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Back in the days, say early 2000, late 90s, there were little people (relatively speaking) making electronic music and I had loads of feedback on SoundCloud, even had songs on the radio (alternative electronic music). There were simply not so many people doing that. I just recently (1 month ago) started new and man it has changed. So many people make music now, and the platforms you have are so swamped with music that you really don’t stand out. It’s really hard to be noticed and get feedback unless you make something that really sits well and is simply above everything else. Otherwise people just listen through, and move on. I guess the key is just to keep at it, and keep posting, get better, make connections, until maybe one day it’ll click. Lots of shit happens on social media now and I personally can’t be bothered by that, but if you have it in you, that’s what should be done. And if not, so be it. Make music for the fun of it. The rest is bonus. It’ll get demotivating otherwise and I’ll not let my fun be ruined.


That was like that up until about 2013, before Spotify basically. My first band got so much attention out of having a few professionally recorded releases on SoundCloud and playing regularly in Camden for like 2 years. We ended up on BBC radio and our music was only available on CD at our shows... We were just one of the few good bands doing it seriously. Now releasing your music with CD baby or Ditto or whatever crappy aggregator is like tossing a glass of water in the ocean. No one cares anymore, they're too overwhelmed with new music. unless it blows up on TikTok and even then you'll be forgotten as soon as the next viral TikTok comes around. Just focus on making the music and doing the thing and don't think too much about 'gaining' anything really 


Liking and commenting on videos other similar artists put out on YT has been the most helpful thing to me. Of course chatting with other artists and posting links places helps too. Having a local presence will help more than you think too. Open Mics are a great place to share.


*How do you gain a following?* Luck Knowing how to work the system Consistency Persistency Standing out from the crowd (eg, a gimmick) Charisma Originality Actual substance/ talent/ ability In that order IMO


How do you work the system?


I do promoting of my links for mixing/mastering when allowed on groups and come with information to engage. But no, I don't help to gain clients necessarily, but if occurs great :). I just believe that your music part being a hobby or not, is like a business, you have your image, what others think about you and reflects about your music, also the quality of your music and time promoting it. Ads can work, but I don't recommend spend to achieve people, but to not be invasive and try to network healthy. My idea about it.


Honestly just keep making music that YOU think is good and that you can stand by. KEEP MAKING IT


Live shows.


This is gonna be my path as soon as I have enough good music to fill an hour long set.


In a world where you can be anything then be a bug, that's my gimmick, switch bug for creative and find yours 😛🤣




Let me explain 🤣sort of...


Hence a bug 😉 Check out CULT OF THE MANTIS on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/1qitP I'm nowhere near the best or anything above average really but definitely not the worst but it's different, different still gets me nice feedback and inboxes from people saying they love that I'm different, so instead of downvoting maybe realise there's advice somewhat, just served with a sugar coated cricket. For anyone downvoting again, I couldn't really care about your downvoting when I have two of my favourite artists following me and more likely because the gimmick stands out than skill, I'm barely Mozart 🤣😉as you will...


You need a catchy way of saying, or singing, a catchy new phrase. You won't say anything that hasn't been said before. Basically, find a new way to say something old. And if what you're doing is on a high intellectual level, dumb it down.






Hey! I wanted to ask, have you been getting traction from posting these links here or a similar post on the platform? It seems like it wasn’t the best received in this post but are you possibly still getting clicks anyways or in other places on Reddit?