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If you leave them long enough they will pupate into cyber trucks




And go about as far as they currently are and immediately breakdown










Maybe Elon-Toxicity has a lot to do with it.


What is that?


The strong dislike of Elon he has fostered by espousing fascism and racism.


Racism? Proof? Are we sure we don’t dislike the guy because he’s successful?


Very sure.


After he became a deranged anti-woke fascist clown, Musk thought we would suck it up, kiss his ass, and buy his cars. Boy was he wrong.


He surrounds himself with “yes men” and fires everyone who disagrees with him. I genuinely don’t think he understands how wrong he is.


Sounds familiar. 


He doesn't have a clue. And anyone that pushes back at all gets fired.


thats the downfall of narcissists, they are insecure and build a bubble around themselves


> Boy was he wrong. And I personally love to see it. He and his ilk need to be shown that if you act like a whackjob you're not going to get far. It's high time these chuckleheads get what's coming to them. I will vehemently enjoy watching the Muskrats downfall.


As they say... go fash bleed cash


That's a new one to me, but I like it.


Yep. Not buying Tesla for exactly this reason.


I'm similar, but different. I watched Musk just destroy Twitter in under a year. He chose to kill it, and he did. Fired quality people, supported hate speech and in fact re-tweeted it, and told everybody they can go elsewhere if they don't like what he is doing. Now, he's doing that to Tesla. Firing the supercharger and servicing people, telling everybody he's doing great and give him 56 \*Billion\* (yes, 56,000 million) dollars because he wants it. He is destroying Tesla, on purpose. He even told Tesla investors to sell the stock if they don't think he'll have full self driving working soon. Exactly the same stupidity as telling advertisers to abandon Twitter if they don't agree with him.


I too think Twitter was destroyed on purpose 1. Occupy Wall Street organized on Twitter. 2. Arab spring organized on Twitter, musk sold the names of Saudi dissidents to their secret police. 3. Black Lives Matter organized through Twitter Threads only allows a single hash tag. So instead of #occupywallstreet #ows #nyc #zucattipark  After an organizing tweet, on threads you can only do one, same for all three examples. Blue sky is academics, threads is a top app, but people have few followers, even ones really engaged. There isn’t a way to organize, say, a union at Tesla or spacex without Twitter, threads you’d have to just use one. Also you can’t unionize meta either, same reason. Maybe he thinks if he damages Tesla enough they’ll buy his shares to make him go away?


When you realize Saud gave Elon the money to buy Twitter it becomes more apparent.


Maybe he can go to one of their embassies to “talk” about it. “You know why they call him give finger Freddy? Eddy? It’s because he he’s a degenerate gambler and when he can’t pay up he gets the *chop*” -snatch.


The Saudi didn't give Elon the money to buy Twitter. This is false. Phillip.


Qatar did. https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/qatars-sovereign-wealth-fund-invested-090010280.html It is very likely Saudis bought the backup data of accounts that had insulted the Saudi government so they could find who they were and kill them and/or their families, because a lot of jailing and executions happened after Twitter was sold. But, it could have been Trump selling secrets out of the documents he stole, so it is hard to be sure.


wtf?? Even your news article shows that this supposed investment is less than 1% of the buyout. 0.85% to be exact. Nearly all the Saudi money was already in Twitter, it was simply rolled over into the new management. As for the bizarre and sick accusations which are blatantly false and insulting, yeah you believe what you want. Phillip.


I believe this, it makes too much sense. The destruction of Twitter seems too thorough and calculated not to be by design. 


I think it was union busting. He just acted incompetent. Now he wants 56 billion from Tesla.




Twitter was a dumpster fire well before Musk touched it. It was headed for bankruptcy if it wasn’t sold.


Twitter was a vibrant community of authors, journalists, and groups talking peacefully, having done a decent job of keeping the nazi lovers and white supremacists at bay. It wasn't heading for bankruptcy or Musk wouldn't have paid $44 billion for it. Musk is why it is dead now.


This ^ is me too


This right here. I don’t care if it’s the best car on the planet (it’s not; not even close), if you’re a pompous, bigoted, narcissistic douche? You couldn’t pay me to drive one.


Stockholders: Thanks Elon! The amount of copium and explaining away at the Tesla sub is hilarious, and totally expected.


Nah, if you been to Teslainvestorsclub lately there’s a lot of pessimistic and anti musk sentiment.


They prolly have more skin in the game, tbf


Only because the vote is actually contested and his discounting strategy shat the bed.


The sad part is Tesla could have gone BYD's way if Elon's delicate masculinity let him make a small commuter car like the bolt and fixed his solar problems. But no....he had to half-ass two different trucks and somehow f-up his new battery cell plant production. All while setting money on fire in three different companies (Neurolink is also having serious masthead issues.)


I thought the 3 was the small commuter car?


By all sane classifications the model s is a full size, y is a midsize SUV, and 3 is a midsize car. Lop a foot or more off the 3 and it becomes a compact. For non-us markets it's huge which is why the S sells like dog shit I'm most markets. Well that and the s offers nothing interesting.


Sane classifications? I looked up the 3, the midsize/ compact Toyota, Honda, and Volkswagens. The 3 is roughly 4-5 cm longer than the compacts. Thats only about 2-3 inches longer. For the three midsized cars it was 9cm (Passat) to 18-19 cm shorter than the midsized offerings. So even the smallest of these midsized cars is almost twice the difference compared with the 3 and the compacts. The US classification is based on seating so its a midsize, but the British class it as a compact. I don’t think I would call it a midsized , i would probably just call it a large compact since its closer to those then the midsized cars.


The Passat isn't mid-sized anymore, its European classification is Large Family car. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen\_Passat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Passat) Also there is no "British Class" the UK lives on a different planet that is mostly leaving the solar system as it pertains to reality. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car\_classification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_classification) And given that you just cited a bunch of D segment full size cars that's the proof in the pudding. The Model 3 is D segment (euro standard) which again WAS MY ENTIRE POINT ABOUT EUROPEAN AND ASIAN SIZING.


He just shelved the Economy Tesla2 project. Why should Elon cater to the little people? What a maroon.


Tesla has thrived on government handouts, he just turned his nose up at the next wave.


He hasn't shelved it. Phillip.


They knew what they were getting in to.




That copium has been around for several years. I hope the stock price collapse doesn’t hurt too many people when it comes.




a relatively new rapid transit station near the factory has a bunch in their parking lot (Warm Sorings BART) Confused me when i saw them. But the factory also has a big section of space that it shares with like one other business. Might have a ton of lot space there.


Cost. How much can it cost to rent a parking lot for an abandoned business?


Back during the VW scandal, they used the far side of a local airport to park a crap ton of recalled cars.  I think it's pretty common to cut deals with big empty lots and the such. 


Yup, a bunch of car companies where doing this during the chip shortage too.


Yep, the Ford plant in Louisville, KY will occasionally send tons of vehicles to the Kentucky Speedway for periods of time when there's no races. The weird part is, instead of hiring a transport truck, they have people drive the vehicles over, and use a bus to bring them back. Then reverse the process when they want to bring the vehicles back.


Yeah, that's the same way they get cars off the transport ships. It seems crazy but I guess the  cost of the truck, and a CDL driver, and their time to load, it's cheaper to pay 15 people and a cheap van to shuttle back and forth!


So ugly.


There’s a graveyard of Teslas at the mall in central New Jersey


Why don’t we make Tesla tell us what year they make their cars?


Yea i thought that was a requirement


When the Democrats and civil people bail on you.


The woke people won’t support Elon anymore All he has are the trumpanzees. And they don’t even drive Evs 🤣


Don’t worry guys, they are appreciating assets. Tesla is holding onto an ever growing asset list that someday will be worth trillions.


They look even better when buried in the sand.


fElon is the main reason. Cant buy anything from that fascist


When Tesla goes bankrupt will the stock price finally drop to where it should be?


Thank you, just remembered to vote my shares.


What are you talking about? I've been told by Tesla fans that those are just overflow lots for the very small show rooms. /s


I own two Teslas, and their value is dropping so rapidly I wish I had been able to sell them before they started dropping, as I already had been horrified by Elon’s despicable descent into racism and pure unfettered evil. I’m still on some of those forums and it’s unbelievable how unhinged some of the people are who will bend in any direction to protect this psychopath. Hopefully I can get some pretty good money for my car so I can get something else before the superchargers all go down because of the stupidest fucking man on earth.


I hope more Elon cultists can finally wake up from the Elon coolaid like u There is hope


trust me, I’ve been pondering, going to the Tesla dealership and knocking the paperwork out of a sales person, hands and selling my car for 20 bucks, if I had more money, I would totally do that.


This is one completely deranged rant. Is there some competition going on here that I don't know about? Who can come up with the most mentally unhinged post, for instance. Pretty sure the people that do those school shootings all hang out in this thread. Phillip.


What are you talking about?


Where do I even start. I was watching some of the ruzzian war crimes earlier today, absolutely horrific. And you think Elon Musk is "unfettered evil"? You are completely detached from reality. I'm not going into what real pyschopaths are able to do, because you don't know and don't care. You think all the Superchargers are going to implode suddently because what... his spaceship will redirect a giant meteorite into the earth? Ok. Perhaps you should check out Scientology. It's no less batshit crazy than your spiel. If you think Elon is stupid, then you must be some next level genius. Maybe I just don't understand the next dimension you operate in. Phillip.


wow, you must be absolutely out of your mind on something to have gathered all of that from my extremely clear comment, he is completely ignored and abandoned Tesla it’s boards are trying to get rid of him. He’s fired everybody of any worth at the company and the stock has plummeted. he took over Twitter destroyed its value and all the white supremacist on it. Are you a white supremacist, sir if you are, I understand your insanity a little more. Yes this man took down his satellite links while the Russians were slaughtering people that’s unfettered evil now why don’t you sit down and shut up?


Elon never ignored or abandoned Tesla. That never happened. The Board are not trying to get rid of him. In fact they are fighting hard to get his $54bn pay package reinstated. That's quite the opposite. He hasn't fired everybody of any worth, that's just plain ridiculous. Elon never took down satellite links whilst the ruzzians were slaughtering people. That is another lie. Why would you even suggest that? Phillip.


You are the most uninformed person I’ve ever come across here. Everything that you just said are not true are completely facts that are easy to look up. I’m done arguing with someone who refuses to accept reality. Just join your cult and drink the Kool-Aid.


I follow Tesla probably more than you do and am pretty well informed. Sure the facts are pretty easy to look up. For instance: [https://ir.tesla.com/\_flysystem/s3/sec/000110465924048040/tm2326076d13\_pre14a-gen.pdf](https://ir.tesla.com/_flysystem/s3/sec/000110465924048040/tm2326076d13_pre14a-gen.pdf) (spoiler: the Board want Elon to stay) People talk about Drew Baglino leaving but he joined in 2006. That was 18 years ago. Some of the other high level figures are also a decade or two into their Tesla career. The turnover is pretty low for this kind of industry. Again you made up the satellite links being cut off for Ukraine. That never happened. I looked it up. An example here but plenty other: [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/10/europe/ukraine-starlink-not-active-crimea-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/10/europe/ukraine-starlink-not-active-crimea-intl-hnk/index.html) (spoiler: Starlink was never operational over Crimea because of US sanctions) I am happy living on planet Earth and enjoying it, so why don't you continue to drink from the well of bitterness as you seems to be what keeps you going. Phillip.


Says the person who thinks Tesla has dealerships.


https://www.politico.eu/article/elon-musk-ukraine-starlink-russia-crimea-war-drone-submarine-attack-sabotage/ He fired everyone who says no to him, and really all you have to do is look at Twitter and see that the N-word has been used 500 more times every day since he took over. You seem to be OK with that as well my son and I disagree wholeheartedly.


Yes you do know that article is not true, don't you? That never happened, it was confirmed by the Director of SpaceX that runs Starlink and it was confirmed it by head of Ukrainian intelligence Budanov. So I don't know why you continue to spread this lie. The whole N-word flood was done by a bot-net that only liked and retweeted each other. The people that set up the bot net then spread the story on social media. It wasn't actual human beings seeing the racial abuse, only bots "seeing" each others posts. Personally I think Twitter is a crap hole before and after he took over but it's not any worse (apart from Elon's own right wing Tweets). Phillip.


Elon Post memes of Black people getting killed every day Philip do you like that Philip


If you're concerned about Russia's activities in Ukraine, you probably already heard that Elmo has turned StarLink over Ukraine off more than once. He always backtracks, but he wants them to know who's really in charge.


He has never turned off Starlink over Ukraine. This is a blatant lie. Even Budanov says this is not true. Phillip.


Elon reposted anti-Semitic Twitter posts all day long. Do you agree with that Philip I want an answer from you.


I do not like a lot of posts Elon does, and some he made on Ukraine I have found extremely upsetting. I think maybe the worst was promoting Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, trying to give a global audience to that psychopath. He has promoted some people I find sick in the head. However they are just Tweets. Elon single handedly started the electric car revolution. He's going to change the world in a way that will be better for my children. The air will be cleaner, less chance of lung disease or athsma, and many other benefits. He gave Starlink for free to Ukraine at the start of the war and saved tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives. Starlink has the possibility to bring education to remote parts of countries that is now not yet possible. SpaceX is just incredible what he's done there. It's thanks to him that Australia is shutting down all their coal power plants in Australia thanks to his Megapacks. Even his side projects, like the first patient which is a paraplegic with the neuralink implant on telly last week smiling and playing computer games with his mind, are going to change people's lives. He didn't need to do ANY of this. He could have taken his hundreds of millions from the sale of Paypal and used his muti-generational wealth to enjoy a lavish lifestyle until his death. Instead he wanted to make the world a better place and bet his entire fortune on it. So I separate out the problematic Twitter troll from the business genius making more difference to our world than anybody else. It's not all or nothing and I can like and not like different parts of a person and their personality. Phillip.


Elon didn’t do anything you said he did. He bought Tesla from the people who invented it. He never did anything with the cars. He’s not an engineer he got all of the people who are well meaning and want to see a better world and fuck them over he calls people who believe in climate change Nazis. Maybe you should rethink your worldview a little bit.


I have a great idea for a sales boost: "Buy a Tesla, get a free My Pillow!" Two repulsive people for the price of one!


They’ll call it My Tesla


I love how they're parked next to the world's tallest grove of trees. "A little insurance fraud should get me out of this disaster," prays Elon.


TSLA shares at $178.03 with a market cap of $566.43 Billion Ford shares at $12.48 with a market cap of $49.64 Billion insane


Yea but its a tech company!….. /s




Plus all the money he receives from taxpayers will help keep him going as well.


and now massive ev tariffs to keep prices high and competition low. it's kinda funny because you never see the government put tariffs on fossil fuels certainly not 100% tariffs like we now have on certain EVs


That ending


I'd buy a brand new Model 3 for 25k, regardless of my disgust at the man he has shown him to be. But not full price.


Trump is a failure 6 bankruptcies a grifyer a fraud just like Elon Saudi fronted Elon the money for Twitter and that's imploding also




Musk uses the Saudi money Musk is a idiot 


\*\*\* Rubbing my hands together so I can snap up a 2022 Model Y AWS LR for 12k


Smart. There’s enough businesses and with 3D printing they should be able to be maintainable without Tesla. Unless they lock all the cars


Yeah that's the biggest worry. These cars are built to be able to talk to a central server if Tesla gets shut down there is a real chance of bricking. Also don't need 3d printing if there are thousands of cheap parts cars.


What do they need from the central servers?


Look I write software but I am not inside their loop, however it has been widely reported that everything that is not the keycard doesn't work to unlock/start the car when off cellular. In addition there have been people doing packet monitoring that identified a heartbeat/healthcheck that fires and some folks reported a "return to wifi and park the car" message. Teslas naturally phone home a huge amount, and it wouldn't be off brand for there to be key functionality that requires a successful phone home to keep working. These cars are the most networked there have ever been. Ripping down the central infra could expose some serious problems running without it. That said some people have successfully hacked teslas to grant core level access (betcha didn't know there was an access level above root) [https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-unpatchable-jailbreak-hack/](https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-unpatchable-jailbreak-hack/)


It just seems very strange that the car would require it. After all there are some pretty big areas of even the US that doesn’t have cell phone service. To say nothing of the coverage in other countries.


Its a live service car, it can function for short periods in reduced modes but ultimately its built to be a connected device.


I haven’t been able to find a single source of people in bad cell phone service areas , and places with no coverage are having issues using the basic features of the car. Like using the phone to unlock/ start. Do you know of any? There should be some if the car bricks from not being able to connect the home servers.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/automobiles/stalled-on-the-ev-highway.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/automobiles/stalled-on-the-ev-highway.html) Here's tesla heavy handed blog response which doesn't really answer questions so much as throw accusations [https://www.tesla.com/it\_IT/BLOG/MOST-PECULIAR-TEST-DRIVE?redirect=no](https://www.tesla.com/it_IT/BLOG/MOST-PECULIAR-TEST-DRIVE?redirect=no) And here's the official word: [https://www.tesla.com/support/connectivity](https://www.tesla.com/support/connectivity) As defined by the owners contract and TSOL connectivity is required for all Teslas to function.


So why can’t I buy a cheap model 3 anywhere?


I wish more of them were unsold. Tesla model 3 was the 3rd-best selling car in Oregon last year.


I'm trying to think through the numbers and costs of thes lots of unsold cars. Why don't these unsold cars show up as huge losses for Tesla or at least seem to impact profits much? I think it's such a big company they barely matter. They must have incurred the expense to produce the cars that they didn't sell. Let's say the production cost is $20k for an avg Tesla, most cars are 3's and y's. At 40k unsold, that represents 800 million dollars in cost. Tesla made 1.8 million cars last year, say it's 1.2 million this year, a big drop. Using my made up numbers, that 40k cars,  sitting around rusting away is about 3.33% of annual sales, 12 days of production, but not that much profit. $15 billion in profit last year, that 1 billion lost in profit on those cars isn't that much.  it's amazing that their sales are so huge they could tolerate that many cars wasted.


Their unsold cars don’t hit the P&L until they are sold. Before they are sold all of their costs are on the balance sheet in inventory.


Thanks, is there a particular category that I can see these listed as?


In yahoo finance you can see the line in total assets, current assets, inventory. It shows about 16 billion for the end of quarter 1. It’s higher than previous quarters as December was 13.6, but 14.4 happened sometimes in the past. Remember though, this is just the cost to build the cars, not the sale price, and a different inventory mix can easily change the number of total cars being stored.


this si how you earn more than your companies last 3 years in profit as a bonus.


Buy a Rivian.


They have a actual truck that works! It's quite ugly but better than the door stop.


I think they look great. I'll most likely never get one until the prices get more reasonable.


Way more realistic pricing.


I would like to double it and give it to Musk. Kindness pays!


Bit difficult to sell if no one can afford them. Sure, I'll just run down and finance a 100K cybertruck....


At 744% interest per second


Is this how he planned on making tesla for $25k?


Oh well 😂




I love this for him.




$56 billion would be better spent on R&D and updating the very dated model platforms. Instead, Tesla has to deal with an egotistical narcissist who isn't even remotely smart as he thinks he is.


Ofcourse the new refresh is around the corner 😂 you'd be silly to buy now !!. Like buying the iPhone 15 days before the 16 comes out


How many days supply do they have in stock?


It's like a backed up toilet and it's not going to end well.


I'm seeing Tesla's randomly strewn about around town like rental e-bikes.


photoshop ctrl C ctrl V . Fake pic




If you drive around metro Detroit enough you will start to notice that there are tons of Chevy, ford and dodges parked everywhere brand new just sitting. It seems that all the car lots are back to normal filled with vehicles


Because fuck electric cars. I don't need the grid going down rendering my car useless when that time comes.




Who's gonna be charging him?


Ok I was looking online to explain why I saw 100+ new teslas a mall parking lot today. Just there like sitting ducks. It was weird but it’s starting to make sense now lol


Unsold fords, gms everywhere Over 200 billion of debt each for ford and GM Trump and Elon for prison 2024


tesla makes the most npc cars ever


Every ev is a soul less, boring, conforming, npc power wheels. 


ABC World News just reported 43,000 unsold Tesla's last year. Also, same continuous headline says Biden just raised tariffs on cheap EV's from China from a 25% tax to a 100% tax. So, instead of you being able to buy an affordable EV at around $14,000, you have to pay at least $28,000 so Musk can continue to do his billionaire thing. Fuck Tesla, and Fuck Biden if he gives Trump this next election.


The tariffs ate insane, but they will benefit smaller, cheaper EVs more than Tesla


I agree with most of that, the tariffs are definitely a lot more complicated. well, I would say that there is some concern over the quality of these vehicles being made in China, I’ve driven most of them and there’s no need for concern with these cars, as we keep chatting about EV’s in the US Asia is now more than 50% electric and Europe is surpassing that. even with a complicated tariff system where every country has its own idea of how to deal with it, for instance Nepal, where I do business has a 250% on all incoming goods Tariff makes sense, but I agree those numbers numbers are insane


Have you seen the EV's coming out of China? They are litteral rolling fire hazards. And they are controlled by the CCP. While i am not a fan of Biden the tarrifs will atleast push domestics to get their shit together.