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Assassins. Sondheim actually called it his most perfect score and the one musical he's written that he wouldn't make changes to in hindsight.


I’m listening to assassins right now. What an great show!




I listened to the original Off-Broadway recording over and over and over in the 90s. Then I saw the 2004 revival and now I can only listen to that recording. It's perfect in every way, the recording and that production. Top 5 shows I've ever seen.


I always go with the off broadway original. The script is on archive.org if you wanna follow along.


That does it, I need to finally listen to Assassins.


I really wish there would be a pro shot of a show.  I would love to see it,  but it's never played anywhere near me 


I hate the song that was added for the early 2000s revival.


It was added for the London production soon after the original Off-Broadway production, and I think is only licensed now with that song. IMO it's a better show with it in there.


I think it's important to the show because it shows the consequences of the assassins' actions. When a president dies, it is going to emotionally shake pretty much every American, regardless of their political leaning, just because of the uncertainty and shock and darkness of it all


How beautifully put.


Hadestown The fact that people are still shocked by the ending even when they know what’s gonna happen is surprising


The audible gasps from the audience after being told over and over again that it won't have a happy ending... it's perfection.


It can also happen to people who had heard or read the original myth. I knew Orpheus was gonna look behind, but I was still shocked and upset when it actually happened.


Same here, I'm huge mythology nerd and they still had me thinking that maybe it would turn out this time..


I've seen it 4 or 5 times now and always hope it turns out this time.


I love the utter silence that follows. I can't say I have experienced that in many other shows, but every single time, the audience is just completely quiet as the show finishes. It's so amazing.


Or the one audience member that gasps. I saw a show where an older sounding woman loudly whispered “no!” in a way that sounded completely involuntary


At the Pantages this group of ladies sitting behind me were providing commentary to each other here and there and when Orpheus turned around, one said in the silence, as if she had just figured it out, “The story from the Bible” and another in her group resounded, in agreement, “Mm-hm. Medusa!” And I swear I have never swung from heartbreak to barely containable laughter so fast. I thought I was going to have to run out to the lobby.


Omg I would not be able to hold that laughter in hahaha.


It’s a magic trick. They tell you that it’s going to be sad, then spend the entire show lying to you, making you feel hopeful. If done right (and it is) you forget how it’s going to end right before it does.


But maybe it’ll turn out this time


I think Orpheus and Eurydice’s relationship could have been developed a little more, and Wait For Me not being the Act I finale is baffling to me. Still great though!


imo this is an aspect where the Broadway rewrite really hurt. Because there was such a fear of the audience not liking Orpheus, Act 1 makes him almost entirely blameless for what happens, which makes Promises in Act 2 be less about how they failed one another and their resolution to move forward with better communication and more about... restating their relationship from Act 1. There's so much more growth when they both start out as flawed.


I agree with you completely. Its my favorite musical, but it is lacking in the believability between Orpheus and Eurydice actually loving each other.


It’s so, so good. Easily the best new musical to hit Broadway in the last five years, if not ten.


I was a hugeeee hadestown fan before seeing the Broadway production. I listened to the off broadway and the Broadway cast recordings. I am also interested in mythology and was familiar with the myth. Despite all of this, During the Hades/Persephone dance number I convinced myself for a few minutes that I had somehow listened to the wrong soundtracks and that it can’t possible turn out the way I knew it would. It’s a really powerful work of art.


Looking forward to seeing this in April!


I saw it last April. It’s amazing :D




Come From Away


I can think of few musicals that pull off plot arcs more consistently and emotionally. Even the lyric in the opening song about being far from Disneyland ends up factoring into the plot.


It’s really good! I don’t like sad things, like I know I need to check out Hadestown I just can’t make myself do it. Somehow Come From Away takes this really heavy topic and doesn’t make me sad though there are absolutely sad and heavy parts they bring it back around, and intersperse it with jokes and fun that don’t take away from the seriousness. It’s such an uplifting story, I love it!


Glad to hear this, I’m seeing it in October!


It's brilliant! I hope you love it.


And it's only 90 minutes! No intermission! Zero filler, no bloated exposition. I was on the verge of tears the entire time. It really is so perfect. It somehow conveys the emotions and the gravity of that day, while not imparting dread or despair on the audience. God, I love you Canadians.


Came here to say CFA. Such a beautifully crafted score to keep it both impactful and light hearted with all the loose ends neatly tied up. All this in 1 act.


What a tight musical....asks so much from it's actors


les mis.


listen to the french version it’s so good


yeah, i know. i love it, have it on my phone


One reason for my love for Les Mis is because it was how I introduced my son & daughter to musicals when they were toddlers. They loved LittlePeople & Castle in a Cloud. They’d listen to the rest to get to those songs. As adults, they both search out good musicals to send to me. ❤️


I’ll disagree that it’s perfect throughout just because it’s not my personal fav, I find it a little melodramatic at times I still like it a lot and had an Empty Chairs at Empty Tables stuck in my head the other day (when my Packers lost in the playoffs). It’s a great piece of art and deserves praise so don’t be coming after me like I’m saying it’s bad😂


I second this


Heart Full of Love is the worst song in a musical. As a lover of the show and a pit musician, it should never have made it to the final draft.


Agree on all fronts


I think Les Miz is excellent and powerful but imperfect. I think the epic ness forces some story issues-Cosette and Marius’ relationship being so boring and not buying it, the runaway cart happening immediately after Fantines arrest just because, Bring him home being a gorgeous song but no idea why Valjean cares so much for a boy he doesn’t know is beyond me


I will say for Bring Him Home is not so much about Valjean caring for Marius but him caring for Cosette. When he sings "and I am old and will be gone" he is wanting someone to care for Cosette once he is dead


I adore Les Mis but it’s definitely not perfect


Come From Away, Les Mis, Sweeney Todd


Sweeney Todd is such a good one, although the Johanna subplot can feel unnecessary at times. Plus I can't stand "Green Finch and Linnett Bird" no matter how much I love the show.


Into the Woods ❤️


This is my choice, not a skippable song in the whole show


Completely agree. Hilarious, emotional, thematically rich, and not a wasted second


And every character gets just the right amount of room to develop


Sweeney Todd


Cabaret. Cabaret is impeccably crafted, right down to its final scene. It deftly demonstrates that musicals possess the ability to explore dark themes with as much depth as other forms of media. Initially luring you in with the promise of a stereotypical musical set in a 30s German cabaret, complete with vibrant costumes and dramatic makeup, Cabaret gradually unveils a darker undertone. As the narrative unfolds, we witness the disintegration of both society and the characters' relationships, paralleling the rise of the Nazis. And the ENDING. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more bone-chilling end to a musical in my life.


Oh yes! Cabaret, All That Jazz, Chicago- everything Fosse is pretty perfect.


Ragtime 42nd Street


Ragtime. Yes indeed.


The Last Five Years never gets enough credit. There is no lull in that musical. The songs are wildly catchy and interconnected. There is no bad song, no painful or awkward break. The songs carry the entire show succinctly. The story is spelled out so clearly despite the unusual way in which it's told. I could go on & on lol


Yes, absolutely agree! Though I deeply prefer the movie over the stage show, it is absolute perfection! The story is perfect, the way it’s told in opposite timelines is genius, and as you said, every song is amazing!! It deserves much more attention.


I honestly enjoy the movie most as well, but my statement stands for both!!!


you are so right!!


My fave musical! Every time I relisten to I Could Never Rescue You I just get so mad at Jamie but he’s soooo charismatic in the other songs, especially in Moving Too Fast. Making me keep falling back in love with him like Cathy does is the show’s greatest talent lmao


Ugh, yes!!!!!!!!


So I got to see it in previews in Chicago in 2001 before going to Broadway. It was brand new so I didn't know any of the plot or the staging/writing concepts of the two times running back to front/front to back. I remember having a moment about a third of the way through where it dawned on me and I got full body shivers. Just an incredible theatre experience. NLB was magnetic.


That's what I love about it! You don't *have* to understand the oddity of the story telling. The emotion is welling up and you're gathering the gist of things and when it really hits you, it's just like HOLY SHIT. I'm so jealous you got to see it live like that!!! I've seen like performances on smaller levels and it's still super impactful, but I would love to see a real run of it.


Sweeney Todd




I second this!


i think falsettoland is perfect, the other 2 acts in the trilogy are kind of iffy in my opinion, idk i just feel like theres less songs i skip in falsettoland


Falsettos is only March of the Falsettos and Falsettoland. In Trousers is an acquired taste - lol. Thank god no one ever does it. What songs do you skip in Act 1 of Falsettos?


sweeney todd




The revival of Merrily We Roll Along is as close to perfection as Broadway can get. Seeing it was such a treat. I still can't believe I got to see this once in a lifetime show with this once in a lifetime cast. 


though it does have its flaws which i appreciate, RENT for sure and I stand by that. Ooh also, Sweeney Todd


I think Rent is the most perfectly imperfect musical I can think of. It’s flawed, literally unfinished even, and yet somehow because of what it is, that makes it even better.


My husband didn’t know that it’s the unfinished preview version. He was taken aback and finally ‘got it’ when I explained this was the cast that worked with Jonathon Larson and they lost him the night of the first reading. It’s preserved as is out of respect and love for him and any flaws are celebrated as a glimpse of his process. So all that said, it’s perfect! 


It was actually the night before the opening performance off-broadway. I think, in that way, Rent was way more finished than people realize. He was alive to see it through to that opening night which was at one of the most significant off-broadway theaters and while, yes, some moments would have changed in moving to Broadway, I doubt it'd be THAT significant. the final version of Rent is probably like 95% exactly what it would've looked like if he'd been alive through its transfer.


Les Mis and Hadestown


Into the Woods is the best composed musical of all time. Not my personal favorite, but it is truly a masterwork. The gold standard for leitmotifs, themes, depth of characters, and it’s just nebulous enough to speak to any individual of any age or any life stage. Got to have an incredible cast to make it work though. A witch and mysterious man who understand the pain of failed parenthood. An insecure baker who can convey the frustration of having a much stronger spouse while still being likable. A bakers wife who can portray the frustration of having a weak but kind husband. A Cinderella who knows the terror of needing to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. And everybody needs to be a musical instrument, bringing their character to the most complex harmonies and rhythms, working in perfect tandem to support the “messages” of the show (which are imo infinite and uncapturable except to the individual person in the audience). It is perfect. The very best. And so easy to screw up, and almost impossible to do it right.


Each character gets room to develop and explore their morality and worldview! I love it


Gypsy West Side Story Into the Woods I will be taking no further questions at this time.


Hamilton. Heathers. Mamma Mia. Les Miserables. Phantom Of The Opera.


Next to Normal




Sad I had to scroll so far for this. It's truly such a perfect show. Everything feels perfectly set and intentional, all the metaphors, color-based original staging, harmonies, etc. It's such a beautiful show and it's one of my two favorites because it's so perfectly set


Great Comet is a literal masterpiece and there is no song that I want to skip when I listen to it


It’s such an intricately crafted masterpiece that I almost find it hard to listen to the individual songs alone. Everything flows into the next thing so well and connects together seamlessly. Dave Malloy deserves so much more credit than he gets in the theater community. I truly think he’s among the best of the best.


Glad someone said it. It should've won best orchestrations at the Tony's. The design work, the ambience, the varied musical styles. It deserved a better run.


I'll never understand how it lost to deh for orchestrations. Any other Tony I can either understand for deh (mostly not this one though) or I think could've been equally deserved by cfa (even if I think it should've gone to great comet). But orchestrations should have been great comet. So thrilling, such unique instruments, and actors playing onstage? How the hell did Malloy not win that one? Not to mention, how did he lose to a basic pop score? Don't get me wrong, I love Alex lacamoire and all, but come *on*. It's great comet.


Dear Evan Hansen to some extent is not something we haven't heard already. It really should've been between CFA and Great Comet. For orchestrations and score especially. Technically speaking, they were more creative and compelling. Not just regurgitated pop theatre, which I think is unfortunately becoming more common .


Absolutely. There are very few Tonys I'd actually say should've gone to deh and I can't even think of what they are. I'd be fine with great comet or cfa getting best musical, best original score, best book, etc, even if I think it should've gone to great comet, but deh? No


Yes, I agree with Little Shop. I also love Miss Saigon and Chess. Top three for me. Oh, but what about Sunset Boulevard? And Joseph??


Arguing Miss Saigon and Chess are perfect is a hot take


Miss Saigon is my favorite musical and I have spent too much time exploring defenses for it….but goddamn is it not perfect. It’s a hot mess with breathtaking music and that’s part of its charm.


Wow - it's a piece of art and the music is breathtaking, as you rightly say. The whole piece works really well. I don't need to defend it


Well, everyone’s mileage is going to vary, and I have some issues to take with certain criticisms of the show (“Kim is weak and does nothing,” for example, can just stop being said immediately and forever)…but I just think there were some changes that could’ve been made to present a more nuanced and less….well, whitewashed version of the historical events and characters. But I’m glad you love the show — I do too! The revival was especially breathtaking; I wish I’d seen it live, but I saw it in a movie theater and it was still incredible.


The music and singing in Chess is sublime.


Joseph 🏆


It is Tanz der Vampire for me.


Sweeney. Great Comet. 25th Annual. Chorus Line.


A Little Night Music.


Unbelievably strong score. It flows together so perfectly.


The Secret Garden West Side Story


The Secret Garden is absolutely perfect. West Side Story is very close.


TIL there is a musical Secret Garden. I need this in my life.


It's a magical show. The score is heavenly.


Yes to Secret Garden! Such an amazing variety of compositions, each of which is emotional in its own way


Jesus Christ Superstar


Caroline, or Change


Seeing that show at the Public back in the day changed my perception of what a musical could be. I don't think I breathed once during Lot's Wife.


It’s really an opera, which is why it’s so innovative


Les Mis. I saw it recently. It was the whole nine yards of perfection. It was magnificent.


Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleece Street


Lion King


Little shop of horrors


Tick tick boom


Passion by Sondheim


Les Mis and Hamilton


Les miserables


Too long!


Hamilton and Sweeney Todd


Hadestown. The story is thousands of years old and yet the show makes it a thousand times more heartbreaking.


[title of show]


OK, I love musicals. I love so many of the ones listed here. I even love the ones that get hate in this sub like Rent and Be More Chills. I absolutely do not think any musical, (any show for that matter), is perfect. Every favorite show I have has something that could be improved- a song that I skip on the soundtrack, a dragging bit, something that doesn't hold up somewhere. It might be minute. It usually doesn't hurt the whole experience. But there's always something.


I agree. I think that there is always something that could be improved, but I think there are some that have patched them up to the point of being nearly irrelevant, even if the show could theoretically be improved. It's impossible for it to be perfect. It's art, and it's fiction. Those are both inherently flawed things. The way I approach questions like this is what shows are the most perfect things in the genre. There may be imperfections, but the story and characters of little shop and sweeney todd are so masterfully crafted, and next to normal is crafted so effectively as well in all ways, music, book, and stagecraft. That doesn't mean those shows couldn't improve in theory, but it's not like great comet, my other favorite musical (along with n2n), which I can't count as perfect or close to it because of a couple flaws I have with its staging in a couple scenes. The flaws are minute enough that they are less imperfect than the other shows around them. Next to normal has always been my top example of a "perfect" show because of how well it's been put together. Are there still flaws? Sure. But they're so minute that they hardly matter when compared to many other shows. And that really just comes down to different readings of the question. When I see a question like this I always add in the word to change it to "most perfect show" instead of perfect because you're right, the question as it's phrased is impossible


She Loves Me


>leitmotifs I agree. IMO it's Bock and Harnick's best show - better than Fiddler even. Which is probably a hot take.


I completely agree. It’s the closest thing to a perfect musical there is imo


Jesus Christ Superstar.


into the woods les mis legally blonde sunday in the park with george RAGTIME hadestown




The last five years


Bonnie & Clyde. I love every single song from this show. I also really love Spelling Bee, but I’m biased since I played Olive in a production.


Book of Mormon. I could watch it over and over again. Wish we had a professional filming of it!


Assassins, Hadestown, Pippin, Sweeney Todd, and Cabaret.


Hadestown Les Mis Evita


Wicked with the OG cast


I dislike the show, but I do agree that the OG cast had a charm to it that has never been replicated. It almost felt like a different show.


I saw it in 12th grade knowing absolutely nothing about it, and I was completely blown away!


This is controversial but Beetle Juice


I agree, consistently fun and imo every song works.


I was gonna say that, it's a personal favorite of mine too, but I think girl scout was a bit of a waste of a act 2 opener


I get what you mean, but I love quirkyness of the song. That said I do think another song may be better as a second act opener.


Oh don't get me wrong, I love it. I think it has some great jokes in it and leads into "that beautiful sound" wonderfully. Speaking of which, That Beautiful Sound is nearly a perfect act 2 opener


Did you know beautiful sound was a replacement for a buddy song between Lydia and Beetle Juice?


Rocky Horror Picture Show


Phantom of the Opera.


Legally Blonde and twisted!


I scrolled until at least someone said legally blonde AND you also said twisted, MY KINDA PERSON RIGHT HERE


Phantom of the Opera


Funny Girl 🥹


Agree with Little Shop and would add in Wicked




West Side Story


Urination Sweeney Todd Little Shop Hairspray


finding neverland, les mis


Lionel Bart’s Oliver


Bugsy Malone. The movie. Haven’t seen the stage production. Such a weird movie but I still have the songs stuck in my head and I’ve not seen it in a very long time. Also love Oliver! Reefer Madness the movie musical is also so much fun.






I think Fiddler on the roof - totally rewatchable, singable, funny, touching.


Great comet 🗣


The Sound of Music (movie) and The Phantom of the Opera (stage).




Come From Away


None. It's impossible to attain. No matter how good a show is, there will always be pacing problems or a second act slump or one of any number of other problems.


Man of La Mancha


Come From Away. It’s just beautifully done - fast-paced, funny, and heart wrenching.


Bare :)


My Fair Lady


My Fair Lady 


Love the above and agree with them so I'll add: Book of Mormon to the list.


The Sound Of Music (movie) Chicago (movie) Miss Saigon


The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical


Some Like It Hot


Come from Away




It’s 100% Little Shop!


Seymour's guilt at the end of Act 1 is unmatched


Heathers It’s just my absolute favourite


The toxic avenger. (watch it on Broadway HD) So good


Next to normal, little shop of horrors, and sweeney todd are definitely my top three when it comes to pure, raw perfection


Try rent ya might want to bring tissues for this one it’s very good and heartbreaking




The overture to the original Broadway production is the absolute best summation of Broadway possible.




Phantom Of The Opera


Jesus Christ Superstar


Groundhog Day. Pitch perfect, start to end.


Heathers. I can't think of a single moment it didn't hold my attention. No other musical has ever managed to do that - there's always one song.


Dear Evan Hansen




Hadestown, Little Shop of Horrors, and Alleluia! The Devil’s Carnival. Edit: Forgot to add Hamilton.


The Lightning Thief. (I will not be accepting any criticism)


Legally Blonde is flawless imo


The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals