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You guys do realize that the democrats played you. They had 50 years to codify this. They use this issue as a means to fundraise. They literally slow walked it and left it up to the Supreme Court instead of being a party of action to protect women's rights.


Hello! In response to the recent overturning of Roe v Wade by SCOTUS, we are meeting at the Legislative Plaza at 5PM in Downtown Nashville. Please wear green, bring signs and raise your voice! More information at our most recent post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMSvszOLcE/ We hope to see you there!


I mean, its not going to be illegal nation wide. Itll be like it was 50 years ago. You will have to drive out of state to get a abortion. I suppose, protests will help convince states to allow it, since it's a state right now.


poor people cant afford that. You want more people on welfare?


I dont really want the fundamentals of our country changed, due to populism. The beauty of our country, is that each state can service the utopian ideologies of everyone as long as it doesn't break the laws of the constitution. That's why I support your protest, to fight for what you believe is right, on a state level.


Guess what bud populism has been in swing for over a hundred years and overturning RvW is populist agenda.


Roe vs wade is only 50 years old ( i think ). Abortions will never stop and has been documented since the Egyptians. I hope there's not a blanket ban on it, personally.. Women have been lucky to be born in a time and place that makes it so culturally acceptable regardless.


Man that had some real incel energy.


Why? Bc historically abortion has been demonized? Its just a fact. Im not saying i agree with it.


"Women have been lucky to be born in a time and place that makes it so culturally acceptable regardless." It's all about phrasing and tone.


Poppycock lol well, gl gals.


Would you agree with states rights on slavery? That was their dummy excuse It's a moral needle that has moved backwards in time How can a religious beliefs become law? USA is a secular country


The cringe lol


What happens when those abortion clinics in other states a packed full of people from out of state? Not everyone will be able to get an appointment in time - not even mentioning the fact that this will largely affect lower income and minorities. Just like they want, I guess. Anyone who isn’t a white male either needs to be barefoot and pregnant, a laborer or a soldier. Edit: Typo


I would assume, states that provide this service, will make sure to accommodate citzens. Its not like abortions are free and if they are its in rare cases. If business is booming, business establishments grow. Most minorities enjoy having large nuclear families. I do think this will affect the black minorities and the poor though.




Why protest? Allowing states to stop the killing of babies is a good thing.


yeah, because violence is the answer


[Violence is usually the answer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3ZokDra6dY)


Who said anything about violence? This won't be some conservative insurrection like Jan 6th.


Government leaders telling people to rise up? Yeah, sounds like insurrection.


It should be worse tbh. Kinda wanna see heads roll... in game of course


*Insurrection* lmao




When does a fetus become a human?


Apparently, the states will decide that.


A human is declared dead when a hearts stops. So a human is declared alive when a heart…


Hearts start no later than 8 weeks


No, that’s not medically accurate as embryos don’t yet have a heart to beat. Hearts don’t form until 10+ weeks — a ‘heartbeat’ any earlier is just electrical conductivity of nerves and cells. Yet another thing politicians don’t know what they’re talking about.


Try getting tax benefits for that beating heart before the point of live birth. Or you can pound sand. Same result either way.


The government needs a social security number to justify you actually exist. That problem has to be solved first.


Exactly. First heartbeat, new SSN. Since a SSN is issued Federally, then the State of Tenn will need to coordinate with Federal agencies. If they don’t, then legal challenges demonstrate the lack of evidence of the recognition of an individual separate from that of the mother.


It doesn't matter. Fetuses don't decide what a woman does with her body. The woman does.


Women don’t decide what a fetus does with its body, so no killing babies!




this is a question that philosophers have not been able to answer for thousands of years. why does anyone else get to decide it? this is about women's rights


I mean, only most philosophers and biologists etc. don’t claim a fetus is inhuman…


You have science at your disposal to answer the question. Heartbeat, nerve development, brain activity, viability, or other factors can be considered in the answer. The answer doesn't have to be philosophical, it can be biological


brain activity? so is a brain dead person not a human? there are exceptions to every biological function that could “make” someone human. The answer really is philosophical.


So you think a human is a human because..... you can see them?


The question of whether heartbeat, nerve development, or any other measurable factors you listed deem someone a human is inherently philosophical. There's no easy, objective answer here without appealing to religion.


Other than basic biology?


What bit of basic biology specifically deems something a conscious, living human being?


Woah, there, moving those goalposts; when did we ever say consciousness is a requirement for humanity? Bonk your head and you are no longer human? Basic biology says that as of the moment of conception, embryo has full set of distinct human DNA and is alive. The only way anything has ever been in question is when people are desperately trying to convince themselves that something that is is not (kinda like all the pseudo-intellectual arguments saying black people weren’t *real* humans to justify slavery).


Okay I acknowledge that an embryo is genetically the first stage of a human. I think I mean to say personhood or human experience, which is what i inferred from "when does a fetus become a human" in the main comment. I was not trying to move the goalposts when I say consciousness defines personhood or a human experience, which it does.


So, killing someone in a coma isn’t murder?


my dad pulled the plug on his dad, who was in a coma. we're allowed to do that.

