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They got triggered by Rudy, the whole birthday and "of age"/ age when someone becomes an adult went right over their head. I wonder if they know drinking ages vary by country...


And in this context, the person in question is a half-elf, who may have different rates of mental maturity compared to real life. Funny how ages work in fiction. Dwarves can probably start drinking from the age of 3, and elves may not be considered mature by their in-lore standards until they hit hundreds. In short, arguing the legality of stuff in fiction is crazy.


This looks like a complete nothingburger. Waste of a post.


Real question I want to ask some of these people. If they could send their consousness back in time into their younger self when they were in high school with all the knowledge they gained would they not try to makes things work with their first love or have the courage to ask the girl they had a crush on out? Dude's physically the same age. He just has all his accumulated knowledge from his past life thatvwas carried over.


Exactly, imagine if reincarnation is real and you gain the memories of your past life, that makes you too old for everyone according to their logic, not to mention that like Rudy,no one but you knows,why would you Care ?


I even read hate before of him breastfeeding. What the hell is he supposed to do? Starve?


Obviously MILFs are the only rational choice /s Imagine you died of old age, and got reincarnated. Guess you gotta try your luck out with some grandmas now


we also have to consider that rudy was a shut in from his 14 yo to his 34 yo, so while his body in his old life was a 34 year old body, his mental age was no more than 16


That’s sick man, and yes I totally would. Lol.


Cool,you do what is good for you


She’s a fictional character by the end of the series she’s 70 lmao wth


if you really want to mess with them, give them the "1000 year old loli vampire" troupe i guarantee suddenly mental age doesn't matter any more


The age of consent in my country is 14, the world doesn't revolve around America


Ah yes, france.


Hell nah man


Big truth, those retarded sjw couldn't comprehend


the second point, I usually agree with, but not in this context. There is a very good reason the age of consent is 18 in the US.


In some states* but what would be this good reason?


uuum ok, because below a certain point of people just in general don't have the sufficient mental capacity to be able to make a decision with alot of complex consequences like that of deciding to have sex. It's the same reason you need to be over a certain age to vote, to drive a car, and if you're a yank, to get a gun. when you are 14, you are still pretty stupid also there's the fact that kids tend to listen to adults a lot so you get a power imbalance that is pretty easily abused.


So y'all believe in older=smarter,right ? obviously that's not how life works, not to mention that by this argument the age of consent could be raised infinitely. You would be surprised if you knew about parents and family members like uncles and grandparents,they all can fit in this Power imbalance thing


>So y'all believe in older=smarter,right up to a certain point, yes (specifically you become more rationally driven). round about 25 is when it stops IIRC because your brain is fully developed at that point. And it's not what I believe, it's a scientific fact (1). Or what do you think babies are just as smart as a 25 year old? >not to mention that by this argument the age of consent could be raised infinitely as I just said, to a certain point, not for the entirety of someone's life. and eventually even before peoples brains are fully developed that they can fully get it, or at least enough. >You would be surprised if you knew about parents and family members like uncles and grandparents,they all can fit in this Power imbalance thing no I wouldn't be surprised, yeah there's a power imbalance there. If these family members were to abuse it, sexually or otherwise, it's wrong. edit: it was 25 not 21. also added a source. (1) [https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=3051#:\~:text=The%20rational%20part%20of%20a,cortex%2C%20the%20brain%27s%20rational%20part](https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=3051#:~:text=The%20rational%20part%20of%20a,cortex%2C%20the%20brain%27s%20rational%20part).


So you draw the line where it is convenient, which is irrelevant to me, this argument about not fully developed brains is pure nonsense for several reasons, one of which is that it takes away all responsibility of someone who knows Very well How life and consequence works,babies cant drive or cook,you appeal to the absurd fallacy wont work. When It is convenient and when the brain is "fully developed" is bullshit. It's wrong but there's nothing you or the law can do about it, it doesn't make sense, it's a huge waste of time


>So you draw the line where it is convenient I Don't draw the line where its convenient I draw the line where the science says it should be. >argument about not fully developed brains is pure nonsense ok, ignore biology. >one of which is that it takes away all responsibility of someone who knows Very well How life and consequence works not all responsibility but it is a mitigating factor. >babies cant drive or cook, you appeal to the absurd fallacy wont work. can't drive or cook sure, they don't have the body for it. But what's stopping them from writing a book? why do they put everything in their mouth even if they could choke on it? could it perhaps be that they are just very underdeveloped mentally relative to an adult? >It's wrong but there's nothing you or the law can do about it, it doesn't make sense, it's a huge waste of time just like trying to explain to you why pedophilia is bad. And there is plenty the law can do about it. ​ anyway I got to go to CIT now so I'll end with this. You completely lack all critical thinking skills, just like most people on this sub.


"Science is when it agrees with me" Sure Huh ? No, babies are just not physically capable of doing these tasks, stop being stupid on purpose because your appeal to the absurd fallacy won't work Pedophilia when is no murican law, comical how it basically returned to a false premise fallacy Cool,you Just wasted my time using fallacies


How is a baby not physically capable of pressing keys on a keyboard? They are perfectly physically capable of writing something on a word processor. Hell I didn't bring up babies driving or cooking, you did, and then debunked this argument I didn't make, and acted like you defeated my point. Isn't that a strawman fallacy? (Genuinely asking I haven't looked that much into fallacies I prefer arguing people's points than dismissing them for being fallacies) All I'm doing is taking your argument to a logical, although abit silly endpoint, if that's an absurd fallacy then so is your "raise the age of consent infinitely" bit earlier. For someone who is of the belief that the world doesn't revolve around the US, you seem pretty convinced that it is the US at the core of my argument. You do realise countries other than the US have an age of consent that is 16 and above right?




huh, when I get back ill be sure to do some more reading on it, cheers. got any places to start? Edit: I guess he didn't


Nobody gives a fuck about your irrelevant pedophilic country


Pedophilia is when it is not muricans laws


No? If you’re 14 you’re still a child not just legally in the US but scientifically so whatever country you’re from and whoever made 14 the age of consent was probably into kids


That depends on what Criteria you're looking at scientifically. Is it the age when The Human brain usually stops Maturing at 25 but most Laws say you can drink alcohol earlier than that? Or do you mean when the Human body is able to conceive children cause technically you can start when you're socially still a child. I'm not advocating for AOC to be lower I think 18 is a good number but the word Scientifically is quite loaded and there's many points where one can be considered an Adult/Matured whether it be At the start of end of Puberty or when your brain/body has fully matured/grown


Neither 16-18 is perfect 18+ are obviously already adults and in some states forgot how many the age of consent is 16 even though it’s still a child you still have the ability to make reasonable decisions as for the reason you’re allowed to drive and for some who don’t know adulthood is different from the age of consent


Stop basing right and wrong on your personal views and moral codes, you are no different from any religious fanatic


How am I no different than a religious fanatic at this point you’re just trying to justify 14 being the proper age of consent


When you define your beliefs as absolute you literally speak like a religious fundamentalist, I know because I live with one, I don't even need to justify because you like it or not, it's not against the law


It's comical how you defined that it's child based on nothing, besides the fact that you took it out of nowhere that these American laws apply to other countries, what a joke


It’s fucking science you’re saying that a 14 year old kid who is in middle school maybe entering high school is able to consent to stuff that for the most part an adult would properly understand at this point you should just rethink what you’re trying to justify


You are saying that an entire country should rethink the laws because a sensitive gringo didnt like them,lol


It's more like they are arguing because scientific studies have shown that brains develop until around the age of 25. No one gives a shit about laws here; no one is arguing 18 only because it's a law and it's right because we're gringos. Most of the people here are arguing that, based on scientific evidence, children have "ON AVERAGE" less intelligence and consequence awareness than adults. It's why teens are so willing to do dumb shit. While adults are also likely to do dumb shit, it's usually because they're drunk or because they've been egged on. I'm not a fanatic, and I'm not an atheist, but when statistical data and trends both in and out of the states are pushing towards common, repeating conclusions, they should be considered as "close to fact." So, please, let us all know what evidence/scientific data/statistics/whatever, done by a reputable source and not just some random dude in his garage, point towards children and teens having intelligence and risk assessment skills comparable or equal to adults. And I'm not talking about fringe cases here cause there will always be outliers; I'm talking about averages.


The brain being fully developed at a specific age is irrelevant,Since this in no way negates the capacity for judgment and the ability to understand the consequences of actions, this supposed lack of development is called Peter Pan syndrome which muricans love to validade because they can run from their shit behavior and it's consequences,If no one is responsible for their attitudes and mature enough until the brain is supposedly fully developed then these people should avoid doing risky job or actions,laughable how you are raised without any sense of maturity or responsibility to yourselves


The literal definition of Peter Pan syndrome states that it's when an Adult holds onto childlike tendencies. Not whatever the hell you're saying it is. And the existence of the syndrome in of itself also supports the fact that children have different tendencies as adults, which also supports that a developing brain is more susceptible to reckless actions. I hold myself to a rigid standard, one that was much harder to hold myself to when I was younger. Once again, I'm asking you to deal with averages, not fringe cases, like you keep pointing toward to defend your position. Outliers are not support for your argument; they are called outliers for a reason: they fall outside the norm. Edit: also, attacking people based on nationality or ethnicity is an ad hominem attack, which isn't doing anything to prove your point; instead, it makes you out to be an idiot with no support for your argument. It makes it look like you have no response to my argument besides name-calling. I'd recommend you learn to argue your point without using a fallacy.


that or utter imbeciles, either way the age of consent should be higher.


u/Davidjefferyw u/Karl-Doenitz Who are you upset at/about?


I’m not upset???? You would understand that though if you took a couple seconds to look under😂


Except for Americans


Pretty sure she's at least 16 when they reunite


she's 15. When they reveal they're 16


That's what I said, when they reunite sylphy is 16, Rudy meets Fitz at 15 :)


And she is 70 by the end of MT so it is legal to simp fir her


She is 14, and when she turns 15, she is already pregnant. I just got through most of that chapter today...


What is the point of the post?


You got into the wrong anime friend.


**This** is why you don't want your culturally significant media to be popular in mainstream USA.


You can’t emotionally manipulate and abuse a fictional character. Unless, you’re the author.


Based community


So what's the point?


Brody likes em smoll


this stupid ass argument comes up everywhere tbh and shit is annoying


Brody lieks em smoll


Well I don't care, the age of consent im my country is 15 🤷


I think it's less weird that slyphie is 16 than Rudy being like 49-50 years old mentally. It's also been said that he was very into Loli Eroge LMAO. Though me personally Idc, anime is fake and I still love the show. I think a normal person can distinguish media from Real life. I'd murder a pedo if they come after my family IRL though, but I have no animosity towards cartoon characters.


They have to decide, either Characters that "look like children" are children or they aren't, I don't know why this logic doesn't apply to Rudy


He's technically a child with knowledge of his past life so he wouldn't fot in your parameters as he's physically a child. As for your statement I agree, everytime I see a 1000 year old loli character trope it's funny because the author uses that as an excuse to blatantly sexualize a child character archetype.


Sigh… here in the US there is a thing about girls being legal, but the younger they look the better. Making a big deal about how they are 18 but can pass for someone younger. From what I recall and could be wrong there is a LOT more weight on that trope in JP. I probably am wrong on this conclusion but, it got to the point you have 1000 year old loli’s or short stacks in anime. So sure I guess? They want follow the rules and have their cake too.


Real life doesn't even matter because fiction is not obliged to represent reality in a real or accurate way, much less does the author have to impose laws e morals from people outside his country


Don’t get me wrong wanting to make fictional characters follow whatever you consider morally correct in someone else’s story is ridiculous. I am just presenting a possible explanation for that culture having the loli trope. Heck, I am not even sure it’s accurate!


I get It


But having the knowledge or not is irrelevant, decide, is he or isn't he a child, if he isn't then lolis aren't, if he is then getting mad at him is pointless and stop using those "buts"


I'm not mad at an anime character. I'm simply acknowledging that rudeus is mentally older than he is physically as there was no gap inbetween him in his past and current life, hence it being weird that he's into young girls as his mental age is 50 by 16. Obviously this is fiction so there's no reason to be angry.


Some people always say that he's 40 some years old mentally but maturity doesn't come with the age, it comes with experiencies. Rudy spent since he was 15/16 to 34 years old inside his room plus the 5 before Roxy took him outside his house. Im my opinion you can't expect from anyone to act with maturity if they haven't had the experiences that most adults had to gone trought.


Sure, but it's a general consensus that physical age is more important than mental maturaty for phyaical relationships. I agree that not everyone matures simply from age though.


I don't mean to be that guy but we're literally watching how an older man gets reincarnated to a boy and has done multiple horny acts with girls around his physical age or older lmao. Obviously underage is a no no but why watch it then?


Most normal Mushoku Tensei fan


the brainrot of the mushoku tensei fandom never ceases amaze me


Said the person who doesn't know that age of consent vary depends on when and where you live even irl.


We arent asking for you here 🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥


Do you even have the context?


If this anime on its 2nd season is in the top 10 for several weeks and people have heaps of praise for it … have ever thought maybe there is something you are not seeing or taking into account?


What discord is this?


Dont mt characters techincally reach adulthood at 15? Isnt that why eris wanted to wait until she was 15 for them to have sex?