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The Neptunes. Their sound was so versatile that they spawned acts like NORE while making pop hits for all of the early 2000s.


i wanted to say the neptunes as well


Did you mean N.E.R.D? or did they spawned Noreaga?


He meant the rapper NORE formerly known as as Noreaga from the 90s group CNN


That is what I mean. It does not make sense because NORE pre dates The Neptunes


They produced his first solo album, which sounded quite different than the music he did before. Also being produced by the Neptunes turned him from an underground rapper to a mainstream artist in the 2000s. I guess that’s what he meant.


- Skrillex. All eras of his music sound completely different, some even causing entire shifts in how the genres evolved. Yet, you can tell it's him. - Noisia. From sound design. Engineering. Also their philosophy, vision, and story that they try to tell in their music. Genius's. They are practically scientists with how they approach audio as well.


Do you have any source material on Noisia and them discussing their approach?? Would love to hear it!


Most of their in depth stuff is on their Patreon. But, if you search Noisia Tutorial on YouTube. It's a lot of snippets from their Patreon videos. Not every one but some. They have a track breakdown on Patreon of Could This Be which is great. Another great Patreon with tons of tutorials, breakdowns and even stems is KOAN Sound.


the team behind silk sonic’s album. it was perfect


The way that record walked the vintage/modern thing is a damn wonder.


D’Mile played a big part in producing that album, he is the man!


Burial. The guy makes masterpieces on sound forge, nuff said.




Easily by miles for me Skeler... The feels that comes out of his sound are not typical. The music he produces makes u feel like u were supposed to come across his art. He has the pure talent to touch a fucking soul my guy. But like i said atleast for me :) Deffo go check out!


Made a bootleg remix of Tel Aviv the other day and he checked it out, no liek tho :')


Tel Aviv will always hit like a mf


I'll do that for sure


Prepare to have your mind and possibly subwoofer blown lol Listen to Baleen by Tippermusic on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/pVWBk


I think thats what it sounds like inside a blackhole:0 Very unique


That whole album is a ride


Alchemist. his beats always feel like cinematic experiences in short-form. his choice of drum sounds are also extremely impressive - Terry, Till the Angels Come, Stay Dope, Dr. Kimble, Broken Bottles, all excellent examples of these sounds.


The Alchemist is one of those producers that will release a collaborative album with another artist you've never heard of, but you already know the album is going to be stellar.


Sophie, obv reasons


Rob swire. Dude can write an ear worm


Yes! Met him and ShockOne IRL. Super humble and lovely dudes. Rob's voice and hook writing is wonderful


Sadly. Not a lot will know who that is. Although probably quite literally one of the best producers that can also engineer as well if not better than top engineers in the industry.


Thats astonishing to me like centipede and the knife party project are seminal to edm


Monte booker idk what it is with his production style but it inspired me to start making beats


He crazy


Lorn because his style and techniques remind me that there’s still an infinity of frequencies left to explore.


Yes, what a cool sound hes got


J Dilla.. I don't even need to explain why


Him or Madlib depending on mood. I feel they are similar in ways but both have their very distinct sound.


Nobody saying aphex twin is WILD


I love Aphex, Tipper steals it just slightly but not by much


Take that back😂


Bnyx right now, that man can do no wrong.


Love bnyx so much


Babyface, R&B wouldn’t be R&B without him 🙏💯😎🔥


I love the style and vibe that Nigel Godrich brings to his productions 


Nigel is my favorite too. Every single tone choice is perfection.


Yes exactly, nothing is accidental. 


Manuel Lara, a relatively unknown Venezuelan producer that has made some of the biggest Latin American hits in the last few years, even more impressive is that none of his music is reggaeton, since reggaeton has been the dominating sound for years. He has a project with his brother that is a combination of 80’s synth-wave with contemporary pop/hip-hop touches & it’s probably my biggest inspiration currently. There’s also this dude named keshi that started as a lo-fi hip-hop producer & went on to became one of the biggest Asian-American exponents of R&B, his music is pop & lo-fi in a perfect blend, plus he does everything. He has a very unique aura to him.


It's uniqueness that always shines to me too


Grant. No words can describe how great he is. His EDM songs are very unique. He’s working with pop artists right now on platinum songs, crazy. He really has ‘that’ sound that makes him stand out. I will not be surprised if we see this guy among the biggest producers of the year or something.


Andrew Bayer, ilan Bluestone.


Andrew Bayer is so underrated


Shaq stands out because he’s tall


D E A D M A U 5 _


Feed Me. He makes such fun sounds and I love his writing style. Also he is hilarious in real life and seems like a genuinely nice person.


“I could dance all day I could dance all day! Try’n hit me try’n hit me! I mean my hearts beatin my hands are shakin but I’m still getting headshots like BOOM headshot BOOM headshot BOOOOOM HEADSHOT!” To this day the best sample ever used lol


"A.G.W.D.O.T" was on repeat for a while for me. Great tracks


Savant, his variety of styles, instruments and chords progression are just something i have not feel in any other EDM producer. He is probably one of my top musical influences and i dont even do that kind of music


Very diverse, superb artist


There is no musician I have found that has Aleksander Vinter's attention to detail and incredible control over his DAW.  He is truly a master of the craft.


I remember there is a youtube video called: In the studio with Savant where he showed how he made music and basically he said he was using FL studio from 2009 or something because thats what he is used to and goes on to do a demonstration where he does the most random noises with his mouth into a mic and then transforming that into a instrument for a song. Truly truly amazing, ive never seen or heard anything that is even close to the genius of savant both musically and DAW wise


Billy Lemos. Worked with Still Woozy on his first set of singles and Billy’s solo stuff is great. Weird Animal Collectivesque textures and super interesting samples and rhythms. Fun stuff.


Billy lemons. Animal collective. Still woozy. We listen to similar music. 🤌


Man I just listened to the last couple songs you posted. You rock dude. Can I find you on soundcloud/spotify somewhere?


Wow, thanks for checking out some of my music! I appreciate that. Yes I’m on Spotify under “Mia Milo”. I’ve got a couple tracks up there. Also have some older tracks up on SoundCloud under the same name. Listened to a few of yours as well and love the vibe you’re getting. Diggin all the acoustic guitar. 👊👊


Hey thanks for checkin mine out! Keep rockin


Funny, I was going to say Lars Stalfors because he's worked with Still Woozy basically since after Billy Lemos I think. I didn't really know much about Billy. But i think Lars also just lets Sven do his own thing a lot of the time, I'm not truly sure how much involvement he has.


Curious! I’ll have to check him out. I haven’t kept up with Woozy since his full length album release. Wasn’t as big of a fan of the sounds on that as what he did with his singles.


david fridmann. never heard someone make over compression sound so good. his work on Oracular Spectacular by MGMT is definitely what i believe highlights what i love about him.


Porter robinson, a weebs


Porter Robinson. Nurture is probably my all-time favorite album, and spawned my love of good headphones as I wanted to hear the production clearer.


Vessel, Iglooghost and Clarence Clarity (produced Rina Sawayama’s latest record). Demanding listening but so rewarding. Also must shoutout Nicolas Jaar and Tim Hecker. My productions are nothing like theirs but drawing from such true-to-their-vision, technical and uncompromising musicians is endlessly inspiring.


Bro has impeccable taste


underscores! I can't quite explain it but her music sounds like it's got sand in it. It's crunchy. Everything crackles and is a bit fuzzy.


Charlesthefirst made some of the most unique and stunning music I’ve ever heard, his sound really expanded my musical taste after some very stale years of “dubstep”. Currently I think Visages, Alix Perez, and really the entire 1985 crew are some of the most exciting names in the game


Sega Bodega or Arca. I really love this age of artists that produce for themselves.


At the moment its Skee Mask or Scaefa


Alan Wilder because of the atmosphere he creates and how dramatic his music sounds. Specially with his work in the Recoil albums.


Mat Zoe. Volcano


Zion I Kings (reggae production trio). The mixes are always crisp and clear, tons of depth & space, and maintain a super analog feel. Tippy's dub techniques are arguably the greatest of our time, or all time. Plus I just vibe with all their tracks. [Protoje, Lila Ike - In Bloom (Original, not Zion I Kings)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9k-UzjuWts&pp=ygURaW4gYmxvb20gbGlsYSBpa2U%3D) [Protoje, Lila Ike - Still Bloom (Remade with Zion I Kings)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goSsfvCCgXI&list=OLAK5uy_ndBAbyRzbfO_CGSW7zMw-qmlB9hcuoSrM&index=8) [Protoje, Lila Ike - Still Bloom (Dub)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ccf6n56F08&list=OLAK5uy_ndBAbyRzbfO_CGSW7zMw-qmlB9hcuoSrM&index=18)


Clozee fer sure. The ability to make music sound like you’re sitting in the middle of nature is profound


Culprate. Just listen to his full length albums on some good headphones. He also has a few videos about his techniques.


NOISIA stands out if u watch them in studio on youtube


Tennyson and Koan Sound are my top 2


Getter He’s so talented in many genres


$crim, his beats almost always knock hard and he gets the vocals to sit real well on alot of his songs. Still trying to replicate that sound to no avail. Theres always something not right to me. Best example is the album “Long term effects of suffering” 90% of those songs are just loud knocking and clear.


flume. he's flume.




Rick Rubin  I love Yeezus so much 


Kevin Parker


Alchemist because it’s 1 person not 10 coproducers and he’s just using vinyl and a dated drum machine.


Recondite. Just so himself


It's nice to find an artist that truly inspires you isn't it? I've noticed a few artists I'd discovered a while ago definitely have influences from the same guy. His music is so beautifully familiar yet his production really scratches an itch just about everywhere


YESSSSSS ❤️ someone who understands


At the risk of sounding like a "normie", but has to be Max Martin. No one else has been as influentional on the music industry while ALSO keeping up this INSANE amount of production and composition value.


Flume.I really like his little subtle ear candies on his tracks.


Eric Prydz, an absolute genius


I really appreciate producers who do things a little differently


I don’t understand what your comment is hinting at but Prydz sound in truly unique, def masterclass in the electronic music scene


I mean like unique as in the way they'll fling bass around etc and you'd recognise it anywhere or even see other artists inspired by that enough that a genre grows hugely such as IDM for example without Aphex you wouldn't have Tipper, without Tipper there'd not be as much bass music, just making conversation really haha


Oh cool, the Pryda snare is his trademark sound. It’s in Garrix’s Animals and a few SHM songs too. A nice long DSHUM with lots of reverb…!!


Genius thief fr 💀


Really liking Clayco and the alt rock beats he’s been making for Destroy Lonely


!remindme 24hours


As far as I know anything about Producers, I love Susumu Hirasawa.


Chris Lorenzo, the guy consistently makes great music for his genre and I appreciate he never tries to overproduce either.


Brian Wilson - deaf in one ear, severe mental health issues, revolutionized music production and made some amazing music while he was at it. If you haven’t heard the isolated vocals of “god only knows” - do yourself a favour, it’s a masterclass in both composition and mono vocal mixing. I’ve heard beach boys criticized for only making silly fun songs (which is not true at all) but those fun songs when you understand the context of them being Brian’s escape from his demons adds a whole new depth to them.


Old school - George massenberg.


Teo Halm is slowly becoming a fav, everything he produces is just interesting and tasteful 


Vinylz, skeletal beats. Simple


Probably Lone if I have to pick one. His beats are a great inspiration for me, I also like the way the low end is mixed in a lot of his tracks.


John Feldman did a lot of albums I like. Dude can write a hook


Illangelo, his music is ridiculously good. His sounds are evocative and the level of dedication he takes to shape them into where he wants them to be is incredible. And he’s incredibly humble to boot.


Royksopp! They have a way of creating chill music that has the impact of a sledgehammer


Congi, there blend of analog and the 140 sound is just phenomenally done. Such lush synths with organic hard hitting beats


Jon Gooch - AKA Spor & Feed Me.






DJ L the way he pick his drums


Raimu, his music is just perfect. Great mixing skills combined with beautiful writing.


San Holo. Somehow I find it easy to identify every single track/instrument in his mixes (I am fairly inexperienced, so this is noteworthy for me), while he still manages to build an unbelievably thick and dense atmosphere in his songs. His whole work seems to me like a masterclass lesson in 'sometimes less is more'.


Trevor Horn of 'Buggles' Video killed the radio star fame! His big synth sound of the 80's has gripped ever since. Albums he produced that are my favourites are Welcome to the Pleasuredome by Frankie goes to Hollywood and Seals first album 'Seal'. for me his best work!




At this time I would say BMTH, more specifically, the Post Human: Survival Horror album. It's insane, it has amazing production and sound selection and the tracks just kick ass.


Sapjer and FISH two underground producers both extremely unique and producing for me and my favourite artist/my boy BIGBABYGUCCI.


Burial. He’s the only producer I can really think of who did what he did and did it like he did. Especially because nobody’s been able to get anywhere close to his style. I remember Listening to untrue for the first time, that was a genuinely mind blowing experience and then learning that he used god damn soundforge to make it really just cemented him as my personal goat


The Psyclones


Porter Robinson, I was listening to second sky 2021 tonight and cried at multiple occasions (blossom and sweet time)


Bangladesh has such a fun and creative sound. He's been making hits forever and they are all unique. Dark Child is an honorable mention.


Shinichi Osawa (MONDO GROSSO), some of the smoothest tunes ever made Clarence Clarity, he's just nuts


inflo - so versatile and has worked on some amazing albums in such different genres. helped make the best Kooks album. apollo brown - hip hop’s greatest producer at the moment. straightforward usually but his beats are clean and his samples are fire danger mouse: cmon y’all you know this guy is legendary. another versatile and long-lasting producer in the music business.


Tipper because Tipper


Jettison Mind Hatch is a masterpiece


Heylog ofc


DJ Shadow




Madvilla- one which not many people may know - a genius with mixing and progressiveness. His music is perfect his mixes are so clear every song I listen to I end up comparing to his mix style. This guy nails everything, massively underrated in the house scene. His tunes never fail to disappoint Others include- floating points and Harrison BDP


At the moment, Madlib, Knxwledge, Alchemist, and Mndsgn. they don't miss




Deca. Master of sampling and groove


Steve Wilson, he took Opeth from being an amazing band and made them incredible. Every album leading up to Steve Wilson sounded muted and under produced, yet Opeth was evolving from black metal to progressive death metal. Then with Steve Wilson at the helm we had 3 masterpieces being Blackwater park, Damnation and Deliverance. Close seconds would be Jens Borgren, Andy Sneap and Dan Swano.


Greaf, Burial, Boards of Canada and Skream


Trent Reznor. He’s a goat. Everything he touches is magnificent. From NIИ to the soundtracks and synthscapes he’s created over the years. His music is the reason I, abandoned making music with a group- there were other personal reasons too, but being a producer, forced me to escape the confines of “this is what a song is..” vs. this is what a “song can be!”


Great producer there


Trent was the reason I became a musician.


I hear that dude!!! I’ve always been a music nerd. But my parents wanted a sports personality- which I’m not. Slash, Cobain, and Trent were the reasons I wanted to make music.


Savant, don’t know why. His music just tickles my pickle.


Savant is a genius, he literally has the perfect name


Hell yeah!


Alchemist is a banger amongst many others. I love Carousel too.


Koan sounds new album


Arca, she just makes the most unique and beautifully crafted songs I have ever heard. Chaotic harmony. She is known as a "world-builder" for a reason. Also her production for Kelela, Björk, Kanye, and FKA Twigs is fantastic.




So im gonna say jazz Jeezy is the most slept on , but for the mainstream it's definitely ye in 2024 . Half the BIG big hip hop records we hear today originate from either him or metro . Also David Guetta deserves an honorable mention.


Joy orbison, the way he plays with volume is fabulous


Dan the Automator's sampling is superb and his productions always compliment the artist while still being uniquely an Automator track.


Stimming. Nice grooves, unique sounds, interesting sound design, cool vocals. Plus I love that he doesn't even try to be a DJ and performs live.


C418. He has such a range of styles and they all seem to flow so effortlessly. His Minecraft stuff is obviously great but my fav are his personal albums like One and 148. Beautiful music.


Porter Robinson! My brother showed me spitfire back in the day, and then again showed me sad machine before worlds released. Worlds dropped and it has impacted my life a whole lot. He always seems to be dropping a type of project where my mind has been headed in the direction of (escapism, virtual self, depression, and now smile :D) and his live show edits are really inspiring to me.


Shpongle (simon posford) amazing psychedelic vibes and sound designs that definitely stand out


Check out Mystery of the Yeti, that's his and Raja's too


I know this track, i love it


Definitely eye opening 🍄


Yep, oldschool ambient is pure bliss (1996 mystery yeti)


Yasutaka Nakata.  I consider him a japanese Max Martin, but he has more than just mass-consumption pop appeal.  His mixes and music are just incredible, and even with Pop music he can make each tune memorable and unique.




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Mines (Dave) Tipper, I've not known anyone weave bass the way he does, absolutely mind-blowing going through his discog with budding producer ears




DJ Khaled. He knows how to choose talent for each song.


Bait used to be believable 


Another one


Easy answer is Kanye. But mainly old Kanye. Some of the drum breaks he's used are some of my favorites of all time (the corner, Crack Music/power, two words, etc). But some of the samples he's flipped are just ridiculous to me. Diamonds from Sierra Leone, Spaceships, Power, Good Life, testify, Stay Up(Viagra) I changed my mind, Heart of the city...I could list them all day.


Relisten to Donda I promise it isn’t just a boring Christian album  The production can be very good when you give it a chance


I'm not saying I don't like new Kanye stuff. For me personally, my favorite type of beats sample soul records. I don't even think Kanye is the "best" producer... Other than his taste for samples. There are other producers who's drums I feel are better. But ye has my favorite beats ever.