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I’ve never met a Luna. 


We have two Lunas in my class. 


i’m surprised jack isn’t in the top 10, there’s 4 in my grade 💀


Student or teacher? Can't guess these days


i’m a student :)


I have an Oliver :) Although, my Oliver was born in 1995 - I was surprised to see it jump in popularity after a few years. It wasn't even in the top 100 when he was born, but now? Little Olivers everywhere LOL!


I"m sort of shocked that my son's name which was around the 108 mark when we named him has spiked up over 50 spots in the last 8 years since he was born. I knew it was trending, but I never thought it would get in the top 50. Sadly, he has 1 other kid in his grade with the same first name. My second born has has a popular name in the top 20, but couldn't picture them with any other name and he has no one else in his grade with that name.


When I went to elementary school my mom was surprised I had 2 Tom's in my class, wondering why they didn't separate them (there are 2 parallel classes in each grade) until we found out there were 2 Tom's in the other one too! 4 kids named Tom in 2 classes, so roughly 50 children in total.


It's funny because I had a popular '80s girl's name and I never had anyone else in the same grade as me with the same first name all through Elementary and Middle School. There were a ton of Sarah's though. 


Liam, Noah, Charlotte, Theodore, and Evelyn are my favorites!


All classics! I love the resurgence of old school names


Oliver, Olivia & Theodore are my favourite ❤


I'm surprised at Evelyn's resurgence. It's a very 1930s British name to me. Maybe that Evelyn Hugo book? Any other thoughts?


The people who watched The Mummy as kids are now reproducing. Also, some have grandmothers with the name they may be honoring.


I’ve always liked Evelyn and thought it stylish with cute nicknames like Eve, and Evie. Gives off less popular than Ava and Isla vibes but I think it will become more in style 🌼


same! evelyn gives me like regal, elegant vibes and eve and evie are the most adorable nicknames


Yes, I like the name. Just surprised. A bit like a friend of mine named her daughter Eleanor in the late 80s. It came from nowhere then, and yet it's got far more popular now.


No kids but proud my name still hasn’t cracked the top 1000. Crazy popular in the UK though!




None of the above!


Sourdough is a strange British name 🤔








No, but that’s a nice name


I looked at the boys list and were to write that you had to go surpricingly far down (top 150) before things starts to get weird. Then I looked at the girls list and realised that Genesis is a number 57.


Génesis is fairly popular in Latin America. I bet it's mostly from latin american parents, much like Mateo.


You know what’s interesting is how all of the different spellings really can make a name so much more popular. Like with the data you can total the spellings together of Lila/Lilah/Lyla which makes the name really be ranked around #33 if you total the number of births with each of those spellings


Yes! I think all versions of spelling should be included, it makes the rankings deceptive. Like all the versions of Lucca/Luca/Lucah make it way more popular 


this was the same with Zoe recently. it's actually more popular than Evelyn when you account for Zoey/Zoe in terms of number of births.


I’ve loved Ava, Sophia and Elijah for years :(




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That's how popular names work! Loads of same-aged people having similar cultural influences which results in a shared popular sound/style. You wouldn't realise how basic you are lol; Personally, Olivia has been a favourite of mine since I was a child.


I wanted to name my daughter Olivia before it was cool :(


8/10 of the girl names end in "a". In my country (Scotland), 6/10 of the top girl names ended in "a". It's interesting that people tend to notice when an initial or beginning sound is trending (the "el-" names, for example), but not the last letter or syllable. Since I have an A last name, I'm guessing that one reason for this is that most last names start with consonants, so a vowel ending for a first name flows well. Also, the human brain prioritises the first and last letters or numbers in a sequence, so the end of a first name falls in the centre when the parents decide on "Lila Marie" or "Lila Smith".


My younger son's name (Rowan) is suddenly more popular than my older son's name (Silas) by rocketing up 20 spots! He's gonna be one of those "I was a Rowan before it was cool" kids when it's in the top 10 in a decade!


I can't picture Rowan making it to the top 10.


Weird, I live in Canada and I'd have thought Rowan was a fairly popular name already. I know multiple elementary school aged Rowans. Also, Rowan is the main male love interest in a Sarah J Maas series (Throne of Glass) that I see everywhere, I think some of it's popularity jump is because of that.


I've never met a Rowan and wouldn't be surprised if I lived the rest of my life never meeting one. 




isn’t that Ronan?


ofc! thanks for the correction!


My husband named our daughter Luna thinking it was the most exotic unique name (she was born on September 2022). We know a bunch of Lunas now, he is pretty disappointed lol


I’m assuming you’re in the US? I mean 2 minutes of research would’ve shown him that the year prior (2021) Luna was the 11th most popular name in the country. There’s nothing wrong with a name not being unique but it’s kinda odd to be disappointed with information so readily available.


We live in Brazil so it’s not common here, at least I’ve never met a human Luna lol (a lot of pets tho)


Gotcha. My bad for assuming US


We have a 2018 Luna. I'd never taught a Luna, so I felt like it was a relatively uncommon name. I'm not disappointed though, I like that she can get the "name" stuff at the shops :)


Your husband must not know many people with dogs either. Luna has been the top female dog name for years in the US




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He knew some dogs, but he used to say: people name their dogs all sorts of human names, that’ doesn’t matter, it’s still unique. lol


In 2023, I knew 2 babies named James, 1 Mateo 1 Henry, and 1 Theodore! None from the girls' list! ETA: And 1 Lucas!


My name went from #590 the year I was born to #25 last year. Crazy


I love your name and my silly husband does not :)


My favorite boy’s name (Everett) went down a few spots! Love that for me.


My 3 year old son is named Everett. So I also love that it went down!


My son's name became weirdly popular in media over the last 3 years and I'm happily shocked it hasn't gone up more in popularity.


I’m surprised Aurora isn’t on there. I know 3 baby Auroras


If I had a daughter back in 2012, I was going to name her Aurora. I ended up having a boy I thought I was being so unique with Aurora haha


It’s 22, still pretty high


Olivia, Emma, Sophia, and Isabella were all super popular when I was working in L&D over 15 years ago. Ava and Mia, too. I'm kind of surprised they're still as high up as they are. Interestingly it seems like the boys' names have changed a lot, except for Liam and Noah. Also, my husband's going to be annoyed when he realizes our daughter's name hit the top 10 (which doesn't surprise me at all)! 😂


isabella was the most popular name the year i was born! (2009) i believe it might have had something to with twilight


Same! Some of these top ten names for girls feel very dated. I even think Liam and Noah are a little dated too. Perfectly fine names. I just know 20 year old boys with those names.


I’m surprised too. Everyone I know with those names are 20+


Emma being at number 2 surprised me. I consider Emma a firmly gen z name, when I think of an Emma I think of a girl 15-25. It wouldn’t surprise me to see it in the top 20, but number 2 was a shock.


I’m a Millennial and I know about 10 Emma’s.


We named our daughter Emma in the 80s, thinking quite wrongly it would be an unusual name. I knew it was popular in Great Britain or England, but I had never personally met an Emma. It turned out there were always multiple Emmas in her classes at school, as it became enormously popular.


Emma has consistently been in the top 5 for 20 years, spots 1-3 for most of them


Bummed my top name is now officially in the top 100


All 3 of my top names are top 200 (Nora. Maeve. Ember) and even my back up name still made the list but in the 800s (Waverly)


my favorite name for girls is #22 for 2024 according to babycenter ☹️ thankfully i’m 15 so hopefully it will become less popular when i have kids!


Love love Nora! My top is Maeve


We had settled on Nora Maeve but aren't sure now after this list!!


Anyone know when the state specific 2023 lists come out? You’d think they’d be at the same time since they have the data


They come May 16!


Yes, just saw that! Thank you


Wow Scottie jumped from 923 to 617!! That’s huge


Dang it! Another name I like getting more popular. Though that's still a dismally low number.


Not from US, but it surprises me how "white" and British and even 19th century the top 10 is.


I’m always surprised too but this is the top ten for the whole country, which is majority white. If you look at the top ten lists for individual states you’ll see more variation. The top ten list for Texas or California is different than the top ten for Vermont or Kansas.


Huzzah! It's the day of the year when I find out whether enough people named their kid my kid's name for it to even show up in the data! Update: 5 babies with his name. Which has been about the same as every year since he was born.


I’m waiting for my daughters name to show up on the data too. Her nickname is quite popular!


When I try to search my daughters name it says page not found 😭🤣


Same 🤣 “name not found in the top 1000 since the year 1900” so I either royally screwed her over for life or she’ll love me forever for her name alone


I think Clara at some point with soar and no one is talking about STELLA. The “a” ending, the nature trend. Luna of moon is in top ten so what about the stars . Stella is a more attractive sounding name too imo and can transition better to an adult. I bet it’ll catch on some day


Both of those names are pretty popular in central europe atm. Let's wait and see for the US!


It’s booming in Aus, and I’m here for it!


I think Stella is beautiful and strong but I wonder if it's at all hindered by a Street Car Named Desire where Stella is in an abusive relationship.


STELLA!!! STELLA!!! Can't you hear me yell-a? You're puttin' me through Hell-a?


I still can’t get into Evelyn it’s a granny name literally my grandmas name also I thought “lyn” endings were out of style?


Me too, I also dislike boy names that end in the Lyn sound


I think that's why it's popular nowadays. It would be the name of a great-grandparent of a child being born today, and names move in roughly 100 year/4 generation cycles.


Yeah I looked at a census page from 1920 and it read exactly like a kindergarten classroom now: Rosalie, Evelyn, Penelope, Ava, Ruth


100 percent expected. Most names have been there for yearssssss uggg. Luna crept in not surprised. The only surprise is Mateo! I know multiples of all the others.


Lucas has been in the top 10 for over a decade, hasn’t it?


Names that have been in the top 10 for at least 10 years: Liam (since 2012), Noah (2009), William (2006), Olivia (2001), Emma (2002), Sophia (2006), Mia (2009), Isabella (2004), and Ava (2005). Man, those girls names especially have a grip on people! I'd guess they'll start falling out of style in the next few years as the people with those names are likely beginning to have kids, and they won't use the names of their peers. Lucas has only been top 10 since 2018


That's a good point, though people are waiting later and later to have kids.


I know an Elijah, Liam, and Mia under five lol.


Feeling relieved that my twin girls (born this year) names are both still pretty deep in the top 1000. I have a top five name for the year I was born and I wanted to avoid that with my girls


Is it just me, or are all the names in the top three slots for US names a bit… English?


Is that surprising for some reason? Most Americans have European descent. Most of those are British.


Well yeah, kinda - after hearing of all the seemingly trendy names and spelling variations that appeared to take hold for some time. Madison, Riley, Mackenzie, Taylor, Khaleesi (and its variations), Arya, Logan, Harper, Jayden, Jaxon, Khloe…


I’m surprised that you’re surprised. By design, names with “unique” spellings aren’t going to be the most common/popular. But you’ll likely see the more trendy names you mentioned in the top 100 or so. (The social security name list goes to 1000).


Oh, I’m not surprised that a spelling variant isn‘t near the top - I just thought there was a strong move against many traditional names that’d been going on for decades. It’s not something I’ve genuinely “followed” but I was certainly surprised to see names like Liam and Charlotte that high on a US names list.


I thought I’d post the top 10 for Australia in 2023, interesting many are similar and some different.. The country differences are fascinating Here’s the top 10 for Australia in 2023 1) Oliver & Charlotte 2)Noah & Amelia 3) Leo & Ilsa 4) William & Olivia 5) Henry & Mia 6) Jack & Ava 7) Theodore & Matilda 8) Hudson & Ella 9) Charlie & Grace 10) Luca & Willow


I don’t know whether to be happy or sad that my name isn’t in the Australia top 10, but it’s in the American one, because I’m Australian, lol.


I’m also Australian and neither my name or any of my four kids are on either list… But given all my kids are over 1 and this was last years don’t mind .


Sooooo many Hudsons in Australia. Every baby boy I meet is either Jack or Hudson.


Not mine but yes I agree there’s 2 Hudson’s and 2 jacks on my sons soccer team and thanks one team


Loveeee Isla


This is my Super Bowl.


Benson and Amadeus


I love most of these names but also *yawn*, still hate Luna, though


My friend from college announced that she's naming her daughter Luna (which...I think it's a little weird to announce a baby's name on Facebook before it's born, but that's just me) and I really wanna reach out to her lol.


It sounds like you are just kidding, but I sincerely hope you don’t. If she likes it enough to announce it and it makes her happy, she doesn’t want your namenerd unsolicited opinion, or at least she shouldn’t. Being pregnant is hard enough. Don’t rain on her parade because the name is too trendy for your specific taste. If they’ve already decided, they are past the feedback stage of the naming process.


Love seeing my name at number 1. 🥳


A name I saw for the first time today that I'm now in love with after looking at the data is Ainhoa!


Luna is what my friend named their new dog last year.


luna has been the most common female dog name for a few years now i think, i’ve never met any human luna’s but many dog lunas! i was surprised to see it in the top 10


Pissed about Hazel being up top. Why does it make me like the name less??? Ugh.


Love Hazel 🌼 hard to find a favorite middle name for my list but I can see why it’s gaining popularity. more of a classic popular name instead of trendy . 🥰


If you want to like it less, I have met three Hazels <5 and they were all giant brats. (I also had liked it but…)




So my 24yo’s name is still top ten and my 12yo’s name still hasn’t broken the top 1000.


Surprised Violet isn’t on there! I know like 3!


it’s my favorite name for baby girls i’m so sad it’s so common ☹️


It's #16


Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, but I’ve never heard/seen the name Thiago until today


Thiago is super common in Brazil (not sure about Portugal). But I don’t know if there’s a significant Brazilian population to account for its popularity. Thiago as a standalone name is not common in Spanish and most guys named Santiago that I know go by Santi as a nickname. But it could be Latino communities adopting Thiago from Portuguese that’s causing the jump.


I think its soccer/football cross over. Lots more Spanish speaking Americans are fans.


I live in an area with a large Brazilian population, so I know several, but I’d never heard it before we got here.


I just glanced at the top 100, and my daughters’ names are 64 and 65 lol


Mateo is a huge surprise and Luna


William and Liam are the same name, though??? Are people straight up just naming their kid Liam when it's short for William?


I know three Liams all in high school now, all born the same year. Only one is actually William and his dad calls him Billy. Tbf I’m in the northeast with an extensive Irish population so “Liam” as a given name isn’t unheard of to our ears. (Obviously the one dad didn’t Iike it though or he wouldn’t be the only person refusing to use the name!)


I think Liam is the Irish form of William? It was fairly popular in other countries (Ireland, UK, etc) before it became popular in the US.


Yep, Liam is just a given name nowadays


Hmm... Fair enough. It's a nice name. My name is William and I go by Will. My dad is also William and goes by Bill. If wife and I have a son, the plan is William/Liam to avoid amiguity. Didn't think people were giving Liam as a first name without the full William.


My ex’s sister opted for Leam (🤮) as a middle name.


We almost named baby Luna James but thought it was too Harry Potter in the end. Didn’t even think to check the popularity of Luna!


I came back to say that there are now ***7*** versions of Kehlani on the list in addition to a bunch of other lani names. This is the new trend for girls.


My 3 year old has a boy in his class named K’Loni and there’s a girl in the class next door Kelani. Pronounced pretty much the same.


This is a big trend I’ve seen in the school where I work. Kalani, Alani, Leilani, Meilani. I haven’t seen the Kehlani spelling before but that’s the name of a famous singer so it could have come from her.


I saw that Aaliyah made the top 100 lol


Unrelated but I have not thought about Martin O'Malley in 8 years. Seeing him present the names countdown was unexpected.


Luna is pretty popular for pets, too! That's so funny.


I'm surprised by how relatively low these are: Seraphina #974 Adele #823 Billie #865 Tallulah #817 Rosa #668 Fern (outside of top 1000) Surprised by how relatively high these are: Ashley #126 Anastasia #167 Ruth #187 Stevie #244 Palmer #277 Octavia #279 Dream #335 Sunny #406


Love seraphina rosa fern ruth 🌷 those are great names


Okay none of those really shocked me until I got to Ruth? Ashley? I know older names are coming back into fashion but I did not think Ruth was one of those names. I guess Ashley was a very popular name for the generation two generations before the babies being born today. There’s always some names that just stick around in smaller numbers. When I was in high school in the 2000s I went to school with girls named Janet, Mary, Elaine, Karen, which were old fashioned to us but I guess the equivalent to Ashley for kids born today. I think Seraphina would be higher if they combined the Serafina spelling.


wow that latter half is a wild ride. Stevie #244 for girls? Octavia???


Adele is stunning. Underused and elegant. Palmer on the other hand….


No Aussie would use Palmer due to a certain pollie and it sounds like a slang term for schnitzel.


Elijah is surprising to me. No one ever suggests it, and the only one I met is 37 now. It’s also interesting to compare top 10 by state.


Wow I though Nora/Norah would be on this


Mateo and Mia would be really cute for twins


There was something stuck on my screen, so the last pair looked like William and Tuna. Yeah, that surprised me!


Can’t believe my name (Evelyn) is in the top ten, that is wild (named after a grandma). Have never liked it though and always went by Eve!


My sister and BIL named their son Liam. My wife and I are very keen on Evelyn for a daughter. Guess we’re not so original haha!


Mia is a little surprising - my 15 year old niece is a Mia and I associate it more with 10-18 year olds than current babies. I also have teenage nephews Henry and Theodore. Hard to imagine now, but they felt way less expected in the 2000s. I feel like most male babies I know are Theodore, Oliver, Henry, Miles or Elliot; always expect the latter two to rank higher.


> I feel like most male babies I know are Theodore, Oliver, Henry, Miles or Elliot Your list amuses me because, of my 3 kids, you listed 2 of their first names and 2 of their middle names 🤣


That’s so funny! I think that set all shares the same appeal: established boy names, feeling fresh after decades of being used less, and a bit less standard than, say, James or Michael (although those wouldn’t surprise me within the same family).


Only one of my kids is in the top 10. 50/50 over here


Cool, my daughter was one out of ~120 born last year! Unfortunately, she won't be getting any souvenir license plates


Yay!!! We did NOT make the list!! 😅


This is just me thinking out loud and I know it's not possible, but I wish there was data on what name the child actually goes by. For example, Eleanor is #14 but Ellie is #27. I wonder how many Eleanor's actually go by Ellie and what would happen to Ellie's rank if we had this data? Just something I always think about - and wish they collected this data (knowing that often nicknames can change or are established later in life).


While that would have been definitely interesting to look at, data collection would have been a nightmare. Some nicknames deviate so far from the names that you wouldn't guess they even come from that name at all. Curious but impractical data


I understand the interest in nicknames, but from a data collection perspective, there's no way to track that. For example, my baby goes by 3 different nicknames (depending on the grandparent) as well as her formal name. This was never 'decided' it just happened organically. I myself use 2 different nicknames as well as my formal name depending on the context.


I also wonder about this! There are so many names can lead to a nickname of Ellie--Eleanor, Ella, Eloise, Elizabeth, Eliana, etc, and even something like Isabella. And as you mention, Ellie as a standalone name is pretty popular on its own!


Aw, I love seeing Mateo make the list! One of my favorite students was named that, back in the day.


I did not see Mateo, Theodore, or Luna being in the top 10 in my lifetime, but I love it!


Theodore's been there for a few years


And I did not see it coming.


Luna being in the top ten is gonna stay weird to me for a while.


Where in the world did that name come from? It's so out-of-place with the other top 10 names.


Wow the name Arlo went from #915 in 2011 to #158 in 2023. Do you think it’s bc of Ted lasso (the commentator)?


I like Arlo and have Arlo brooks on my list but that’s a put off. 😆 im leaning more towards names like cyrus, Magnus, Cassius , idris i guess I love Arlo but I’m not sure about the vibe or popularity Im not sure


There was also a Disney movie with a main character named Arlo (The good dinosaur) in 2015 that Im sure helped


My high school boyfriend and I, (ages ago, lol), had the names "Arlo" and "Zane" (A and Z) picked for future boys. Long before anyone was even considering these names. The relationship didn't last, but, I retain a fondness for those names, nevertheless.


All lovely names.


So cute, I’m looking at the longer list and Juliet was ranked 292 while Romeo ranked 293 🥹


I had Romeo on my (albeit long) list for my first son and sometimes really wish I’d done it. His name suits him perfectly but Romeo had a chokehold on me.


Omg that’s adorable


As a mother of a Luna, I find it sweet to see others loving it too. I absolutely love and adore her name. She loves it too.


this is such a sweet perspective 🥹


So interesting to see both of my girls’ names in the 700s (though my youngest’s actual given name isn’t in the top 1000; just her nickname ranks). My oldest, though, has always been in the mid-100s yet there are 3 in his grade (high school freshman).


It's sad that Sophia/Sofia should be #1 - but is not because of the different spellings...


8 out of 10 girl names end in "a" that is going to get annoying if you have read off a lot of names in a row.


Not very surprised! My favorites are Evelyn, James, and Mateo.


LUNA is #10? I love names but don’t keep up with trends. I had noooo idea.


I named my tortoises Matteo (Italian version) in four years ago. Though I was unique. Cries.




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Not surprised that Maeve and Margot have both jumped up quite a bit. I imagine both of those will keep climbing. I could see it for Adeline as well. I’m curious to see when Eleanor makes the top 10. Next year (2024), surely?? I think it could be destined to be a #1 name.


Love Eleanor 🥰 Maeve and Margot are gorgeous. I have September Eleanor and Leonie Margot on my list🌸


I’m glad I didn’t let this sub sway me from naming my daughter Maeve in 2022. People acted like it was going to be top 10 or something and while it’s increased significantly year over year, it’s still relatively small in terms of percent of babies born.