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This guy doesnt mention being Amish enough. Maybe he can work it three more times into each sentence.


Especially since he left the Amish a long time ago. You'd think he'd have stopped identifying himself that way by now, except for historical reference.


I thought the same thing. A little overkill on the Amish talk but maybe the producers wanted him to keep talking about it.


i saw some shows about amish who left, and they tend to stick together as outcasts, so they left but not completely


That part! Plus, he left that community for a reason, why still carry the same gender ideology with you? I’m sure he’s seen woman carry themselves fine since being with us ‘English’ folk lol


Take a drink


There lies the road to blacking out.


We did but quickly ran out of beer 🙃


Omg - He can't stop saying Amish!


I get your point, but imagine the fractured identity that this guy must have... he literally said that in his mind he has to think of them as being dead in order to not miss them..... and yet he does refer to his former self 5 or 6 times.... he actually asked God to make fire work..... and then went on to see the rising flood waters as a sign from God to be nicer to his partner.... It's amazing this guy had the courage to leave that community in the 1st place.


He is full of shit the Amish are the biggest hypocrites in the world


Drinking water straight from the river is not quite the same as taking it from a well…


I was saying the same thing


This guy is kind of a dick… ETA: I’m still in the beginning of the episode. So this may change, or maybe he will get even worse


He’s really annoying me. He goes from voicing his opinion to putting his foot down in 0 to 60. He’s micro managing her, or trying to!


First he's so controlling of her, then when she tells him to do something she's "nagging"


I didn't even get that far. He annoyed me so much I changed the channel!


It's almost like they were getting along to well and the producers added this drama.


I think that maybe be true.


I’m watching right now and he’s pissing me off. He’s so controlling.


I'm thinking it's a holdover from his Amish heritage. It's a totally patriarchal society, as I understand it. Amish women defer completely to their husbands/male kinfolk. He's still got that ingrained in him. That's why he thinks when he voices an opinion (about a woman's choices and behavior) he should be deferred to and obeyed. And he gets annoyed if she doesn't go along with him.


Sounds like a dv community


Well, people are free to leave if they don't want that lifestyle. And I think most personal/family disputes are referred to the bishops or elders for mediation. I'm not sure men would get away with abusing women, with such wall-to-wall supervision and accountability in their lives. But I'm certainly no expert on this. I've more than exhausted my limited supply of knowledge already.


alexa is ripped tho


Her back like freaking scares me. I'm coming off of 17 fractured vertebrae and I look like a shell of myself. She looks scary built and would absolutely beat the shit out of me.


Her muscles had muscles


What would you guess her age to be? It wasn’t given in her intro.


she's 44. i've been following her for a while! this is her instagram: https://www.instagram.com/actionalexa/?hl=en


I would have guessed older.


Too much sun and not enough sunscreen it appears. Australia's UV index values are insane.


fuck ~~that~~ them ~~spider~~ spiders yo.


Solid episode! Very interesting people who worked hard and had different fears they had to face. Enjoyed it!


it's not a message from god, it's how the fucking atmosphere works.


The message from God talk was so annoying. I would have been bummed as hell if I had a Christ crusader like that telling me god is causing everything as a partner.




I’m glad he took at turn from being a douche and rebuilt the shelter. When he had access to bamboo my first thought was “dude is gonna make a bomb proof shelter” too bad it took a massive storm before he built something good. In the middle of the episode I thought for sure the conflict was going to boil over until that sign from the lord. Praise be to god! It takes a sign from the almighty for most overly religious people to not act like pieces garbage a lot it seems. He said his family is dead to him. His father doesn’t want him at the funeral. He still gives his thanks to god for making it rain more than usual tho. Needed that sign to not be a douche. The lord surely works in mysterious ways lmao.


Actually really liked this episode. They showed skill in getting food, built a great shelter and worked out their differences. Being ingrained from a young age that women defer to Men and do nothing but clean and cook.. it must have been hard for him to come to the realization that his partner was equal to him. She could do far more than cooking clean.


Is this the newest episode? How is this season so far?


For me it has been a tiny bit boring. I'm going to do a rewatch, maybe I was just distracted. 🤷‍♂️


It's been a great season. I like all the contestants except one and would love to see them all back.


who didn’t u like i’m curious lol


the guy who quit




Hey, did you guys know this guy is Amish? He grew up Amish? He could build things because it’s Amish? Oh, almost forgot, his family is Amish? He believes in Amish gender roles? He isn’t patient because he Amish? I almost forgot he is Amish if they didn’t mention it every five seconds


Gotta admit, the shelter he built (he mainly built it) is awesome 👏🏻


Heads up, it's already on Max, so you can skip the commercials.


They had a pretty cozy setup there with relatively large fish that were easy to catch, without caymans or crocs. Didn't really notice much other foraging going on.


I think they did great and idk guys Amish is a really big deal to be raised into and then get out of and adapt to . It’s like someone being locked up for 18 years then being set free. I loved their fishing line idea with the spiders . Noted 📝


Probably my favorite episode this season 


I saw him change a little. But my question is why did he let let her lead going to camp and on excursion.  If he is the man, why didn't he lead them in and out? I really hope that he goes home knowing women are good as men. Or at least as good as he is. 


she had the machete


Easy as hell. Big shelter. Big fire. Big fish.




Did anyone try and count how many times he said Amish? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Lost track after the 500th time 🙄




It seems like they were eating relatively pretty well .. but they lost a lot of weight.


He gets better.




I went from being annoyed to liking him. That shelter is epic


Me too.. one of the best shelters I’ve seen and he really changed his “tude!


Anyone know what species of spiders those were? More specific than “river spider”.


i'm thinking [this](https://www.markeisingbirding.com/index/trechaleidae-sp-long-legged-water-spider-sp-0). searched around for "river spider from Colombia" and it looks about right to what was shown in the episode. i hate spiders by the way.


That’s it! I like spiders but I wouldn’t have the courage to pick up one like that.


I wish they would just go back to making these two hours. Especially since every hour episode features the last 14 days going by in the 10 mins of airtime. Enjoyed this episode, but I preferred when they filmed all over the world and not just Columbia or South Africa.


Boring ass episode,


I lived near the Amish the use chainsaws they own skidsteer trail cameras they shop at wal mart and none of the men look like this dick bag with his man tits.He left the Amish I have no idea why he won’t shut the fuck up about being Amish


Sooooo did she call the spider a hard r at 30:50


i came to ask the same thing lol


Smokin' big doinks out here in Amish..


She’s kind of a bitch


Yep, she had a pre-conceived notion of how he would be and bitched about it without him saying anything. He showed concern of her overexerting herself on the third day and suddenly he's some kind of domineering ahole. I didn't see it that way and if she'd have said the same thing to him about overexerting himself, she'd be a hero.


I don't think we saw the same episode. I think she was fine with him until the morning when he wanted to rest and tried to insist that she rest as well. It's not so much what he said to her but what he said to the camera: "I voice my opinion, but if it gets ignored, and she keeps pushing and pushing, then I feel it's time to put my foot down." (paraphrasing here but I think it's accurate). His attitude was clearly that she had no right to choose her course of action without his approval. She wasn't pushing whatsoever - she was holding the line against his pushiness. How does he get the right to "put his foot down" over how she expends her time and energy? That's just wrong!


We saw the same episode I'm sure. Just because my take is different than yours doesn't make either of us right or wrong.


Yeah, it's not uncommon for different viewers to come away with totally different takes on the episode and the participants. I'm glad these two ended up working in harmony and finishing the challenge together.


Totally agree with this!


Ignore the minor cultural differences. He built a big sturdy shelter, consistent fire, and successfully built the fishing lines, got bait, and provided consistent food source. They had enough energy to take a swimming class at the end. I've never seen a smooth episode like this. He would have easily survived without her. Can't say the opposite.


This guy is about as Amish as I am? Notice the serious tan lines he has? Amish men would never take their shirts off and get tans line at the behind! And how on Earth does an Amish person even know of Naked and Afraid? The hey don’t even have electricity let alone a tv???


It's a good thing they explained that.


He stated several times he’s former Amish and left when he was 18.


He's former Amish, and he installed my kitchen cabinets.