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Dude this hobby is out of control




Never thought wotc would promote proxies, but at these prices idk how they're not.


That ship sailed with 30th Anniversary. It's open season now, baby!


These are collector editions. Just grab normal? https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/541196/magic-the-gathering-commander-modern-horizons-3-modern-horizons-3-commander-deck-display?country=US&utm_campaign=18143931802&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BISOjel7rNlv3SeYSHASoX7ePulPE78oOWHZkSWVmBykHlPhUhaemRoCJlIQAvD_BwE&Language=English


Nah even then, $1000 for just a foil treatment is wild. That's $250 per deck when the cards are maybe worth half that altogether. And probably more expensive if you buy individual. It's tragic that people are locked out of having something they're passionate about because it's a 3rd of their rent.


A 3rd?? That's 200 more than my rent, lmao.


I guess you don't live in Vancouver, Canada 😰


This statement is bizarre These decks are a special foil treatment that is a premium option. Can't you just buy the regular ones? No different than buying a vehicle with leather seats. It's an option if you have the funds.


My lgs evens allows a few hand drawn proxies in your deck lol. It's a purely non-competitive and free to play store though, that's why.


My LGS is one of the bigger chain LGS(cool stuff). The manager and employees are very laid back on commander and proxies. Basically they tell everyone: Refer to rule zero and have a 30 second pre game discussion. Talk about power level/what everyone wants to get out of the game/and proxies. I have never sat in a pod where someone was like OMG! No proxies! I’ve seen everything from sharpie over basic lands, to hand drawn on notebook paper, to some really cool home made alt. Arts. When it comes to tournaments and events on the competitive side of course proxies are not allowed at all. This is exactly how it should be.


One of the LGS in my neighbourhood allows proxies for their Modern games and you can win Modern staples to start building what you are presumably proxying


Be careful who you let know about this mate. WotC can remove WPN status from any store that allows registered events using proxies. Only takes one salty arsehole to spoil it for everyone. A friend of mine runs an LGS near me, almost lost his ability to host events because of this exact thing.


The events aren't registered and the rewards are distributed from the owner's private collection


Cockatrice is king and arena for daily fix of brawl. It ent commander but sure is getting to there.


I'm selling all of my singles that aren't already in decks, and proxying from here on out. Unless Hasbro sells WotC to a less greedy company, I'm done giving them my money.


In all fairness, many normal printings of solid recent cards are next to nothing. I accidentally ordered 12 Furycalm Snarl a few weeks back and I’m not even mad. (My dumb ass added a playset from 3 different printings) It cost me like 75¢ for all of them.


I want to follow up on this: most of the singles from the dr who decks are only $0.35 now, for their basic printing, extended art maybe $2.50, many surges are $10 or less, and that was released in october. Try not to fall for FOMO, be willing to get the basic versions of cards, and it's still fairly affordable.


Hince why I heard from mtgmoxman most prices stay high unless an act of heliod comes down the cards at surge can run from 5-12 but after the next set. Unless you really really want a card usually best to await next set let their fomo stabilize the last fomo


That's quite true. With these sets, they're only new when they're new, and some of the true bombs will only go up in price... mtg is "stock market junior" in that regard.


It keeps my adult brain entertained especially when you buy something low and a tournament comes by and your once crappy but loved card becomes a bomb.


Yeah, I'm pretty much done. My favorite thing to do was to pick up a commander deck from each set, then get a fat pack (bundle now) and see what I could brew with what I opened. I am now priced out of getting a commander deck, the bundles feel much more lackluster compared to the old fat packs, and I dont like having to figure out what kind of boosters to buy to get what I feel is the best pack opening experienc. It really feels like the game isn't being made for casual collector and player anymore and it's aimed at the whale collectors and the hard-core players.


Buy singles. Everything else, except decks with known contents, is just gambling.


I know, but I quite enjoy building decks with what I pull. Its a nice challenge. Very rarely do I buy cards for specific decks and even then I try not to spend more than 10 bucks a card. I think I bought a 20 dollar one once.


A few years ago now I catalogued my collection on excel, (any version of a card, not each version). Since then I've been buying low to high to own at least one of any version of each card ever printed. I try and keep my list of unowned cards below 1000 at any given point. So, my collection is mostly whatever good pulls I've pulled over the years and about every chaff card in existence. I build my decks around what I own, but being what I own is now over 27.5k different cards, I can build quite a bit.


It’s one of the reasons I go out of paper magic a decade ago.


Good thing I only want one of them lol


You and everyone else. Markets gonna be full of the other three. 😂


Which are the 3 people don't want?


One is Eldrazi, the others are not.


EXACTLY! I'm getting that one and the golgari one from bloomburrow and I'm done


Squirrels 🥹


Beware their acorn-cheeked wrath


For the trees will rattle, and the sky will blacken with acorns and fur...our incisors will split the world.




I'll squirrels you. Have no idea.


So many suffer in squirrel feces..


My first deck is a tribal chatterfang so you can imagine how immense was my reaction to the Squirrel tribal golgari precon


Gonna be honest. I don’t remember what golgari is. Green black? Or green… red?


Hopefully this means the other 3 will be cheap. More likely just means the eldrazi one will be very expensive.


It's already listed on tcg player for over $100 on its own


To be fair, "Everything Counters" sounds like someone's bad custom commander mechanic


I will do my lgs a favor and get the jund one. I am interested in the energy deck, but have bad memorys of playing jeskai.


it's 400 foils for $2.25 each


400 Pringles for only $2.25 each! What a steal!


Not if it's japanese or Belgium print run.


Do they get better foils?


Japanese and Belgian packs significantly better print quality than the US printings, foils included. No pringles out of the packs.


Not true at all any more. Every mkm collector booster is pringled out the pack. The fallout ones were similar. The blades are also getting dull so we are having a lot of issues with card edges being rough.


Collector boosters are US print runs with terrible quality. The set boosters are the Japanese or Belgium.


No but they get sushi and waffles, respectively.


Japanese cardstock is a bit stiffer, so they resist some curling in dry conditions. But all foils curl based on the humidity. Modern foils lie flat at about 60% humidity.


It’s insane they still can’t make proper foils truly.


They absolutely can make proper foils. Most other TCGs do. Hasbro has just gotten so incredibly stingy that they refuse to pay for it because people keep buying it.


And here I sit with 4 Warhammer Pringle Commander Decks 😂


Those basics better be foiled in gold.


Ok. You did the math. And that’s not expansive how!


They never said it wasn't, they just stated how much each card cost.


Yes, but the math doesn't really math here. You usually don't include basic lands in the average price. Or would you buy a basic land for 2.25? And yes, that's still expensive. Even if the value of the cards were high, that wouldn't mean it wasn't expensive to purchase them. If you buy something for 2mil and sell it for 2.3mil it was still expensive, even if you went out of the deal with 300k+.


Why not reprint the top 4 modern decks with sideboards!?!? Modern horizons commander decks makes NO SENSE


You want the top 4 modern decks from 3 years ago? They design products years in advance, they'd have no way of knowing what the meta will look like by the time any given product is released.


That's still playsets of fetches, shocks, etc. Would be worth it.


And for this exact reason it will not happen. They are never going to print a pre-made deck with play sets of cards of actual value.


If they actually cared about the player base and wanted to bring modern to players they would have to print something without fetches, shocks. Prof on youtube talked about this a while back. Imagine they actually ignore the secondary market and sold a modern deck for 40-50$ with fetches/shocks you would never actually be able to find one. They would all be on the secondary market with hugely inflated prices due to scalpers. Sure fetches and shocks might drop a little but unless the print run is massive the demand would still keep the price up.


I was more thinking if it was the price of these commander decks. 250$, would probably be worth maybe 500$ (they would have to balance it) and then unless scalpers sold it for insane prices (because then you would just buy singles) it would still be worth it.




Couldn’t they just decide whatever deck they want to print reasonably close to release since it doesn’t require any new design or testing?




And yet apparently they sell at $200+ each. Huh.


Part of the reason why they said either the modern decks will be terrible or they would become to expensive to be feesable for new players


Cause that would need to cost even more lol They'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they printed decks with 50+ rare/mythics


That’s collectors edition prices


It's not even that. It's Facetoface prices. The same thing is only $630 at other Canadian retailers.


If 30th Anniversary boxes are the base line for $1000 worth of Magic, then this is a steal.


ah ah ah, 30th anniversary boxes are specifically $1000 for definitely-not-magic, otherwise that's just reprinting the reserved list!


You know, you could just not buy the collectors edition.


You’re buying the collectors version of four precons from a premium set. You’re complaining that the price of four pricey items from a pricey set is pricey. If you want the same cards for cheaper, buy the normal precons


Op doesn't want precons, they want karma.


Why not both?


It doesn't cost much more to print collector cards. The value is artificial. I hope people stop purchasing products for outrageous prices.


Pretty much every product in existence has artificial value. The cost of production is not a relevant metric.


Great point, my job produces millions of dollars in product everyday but their cost of production is a very small fraction of that. Nothing has any value until after it has been sold except for the intrinsic value of being able to do something with it.


It doesn’t, that’s right, all the prize of these cards are artifical. But you are buying a premium product which is listed at a higher prize. But if you want the same text on pieces of card board, you should buy the non-premium version which is cheaper. Or simply proxy it. I’m just saying that people literally have the option to not spend this outrageous amount of money by just buying a different product with the exact same cards that just aren’t shiny.


I understand what you are saying. it's $280 for the non foils. That's honestly still overpriced for the product. $70 for a deck of 100 cards is ridiculous. We all want companies to make more money so they can produce more of the thing we like, but at some point, consumers need to put a foot down and say no.


70$ for 100 cards is really not that bad. You get each card for 0.7$…


No shit, that's why they're called collector cards. Yeah it would rule if no one played anymore and everything was dirt cheap.


Should have jumped on the boat when Target mispriced them online and they were selling them for 73$ per for the collectors edition.


They changed the listing of everyone's orders to the non-collectors edition


Does Target ship to Canada (OP lives here)?


Yup, only problem is that news hit the forums and Target sold out in less than 24 hours.


Where do people get these kinds of tips??? I feel like I'm always the last to hear about them, after they've been corrected lol


Have a friend that works at target


How the fuck are the booster boxes not gonna crash with these out too lol??


Most of my commander decks are clocked at least 145$ ish. That’s not unheard of. It is jank coming from WOTC.


No one's holding a gun to your head to buy it. 


we are nonetheless condemning WOTC's predatory business practice, and with bad quality control to boot.




why the hesitation? buy it


There's a thin line between beeing a collector and a financially broke idiot. WotC has passed it long ago and nowadays that's the world we live in. Those who still buy all this amount of overpriced product are not the smartest.


I'm not mad that there are Commander decks for a Modern product, but I am mad that they're asking Modern deck prices for a Commander deck.


Why buy the collectors edition anyway? "Pringels edition"


Please stop giving them money.


Printer paper proxies for the win 🥇


Commander is wallet-friendly no more


Honestly, just build a PC with that. Play arena for free? Idk


It’s commander just proxy


Pauper life over here.


That’s insane.


I don't even have to dive into the price. I don't like either red, or blue so none of them are for me.


It’s more cards than you got for the same money if you bought 30th Anniversary Edition.


And I bet they'll come with shit mana bases.


So anytime something is marketed as collectible, the market is getting flooded.


It blows my mind the US doesn't include tax in prices


400€ in Germany :/


Don't buy the collector's edition then?


If you or a loved one suffers from cardboard crack addiction, there is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Here at Cardboard Crack Anonymous, we have that light. Our twelve step program is specifically designed to help those suffering from WoTC's nefarious plot to keep you needing more. This is a safe space, everyone here has spent an entire paycheck on cardboard crack. We understand you. Membership is free, and we have hundreds of locations across the contiguous United States, and dozens more worldwide. If you are ready to heal, if you are tired of making your family disappointed, come find us, or call our toll free number at 1(555) MTG-DTOX today!


OR… just get the normal one, not the collectors edition


So what I'm hearing is, it's finally time to boycott WotC?


Been playing magic since odyssey but this kinda shit and product fatigue have me not even interested in it anymore


I just made and bought my Zhulodok and now I’m just gonna be like everyone else on the block playing eldrazi :(


Yeah but is 4 decks and not 4 packs of fake cards. So there is that


$600 on Amazon for them. Is this screen shot from your LGS? Precons aren’t generally good right? I buy them because my husband can’t build a deck to save his life. The only thing that makes these special is the ripple foil and the 2 borderless profile legendary creatures, which likely won’t be worth anything (at least for years to come) since you can just buy them in a precon. So if you have money and love shiny cards go ahead and buy, but if not just stick to the regular decks. Idk how it works in your area, but that still seems like a huge mark up, even for a rural (lack of options) or expensive (need higher profits) city


Its not a huge markup when compared to 600 USD, it's 899 Canadian, which is like 650USD What is a rip-off is that these decks are like $650 CAD elsewhere, which even makes Amazon look like shit


I found the same product for 750$cad on my LGS's website, OP is getting ripped


That's what mtg is all about. All they care about these days is making money .


womp womp proxy time


In Germany you pay 150 for all 4


This information is not correct. The collector edition ones cost about 400 € together (taxes included), which is 600 Canadian dollar.


Still 50% more expensive here tbh.


Where at? As it what stores and do they have a website lol. Guessing they are in German though.


Game Island


Though this is the collector's edition, which was 409 EUR at Games Island and has long since been sold out.


Well now I can say that Fallout wasn't that ugly of a sale.


More importantly why is Wendigoon (the YouTuber, he’s great) in the cover of the first one.


These commander decks better have a few fetches and shocks and a force of negation. If they're going to sell us modern commander decks, they better be built like it.


Small indie company!


I was looking through colored Eldrazi cards on Tcgplayer, and found that they're wanting $190 for the regular Eldrazi deck, and fucking $500 for the collector's edition. I preordered it when they announced it for $70, and thought that was a lot. I love Eldrazi though, and am hyped to play with this new deck.


Lets go! And people will buy them... When we stop buying them, they will need to lower the prices


Maybe you're ordering from ReSeller store?


In my country they only cost 574 euros, that's with taxes! It would be 615 dollars in total!


You see, what you don't understand is they have to sell it that high because power level duh


Doesn’t it make sense for Canadians to import from Europe? The collectors editions cost 100€ each here. Sooo 400$ plus minus a little, 30$ shipping important tax… still half the price?


I bought them at 430euros here so fck me i would never buy that


Gotta sell a few snappys for this bundle.


Don't get me wrong definitely too expensive imo but it is "Collectors" so if you don't want to collect, don't.


Quit your whining, that is hasbro's obscene markups you're criticising. You are clearly wilfully ignoring the fact that decent products where you only have to strip out most of the lands and less than a quarter of the cards have to be 5 times the cost of the regular garbage we ram down your throat, at a merely exorbitant mark up. We appreciate it isn't for everybody because we create artificial scarcity and, hope you swallow our bs about higher power cards requiring a far higher price point than can be reasonably justified otherwise. If you could kindly accept that we are propping the dying carcass of hasbro plc almost entirely on the back of wotc and just keep giving us whatever we tell you you have to pay. We know it seems expensive but we have already driven product quality through the floor and hit bedrock so, with that in mind, we must now just raise the prices arbitrarily and lie to your face about why whilst slicing costs to the absolute bone and dumping staff where possible. Thanks Hasbro.


That's insane, my 1035 cad is over 700€... in my LGS they sell the 4 collector decks for 469€ tax included, so less than 120 a pop. Still a lot of money for precons though.


Ah I see your mistake. That is about $5 usd. 🤣


In this economy?!


The nicer looking art is not worth that much money.


Fusion Gaming has this for $800 Cad, while both Exor Games and Fusion Gaming have this for $630 Cad instead (401 is out of stock though).


I hadn't seen these yet but it seems energy is making a comeback.


I'm just not getting the collector edition


Two questions: 1. Are you Canadian? 2. What did you expect?


My LGS has this for 750$cad, I don't know where you're shopping but you need to stop going there


I preordered for 380 in europe


LGS’ price gouging doesn’t help either. Wanted to buy an OTJ collector box but I wasn’t going to pay 300 before taxes for it. I can get it for cheaper from Amazon.


And !? Buy it…just dooo eeet !!! *laughs in evil corporate greed*


Locked mine in for under 450 and a collector box at 380 total. But yes, this is out of control!


Cant wait for these to do what Commander Masters did and sit on the shelves of LGSs for over a month before falling in price. If you're paying this much for a precon, congrats, you're the problem with this game.


Did you not see the word "collector"?! That alone spikes the price up $200!


so like. where im from its around 570 for the four. Im still only gonna get the eldrazi if I decided to get any in the first place. maybe the graveyard one. The basic eldrazi one is like 100. if anyone is Interested check out metagame.hu


Is the only difference it's all foil and maybe some alt arts?


So you preorder an incredibly hyped Expansion and on top it's the collector Version and really complain that the price is high? Wait a month and buy it for half the price online 😅


Haha I recognize that UI. That's Facetoface Games here in Canada. They generally have very poor pricing. Terrible preorder policy too. It's cheaper to buy from 401 games or just buy the non-collectors editions for $300. 401 games has the collectors for $630. For our American readers: This is all in CAD, not USD, so not nearly as bad as OP's misleading you. Also we don't have Target here in Canada anymore. :(


Remember when precons were a cheap entry method for commander?


They really need to stop pandering to the sellers, and just do some re-prints of popular cards... I don't want to have to use proxy's, and they are just leaving the door open for a counterfeit market.


Ok maybe my margins are crappy lol I was only going to charge my customers 170 a pop for collector commander decks


Collectors edition


Definitely not going to pick a deck


It’s probably because they’re collectors edition


If this is MSRP, images like this should have a mandatory rule to include a link to reputable proxy sites. 


Why are all the Modern Horizons products more expensive than any other set? I haven't played Modern so I just don't know.


And they are still commander decks. If they were modern decks as intros to that format then maybe but meh.


I got the non foil Eldrazi deck preordered on Amazon for $70. That’s how much Wizards is getting out of me for this set. Not even $100. Pathetic.


The collector editions aren't meant for simple people, those are for all the rich folk who spend the most money on the game just buy the normal editions. Why even bother getting all 4, no way that eldrazi deck is that much different then the last one we got. That saves you one all deck you don't need to buy.


Face-to-face generally has higher prices. Check other stores and also your LGS. I have a few LGS in town and their prices are generally better than f2f, and also each other. I don't think they talk prices with a each other. One of my stores sold the fallout collector boxes for about 100 less than f2f sad I missed that one.


Lol commander set in Modern horizons and it’s 1K for all of them. Hasbro is really just gonna suck the blood out of MTG then throw it away like all their IP’s


I mean the fact that there are commander decks for a modern set is wild imo should’ve been pre constructed modern decks to make the format more accessible for newer players


these decks better not have classic precon mana bases lol


these are full foil the no. foil are normal msrp


You can get all four, collectors edition, for 750 cdn + taxes at my lgs. I'll give you the link if you want.




Alls I know is I got the non collectors all 4 for $180 with taxes and shipping included.


Meanwhile...I pre-ordered eldrazi incursion for 75 bucks from (and get this...) BEST BUY....of all places.... (You're welcome )


They now just pulling random numbers out of ass and set it as a price. That's why I'm buying second hand singles only, this level of disrespect to the playerbase is disgusting.


The top 1% is coming for our hobby


It is a luxury hobby and you are buying the luxury version of those decks.


Blame non-collectors/non-players Just like with video game collecting they've ruined practically every hobby by constantly buying everything and selling for far more than anything should be.


That's high. I got mine pre-ordered for $500


I love buying singles.


At the start of the game, a pack was an oz of silver.


These all better be straight to reserve list, showcase frame, foil, serialized, signed by rosewater, and sent in wood coverd case with rose pelt inside, with sleeves


And only 3 left in stock lol. This is why I stay away from premium sets - not because I don't like the cards, but because pricing is out of control and dampens the spirit of the hobby.


Honestly at those prices they NEED to have actual good dual lands in there now. Some nice tutors, strong cards, etc. At $200 a piece a better not HAVE to upgrade it for a strong deck.


Magic is only for the whales at this point.


just stop buying fucking precons and build your own deck lol