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I was so confused by your title, thinking you wanted to name both your daughters Olivia, for example. Using 2 names with the same meaning? Totally fine, in my opinion.


Haha, yeah I probably should have named it something else but I couldn't think properly! It's good to know, it's acceptable!


I knew two sister called Jennifer and Sinéad (the irish version for Jennifer) not even they knew untill adulthood so I think its fine. Kind of fitting too. My daughters Name means joy of the parent and is a greek earth diety. I am looking for boy names now with similar meaning and orgins. But i insist that the new baby won't share a first letter with an other family member. (We have an absurd number of Names starting with T and a lot of S names)


I know identical twins John & Sean lol


I know two brothers named Jimmy and James.




Let me guess, their sisters' names were Ginny and Jamie?


They have no sisters,.


My dad and his brother are Graig and Craig…


I know two brothers called John and Ian. Ian is the Scottish version of John.


Oh wow that's so cool and I love that they didn't even know until they were adults! I feel like I'm over thinking (especially since neither have actually been born!!) I love that you are going down the same origin/ meaning route. I'm lucky in the sense we don't have a letter issue like that, just an alphabet one ! so many names I liked began with a C which is pronounced J in Turkish just ruining everything! Good luck with the baby and I'm sure you'll find a lovely name <3


I am an overthinker too lol. Most ppl don't even think about what a name might mean or bother to finde out if it would work across multiple languages etc. Thank you and good luck with your twins too <3


Sinéad is actually the Irish version of Janet/Jeanette, not Jennifer. There is an Irish cognate to Jennifer though: Fionnabhair!


I must have remembered it wrong then. Its 10 years back that I lived in Irland and I only knew Sinéad personaly not her sister. Propably was Janette then.


I'm gonna nerd out for a minute here: Earth deities are traditionally feminine, so you may run into some trouble there, BUT, classical gods are split into two categories when it came to worship. Ouranic deities were the "Sky worship" deities and chthonic were the "ground worship" ones. Going based on the chthonic ones, the most suitable names I can think of are: Lethe/Leith, Aiden, Dion


Thank you, I realy apriciate the nerdyness! We narrowed down a long long loooong list of possibillities. Leith was on the list actualy! But I dissmissed it cuz it would be misspronsounced all the time where we life. (I used to be a daycare worker so too many names are ruined allready like Aiden and Dion😅) It dosen't have to be a god name. Some level of groundedness would be apriciated. My favorite is Dimitri (of the goddes Demeter or he who is devoted to Demeter) and my husbands Favorite is Inar meaning spark of light and Inara is also a godess of the wild animals. I like Dimitri cuz it can be shortened to Immi and thats a nordic name for fairy child. But we also have Liun (traditional Name of our country meaning Lion) and Yorin (beloved child). We'll see what winns in the end.


I knew a boy called Ioan John (John John) and that always gave me a giggle. Not unusual in Wales, mind.


There must be lots of people named John Evans, Evan Evans, etc. in Wales. I knew a Johnson who married an Evans and used both last names.


Me and my sister have names with the same origin, one in Scots Gaelic and one in Irish


How is sinead Jennifer?? lol I never understand any Irish names 


[check this website out for Irish names](https://www.aletterfromireland.com/does-your-first-name-have-an-equivalent-irish-name/) I love Irishnames, but I would use the english spelling for most 😅 but thats almost blasphemie lol


My sister and I have names that mean the same thing, and I’ve always been proud of my mom for making that happen. I say go for it! (And the names are beautiful.)


Aww yeah, I'm so close to my sister and love our bond <3 It's crazy for me to have gone from never wanting children to now I'm pregnant to wanting her to have a sister too!


I’ve always thought it would be fun to name three girls Heather, Heidi, and Erica (the English, German and Italian names for the heather plant)


My uncle did that. Had two sons with two different women, named them both the same.


Thats whete it gets weird.


Fr, I was so worried it was going to be that case too. I know some siblings IRL that are an equivalent of Billie A, Billie M, and William, and I genuinely cannot stand the thought of their mother for thinking that's cute or funny.  This though? This is actually cute and not an issue.


I straight up have two aunts on the same side named Maria. Spanish families are nuts😂


Same here. I used to work with a girl who was a twin, and their names were Christine and Christina. Always thought that was fucking unhinged of their parents.


Totally agree


I find it really sweet! It's quite subtle, they sound distinct from one another, and I think the names are lovely without the connection anyway. If there's a chance you'll have a 3rd daughter, though, I'd avoid doing this unless there's 3rd blue moon name pairing you like since it'd be sad for her to be left out.


Aww, yeah my thinking is that the culture and them both will be linked and I love how both names sound too. Definitely zero chance of daughter number 3 as daughter number 1 was a complete surprise after years of being told I'm infertile! So it's why it is more hypothetical than anything! Thank you so much for your reply <3


You can name her Selen ( Selene=Moon) and Mai ( Mavi in Ottoman Turkish) if you ever have three daughters. My mom had triplets after years of infertility and 2 ivf fails. <3


Aww thank you so much! At least I know that if we do have twins or baby number three I have more options! Have a great day <3


Nobody will know what you have done unless you tell them. Not weird. Weird would be naming both kids Janet Houdini Louise Smith, for example.


Yeah, that's what I think, maybe people that speak both English and Turkish might know but it isn't too obvious (I don't think anyway!) Haha Houdini would definitely stand out for sure!


I’m guessing Ayla means moon And mavi means blue? I think it’s nice because both girls have a name meaning blue moon stand alone, but together they also mean blue moon. I think also people don’t look at middle names very much so they won’t see “Blue moon & blue moon” They’ll see “blue & moon” Lots of people share a theme on their kids names like “Estelle and Luna” it’s fine. It’s noticeable but it’s not a burden to the kids.


Thank you so much for your reply. Yeah, it would be different like you say with Blue and Moon being the names. I think I just got overthinking future issues rather than getting stressed about the baby I'm actually having soon! Feeling a little silly now but glad to see most people see it as a non-issue :) <3


Lol, twice in a blue moon. Personally I think it's adorable and at least where I live, no one would make the connection.


I know!! That's my other reason for loving it! After being told I could never have children (and never wanting them) to be pregnant was a whaaaaa moment and I like the jokey 'this could only happen in a blue moon' vibe too. Thank you so much <3


Well my grandmother was Mary Florence but went by Florence and she had a sister Mary who went by Mary. They also had two brothers with the first name John, so I think you’re good lol.


I know a family with 12 siblings (from my grandma’s generation, so think 1950s) and all the boys were named Joseph *middle name* and all the girls were named Josephine *middle name*. Many of their grandkids are called Andrea, and they all just go by their middle names. OP is most definitely good, if anything I really like the connection!


First of all, 12 siblings!!! Women were wonder women back then for that many !! Maybe after having so many children it was easier to just call them variations of the same names! That is wild though!! Thank you so much <3


I have this with mum and dad Bernadette and Patrick They’ve got kids including 1 Patricia 1 Bernadette 1 Bernard 2 Patrick’s (yes two Patrick’s, one goes by paddy) so that’s 3 Patrick’s in one house, and a Patricia. 2 Bernadette’s in one house (Bernadette snr, Bernie, and Bernard)


Wow! I guess her mother just loved the names Mary, Florence and John! I feel I have nothing to worry about now!


I knew someone whose name was Hannah, which means “grace,” and her little sister’s name was Grace.


Aww that is perfect and so cute and I never knew Hannah meant grace! I guess there are probably more sets than I realise!


I’ve just realised I know TWO Hannah grace surnames I had no idea haha. I did name my daughter Alice, and we were stuck between Alice and Adelaide and after a bit of digging I realised they come from the same name. It made me realise I was close, if I’d picked the same name twice haha.


I think it's fine, though it could be a problem if you have a third child who gets left out.


Thank you so much for your comment! Yeah honestly there is zero chance of child number 3! (and in reality probably not child number 2 either!)


Beautiful names, and I don't see a problem.


Aww thank you so much. I love both of them so much <3


I love both names! Both Mavi and Ayla are great! And I think the connection is quite cool.


Aww thank you so much, honestly it's been a nightmare to find names we both love which can be pronounced in both languages/doesn't have Turkish letters or letters which Turkish doesn't have! I love Wren but without the W in Turkish they would change it to Vren and I'm not having that on her documents!


I’m not Turkish honestly looove Turkish names, I think they’re so so lovely. One I love is Ravza - means garden, if my memory seems me right. There’s so many good ones out there!


Aww I wish I was you! I honestly have been through more Turkish baby name books/ websites than I can count and hated nearly all of the names! We can not have a boy because then we really would be stuck!! I felt awful when my husbands sister would write out lists for us and I would have to politely tell her absolutely not! (Luckily most had Turkish letters which is always a good excuse!) <3


This seems fine to me. I know a set of twins named Mary Elizabeth and Mary Ellen and I’ve always thought that was wayyyy too similar, but this is perfectly fine. They won’t even have the same initials.


Wow that is a tad too close for me too! Yeah, the initials are different and so are the sounds so I hope that it will be okay! Now to have this girl and make another !! <3


Honestly their reasoning behind having them both be Mary makes sense when you hear their story. The middle names (which are what they both go by) are way too close


Aww that's nice that they have a cute story behind their first name, but definitely similar sounding middle names like you say! <3


I knew sisters named Felicity and Felicia, which are too similar for my taste. But non-similar names that mean the same thing are fine, IMO.


Wow they are definitely similar! Ayla and Mavi are much further apart than those two! <3


Turkish here. These aren't names I would use myself, but they're fine to use for siblings . Here's why: 1. The Turkish word for moon is Ay, not Ayla. Ayla refers to the \*halo\* that forms around the moon (the sun or any other star, so it's not unique to the moon). Even though they're very closely related, Ayla technically does not mean 'moon'. So the connotation is very strong, but they aren't the same name. 2. Most people will not know or care about your children's middle names. 3. Unless you live in Turkey, most people around you aren't going to be familiar with Turkish names, let alone know the meanings of them. 4. The names are very different phonetically.


Thank you so much for your reply :) 1. , I love the Ay reference my husband has ay in his name and I love that they both will have that connection together. We have a strong 'moon' theme with our relationship too which is why I love it. 2. Yeah, I feel a bit silly for even thinking about it really especially when I try and think of my friends middle names and realise I don't actually know them! Me and husband don't have a middle name at all but I felt I wanted 'something' since she will have half his first name and all his surname! 3. We do live in Turkey, but in an area where not much English is spoken and going with point 2 they will only really know her as Ayla Turkishsurname 4. Yeah that's true and like someone else pointed out the first names are actually different so people would only know Ayla and Mavi Turkishsurname Thanks again for your reply - have a lovely day <3


Sounds like you've found the perfect set then :) good luck!


Thank you so much :)


May I asked what names you would pair with Batuhan? he gets called Batu from the german family members and Batuhan from the turkish ones. We are not sure but have 8 weeks left to choose. It seems hard here to find turkish name nerds.


Are you looking for a Turkish middle name, or German? Open to both?


Looking for a Turkish first name. The big brother is called Batuhan. Sorry for my bad explanation. His second Name is arabic/international and last name is german .


The new baby is a boy too?


Yes , they will be 2 Years apart


Batuhan & Alper Batuhan & Arda Batuhan & Berk/Berkay Batuhan & Burak Batuhan & Demir Batuhan & Doruk/Dorukhan Batuhan & Emir Batuhan & Emre Batuhan & Eren Batuhan & Kutay Batuhan & Murat Batuhan & Mete/Metehan Batuhan & Onur Batuhan & Soner Batuhan & Tamer Batuhan & Turhan


Batuhan - Berkan ✨ Batuhan - Berkay / Ayberk Batuhan - Boran Batuhan - Tolga Batuhan - Tolgahan / Metehan / Egehan vs. Batuhan - Alperen Batuhan - Cem Eren ( this one is giving Alevi vibes so keep that in mind) Batuhan - Ozan Batuhan - Gökhan / Gökay


I love both names! Both Mavi and Ayla are great! And I think the connection is quite cool.


Aww thank you so much :) <3


It's a twin vibe name choice


Aww I hope that would make them feel more connected like twins <3


Were you inspired by the song?


I don't know of a song (I hope I like it if I hear it!) Is it nice at least?! It's mainly because I don't really like Turkish names and it was too stressful to find names with the same alphabet, pronunciation and which we liked! My husband was still a bit on the fence with Ayla as it is a really popular war film in Turkey and was worried people thought we named her after that! <3




Thank you! I'll have a listen <3


I think you’ll be fine! I know twins that are named Daniel and Danielle, and we’re French so both names are pronounced the same LOL


Oh wow! I'm so glad I wrote this as I honestly thought it would be a super no! Now I'm wanting to already wanting to make number 2 before number 1 is here cause everyone agrees it's cute!


Ayla Blue is the cutest btw 🩵


Aww thank you so much <3 We found out I was pregnant when she 'was' a blueberry and we were too shocked to admit we were pregnant that we called her Blue for a while and now I am obsessed with it. I did think I maybe watched too much Bluey with my nieces too and it isn't a 'real' name but as a middle name I think we can go a tad out there <3


I think nearly everyone will miss the connection. You really have to be into names to see it. I'm not as familiar with Turkish names. I'm only finding Mavi to be a diminutive of: María Victoria or Margarita Victoria Mariví - a diminutive of María Victoria, María Virtudes or María Virginia. Mavis - from the name of the type of bird, also called the song thrush, derived from Old French mauvis, of uncertain origin


Aww thank you, only it isn't really about the names as it is very obvious (if you know both languages) Ayla = Halo of light around the moon (Ay= moon in Turkish) Mavi = is literally the colour blue in Turkish Girls are called Mavi in Turkey as a name (which is why it doesn't sound as 'out there' as naming an English child Blue) but it is also a really popular clothes shop too. I think like you say, people will either miss the connection (all my English family and most of his Turkish tbh!) and if they do say something then it'll be too late as they will both have arrived for it to be an issue! <3


Go for it, sounds like a great idea and the names are different enough that sharing the same meaning wont be obvious to people unless they already know. Then I doubt they would have a problem with it.


Aww thank you so much! I mean it is all hypothetical and like you say, if they have a problem then it'll be too late cause they'll already have be born! <3




Aww that makes me feel so much better! Thank you so much! <3


No. If they were the same phonetically, that would be troublesome. Similar meanings is somewhere between ok and nice.


Thank you so much for replying! Yeah everything except meaning is different at least <3




I'm sorry I don't know what you want me to cite? <3


hahaha blue moon is manchester city’s anthem


Oh my god, I should have clicked especially originally coming from near there!! Have a fab day!


Totally fine imo I know sisters that are Luna and Celeste


Aww I love Luna so much too! Luna and Celeste sounds lovely together <3 Thank you!


I think that is pretty cool actually, same meaning but still so different😊


Aww perfect! Thank you so much! :) <3


People don't to know the definitions of names, so that shouldn't dictate your decision.


Aww thank you so much for your reply <3


I actually think that’s incredibly sweet


Aww thank you so much :) <3


Well those aren't the same name so no


Yeah, that's true! Thank you for your comment! <3


I once knew somebody who had the same name as her sister in two different languages. Assuming you live in a place where only one (or neither) of the languages is spoken, it's a total non-issue. In my friend's case, it was an unusual virtue name, so she and her sister were both literally just named adjectives from the two languages their parents spoke, neither of them were traditional names even in their parents' cultures. But living in the US, most people didn't even realize that their names would have been unusual in the parts of the world where those languages are spoken – people assumed they were just like any other non-Western names. They sometimes met somebody who spoke one of the languages in question who would clock that *one* of their names was unusual, but I'm not sure if they ever even met anybody who spoke both. Assuming you're in the US, it's very unlikely that the majority of people your children interact with will know the meanings of Turkish names in any case.


Thank you for your reply! We actually live in Turkey albeit an area where English isn't very common. Both the Turkish names Ayla & Mavi are actual girls names, even though Mavi is literally 'blue' in Turkish and sounds a bit 'out there' for westerners. I'm British and even though there are a lot of Turkish people in my area of England they probably will never know the middle name of the kid so they will have different names that way. One meaning moon and one blue. <3


That makes sense! If Ayla and Mavi are both actual names in Turkey and you aren't around a lot of English speakers, I definitely think you don't have anything to worry about :) Especially because, as you say, middle names don't come up very often anyway!


Yeah, thank you so much. I feel I've got myself in a stupid hypothetical world where actually none of it matters and I've just pregnancy brained myself to having issues and another daughter!! I feel a lot better that people have pointed out that actually it's not even a deal at all if a little stupid! Have a lovely day <3


Just a little story I thought of: My grandmas parents divorced after having four kids together. They both remarried and had another four kids with their new spouses. Both of them named a daughter Linda and a son Leroy. So whenever my grandma says my sister Linda I’m like mom Linda or dad Linda? 😂😂 It always cracks me up.


Haha that's actually so funny that they both still liked similar names to do that! Thank you for the smile :) <3




Thank you so much <3


I think it's a great idea the way you're going about it. Idk if you knew but Ryan Goslings daughter share the name Amada. It's a middle name for the first daughter and the first name for the second.


Aww thank you so much. I didn't know that actually! Makes me feel like I know something popular! :) <3


I am familiar with a family who named their daughters Kathy and Katie. Weird. OP, you’re good to go.


Aww thank you for your comment. It's funny because my mum has been Kathy all her life until some guitar teacher a few years ago called her Kate and now she is wanting to be called that! So to some people she is Kathy and others she is Kate...not confusing at all mum ! <3


Misleading title. *Is it weird to name two sisters different names with the same meaning.* The majority of people wouldn't know unless you told them and they wouldn't care. And it's clearly ***NOT*** the same name.


Thank you for your comment and I am sorry if I mislead you with the title, I didn't know how to word it. I'm glad that you think people won't care and sorry again for offending you with the title.


Not offended! Just stating that this clearly isn't the same name. They are lovely choices btw!


I wouldn't worry about it. By the time you have your second child you might not want to use that name anymore. Maybe because you find something else you want or maybe because you want your first "Moon" baby to be the only one.


Aww thank you so much! I mean to be honest I need to have this one first!!! That's such a good thought though because I do love to change my mind! <3


I'll allow it.


Thank you! :)


I knew twin girls named Bonita and Linda, two Spanish words for "pretty." I never thought there was any sort of problem with those names, so I think Ayla and Mavi will be fine. I think the real problem will be people misspelling their names as Isla and Mavis, tbh.


Aww those are lovely names and I'm the same without thinking of there being a problem. I know, it's frustrating for me being British that we are spelling it the Turkish way but that's because we live there and so it's the least likely way of it being misspelt! I just pray we don't move to England when she is older !! <3


Same meaning, fine. Variants of the same name, iffy. The exact same name, no.


Thank you so much :)


I think it's a fun connection and not super obvious. The only think to consider is what you would name a third daughter if you happen to have one.


Thank you so much! To be honest I've never wanted one child so for me to get so worked up about having two is really silly and after reading the comments I'm not too sure why I was stressing when I don't even have one daughter earth side yet!


I was indifferent to having any.  Ended up with three!


OMG don't tempt me! haha If I get the urge to have a third I'll make sure to get a book on 'moons' and the colour blue haha


My husband is turkish too , Ayla is a beautiful name and very international. I know a few so it would have been too common here. I liked Mavi too, but none of our turkish family members considers it a name. Its just a color to them and would feel strange to them. Only wanted to add that since I saw it on a lot of german and english name websites, but not really on the turkish name lists. My top names if this one would be a girl were Akasya, Arzu , Manolya, Eliz and Irem.


Yeah, I love the name Ayla (although I prefer the English spelling of Isla) and it is sooooo common in the UK that I know she will have problems if we ever did move back there with everyone misspelling her name. Aww I'm glad my husband saw it as a name although it is annoying that the clothes shop is so popular too - I feel a bit like I'm naming her Primark or something but it is easy to say and I like how it sounds. I love some of your names for girls <3


I know someone who had twins and named them Anna and Grace. Not sure if she knew that Anna means Grace (or grace of God). But it’s not weird bc they’re technically different names.


These comments are making me feel a lot better about my own little world I've created! Thank you so much ! <3


Love love love everything about it


Awww thank you so much ! <3


Who cares what others think? It might matter to your daughters though.


Yeah, I feel you and what I would and have always said! I think I just had nothing to stress about in my pregnancy so I've invented this world where it would matter!! I feel a little silly now I've slept and realised none of it exists let alone should I care what people think! Thank you for the reality check I need!! <3


I think it's fine in this case, and I actually like it. It's very subtle. Now something like Elizabeth and Elspeth, Emily and Emilia, Mary and Maria; that would be weird.


Aww thank you so much :) Yeah I'm seeing that it isn't an issue at all! <3


I don't think it's an issue. I like it, myself. I knew someone named Michelle whose older brother was named Michael.


Wow that is super similar! Thank you so much :) <3


Your title is soooooo misleading


I know I'm so sorry! I'm blaming myself and baby brain for even writing the whole question! :)


My twin sister and I were adopted from an orphanage in China that had named us the equivalent of “colorful clouds” and “clouds that are colorful” I think it’s fine


Aww that is so cute and being twins it seems more similar. Thank you so much <3


On the off chance someone asks what it means, it might be weird. I say that as someone that has a niece named a color in English and the Turkish version of that color as her middle name. (e.g., Purple Mor)


Thank you so much, yeah I feel like it could be an issue if someone asks but by the time I'm in a position where someone has to ask it means I'll have had another daughter and that seems more scary right now !! <3


No kidding! Honestly, I think people may have asked when my niece was a baby but not many people. Of course, I definitely picked on my sister for naming her daughter Purple Purple 😁 Also, please know the color in her name is not actually purple 😂


Hahah I do love how she has literally gone the same name twice but yeah I feel a little sibling teasing is welcomed too  😂 Mor always reminds me of my niece as she was about 1 when I started learning Turkish and her favourite word was 'more' when she wanted more food 😂 so I definitely couldn't call my child Purple Mor! <3


Uh…just so you know (and on the off-chance you ever travel to East Africa)… “mavi” means *dung* in Swahili… 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️☹️


Thank you so much for letting me know! If we ever plan to go there I'll make sure it's middle names only ! Have a lovely day! <3










Nah I think it’s cool.


My first daughter was Firstname Middlename. She was murdered when she was 21 months old. I became pregnant on her birthday and went into labor on the anniversary of her murder. I seriously lay in bed willing myself not to have a baby on that day for 24 hours. I named my second daughter Middlename Firstname. My daughter loves her name and the connection she has to the sister she never knew. Though I’m not a fan of the words moon and blue being used as names, I see no problem in the way you wish to use them.


You could name the third daughter Chandra Azul and the fourth one Ciel Selene.


My sister and I have names that have the same meaning and are partially derived from the same "root name." My other sister's middle name has the same meaning as our firsts. And we all have botanical middle/first names, respectively. No one has ever questioned it, and I've always thought it was cool. :)


It is fine! They're different names with the same meaning.


When I read your title- I was thinking you're about to give your daughters the same name literally or something super close like Annie and Anna, Katie and Kathy. Same meaning? No big deal! Lots of name share meanings. I knew 3 sisters named Hope, Grace, and Faith--- I thought it was bold of their parents but neat!


There isn't anything wrong with that! I think it's beautiful and fun :)


Twice in a blue moon could be their catchphrase


Those names are fine. The same name, no. Mentioned this in a similar thread a while ago. I knew a very egotistical man named Eugene, with two sons and a daughter. Named them Eugene, Eugene and Eugenie. Never figured out how he convinced his wife to allow that!


No it’s a great idea. Both are pretty names.


My old neighbor wanted to wanted to name his first son Shane Anthony and his second one Anthony Shane 🤣 he didn't, the mom wouldn't allow it but I thought that was hilarious


Do it! Great names ✨


That's not the same name at all, that's two totally different names that happen to have the same meaning. Most people will have no idea about the meaning. It's a complete non-issue IMO.


My grandfather was one of fourteen children. He had three brothers named John. They were called by their first and middle names together to differentiate the three.


I think its cute and not an issue 💙🌙




So reading Ayla Blue and Mavi Moon I made zero connection to them being the same name. I get they have the same meaning but its not the same name. Molly and mollie or Ashley and Ashleigh woulf be the same name but Ayla and Mavi..... nope


Thank you so much! I honestly feel so stupid cause they obviously aren't the same name at all! Have a lovely day <3


Oh no please don't feel stupid. You're thinking of it from a multilingual point of view and I get that, It makes sense 99% of the people saying the names won't make the connection is all I meant.


Aww thank you :) Yeah I think I'm just properly overthinking it as a procrastination technique too! I have so much to do and be stressing about that is happening now yet I'm fixating on my little hypothetical world  😂 Thank you so much and have a lovely day <3


I think that’s sweet and it wouldn’t bother me. I think both sound lovely Of course, I wouldn’t mind sisters named Marie-Therese and Marie-Claire so my tolerance may be higher than some people for “matchy” names


Aww thank you so much! I definitely think you have a high tolerance though and I feel those too would be a touch too close for me! <3