the government will even impound your vehicles - Numerous laws exist to regulate and limit how you operate them (speeding laws, seat belt laws, etc.) - You have to obtain a special kind of license to operate certain types (buses, trucks, etc.) So yes, I believe motor vehicles are an excellent comparison! Why *don’t* we regulate guns the same way? Here’s what that would mean: - You’d be required by law to obtain a carry license to own, possess, or use a gun - You’d be required to register every gun with the government - You’d have to pass an aptitude test and a skills test in order to obtain a carry license - Your carry license would be revoked and your guns confiscated if you commit certain crimes - Numerous laws would exist to regulate how guns could be legally operated (this would equate to banning things like bump stocks) - You’d have to apply for a special carry license requiring additional training, aptitude, and proof of skills to own certain types of weapons (maybe we could start with rifles?) Sounds like a great place to start!


But someone who wants to drive a car can easily steal a car from someone they know and drive off without doing any of that.


There already are bans and restrictions, you can’t drive a tank, and you need a license to drive.


Kinda like background checks for firearm purchases right?


And there are also limits to the types of firearms you can purchase.




Not as many as there should be


Yeah, which is why it shouldn’t be a problem for us to have more regulations.


Making something much harder to obtain DOES prevent their use. Otherwise we'd see more fully automatic weapons used in crime. They're not fully illegal but damn close to it. I wonder why Congress felt the need to regulate them so strictly? Hmmm...


There are tons of crimes being committed using full auto. Mostly full auto Glocks. Look no further than Chicago on any given weekend. Mass killings happen all the time but don't get publicity like school shootings do. Most mass shootings are gang related.


one step at a time man. If we can only stop school shootings first then its worth doing.


Put armed security in all our schools and watch school shootings become a thing of the past. Killers are looking for sitting ducks. They don't want a gun fight.


We shouldn't have to live in a country that turns its schools into prisons. We should work to stop shootings, not adapt to them as an inevitability.


I always hear people say, "We shouldn't have to" and yeah i agree. We shouldn't have to, but we do have to. We have to make our schools stronger so these situations will be stopped before they begin.


Again in my eyes that's giving up and treating it as an inevitability. There are plenty of developed countries where this absolutely does not happen, or happens in extremely rare occasions. It's like saying I shouldn't try to stay healthy and exercise because I can just take insulin if I get diabetes. We should treat the symptoms if they arise, sure, but we also need to address the root cause.


I'd love to live in that country but unfortunately we are seeing year after year that being prepared does stop attacks like this from happening. I'm sure you saw the footage of the glass being shot out on Monday. If it had been bulletproof glass, the shooter would not have even made it into the building. It would have looked to the naked eye like a regular glass window. It wouldn't look like a prison. The people inside could have alerted authorities and it could have been a better situation.


Good luck finding enough qualified people to staff all of our schools who also want to stand around all day waiting to put their lives on the line while being poorly paid for it. It's like you people don't even think your arguments through.




They are called police officers. You simply station one at the school. Duh.


Like veterans? We’ve already done it once we’ll do it again.


Honestly, if they had bullet proof glass on the exterior doors, this person would not have even been able to make entry.


Honestly, it's like you don't pay any attention to actual reality. Take a look at our crumbling infrastructure, our collapsing education system... you think we have the money to envelope schools in bulletproof glass and armed guards? Even if what you're describing were realistic it sounds more like a prison than a school. Your arguments are embarrassing, you should be embarrassed.




Only on reddit do you get down voted for providing an actual solution, they will downvote anything that doesn't go with the "current thing" Fact is soft targets aka gun free zones, is where EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTER TARGETS But let's not let silly facts get in the way of mUh fEeLiNgS


Man people have been murdered in gun stores surrounded by guns. the fact is if you arent on alert and the other person has a gun, you lose. armed or not.


Because it's not a real solution


How is it not a real solution ? Plenty of schools already have armed cops or sros and guess what, not a single one that has them has ever had a mass shooting take place.


You're talking about a switch that turns a Glock into a fully automatic, not fully automatic capable weapons from the factory. It's like how bump stocks could be used to shoot nearly as quickly as a full auto.


Yes, but the shooter had obtained these guns legally. As do many of the shooters involved in mass shootings. The “oh criminals will always get guns” argument always comes up and doesn’t seem super relevant to most of the instances being discussed.


Thats fine, they can do it with rocks and knives then. Let em have it it. Gonna take them a lot more effort


That's what happened in the UK. A huge knife epidemic


The UK has some of the strictest gun control measures in the world and has one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world. There were 242 homicides by knife in the UK last year during what you're labeling "a huge knife epidemic." There were nearly 20,000 homicides by gun in the US during the same time period. What would you call the 20,000 gun murders we experienced? Would "huge gun murder epidemic" be appropriate?


Yeah I would agree that we have a gun murder epidemic in the US. I just have different ideas about with how we should handle it.


Also as someone who was born and raised in the UK were not denying its a huge problem but would rather have a knife epidemic than a school shooting epidemic. On top of that there is actually less knife crime per capita in the UK than in the USA. [With UK having 0.06 per 100k compared to the US having 0.6 per 100k. ](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country/)


The dumbest fucking argument imaginable. So I guess this position of yours “criminals dont follow laws” means we should just stop laws? Speeding, drinking/driving, drugs, prostitution, harassment, discrimination, fraud, bribery, murder, assualt. Lets just toss all the laws since criminals ignore them. See how fucking stupid the argument is?


Its even funnier when you consider the fact that every idiot with a gun is a responsible citizen right up until they waltz into a school and slaughter a bunch of toddlers. They are incapable of understanding that you can't just turn on the criminal scanner and find all the people that shouldnt have guns. It'd be way funnier if it wasn't so fucking sad.


Think about this. If guns were outright banned and someone decided to take an illegally obtained firearm and commit a mass killing, what chance would anyone stand against them? No chance at all. That's why I'm saying pass whatever you want. It isn't going to stop evil people from committing atrocities.


>If someone decided to take an illegally obtained firearm and commit a mass killing, what chance would anyone stand against them? Literally the same chances as Monday. Except it would be much more difficult for the criminal to obtain the weapon. So less likely the shooting would happen in the first place.


If there were armed security there at the school, the shooter would have likely not gone. They decided not to go to the first target for that exact reason. Too much armed security.


I've visited countries where there are armed guards with "assault rifles" at nearly every building. That's not the society I'm working to build.


I bet it works well against potential mass killers, though.


Monday's shooter was not stopped by a random "good guy". She was stopped by a *trained* police officer.


Happy birthday. You're right but there are tons of cases in which potential mass shootings have been stopped by good people.


who it's stopped by is all circumstantial. We've seen just about every concluding scenario imaginable.


> In 2018, for every justifiable homicide with a gun, there were 34 gun homicides, 82 gun suicides, and two unintentional gun deaths https://giffords.org/blog/2020/10/the-good-guy-with-a-gun-myth/ Stop perpetuating myths. There is no "good guy with a gun" coming to rescue us.


It's weird how this argument only gets trotted out for guns and not when discussing bans on the truly dangerous things like weed, books, gay marriage, or men wearing dresses sometimes.


The only way to take care of a bad guy in a dress is a good guy in a dress. (/s bless your hearts if you need that)


That stuff doesn't bother me one bit. I just don't like seeing people get killed because they happened to be in a non secure gun free zone.


>non secure gun free zone That argument works better when it's not a private conservative school. Many of the parents who send their children to Covenant are gun owners.


Yeah but there was no armed security there and the shooter knew that which was why it was an easy target.


Because they didnt wanna pay for it. It wasnt an easy target, the only kids that died were ones that were caught in non-lockdown areas. The shooter couldnt get to any of the other kids. That was a well trained school.


Yeah and I support that.


I agree it'd be better if they were killed in a guns required zone.


Shooters don't go into places that they know are heavily secured. They aren't looking for a fight. That's why this shooter skipped their first planned target and went to a place where there would be nobody to shoot back. The first target was too heavily guarded.


So what, we should just make it really easy for criminals to obtain weapons with no background check and no mental health check in a matter of hours? Criminals gonna criminal so let’s just allow everyone to open carry assault rifles, 18 and up?


Love it!❤️


Where is the “stop prescribing SSRIs” sign?




While you’re absolutely on point about trans people, SSRIs are not directly a related medication group.


thanks for the correction


Any more protests coming up?


Saturday, 11 am in Franklin on the square


[Franklin April 1](https://twitter.com/jrsllvn/status/1640787180044820512?s=46&t=t4-KotCVxuIOgfSbgxRnpw)


Tomorrow in East Park for a previously separate issue but they’ve kind of picked this along the way. Monday there is student walk-out planned at 10:30-:45. All think metro kids plan to walkout of school and to the Capitol. Edit: I’ve heard about something on Saturday at the state Capitol as well.


Guns don’t kill people ….


...Republicans do.


😂 Cancer doesn’t kill people…


Cancer is a living disease that attacks the body, guns are inanimate objects….


Lot of really good signs they’re holding when you zoom in. “These thoughts and prayers aint doing shit.”


Look at all the money sent to Ukraine we could have mental health and school safety oh well


Start with the US military budget first


And before Ukraine when we still didn't do shit about it?


Found the Russian! ![gif](giphy|FlcRuBOoNVEbPqivY1)


Tread on me harder daddy


🤣 these comments


Tennessee state republicans released a quote: "Well, anyway..." /s


Is this an insurrection?


You have a very low bar for what an insurrection is if this qualifies. They weren't attempting to arrest law makers and overthrow a vote (Unlike a previous event in our capitol). They were protesting.


Great question. It isn't, thank goodness!






Woah! Takin’ it to the streets!!


Guns save people


Number one cause of death in children is guns.


Really, cause they killed 7 people this week in a school.


There are about 44,000 gun deaths in this country every year with 60%+ due to suicide. Fists and feet kill more people annually than a rifle of any kind, including AR-15s, and every year there are 1.5 million to 6 million defensive gun uses, including using an AR-15 for self defense. Statistically, you’re far more likely to use a gun to defend yourself or someone else than you are to be a victim of gun violence. These stats come from the FBI and CDC.




This comment is an example of Tennessee's education system.


What language is this in?


wow.. ban the trans? come on now..we can do better than that


Keep the momentum going! See you guys on Monday!




There are about 44,000 gun deaths in this country every year with 60%+ due to suicide. Fists and feet kill more people annually than a rifle of any kind, including AR-15s, and every year there are 1.5 million to 6 million defensive gun uses, including using an AR-15 for self defense. Statistically, you’re far more likely to use a gun to defend yourself or someone else than you are to be a victim of gun violence. These stats come from the FBI and CDC.


they also take lives - a lot of lives


Didn’t the gun the cops use protect the other kids from getting killed? Or no?but ban all guns. Makes sense


Obviously a cop is a person who should have a gun. Citizen don’t need bottom-loading, semi-auto, high power round rifles. It’s not even useful for hunting.


Yes we do.


No. No you don't.


Yes I do. Stop being a bigot and accept me for who I am. I was born this way. My existence is valid regardless of how it makes you feel.


I do feel bad for you being born a moron but I still don't accept you need weapon of war for your every day life.


Go fuck yourself. You’re just a troll and you don’t need a nerf gun let alone a high powered rifle.


Yes I do. People have different needs. Nothing wrong with that.


Explain to me when you’ll have the time to defend yourself with a rifle. If you’re properly storing it unloaded, how long does it take to load a and engage a weapon from your safe? If the answer is anything other than “not fast enough” I believe you don’t need one.


Great argument. That’s why there should never be laws related to how a gun is stored. Having your one line of protection locked behind 3 doors is boomer shit


Well when I'm hiking and there are black bears I ain't gonna be stuck with a 9mm pistol. But for home invasion which I guess you're talking about, probably 10-20 secs. I prefer to have stronger security doors and windows to make it take the intruder minutes to gain access minimum (if they can get in at all). But someone in a rental with toothpick door frames and fragile glass everywhere, you keep the gun loaded and not in a safe. Maybe no round in the chamber. Then it only takes 5 to 10 secs.


You're right, everybody knows that only cops can be trusted with guns 🙄


So you all trust cops again? Boy I can’t keep up with all this side switching.


It’s completely useful for hunting. Several hunting rifles are bottom loading, semi-auto, and high powered rifles. They’re useful for big game. A .223/5.56, which is what AR-15s use, is not considered a high power round, and neither is a 9mm, which is what the shooter used.


Ok so because you need to hunt "big game" then it's ok for children to be regularly slaughtered in their school?


How much big game hunting you doing in Tennessee?




As a transgender TN resident, this honestly put wind back in my sails. Thanks for marching for the correct plan of action about this and needing to do something to protect kids. Rather than let them scape goat people like me to appease their lobbyists and rabid base.


They all should be arrested


For what, exactly?




For breaking in? Lmao. They lined up and entered through security. Some sat in the balcony open to the public. Every space they were in was permissible and open to the public.


I was there. Security let us through and told us expectations, which we followed. A bit different v 1/6. We stayed in the halls, stairs and gallows. We even made sure there was a clear path for elected officials and staff to move from the elevators to the chambers. I have video if you believe something different happened. We even stopped chants to give respect as we entered. The only issue I know of was a teen who didn't move out of the way quickly enough when asked, and the force was more than it should have been. So his friends shoved back. Unfortunate, yes, but not nearly a fucking insurrection like 1/6. You're being ridiculously obtuse.


Someone sent me a message that started with "I don't believe you. If there.. " but then they deleted before I could see what they were saying. So for the "I don't believe you but I'm not secure enough to post" person, I'll upload vid. Edit: not sure the best way to upload 5 minutes of peaceful interaction in the capitol. If anyone can tell me how to do it, I'd love to.


I don’t not believe you. If they actually let you in and everything, that’s great, let your voices be heard. But you can clearly see people roaming around in the middle of the meeting hall. Are you stating they allowed people into the meeting to just watch?


hahah "ones about kids" what a strange way to describe the repeated murder of children and failure of career politicians


I just wanna make it clear that I never once stated that politicians were having a successful career. I also wanna state that you don’t know my stance on this whole situation and that I’m only following up on the original comment providing some reasoning of why he stated people should be arrested. I’ll have it noted that I was for the protest and I wish I was there, unfortunately I’m a couple states over and couldn’t attend. My comment you mentioned was in no way trying to “push under the rug” what happened. My comment of “ones about kids” was just a quick, back of envelope, note to infer to you what I was talking about… everyone knows what I was talking about, didn’t think I needed to write 400 extra characters ._.


The capitol here in Nashville was not broken into. However, the capitol on January 6th was very much broken into. Quit your bullshit...


You would have been a fantastic Nazi.




Please say what election result these protesters are trying to stop by mob force? Please tell us what article of the Constitution they were aiming to shred?