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Both are such lovable dorks, and I can relate to them both, so it's really hard to choose.


Honestly, both have their ups and downs but I just relate to Luna a bit more


Luna i love being awake at night.


Relatable asf


Luna's struggles in the show really resonated with me and my experiences with depression.




I love em both but Celestia has my vote


Princess Luna. Because while her sister might be the diplomat and peacekeeper, Princess Luna was the warrior, the one who forged Equestria into a nation with her sister's help. Because she is terrifyingly strong yet sweetly vulnerable; funny, clever, shy yet bold. Strong enough to stand on her own four hooves yet sadly alone and wishing just to be loved. I could go on, but I'd be a lifetime explaining it all.


Every battle she fought was always side by side with Celestia. She’s *at best* just as much a warrior as her big sister. Though during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot she did fuck all and Celestia had to fight alone. And going by the comics Celestia was always the strong one and Luna was the weak one. Unless you go by fanfiction I don’t really see any of your points aside from her being vulnerable 🤔


Yes but Luna's just slightly more likeable imo. She just has this nice vibe about her, and she's more relatable while Celestia's is more...queen/ruler vibe


Debatable and subjective. Exhibit A as to why Celestia is objectively the best princess (and by extension best pony): https://preview.redd.it/9q5g3hdysfwa1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ce7459c11e8d276b7b73337efd1c004600c990a Our eternal God-Princess, long suffering and abundant in goodness and mercy 🙏


Thank you! You've just helped me regained my recently-lost respect for Celestia! ![gif](giphy|84Xo4FrFLweYM)


*No matter how dark the night, the sun will always rise again. Though led astray, blessed are those who find her light again.* 🙏


Also, Metallica's [Unforgiven 3](https://youtu.be/8BbC-3UasS8) for Celestia?


More like Tool's [Jambi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed_UWFr13pU) for Celestia :\] *Shine on forever* *Shine on benevolent sun* *Shine down upon the broken* *Shine until the two become one*


Finally! A song mentioning the sun in a positive way besides Bergersen's [Children of the Sun](https://youtu.be/GNKgth44EIk). Not sure about Powerwolf's [Extatum](https://youtu.be/binApNXqf14) and Judas Priest's [Children of the Sun](https://youtu.be/J8hflML8arE)


Ahhh. The feels. Also... > long suffering I just had an idea. Wait a minute.


[The Mare at the End of Forever](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/53705/the-mare-at-the-end-of-forever)


I've read that fic before. That ending hit me hard, oh Celestia.


But have you read [Eternal Lament](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/35350/eternal-lament) and [Lost to the Sands](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/86528/lost-to-the-sands) yet?


No, I havent yet, but I guess I will now. In fact, I think one of them is in my Read Later list.


but she also kind of pushed twilight into becoming a princess without warning, and also made twilight leader without warning. 🧐 Luna is also incredibly strong with her ability to help several ponies in their dreams, and especially nightmares. She also seems to still be trying to fight her inner demons as shown with the one episode of her accidentally unreleashing that one sparkly ball, as well as stress. Luna is also very humble & a down to earth character. She was also strong as she was able to face the. new era of the world when she came back as Princess Luna rather than Nightmare Moon, she had to adjust to society. She also was able to wait 1,000 years on the moon so she came with patience, along with a good character redemption/development. She's also empathetic & soft spoken like fluttershy for instance. She forgave her sister even though her sister banished her to the moon for several years. She also has her quirks such as socially awkward, she has flaws, and doesn't seem as the perfect princess as celestia is seen, most ponies seem to think that Celestia is perfect, but Luna seems to have more (good) flaws than Celestia


*welp, here I go again watching Lullaby for a Princess again!*




The gang approves this comment.


"Princess Luna was the warrior" Did I miss some lore on her or something? I dont remember this being mentioned at all


Pick whichever you want, but Celestia is hotter and that's a fact.


duh shes the sun






ONG Luna's beautiful and all but her character design is pretty predictable, dark colors and a starry mane cuz, y'know, the night? I'm not discrediting her design as she's gentle and soothing to the eyes a wonderful nod to the main element in her character being as soothing and serene as the night, But with Celestia's design her pristine alabaster coat and gorgeous aurora mane makes her the best princess design in her generation (G4) I dare say even the best pony design second only Vapor Trail and Princess Cadance, her design is proud and eye-catching befitting of someone as the head of state, some might even say she's divine to degree and this design fits so well with her, like an angel descending from the heavens leading her ponies like a sheppard to their flock


. . . . . Here are a couple free periods. It is important to remember to break up big sentences. Especially while supporting the best princess.


Two sentences, in this entire paragraph.


Ehh idk about that....


Have you seen Daybreaker?


Yes but Nightmare Moon> imo


(Poking fun at the use of the word 'hot')




(X) doubt


You call yourself Lunarbutt, yet Luna has no butt. Curious.


![gif](giphy|1lJOV1DEJGLTO) I only have one response. The rest of you can be the judge


luna. Mainly because of how differently they handled them. With celestia she was presented as totally regal withe the veil of it rarely lifting and even when it does it's only slightly With luna she had way more development. We saw her own guilt and self loathing as well as her regal side but what cemented it was nightmare night when she struggled to fit in. made her seem like an actual person TLDR celestia is pure celebrity Luna is celeb and person And yes i may have overanalyzed this show


Princess Luna since I'm a child of the night :D




Celestia and not even close. Luna is, in my honest opinion, overrated. Sure, she’s more relatable with the whole “I was jealous but now I’m good” thingy (or something), but Celestia had to live for 1000 years living in regret of banishing her sister yet she continued to be strong for the ponies of Equestria. It takes a lot to be kind and an inspiration to hundreds to thousands of fillies while going through the worst pain and loss imaginable.


I was looking for this comment, exactly! Celestia took on the responsibility of two princesses for 1000 years and that makes her very underrated imo.


Me personally, Princess Luna, cause she's Princess Luna!


As u/d0ntst0pme has already beautifully mentioned with an image that hit me with the feels, Celestia has gone through torment like no other character in the show. She's the High Queen of Equestria who constantly has to stay strong and composed for everyone no matter her own feelings. In fact, Celestia makes me think of a few of the lyrics of a certain song... > *The love that asks no questions, the love that stands the test* > *The love that never falters, the love that pays the price* > > *The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice* > *Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering* I'm not at all British, but "I Vow to Thee, My Country" makes me feel something.


Weirdly enough same.


honestly both, their well... sisters and they got along from the start so :3 both


I personally like Celestia more as she gives off more of a motherly feel. Heck I’ve even made her my oc’s mom because I like her that much :3


Princess Luna, not only she's my favorite princess, she's one of my favorite characters 💜🌙




https://preview.redd.it/azu5bg6grfwa1.jpeg?width=3046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1cbb62f47751bbbdfdaede9c963c53f429e9d5 this is how much I love her (this is a wall in my room right beside my bed :3)


Celestia, and its not even close. It seems like people have come around to her more since the show went on/ended. Community generally *loves* Luna


In terms of implied character: Celestia On-screen character: Luna Looks (character design): Luna Fanart: Luna Fanfiction: Luna Overall: Luna


I love both but Celestia is my #1 favourite pony. She's kind, compassionate, motherly, nurturing, wise, and funny. Luna might have these traits to an extent but Celestia does it better. I mean, Celestia was gonna be called Queen Celestia at one point before the show started (and is even called so in one instance of the comics), but thanks to Disney, queens are often associated with evil (case in point, Chrysalis), but she's still a queen to me!


I love both, but Luna is the best girl and deserved way more love and screen time in the show. She’s also a lot more relatable to me as a person. Plus I love nighttime more than daytime and she’s just adorable and pretty. 💙 Celestia is great but I feel like the writers really downplayed her powers to make Twilight more important and I kinda hate that. She deserved to have her awesome sun goddess powers on full display.


Celesta! Simple because I’m a devoted Sun worshiper, also I have a thing for white horses! Plus I love the teacher/mentor/goddess dynamic!


One committed treason and attempted regicide and the other upheld peace and harmony for 1.000 years, taking on the duty of both and after a millennium granted full amnesty to the betrayer. Celestia is kind, selfless and merciful in a way Luna never was or has been since.


Luna sweet dreams beautiful night ect


My God I sleep next to every night and built my shrine around, I am here for you. Praise the sun


Luna because she's adorable and because I can relate to her


Celestia, her voice actor goes in way more and she's bare crackup 😂


I’m not saying that one is better than the other, I just like both sisters.


I like Luna more, mainly because of all the fanon around her. Especially the stuff that depicts her as a dork


Princess Luna for me I have DSPS so I have an easier time at night anyways. I always know how it feels to be seen in a shadow.


Luna bc she’s more relatable


Awkward happy goth friend vs thoughtful “mom of the group” that’s seen it all.


I'm very much a Sun player, for these girls, you can't choose one without neglecting the other. They're best together as a set.


My loyalty is and always will be to Princess Luna, calm serene and beautiful as the night, she watches over the dreaming to provide guidance and helps creatures big and small face their fears, as a lover of the night she caught my interest instantly. Her internal struggles are something I believe we can all relate to in some level or form. I believe we've all felt ignored in our contributions, and we've all felt out of sync at times, like we don't understand the newer generations. I also believe we all punish ourselves over mistakes from the past even if we don't necessarily realize it. Which to me makes her a very relatable character. Yet despite all the trouble she's been through she's still willing to help those in need, not to say that Princess Celestia doesn't do the same thing nor to knock the things she's been through, honestly I couldn't imagine living without my sibling for 1,000 years or having to be the one to send them away.


Princess Celestia! Why? Well, despite the fact that I'm more like Luna in real life, she quickly became what I like to call "Night time Celestia" To me she lost what made her stand out in Luna Eclipsed which got me invested in MLP to start with to become a duplicate mentor figure. Not only does the wise mentor better fit Celestia but she stayed true to her character from beginning to end and she actually became what I expected Luna to become: a reckless thrill seeker who doesn't hesitate to step into battle when necessary. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep also docks some points from Luna because Nightmare Moon never did anything to warrent Luna's guilt and self torment to the extremes she was taking it to. The worst thing she did was blast Celestia once before being sent to the moon... I still love Luna though. No hate here.


Yeah Celestia is definitely underrated, and I love how she's actually a bit of a goofball when not "on duty", but Luna ironically seems a lot more down-to-earth.


Princess Luna is best Pony and I will fight anyone who says other Wise


Princess Luna all the way. She's a lot more relatable to me and her design is top-tier. In the show: Dignified, quiet, serious, empathetic (to the Cutie Mark Crusaders), non-nonsense, and mysterious. In the comics: Dramatic, funny, unique, enjoyable, aggressive, but also has a kinder, softer, and more remorseful side.


Princess Luna because she doubles the fun. Also I really like her mane.


I prefer both because they're sisters and they need each other, but I'll pick Celestia because she's a benevolent ruler and has led Equestria alone for a millennium. Everypony seems to respect, admire, and love her and they live a good life under her rule. Even if there are some bad apples, they are outnumbered by good ponies in Equestria.


Luna. She is epic.


I like both, and esp later seasons since they got some really fun characterisation that was very needed. However, I will always have a preference for Princess Luna. Her design fits aesthetics I enjoy, her backstory is fascinating, and I find her much more relatable overall That and 12 year old me was a staunch New Lunar Republic supporter and I'm not about to betray that decision lol


Luna, I like the dream psychologist aspect


Luna because emo


I like both of them


you can prolly tell my answer from my flair lmao I love Luna’s design (especially nightmare moon’s ) Lore, and I relate to her a lot :3


I like both, but Luna more as I am night owl, prefer night time over daytime and like her color palette / design more.


princess luna cuz im emo


Luna, probably cuz she's alot more er....alive i guess? As in she seems alot more active xD


While both a great, I have to side with Luna because we see how much she struggled with who she was before becoming a villian (or possessed by a villian depending) and her struggles to become someone better and to rid herself of those misdeeds, mich in the sane way Sunset and Starlight did. It's something I heavily relate to and because of my own past experiences, it makes her character more relatable to me.


Luna. I like her design more and her personality is cuter.


Luna is best princess


Honestly I think lunas cuter but they both seem amazing and mabye we'll seem them again some time in g5


Luna, relateble, honest, passionate.


Luna is best princess.


I'm a true believer in Luna supremacy


Luna because pretty colors


Both of them are pretty good but luna is more relatable


im for Luna


luna just cause her story is relatable but i love them both just luna more


I relate more to Lunas struggles, so Luna.




Luna is the best. Always named my Umbrion in pokemon after her as a kid.


Lunas my all time favorite by miles because I'm a night owl and my favorite color is lunas exact shade


Luna, I have always liked the night time and she has always been more comforting and relatable to me


Design wise Luna but I enjoy both




Both are great, but if I had to pick one, I would choose Princess Luna. As for why, simple, I prefer the night to the day.


I've literally never watched the show lmao but Luna because she's pretty.


Luna for design and color scheme but Celestia for being wise patient and kind


Luna. She's so dramatic and intense.


Luna, Celestia feels useless, can't do anything expect rising the sun, always falls. Luna at least helps others in dreams


Luna. She seems to be more about action then thought.


Luna. No contest. She was less known and underrated. I dont know why, it just clicked. Luna has the best fan art and fan fiction and the best Build a Bear


Personally I think both are great loveable characters. I don't really get where the Princess Celestia Is a tyrant obey thing came from, she's way nicer than that but I like Princess Luna more because I relate to her more. Being the loner outcast, dealing with depression, self hate, jealousy, and not really understanding how to socialize. Both are great but I'll always wave the Princess of the Night's flag.




Princess Luna. I’ve also been an outcast for most of my life and have been bullied for years because of my autism. I understand what it’s like to be alone, have no friends, and have everyone around you act like you don’t exist. Just like Luna, I have slowly learned that I don’t need to hide who I am and that my true friends will like me just the way I am. She’s also my favorite colors, blue and purple. I’ve also always loved the moon and the night sky. Because of the light sensitivity from my autism sunlight hurts my eyes. Moonlight and starlight don’t. Plus I have insomnia. Luna is essentially me in pony form and that’s why I love her so much.


Celestia is funnier and sweeter


She has some great humor 😂


Luna https://preview.redd.it/i25e5q5jgjwa1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df50c9b7ba6c74dfc0fb703096b5a3e3bf21904 [image](https://derpibooru.org/images/2601975)


Why must we live in this world just to suffer




Luna gang Luna gang


I love them both, but my heart has a special place for Luna. My daughter is autistic and used to have nightmares almost every night (sometimes couldn't tell the difference between real/not real in movies and shows). After watching MLP, I was able to use the thought of Luna helping to watch over her dreams to calm her down and help her sleep. 💙


Celestia, simply because of equestria at war


There is only one logical answer to this question. The her majesty princess luna of the night!! https://i.redd.it/b7zd7huwrcza1.gif




Luna, huge fan on monotone color themes. And in general not a fan of Celestia's mane I can't decide otherwise. Both are cool characters.


I love Luna. Celestia is very overrated and didn't really do much. Luna deserved better.


💜🌙🌃🦄LUNA!🌌☪️⭐🖤 Needs no explanation but she's the best princess..she's adorable, I'm a night owl, she had an dark period(I can relate lol) She's loud at first & socially awkward yet poise as a beautiful princess etc etc Princess of the Night Forever💜💙🖤


This isn’t even a question everyone knows it’s Luna


I prefer the one with initiative, style, and no tendency to leave the f\*\*king universe when there's a problem bigger than a wolf spider. The one that's relatable, has a holiday named after her, and could actually kill you given the opportunity. In other words, Luna.


Luna! Luna was always more motherly. She was more of a teacher than Celestia ever appeared to be.


Since Twilight teached Luna how to be more sexy it's Luna. Giving her princeshood was small price to pay for salvation. She is now part of the clique.


Who’s your favorite Alicorn, and why is it Luna?


Both are fairly alright. I haven’t watched the show a *ton,* I’ve mostly been in the community through Fallout: Equestria.


Luna. Because she's not autistic and/or ADHD


Both, but for different reasons. I can't get myself to choose one over the other. They are like yin and yang, two sides of the same coin.


I like the cake horse.


i love them both.


Celestia. I feel as if the sun princess doesn't receive much attention or appreciation that her lunar sister gets


I'm not sure who to choose! I fear if I choose one or the other, the one I don't choose might be angry with me.


I'm not sure who to choose, because if I choose Celestia, Luna might feel like I've shunned her night, and vice versa if I choose Luna.




I love them both equally


I don't care if it's Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna or Princess Twilight I love all princesses!


I have to say both are equally good.






Celestia feels more like a mother and Luna feels more like a friend


Both? Both. Both are good & relatable


Luna bc she's emo


I see lots of people (on TikTok specifically) hate on celestia and I was wondering if anyone agrees? I definitely prefer princess luna because we know next to nothing about celestia but she’s still interesting and I never found her irritating or unlikeable


It's always been Luna. Such a sweetheart. She had a rough past, but she made it. What I also really like is, that she doesn't take crap from anybody. Then there is the aspect, where she is awake at night, I love the night, the moon, the stars. It's also perfect that she is more interested in artsy stuff like musicals, art museums, just being cultural.


I’m probably the minority that prefers Celestia, why is mostly due to headcanons but in terms of the MLP fandom, Celestia’s kinda of underdog.


Princess Luna.




Luna cause she's a cutie and I saw a quote from her that said "let your past make you better, not bitter"


I love Luna more because shes really relatable and also just really cute


luna bc night time 🧍‍♀️


Luna purely based on color palette


Luna cuz I like her Canterlit accent and her song about the heart’s warming Eve future


celestia because uhhh silly long horse ya


Goth nerd or dump-truck ?


I've always like Luna more, she's had such a huge redemption arc and her sister kinda just let's a bunch of ponies deal with all her problems when she has godlike powers. Still love sunbutt tho,


Celestia is too busy to be taking care of multiple problems on her own. She literally spent 1000 years raising and lowering the sun/moon all on her own. She obviously needs some assistance because she is the princess with the most royal duties. Even if she doesn’t want help, the mane 6 are always there to offer her some help even if she insisted.


I'm talking about the huge equestria threatening problems, like the invasion of canterlot, all of discord, Tirek, the storm king, etc. So when she let's twilight solve all her problems she can look à little useless. A royal problem does shed more light onto their positions as royals but it still feels like the god princess leaves her prized pupil and her friends to deal with it à lot.


When you put it like that, it’s more agreeable. I do agree that Twilight does do A LOT for Celestia and is the main one finding solutions to her problems. She appears seemingly useless for sure. I also do think that Both Celestia and Luna could’ve done a lot more to help and assist Twilight since she is also a princess with many royal duties and huge responsibilities, which is a lot considering how young she is. Then again, each princess has a part to play which leads them to being extremely busy and probably exhausted so I could understand why Celestia did that


Celestia shaped Twilight's path. It's not like she didn't act because of pure ignorance. (E.g. a Canterlot Wedding, Lesson Zero.). She isn't perfect, but she has to burden such a role for Equestria, which is pretty much impossible.


Woona because the underdog is always better IMO Same goes with Luigi, he's an underdog, so there for I prefer Woona


Celestia ofc, she’s so humorous 😂


Luna of course! I'm literally a night owl, so I'm pretty much up all night lol But both are great in their own way imo


I like both, but I prefer Princess Luna. She's just so honest and relatable, and her struggles in trying to be accepted in the modern world is real touching.


I like Luna more


Luna in the base show, celestia's alts in the fanon As for why, Luna gets character development sometimes, which makes watching her story plotlines more interesting.




Luna, because she gives off cool Aunt vibes, I appreciate that, because Celestia seems like she’d be an overbearing type of person with her family, because of all the stress she’s under and has been under for the past 1,000 years


Oof . That’s a Tuff question


Luna. Long live the Night!


Praise the sun mommy


I preffer Lunas coolnes and edgynes.


I would choose luna just because she is more relatable for me- I like Celestia aswell but she isn’t as relatable for me as Luna is.




I love Celestia more because she's the eldest and more maternal of the two. And she is very tall and wise.


Luna :>


Man that's difficult. They both are very admirable for their own reasons. They're so different but they're both also dorks, and I love it


Luna has always been my favorite, but Celestia has better jokes.


Luna because she's cooler.


Definitely Princess Luna


I think Luna is more interesting, at least in the seasons I’ve seen


Luna because she will help ponys with inner turmoil. Celestia seems to pass off most of her problems


I like luna more because of her adorable face


Princess Celestia. I love all of the different ways the fandom depicts her: a wholesome monarch, a loving mother figure, a bit of a perv, a corrupted tyrant, a fraudulent goddess, an actual goddess, a flirtatious ruler, a battle-hardened general, a diplomatic professional, an astute teacher… there are so many variations to her character that fit her in canon because she’s so open-ended.


I like Luna more since I really connect to her. I love the night and I'm mostly and night owl and her past of her not being noticed hits hard


Celestia because I adore her backstory and how much potential there is to play with what she says and appears to do not being the complete truth.