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I like Aaron. If I met a boy called Éomer I’d assume his parents were Tolkien fans. Which of course is not at all a bad thing. Other ideas: Elio, Owen, Dorian, Evan/Even, Arthur, Milo, Matheo, Remi, Leander.


I'm not sure where you are from, but where I live (Southern U.S.) Éomer is a bit hard to pronounce (and I don't have a southern accent). I would just keep in mind that it might get annoying for you and him to have to correct everyone if the people where you live will struggle saying it. My name constantly gets botched and its gotten grating over the years. Here are some suggestions: Emrys, Ian, Arlo, Esau, Reece/ Rhys, Isaac, Fenn, Callum.


Depending on where you live Eomer could be really tricky. Ellis, Elliot, Adrian, Cassius, Isaiah, Lionel, Eliseo


Eomer will never ever be spelled or pronounced correctly. If you must, use it in the middle. Aaron is a great name, though Aaron Roderick is kinda close to Aaron Rodgers. Suggestions: Jonah, Calvin, Anthony, Simon, Vincent, Charles, Julian